Economics Assignment Question 1

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Question 1

An economy's maximum production combinations of two items or services, given its

resources and technology, at a certain point of effectiveness, are shown graphically by
the Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF). It illustrates the trade-offs that must be made
when creating various items using few resources that are difficult to transfer between
production processes.

Bloomenthal.A.17 August 2022.Production Possibility Frontier (PPF): Purpose and Use

in Economics.

Production Possibility Frontier (PPF): Purpose and Use in Economics

Producing three units of wine and seven units of cotton is not sufficient than producing
five units of wine and five units of cotton (point B). Point Y represents an objective that
the economy is unable to achieve with its current resource levels, whereas Point X
indicates an inefficient use of resources.

As seen on the graph above, this economy must give up some of the resources it now
uses to create cotton to produce more wine (point A). The economy will produce less wine
than it is at point A if it begins to produce more cotton (points B and C). This is because
it would have to limit resources from producing wine.
The PPF illustrates the opportunity cost of creating an item by comparing the amount of
other goods that must be given up. Resource rearrangement from the production of the
first good, where resources are more efficient, to the production of the second good,
where resources are less efficient, they result in an increase in opportunity cost as an
economy moves along the PPF.

Factors that can shift the PPF are factors like, Technological Advancement: The
economy may create more with the same number of resources if technology advances,
for improved machinery or industrial techniques. As a result, the PPF would move away,
indicating a rise in the economy's potential for production.

Variations in Resource Availability: The PPF may also move outward, enabling more
production of both items, if resources like labor or capital become more quickly available.

Productivity Shifts: The PPF may be impacted by any factor that influences the
production of resources, including workforce education and training. A shift in labor
productivity reveals the shift in production that shifts in hours worked cannot account for.

These changes impact the economy's ability of production and efficiency, which has an
impact overall. An outward movement in the PPF, for example, is a sign of economic
expansion since the economy can now generate more of both items. On the other hand,
an inward shift of the PPF indicates a weakening in the economy's potential for
production, brought on by events such as a decline in technology or natural disasters.
When the economy is growing at a point on the PPF curve, resources are allocated
efficiently within the structure of the PPF. This indicates that all available resources are
being used, and increasing the production of one thing will certainly result in a decrease
in the production of another. Given the current state of resources and technology, any
position outside the PPF is unachievable, whereby any point inside the PPF indicates an
inefficient use of resources due to limite
References :

McClung, S. 2022 August 12. Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF). INOMICS,[Date accessed 15
March 2024]

Mert.M.2018.Measuring economic growth using production possibility frontier under Harrod

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Almubidin.S.2019. Production Possibility Frontier and its relation to other costs.
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