Timeline of World History

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David Cloud
www.wayo ife.org
Copyright 2015, December 2021 edition

is timeline includes events from Bible history, world history, church history, Israel’s history,
history of major inventions, history of fundamentalism, and American history.

For Bible dates we use the chronology of Floyd Nolen Jones (except in the case of the date of the
Tower of Babel). Jones’ dates align closely with those published by the great biblical scholar and
linguist James Ussher in the 17th-century masterpiece e Annals of the World. For those
interested in learning more about Dr. Jones’ research, we recommend e Chronology of the Old
Testament (Master Books, 2005). ese dates may not be exact in every case, but they are nearly
correct, because the Bible provides explicit chronological information.

Dates given in various timelines for the early part of Israel’s kingdom vary greatly. For example,
the division of the kingdom is dated at 922, 926, 930, 931, 960, and 975.
975 cai.org
960 di erentspirit.org
931 bible.ca, timemaps.com
930 familybible.org
926 thesacredcalendar.com
922 study.com, wikipedia

BC (Before Christ)
4004 Creation
4003 Cain’s birth
3875 Cain slays Abel
3874 Seth’s birth
3074 Adam’s death
2962 Seth’s death
2948 Noah’s birth
2348 e Flood
2250 Akkadian Empire (2250-2100)
2242 Tower of Babel)
2100 Egypt Old and Middle Kingdoms (2100-1750)
2100 Ur Dynasty (2100-2000)
Timeline of World History

2100 Maya Civilization in Central America

2100 Indus Civilization (2100-1300)
2000 Xia Dynasty in China (2000-1600)
2000 Greek Civilization (2000-500)
1998 Noah’s death (Noah lived for 350 years a er the Flood, Gen. 9:28)
1996 Abraham’s birth
1921 Abraham departs Haran (beginning of 430 year sojourn of Ex. 12:40 and Gal. 3:17)
1897 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
1896 Isaac’s birth
1863 Abraham takes Isaac to Mt. Moriah
1860 Sarah’s death
1856 Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca
1846 Shem’s death
1836 Jacob and Esau’s birth
1821 Abraham’s death (Ge. 25:7)
1792 Hammurabi’s Code (Hammurabi ruled Babylon c. 1792-1750 BC)
1759 Jacob’s marriage to Leah and Rachel
1750 Hammurabi’s death
1739 Jacob’s departure from Laban
1728 Joseph sold into slavery
1716 Isaac’s death
1715 Joseph made second ruler of Egypt
1706 Jacob goes down into Egypt
1689 Jacob’s death (1859)
1650 Job’s trial
1635 Joseph’s death and end of the book of Genesis
1600 Shang dynasty in China (1600-1100)
1600 First Hittite Empire (1600-1450)
1580 Death of Job
1571 Moses’ birth and beginning of the book of Exodus
1570 Egypt New Kingdom (1570-1078)
1491 Israel’s Exodus from Egypt (Ex. 12)
1483 e Inca Empire begins in South America, eventually stretching 2,500 miles and
encompassing 6 million people
1451 Israel enters Canaan (Josh. 1)
1445 Canaan divided among the 12 tribes of Israel
1424 Death of Joshua/Israel under the Judges (1424-1095)
1410 Othniel’s deliverance
1360 Ehud’s deliverance
1350 Second Hittite Empire (1350-1322)
1278 Barak and Deborah’s deliverance
1274 Battle of Kadesh between the Hittites and the Egyptians; history’s largest chariot battle
involving 6,000 chariots

Timeline of World History

1251 Gideon’s deliverance

1250 e Trojan War
1177 e Hittite capital of Hattusa is burned
1162 Eli high priest and judge
1122 Ark captured by Philistines
1121 Samson’s judgeship begins (1121-1101)
1101 Samson dies by destroying the Dagon temple
1095 Saul anointed Israel’s rst king (1 Sa. 15)
Dates for the early part of Israel’s kingdom di er considerably in various timelines. For
example, the division of the kingdom is dated at 975 (cai.org), 960 (di erentspirit.org),
931 (bible.ca, timemaps.com), 930 (familybible.org), 926 (thesacredcalendar.com), and
922 (study.com).
1055 David made king over Judah
1050 Zhou Dynasty in China (1050-200)
1047 Ark brought to Jerusalem
1037 David’s adultery with Bathsheba
1036 Solomon’s birth
1027 Absalom’s rebellion
1015 Solomon anointed king (co-rex with David brie y until David’s death)
1011 Work begins on the temple, which took seven years to build (1 Ki. 6:37-38)
1004 Solomon’s Temple dedicated (1 Ki. 8; 487 years a er the Exodus, 1 Ki. 6:1, 38)
1000 Vedic India (1000-500)
975 Israel’s kingdom divided (1 Ki. 12)
971 Shishak invades Judah
958 Abijah becomes king of Judah
956 Asa becomes king of Judah
929 Omri becomes king over Israel and builds Samaria
918 Jehu becomes king of Israel
914 Jehoshaphat becomes king of Judah
898 Jehoram becomes king of Judah
987 Elijah translated in ery chariot
886 Jehu becomes king of Israel
886 Athaliah usurps the throne of Judah
879 Joash becomes king of Judah
826 Jonah sent to Nineveh
810 Uzziah becomes king of Judah
786 Great earthquake (Am. 1:1)
776 First recorded Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece
753 Rome founded by Romulus
750 Athens and Sparta become major powers
747 Tiglath-pileser III (Pul) of Assyrian reigns (747-727 BC 2 Ki. 15-16)
742 Ahaz becomes king of Judah
732 Tiglath-pileser destroys large portions of northern Israel (2 Kings 15:29)

Timeline of World History

727 Shalmaneser V of Assyria reigns (727-722 BC 2 Kings 17:3; 18:9)

726 Hezekiah becomes king of Judah
722 Sargon II of Assyria reigns (722-705 BC Isa. 20:1)
721 Samaria destroyed by Assyria and northern tribes deported (2 Ki. 17)
713 Hezekiah healed, given 15 more years
709 Sennacherib’s army destroyed by the angel (he was co-regent at this time)
705 Sennacherib of Assyria reigns (705-681 BC 2 Kings 18-19; 2 Chron. 32; Isaiah 36-37)
689 Assyrians under Sennacherib destroy Babylon
685 Assyrians destroy Memphis and ebes in Egypt
681 Esarhaddon of Assyria reigns (681-668 BC 2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38; Ezra 4:2)
677 Manasseh carried captive to Babylon (2 Ch. 33)
669 Assurbanipal of Assyria reigns (669-626 BC Ezra 4:10)
668 Assyrian Empire at its greatest extent
650 Coinage invented in Lydia
640 Josiah becomes king of Judah
630 Birth of Zoroaster, founder of Persian religion
628 Jeremiah begins to prophesy (Jer. 1:2)
626 Nabopolassar takes Babylon’s throne from Assyria a er the death of king Ashurbanipal,
the last of the strong Assyrian rulers; Nabopolassar founds the Neo-Babylonian Empire
623 Josiah repairs the temple and nds the law of Moses
612 Nineveh destroyed by an allied army of Babylonians, Medes, and Scythians led by
Nabopolassar, ending the Assyrian Empire
608 Pharaoh Necho II kills Josiah at Megiddo (2 Ch. 35:20-25); Jehoahaz reigns for three
months until taken to Egypt and is replaced by Jehoiakim (Eliakim) (2 Ch. 36:1-4)
605 At the Battle of Carchemish, Egypt and Assyria are defeated by an alliance of Babylonians,
Medes, and Persians under the leadership of Nebuchadnezzar, son of Nabopolassar
605 Nebuchadnezzar is made king of Babylon upon Nebopolassar’s death
602 First deportation from Jerusalem to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar; Jehoiakim taken captive
(2 Ch. 36:5-7); Daniel was carried away (Da. 1:1-7)
597 Second deportation to Babylon; Jehoiachin taken captive (2 Ki. 24:8-16); Zedekiah begins
to reign over Judah (2 Ki. 24:17-18). Ezekiel taken captive.
594 Greek democracy begins to evolve (594 to 462)
593 e glory of God departs from Israel’s temple (Eze. 10:18; 11:23)
586 Israel’s temple and Jerusalem are destroyed by Babylon; Zedekiah is taken captive (2 Ki.
25:1-10; 2 Ch. 36:11-21; Jer. 39:1-9)
573 Tyre falls to Nebuchadnezzar a er a 13 year siege that began in 586
563 Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 563-483 BC
562 Nebuchadnezzar dies and his son Evil-merodach reigns (562-559 BC)
559 Neriglissar of Babylon reigns (559-555 BC)
555 Nabonidus of Babylon reigns with his son Balshazzar (556-539 BC)
551 Confucius in China 551-478 BC
550 Lao-tse founds Taoism in China
539 Greeks defeat the Carthaginians

Timeline of World History

539 Cyrus (and Darius) conquers Babylon (Daniel 5)

538 Cyrus’ edict to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem (Ezr 1; Isa. 44:28; 45:1)
536 Zerubbabel conducts remnant to Jerusalem (Ezra 2)
535 Foundation of new temple laid but work stopped (Ezra 3)
530 Cambyses of Persia reigns a er Cyrus killed in battle (530-522 BC)
525 Persian Empire extends from India to Asia Minor
522 Darius I of Persia reigns (Darius Hystaspis or Darius the Great) (522-486 BC)
521 Darius divides the Persian Empire into 20 provinces
520 Haggai and Zechariah prophesy (520-515 BC) (Ezr. 5:1)
520 Temple work renewed during Darius the Great’s 2nd year (Ezr. 6)
516 Second temple completed 70 years a er rst temple destroyed (Ezr. 6:15)
510 A form of democracy introduced in Athens, Greece
509 Temple of Jupiter dedicated in Rome
490 Darius I of Persia defeated by the Greeks at Marathon, ending the rst Greek Persian War
486 Reign of Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) of Persia (486-465 BC)
485 Birth of Greek historian Herodotus (585-525 BC)
479 Second Greek Persian War ends with the defeat of Xerxes’ forces
478 Esther becomes Xerxes’ queen (7th year of his reign, Est. 1:1-3; 2:16)
473 Mordecai and Esther deliver the Jews
469 Socrates (469-399 BC)
465 Artaxerxes I of Persia reigns (465-423 BC)
459 e Greek Attic-Delic League war galleys capture Memphis in Egypt from the Persians
457 Ezra conducts a remnant to Jerusalem (Ezr. 7-8)
450 Chinese working with cast iron by the h century BC
450 Samaritans build a temple on Mt. Gerizim about middle of 5th century
445 Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt under direction of Nehemiah
441 Malachi prophesies around this time
431 Peloponnesian war fought between Sparta and Athens (431-403)
423 Darius II reigns in Persia (423-404)
427 Plato and Aristotle Greek philosophers (427-322)
404 Artaxerxes II reigns over Persia (404-358)
399 Socrates sentenced to death
358 Artaxerxes III reigns over Persia (358-338)
356 Alexander the Great born
338 Philip of Macedon unites Greece
338 Artaxerxes IV reigns a er Artaxerxes III is assassinated by Bagoas (338-336)
336 Alexander III (the Great) succeeds to the throne of Macedonia
335 Darius III reigns over Persia a er Artaxerxes IV is assassinated by Bogoas (335-330)
334 Alexander begins his invasion of the Persian Empire
332 Alexander conquers Tyre a er building a causeway to the island
331 Alexander conquers the Persian Empire; Darius III is killed in 330
323 Alexander’s death, Greek Empire divided four ways
320 Jerusalem captured by Ptolemy, the Egyptian king

Timeline of World History

320 Large settlement of Jews in Alexandria, Egypt

312 Via Appia (Appian Way) built as rst part of the famous Roman Road system
305 Ptolemy I Soter founds the Ptolemic Dynasty in Egypt (305-282 BC)
285 e approximate date when the Pentateuch was translated (or began to be translated) into
Greek; it was a very poor translation
265 Rome dominates the Italian peninsula and begins pursuing a larger empire
264 First recorded gladiator ght in Rome
264 First Punic War between Rome and Carthage (264-241)
247 e Parthians conquer the Seleucid empire in Mesopotamia
224 e Sasanians defeated the Parthians and established rule over Mesopotamia (and
eventually Armenia and Georgia) that lasted until AD 651; they saw themselves as the
successors of the Achaemenid Persians
218 Second Punic War (218-201)
215 Great Wall of China built
202 Han Dynasty begins in China
189 Rome defeats the Seleucids and conquers Anatolia
170 Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria conquers Israel
168 Antiochus IV desecrates the temple and persecutes the Jews
168 Maccabean revolt against Syria begins
164 Judas Maccabees defeats Syrians and liberates Jerusalem; celebrated at Hanukkah
149 ird Punic War (149-146)
148 Rome annexes Macedonia and Greece
146 Rome destroys Carthage and sells citizens into slavery
146 Rome gains northern Africa, Spain, Asia Minor, and Egypt
142 Syrians sign a peace treaty with the Maccabees
113 e Samaritan temple on Mt. Gerizim destroyed by the Maccabees (according to
110 e Samaritan temple on Mt. Gerizim is destroyed the Maccabees
106 Silk Road established
63 Jerusalem captured by the Roman general Pompey
58 Gallic Wars (Julius Caesar conquers the Gauls, 58-50)
55 Julius Caesar invades Britain, marking the beginning of Roman in uence
54 Roman general Crassus plunders the Jewish temple
49 Julis Caesar crosses the Rubicon and invades Rome
47 Julius Caesar appointed dictator of Rome, calling himself “Imperator”
45 e Julian calendar is introduced to more accurately record the solar year; it incorporates
leap years; it was designed by Roman and Greek mathematicians and astronomers,
including Sosigenes of Alexander; it remained in use until replaced in 1582 by the
Gregorian calendar
44 Julius Caesar assassinated
42 e cult of Caesar worship is o cially institute by the Roman Senate
37 Herod I takes control of Judea (having been appointed “king of the Jews” by the Roman
Senate in 40 BC)

Timeline of World History

31 Octavian founds the Imperial Cult requiring worship of the Caesars

27 Octavian Augustus Caesar becomes the rst emperor of Rome; is appointed “Augustus” by
the Senate, reigns from 27BC - AD 14
20 Herod begins renovation of Jewish Temple
4 Birth of John the Baptist
4 Birth of Jesus
4 Herod’s death and the division of his kingdom among his sons (Herod Archelaus, Herod
Antipas, Philip) and sister Salome; these were known as “tetrarchs” (rulers of a fourth

AD (Anno Domini or Year of Our Lord)

14 Tiberius Caesar Augustus reigns as Roman emperor from AD 14-37
27 Jesus begins His public ministry and calls the apostles
30 Jesus’ cruci xion and resurrection (exact year not known)
30 Pentecost and rst church at Jerusalem (Ac. 2)
32 Stephen stoned (Ac. 7:58)
33 Paul converted in Damascus, then spends three years in Arabia (Ac. 9:1-25; Ga. 1:17)
37 Gaius Caesar Augustus (Caligula) reigns as Roman emperor AD 37-41
37 Paul and Barnabas make their rst missionary journey
41 Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus reigns as Roman emperor AD 41-54
47 Famine in Syria that is mentioned in Acts 11:29
49-52 Paul’s second missionary journey (Ac. 15:40 - 18:22)
51 Rome conquers southern Britain and establishes the province of Brittania
52-57 Paul’s third missionary journey (Ac. 18:23 - 21:16)
54 Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus reigns as Roman emperor from AD 54-68
60-62 Paul’s journey to Rome and rst imprisonment in Rome (Ac. 27:1 - 28:31)
64-68 Nero’s persecution of Christians (64-68); Paul was beheaded at this time
69 Caesar Vespasian Augustus reigns as Roman emperor from AD 69-79
70 Jewish Temple destroyed by Rome under General Titus
73 First Jewish Revolt ends with capture of Masada
69 Titus Caesar Augustus reigns as Roman emperor from AD 79-81
79 Domitian’s persecution (r. 81-96)
81 Caesar Domitianus Augustus (Domitian) reigns as Roman emperor AD 81-96
98 Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus (Trajan) reigns as Roman emperor AD 98-117
98 Trajan’s persecution (98-117)
100 Apostle John dies about this time
117 Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus (Hadrian) reigns as Roman emperor AD 117-138
117 Hadrian’s persecution (117-138)
122 Construction began on Hadrian’s Wall in England (122-128)
130 Hadrian visits Jerusalem, renames it Aelia Capitolina, and orders the city to be rebuilt by a
Roman plan

Timeline of World History

135 Second Jewish Revolt (Bar Kokhba) ends (132-135)

139 Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus (Antoninus Pius) reigns as Roman emperor AD
138-161; he was a persecutor of Christians
150 Clement of Alexandria’s birth (150-230)
155 Polycarp martyred
161 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus reigns as Roman emperor 161-180; he was a persecutor of
185 Origen’s birth (185-254)
193 Lucius Septimius Severus reigns as Roman emperor AD 193-211; he was a persecutor of
235 Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus (Maximinus I) reigns as Roman emperor AD 235-238; he
was a persecutor of Christians
139 Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius reigns as Roman emperor AD 249-251; he was a
persecutor of Christians
253 Publius Licinius Valerianus (Valerian) reigns as Roman emperor AD 253-260; he was a
persecutor of Christians
265 Jin dynasty in China (265-420)
284 Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus (Ciocletian) reigns as Roman emperor AD 284-305;
he was a persecutor of Christians; great numbers of Scriptures are destroyed; Diocletian in
the east was joined by Herculius in the west in the terrible persecution, the 10th since
285 e Roman Empire is divided into two parts by Diocletian
306 Flavius Valerius Constantius (Constantius I) reigns as Roman emperor AD 306-337
312 Constantine defeats Maxentius at Battle of Milvian Bridge
313 Constantine’s Edict of Milan (granting religious freedom)
323 Eusebius completes Ecclesiastical History
330 Constantine establishes his capital at Constantinople
330 Constantine issues a decree against all “dissenters” from the state church
335 Church of the Holy Sepulchre built in Jerusalem
340 Jerome’a birth (340-420)
360 Ul las produces parts of the Bible in the Gothic language, having created the alphabet for
the work based on Greek and Roman
360 Hagia Sophia built in Constantinople
354 Augustine’a birth (354-430)
354 eophilus reports visiting Christians in India
364 Conversion of the Vandals to Christianity
370 Wu lia translates the Bible into Gothic, the rst missionary Bible
378 Jerome writes, “From India to Britain, all nations resound with the death and resurrection
of Christ.”
380 eodosius I makes Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire
395 Roman Empire permanently divided into east and west
410 Roman legions depart from Britain; Visigoths sack Rome
410 eodisian Walls built to better protect Constantinople (410-413)

Timeline of World History

412 e Donatist churches are closed and robbed and “rebaptizers” condemned to death
431 Council of Ephesus proclaims Mary as Mother of God
434 Attila the Hun establishes the Hun Empire (434-53)
435 Santa Maria Maggiore church built in Rome
455 Vandals sack Rome
457 Leo I is the rst eastern emperor crowned by a Patriarch
476 e western Roman Empire falls to Odoacer
496 Conversion of Clovis I, king of the Franks, to Roman Catholicism
500 Babylonian Talmud completed
508 Philoxenus begins translation of the Bible into Syriac
529 e Justinian Code becomes the law of the eastern empire
565 Under Justinian I (r. 527-565) the Byzantine Empire reached its greatest extent
570 Muhammad born (570-632)
581 Sui dynasty in China (581-618)
590 Gregory the Great solidi es the papacy (590-604)
597 Austin arrives in England by order of Pope Gregory I to convert the people to Roman
Catholicism; he persecuted churches that refused to submit to the pope
600 Emperor Maurice proclaims the dogma of Mary’s Assumption to heaven
618 Tang dynasty in China (618-906)
622 Muhammad ees Mecca to Medina (the Hijrah); this is the beginning of Muslim calendar
632 Muhammad dies
636 Muslims defeat the Byzantines and conquer Syria at the Battle of Yarmouk
637 Muslims conquer Jerusalem under Caliph Umar
642 eodore I rst o cial pope (642-649)
642 Muslims conquer Egypt
691 Dome of the Rock built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
692 Infant baptism is enforced in England
698 Muslims capture Carthage from the Byzantines
706 Al-Aqsa Mosque built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
711 Muslim armies from northern Africa enter Spain and capture it from the Visigoths
712 Muslim raids to India began
718 Muslim advance into Europe from the east is halted at Constantinople
730 Iconoclasm controversy begins in the Byzantine Empire (730-842)
731 Bede publishes his ecclesiastical history of England
732 Muslim advance into Europe from west stopped by the Frankish ruler, Charles Martel, at
the Battle of Tours
755 e Donation of Constantine is invented; the popes allege that the Donation was written
by Constantine in 315 to give Italy and Rome to the popes in perpetuity
756 e Donation of Pepin - the Frankish king Pepin donated northern Italy to the pope,
forming the basis for the Papal States
772 Charlemagne forces the Saxons to convert to Catholicism in his wars against them from

Timeline of World History

787 Second Council of Nicaea rules that icons are acceptable form of worship
800 Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne “emperor of the Romans”; this was the beginning of the
Holy Roman Empire, an alliance of church and state that became the model for Europe
858 Pope Nicholas I claims that the popes “held the place of God on earth”; he promoted the
phony Decretals of Isidore which were supposed to have been written in about 600 and
stated that the pope had supreme authority from the time of Peter
863 Byzantine missionaries Cyril and Methodius are sent to the Slavs
871 Alfred the Great (r. 871-899), king of the Anglo-Saxons, is the rst ruler in England to
establish an unbroken lineage; it is called the House of Wessex
911 e Danes are granted land by the king of France and established the Duchy of
Normandy, adopting the French language and feudal system; the Danes were called
Normans from Norsemen or northmen
929 Cordova enjoys a so-called “Golden Age” under Abd al-Rahman III (929-976)
960 Song dynasty in China (960-1279)
988 Russian Orthodox Church is founded with the baptism of Prince Vladimir
1022 Albigenses in France are persecuted by the order of Pope Benedict VIII
1054 e “great schism” occurs when the western and eastern halves of the Roman Catholic
Church splits apart at the mutual excommunications of the Pope of Rome and the
Patriarch of Constantinople
1066 William the Conquerer took the throne of England and established a French Norman
reign with French as the court language
1077 Emperor Henry IV is required to kiss the pope’s feet and profess complete allegiance
1079 Priests are required to be celibate
1085 King Alfonso VI of León captured Toledo; this was the beginning of the Reconquista
(reconquest of Spain)
1096 e First Crusade begins with the goal of to retaking the Holy Land from the Muslims
1099 Jerusalem is captured by the First Crusade army and the Kingdom of Jerusalem is
1119 Knights Templar founded
1126 Waldensian leader Peter de Bruys was burned at the stake
1147 Second Crusade (1147-49)
1148 Waldensian leader Arnold of Brescia is martyred by the Catholic Church
1181 Pope Lucius III issues a decree declaring that all non-Catholic Christians are under a
1187 Jerusalem captured from the Crusaders by Saladin
1190 Sale of indulgences begins
1190 ird Crusade (1190-92); King Richard of England signs a treaty with Saladin pertaining
to the Kingdom of Acre
1194 Pope Celestine III orders the destruction of non-Catholic Christians in Spain
1096 Oxford University is the rst university in the English-speaking world
1198 Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) organizes the Inquisition into a permanent institution
1200 e Mallas begin to rule in Nepal (1200-1768)
1201 Inca ruler Manco Capac founded the city-state of Cuzco

Timeline of World History

1204 e Fourth Crusade captures and plunders Constantinople

1206 e Delhi Sultanate begin ruling over India (1206-1526)
1206 e Mogols rule China (1206-1368), beginning with Genghis Khan
1209 Pope Innocent III calls a crusade against the Waldenses in France and 200,000 were killed
1209 Cambridge University is founded
1211 Eighty Waldenses are burned at the stake in Strasbourg, Germany
1213 King John Lackland of England surrenders his nation to the pope
1215 Pope Innocent III proclaims the dogma of transubstantiation and forbids the translation
of the Bible into vernacular languages
1215 Fi y Waldenses are burned at the stake at Schweidnitz in Moravia
1225 e manufacture of cotton cloth begins in Spain
1227 Pope Gregory IX (1227-41) expanded the Inquisition
1229 e Catholic Council of Toulouse forbids the people to possess or read the Bible in
vernacular languages
1236 Cordoba is taken from the Muslims by King Ferdinand III of Castile
1249 Portugal is taken from the Muslims by Alfonso III
1258 Baghdad is conquered from the Muslims by the Mongols under Hulagu Khan
1279 Yuan dynasty in China (1279-1368)
1290 King Edward I expels all Jews from England
1291 Muslims reconquer the Holy Land from the Crusaders with the fall of Acre
1300 Osman I (1258-1326) founds the Ottoman Empire.
1302 e papal bull Unam Sanctum proclaims that no one can be saved without submission to
the pope
1302 e Papal “Babylonian Captivity” lasted 70 years, during which the popes lived in
Avignon, France
1325 Aztecs build Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City)
1340 Pope Benedict XII adds a third crown to the papal crown, signifying the pope’s authority
all the earth.
1368 Ming dynasty in China (1368-1644)
1378 Papal Schism (1378-1417); two lines of popes cursing each other
1381 e Wat Tyler Rebellion (Peasant’s Revolt) in England was a revolt against high taxation
and general inequality and injustice
1382 e Wycli e Bible is the rst English Bible
1395 Jews driven from France
1400 Aztec Empire (1400-1519)
1415 John Huss is burned at the stake at the Council of Constance
1428 John Wycli e’s bones are dug up 13 years a er his death and burned by the Catholic
1450 Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press with moveable type
1453 Ottoman Turks conquer Constantinople and end the Byzantine Empire
1454 Gutenberg completes the rst printed Bible
1478 Spanish Inquisition established (1478-1834)

Timeline of World History

1487 Pope Innocent VIII calls a crusade against the Waldenses in northern Italy and thousands
were brutally killed
1488 e capital of the Russian Orthodox Church moves from Kiev to Moscow
1488 Bartholomew Dias sails around the southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope), proving
there was an ocean route from Europe to India
1492 Christopher Columbus discovers the West Indies (Cuba, Bahamas, etc.), thinking it was
the East Indies or East Asia
1492 Jews driven from Spain and Sicily
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India from Portugal by going around Africa
1498 Columbus discovers South America
1509 Henry VIII rules England (1509-1547)
1513 Juan Ponce de Leon discovers Florida
1516 Disiderius Erasmus publishes the rst printed Greek New Testament
1516 Jerusalem comes under control of the Ottoman Turks
1517 e h Lateran Council (1513-17) declares that no books could be printed except with
the approval of the Catholic Church
1517 Luther nails his 95 theses to the door of the Catholic church at Wittenberg
1521 e Aztecs of Mexico are conquered by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes
1522 Ferdinand Magellan’s ship completes the rst circumnavigation of the earth
1522 Luther’s German New Testament is printed
1524 Giovanni da Verrazzano explores the eastern seaboard of the United States
1525 e Peasant’s Revolt ended in Germany with the slaughter of 100,000 poorly armed
1526 e Tyndale New Testament is the rst printed English New Testament
1526 e Islamic Mughal Empire rules India, Pakistan, Afghanistan (1526-1827)
1527 Baptist leaders are drowned by Protestants in Zurich under the leadership of Zwingli
1527 Baptist leader Michael Sattler is burned at the stake with three others and his wife was
1528 e French Lefevre Bible is published
1528 Baptist leader Balthasar Hubmaier is burned at the stake and his wife was drowned
1529 Suleiman’s Islamic advance into Europe is stopped at Vienna
1528 Lutheran leader Urbanus Rhegius publishes a book urging persecution of Baptists
1532 e Spanish conquest of the Incas in South America (1532-1572) headed by Francisco
1534 Henry VIII breaks with Rome and forms the Church of England
1534 e Spanish New Testament by Enzinas is published
1535 Jacob Hutter, founder of the Hutterites, is burned at the stake
1536 John Calvin establishes a Protestant city-state in Geneva and publishes Institute of the
Christian Religion
1536 Bible translator William Tyndale is martyred in Vilvoord, Belgium
1536 e Coverdale Bible is the rst complete printed English Bible
1538 Suleiman the Magni cent rebuilds Jerusalem’s walls

Timeline of World History

1540 e Society of Jesus (Jesuits) is founded by Ignatius Loyola as the pope’s foot soldiers of
the Counter Reformation
1545 e Council of Trent (1545-64) publishes 125 curses upon non-Catholics, including all
who believe in salvation by grace without works, and forbids the printing, selling, or
reading of the Bible without a license from Rome
1551 Robert Stephanus’ fourth edition Greek New Testament is the rst Bible to contain verse
1553 Protestants are persecuted under Queen Mary of England (1553-58) and 250 are burned
at the stake
1553 Michael Servetus is burned to death for heresy by the Protestants in Geneva
1558 Elizabeth I begins her 44-year reign of England
1560 Waldensian pastor Jean Louis Pascal is burned at the stake before the pope in Rome
1560 e Geneva Bible is published
1561 Eighty-eight Waldensian men in Montalto, Italy have their throats slit like sheep
1563 John Foxe publishes his Book of martyrs
1572 Huguenots are massacred in Paris on St. Bartholomew’s Day
1582 e Catholic Rheims-Douay Bible is published as a response to the Protestant
1582 e Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the Julian
calendar; the Gregorian calendar more accurately recorded the solar year; over the next
three centuries it was adopted by Protestant countries; it was adopted worldwide in the
20th century
1588 e British defeat the Spanish Armada
1591 First performance of a play by William Shakespeare
1600 Galileo Galilei invents the thermometer
1600 British East India Company is formed
1602 e Spanish Valera Bible is published
1603 James I rules England and Scotland (1603-1625)
1606 Willem Janszoon discovers Australia
1607 Jamestown is America’s rst permanent English settlement
1611 e English King James Bible is published
1619 Slaves rst brought to America
1620 e Pilgrims sail for New England on the May ower and establish Plymouth Colony in
1623 e Protestant government of Virginia passes a law requiring all citizens to baptize their
children and prohibiting the assembly of “dissenters”
1631 Shah Jahan builds the Taj Mahal in India as a tomb for his favorite wife
1635 Baptist Roger Williams is cruelly banished in the dead of winter by the Protestants of
1636 Harvard College is founded to teach Puritan theology and to train ministers; the motto is
“Truth for Christ and the Church”
1638 America’s rst printing press is established at Harvard College

Timeline of World History

1643 e Westminster Assembly in England (1643-48) establishes a Presbyterian Confession of

Faith during the reign of Oliver Cromwell
1643 Torricelli of Italy builds the rst barometer
1644 Qing (Ch’ing) dynasty in China (1644-1912)
1649 King Charles of England is executed and Oliver Cromwell rules as Lord Protector
1651 Baptist preachers are brutally whipped by the Protestants of Massachusetts
1654 Jews are o cially allowed to return to England
1655 A Catholic army destroys Waldensian villages in northern Italy
1660 England’s monarchy is restored under Charles II
1660 Baptist John Bunyan is imprisoned from 1660 to 1672 and 1675-76 for preaching without
a government license
1662 England passes the Act of Uniformity, requiring preachers to submit to Anglican doctrine
and practice. It was the rst of three persecuting laws. In 1664 the Act of Conventicles
made it illegal for ve or more people to meet apart from the Church of England. In 1665,
the Five Mile Act forbad a dissenting preaching to come with ve miles of any town.
1675 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is established to standardize time in English cities and as
an aid to mariners
1681 William Penn founds the colony of Pennsylvania as a bastion of religious liberty
1683 Muslim advance into Europe is again stopped by their defeat at the Battle of Vienna
1686 e Waldenses of northern Italy are massacred by a Catholic army; of the 14,000 who
were imprisoned, only 3,000 were le alive eleven months later
1687 Isaac Newton formulates the laws of motion
1688 e Glorious Revolution removes James II from power in England and puts James’s
Protestant daughter Mary and nephew William of Orange in power; a new bill required
that England’s kings and queens be Protestant
1701 Yale University is founded by Congregationalists as a bulwark against theological
liberalism; entrance requirements include a salvation testimony, Bible reading, holy living,
and prayer
1707 e Kingdom of Great Britain is formed by the uniting of the parliaments of England and
1708 Matthew Henry commentary published between 1708-1710
1712 omas Newcomen of England builds the rst practical steam engine
1722 Count Zinzendorf founds the Moravians who instigate a zealous missionary enterprise
backed 100 years of continuous prayer (1727-1827); their missionary zeal challenged
many others, including William Carey
1730 First Great Awakening in America and England (1730-1755); it brought salvation to many
unbelievers and nominal church members, spiritual revival to existing churches, and the
founding of many new churches and Christian colleges (e.g., Princeton University, Brown
University); prominent gures in the revival were Jonathan Edwards, Morgan Edwards,
and George White eld
1739 e Methodist Church is founded by John and Charles Wesley

Timeline of World History

1752 England replaces the Julian Calendar with the Gregorian and changes the New Year from
March 25 to January 1
1757 e British defeat the Mughals at the Battle of Plassey an become the dominant power in
1763 John Gill’s commentary on the entire Bible published (NT published in 1748)
1768 Baptists are imprisoned and whipped by Protestant authorities in Virginia (1768-1774)
1768 Prithivi Narayan Shah unites Nepal into one kingdom
1776 America declares independence from England
1781 e British army surrenders to the Americans
1783 First hot-air balloon (Paris, France)
1787 French Revolution (1787-1799)
1789 America’s historic constitution is rati ed and its rst President, George Washington, is
1790 e Second Great Awakening in America and England (1790-1840); the result was
salvation of souls, revival of churches, dramatic increase in church membership, planting
of new churches, founding of the rst missionary societies and Bible Societies in England
and America,
1791 America’s historic Bill of Rights is rati ed, guaranteeing freedom of religion and freedom
of speech
1792 e rst Baptist missionary society is founded in England, and the next year William
Carey becomes England’s rst missionary; this is called the beginning of modern
Protestant missions
1799 Napoleon is defeated at the Siege of Acre and his plan to capture Jerusalem dies
1800 e United Kingdom was created by the merger of Great Britain and Ireland
1800 First battery is invented
1800 America’s capital moves from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
1801 America’s Barbary Wars against the Muslim pirates of north Africa (1801-1815)
1802 e British Residency is established in Nepal
1803 America makes the Louisiana Purchase from France
1803 Morphine is invented by a German
1803 Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society publishes a missionary magazine
1804 British and Foreign Bible Society is formed
1804 Napoleon Bonaparte becomes Emperor of France
1806 Meriweather Lewis and William Clark complete their survey the American West
1806 Protestant missionary work begins in southern Africa
1807 e steamboat is invented by Robert Fulton
1807 Britain outlaws slave trading on its ships
1807 U.S. Congress bans importation of slaves, though the law is ignored in the South
1807 Georg Hegel published Phenomenology of the Spirit; Hegel’s “Dialectic Method” taught
that world history is moving forward in a stream of con ict, with a thesis challenged by an
antitheses producing a synthesis; there is no God of history; there is no absolute truth
1808 America’s slave trade with Africa ends
1810 Napoleon Bonaparte founds the rst professional re ghting company

Timeline of World History

1812 Adoniram Judson is the rst American Baptist missionary

1812 Napoleon’s army is defeated in Russia
1814 First steam locomotive is invented
1814 First recorded baptism of a convert in China, Cai Gao
1815 Battle of Waterloo, Duke of Wellington defeats Napoleon
1816 Adoniram Judson, pioneer Baptist missionary to Burma, sails from America
1816 American Bible Society is formed
1824 Louis Braille invents the Braille system of reading for the blind
1825 World’s rst railway line opens in England
1827 Photography is invented
1827 Alexander Campbell founds the Disciples of Christ (Church of Christ)
1827 John Darby publishes Nature and Unity of the Christian Church
1829 Plymouth Brethren founded
1830 Charles Finney revivals in New York
1830 W. DeWette and others began to invent the JEDP theory that the Pentateuch was written
by multiple authors over a long period of time
1832 British abolish W. Indies slavery
1836 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge rst edition published
1837 Victoria ascends to the throne of Britain and rules over the greatest empire in history
1838 Telegraph is invented by Samuel Morse
1838 e Great Western is the rst steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean under its own power
(it took 15 days)
1840 First postage stamps are introduced in England
1841 Edward Bickersteth published e Restoration of the Jews to eir Own Land
1842 Anesthesia is invented by Crawford Long
1843 Charles Spurgeon becomes pastor of New Park Street Church, London, at age 20
1844 Seventh-day Adventism founded
1844 YMCA is founded
1844 Pope Gregory XVI publishes an encyclical condemning Bible Societies and the
“publication, dissemination, reading, and possession of vernacular translations of sacred
1845 Great Potato Famine in Ireland (1845-1849)
1845 Southern Baptist Convention mission organization founded
1846 Rana rule begins in Nepal (1846-1946)
1846 Sewing machine invented by Elias Howe
1848 e Communist Manifesto is published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; it declares that
“communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality”; within a
little over a century communism had caused the deaths of 100 million people, according
to e Black Book of Communism
1850 e ird Great Awakening spread spiritual revival in America, Canada, England,
Australia, and elsewhere (1850-1900); the result was revival of existing churches, salvation
of many souls, multiplication of new churches, the Bible Institute movement (e.g., Moody
Bible Institute, Nyack Missionary Training Institute, Biola, Northwestern College, Gordon

Timeline of World History

College, Toccoa Falls Bible College), evangelistic crusades (e.g., Dwight Moody, Billy
Sunday, Charles Finney, Mordecai Ham), great missionary endeavors (e.g., Hudson Taylor,
David Livingston), great hymn writing (e.g., Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey, Francis Havergal,
Philip Bliss, Robert Lowry, Arthur Sullivan), widespread belief in the soon coming of
Christ, social movements such as the abolition of slavery
1853 Elisha Otis builds the world’s rst safety elevator
1853 Charles Spurgeon becomes pastor of New Park Street Chapel
1854 Missionary Hudson Taylor arrives in China
1854 Charles Spurgeon becomes pastor of New Park Street Church (later Metropolitan
1854 Catholic Church proclaims Mary’s “Immaculate Conception” as absolute dogma
1856 Charles Spurgeon founds the Pastors’ College
1857 Livingston’s Missionary Travels published
1858 Britain rules India (1858-1947)
1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
1859 e rst oil well is drilled in Pennsylvania
1858 e transatlantic telegraph cable is completed, reducing communication time of messages
between America and Europe from 10 days to minutes
1860 Wheaton College is founded
1861 America’s Civil War begins (1861-65)
1862 e machine gun is invented by Richard Gatling
1863 e rst underground railway opens in London, England
1863 Seventh-day Adventist cult is founded
1863 Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation liberating all slaves
1864 Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, hosted a meeting by the British Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews and Charles Spurgeon preached on the literal
ful llment of Ezekiel 37
1864 Fanny Crosby wrote her rst hymn and the tune was written by William Bradbury
1865 e process for making steel is invented
1865 Abraham Lincoln is assassinated at end of the Civil War
1865 Salvation Army is founded by William Booth
1866 Dynamite is invented by Alfred Nobel
1867 Karl Marx publishes the rst volume of Des Capital
1867 America purchases Alaska from Russia
1868 Joseph Lister discovers disinfectant
1869 America’s transcontinental railroad is completed
1869 e Suez Canal opens, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea
1869 Wyoming becomes the rst state in America to grant women the right to vote
1870 First Vatican Council declares the doctrine of Papal Infallibility
1871 Paris Commune is rst communist government, leaving tens of thousands dead in a mere
two months
1871 e Great Chicago Fire destroyed 3.3 square miles of the city, including the home of D.L.

Timeline of World History

1871 Jamieson, Fausett, Brown commentary published

1872 e Niagara Bible Conference began the Bible conference movement in America
1872 Dwight L. Moody begins preaching
1872 Yellowstone becomes the world’s rst national park and wildlife reserve
1873 Remington produces the rst commercially-successful typewriter with a QWERTY
1873 D.L. Moody and Ira Sankey held their rst large evangelistic campaigns in the United
1876 Alexander Bell invents the telephone
1876 e rst higher life conference was held at Keswick, England
1877 Queen Victoria (1819-1901) began her reign of 63 years; it is called e Victorian Era
1878 Julius Wellhausen publishes Introduction to the History of Israel, claiming that Israel’s
history is a product of evolution
1878 W.E. Blackstone published Jesus Is Coming, which had a major in uence in the spread of
dispensational theology
1878 e rst American Bible and Prophetic Conference was held in New York City
1879 omas Edison invents the rst practical electric commercial lightbulb
1879 Christian Science cult is founded by Mary Baker Eddy
1881 Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament and English Revised Version published
1882 omas Edison opens the rst public electric power station
1882 e New York Missionary Training Institute is founded by A.B. Simpson, starting the
Bible Institute movement
1883 e Cambridge Seven (including C.T. Studd) committed themselves to foreign missions at
a D.L. Moody crusade
1884 Jehovah’s Witness cult is founded by Charles Taze Russell
1885 e Home Insurance Building in Chicago is the rst skyscraper
1886 America’s Statue of Liberty is dedicated
1886 e Bible Institute for Home and Foreign Missions is founded by D.L. Moody; it was
named Moody Bible Institute a er his death in 1899
1886 Karl Benz of Germany produces the rst gasoline-powered automobile
1886 e Student Volunteer Movement is founded by Dwight L. Moody with the motto, “ e
evangelization of the world in this generation.”
1887 Charles Spurgeon pulls the Metropolitan Tabernacle out of the Baptist Union for its
1888 e Kodak Brownie box camera popularizes personal photography
1889 Ei el Tower is completed in Paris
1890 James Strong publishes his exhaustive concordance a er 35 years of labor
1891 W.E. Blackstone presents e Blackstone Memorial to U.S. President Benjamin Harrison,
calling for the return of the land of “Palestine” to the Jews
1892 Charles Spurgeon dies
1893 New Zealand is the rst nation (of currently existing ones) to grant women the right to

Timeline of World History

1893 e World’s Columbia Exposition is held in Chicago as a showcase for modern

technology, including electricity, the motion picture, the telephone, and the gasoline
powered automobile
1895 Freud publishes rst work on psychoanalysis
1896 eodor Herzl writes Der Judenstaat ( e Jewish State)
1896 Billy Sunday begins leading gospel meetings
1897 e First Zionist Congress is held in Basel, Switzerland, and establishes the World Zionist
1899 Gideons International founded
1899 Dwight L. Moody dies
1901 Queen Victoria of England dies; end of e Victorian Era
1902 e Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School is founded in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, by W.B. Riley
1903 Airplane invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright
1904 e International Woman Su rage Alliance fought for the “equal rights” for women
1904 Welsh Revival
1905 e rst movie theater is opened in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
1905 Albert Einstein publishes the theory of relativity
1907 Walter Rauschenbusch’s Christianity and the Social Crisis was in uential in the Social
Gospel movement
1907 Azusa Street “revival” is the beginning of Pentecostal movement
1907 Plastic is invented
1908 Henry Ford’s Model T revolutionizes America by making automobiles a ordable to the
common man; Ford perfects the assembly line system
1908 Nazarene Church is founded
1908 e Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIOLA) is founded in Los Angeles, California
1909 Billy Sunday holds his rst large revival campaign
1909 J. Frank Norris becomes pastor of First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas
1910 Edinburgh Missionary Conference is beginning of modern ecumenical movement
1910 e Fundamentals are published (12 volumes published between 1910-1915) to oppose
theological liberalism
1911 Ernest Rutherford discovers the makeup of the atom
1912 China becomes a republic
1912 e Titanic sinks
1913 John D. Rockefeller is worth $212 million
1913 Louis Entzminger arrives at First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, with the goal of
building the world’s largest Sunday School under J. Frank Norris’s leadership
1913 Arno Gaebelein’s Annotated Bible is published
1914 e rst complete Nepali Bible is published
1914 e Panama Canal opens, connecting the Paci c Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean
1914 World War I (1914-1918); more than 16 million died; Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, and
the Ottomans fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, America, and others; 70
million military personnel were engaged in the con ict

Timeline of World History

1915 An estimated 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks between
1916 Boeing Aircra Company is founded
1917 Mary allegedly appears to three young people at Fatima, Portugal
1917 Communists led by Vladimir Lenin rule Russia a er the October Revolution
1917 In November, the British issue the Balfour Declaration pledging support for a Jewish
homeland in “Palestine”
1917 In December, the British capture Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks.
1917 e improved edition of the Sco eld Reference Bible is published; this is the standard
“Old Sco eld”
1918 e British take control of the land of “Palestine” from the Ottoman Empire
1918 World War I ends in November
1919 Karl Barth’s Commentary on Romans marks beginning of the Neo-orthodox heresy
1919 A.S. Peake’s commentary on the Bible has a major in uence in spreading theological
modernism; Graham Scroggie said it is “sodden with in delity”
1920 First commercial radio station begins operation in Pittsburgh
1920 e Fundamentalist Fellowship is founded
1920 Mahatma Gandhi founds the liberation movement in India
1920 Women receive the right to vote in America with the rati cation of the 19th amendment
1920 Sati banned in Nepal
1922 British Empire is at its height, ruling over one- h of the world’s population and covering
one-quarter of the land area
1922 e rst fundamentalist radio broadcasts begin with Paul Rader’s in Chicago
1923 e number of radios in America exploded from 60,000 in 1922 to 1.5 million in 1923
1923 e Baptist Bible Union is founded by W.B. Riley
1922 British Broadcasting Company (BBC) founded
1922 Vladimir Lenin creates the Soviet Union
1924 Dallas eological Seminary is founded with Lewis Sperry Chafer as the rst president
1925 e Scopes “Monkey” Trial marks the beginning of the teaching of evolution in America’s
public schools
1926 Bob Jones College is founded by Bob Jones, Sr. (in 1947 renamed Bob Jones University)
1926 e Northern Baptist Convention votes not to evict Harry Emerson Fosdick’s Park Avenue
Baptist Church for its rank liberalism
1927 Charles Lindbergh makes rst trans-Atlantic ight
1927 e 15 millionth Model T rolled o of Henry Ford’s assembly lines
1928 Antibiotics (penicillin) is invented by Alexander Fleming
1928 e Union of Regular Baptist Churches is founded by T.T. Shields
1928 e Fundamental Evangelistic Association (FEA) is founded by M.H. Reynolds, Sr.
1929 Westminster eological Seminary is founded by faculty and students who separated
from Princeton eological Seminary because of its liberalism
1929 e General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) is founded
1929 Stalin causes the death of 6.5 million peasants
1929 e Great Depression begins with the Wall Street stock market crash

Timeline of World History

1930 e largest oil eld in the lower 48 states is discovered in East Texas
1930 e Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) is founded
1931 Japan invades China
1931 J. Frank Norris founds the Fundamental Baptist Missionary Fellowship (later named
World Baptist Fellowship)
1931 Australia and Canada become independent democracies
1931 J. Frank Norris founds the Premillennial Fundamental Missionary Fellowship
1932 ere were more than 100 radio broadcasts by 70 fundamentalist ministries
1933 Stalin starves ve million people to death in the Ukraine
1934 Stalin’s “great purges” kill 2.5 million people
1934 John R. Rice founds e Sword of the Lord
1935 Nylon is the world’s rst totally synthetic ber
1935 Eastman Kodak introduces the rst color lm
1937 Jet engine is invented by Frank Whittle of England
1937 Charles Fuller founds the Old Fashioned Revival Hour radio broadcast
1939 Commercial television debuts with broadcast of the opening of the New York World’s Fair
1939 Pan American inaugurates the world’s rst transatlantic passenger service
1939 World War II (1939-1945); involved 61 countries with three-quarters of the world’s
population; the Axis nations of Germany, Italy, Japan fought against the United Kingdom,
the United States, Russia and their allies; 50 million people died
1939 e helicopter is invented by Igor Sikorsky of Russia
1939 J. Frank Norris founds the Fundamental Baptist Bible Institute (later named the Baptist
Bible Seminary)
1939 Grace Brethren Churches are founded
1940 e world’s rst freeway is built in Los Angeles
1940 Color television is invented in America
1941 e American Council of Christian Churches is founded by Carl McIntire
1942 Lee Roberson is called to be the pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga,
1945 e atomic bomb is invented in America and rst used against Hiroshima, Japan
1945 e United Nations is founded with 51 member nations
1945 Youth for Christ International is founded
1945 John R. Rice’s Sword of the Lord annual conferences begin
1946 Lee Roberson founds Tennessee Temple Bible Institute
1946 Winston Churchill warns about the “Iron Curtain” of communism that has fallen over
eastern Europe
1946 e Conservative Baptist Fellowship is founded; this is the beginning of the Conservative
Baptist movement
1947 Chuck Yeager is the rst man to break the sound barrier in the X-1
1947 British rule of India ends and India is partitioned (creating Pakistan)
1947 e transistor is invented
1947 Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered

Timeline of World History

1947 In November, the United Nations passes a plan calling for the partitioning of “Palestine”
into Jewish and Arab states
1948 e modern state of Israel is founded on May 14
1948 Xerox introduces the photocopy machine
1948 World Council of Churches is founded
1949 Billy Graham preaches his rst crusade (Los Angeles)
1949 Mao establishes a communist state in China
1949 e 45 rpm record makes the rock & roll revolution possible
1950 e Korean War (1950-53)
1950 Pope Pius XII proclaims Assumption of Mary as absolute dogma
1950 Mother Teresa founds Missionaries of Charity
1950 e Baptist Bible Fellowship International splits from the World Baptist Fellowship
1951 e Univac is the rst commercial computer
1951 Nuclear power generator is invented
1951 Nepal opens its doors to foreigners and the rst missionaries enter in the 1950s
1951 Tibet surrenders to communist China
1951 e credit card is invented by William Boyle
1951 e birth control pill is invented
1951 Baptist pastor Nels Ferré publishes e Christian Understanding of God, denying practical
every fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith
1952 73% of all cars in the world are produced in America
1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climb Mt. Everest
1953 e structure of DNA is de ned
1954 Uni cation Church cult is founded by Sun Myung Moon
1954 America launches the rst nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus
1954 e portable transistor radio fuels the rock & roll “teenager” revolution
1954 Polio vaccine is developed by Jonas Salk
1955 e rst McDonald’s restaurant opens near Chicago
1956 Elvis Presley is the rst rock & roll superstar
1956 Southwide Baptist Fellowship is founded under the leadership of Lee Roberson and John
R. Rice
1956 John R. Rice’s ministry relationship with Jack Hyles begins
1955 Half of U.S. homes have televisions
1955 Vietnam War (1955-75)
1956 Central Baptist eological Seminary is founded by Richard Clearwaters
1957 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College is founded
1957 John R. Rice, Bob Jones, Sr., and other fundamentalist leaders separate from Billy Graham
over his ecumenical evangelism; this is the beginning of the Fundamentalist New
Evangelical split
1957 Sputnik I, rst arti cial satellite, is launched by the Soviet Union
1957 European Economic Community is founded
1958 e National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) is founded
1959 Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” produces famine that kills 38 million Chinese

Timeline of World History

1959 Alaska and Hawaii become America’s 49th and 50th states
1959 Jack Hyle is called to be the pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana
1960 Japan becomes a great economic power
1961 Soviets build the Berlin Wall
1963 Creation Research Society is founded by Henry Morris, Duane Gish, and other Ph.D.s and
the is beginning of the movement in defense of a six-day creation
1962 Second Vatican Council opens the Roman Catholic Church to the ecumenical movement
1962 Jack Hyles’ book Let’s Go Soulwinning is published by the Sword of the Lord
1963 Martin Luther King leads civil rights movement in America
1963 John R. Rice moves e Sword of the Lord headquarters from Wheaton to Murfreesboro,
1964 e Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
1965 Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I li the mutual excommunications of 1054
1965 Mary Quant introduces the mini-skirt
1966 e “Summer of Love” in San Francisco marks the beginning of the “hippie” movement
1967 Israel ghts the “Six Day War” against a coalition of Muslim nations and regains the old
city of Jerusalem for the rst time in 1,897 years
1967 e ATM machine is introduced by Barclays Bank
1967 e Fundamental Baptist Fellowship (FBF) is founded
1968 Maranatha Baptist Bible College is founded by B. Myron Cedarholm
1968 ere are 520,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam
1968 e Ohio Bible Fellowship is founded
1969 Neil Armstrong becomes the rst man to walk on the moon
1969 Charles Woodbridge publishes e New Evangelicalism
1971 Jesus People movement births Contemporary Christian Music; Maranatha Music is rst
CCM publisher
1971 Project Gutenberg is launched to make digital books available for free on the Internet
1972 e rst video game console is invented
1972 e Global Positioning System (GPS) is invented by the U.S. military
1972 Jack Hyles founds Hyles-Anderson College
1973 Israel ghts the “Yom Kippur War” against a coalition of Muslim nations
1973 Skylab is the rst space station
1973 Trinity Broadcasting Network is founded by Paul Crouch
1973 New International Version is published; it is the rst modern version to compete with the
popularity of the King James Bible
1975 Abortion is legalized in America
1976 Viking 1 and 2 explore Mars
1977 e personal computer age begins with the Apple and the TRS-80
1977 e Space Shuttle Enterprise ies its rst ight
1978 John Paul II is the most popular pope in modern history and increases the in uence of the
Roman Catholic Church
1979 America establishes diplomatic ties with communist China

Timeline of World History

1980 CNN becomes the rst cable television news network

1983 Lee Roberson resigns as pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee
1985 Microso releases the Windows operating system
1985 Jesus Seminary founded to decide what part of the New Testament is divinely inspired
1986 e Temple Institute is founded with the goal of building Israel’s ird Temple
1987 Prior to his 1987 crusade in Denver, Colorado, Billy Graham meets privately with
religious leaders “to allay any fears that he would target Jews for conversion to
Christianity” (“Rev. Graham Never Targets Jews for Conversion to Christianity,” Religious
News Service, Aug. 3, 1987).
1988 In September, Rabbi Andrew Baker, Director of the American Jewish Committee, says,
“Christian e orts to convert Jews have been abandoned by nearly all Catholic and
mainstream Protestant denominations.”
1989 ousands of Chinese are killed when the communists crack down on the Tiananmen
Square protest
1989 In April, the World Council of Churches issues “ e Churches and the Jewish People:
Towards a New Understanding,” claiming that the Jews are not rejected by God and that
the new covenant in Christ has not replaced the old Mosaic covenant.
1989 e Berlin Wall is dismantled
1990 Hubble Space Telescope is placed into orbit
1991 e Soviet Union is dissolved
1992 John Ashbrook publishes New Neutralism II: Exposing the Gray of Compromise
1993 European Union is formed
1995 e rst commercial internet companies come online (AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe)
2001 On September 11, Muslims y four commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center
2004 e “nascent” Jewish Sanhedrin was established a er 1,600 years
2017 On December 9, U.S. President Donald Trump announces America’s recognition of
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
2018 In February, the Temple in Zion organization issued a memorial half shekel coin featuring
the images of Persian King Cyrus and U.S. President Donald Trump on one side and the
ird Temple on the other


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