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Alexander Publications Distribution Transformer Handbook Forth Edition

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■ Handbook

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Distribution Transformer

ii Distribution Transformer Handbook

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Fourth edition
Fifth printing: October 2015
Each printing incorporates minor improvements.

© Alexander Publications 2001. All rights reserved.

Introduction iii

I am pleased to introduce the Fourth Edition of our handy reference
on distribution transformers for lineworkers. As in the previous
editions, this practical handbook provides quick access to essential
information for immediate use, whether in the field or in the shop,
We have tried to select the most commonly required information,
then present it in an easy-to-read format, to make this guide a useful
and reliable reference document.

/LichaoC &&de——

Richard Alexander
iv Distribution Transformer Handbook

This handbook is a supplement to other excellent resources on
transformers currently available.
Among the materials consulted while preparing this book are:
ANSI 05.1 Specifications and Dimensions for Wood Poles, ANSI
C57.12.70 Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and
Power Transformers, ANSI C57.105 Guide to Three-Phase
Transformer Connections, Distribution Transformer Manual by
General Electric, RUS++ by Alexander Publications, and Transformer
Connections by General Electric.
Product literature and application advice were provided by ABB
Power T&D Company Inc., Alec Wolowidnyk, Arkansas Electric
Cooperatives, BC Hydro, Cooper Power Systems, David Wagner,
ERMCO, General Electric, Howard Industries, Jim Canavan,
Northeast Utilities, Northeastern JATC, Northwest Lineman College,
Puget Sound Energy, Solomon Corporation, Southern California
Edison, and Tommy Edwards.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance from each of these

Energized transformers and live distribution lines present the risk of
electrical shock. All work on this equipment should be performed
only by qualified specialists. The connection diagrams, tables, and
other data in this handbook are intended to be aids for field
personnel. This material does not replace the extensive training
necessary to safely work with transformers in service.
This handbook describes work practices which are accepted by
most utilities, but some may not apply to you. Always follow your
company’s established safety procedures and work practices.

The publisher does not assume any liability with respect to the use of
any information in this publication.
Introduction V


Chapter 1 Transformer Concepts

Introduction to Distribution Transformers ...................................... 1
The Transformer .............................................................................. 2
Formulas........................................................................................... 4
Power Triangle................................................................................. 5
Transformer Ratings ........................................................................ 6
Transformer Taps............................................................................. 8
Transformer Losses ......................................................................... 8
Transformer Terminal Designations ................................................ 9
Polarity............................................................................................. 9
Wye, Delta Configurations.............................................................. 13
Transformer Protection....................................................................15
Completely Self-Protected Transformers........................................ 17
Ferroresonance................................................................................ 18
Why V3,or 1.73?............................................................................. 22
Angular Displacement..................................................................... 23
Paralleling Transformers................................................................. 26

Chapter 2 Transformer Connections

Index to the Diagrams.................................................................... 27
Notes to the Connection Diagrams..................................................28
Single-Phase Installations................................................................30
Transformer Banks
Wye - Wye................................................................................. 32
Wye - Delta................................................................................ 35
Open Wye - Open Delta ............................................................37
Delta - Wye................................................................................ 39
Delta - Delta............................................................................... 40
Three-Phase Transformers ..............................................................42
vi Distribution Transformer Handbook

Chapter 3 Installing Transformers

Lifting and Handling Transformers.................................................45
Nameplates...................................................................................... 46
Safety Tips ......................................................................................48
Installation Procedure for Overhead Transformers......................... 50
Single-Phase Transformer Loads.................................................... 52
Load Checks on Single-Phase Transformers...................................53
Three-Phase Bank Loads................................................................. 54
Load Checks on Delta, Wye Banks.................................................55
Make or Break Parallel Circuits at Transformer Banks ................. 57
Phasing and Paralleling Three-Phase Installations..........................58
Minimum Pole Class Guidelines .................................................... 62
Strength of Wood Poles...................................................................63
Grounding Transformers ................................................................ 64
Fusing Transformers ...................................................................... 71
Padmounted Transformer Installations............................................73
Safety Clearances Around Padmount Transformers ...................... 77
Work Clearances Around Padmount Transformers.........................78
Guard Posts .....................................................................................79




Distribution transformers convert the high voltages that economically
distribute power, into the lower voltages required by customers.
Distribution transformers are installed overhead on poles, at grade
level on pads, and totally underground in vaults. For years, the most
widely used transformer has been the single-phase, overhead version,
installed either to deliver single-phase service or in a bank of trans­
formers to deliver three-phase service. Padmount transformers are
becoming more popular because the higher cost of underground
distribution is being offset by increased interest in aesthetics, safety,
and system reliability.
Primary (high side) distribution voltage is from 2400 volts to
34,400 volts. Connections to the transformer primary windings are at
the top of overhead and underground transformers, and the left panel
of padmount transformers.
Secondary (low side) service voltages are typically 120 volts, 208
volts, 240 volts, 277 volts, 347 volts, 480 volts, and 600 volts.
Connections to the transformer secondary windings are at the side of
overhead and underground transformers, and the right panel of
padmount transformers.
2 Distribution Transformer Handbook

A transformer consists of a laminated iron core, around which two or
more coils of conductors are wound.
When an AC voltage is applied to one coil, current flowing in that
coil magnetizes the core - first in one direction, then in the opposite
direction. This oscillating magnetic field intersects the second coil,
inducing a voltage in it.
The voltage across the secondary terminals causes current to flow
through its coil and through any load connected across the secondary
terminals. The secondary voltage is determined by the primary
voltage and the effective ratio of the number of turns in the primary
coil to the number of turns in the secondary coil. The secondary
current is the secondary voltage, divided by the load impedance.

Magnetic flux-

Primary P Secondary

Core - The part of the transformer in which the magnetic field

oscillates. It is built from thin laminated sheets, each coated with a
thin layer of insulation, and cut to form the shape around which the
coils are wound. Laminations are used instead of solid cores to reduce
core losses.
The ease with which a material can be magnetized is known as its
permeability. Iron or a special type of steel is used for transformer
cores because these materials have high permeability.
Transformer Concepts 3

Coil - A coil consists of insulated conductors, wound around the

core. The type of insulation depends on the voltage across the coil.
The higher voltage (input) coil is the primary, the lower voltage
(output) coil is the secondary. The primary coil has many turns of
small wire, The secondary coil has fewer turns and its conductors are
large wire or strips with rectangular cross-sections.
Turns ratio - The number of turns on the primary coil, divided by
the number of turns on the secondary coil.
Effective turns ratio - The relationship between the input and
output voltage. Also called: voltage ratio.
Bushing - Porcelain bushings bring the high and low voltage leads
from the coils out through the tank, to external connections.
Tank - The enclosure for the core, coils, and transformer oil. The
outer surface of the tank dissipates heat generated in the core and

Note: A transformer does not work on DC. DC produces a magnetic

flux that flows constantly in one direction, only. Transformation
requires a changing magnetic flux.


• Motors convert electric power, to magnetic flux, to
mechanical power.
• Generators convert mechanical power, to magnetic flux, to
electric power.
• Transformers convert electric power, to magnetic flux, to
electric power in a new form. Unlike motors and
generators, transformers are nearly 100% efficient, operate
continuously with no maintenance, and have no moving
parts. In a transformer, the only “moving part” is the
oscillating magnetic flux in the core.
4 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Vp Primary voltage
Vs Secondary voltage
Ip Primary current
Is Secondary current
NP Number of turns in the primary winding
Ns Number of turns in the secondary winding

Voltage times current in the primary = voltage times current in the


VP X lp = Vs X Is
or: kVA in = kVA out

This formula is approximate. In practice, small losses in the

transformer make kVA out slightly less than kVA in.

Voltages are proportional to the turns ratio:


Vs " Ns

Currents are inversely proportional to the turns ratio:

Ip Ns
Is Np
Transformer Concepts 5


Apparent Power
Reactive Power

Active Power (watts)

Apparent power is the power generated by the utility. Transformers

are rated by their ability to deliver apparent power.
Watthour meters measure active power, which is what most
customers are billed for.
Reactive power oscillates in the wires. It is consumed in alterna­
tively building and collapsing AC magnetic fields in transformers and
motor windings - and electrostatic fields in capacitors.
The ratio of active power to apparent power is the power factor of
the circuit. Adding capacitors to distribution lines makes the angle
between these vectors smaller, bringing the power factor closer to 1.
This reduces the total power (kVA) the utility must generate.

k kilo, a prefix indicating one thousand.
kVA kilovolt-ampere. Thousands of volt-amperes.
VA volt-ampere. A unit of apparent power.
VAR volt-ampere reactive. A unit of reactive power.
W watt. A unit of active power.
6 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Transformers are rated by the amount of apparent power (kVA) they
can deliver.
The example shown here is for a 10 kVA transformer operating at
foil load.

Magnetic flux-

Primary D Secondary

7200 Volts 240 Volts

1.39 Amperes 41.7 Amperes

Turns ratio 30:1

Primary: 7200 X 1.39 = 10 kVA


Secondary: 240 *41.7 =10kVA


Rated kVA is the foil-load capacity for either the primary or the
secondary - they are the same.
For example, a 10 kVA transformer could accept any of these
primary inputs, and deliver any of these secondary outputs.

Primary Inputs Secondary Outputs

7200V x 1.39A = 10 kVA 480V x 20.0A = 10 kVA
4169V x 2.40A = 10 kVA 277V x 36.1 A = 10 kVA
2400V x 4.16A = 10 kVA 240V x 42.7A = 10 kVA
120V x 83.3A = 10 kVA
Transformer Concepts 7

Transformers are manufactured in the ratings listed here.

Single-Phase Three-Phase
(kVA) (kVA)
Overhead 1.0 10 100 30 112.5
1.5 15 167 45 150
3.0 25 250 75 225
5.0 37.5 333 300
7.5 50 500 500

Padmounted 5.0 10 100 45 112.5 1000

7.5 15 167 150 1500
25 250 75 225 2000
37.5 300 2500
50 500 3000
75 750


Single-phase transformers are manufactured with secondary
windings brought out to two, three, or four bushings.
8 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Some transformers have taps on their primary windings so
lineworkers can adjust the voltages delivered to customers. Typically,
five settings are available. By changing the taps, voltages are changed
in 21/2% steps.
A common application for tap-changing occurs near the end of a
long distribution line where the primary voltage is low, and service
voltages delivered to customers are below acceptable limits. Changing
the taps on the transformer raises the secondary voltages.
Taps are installed on the high-side (primary) winding. The tap­
changing handle is usually located inside the transformer above the
oil, and accessed by removing the lid. In some cases, the operating
handle is on the outside of the tank. The actual tap-changing contacts
are below the oil level. Caution: Operate tap changers only when the
transformer is de-energized.

The two main causes of losses in a transformer are iron losses and
copper losses.
Iron losses are caused by magnetic hysteresis - the opposition by
atoms in the core to being aligned first in one direction and then in
the other, by the AC field. Iron losses are also caused by small circles
of current that flow, like eddy currents in a pool of water, within the
core laminations. Iron losses are called no-load losses because they
occur regardless of the loading on the transformer.
Copper losses, also called PR losses, are produced by the resistance
in the transformer windings and the currents flowing through them.
Total losses within a transformer are typically a small percentage of
its kVA rating.
Transformer Concepts 9


For all transformers:
• H designates a primary, or high-side terminal.
• Viewed from the front of the transformer: The primary
terminals are numbered left to right. The Hi bushing is always at
the upper left.
• X designates a secondary, or low-side terminal.
• The subscript sequence (Example: Xp X2, X3) indicates progress
along the coil windings, connected in series. The lowest and
highest numbered terminals are across the full winding.
For single-phase transformers:
• Viewed from the front of the transformer: Secondary terminals
on subtractive transformers are numbered left-to-right.
Secondary terminals on additive transformers are numbered
right-to-left. This designation makes the phases of H, and Xi
Note: For details on subtractive and additive transformers, see
Polarity, below.
For three-phase transformers:
• Neutral terminals are designated by the subscript 0. Examples:

Transformer polarity refers to the instantaneous relationship between
the oscillating voltage at the primary, and the oscillating voltage at the
secondary. There are two possibilities: the voltages are either in-phase,
or 180° out-of-phase - it depends on whether the primary and
secondary windings are wound in the same direction, or in opposite
Polarity is unimportant when a transformer is installed alone, but
is extremely important when transformers are installed in parallel, or
as a bank. If one transformer in a bank has a different polarity, the
connections to either the primary or the secondary bushings of that
transformer must be reversed.
10 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Subtractive Polarity
Primary voltage

Secondary voltage

H H2 Time

Voltage primary to secondary

Xi X2 Volts

In the subtractive transformer shown above, the windings are in the

same direction. The upper graph shows the primary voltage and
secondary voltage, with both measurements taken left-to-right. The
voltages are in-phase. The lower graph shows the voltage difference
between the two graphs. The voltage between them is less than the
primary voltage, as indicated by the shaded areas. The waveforms
subtract. The transformer has subtractive polarity. The secondary
bushings are numbered left-to-right.
Transformer Concepts 11

Additive Polarity
Primary voltage

Secondary voltage
Hi H2

Voltage primary to secondary

X2 X1 Volts

In the additive transformer shown above, the windings are in

opposite directions. The upper graph shows the primary voltage and
secondary voltage, with both measurements taken left-to-right. The
voltages are 180° out-of-phase. The lower graph shows the voltage
difference between the two graphs. The voltage between them is more
than the primary voltage, as indicated by the shaded areas. The
waveforms add. The transformer has additive polarity. The secondary
bushings are numbered right-to-left. Single-phase transformers below
200 kVA with primary voltage below 8600 volts, usually have additive
polarity. All other single-phase transformers usually have subtractive
12 Distribution Transformer Handbook

These rules apply to all overhead transformers:

• What comes in on H, is in phase with what goes out of X.
• His the top left bushing.
• On additive transformers, X! is diagonally opposite H.
• On subtractive transformers, X! is vertically below H.

Polarity is listed on the transformer nameplate. If in doubt, this test
will determine the polarity of a transformer:
1. Connect two adjacent terminals of the high and low voltage
2. Apply a moderate (120 volts) voltage across the high voltage
terminals. Do not apply the 120 volts to the secondary terminals.
This will induce a lethal voltage across the primary terminals.
3. Measure the voltage across the other high and low voltage

( =AC voltage source

(M) = Voltmeter


4. The polarity is additive if the measured voltage is higher than

the applied voltage. The polarity is subtractive if the measured
voltage is lower than the applied voltage.
Transformer Concepts 13


Three transformer windings can be configured as a delta or a wye, to
deliver three-phase services.


One end of a coil is plus and the other end is minus. To make a delta
connection, connect unlike markings of each coil together.
Line-to-line voltage is the same as the voltage across a transformer
winding. Line current is 1.73 times the current in a transformer

Delta configurations:

---- —---- ----------- +

Open delta Center-grounded delta Corner-grounded delta
14 Distribution Transformer Handbook




One end of a coil is plus and the other end is minus. To make a wye
connection, connect like markings of each coil together. The
remaining terminals are the output terminals.
Line-to-line voltage is 1.73 times line-to-neutral voltage (the
voltage across a transformer winding). Line current is the same as the
current in a transformer winding.

Wye configurations:

Wye Grounded wye Open wye

Transformer Concepts 15

The main enemies of transformers are heat, and high current or

Heat Protection
Transformers can deliver considerably more current than their
nameplate indicates, for a short while. The heat-rise from an 80-
100% overload can usually be tolerated for an hour or more, before it
becomes dangerous.
For cooling, distribution transformers are oil-filled. The oil carries
heat away from the core and coils, to the tank wall which dissipates
the heat to the surrounding air. Oil around the core and coils heats
and rises to the top of the tank, then flows away from the center to
the walls of the tank. At the tank walls, the oil cools and sinks to the
bottom, and the cycle repeats. To circulate easily, transformer oil has a
low viscosity (resistance to flow).
Oil in older transformers may contain PCBs, a chemical whose use
is now banned. Use caution when handling this substance.
Heat rise in the tank is accompanied by a rise in pressure in the air
space above the oil. Pressure relief valves automatically discharge this
pressure to the atmosphere, and pop out to provide a visual
indication that they were activated.

Current Protection
Fused cutouts protect transformers from excessive currents and short
circuits. Cutouts are installed between the primary line and the
transformer. The fuse in the cutout must be carefully sized to blow
only when abnormal conditions occur.

Voltage Protection
Arresters protect transformers from high voltage spikes, such as
lightning. If lightning strikes a power pole or line, it seeks the easiest
path to ground, which could be through a transformer.
16 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Arresters create a safe, low-resistance path for lightning to get to

ground, that bypasses the transformer. Lightning strikes can exceed
one million volts, so the connections at the arrester must be tight,
and the ground wire properly sized for surge currents that accompany
these high voltages.

Arrester ----- Cutout

Shunts lightning and Fuse opens the
other high voltage primary line when
spikes to ground current is excessive

Wildlife protector — Pressure relief valve

Discourages wildlife from Allows excessive tank

Transformer protective devices.

Transformer Concepts 17


The conventional transformer requires externally mounted
protection, such as a fuse cutout and arrester. The Completely Self-
Protected (CSP) transformer has this protection built-in:
• An arrester mounted externally on the tank
• A high-voltage fuse in series with the primary bushing, for
protection in the event of an internal failure in the transformer
• Low-voltage circuit breaker(s) on the secondary side which open
if there is a secondary fault. The breaker(s) trip before the
primary fuse blows.
• An overload signal lamp near the operating handles of the
circuit breaker, to indicate overload or trip.
Conflicts can arise between protective devices when a CSP is installed
on the same circuit as other protective devices.
CSP transformers should not be used in three-phase four-wire
delta banks serving combined three-phase power and single-phase
lighting loads.

Weak-link fuse

Secondary, Secondary
breaker breaker

Completely self-protected transformer.

18 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Ferroresonance is a special condition which creates a high voltage
between the transformer primary winding and ground. This voltage
is often more than five times the normal voltage, and sometimes as
much as 15 times normal voltage. This high voltage can damage the
transformer, the primary cable insulation, and other equipment.
When ferroresonance is present, the transformer usually makes a
rattling, rumbling, or whining noise which is considerably different
from the normal transformer hum.
Ferroresonance occurs rarely, and only under these conditions:
• Three-phase systems
• The primary system is ungrounded, the transformer is grounded
• The primary cable feed is long, producing a relatively high
• The bank has no load, or is lightly loaded (less than 5%)

Underground installations are more susceptible to ferroresonance

than overhead installations because underground cables have higher
capacitances to ground.
In any AC circuit, when the inductive reactance is equal to the
capacitive reactance, a resonant circuit, or "ringing" occurs.
Ferroresonance can occur in a distribution system when the inductive
reactance of one winding of a three-phase transformer is approxi­
mately equal to the phase-to-ground capacitive reactance distributed
along the primary cable to that winding. A high voltage appears
between the transformer winding and ground, not the usual phase-
to-ground voltage. If a transient voltage also occurs at the same time,
the voltage between the transformer winding and ground will go even
Transformer Concepts 19

To decrease the possibility of ferroresonance, field personnel:

• Perform switching operations only at three-phase gang-operated
• Perform single-phase switching only when the primary cable
length is less than maximum design limits
• Load the transformer bank to greater than 5-10% of the
nameplate rating
• Add a resistive load to lower the peak voltage that occurs during
• On floating-wye closed-delta banks, temporarily ground the
floating wye point during switching operations.

To decrease the possibility of ferroresonance, design engineers:

• Keep cable lengths from the switching point to the transformer
well within design limits
• Convert three-phase closed delta banks to wye-wye connections
• Use a triplex core cable to the transformer


When a transformer core is magnetized and demagnetized, its
core laminations expand and contract. These physical changes to
the laminations happen twice during each 60 hertz cycle, on the
positive and negative sides of the flux cycle, causing the
laminations to vibrate at 120 hertz. The vibrations are conveyed
by the cooling oil to the tank wall, where they escape into the air
as sound waves.
Transformer hum also occurs at higher harmonics of 120
hertz, but these tones are less audible.
20 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Sine waves can represent AC voltages and currents, but except for the
most simple circuits, they make circuit analysis messy and confusing.
Vectors are usually used instead of sine waves. The length of the
vector (arrow) illustrates the value of the electrical quantity - for
example, how many volts. The angle of each vector shows its relation­
ship, relative to other vectors in the circuit.


In this diagram, vector A, which rotates around the origin, is

shown at 0°. At this starting position, the portion of the vector
projected on the vertical axis, is zero. As the vector rotates up to 90°,
the portion of the vector projected on the vertical axis increases, to a
maximum when the vector is at 90°. The projected value then falls to
zero at 180°, become maximum negative at 270°, and returns to zero
at 360° or 0°. The process then repeats. Each revolution of the vector
describes one cycle of a sine wave. For 60 hertz systems, vectors make
60 revolutions per second.

Technically, vector is a mechanical engineering term that defines
the magnitude of a force and its direction.
Phasor is an electrical engineering term that defines the
magnitude of an electrical quantity and its phase relationship to
other electrical quantities.
While phasor would seem to be the correct term to use for
transformer applications, vector is more widely used.
Transformer Concepts 21

Voltages in a three-phase system are illustrated here:

• r __ _ . ...4X_
Snapshot of voltages
at Time = 0

Vector A is shown at 0°, and the A sine wave on the graph starts by
crossing 0, just like the graph on the preceding page.
Vector B starts at 240° and initially projects a negative value on the
vertical axis. The B sine wave on the graph also starts at a negative
Vector C starts at 120°. Its sine wave has passed maximum value,
and is heading for zero.
All three vectors rotate counterclockwise. The next vector to pass
through 0° will be B, followed by C. The phase sequence is ABC

180°----- <


Angles used in transformer vector diagrams.

22 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Why V3, or 1.73?

Why is the line-to-line voltage in wye circuits, V3 or 1.73 times the

phase-to-neutral voltage? For example, if the phase-to-neutral voltage
measures 120 volts, why is the phase-to-phase voltage 208, not twice
120 volts?
As illustrated on the previous page, each of the three phases passes
through maximums and minimums at different times. A vector
diagram freezes all phases at one instant in time, and shows the
phases as vectors separated by 120°. The length of each vector
represents its voltage.
In the diagram below, each phase-to-neutral vector, NA, NB, and
NC, is exactly 1 inch long. If we measure from B from C, it is 1.73

Instead of measuring with a ruler, we could use the theorem for

right triangles and prove that the distance between the ends of any
two phase-to-phase vectors, is V3 or 1.73 times the length of any
phase-to-neutral vector. So, the voltage between any two phases is
1.73 times the voltage between the phase-to-neutral voltages.
Note that the vector drawn from B to C is at 90° (it points up).
The A-phase vector is at 0°. Therefore, the phase relationship is:
Voltage BC leads voltage NA by 90°.
Transformer Concepts 23

Angular displacement refers to the phase angle, expressed in degrees,
between two voltage vectors. Angular displacement can refer to the
relationship between the primary and secondary voltages of a three-
phase transformer, or the relationship between two circuits such as
two secondaries.
In a three-phase transformer, if the secondary is in-phase with the
primary, the angular displacement is 0°. If the voltages are 180° out-
of-phase, the angular displacement is 180°. Delta-delta and wye-wye
configurations have either 0° or 180° angular displacement - it
depends on how the bushings are connected.
Delta-wye and wye-delta configurations have either 30° or a 210°
angular displacement. The 30° angular displacement is inherent in all
delta-wye and wye-delta configurations. The additional 180° depends
on how the bushings are connected.
The diagrams below illustrate angular displacements for combina­
tions of wye and delta transformers.


Wye-wye Delta-delta
Vectors for the secondary voltages point in the same directions as
the vectors for corresponding primary voltages. The angular displace­
ment is 0°.
24 Distribution Transformer Handbook


Wye-wye Delta-delta

Vectors for the secondary voltages point in the opposite directions as

the vectors for corresponding primary voltages. The angular displace­
ment is 180°.


Wye-delta Delta-wye

Compare any corresponding pair of primary and secondary voltage

vectors, for example, AB and ab:
In the left diagram, a new vector drawn from the tip of A to the tip
of B points approximately west-southwest. Vector ab points directly
west. Vector ab lags AB by 30°. The angular displacement is 30°.
(Vectors rotate counterclockwise, and AB is ahead of ab by 30°).
Transformer Concepts 25

In the right diagram, AB points approximately north-northeast. A

new vector drawn from the tip of a to the tip of b points approxi­
mately east-northeast. The angular displacement is 30°. (AB is ahead
of ab by 30°).



Wye-delta Delta-wye

Compare any corresponding pair of primary and secondary voltage

vectors, for example, AB and ab:
In the left diagram, a new vector drawn from the tip of A to the tip
of B points approximately west-southwest. Vector ab points directly
east. Vector ab lags AB by 210°. The angular displacement is 210°. (AB
is ahead of ab by 210°).
In the right diagram, AB points approximately north-northeast. A
new vector drawn from the tip of a to the tip of b points approxi­
mately west-southwest. Vector ab lags AB by 210°. The angular
displacement is 210°. (AB is ahead of ab by 210°).
26 Distribution Transformer Handbook

When paralleling transformers, always consult your company’s
established safety procedures and work practices.

Single-Phase Paralleling
To increase the capacity of a single-phase service, a second single­
phase transformer may be connected in parallel. Transformers of
either additive or subtractive polarity may be paralleled, provided the
primary phase sources are the same and the H and X terminals are
correspondingly connected. This assures that the secondary voltages
are in-phase.
When single-phase transformers are paralleled, the transformers
must meet these conditions:
• Voltage ratings are identical
• Tap settings are identical
• Percent impedances are very nearly the same

Three-Phase Paralleling
Occasionally, three-phase transformer banks are paralleled.
This additional condition must be met:
• The voltages on the secondary terminals must be in-phase.
One way to determine if the angular displacements match, is to take
voltage readings between corresponding pairs of bushings. For details
on paralleling three-phase transformers, see pages 57-61.

A wye-wye bank can be paralleled with another wye-wye bank. A

delta-delta bank can be paralleled with another delta-delta bank.
These banks can have the same angular displacement.
A wye-wye bank can not be paralleled with a wye-delta bank, and a
delta-delta bank can not be paralleled with a delta-wye bank. These
transformers can not be wired to have the same angular displace­
Transformer Connections 27




Type Service Secondary Voltage Page
Single-Phase Service
Grounded primary 120/240 30
Ungrounded primary 120/240 31
Transformer Bank
4-wire Y, 4-wire Y 120/208, 277/480, 347/600 32
4-wire Y, 4-wire Y 277/480, 347/600 33
4-wire Y, 4-wire Y 120/208,120/240 34
3-wire Y, 4-wire 120/240/208 35
3-wire Y, 3-wire 480 36
3-wire open Y, 3-wire open 480 37
4-wire open Y, 4-wire open 120/240/208 38
3-wire , 4-wire Y 120/208, 277/480 39
3-wire , 4-wire 120//240/208 40
Three-Phase Transformer
4-wire Y, 4-wire wye 120/208 42
3-wire Y, 4-wire 120/240/208 43
3-wire , 4-wire 120/240/208 44
28 Distribution Transformer Handbook


• Primary (high voltage) conductors for each diagram are shown
above the transformer. Primary phases are indicated by capital
letters: A, B, C, N.
• Secondary (low voltage) conductors for each diagram are shown
below the transformer. Secondary phases are indicated by lower
case letters: a, b, c, n.
• Connection diagrams show single-phase transformers with two
primary bushings: H and H2. Your utility might use single­
bushing transformers, with H, connected to a primary phase
and the other end of the primary winding connected to ground
through the transformer case. Note that these diagrams are
electrically the same:


Two-bushing transformer



X3 x2*1

Single-bushing transformer
Transformer Connections 29

• The transformers shown in the diagrams are additive polarity. If

a subtractive transformer is used instead, make connections to
the same terminal numbers marked in the diagrams. The
secondary terminals will be physically located on the
transformer tank in the opposite sequence from that shown in
the diagrams.
• The secondary voltages shown are the voltages each circuit
typically delivers. Other outputs are possible, depending the
primary voltage and transformers used.
• When two-bushing transformers are used in single-phase
circuits, normally H is connected to the primary and H2 to
ground. However, if there is a clearance problem (trees
overhead, restricted climbing space, etc.), for convenience, H,
may be connected to ground and H2 to the primary.
• Transformer cases are shown grounded. This practice is not
followed by all utilities. Always follow all your company’s
established operating and safety procedures.
• For three-phase diagrams:
- Phase sequence is ABC.
- Phases rotate counterclockwise.
- Secondary voltages are labeled with a minus sign (-a, -b,
and -c) when the angular displacement for the configuration
is 180°, or is 180° plus the 30° angular displacement inherent
in all wye-delta and delta-wye configurations.

The diagrams in this handbook illustrate the most popular configura­

tions. Many others are possible. If another configuration is used by
your utility, you might sketch it for reference on a blank page at the
back of the book.
Note: Send a copy of your sketch to us and we will return to you a
computer-precise illustration, ready to paste in your handbook.
30 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Single Phase
Grounded two-wire primary

Secondary services
120 volts phase-to-neutral
240 volts phase-to-phase



Transformer Connections 31

Single Phase
Ungrounded two-wire primary

Secondary services
120 volts phase-to-neutral
240 volts phase-to-phase


H1 xH2

32 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Three-phase, four-wire wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire wye secondary

Secondary services
120 volts, phase-to-neutral A
208 volts, phase-to-phase B

@i© ©o© ©•©

c A
B H2 H2 H2
Three-phase, four-wire
wye primary /0000000 0000000 0000000

X3 X3 X3
x2”1 x2*1 x2*1
a b
Three-phase, four-wire
wye secondary

0° angular displacement
Transformer Connections 33

Three-phase, four-wire wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire wye secondary

Secondary services A
277 volts, phase-to-neutral
480 volts, phase-to-phase B
or C
347 volts, phase-to-neutral N
600 volts, phase-to-phase A
6® 6o l) ®


X H2 ThH2 H2
Three-phase, four-wire Hs Hi l H11 1
wye primary 0000000 0000000 (0000000
0000000 1(0000000 (0000000

X2 X1 x2 X1 x2 X1

a b

Three-phase, four-wire
wye secondary

0° angular displacement
34 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Wye-Wye A
Three-phase, four-wire wye primary C
Three-phase, four-wire wye secondary, N
and single phase,
three-wire secondary
©®® @00 000
Secondary services
120 volts: a-to-neutral,
208 volts: a-to-b, b-to-c, c-to-a a
240 volts: b-to-d

H2 H2 H2
Three-phase, four-wire Hs HM I
wye primary 0000000) / 0000000 (0000000

X3 J. X1 X3 J. X1 X3 W. X1
X2 X2 X2

Three-phase, four-wire
wye secondary and
three-wire secondary

180° angular displacement

Transformer Connections 35

Three-phase, three-wire wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire delta secondary
Secondary services B
240 volts, phase-to-phase
120 volts, b-to-neutral, c-to-neutral
208 volts, a-to-neutral

000 006

Float the primary neutral
B Do not
Three-phase, three-wire permanently ground
wye primary
Hf H4 2 Hf
0000000/2 1 0000000H2

a b
X3 r X! X3 J X! X3 ,X2X1
x2 X2
"T -b
208 V
c I •n
Three-phase, four-wire
delta secondary When concerned about ferroresonance, install a
temporary grounding jumper between the floating
210° angular displacement primary neutral and ground, when switching the
transformer bank in or out of service.
36 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Three-phase, three-wire wye primary
Three-phase, three-wire delta secondary

Secondary services A
480 volts, phase-to-phase B
Some utilities use this
connection with three N
primary lines and no neutral.
1 ---------------------------------------------------- 1
Some utilities ground one 000 () © © @00
corner of the delta secondary.
Caution: With a corner
grounded, unintentional
grounding of another
corner will short a winding.

B Do not
Three-phase, three-wire permanently ground
wye primary
0000000 0000000/2 / 00000002

a b
X3 Jx X1 X3 J X1 X3 / X1
2 X2 X2
Three-phase, three-wire
delta secondary When concerned about ferroresonance, install a
temporary grounding jumper between the floating
210° angular displacement primary neutral and ground, when switching the
transformer bank in or out of service.
Transformer Connections 37

Open Wye - Open Delta

Three-phase, four-wire open wye primary
Three-phase, three-wire open delta secondary

Secondary services A
480 volts, phase-to-phase B
This configuration is relatively N
inefficient. If it is used as an 11
emergency replacement for a
three-transformer bank, these
two transformers can deliver only
58% of the original kVA capacity.



Three-phase, four-wire
open wye primary
H1 H? H2
0000000 H2

X3 . X1 X3 . X1
X2 x2
\ / 7b -a
\ / -b
\ /
\/ -c
Three-phase, three-wire
open delta secondary

210° angular displacement

38 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Open Wye - Open Delta

Three-phase, four-wire open wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire open delta secondary, with single phase

Secondary services
120 volts, a-to-neutral, b-to-neutral
240 volts, a-to-b, b-to-c, a-to-c
208 volts, c-to-neutral
Field tip to find the 208V leg:
1. Trace from the neutral up to X2 into T1
2. Go one-half winding to X!
3. Go across the common connection into T2
4. Go across one full winding
5. Go down the riser to the 208V leg
Memorize "11/2 windings to 208V”


Three-phase, four-wire
open wye primary
HM NH2 2
(0000000) H1 I H2

x3 I J X! X3 . X!
X2 x2
i l -a
240 V v -b
4 240 V I -c
4 208 V
240V T 120 V 4
Three-phase, four-wire 120 V
open delta secondary,
with single-phase from
leading phase

210° angular displacement

Installing Transformers 39

Three-phase, three-wire delta primary
Three-phase, tour-wire wye secondary
Secondary services B
120 volts, phase-to-neutral
208 volts, plase-to-phase C

277 volts, phase-to-neutral

480 volts phase-to-phase


Three-phase, three-wire Hi_ _ _ H2 H2 H2

delta primary Hi Hi
0000000 0000000 0000000

X3 X3 X3
x2*1 x2*1 x2*1

Three-phase, four-wire
wye secondary

30° angular displacement

40 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Three-phase, three-wire delta primary
Three-phase, four-wire delta secondary A
Secondary services C
240 volts, phase-to-phase
120 volts, a-to-neutral, b-to-neutral
208 volts, c-to-neutral
©©© ©©© ©©©



three-wire delta primary
H2 % HA
0000000 0000000 H2 1 H2

X3 T X1 X3 W X1 X3 , X1
X2 X2 x2

Three-phase, b
four-wire delta secondary v c
208 V
0° angular displacement n
Installing Transformers 41

Three-phase, three-wire delta primary
Three-phase, four-wire delta secondary A
Secondary services
240 volts, phase-to-phase
120 volts, a-to-neutral, b-to-neutral
208 volts, c-to-neutral h
@00 () © ( )



three-wire delta primary H2
Hi H4 % HA
0000000 0000000 H2 1 0000000H2

X3 J X! X3. X1x X3 — X!
X2 2

Three-phase, -c
four-wire delta secondary 208 V
180° angular displacement
42 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Three-phase, four-wire wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire wye secondary

Secondary services
120 volts, phase-to-neutral
208 volts, phase-to-phase


Three-phase, four-wire
wye primary
Ho H3


Three-phase, four-wire
wye secondary

0° angular displacement
Transformer Connections 43

Three-phase, three-wire wye primary
Three-phase, four-wire delta secondary

Secondary services
240 volts, phase-to-phase
120 volts: a-to-neutral, b-to-neutral
208 volts, c-to-neutral


B H2
Three-phase, H1
three-wire wye primary H3

I c
208 V
four-wire delta secondary
with single phase

30° angular displacement

44 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Three-phase, three-wire delta primary
Three-phase, four-wire delta secondary

Secondary services
240 volts, phase-to-phase
120 volts: a-to-neutral, b-to-neutral
208 volts, c-to-neutral


Three-phase, H2
three-wire delta primary


b X4
---------- a

208 V
a c
54 n
four-wire delta secondary

0° angular displacement




Lift overhead transformers by their lifting lugs only, using a nylon
web sling or a rope sling. Sling angles of greater than 45° are
preferred. Avoid sling angles of less than 30° because of the high
tension in the sling. If the vertical clearance above the transformer is
limited, use a spreader bar in place of a sling, and install cover-up on
any energized conductors nearby.

Sling / Q
angle ___

©©( ©©(

Do not lift a transformer from beneath a bushing, pressure relief

valve, drain plug, or any other attachment not specifically designed
for lifting.
Do not move or shift a transformer by grasping the bushings, fins,
or plugs. Porcelain bushings can be damaged during handling in ways
not visually obvious, then fail when the unit is put into service.
The windings can be damaged if the transformer is dropped or
severely jolted.
When handling a transformer, take care to not damage the tank
finish. Paint scratches can lead to rust.
46 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Each transformer has a manufacturer’s nameplate with important
technical information.
The nameplate shown here is for an overhead single-phase

1 >H
V 7200 / 1247OY
2 > 120/240 FCP123456790|x 5 9

3 -F
G Cl 000000556 J“"WP-MANS"FASW"F11FM"SCSA
‘onTr10 60 HZ| ADD POL H R %IZ
4 HVAL95 BIL Tj GAL 11 |WT 202 LB
5 211072 05W5
6 H H2
00000004 14
95% 3 ORC
92.5% 4 ORD ADA . D
90% 5 ORE x3 X2 x x3 x2 x4

(1) HV - High-voltage (primary) winding. The low number (7200)

is the phase-to-neutral (coil) voltage. The high number (12470)
is the phase-to-phase voltage. This transformer is for installation
in a wye system. Note: On nameplates for padmount transform­
ers and single-bushing overhead transformers, the low number
appears last instead of first.

(2) LV - Low-voltage (secondary) winding delivers 120 and 240

installing Transformers 47

(3) SER - Serial number, for inventory tracking purposes.

(4) HV - High-voltage windings are aluminum with 95 BIL


(5) LV - Low-voltage windings are aluminum with 50 BIL


(6) 10 60 HZ - Single phase, 60 hertz.

(7) Class OA - Oil filled, air cooled without fans.
(8) Tap positions on the high-voltage winding.
(9) KVA - This transformer is rated 5 kVA.
(10) ADD POL. - This transformer has additive polarity. If it is
banked or paralleled, the polarity of the other transformers
must be considered.

(11) %Z - Percent impedance. If this transformer is banked or

paralleled, the impedance of the other transformers must be
very close to 1.8%.

(12) WT - Weight, for rigging considerations.

(13) GAL - Oil capacity.
(14) Schematic of the primary and secondary windings.
48 Distribution Transformer Handbook

These tips are from experienced field lineworkers, but some might
not apply to you. Always follow your company’s operating procedures
and safe work practices.
• Never climb above an energized transformer.
• Watch out for lightning arrestors. Many arrestors look alike but
have different voltage ratings. Check the arrestor yourself, before
installing it.
• Even if someone says the primary or secondary is dead, check it
• Don’t use the transformer bracket or bolts to support services.
Keep supports separate, for future maintenance.
• Some transformers have two tank grounds: a ground strap from
the center bushing of the secondary, and a tank ground to the
pole ground wire.
• Use only copper wire on bolt-type transformer lugs. Aluminum
wire is soft, and can flow under bolted connections and come
loose. Aluminum is OK for spade-type compression connectors.
• Never put two solid wires on the same bolt-type lug. One solid
wire with one stranded wire is OK, but two solid wires can
loosen and become an intermittent connection.
• If you replace a transformer on a hot day when everybody’s air
conditioner is on, the initial current surge will be large. The
solution is not to over-fuse. Instead, temporarily reduce the
initial load. Go around and open some customers’ main breakers
(if you have access to them), or pull some meters.
• Don’t mix conventional transformers with CSPs in the same
• Don’t use CSPs in lighting and power banks.
• When installing bird guards, leave a gap around the bottom for
water to drain out. Otherwise, water can build up and leak down
through the bushing, into the tank.
• Watch out for transformers with PCB oil. If any oil spills, follow
all clean-up procedures, exactly.
• Some transformers have tap changers down in the oil, so you
Installing Transformers 49

have to put your hands in the oil to change taps. Check first, for
• After hanging a transformer, check it over before making it hot.
Check the nameplate, primary and secondary leads, arrestor, and
remove all temporary grounds.
• When closing a cutout, follow these steps:
1. Check the cutout assembly for cracks and loose connections
(very important).
2. Place yourself directly in front of, and slightly below the
3. Use ear, eye, and head protection.
4. Place the hotstick in the eye of fuse.
5. Close in one fluid motion, while averting your eyes slightly
away from a possible flash.
• Be aware, when closing an open disconnect on a transformer
near a substation, the closer you are to a substation, the greater
the available fault current.
• When the bank has a single-phase lighting load and a three-
phase power load, close the lighting transformer first when
going on-line, and open it last when going off-line. Exception:
Use the opposite sequence when closing in on a floating wye-
delta bank. Sequencing the single-phase and three-phase loads
provides better voltage stability and reduces fuse-blowing.
• When opening a padmount or totally underground transformer,
don’t be on your knees. There might be a snake or lizard in there
and you need to be ready to run.
• When opening a padmount transformer, stand on a rubber
blanket and wear rubber gloves with sleeves, in case a primary
line or elbow has come loose inside the door.
• To avoid mistakes, order transformers by their complete primary
voltage rating. Example: “12470 grounded wye 7200” not just a
“12470 transformer.”
• Make a habit of doing things the same, every time, so your pole
buddy knows what you’re doing - even when he can’t see you.
You’ll each know what the other is doing, and will work rings
around others who don’t, and do it safer.
50 Distribution Transformer Handbook


Follow these steps to install an overhead transformer.

1. Select a pole with these features:

• Near the center of the electrical load
• Capable of supporting the weight of the combined equipment
• Not already occupied by other large equipment
• Space is available which will not obstruct climbing, and will
allow adequate working space
2. Inspect the transformer
• Nameplate: kVA, primary voltage, secondary voltage, impedance,
weight, polarity.
Note: The primary (high) voltage rating on the nameplate
usually shows two voltages: the phase-to-phase voltage and the
phase-to-neutral voltage. Example: "7200/12470Y" means the
transformer can be connected across two phases in a 7200-volt
delta system, or it can be wye-connected at 7200 volts on a
12470 wye system.
• Physical condition: Gaskets, bushings, tank, and paint are in
good condition. Drain plug is tight. Pressure relief valve (if any)
has not activated.
3. Check the transformer for continuity
• The resistance of the primary winding is nearly a short circuit.
• The resistance of the secondary winding is nearly a short circuit.
• The resistance between the primary and secondary windings is
an open circuit.
4. For three-phase installations, while the transformer is on the
ground, build the secondary wiring for the transformer bank.
Train all wires to not pull on the porcelain bushings.
5. If paralleling transformers, review pages 26 and 57-61.
6. Install the transformer, and primary cutout if required.
7. Connect the primary leads. Do not connect the secondary leads to
the service conductors at this time.
8. Install the neutral and ground connections. See pages 64-69.
Installing Transformers 51

9. Energize the transformer. Check the voltages at the secondary

• If the voltages are correct, use compression connectors to
connect the secondary leads to the service conductors.
• If the voltages are not correct, check the windings and the
terminal connections. If still not correct, replace the
10 .For three-phase installations: Check the phase sequence, then label
it (ABC or CBA) on the center transformer.
11 .When replacing three-phase transformer banks, to avoid damaging
customer motors and other equipment, the phase sequence (the
order of successive voltage peaks of a three-phase service) must
remain unchanged. Before disconnecting the old secondary,
determine the phase sequence using a phase sequence indicator.
Then, before re-energizing service, test it again to confirm that the
sequence is the same. Note: Be sure to attach the test leads to the
test points in the same order.

Backfeed is a condition in which a transformer is energized from a
source other than the distribution feeder. For example, backfeed
occurs when electricity flows from a customer’s generator back into
the power company’s distribution system. Backfeed can also occur
between transformers connected in parallel, and between transform­
ers in certain three-phase banks.
Undetected backfeed can be dangerous to lineworkers and
equipment. Even though the transformer has been de-energized at
the primary cutout, it is still energized. When working on transform­
ers, consider all possible energizing sources. Always follow your
company’s established procedures and safe work practices.
To protect workers from backfeed, some utilities follow this
• Measure the voltages at secondary bushings. All readings should
be zero. Then, remove and isolate the secondary conductors at
the job site to provide a local, visual confirmation of protection.
52 Distribution Transformer Handbook


Full Load Current

This table lists full load current, by transformer kVA rating and
voltage, for balanced single-phase transformers.
Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage
Rating 120V 240V 480V 2400V 7200V 14,400V 19,920V
(kVA) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps)
3 25.0 12.5 6.25 1.25 0.42 0.21 0.02
5 41.7 20.8 10.4 2.08 0.69 0.35 0.25
10 83.3 41.7 20.8 4.17 1.39 0.69 0.50
15 125 62.5 31.3 6.25 2.08 1.04 0.75
25 208 104 52.1 10.4 3.47 1.74 1.26
37.5 313 156 78.1 15.6 5.21 2.60 1.88
50 417 208 104 20.8 6.94 3.47 2.51
75 625 313 156 31.3 10.4 5.21 3.77
100 833 417 208 41.7 13.9 6.94 5.02
167 1392 696 348 69.6 23.2 11.6 8.38
250 2083 1042 521 104 34.7 17.4 12.6
333 2775 1338 694 139 46.3 23.1 16.8
500 4167 2083 1042 208 69.4 34.7 25.1
— j , kVAx 1,000
Full load current = —---- .---- :-----
circuit voltage

Rule of Thumb: For balanced loads, when a single-phase

transformer is fully loaded, the current is:
Voltage Current
120V 8.3 x kVA rating of the transformer
240V 4.2 x kVA rating of the transformer
480V 2.1 x kVA rating of the transformer

Example: A 25 kVA, 240-volt transformer supplies balanced 120-volt

loads. When this transformer is loaded to 100% of its nameplate
rating, each phase will carry approximately: 4.2 x 25 = 105 amps.
Installing Transformers 53


Quick Check
To determine the approximate kVA Gl
load on a single-phase transformer: .a
1. Measure the current in the two
line conductors
2. Add the amps together
3. Multiply by 120 A
4. Move the decimal point three
places to the left
Example: If the readings are
808 >
55A and 60A:
+60A Note: Don’t use this quick check if there is
115A considerable imbalance between the two
current readings. Instead, use the Complete
115 X 120 = 13800 Calculation, and verify that each load is less
The load is 13.8 kVA than half the kVA rating of the transformer.

Complete Calculation
Calculate the load on each half of the transformer separately, then
add them together to determine the full load.
— . . current a x voltage a-to-n
Total load in kVA =------------- TOOO ---------- +
current b x voltage b-to-n
Example: The readings on a 25 kVA transformer are 30A and 160A:
_ 11 . 30x 120 160x 120
Total load in kVA = 1,000 +1,000
= 3.6 + 19.2
=22.8 kVA
The total load is within the transformer rating, but one secondary
winding exceeds 12.5 kVA and is severely overloaded.

Distribution Transformer Handbook

Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage
Rating 208V 240V 347V 480V 600V 4160V 12,470V 24,900V 34,500V
(kVA) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps)
30 83.3 72.2 49.9 36.1 28.9 4.16 1.39 0.70 0.50
45 125 108 74.9 54.1 43.3 6.24 2.08 1.04 0.75
75 208 180 124 90.2 72.2 10.4 3.47 1.74 1.26
112.5 312 271 187 135 108 15.6 5.20 2.61 1.88
150 416 361 250 180 144 20.8 6.94 3.48 2.51
225 625 541 374 271 217 31.2 10.4 5.22 3.77
300 833 722 499 361 289 41.6 13.9 6.96 5.02
500 1388 1203 832 601 481 69.4 23.2 11.6 8.37
750 2082 1804 1248 902 722 104 34.7 17.4 12.6
1000 2776 2406 1664 1203 962 139 46.3 23.2 16.8
1500 4164 3608 2496 1804 1443 208 69.5 34.8 25.1
2000 5552 4811 3328 2406 1925 278 92.6 46.4 33.5

— 1j , 1 kVA x 1,000
Full load current per phase = —;--------.-------- ..—;—--
- - voltage (line to line) x 1.73
Installing Transformers 55


For a delta-connected bank:

In a delta connection, the current outside the delta is the resultant of
the currents of two windings.
Winding current times 1.73 = line current
Line current divided by 1.73 = winding current
—-------------------------------- o—a
Ing in o
G T10.n
(T3 o------------------------------------- o—b
8 T29In out Out
Ino ---
in --------------------------------------------
99 -—c
Out Out

T1 In InT2 In In T3
(0000-0-0-0000 -0-0-0000)
IIn ?Out Out Iln o a

------------------- &F
o in = Current reading inside the delta. oOut = Current reading outside the delta.

For bank load calculations, the current readings can be taken either
inside or outside the delta:
_, . . average current Outside x E x 1.73
Total bank load in kVA =--------- ---------- 1,000-------------

For an individual transformer load calculation, take the current

reading inside the delta:
current Inside x E
Individual transformer load in kVA =
To calculate the total bank load in kVA using this method, calculate
the load for each transformer, then add the three kVA loads together.
56 Distribution Transformer Handbook

For a wye-connected bank:

To calculate the kVA load for a three-phase wye bank, calculate the
load for each transformer, then add the three kVA loads together.
_ r 1 . I x E(phase to neutral)
Transformer load A in kVA =-------- 1 000--------
_ r i . I x E(phase to neutral)
Transformer load B in kVA =-------- -—1 000----

Transformer load C in kVA = LxEGphasozoncutral)

Total bank load in kVA = Load A + Load B + Load C

This method allows you to determine if any individual transformer is

Alternate method
_, . . I(average) xE(line to line) x 1.73
Total bank load in kVA = —------ 2 - - - 1000- - - - 4------
For an open wye, open delta bank:
To calculate the kVA load for an open wye, open delta bank, calculate
the load for each transformer, then add the two kVA loads together.
Individual transformer load in kVA = 1 000
Note: This bank is 87% efficient. For example, if the transformers are
rated at 100 kVA each, each could deliver 87 kVA plus an overload
factor, and the total capacity of the bank would be 174 kVA.

Note: If an open wye, open delta bank was originally a bank of three
equally sized transformers, and was converted to an open wye, open
delta by removing one transformer and grounding the open wye mid­
point, the remaining bank of two transformers has a capacity of only
58% (two-thirds of 87%) of the original bank. A load check must be
taken to avoid excessive overload and possible burn-out.
Installing Transformers 57


Make a Parallel Circuit

To connect a new transformer bank in parallel with an existing
Step Action
1. Check the physical installation to see that it is correct and
2. Secure the secondary conductors in the clear.
3. Energize the bank.
4. Proceed with the steps on page 58 or page 60.

Break a Parallel Circuit

To break parallel at a transformer bank:
Step Action
1. Be sure the remaining bank can carry the load without
excessive overload.
2. Disconnect the secondary phase conductors and secure them in
the clear. Caution: Secondary phases are still energized.
3. Open the disconnects. Remove any risers.

It is now safe to work on the transformer bank.

58 Distribution Transformer Handbook


Voltage measurements are taken to match phases, prior to connecting
transformers in parallel.

Phasing and Paralleling Circuits With a Field Neutral

This illustration shows typical delta and wye circuits with field
neutrals. The circuits could be secondaries or primaries. Either circuit
at the left can be paralleled with either circuit at the right. The
neutral is dashed to indicate the connection could be through the
earth or a conductor.
A-----------------A1 A2----------------------- — -----------------A A2---------------------------

Typical circuits with a field neutral.

Equipment required: Voltmeter (if paralleling secondaries) or phasing

stick (if paralleling primaries) rated for twice the phase-to-phase
voltage, or higher.
Follow these steps when phasing and paralleling installations with
a field neutral.

Step Action
1. Measure each circuit for normal phase-to-phase voltages and
phase-to-neutral voltages.
2. If the secondary is being paralleled to maintain temporary
customer service while another transformer bank is being
rebuilt, take load checks to be sure the bank remaining in
service will not be overloaded excessively.
3. If there is not a continuous system neutral, measure for voltage
between the neutrals of the two circuits.
4. If no voltage exists, or if a small voltage exists (5% or less), you
may connect the two neutrals.
Installing Transformers 59

Note: Make a sketch of the circuits, showing the proper

connections. Then proceed.
5. Measure the voltage from A! to a phase on circuit #2 that gives
a near-zero voltage reading (5% or less). This is A2. Check the
voltage from Ai to B2 and from A1 to C2. These should read
normal phase-to-phase voltages.
Note: On delta-connected, combination lighting and power
banks, if you do not get the above readings, you have a
transformer mid-tapped that is connected to different phases in
each bank. An outage will be required on one bank to correct
this condition. The primary or secondary connections may be
altered to provide uniformity between the two banks.
Note: When paralleling wye or delta banks, the phase angle
must be the same. Phase angle differences between banks will
be indicated by higher than required voltages during tests.
Caution: When replacing a bank, the original phase sequence
must be maintained to avoid damage to customer equipment.
6. Measure the voltage from B1 to a phase in circuit #2 that gives a
near-zero reading. This is B2. Check voltages from B, to A2 and
from B to C2. These should read normal phase-to-phase
7. Measure the voltage from C1 to a phase in circuit #2 that gives a
near-zero reading. This is C2. Check voltages from C1 to A2 and
from C1 to B2 These should read normal phase voltages.
8. It is now safe to connect A! to A2, B to B2, and C1 to C2.

Note: When taking these readings, small voltage differences may exist
between the two circuits because of unequal loads; service lines with
different lengths, conductor sizes, and voltage drops; and unequal
transformer impedances.
60 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Phasing and Paralleling Circuits Without a Field Neutral

This illustration shows typical delta and wye circuits without field
neutrals. The circuits could be secondaries or primaries. Either circuit
at the left can be paralleled with either circuit at the right.
Ai A2 AI A2

B1 C2
C1 B2 Cl B2

Typical circuits without a field neutral.

Equipment required: Voltmeter (if paralleling secondaries) or phasing

stick (if paralleling primaries) rated for twice the phase-to-phase
voltage, or higher.
Follow these steps when phasing and paralleling installations
without a field neutral.

Step Action
1. Measure each circuit for normal phase-to-phase voltages and
phase-to-neutral voltage. If there is no neutral, such as on a
delta system, measure phase-to-ground to determine if there
are any unintentional ground faults. If there are, do not proceed
with paralleling until the ground faults are cleared.
2. If the secondary is being paralleled to maintain temporary
customer service while another transformer bank is being
rebuilt, take load checks to be sure the bank remaining in
service will not be overloaded excessively.
Note: Make a sketch of the circuits, showing the proper
connections. Then proceed.
3. Measure the voltage from A, to a phase on circuit #2 that gives
a near-zero voltage reading, or the lowest indeterminate voltage
reading (anywhere from zero to phase voltage). This might be
A2. Connect A! and A2.
Note: If a voltage greater than phase-to-phase voltage is found
on any of the following measurements, repeat Step 3 - you have
Installing Transformers 61

connected Aj to B2 or to C2. If, after three attempts at Steps 3

and 4 you cannot find near-zero readings, a phase angle
difference exists and the circuits will not parallel.
Note: Changes in primary or secondary connections may be
necessary to facilitate paralleling.
Caution: When replacing a bank, the original phase sequence
must be maintained to avoid damage to customer equipment.
4. Measure the voltage from Bi to a phase in circuit #2 that gives a
near-zero reading. This is B2. Check voltages from B to A2 and
from B, to C2. These should read normal phase voltages.
5. Measure the voltage from C to a phase in circuit #2 that gives a
near-zero reading. This is C2. Check voltages from Ci to A2 and
from C1 to B2. These should read normal phase voltages.
6. It is now safe to connect A, to A2, Bi to B2, and C1 to C2.

Note: When taking these readings, small voltage differences may exist
between the two circuits because of unequal loads; service lines with
different lengths, conductor sizes, and voltage drops; and unequal
transformer impedances.


Year U.S. patent issued 1886 to George Westinghouse
First commercial installation 1886 in Buffalo, New York
Original name for transformers secondary generators
How many installed in the U.S. and Canada 25 million
How many more installed each year 1 million
Number of residential customers served by one transformer 4-6
Transformer life 30+ years
Cost of a basic, single-phase transformer overhead: $500
(both approximate) padmounted: $1500
62 Distribution Transformer Handbook


These tables present guidelines only. Stronger poles than those
specified here may be required depending on the pole location, other
equipment on the pole, and conductor weights and tensions.

For pole-mounted, single-phase transformers:

Single-Phase Transformer Pole Height
Rating Approx. Weight 40 ft. 45 ft. 50 ft. 55 ft.
(kVA) (lbs) (Class) (Class) (Class) (Class)
15 230-340 5 5 5 4
25 350-475 5 5 5 4
37.5 575-600 5 5 5 4
50 700-710 5 5 5 4
75 875-960 5 5 4 4
100 1010-1145 5 4 4 3
167 1500 4 3 3 2

For pole-mounted, three-phase transformer banks:

Three-Phase Transformer Bank Pole Height
Rating Approx. Weight 40 ft. 45 ft 50 ft 55 ft.
(kVA) (lbs) (Class) (Class) (Class) (Class)
45 790-1120 5 5 5 4
75 1150-1525 5 4 4 3
112.5 1525-1900 4 3 2 2
150 2200-2230 3 2 2 1
225 2275-2980 3 2 1 Hl
300 3130-3435 2 1 1 Hl
500 4600 1 Hl H2 H3
Installing Transformers 63


The following table lists the horizontal force that common pole
classes must exceed, without failing at the groundline. The force is
applied two feet from the top of the pole.

Pole Class Horizontal Force Min. Circumference at Top

(lbs) (in.)
H5 10,000 37
H4 8,700 35
H3 7,500 33
H2 6,400 31
HI 5,400 29
1 4,500 27
2 3,700 25
3 3,000 23
4 2,400 21
5 1,900 19


This table lists generally accepted minimum pole setting depths for
various conditions. The general rule for the embedment depth of a
pole is 10% of the length of the pole, plus 2 feet. Two common
exceptions are 30 and 35 feet, which are 10% plus 2-1/2 feet.

Length of Pole In Soil In Poor Soil In Solid Rock

(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
25 5 6-1/2 3-1/2
30 5-1/2 7 3-1/2
35 6 7-1/2 4
40 6 8 4
45 6-1/2 8-1/2 4
50 7 9 4-1/2
55 7-1/2 9-1/2 5
60 8 10 5
65 8-1/2 10-1/2 5-1/2
64 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Each distribution transformer is grounded to an electrode in the
earth near the base of the pole or the pad. The ground provides a
path for return current in the event of a fault.
“Ground” means the complete path from the connection at the
transformer, to the grounding conductor, to the grounding electrode
in the earth.
The transformer ground is in addition to grounds on the system
neutral. During normal operations:
• Current does flow in the system neutral
• Current does not flow in the transformer ground
Usually, transformers are grounded by means of the lug provided
on the transformer case for that purpose.
Do not remove a transformer ground unless the transformer
fuse(s) are open.
When grounding an overhead transformer, run the grounding
conductor from the tank ground to the neutral, then from the neutral
down the pole on the same side as the neutral conductor and
opposite the climbing space. On three-transformer banks, the tank
grounding lugs are interconnected, then connected to the neutral.
The grounding conductor is a minimum wire size of #4 copper.
Use compression connectors for all connections to the pole ground
conductor or the system neutral. Don’t use bolted connectors or hot
taps. Don’t press more than one conductor under the same connector
- each conductor has its own connection to the pole ground or the
Installing Transformers 65

Earth Grounds for Pole-Mounted Transformers

Drive the ground rod at Nail ground plate to pole Bury ground plate
least 24" out from the pole, butt. Fold ends back a minimum of 5 feet
in undisturbed earth. over side of pole. below grade level.
For safety, drive the top of
the ground rod flush
with or below grade level.

The grounding electrode is a driven ground rod, or a ground plate.

If conditions are poor, two electrodes in parallel, may be required.
Conditions which affect the ability of the electrode to dissipate
• Soil type. Examples: Clay soil has high conductivity, which is
good. Gravel has low conductivity, which is bad.
• Soil condition. Damp is good, contact with the water table is
very good, high salt contact is good, frozen soil is bad.
• Surface area of the ground rod or plate. The larger the surface
area, the better.
• Material of the ground rod or plate. Copper is better than steel.
Copper-clad steel is better than steel alone.
• Resistance of clamps and connections.
Note: The integrity of in-ground connections can deteriorate
over time.
66 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Grounding Single-Phase Transformers,

Neutral on the Pole

© ©
© ©

J b
Secondary neutral Secondary
4— Tank
grounding grounding
lug lug

Connect/ Connect
service service
neutral neutral
to tail P to tail f
Pole-P Pole-•
ground I' | ground I

Single-Bushing Two-Bushing
Transformer Transformer
Installing Transformers 67

Grounding Single-Phase Single-Bushing Transformers,

Neutral on the Crossarm


Secondary neutral
Connect lug
neutral Pole
to tail x ground

Recommendation: Keep the primary neutral separate and distinct from

the many other connections at the secondary rack. Failure to keep the
primary neutral separated introduces the high risk of inadvertently
cutting the primary neutral while the transformer is energized. This will
result in a primary voltage across the cut!
68 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Grounding Single-Phase Two-Bushing Transformers,

Neutral on the Crossarm

© 0


Secondary neutral
Connect lug
neutral Pole
to tail x ground

Recommendation: Keep the primary neutral separate and distinct from

the many other connections at the secondary rack. Failure to keep the
primary neutral separated introduces the high risk of inadvertently
cutting the primary neutral while the transformer is energized. This will
result in a primary voltage across the cut!
Installing Transformers 69

Grounding Three-Phase Wye-Wye Banks,

Single-Bushing Transformers,
Neutral on the Pole

@ © (


Common grounding
neutral lug
70 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Grounding Padmount Transformers

Drive the top of the ground rod

flush with or below grade level.

A continuous ground around V

the transformer protects
personnel by reducing
step and touch potentials.
Installing Transformers 71

The transformer fuses listed in these charts are typical for grounded
wye systems, and might not apply to you. Always follow your
company’s fusing practices.

Overhead Transformers
When fusing a single-phase transformer in a three-phase bank, select
the fuse according to the size of the individual transformer.

Transformer Size System Voltage

(kVA) 2,400 V 7,200 V 14,400 V 19,920 V
3 2H 1H 1H —
5 3H 1H 1H —
7.5 5H 2H 1H —
10 6T 2H 1H 1H
15 10T 3H 2H —
25 15T 6T 3H 2H
37.5 25T 6T 3H —
50 25T 10T 5H 3H
75 40T 15T 6T 5H
100 65T 25T 10T 6T
150 100T 25T 15T —
167 100T 40T 15T 10T
200 100T 40T 15T —
250 — 40T 25T 15T
72 Distribution Transformer Handbook

Padmount Transformers
The Bay-O-Net fuses listed below are typical sizes for use with single­
phase padmount transformers.

Transformer Size System Voltage

(kVA) 2,400 V 7,200 V 19,920 V
10 CIO C03 —
15 CIO CO3 —
25 CIO CO5 CO3
37.5 CIO CO8 CO3
50 C12 C08 CO5
75 C14 CIO CO5
100 C14 CIO C05
167 C14 C12 C05

After a Bay-O-Net fuse has blown:

1. De-energize the primary cable serving the transformer.
2. Re-fuse the transformer.
3. Re-energize the transformer from a remote location. For
example: one vault or transformer away.
Note: Don’t use a Bay-O-Net fuse to energize a transformer
after a suspected failure.
Installing Transformers 73


The transformers illustrated here are typical, but many different
configurations exist.
All padmount transformers have primary connections on the left
side of the panel, secondary connections on the right.

Warning High Voltage

kVA rating 75 1 voltage
Company ID- - Used on
*er reduced
Landscaping flammablity
suggestions transformers

Grid number

Single-phase minipad transformer labeling.

NEMA safety labels H1A
Lock mechanism
N X1
Flip-top hood
Externally accessible opens 180°
expulsion fuse
with drip cup _ Pressure relief valve
H1B Fill plug
Parking stand for - X3
elbow connectors Lxi
Low voltage threaded
High voltage - () XI stud bushings
bushing wells
ik ground provision — — Removable ground strap

OE — Removable sill
Eve for Dadlock
Single-phase minipad transformer layout.
74 Distribution Transformer Handbook

To primary elbow

ground bus

Primary Neutral Connection Detail

Primary neutral connections

with copper C clamps

Primary elbows Primary pigtail concentric

neutral pigtails 24"- 30"
long to elbow

6-hole secondary bar

connectors shown here.
Connector lugs are also used.
Connect #2 copper
to internal vault
ground insert Top of pad,
1 to ground line

Secondary cables

Primary cables

Single-phase minipad transformer cabling.

Installing Transformers 75

kVA rating
-300 Secondary voltage

Warning High Voltage

Landscaping suggestions-'

Grid number


Cable number tag

Danger High Voltage
Bay-O-Net fuses
Danger High Voltage inside each door-
s - Secondary
— inside each door connector lugs


Mark secondary phase
IM rotation inside door

MJ 8 -Copper clamps
Grounding U connector
,2 Above ground

Cables typically customer

2 supplied and owned

Grounding insert cast

Connect#? bare solid -
into vault wall, 2 sides
copper wire to internal
vault ground insert

v0. 0

Coil cables----------
on vault floor

Three-phase dead-front transformer.

76 Distribution Transformer Handbook

kVA rating
■1000 83- -—Secondary voltage
---------- Warning High Voltage
Landscaping suggestions


Danger High Voltage

Danger High Voltage Secondary inside each door7
\inside each door connector lugs

Xo/Ho- X2
4), Mark secondary

4), phase rotation

inside of door
Conductor terminal —
compression lug 8 -Copper clamps
Grounding Grounding connector
2" above ground

■Cables typically
D customer supplied

and owned
Connect #2 bare- Grounding insert
solid copper wire cast into vault
to internal vault wall, 2 sides
ground insert

5o. ~ 33

Cable number tags Coil cables on

vault floor
Three-phase live-front transformer.
Installing Transformers 77


Clearances from padmount transformers to structures are measured
from the nearest metal portion of the transformer, to the structure or
any overhang.
The clearance from a building is 3 feet if the building has non­
combustible walls (brick, concrete, steel, or stone), 10 feet if the
building has combustible walls (including stucco).
The clearances shown below and on the next page apply to any oil-
filled equipment.

r Padmount
D.4 15‘ • transformer 4 3'or 10' •
Pool I ——_—L

Window, vent,
or other opening

Gas meter

-10' • Padmount 43-P

transformer 4_ _ _ _ Fire escape

6' • Padmount
78 Distribution Transformer Handbook


A minimum clearance of 10 feet of clear, level, unobstructed working
space is required in front of a padmount transformer, to allow use of
hot sticks.

3' min
10' min

Top view
Cooling fins transformer

3'min Access

Padmounted transformer work clearances.

min -10' min

t +
FTop viewer
FF vault lid FC

_3‘. 3' min


Totally underground transformer work clearances.

Installing Transformers 79

Concrete domed top

4" diameter Schedule 40

galvanized steel pipe

Final grade

3.. 11 440

6" minimum concrete
surrounding the post

Guard posts are required where a padmount transformer is exposed

to vehicular traffic, and where minimum clearances around
equipment cannot be met.
If several guard posts are used, locate them no more than 5 feet
apart. For extra visibility, paint the posts traffic yellow.
In some situations a 6-inch diameter post is required, not the
4-inch post illustrated here.
80 Distribution Transformer Handbook


Distribution transformers use magnetic force to convert electric
power from one form into a new and more valuable form. But no
one actually sees electricity or magnetism - we are aware of them
only through their effects.
In our daily lives, we occasionally have experiences which prove
transforming. We can’t see the forces behind these wonderful
events either, but we surely notice their powerful effects.
Whether transformations are electrical or spiritual, there is
something mysterious about them. While we don’t fully
understand how they function, we are delighted that they do.

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