Cbse7681 Fall20 - Lessonplan-Final May 2024
Cbse7681 Fall20 - Lessonplan-Final May 2024
Cbse7681 Fall20 - Lessonplan-Final May 2024
Objectives Focus Question: What can people do to care for our planet?
Four components: Lesson Objectives: Criterion: Students will be able to identify facts,
Learner, Behavior, opinions, and supporting details in a text, and participate in a discussion
Condition, Criterion by providing relevant comments.
Prior Instruction
Students should have prior knowledge of fact and opinion. Academic
Language Demands: Fact, opinion, support
Academic Language
Demands and prior Academic Language Demands: Fact, opinion, support
List academic Academic Vocabulary: Fact: information that can be proved to be true
vocabulary required
Opinion: ideas or beliefs that cannot be proved
Ongoing assessments throughout the lesson:
Indicate ongoing
assessments Teacher observation during group activities
throughout the lesson
as well as the final Teacher checks for understanding during whole-class discussions
check for
understanding Final check for understanding:
Anchor Chart 21: Ideas and Support
Gain Student Project or display Anchor Chart 21: Ideas and Support.
Review Critical All students should show the ability to identify the main idea,
Prerequisite Skills supporting details, and the difference between fact and opinion in a
All students should text.
show ability to
perform skill
State the daily
lesson objective that Today we will learn how authors use facts and opinions to support their
will be ideas in a text.
communicated to
the students
This needs to be
written in student
friendly language.
“I do”
Explicit Modeling 1. Explain to students that when authors share ideas, they support them
Time required is with different types of information.
based on objective
requirements. 2. Define fact, opinion, and support using student-friendly language.
Think aloud of the
3. Model how to identify facts, opinions, and supporting details in a text
skill. Including clear,
consistent and using "The Eco Guardians!"
concise language.
Provide several 4. Think aloud while reading, highlighting and discussing examples of
models. facts, opinions, and supporting details.
Involve students in
the later models (ask 5. Engage students by asking questions that require them to identify
questions in which facts, opinions, and supporting details.
the answers rely on
knowledge from the
first model or
previous knowledge)
“We do” 1. Divide students into small groups.
Prompted or Guided
Practice 2. Provide guided practice by having students work in groups to identify facts,
(taking them through
opinions, and supporting details in "The Eco Guardians!"
guided practice).
More than one 3. Use faded prompts: Tell students how to do it, Ask them how to do it,
practice opportunity.
Indicate faded Remind them how to do it.
prompts. (TAR: Tell
the students how to 4. Provide physical prompts (e.g., underlining, circling) to verbal prompts
do it, Ask them how
to do it, Remind when applicable.
them out to do it)
Physical prompts to
verbal prompts when
“You do”
Unprompted 1. Students will independently reread "The Eco Guardians!" to find
Practice text evidence that answers the question: What can people do to care for
Demonstration of the our planet?
skill while being
monitored. Some 2. Encourage students to listen actively to their partners, make pertinent
lessons will not have comments, and ask questions to clarify information.
an opportunity for
independent mastery. 3. Group 1: Focus on identifying the main topic of the text.
Small groups do not
4. Group 2: Focus on identifying and understanding support in the text.
count as independent
performance. 5. Group 3: Provide independent practice opportunities.
(small groups may be
to keep students at a
level of higher
1) Brief review of We learned how authors use facts and opinions to support their ideas in
what was learned. a text. We also practiced identifying facts, opinions, and supporting
2) Preview the next details in "The Eco Guardians!"
3) Assign
Independent Work
Tip: This should
bring lesson to full
circle and address
the daily objective
and the language
function (s)
Targeted Students
Modifications/ For T: Provide systematic instruction and practice in decoding,
Accommodations vocabulary acquisition, fluency, and comprehension. Use frequent
(IEP) pauses to give processing time.
(e.g., extended time)
For M: Check in frequently when she is working independently.
Provide trial questions and positive reinforcement.
Small Group Group 1: IF students have difficulty identifying ideas in a text, THEN
Modifications/ have them focus first on the topic. Ask: What is
Accommodations if this text mostly about? If the topic is Fill in the blanks , which
applicable sentences tell more about that?
(e.g., simplified Group 2: IF students have difficulty identifying and understanding
vocabulary read support in a text, THEN have them circle the topic and underline the
aloud). details that support it. Ask: Which sentence did you circle? Which
sentences did you underline? Are there
sentences you agree or disagree with? Guide students to determine
whether the details are facts
that tell more about the topic, or reasons the author gives to prove an
opinion or perspective.
Analyzing: Locate and refer to relevant details and evidence in the text.