Zohdy 1973
Zohdy 1973
Zohdy 1973
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The Mud Volcano area in Yellowstone Na- survey area at an average depth of about 1000 ft.
tional Park provides an example of a vapor- Horizontal resistivity profiles, measured with
dominated geothermal system. .4 test well drilled two electrode spacings of an .iM?; array, qualita-
to a depth of about 347 ft penetrated the vapor- tively corroborate the sounding interpretation.
dominated reservoir at a depth of less than 300 ft. The profiling data delineate the southeast bound-
Subsequently, 16 vertical electrical soundings ary of the geothermal field as a distinct transition
(VES) of the Schlumberger type were made along from low to high apparent resistivities. The north-
a 3.7.mile traverse to evaluate the electrical re- west boundary is less distinct]!. defined because
sistivity distribution within this geothermal field. of the presence of thick lake deposits of low re-
Interpretation of the VES curves by computer resistivities
modeling indicates that the vapor-dominated A broad positive self-potential anomaly is ob-
layer has a resistivity of about 75-130 ohm-m and served over the geothermal field, and it is inter-
that its lateral extent is about 1 mile. It is charac- pretable in terms of the circulation of the thermal
teristically overlain by a low-resistivity layer of waters. Induced-polarization anomalies were ob-
about 2-6.5 ohm-m, and it is laterally confined by tained at the northwest boundary and near the
a layer of about 30 ohm-m. This 30-ohm-m layer, southeast boundary of the vapor-dominated field.
which probably represents hot water circulating These anomalies probably are caused by rela-
in low-porosity rocks, also underlies most of the tively high concentrations of pyrite.
7 Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey. Presented at the Symposium on Electrical
Propertiesof Rocks, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 16, 1972. Manuscript receivedby the Editor June 6, 1973; re-
vised manuscriptreceivedJuly 24, 1973.
* U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Denver, Cola. 80225.
$ U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.
@ 1973 Societyof Exploration Geophysicists.All rights reserved.
Resistivity of a Geothermal System 1131
springs and drill holes in the vicinity of vapor- White et al (1971) estimated that in these erup-
dominated systems are characterized by high tions steam was associated with less than 10 per-
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concentrations of sulfate anions and low concen- cent liquid water by weight. For a hot water
trations of chlorides (<20 ppm). Less commonly system to yield a comparable ratio of vapor to
the spring waters may be rich in sodium bicar- liquid, the permeability of the rocks must be low;
bonate instead of sulfate. The pH values of the but in Y-11, high rock permeabilities were evi-
sulfate-rich spring waters are also characteristi- denced by the large losses in circulation at all
cally low (2 to 3) because of the formation of sul- depths below 122 ft. Therefore, it must be the
phuric acid from oxidation of rising HnS gas. The deficiency in liquid water, rather than the low
sodium bicarbonate waters discharge feebly and permeability of rocks, that caused the steam to
have neutral pH values. In contrast, most hot- dominate the eruptions. Furthermore, according
water systems are characterized by high con- to White et al (1971), all the geochemical mani-
centrations of chlorides, and those systems with festations of vapor-dominated systems are ex-
subsurface temperatures of 180°C or higher pro- hibited in the Mud Volcano area.
duce hot springs that deposit sinter. Subsequent to the drilling of Y-11, the USGS
In May 1968, hole Y-11 was drilled by the U.S. made VES (vertical electrical sounding), resistiv-
Geological Survey in the Mud Volcano area, ity horizontal profiles, SP (self-potential), and
Yellowstone National Park. Aiter the core was IP (induced-polarization) measurements in the
pulled from depths of both 307 and 347 ft, a vio- Mud Volcano area to evaluate the geoelectrical
lent eruption of water occurred, followed by an properties of a section containing a vapor-
eruption that consisted almost entirely of steam. dominated geothermal system.
of thermal area 05
inferred from geologic
FIG. 1. Index map showinglocations of VES stations (numbered triangles) and drill hole Y-l 1 in the Mud Volcano
thermal area. Resistivity, SP, and IP profiles were measured along the road from A to A’.
1132 Zohdy et al
NW Variable resistivity SE
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0 0
= 200 200
t_L 400 400
z ____----
- 600 600
: 600 600
; 1000 1000
1200 1200
ity for the presence of thermal activity at depths resistivity layers (5-23 ohm-m) that extends from
comparable to those at the middle of the section. a depth of about 100 ft to a depth of about 1000
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Lc -
lp” -
5 -
fn _
k! _
2 IO-
% - 490 145 34
6 8’ 25’ 102’ 720’ 1080’
FIG. 3. Six-layer interpretation of VES 1 curve. Interpretation initially made with auxiliary point method and
subsequently verified by computer calculation of interpreted model. Numbers in and below bar designate inter-
preted true resistivities in ohm-meters and interpreted depths in feet, respectively.
1134 Zohdy et al
’ “I‘
1 ,‘I,’’
1 1 ! 10,000
tween AB/Z= 100 and 1000 ft) are meaningful. This 75ohm-m layer is interpreted to represent
They express the presence of the same layers that the northwest edge of the vapor-dominated layer.
are represented by the well-developed maxima The center of VES 4 was located about 100 ft
and minima on the curves of VES 5 and VES 6. north of well Y-11. The observed curve and its
The value of the apparent resistivity on the mini- interpretation are shown in Figure 7 together with
mum of VES 6 is about 6.2 ohm-m and this is the the geologic log of Y-11. The curve was inter-
first concrete evidence obtained on the northwest preted in terms of a five-layer geoelectric section,
side of the section of the presence of a layer that the first layer of which has a resistivity of about
must have a true resistivity of less than 6 ohm-m. 1700 ohm-m and a thickness of about 7 ft. The
For VES 6 the true resistivity of that layer is in- first layer corresponds to the layer of dry river
terpreted to be about 2 ohm-m, whereas for VES 5 gravel which lies within 6 inches above the water
and VES 7 it is interpreted to be about 4 and 4.5 table. The second and third layers have resistiv-
ohm-m, respectively. The rising terminal branch ities of about 170 and 28 ohm-m, respectively,
on VES 7 curve is not well developed, but on the and extend to a depth of about 60 ft. These two
VES 5 curve the well-developed terminal branch layers correlate well with a layer of conglomerate
indicates that the bottommost layer must have a composed of white pumice and black obsidian un-
resistivity of about 30 ohm-m. The curvature of derlain by a layer of sandstone of the same com-
the terminal branch of VES 6 curve is fitted best position. The depth to the bottom of the sand-
with a theoretical curve for a section in which a stone layer is about 65 ft which is in good agree-
layer of about 7.5 ohm-m (or more) must exist ment with the interpreted depth of about 60 ft.
between the very low (2 ohm-m) resistivity layer The fourth layer, on the interpreted geoelectric
and the bottommost layer of about 30 ohm-m. section beneath VES 4, has a low resistivity of
Resistivity of a Geothermal System 1135
about 6.3 ohm-m and extends to a depth of about Therefore, it is tempting to conclude that it is
195 ft where it is underlain by a high-resistivity the chalcedony deposits that have caused the
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layer of about 120 ohm-m of large thickness. The rise in resistivity. However, because the porosity
corresponding geologic formation encountered in of the ash-flow tuff (according to drilling data)
the well is composed of rhyolitic ash-flow tuff, did not change significantly at the depth of 200
and it extends to the bottom of the well at 347 ft. ft, and because the conductive clay minerals and
Mineralogical analysis of core samples from well pyrite continue to exist in essentially the same
Y-11 (unpublished data of K. E. Bargar and amounts to the bottom of the well, we interpret
L. J. P. Muffler) indicates that clay minerals and the decrease in resistivity to about 6.3 ohm-m
pyrite are present from a depth of about 50 ft and its subsequent increase to about 120 ohm-m
to the bottom of the well. Some chalcedony de- (on the curve of VES 4, as well as on the curves
posits occur at a depth of about 200 ft and con- of VES 8, VES 9, and \‘ES 10) to be governed
tinue to exist to the bottom of the well. The depth mostly by the abundance of hot liquid water in
at which these chalcedony deposits occur is in ex- the 2-6.5.ohm-m layer and by the dominance of
cellent agreement with the interpreted depth of steam in the 755130-ohm-m layer. The drilling
195 ft to the high-resistivity layer of 120 ohm-m. results of well Y-11 indicate that steam dominates
T \
2000 II 30 4.5 35
II’ 88’ 210’ 390’
FIG. 5. Interpretation of VES 7 curve in terms of a five-layer model. Numbers in and below bar designate
interpreted true resistivities, in ohm-meters, and interpreted depths, in feet, respectively.
1136 Zohdy et al
ps= 9.2RM
- 730 12 33 4.1 30 VES 5
9.3 38 2 75 30 VES 6
the system from a depth of at least 307 it to the segment on the curve. The shifted segments then
bottom of the hole (White et al, 1971), but ac- are smoothed, to remove cusps which are caused
cording to the interpretation of VES 4 the steam by the crossing of lateral heterogeneities by the
may dominate the system to a depth as shallow as current electrodes, and the smoothed curve is
200 ft. fitted with a theoretical one as shown in Figure 8
Figure 8 shows the curve of VES 10 which was for VES 10. Similar smoothing was made for VES
obtained near the middle of the geothermal field 5 and for other curves. This smoothing procedure
(see Figure 2). The magnitude and the direction results in modifying the interpreted true resis-
of the discontinuities on the observed curve tivities of the shallower layers in the section,
(which were observed upon the expansion of the which in general are quite variable, but it does
potential electrodes) are not in agreement with not alter their interpreted thicknesses nor does it
those prescribed for horizontal layering (Depper- create undulations on the smoothed curve (which
mann, 19.54;Zohdy, 1969). Following a procedure may be interpreted as layers) that were not ac-
which has been found to be most satisfactory in tually manifested on the observed curve. These
practice, the various segments on the VES curve undulations often are created when the smoothing
were shifted to conform to the position of the last is made by drawing a curve that passes between
Resistivity of a Geothermal System 1137
significantly displaced segments. For VES 10 the automatic interpretation computer program, the
interpreted depth to the vapor-dominated layer, curve of VES 15 is the only curve in this group of
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beneath the low-resistivity layer, is about 300 ft. \-ES curves that can be interpreted so that a
The curves of VES 8, VES 9, and \‘ES 3 and layer with a low resistivity of about 5 ohm-m can
their interpretations are shown in Figure 9 to il- be included legitimately in the section. Thus VES
lustrate the continuity of the detection of the 15 reflects the nearness of the southeastern bound-
conductive (2.G5.2 ohm-m) and the resistive ary of the geothermal system. On all three VES
(90-100 ohm-m) bottom layers on the VES curves there is a strong indication that the bot-
curves. The interpreted depths of about 340 ft tommost layer, which lies at an average depth of
and about 400 ft, beneath VES 9 and VES 8, about 550 ft, has a resistivity of about 30 ohm-m.
respectively, are the largest interpreted depths to This layer bounds the geothermal system on the
the resistive bottom layer over the middle part of southeast as it did on the north\r-est.
the geothermal section. The curves of \/ES 12, VES 16, and VES 2 are
Figure 10 shows the curves of VES 15, VES 14, shown in Figure 11 together with their interpreta-
and VES 13 and their interpretations. Using the tion as obtained for the reduced model of the
Rhyolitic ash-flow
I , I Ill11 I I I I11111 I I 1111111 I
2‘ IO IO0 1000 3000
FIG. 7. Comparison between interpretation of VES 4 curve and geologic data of well Y-11. Numbers in bar
designate interpreted true resistivities, in ohm-mete:s. Conglomerate and sandstone layers in well Y-11 are com-
posed of white pumice and black obsidian.
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FIG. 8. Interpretation of VES 10 curve in terms of a seven-layer section. Numbers in and below bar designate
interpreted true resistivities, in ohm-meters, and interpreted depths, in feet, respectively.
40( 10
FIG. 10. Curves of VES 13, VES 14, and VES 15 obtained near the southeastern boundary of the geo-
thermal field. Numbers in bars designate interpreted true resistivities, in ohm-meters.
automatic interpretation computer program. The rock in the area is probably replaced by rhyolite
30-ohm-m bottom layer is not detected on the rocks of intermediate to high resistivities.
VES 2 curve, and if it exists it must be at a depth From the preceding description and documen-
greater than about 1500 ft. Instead, high- tation of the VES curves, and from the hydro-
resistivity layers of 800 and 300 ohm-m form the geologic information obtained from well Y-11, we
bottom layers in the automatically interpreted conclude that the shallow vapor-dominated reser-
section, which indicates that there is no shallow voir in the Mud Volcano area has a high resistivity
thermal activity beneath VES 2 and that the of about 75-130 ohm-m and that it is character-
rhyolitic ash flow tuff believed to form the bed- ized by the presence of a lowresistivity layer
FIG. 9. Curves of VES 8, VES 3, and VES 9 obtained over the center of the geothermal field.
Numbers in bars designate interpreted true resistivities, in ohm-meters.
Zohdy et al
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VES 16
- 160 j 400 63 1 I20 1 56 j 200 1 30 VES 12
-1400 1000 000 420 160 290 1 190 II5 50 VES 16
_I600 000 1 250 500 230 55 200 1480 I65 000 300 VES 2
20 I I IllIll / I IIlllll I I I fill L I L
2 10 100 1000 5OCIO
FIG. 11. Curves of VES 2, VES 12, and VES 16 obtained south of the southeastern boundary of the geothermal
field. Numbers in bars designateinterpreted true resistivities,in ohm-meters.Layering is basedon automatically
(2-6.5 ohm-m) above it, and a moderately resis- IP were made along the road from point A to A’
tive layer (~30 ohm-m) around it. It is interest- (see Figure 1). The resistivity and the IP were
ing to note the similarity between this interpreted measured at two electrode spacings of a three-
geoelectric section and the general model of a electrode (AMN) array. The electrode spacings
vapor-dominated system presented by White et (AO) between the current electrode (A) and the
al (1971). A simplified version of White’s model center (0) of the potential electrodes (M and N)
is presented in Figure 12. was 600 ft for one profile and 1000 ft for the other.
The distance (MN) between the potential elec-
trodes for both profiles was 400 ft. The SP mea-
In 1971, two years after the VES data were ob- surements were made prior to the 600.ft resistivity
tained, horizontal profiles of resistivity, SP, and measurement. The IP measurements were made
resistivity of a Geothermal System 1141
in the frequency domain at 0.1 and 1.0 hz, and crease in apparent resistivity is observed on the
the percent frequency effect (PFE) values were resistivity profiles and a broad resistivity high is
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calculated using the formula formed which extends to the southeastern bound-
ary of the section. Within this broad resistivity
PFE = (PO.1 - PLO) high, there are three zones of lower resistivity
--. 100,
which can be interpreted as due to alteration
zones resulting from the upward movement of
where /5,., and j5,.,, are the apparent resistivities thermal waters at a time when near-surface geo-
measured at 0.1 and 1.0 hz, respectively. thermal activity may have existed to the south-
The lowest apparent resistivities of the hori- cast of the presently active zone.
zontal profiling data were measured over the cen- SP measurements, referenced to the first station
ter of the geothermal field, where the thickness of on the northwest end of the traverse, produced the
the 2- to 6.5ohm-m layer is largest. Along this broad, positive anomaly shown in Figure 13. The
segment of the profiling data, the apparent re- amplitude of the anomaly is small and may be
sistivity values measured with the A0 spacing of attributed to a variety of electric potential pro-
1000 ft are larger than those measured with the ducing effects. However, an experiment by
smaller A0 spacing of 600 ft. This increase in ap- Poldini (1938 and 1939) provctl that upward-
parent resistivity at larger electrode spacings cor- migrating water, confined within a column, pro-
roborates the VES data interpretation in terms of duced a positive potential when a measurement
the presence of a deep high-resistivity layer was made near the top of the column with respect
(vapor-dominated layer) beneath a shallower low- to an arbitrary distant point. The potential at-
resistivity cover. To the northwest of the geo- tributed to solutions moving through porous
thermal field, the apparent resistivity is generally media has been observed by several investigators
low because of the presence of a thick section of and is known by various names such as electro-
lacustrine deposits in Hayden Valley. To the filtration, streaming, flow, and clectrokinetic po-
southeast of the geothermal field, a marked in- tentials (Sato and Mooney, 19~10).This type of
30- -30
- A0 = 600’
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e A0 1000’
IO r 110
2 2
500 500
r 7
M AO: 600’
Cng 100
! e
AO= 1000’
A012 = 600’
AB/2= 1000’
c ,
0 0
L 200 200
f 400 400
_ 600 600
zi 600 600
1000 1000
1200 1200
1 , 2qOO 740;0FEET 2000METERS
FIG. 13. Horizontal profiling data obtained with resistivity, SP, and IP (percent frequency effect). Arrows desig-
nate movement of steam and water. AO, distance from current electrode, A, to center of potential electrodes, 0.
MN, distance between potential electrodes. AB/2, Schlumberger-electrode spacing of VES curves.
Resistivity of a Geothermal System 1143
of anions by the rock. The upward-moving waters cano area of Yellowstone Xational Park indicate
concentrate the cations near the surface resulting that the vapor-dominated reservoir is character-
in a positive anomaly over the zone of migrating ized by high resistivities and that it occurs under
water. a cover of very low resistivity. Because of this
On the basis of Poldini’s work, it is reasonable low-resistivity layer, reconnaissance surveys with
to assume that the broad SP anomaly, at least the horizontal profiling will delineate the thermally
portion directly over the thermal zone, arises active zone by a low-resistivity anomaly. The
from upward-moving waters set in motion by con- boundaries of the geothermal field as defined by
vection currents emanating from the thermal en- the quantitative interpretation of the VES curve
ergy source. The low SP values bordering the is in excellent agreement with the approximate
northwest edge of the thermal area are possibly a boundaries inferred from mapping the surface
result of downward-moving waters, part of the geology. Beneath VES 1 and VES 16, the geo-
cycling process involved in the movement of thermal conditions may exist at depths slightly
thermal waters (compare Figures 12 and 7 of greater than about 1000 it, whereas beneath VES
White et al, 1971). 2 the thermal activity, if it exists, must he at
The reason for the continuation of the SP depths greater than 1500 ft.
anomaly beyond the southeast boundary of the The SP anomalies seem to he directly related
geothermal field (as interpreted from VES data) and interpretable in terms of the thermal water
is not understood. Possibly, however, significant circulation system, and although the SP anomaly
amounts of the thermal waters upon approaching observed in the Mud Volcano area is relatively
the ground surface move laterally, and ‘not until small, its existence warrants the further study
they reach the more permeable altered zones of and measurement of SP in other geothermal areas.
low apparent resistivity do they begin to descend. The IP anomalies observed at the northwestern
The downward-moving water would produce the boundary and south of the southeastern boundary
observed low level of SP coincident with the were interpreted in terms of pyrite concentrations
zones of low resistivity. deposited by sulfur-rich thermal waters at those
The two IP profiles were plotted on semilog- locations where the thermal waters intermix with
arithmic scale in the upper part of Figure 13. meteoric waters and begin a downward move-
The profiles are similar, both indicating a rela- ment in the hydrological recycling process sur-
tiveJy high II’ ha kgrounrl level_of_about. 5 per- rounding the geothermal~ceJL
cent which is attrr, .tahle to a wide distribution REFERENCES
of clayey materials ant! pyrite in the near-surface Alfano, I,., 1961, Geolectrical explorations for natural
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Banwell, C. J., and MacDonald, L$-. J. I’., 1965, Re-
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v. 2, p. 262-273.
depth at the boundary of the thermal zone. Pos- Duprat, A., 1970, Contribution of geophysics to the
sibly a similar pyrite enrichment exists beneath study of the geothermal region of Denizli-Saraykoy,
Turkey: Geothermics Spec. Iss. 2. v. 2, pt. 1, p. 2755
the small IP anomaly shown on both profiles in
the vicinity of VES 16. Hatherton, T., MacDonald, W. J. I’., and Thompson,
1144 Zohdy et al
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