The Biochar Handbook: Table of Contents

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Introduction 1
1. Biochar in History 7
2. What Is Biochar and How Does It Work? 21
3. How to Make Your Own Biochar 35
4. Working the Flame 65
5. Biochar Properties 89
6. Transforming Smoke into Useful Chemicals 105
7. Ashes and the Value of Minerals in Biochar 116
8. A Modern Muck Manual 127
9. Biochar in Food and Medicine 143
10. Building Soil 153
11. Biochar Recipes 173
12. For the Forest 187
13. Counting Carbon 210
14. Return to the Garden of Eatin’ 227

Acknowledgments 238

Appendix A: Plant Bioassays to Evaluate

Biochar Compost 239
Appendix B: Units and Conversion Factors 245

Glossary 247
Notes 253
Index 267

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