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Articles and Pillars of Faith

Unit IV – Paper II

The month of Ramadan and Fasting are two interrelated terms. Both had immense significance in Islam.
The month is recognized especial because the Holy Quran descended in it. Along with it, this month
teaches Muslims how to be perfect obedient of Almighty, by fasting for 30 long days according to Lunar

The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’ān was revealed as guidance for mankind, and as
clear signs that show the right way and distinguish between right and wrong. So those of you who
witness the month must fast in it. But the one who is sick, or is on a journey (should fast) as much from
other days (as he missed). Allah intends (to provide) ease for you and does not intend (to create)
hardship for you. All this is so that you may complete the number (of fasts as prescribed) and proclaim
the Takbīr of Allah for having guided you, and (so) that you may be grateful. (2:185)

The Arabic word Sawm is used for fasting, its plural is Siyam – literally means 'to refrain', but as an
Islamic term, it means refraining from food, drinks and sexual activity from dawn to sunset. Fasting is
compulsory on every Muslim adult, preferable age is ten or twelve. It has been practiced by Muslim
Ummah since second year of migration; 'O you who believe, siyam is prescribed on you as it was
prescribed to those before you so that you may become self-restrained.'(2-183)

TYPES & DAYS of fasting

Fardh - The whole Month of Ramadhan. If any missed Qaza would be made.
Wajib - Fast of any intention (nazr) or any fast as Kaffarah
Sunnah - 9th & 10th Muharram, 9th Zilhajj, Ayyame Baidh (every 13,14 and 15 of each month)
Nafil - 6days in Shawwal, Every thurs & mon, 15th of shaban, eight days of zilhajj
Makrooh - Consecutive Fast, Fasting only Fridays, women are not allowed to fast voluntary without
permission of husband
Invalid - Fasting on the days of Eidul Fitr, Eidul Adha and Ayyame Tashriq (11 till 13 Zilhajj

METHOD of fasting
Fasting starts everyday in Ramadan at the break of dawn, which is also the start of the Salatul Fajr time.
Fasting ends at sunset or with the call of Salatul Maghrib.
The validity of fasting depends on the following:
a. Abstaining from food, liquids and sexual activity from dawn to sunset.
b. The intention to fast must be made every day before dawn.

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Articles and Pillars of Faith
Unit IV – Paper II

c. The intention (niyyah) may be made during night before going to sleep or it can also be made at
the time of Suhoor before dawn.
d. Suhoor is eating before fasting. It should be as close to Fajr time as possible. Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) says: 'Partake Suhoor, for there is blessing in Suhoor.'(Bukhari, Muslim)
e. It is desirable to break the fast as soon as possible after sunset.
f. Breaking the fast with dates or water is a tradition of the Prophet.
g. Following is one of the Du'a for breaking fast: Allahumma laka sumtu wa 'ala ridhqika aftartu (O
Allah! For You did I fast and with Your bounties did I break the fast.)


Exemption from Fasting is given to following;
a. the insane, mental disable
b. children who are not adolescent yet
c. the elderly and chronically ill for whom fasting is unreasonably strenuous; Such persons are
required to feed at least one poor person every day in Ramadan for which he or she has missed
d. the travelers can also defer their fasting; Allah says in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqarah: 'But if
anyone is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period should be made up by days later. Allah
intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you to difficulties.'
e. Women during the period of menstruation or of post childbirth confinement. Fasting during
these periods is forbidden and should be made up later, a day for a day.

What does not break the fast;

a. If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, he should complete his fast, for it is only
Allah who has fed him and given him drink.(Muslim)
b. Unintentional vomiting.
c. Swallowing things which are not possible to avoid, such as one's saliva, street dust, smoke, etc.
d. Brushing the teeth.
e. Injection which is solely medical and not nutritional.

a. Fidya is only paid by a person who is not able to fast in Ramadan, cannot make up for the missed
fasts at any other time and is not expected to ever regain the ability to make up the missed
fasts. All three conditions must be fulfilled, otherwise one does not pay fidya but has to make up
the missed fasts.
b. For every day of missed fasting one has to pay the value of approximately 2kg of wheat. Please
consult a local scholar on what the exact amount is in your area.

a. Eating or drinking intentionally.
b. This includes non-nourishing items taken by mouth.
c. The beginning of menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding even in the last moment before
d. Excretion other than sexual intercourse.
e. Intending to break the fast before sunset even if one changes his mind, since intention is one of
the pre-requisites of the validity of fasting.

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Articles and Pillars of Faith
Unit IV – Paper II


Things that not only require Qada but also Kaffarah is Sexual intercourse during fasting. The penalty is
to fast an additional period of 60 continuous days. If one is not able to do so then he must feed sixty
poor people-one average meal each or setting a slave free is the penalty one must pay as a kaffarah, if
he or she had a slave, but it mainly practiced during time of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.


 It occurs in the last ten nights in odd days, i.e. 21st night, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th.
 If a person doesn’t spend night in prayer, there is a fear of loosing most blessed night in which
praying rewards are kept equivalent to 1000 nights.
 A’isha narrates, “When the last ten nights began Allah's Messenger pbuh kept awake at night
(for prayer and devotion), wakened his family, and prepared himself to observe salah (with
more vigor).”
 By far, there is no day or night that has been emphasized more than the night known as laylat
ul-qadr (the Night of Decree).
 The Qur’an’s 97th chapter is dedicated entirely to this night.
 ‘Qadr’ in the context of this holy night as ‘destiny/decree’ (qadar).
 Scholars suggested it means the night in which the destiny of each person was decided. It would
be this night in which a person’s sustenance, lifespan, and other critical matters would be sealed
for the coming year.
 There is also a special link between this night and seeking forgiveness from God. A’isha asked
the Prophepbuht, “O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylatul - Qadr, what should I
say during it?” And he instructed her to say;
‫ْف َعنِِّي‬
ُ ‫ع‬‫ا‬َ ‫ف‬ ‫ب ا ْل َع ْف َو‬
ُّ ِ‫اللَّ ُه َّم ِإنَّكَ ُعفُ ٌّو َك ِري ٌم تُح‬
O Allah! You are Most Forgiving, and you love to forgive. So forgive me.

 Aitekaf is observed in the last ten days of Ramadhan.
 Aitekah means seclusion in the masjid for men and women will observe it in home where they
used to pray. Every year Prophet pbuh practiced aitekaf in these days. And in his last year, he
observed aitekaf for twenty days.
 This seclusion gives inner peace to man, when a person is cut off from all worldly desires and
thus become a true servant of Almighty. It’s a time of self reflection.
 During aitekaf, its prohibited to talk much about worldly affairs or get indulge in any activity
other than worship of Almighty.
 Bathing only incase of any impurity is also restricted.

 Salah that is performed every nighty of Ramadhan for thirty long days.
 Some scholars suggest it as Nafil, while some as Sunnah Mukaddah.
 Standing in Taraweeh, fulfils the night reward.
 After Taraweeh, one can also observe Qiyam al Lail in one third part of night, after which Witar
can be performed.

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Articles and Pillars of Faith
Unit IV – Paper II

Significance of reciting Quran in this month; Fasting and the Quran will intercede for the servant on the
Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say: O Lord, I prevented him from food & drink during the day, so let me
intercede for him. The Quran will say: O Lord, I prevented him from sleeping during the night, so let
me intercede for him. Thus, they will both intercede for him.

The Importance of Siyam in Ramadan is clearly expressed in several sayings of the Prophet pbuh;
He who fasts during Ramadan with faith & seeks his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven;
he who prays during the night in Ramadan with faith and seeks his reward from Allah will have his past
sins forgiven; & he who passes Lailat al- Qadr in prayer with faith & seeks his reward from Allah will have
his past sins forgiven.

 Piety / Taqwa
The most significant aspect of Siyam is the development of Allah-consciousness (Taqwa) in the heart and
the soul. One must abstain from immoral behavior and attitude as well. If Taqwa isn’t obtained then
refraining from food would be of little value. Prophet pbuh said; If one does not abandon falsehood in
words and deeds, Allah has no need for his abandoning of his food & drink.
 Fasting protects us from hellfire;
A worshipper does not fast a day for the sake of Allah except that that day (of fasting) distances the Fire
from his face by seventy autumns.
Prayer is the light of the believer and fasting is his shield from the hellfire.
 Purifies Soul & Weakens Nafs
Each individual is responsible for controlling and overcoming these desires. Weakening the nafs would
naturally mean strengthening the soul (spirit), since it is the vehicle through which an individual is
inclined towards good deeds and hence towards developing a stronger relationship with Almighty.
 Fasting renews faith & helps in Remembrance of Allah
One month in the year the fast renews the link between a man and his Creator. It allows man to
remember Allah more as compare to the other occasion and months. Because fasting helps to draw
attention towards Lord’s blessings associated with daily activities, which now he abandoned for the
Lord’s pleasure.
 Attaining’s Allah’s pleasure and mercy
Muslims should thank Allah for being witness this blessed month and must try to attain as much as
possible Allah’s pleasure and mercy through state of consciousness, righteous deeds and refrain from
evils deeds as mentioned above.
Since entire reward of fasting is with Allah, therefore the Prophet pbuh said; “There are two pleasures
for the fasting person, one at the time of breaking their fast, and the other at the time when they will
meet their Lord.”
Abu Huraira reported that Prophet pbuh said; “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Heaven are opened,
the gates of Hell are locked, and the devils are chained” (Bukhari and Muslim).
 Fasting carries unimaginable rewards.
Every action of the son of Adam is given manifold reward, each good deed receiving ten times its like, up
to seven hundred times. Allah the Most High said, “Except for fasting, for it is for Me and I will give
recompense for it, as he leaves off his desires and his food for Me”.

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Unit IV – Paper II

 Fasting can enter us in Jannah;

Indeed, there is a gate of Paradise called Ar-Rayyan, through which only those who fasted will enter on
the day of Resurrection. No one else will enter it along with them. It will be said, “Where are those who
fasted, that they may enter?” When the last of them enter, it will be closed and no one else will go
through it.


 Good Health
Muslims aim to improve their body by reducing food intake and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Overindulgence in food is discouraged and eating only enough to silence the pain of hunger is
 Abstaining of Evil Activities (moral)
Fasting is believed to help promote chastity and humility and prevent sin. Fasting includes abstaining
from any falsehood in speech and action like slandering, backbiting, refrainment from arguing, fighting,
and having lustful thoughts. Moreover it also abandons listening songs, watching movies and other
irrelevant acts. Prophet pbuh said - “If one does not abandon falsehood and other actions like it, God has
no need that one should abandon one's food and drink” (Bukhari).
 Working hard to fulfil others need through Charity
On a moral level, believers strive to show compassion, generosity and mercy to others, exercise
patience, and control their anger. Allah enables Muslims through this worship to identify the needs of
others. Prophet pbuh mentioned; “Ramadan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for
generosity are multiplied in it”.
 Patience
The most significant feature that trains a man for rest eleven months is the patience, which isn’t
confined to eating drinking, rather it urges man to control everything every desire for the sake of Allah.
And bear hardships for earning multiple rewards.
 Benefits of Long standing hours of Taraweeh
 Burning off calories and losing weight.
 Increasing metabolic rate.
 Improving heart and lung function
 Increasing sense of self-control, reducing your level of stress
 increasing ability to concentrate.
 Reducing depression and resistance to depression.
 Helping you sleep better.
 Suppressing your appetite.

THE WORD ‘ZAKAH’ and its importance
Zakat is FOURTH pillar of faith. It is an act of worship that is performed by giving a portion of wealth
every year according to a fixed percentage in Islam. With the literal meaning of the word being ‘to

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Articles and Pillars of Faith
Unit IV – Paper II

cleanse or to purify oneself’. Muslims believe that paying zakat purifies, increases and blesses the
remainder of their wealth - Whoever pays the zakat on his wealth will have its evil removed from him

The word Zakat repeated thirty two times as an obligation in Quran, along with the other injunction of
performing Salah – Quran says – And establish regular prayer and give charity (73.20). It made
compulsory in same time as Salah made obligatory in Mecca. But it was practiced when Islamic
community was established. Therefore the amount on which Zakat is paid and its distribution laid down
in Medina in 2nd year of Hijrah. Prophet pbuh was ordered; Of their goods take alms, that so thou
mightiest purify and sanctify them (9: 103).

When Prophet pbuh made treaties with those who embraced faith, the main obligation of paying Zakat
was mentioned so that it could be collected yearly. Its significance can be understood from the life of
first Caliph. When he held the office of caliphate, some of the tribes, who believed in the oneness of
God and observed prayer, refused to pay zakat, in an answer to the advice of Umar to show tolerance
towards such people, said in explicit terms, By Allah, I would definitely wage war against them who
dissociate prayer from Zakat. And then many tribes who wanted an exemption had a fight with armies of
Abu Bakr, in which Abu Bakr was successful and they all promised to pay Zakat.

The power of Zakat cannot be underestimated. It's an incredible institution intended to transform
society. Zakat is an essential practice as it benefits not only the individual, but also the recipient and
society at large.


a. For the giver
Zakat considers to be a worship which involves our not only spiritual sense but physical and material
means. It establishes a spiritual connection to one’s maker through which a man acknowledges that
everything he owns belongs to Allah and it is for Him that we strive to end poverty and help. Thus, it is a
way of gaining proximity to Allah, discipline and a way that ensures obedience to Allah. When a man
earns money to feed his family, he completes his duty for mankind, but when one after feeding others,
pays zakat, he fulfills his duty towards both mankind and Almighty. Thus, paying it serves as a reminder
that whatever wealth we earn has a share of others as well.

Allah promises that such generosity shall be repaid liberally. Quran – If ye loan to Allah a beautiful loan,
He will be double it to your (credit). This injunction benefits mankind to strengthen them financially.
Prophet pbuh assured that giving charities in way of Allah, never decreases wealth. Prophet pbuh said –
I swear upon three things and ask you to memorize my words; Sadaqah taken from a property never
decreases it, a man who suffers injustice and is patient with it, Allah will grant him strength; a man who
starts begging, Allah will cause him to be poor. (tirmizi)
And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it
with Allah.” (2:110, Qur’an).

The above statements clarifies the amount we give to needy as Zakat would reach to Allah, and on day
of judgment, we will find it in our account. It increase love for our needy brothers and sisters worldwide.
It purifies any defect of our own wealth. A man could overcome his greed, his love for wealth and

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Unit IV – Paper II

materials replaced by the love for Allah as he becomes obedient towards His commands, therefore, it
purifies ones possessions also heart as well.

b. For the receiver

After establishment of Muslim community, Zakat was collected to help the distressed Muslims brothers.
It was given in the Bayt-ul-Mal or public treasury, and was spent on the welfare of the poor and the sick
members of the community. But if there is no Bayt-ul-Mal, the Muslims must pay it to the deserving
poor, the widows, the orphans and those members of the community who have no means of supporting
Its main benefit is to give economic security to poor.
It accumulates wealth properly not in the hands of rich only, but assures steady flow of wealth from rich
to poor.
It allows the needy to stand on their feet and never depend on anyone other than Allah.
It helps in managing the financial disability in a respectful manner.
Both the giver and receiver through this channel acknowledges their bond as Muslim, who are there to
support the distress in need.

c. For the society

It is an effective tool in cultivating the spirit of social responsibility on the part of the contributor and a
feeling of security and belonging on the part of the recipient.
A sign of brotherhood - The Qur’an describes as brothers in faith and Zakat is one of the best ways to
demonstrate this brotherhood. “But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and give their
Zakat, they are your brethren in Faith.” Zakat is a way of increasing love, harmony and connection
between Muslims.
A sign of a faithful community - “The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they
enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, pay their Zakat and obey Allah
and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (9:71)
means those who fulfil the order of paying their Zakat not only fulfil the trust He enjoined on them, but
in doing so become of those who attain His Mercy.
It helps in the development of best economic system by maintaining a perfect equilibrium.
It rids society from curse of begging. A time came in companions period, when there wasn’t single entity
as Zakat receiver.


 The nation that withholds zakāh (i.e. does not pay it), Allāh afflicts famine on them. (At-
 Wealth is generally lost on the land and the sea because zakāh is not paid on it. (At-Targhib)
 Whoever is miserly, withholding some or all of it, then he is an unjust oppressor, befitting of
 And those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of ALLAH, announce unto
them a painful torment. On the Day when that will be heated in fire of HELL and with it will be
branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs (and it will be said unto them): 'This is the
treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you use to Hoard.(V.9:34-35)
 When zakah is looked upon as a penalty (i.e. people will pay zakāh with a heavy heart, as though
it is a penalty), then look for violent windstorms, earthquakes, men being swallowed by the
earth, metamorphosis, stones raining down from the skies, and calamities following one another

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Unit IV – Paper II

in rapid succession, like beads of rosary falling one after the other when its string is cut. (At-
 Holy Prophet pbuh said; Whoever is made wealthy by Allah and does not pay the Zakat of his
wealth, and then on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be made like a bald-headed
poisonous male snake with two black spots over the eyes. The snake will encircle his neck and
bite his cheeks and say, 'I am your wealth, I am your treasure. (Bukhari)


 Zakat must be given with the intention to please Almighty.
 One can give Zakat without showing off to needy confidentially.
 Do not give in such a way that it could hurt the feelings of others.
 It must be taken out from lawful earnings. No Zakat is accepted on the wealth i.e. earned
through illegal means.
 A person must look close relatives if they are Zakat receivers, he must pay them first, rather
preferring strangers.


Quran specified people on whom zakat is payable in Surah Tawbah, Verse 60;
Indeed, [prescribed] charitable offerings are only [to be given] to the poor and the indigent, and to those
who work on [administering] it, and to those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to [free] those in
bondage, and to the debt-ridden, and for the cause of God, and to the wayfarer. [This is] an obligation
from God. And God is all-knowing, all-wise.
a. Poor
b. Needy (masakeen)
c. Zakat collectors – community
d. Newly converts
e. Slaves for getting free
f. In the way of Allah – for any purpose of religion (Islamic wars)
g. Debtors to pay debt
h. Travelers

Zakat cannot be given to;
a. Parents
b. Children
c. Non-Muslims
d. Remuneration of Services

Anyone (Muslims) who possesses a certain amount of possessions equal to nisba for a specific time
period, he is liable to pay Zakat. The Nisab is as follows:

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 On Cash, Gold and Silver:It is to be paid at a rate of 2.5%. If a person possesses seven and half
Tola of Gold and fifty-two and a half Tola of Silver, he is liable to pay Zakat. On cash, it is liable if
the money is equal to that on silver, for the amount saved over a year.
 Produce on Mines: It is paid at a rate of one-fifth of the produce on mines. This is known as
 Land Tax: According to a hadith, if the land is irrigated by natural showers, then Zakat is to be
paid at a rate of one-tenth of the produce. However, if the land is artificially irrigated, then it is
at the rate of one-twentieth of the produce. This is known as Ushr.
 On all articles of faith exceeding 200 Dirhams.
 On sheep and Goats: For every forty sheep or goats, one sheep or goat. From 121 to 200, 2
goats or sheep and for over it, for every hundred, a sheep or goat is to be received!
 On thirty to forty cattles – one calf of one year and on every forty cattle, a two-year-old calf.
 On camels: For every five camels, one goat or sheep. From ten to fourteen camels, three goats
and from twenty-five to thirty-five, a female camel is to be received.

Hajj is the fifth and last pillar of Islamic faith. The word Hajj describes – the will to visit or to attend a
journey, which connotes both the outward act of a journey and the inward act of intentions. In Islamic
terminology, Hajj is a pilgrimage made to the Ka’aba, the "House of God", in the sacred city of Mecca in
Saudi Arabia, on 9th of Zilhajj. This ceremony is surrounded by many rituals which illustrates the picture
of the acts performed by Prophet Muhammad pbuh in 10 th year of Hijrah.

This worship demands ones physical and material strength for the performance of journey. As compare
to the other worships of Islam, Salah & Sawm requires physical abilities, Zakat require ones material
abilities, while Hajj combines all i.e. perform with one’s physical and material strength. By fulfilling this
obligation, Muslims believe that it gives them a great chance to wipe & clean past sins and start a new
life just as a new born before Allah.

HISTORY OF KA’ABAH - The history of Holy Ka’abah or its foundation traced back from Hazrat Adam, to
Hazrat Ibrahim and his son and finally the last of Allah’s Messenger Muhammad pbuh. This place is
known as Baitullah (House of Allah), situated in the province of Hejaz, western part of Arabia, in the city
of Mecca. The old name of this city was Bakka, mentioned in Quran.

Tradition goes that the Ka’aba was ordained by Allah to be built in the shape of the House in Heaven
called Baitul Ma’amoor, whose circumambulation is performed by seventy thousand angels in one time.
Allah in his infinite Mercy ordained a similar place on earth, in its direction and Prophet Adam was the
first to build this place. With the passage of time, the building restructured and for final shape Allah
ordained Abraham to erect a Shrine for worship. Abraham was ordered to go to the Southern desert
with his wife Hajerah and infant son Ismael.

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Hazrat Abraham left them both in the barren land, and when it was enquired he said these are orders of
Allah. On his return, he made house of Allah along with his son, brick by brick placed by them, and at an
empty corner a stone sent by heaven placed in one corner, known as Hajr-e-Aswad.

Allah says in Quran - Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah -
blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (3:96)

This home rebuilt when Muhammad pbuh was 35 years of age. At this moment, he pbuh fixed dispute
between the chiefs of Makkah in placing the black stone. Later Muhammad pbuh was driven out of
Mecca in 620 CE to Yathrib, which is now known as Medina. Upon his return to Mecca in 629/30 CE, the
shrine became the focal point for Muslim worship and pilgrimage.

The pre-Islamic Ka’abah housed the Black Stone and statues of pagan gods. Holy Prophet pbuh cleansed
the Ka’aba of idols upon his victorious return to Mecca, returning the shrine to the monotheism of
Ibrahim. Muhammad pbuh made a final pilgrimage in 632 CE, the year of his death, and thereby
established the rites of pilgrimage. Ka’abah structure is about 60 feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet


 Whosoever possesses the provisions (for Hajj) and the means of transport to take him to the
House of Allah, yet he never performs the Hajj, then there is no blame on him if he dies as a
Jew or as a Christian
 (The performance of) Umrah in Ramadhan is equal to Hajj (pilgrimage).” Or said, “Equal to
the performance of Hajj with me.
 Hajj which is free from sins and defects is rewarded with paradise
 Anyone who performs hajj without quarrying with others, and obeys Allah, will become as
pure from sins as a child.
 The Prophet pbuh was asked; Which is the best deed?" He said, "To believe in Allah and His
Apostle." He was then asked, "Which is the next (in goodness)?" He said, "To participate in
Jihad in Allah's Cause." He was then asked, "Which is the next?" He said, "To perform Hajj-
 Narrated by Aisha ra, I said, "O Allah's Messenger, We consider Jihad as the best deed. The
Prophet pbuh said, The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabrur.

 Hajj is the largest annually occurring pilgrimage in the world, in which millions of people
participate from around the globe, with similar objective, sense of religious obligation, devotion,
sacrifice, and even carry same clothing to display the essence of an Ummah.
 As understood from mentioned ahadith, Hajj isn’t only a Jihad but it contains numerous rewards
for the one who does it in prescribed manner. Prophet pbuh said; Sound hajj has no reward
except Paradise. Prophet pbuh also used to pray that; O Allah, make this pilgrimage without
pretense and fame, so that we must not boast our status as being Haji in the community.
 Hajj is a great spiritual experience, in which a man becomes closer to Almighty and is consider as
guest of Allah. Since a man gives his time, money, bears expenditure of even his family for this

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Holy worship and travel long distance, leave worldly desires, therefore, Prophet pbuh said;
Pilgrims and those performing Umrah are Allah’s guests; their prayers answered and their
supplications for forgiveness are granted.
 At every step of Hajj, the sunnah of both Prophets – Abraham & Muhammad pbuh are followed.
 A person remains conscious of pleasing Allah and thus will not indulge in any sinful activity.
 Hajj not only uplifts the pilgrim spiritually but it is also beneficial for worldly terms as business
and trading is also allowed during Hajj. Allah says – It is not crime on you, if you seek the bounty
of your Lord (during pilgrimage) (2:198)
 Moreover this worship teaches believers about the bond in which they were created i.e.
brotherhood and demonstrate them universality of Islam.
 Muslims gathers at one place, worship at one place, in same attire, they learn and share
difficulties and joys from people of different culture and language, this altogether erases the
difference in their hearts, and rewards them abundantly.
 Hajj gives Muslims a reminder that Mecca alone in the whole world honored by Allah in being
the center of monotheism, and that it will continue to be the center of Islam till day of
Judgment. Mecca was introduced through Prophet Abraham as and them last Messenger pbuh
born there, brought up and finally conquered the land successfully. Thus, Mecca is considered to
a peaceful place where all mankind should be protected from violence and bloodshed.
 Even cutting of trees, and other plants is also forbidden. The city of Mecca is called Haram
because of Holy Ka’abah.

Whosoever enters it, he attains security. (3: 97)

Allah sworn about the prominence and sanctity of Ka’abah in Surah Balad, Verse 1.
Allah has made the Ka’bah—the Sacred House—a sanctuary of well-being for all people (5:97)

ELIGIBILITY to perform Hajj

BEING A MUSLIM – A Muslim who believes in all Articles of faith and practices all pillars of faith, means
he is able to do all acts of worship, because worship done by a disbeliever is not valid, yet after coming
into fold of Islam, a man can perform Hajj.

BEING OF SOUND MIND, ADULT & FREE - This applies to both male and female, while children may go
to Hajj, yet it is not required from them.
The Prophet pbuh said: “The pen is lifted from three; from one who is sleeping, until he wakes up; from
a child until he reaches puberty, and from one who is insane until he comes to his senses.” (Abu Dawud)
When a woman lifted up a child and asked, “Is there Hajj for this one?” the Prophet pbuh said: “Yes, and
you will have the reward.” (Muslim)
So a child is not obliged to perform Hajj, but if his parents take him for Hajj, his Hajj is valid; the child will
have the reward of Hajj and his parents will also have a reward. Hajj is not obligatory for a slave,
because he is distracted by his duties towards his master.

PHYSICAL ABILITY - From mental to one’s physical disability, makes a Muslim exempted from Hajj. Since
Islam understand ones capability and doesn’t compel anyone unless they are fitting the conditions of
their obligatory duties. Thus, people like very weak, sick, elderly, or in any manner physically incapable
are exempted, while anyone who has means of fulfilling this duty, may perform on their behalf and
attains same reward as of a pilgrim.

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FINANCIAL ABILITY - The Standing Committee said; “Being able to do Hajj means that one is sound in
body and has means of transportation to reach the sacred House of Allah whether by plane, car or riding
animal, or by renting such means, according to his situation, and that he has sufficient provisions to get
there and back. That should be surplus to what he needs to spend on those on whom he is obliged to
spend, until he returns from Hajj. A woman should also have a husband or mahram with whom to travel
to Hajj or ‘Umrah.”

CONDITIONS FOR A DEBTOR - This means that a person in debt is not obliged to perform Hajj until he
has cleared his debt – and must have the intention of doing so as a priority. However, if one is in debt,
they may still perform Hajj as long as:
 The creditor permits it,
 The debtor has time to pay off the debt
 Hajj does not affect their ability to pay off the debt
[Note: even if the lender gives the debtor permission to go for Hajj, that does not mean the debt is
waived, and he will not have discharged his duty because of this permission. Hence it should be said to
the debtor: Pay off your debt first, then if you have enough left, go for Hajj; otherwise Hajj is not
obligatory in your case.]

CONDITIONS FOR WOMEN - The Prophet pbuh said; “No woman should travel except with a mahram.”
(agreed) The mahram is her husband or one whom it is permanently forbidden for her to marry because
of blood ties, breastfeeding or ties through marriage. Since, the hadith is clear, thus for women who are
traveling with a non-mahram, there is a fear that their Hajj is not proper. For the proper Hajj (Hajj
mabrur) is that which is not mixed with any sin, women must accept all conditions as this specific
woman is sinning throughout her journey until she returns home.
 It is also essential that the mahram be an adult of sound mind, because the aim of the mahram
is to protect the woman, and a child or one who is insane cannot do that.
 If a woman does not have a mahram, or she has one but he is unable to travel with her, then she
is not obliged to do Hajj.
 Although in present days, some scholars suggest that woman in group of women can perform
Hajj, only who doesn’t have a mahram and other who are above age of sixty can carry on the
journey with the other women who are accompanied by their mahrams.

PERMISSION OF HUSBAND - The husband’s permission is not an essential condition of it being

obligatory for a woman to do Hajj, rather she is obliged to do Hajj when the conditions of it being
obligatory are met, even if her husband does not give permission.
Thus, it is not permissible for a man to forbid his wife, rather it is prescribed for him to cooperate with
her in fulfilling this duty. But this has to do with the obligatory Hajj.
As for nafl Hajj, Ibn al-Mundhir narrated that; the scholars were unanimously agreed that a husband has
the right to forbid his wife from doing a nafl Hajj, because the husband’s rights are binding upon her and
are not superseded by something that is not obligatory for her.

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A pilgrim wears Ihram for A pilgrim wears Ihram The Hajj i.e. performed by
Umrah first in the month of for both Umrah & Hajj, residents of Mecca or by the
Hajj, means when he reaches or he he wears Ihram people who just arrive in time for
Mecca he performs Umrah, first for Umrah and then th
Hajj like 8 Zilhajj or a bit earlier
then shaves his head (Halq) or intends in same for Hajj and don’t get time to perform
Qasr (clips his hair). On the day before Tawaf of Hajj. In Umrah, then in this case, pilgrim
th this case, a person will wear Ihram for Hajj only. He
of Tarwiyah 8 Zilhajj, he puts
would not shave his performs Tawaf, and other Hajj
on Ihram again for Hajj only
and performs all rituals till its head or trim hair until rituals, and does Sa’ee at end.
he completes all rituals Such a person is known as Mufrid.
completion. The one who th
performs this type are known of Hajj on 10 Zilhajj i.e. Even it is not obligatory for him to
as Mutawatte. Rami. slaughter animal.

RITUALS during the journey of


a. The acts of faith performed by all pilgrims during their spiritual journey to the Holy Kaaba are
collectively known as the Hajj rituals, which lasts five days from the 8th to 12th day of Dhu al-Hijjah.
b. A Muslim must undertake Hajj journey with an intention from its types according to his feasibility.
Like if he is performing Hajj Tamatta’u, means he can perform Umrah and then Hajj with plenty of
time, while in Qiran he would be doing Umrah and Hajj both in same Ihram and for Ifraad he would
reach Mecca just a day before Hajj or would perform Tawaf of Hajj and then remaining rituals.
c. All the rituals of Hajj were delivered by Prophet Muhammad pbuh in 10th year of Hijrah, which was
reportedly the first and last Hajj that he pbuh made and left a clear illustration of all steps for
Ummah to be followed.

Stay at Waquf-
Meeqat Ihram Talbiah Umrah
Mina e-Arafat

Ayyame Shaving Stay at

Tawaf Sacrifice Rami
Tashreeq Head Muzdalifah

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Meeqat refers to the boundary where it becomes necessary for pilgrims to adorn the Ihram and make
intention of journey. It is impermissible to pass except in the state of Ihram. Those who cross the
boundary without having entered into the state of Ihram must perform an animal sacrifice (Damm) as
expiation. Five points are mentioned in hadith for wearing Ihram or making intention.

Ihram is a dress for pilgrim males, while ladies will cover themselves as usual from head to feet, their
face and hand will remain open. Men will use two sheets known as Izar & Rida, as described in image. It
should be unstitch fabric, can be tied with a waist belt. First sheet will cover the lower part, and second
will cover back side from shoulders and during Tawaf it is recommended to keep one shoulder open.
Ihram should be followed with some restrictions as laid down by Prophet pbuh. This is a compulsory
garment without which one cannot enter Haram with intention to perform Umrah or Hajj. The pilgrim
must enter into this state after cleansing the body, ghusal or Wudu, clip nails if required, wear the
prescribed attire, and make the intention, before crossing the designated Miqat.

Ihram word means – to be forbidden. The one who wears Ihram, known as Muhrim, means – the one
who has made things forbidden for him. Below are some conditions which one must observe after
wearing Ihram.

 All activities like worship, talking, eating, studying, recitation can be done in Ihram.
 Restrictions of forbidden would be followed.
 Veil can be used by women but it should not touch the face for long.
 Don’t cut hair and nails.
 Don’t use perfume or other soaps or handwash that has fragrance.
 Do not kill or hunt animal or even cut trees. Don’t carry weapons.
 Do not pick others stuff like coins gold etc without intention of returning it.
 Do not engage in marriage contract or any other marital affair.
 Male cannot use any stitch piece of cloth and cannot cover his head.
 Women in ihram cannot cover their face or use gloves, but in front of Na-Mehram they can
cover it with veil or open later.


 To wear Ihram or intention, one has to reach Meeqat.

 After wearing Ihram, Salatul Ihram would be performed as two Rakah nafil.
 The Talbiyah to be recited after wearing Ihram and make intention for Umrah or Hajj before
leaving or crossing Meeqat.
 Men should raise their voices when reciting the Talbiyah while women should recite it softly.
 After reciting the Talbiyah for the first time, it is recommended to send Salawat upon the
Prophet pbuh snd to make Dua for yourself and others.
 It is also recommended to recite Talbiyah as much as possible – ‫ک‬ َ ْ‫ك ََل ش َِريْكَ لَكَ لَبَّي‬
َ ‫لَبَّيْكَ الل ُه َّم لَبَّيْكَ – لَب َّ ْي‬
َ َ ْ ْ َ َ ِّ ْ
– َ‫ – إِ َّن ال َح ْم َد َوال ِن ْع َمة لكَ َوال ُملكَ – َل ش َِريْكَ لك‬At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You

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have no partner, at Your service. Truly all praise, favour and sovereignty is Yours. You have no
 If you forget to enter into Ihram at the Meeqat, you must either exit Makkah and re-enter it, or
sacrifice a sheep as a penalty.


As Muslims, taking up sacred journey to the house of Allah either for Umrah or Hajj is one of
the greatest blessing that they experience. Both are spiritual journeys, which earns them many merits
and offers pilgrims an opportunity for self-renewal. It also grants forgiveness for the sins of the past.
Both the pilgrimages involve certain common rites that are completed by the devotees undertaking the
holy journeys. However, the main difference between Hajj and Umrah lies in their method of
observance and level of significance.

Hajj is the annual Muslim pilgrimage that is
Umrah is the Islamic pilgrimage to the holy city considered one of the five pillars of Islam and is
of Mecca that can be performed at any time of observed only in the month of ZilHijja. The rites
the year. are performed between the 8th and 12th day of
this month.

Umrah is highly recommended but not

Hajj is considered an obligatory pilgrimage that
mandatory. Muslims call it the ‘minor
every Muslim must undertake at least once in
pilgrimage’ that cleanses a pilgrim and frees
his/her lifetime, given he/she is physically and
him/her from the wrongs and sins of his/her
financially capable of making the journey.

Both Hajj and Umrah are significant in Islam and are performed at the Holy Ka’abah. The rites
performed during these journeys were established by Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Whereas, when performing Hajj, one needs to

For Umrah, the obligatory acts include assuming
assume Ihram from Meeqat, stand on Arafah until
the state of Ihram from Meeqat, performing
sunset, spend the night at Muzdalifah, pass the
Tawaf, carrying out Sayi between the hills
night in Mina during Tashreeq, stone the Jamarat,
of Safa and Marwa, and lastly, shaving of the
shave the hair, and lastly, perform farewell
head or clipping a portion of hair.

A pilgrim can perform Umrah rituals in just a

Completion of Hajj needs at least five to six days.
few hours.

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ISTILAM - It is the act of kissing Hajar al-Aswad or gesturing towards it at the beginning and at the end of
each circuit of the Ka’aba during the rite of Tawaf.

TAWAF-e-KA’ABAH - One should be in state of Wudu before performing Tawaf. Tawaf starts at Hajr-e-
Aswad. Here a man must do Istilaam i.e. kissing the Black Stone, touch it and then kiss your hand, or
point to it without kissing your hand. From here circumambulation starts and the first round completes
when a man again reaches the black stone. After reaching here, the dua as mentioned below must be
recited at the start of second round.

Our Lord, give us in this world good and in the Hereafter

good and protect us from the punishment of the fire.

The procedure is repeated seven times, during which a

person may supplicate to Lord. In first three rounds, men are recommended to walk fast or slow jog, and
in rest four they may walk normally. This step is called Ramal. They must keep their right arm bare.
Women in all seven rounds must walk normally. Women must not get near Ka’bah if there is crowd. And
do not enter Hateem while doing Tawaf.

MAQAM-e-IBRAHIM - At Maqam-e-Ibrahim, two Rakah Nafil would be performed. But due to crowd
nowadays, it is recommended to perform anywhere in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is fine, as long as the Maqam
is between you and the Ka’bah. After which a person may drink Zam Zam water and continue to reach
Safa Hill.
SA’EE at SAFA & MARWAH - Sa’ee can be perform without Wudu. Begin Sa’ee at Safa. One must make
seven rounds between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Walking from Safa to Marwa is counted as one
round, and Marwah to Safa as another round. Only men are allowed to run between the marked area
that could be clearly seen by marking of green tubelights. After reaching the hills, it is recommended to
recite this dua or Muslims may do their supplications while heading to both Safa and Marwa.

SHAVING HEAD - After completing seven rounds, pilgrim will shave his head or clips his hair. Shaving
head is called Halq. Women would only clip their hairs, like an inch or so. This cutting should be
repeated for every Umrah a person perform.

1. STAY AT MINA - If a person intends for Hajj Tamatta’u then he had to perform Umrah first and then
on 8th Zilhajj, he must reach Mina camps. For others also who intended for Qiran and Ifraad, must reach
Mina camps on 8th Zilhajj. Mina is a city, located 8km South East of Mecca, it is also known as city of
Tents. Mina covers an area of approximately 20 km, the Jamarat area, and the slaughterhouses just
outside the tent city. Pilgrims must perform the five daily prayers on this day, and supplication.

2. WAQUF-E-ARAFAT - On 9th Zil Hajj, pilgrims travel to Arafat from Mina reciting Istaghfar and making
supplications. Upon reaching Mount Arafat, pilgrims observe Duhr and Asr combined with Qasar prayers
(two Rakah each) and listen to the Khutbah delivers from the mosque Nimra.

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MOSQUE NIMRA - Masjid Nimrah is located in Waadi Urana. When the Prophet pbuh was at Arafat on
his farewell Hajj on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah 10 AH, he camped here. After midday he delivered his famous
sermon in the Urana Valley while seated on his camel, after which he led the salah. More than 100,000
Sahabah accompanied him on this Hajj. In the second century of Islam, Masjid Nimrah was built at the
same spot.

JABAL AR RAHMA - Pilgrims would stay at Mount Arafat from noon to sunset. This act is known as
Waquf (standing before Allah). The Waquf is considered to be the greatest part of pilgrimage without
which Hajj is incomplete. The Prophet pbuh said; Hajj is Arafat. The Prophet pbuh said; “The best
supplication is that which is made on the day of Arafah. The best of it is what was said by myself and the
prophets before me:

“There is no God but Allah alone, without any partners,

unto Him belong the dominion and all praise and He has
power over all things.”


 Arafat is around 14 km from Mina. Pilgrims can walk or can use other conveyance means given
by Saudi Government.
 On this day, Allah revealed the important verse about completion of religion i.e. 5:3.
 For the entire day, pilgrims are to spend hours in the vicinity of the mountain, praying and
 If one misses Arafat, there is nothing he can do to repair hajj.
 Arafat is so vital that missing it invalidates hajj altogether.
 Moreover, it is highly recommended to those who are not performing hajj that they observe a
fast on this day. Prophet pbuh said – Fasting on this day, expiates the sins of the previous year
and that of the following year.
 Prophet Mohammad pbuh said: “There is no day on which Allah frees people from the Fire more
so than on the Day of Arafat.

3. STAY AT MUZDALIFAH - Allah mentions in Surah Baqarah – When you leave Arafat, then remember
Allah at the Mash’arul Haram - The Sacred Monument’, referring to Muzdalifah according to Abdullah
bin Umar. Post sunset, without performing Magrib, pilgrims head to Muzadalifah (a town between Mina
and Mt. Arafat). On arrival, pilgrims would perform the Magrib & Isha prayers together, with one Adhan
& Iqamah. Here they would stay the rest night until Fajr prayers in preparation for the next day’s ritual
of stoning the devil. Pilgrims pick up 50 to 70 pebbles of similar size for Rami. These pebble would be
slightly bigger than bean but smaller than peanuts. It could also be collected at Mina.

4. RAMI - This ritual is a symbolic reenactment of the incident between the Prophet Ibrahim as & the
Satan. Ibrahim as was commanded by Allah Almighty to sacrifice his son Ismail as. On his way to carry
out this commandment, Satan repeatedly tried to dissuade Ibrahim as from following this order of Allah.
Ibrahim as was instructed by the Angel Gabriel to throw pebbles at Satan.

After offering Fajar prayers on 10th Zilhajj, pilgrims stay for a few minutes at Muzdalifah. When sun rises,
they leave for Mina to perform Rami i.e. stoning of Shaitan. There are three rectangular pillars, known as

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stops and pilgrims throws their set of seven pebbles to pillar Jamarat al Aqabah (the farthest pillar) one
at a time. Muslims perform the same ritual for the next three days before the concluding
circumambulation of Ka'bah. Throwing the pebbles is symbolic of the pilgrim’s redemption from evil.
Pilgrim may nominate anyone else if he is unable to perform this ritual due to any valid reason.

5. SACRIFICE - The culmination of the stoning ceremony calls for an animal sacrifice. For this pilgrims can
purchase sacrifice voucher or a coupon, which states that a sacrifice has been made in their name. the
sacrificial animal is either a lamb or a camel. The animal is butchered and its meat is packed and shipped
to other Middle Eastern countries or is fed to the poor.

6. SHAVING HEAD - HALQ (shaving the head) or TAQSIR (clipping or shortening of the hair for men and
women). Men should get their head completely shaved, or get their hair clipped. While women are
forbidden to shave their heads and only allowed to have a lock or strand of their hair clipped. The act of
cutting the hair symbolizes one’s detachment from physical appearances and complete subjection to

7. TAWAF - Now pilgrims are partially released from the restrictions of Ihram. They can wear other
clothing, and can do anything that was lawful earlier, except engaging in marital affair.
Pilgrims after sacrifice go to Mecca and perform a mandatory Tawaf of Ka’abah, known as Tawaf-al-
Ifadah, to seal the pilgrimage. This Tawaf can be done from midnight on the day of sacrifice. Then they
offer two Rakah nafil at Maqam-e-Ibrahim and perform Sa’ee.

8. AYYAM-E-TASHREEQ - After Tawaf and Sa’ee, pilgrims return to Mina to spend the nights 11,12 AND
13TH OF Zilhajj, i.e. Ayyam-e-Tashreeq. The stoning ritual is repeated by throwing pebbles at two other
monuments other than Jamrat al Aqabah – Jamrat ula (the first Jamrat) and Jamrat Wustah (middle
Jamrat). Pilgrims face the Jamarah (main pillar), with the Mecca on their left and Mina on their right,
stone it with seven small pebbles while reciting Takbeer. It is not permissible to stone before noon on
these two days.

9. FAREWELL TAWAF & VISIT TO MEDINA - After completion of all rituals, pilgrims come back to Mecca
for performance of Farewell Tawaf – Tawaf al Wida. It is wajib before leaving Mecca. Now pilgrims may
visit Medina or they must as it contains rewards.

a. Tawaf al-ifadah during Hajj, which is also called tawaf al-ziyarah (tawaf of visiting). It takes place
after the standing in ‘Arafah, on the day of al-Adha or after it. It is one of the pillars or essential
parts of the Hajj.
b. Tawaf al-qudum (tawaf of arrival) for Hajj. This is done by the pilgrim who has entered ihram for
Hajj and by the pilgrim who is doing Qiran, i.e., joining ‘Umrah and Hajj, when he reaches the
Ka’bah. It is one of the obligatory duties or Sunnahs of Hajj – there is a difference of scholarly
c. The tawaf of ‘Umrah - It is one of the pillars or essential parts of ‘Umrah, which is not valid
without it.
d. Tawaf al-wada’ (the farewell tawaf ), which is done after completing the actions of Hajj and
when one has decided to leave Makkah al-Mukarramah. It is obligatory, according to the more

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correct of the two scholarly opinions, for all pilgrims except women who are menstruating or
bleeding following childbirth, and the one who fails to do it must sacrifice an animal of the type
that is valid as an udhiyah.
e. Tawaf in fulfillment of a vow made by one who vowed to circumambulate the Ka’bah. It is
obligatory because of the vow.
f. Voluntary tawaf – could be performed anytime or any day even during days of eid, both by
residence of Mecca and those residing outside.

Note - Each of these tawafs must include seven circuits , after which the person offers two rak’ahs
behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible; if he cannot do that then he may offer the prayer in any other part
of the mosque.

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