Mohan Singh
R/O. Chak Mander, Tehsil: Banga & District:
SBS Nagar
2 Date of Valuation April 19, 2024
3 Purpose of Valuation To Assess fair market value of the property
for Embassy Purpose
4 Documents seen for establishing the title of Copy of sale deed 1911 dated 27.09.2000
the property(Whether Original Photocopy)
5 Complete Address of property Chak Mander, Tehsil: Banga & District: SBS
6 Nature of Property Industrial
7 Plot/Constructed Constructed
8 No. of Storeys Double
9 Classification of Property Middle Class
10 Falls in Lal Lakir/Outside lalakir Outside Lal Lakir
11 Falls in Municipal Limits /Outside Municipal Falls in Municipal Limits
12 Boundaries of the property North : P/O. Others
South : P/O. Others
East : Others
West :Road
Certificate :
1. Based on the information furnished to me, detailed inspection & measurements at site, detailed local
enquiries & taking into consideration such important features as the location of the land, its potential
for marketability, present market trends etc. I am of the considered opinion that the present worth said
property is Rs.43,21,000/ (Rupees Forty three lakh twenty one thousand only)
2. Valuation is not to be used for purpose other than mentioned in (3)