Compact First 3rd Edition Teacher Book - Copy-11

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also take this opportunity to suggest to students that

when they read the questions through before listening,
Using the ideas and vocabulary in the reading text, they could underline the key words in each question and
students tell a partner about a typical day in their life now answer option to help them focus on the main ideas.
or when they were younger. Read through the questions with the class and check
understanding of the words in question 2. Then allow
Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing students time to carefully read question 1 in the exam
task individually before discussing their answers with a
6 Ask students to find the four adjectives listed in the partner. Elicit answers from the class.
texts and then read the sentences around them. Elicit
the meaning of stunning. In pairs, students complete Answers
1 one speaker, talking about her sleeping habits
sentences 1 and 2 before checking answers as a class. If
2 detail
necessary, ask one or two follow-up questions to check
understanding, e.g. How do you feel if you have to read 3 Point out that all three answer options are often
a book you don’t like: boring or bored? (bored), What mentioned in the recording, so students need to be
adjective can you use to describe a film: exciting or excited? able to understand why each one is right or wrong. It’s
(exciting). important they are not distracted by similar words or
phrases to the answer options. Encourage them to read
Answers the recording script and answer the questions. Elicit the
1 -ed
2 -ing explanations.

7 This exercise is an introduction to the task type in Answers

B correct: ‘I can manage on’ means it’s enough for me to have
Reading and Use of English Part 3 which students will do
and ‘far less than that’ refers back to ‘the recommended
later in the unit. Tell students that in the Reading and Use eight hours’ sleep’.
of English paper all words need to be spelled correctly. A ‘lying awake’ is the opposite of ‘falling asleep’.
Students complete the sentences and then write answers C ‘in case I’m still asleep’ means she may not be awake by
to the questions. Encourage pairs to ask and answer the
questions before checking answers as a class. 4 01 Students work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions in Exercise 2 for each of the exam task
1 relaxed 2 amusing 3 stressed 4 depressing questions. Move around the classroom offering support
5 motivated 6 worried 7 surprising 8 puzzling as required before checking answers as a class. Point
out that in the exam, students should concentrate on
8 Hold a brief brainstorming session to find out how much identifying the context or situation (question 1) and
the class remembers about Becky’s typical day. Then the focus of each question (question 2) as they read the
ask one or two students to talk about something they questions before listening.
typically do each day. Ask them how they feel about it,
reminding them to use the words from Exercises 6 and Answers
7. Finally, students work in pairs to describe a typical day 2 two, they’re talking about weather conditions; gist
3 one, she’s talking about her new home; opinion
in their own lives and how they feel about what they do.
4 one, he’s talking on the radio; topic
Move around the classroom monitoring and providing 5 one, he’s talking about his work; detail
support as necessary. 6 two, he’s telling a friend about a mistake he made; attitude
7 one, she’s making a phone call; purpose
Listening 8 two, they’re talking about travelling into the city centre;
Part 1
Exam task
1 Draw attention to the photos and ask students to work in
pairs to answer the questions. Elicit feedback from a few Read through the Quick steps with the class and remind
different pairs. Finish by asking the class whether they them that each recording is played twice. Students listen to
think they have a good balance between relaxation/fun the recording and answer the questions by working on their
and study/work. own under exam conditions. Point out the information in the
Exam tip box before checking answers with the class. Try to
2 Direct students’ attention to the exam task and ask them elicit why the other answer options are wrong in each case.
some questions to elicit what they already know about
it. For example, How many recordings do you hear? (eight), Exam task answers
Are the recordings connected to each other? (no), How many 1B 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B 7C 8B
speakers do you hear in each recording? (one or two), How
many times do you hear each recording (twice). You could


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