Manuscript Template - JTEIN 2024 Ok
Manuscript Template - JTEIN 2024 Ok
Manuscript Template - JTEIN 2024 Ok
92 Figure 1: A short caption of the figure should be centered (Min. 300 dpi).
94 All illustrations and photographs must be numbered consecutively as they appear in
95 the text and accompanied with appropriate captions below them as shown in Figures 1
96 and 2. All illustrations should be clearly displayed by placing a single line spacing above
97 and below them.
aa aa aa
(a) (b)
11 11
11 11
100 Figure 2: Figure (a), Figure (b), Figure (c) and Figure (d) (Min. 300 dpi).
102 2.3 Equations
104 Equations must be type written and special symbols must be identified properly. The
105 special symbols used should be defined where they first appear, and arranged
106 alphabetically at the end of the paper in a section titled Nomenclature, placed after the
107 References section.
dy −b ± √ b 2−4 ac
109 = (1)
dx 2a
111 Mathematical expressions for Equations 1 and 2 should align with the subtopic title and
112 the equation numbers are aligned to the right.
114 3. Results and discussion
116 In this section, it is explained the results of research and at the same time is given the
117 comprehensive discussion. Results can be presented in figures, graphs, tables and
118 others that make the reader understand easily. The discussion can be made in several
119 sub-chapters.
121 4. Conclusion
123 Conclusion contains a description that should answer the objectives of research.
124 Provide a clear and concise conclusion. Do not repeat the Abstract or simply describe
125 the results of the research. Give a clear explanation regarding the possible application
126 and/or suggestions related to the research findings.
128 References
130 References are in IEEE referencing style. Please ensure that every reference cited in the
131 text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). The main references are
132 international journals, proceedings and book. All references should be to the most
133 pertinent and up-to-date sources (80% of references must be taken from the past 4
134 years). Citations are preferred to use Mendeley Reference Manager. If possible, the
135 article’s DOI should be given for each reference list. Each citation should be written in
136 the order of appearance in the text.
138 Nomenclature
140 Meaning of symbols used in the equations and other symbols presented in your article
141 must be presented in this section.
143 α meaning of α
144 y meaning of y
145 z meaning of z
147 Note:
148 Please be sure to check for spelling and grammar before submitting your paper.