USO-Clinical Practice 1 (Nutrition) - V5
USO-Clinical Practice 1 (Nutrition) - V5
USO-Clinical Practice 1 (Nutrition) - V5
DESCRIPTION These classes will enable you to consolidate your knowledge of medical sciences and
nutrition, aiming to assist you in solving problems, emulating the methods used by
nutritionists in their own clinics. The unit of study will then focus on those health
complaints commonly encountered in practice. This subject involves a considerable
amount of home study followed by class discussion.
OUTCOMES By the conclusion of this unit of study, students should be able to:
1. Solve clinical problems systematically by applying both allopathic and nutritional
knowledge to practical case studies.
2. Apply systematic processes and procedures to case taking.
3. Perform a nutritional medicine health assessment.
4. Analyse and interpret the results of clinical investigations and information
5. From a given case history and its physical findings, make a diagnostic
6. Critically evaluate the diagnosis.
7. Using appropriate techniques, confirm or exclude clinical conditions in the
differential diagnosis for a given clinical condition.
8. Synthesise the results of case history, physical examination, and investigations to
refine a provisional diagnosis.
9. Delineate the nutritional features of a given clinical case.
10. Determine appropriate management for each clinical case.
11. Provide specialised nutritional medicine treatment
12. Inform the client of appropriate clinical case management
COMPETENCIES Successful completion of assessment tasks for this unit satisfy the following Health
Training Package HLT07 Units of Competency
RESOURCES NCC is a Wi Fi friendly site students are encouraged to use laptops/notepads etc.
Computer with internet access for log in into e-Learning for resources..
TEXTBOOKS Compulsory: Nil
Recommended Reading / References:
Purchase or read current editions if available.
Hechtman L. Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, 2011.
Kotsirilos, Vitetta, Sali. Integrative and Complimentary Medicine. Churchill Livingstone,
Pizzorno JE, Murray MT, Joiner-Bey H. The clinician’s handbook of natural medicine.
London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008
Osiecki H. The physician’s handbook of clinical nutrition. 7th ed. Eagle Farm:
Bioconcepts; 2006.
Jamison J. Clinical guide to nutrition & dietary supplements. Churchill & Livingstone.
Pizzorno JE, Murray MT. Textbook of natural medicine. 3rd Ed. Elsevier Science 2005
Zimmermann M. Burgerstin’s Handbook of nutrition. Micronutrients in the preventions
and therapy of disease. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany.
Berklow, R. (Ed.), The merck manual of diagnosis and Therapy, current edition, Merk
Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, New Jersey, 1999.
Bates, B. A guide to physical examination & history taking. 4th Edition. Lippincott,
Philadelphia, USA.
MIMS Companion 2008 onwards.
Students will be required to seek out further appropriate reference material for the
cases with which they are presented.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Australasian College Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
British Medical Journal
Health and Wellness Report, Dean Black P/L.
International Clinical Nutrition Review. Integrated Therapies P/L.
International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine