ICP 22 Ikan Mas Koi
ICP 22 Ikan Mas Koi
ICP 22 Ikan Mas Koi
Observing the anatomy and morphology of koi carp in the Laboratory of the biological Experiment
Rika Laura 1*
ICP of Biology Education, Group V, Biology Education, Makassar State University
This study was conducted with the aim to determine the impact and environmental impact carp koi (Cyprinuscarpio koi) fed on
artificial feed. Feed making and feed passing test carp (Cyprinuscarpio koi) cultivated in Kampung Hiung Sub-District Eat
that.This study was conducted with 4 treatments, namely A (20% protein feed), B (Protein feed 30%), C (40% animal feed) and
D( Animal Feed as a controller), each independent replay of 10 fish more sharp. The materials used in this study are: fish tip,
rice duck tip, front end, serrated edge, daluga edge, premix. Formula method uses rectilinear method. Fish mas koi was
arrested for robbery. Frequency of feeding by addlibitum 2 times a day, namely morning: 14.40, and evening : 16.20. Goldfish
are long-bodied with a ratio of total length and height of 3: 1 (depending on the variety). When cut the middle of the body has a
ratio of height and width of the body 3 : 2 (depending on the variety). 3 kinds of muscles in fish are striped / striated, smooth /
plain, heart. Pd fish muscles spread almost throughout the body, functioning according to the location where the muscle is
located. In general, ribbed muscles function to move certain parts of the body so that whole fish can move (swim). Example:
dorsal fin pd muscle: Protactor dorsalis, forward motion. Dorsalis inclinator, to the left and right. Refractor dorsalis, towards
the rear. Depressor dorsalis, downward.
Goldfish is a type of freshwater fish consumption, elongated flattened laterally and
soft, which is included in the teleostei group. Its body is encased in scaly skin, swims using
fins and breathes using gills. Goldfish have been kept since 475 BC in China. In Indonesia,
goldfish began to be kept around 1920. Goldfish found in Indonesia is a goldfish brought
from China, Europe, Taiwan and Japan. Punten and Majalaya carp are the result of selection
in Indonesia. To date, there are 10 goldfish that can be identified based on their
morphological characteristics.( Shengliang Cai 2023)
The ideal areas to cultivate the maintenance of these fish are areas that are between
150 – 600 meters above sea level, the pH of the waters ranges from 7-8 and the optimum
temperature of 20-25 oC. Carp lives in shallow places with a not fast current of water, both in
Lake rivers and in other puddles.Goldfish are characterized by an elongated, slightly flattened
body, mouth folds with smooth lips, two pairs of whiskers (Babel), the size and color of the
body are very diverse .( Shengliang Cai 2023).
Carp koi (Cyprinus carpio) has a torpedo-like body shape that has a motion tool in
the form of fins consisting of a dorsal fin, a pair of pectoral fins, a pair of abdominal fins, an
anal fin and a caudal fin. To be able to function as a moving tool, this fin consists of hard
fingers, soft fingers, and fin membranes. What is meant by hard fingers is the radius of the
fins that are stiff and broken if bent. Soft fingers, on the other hand, are flexible and do not
break if bent, and they are always located behind hard fingers. Fin membranes are "wings"
that allow koi fish to have a stronger thrust when swimming. This membrane is often cleared
of parasites and diseases so that the fins of koi fish look like a comb/brush. The pectoral and
caudal fins have only soft fingers. The dorsal fin has 3 hard fingers and 20 soft fingers, the
pelvic fins consist only of soft fingers, as many as 9 pieces, the anal fin has 3 hard fingers and
5 soft fingers.In addition to fins as a means of locomotion, koi fish also have a sense of smell.
The sense of smell is in the form of a pair of whiskers (whiskers) on the top of his mouth,
which is useful for smelling food at the bottom of a muddy pond. With this sense of smell,
fish are able to obtain food by separating it from the mud that covers the food. Mustache. this
also distinguishes it from maskoki fish, the forerunner of which is very similar to koi
fish. (Boris Gomelsky 2018)
On the sides of his body, from the middle of the head to the caudal trunk, there is a
lateral line (Linea lateralis) which is useful for sensing sound vibrations. This line is formed
from the veins on the inside of the scales that shadow to the outside. The body of the koi fish
is covered with a membrane consisting of two layers. The first layer is located outside, known
as the epidermis layer, while the inner layer is called the endodermis. The Epidermis consists
of SAP cells and which produce mucus (mucus) on the surface of the body of fish. This fluid
protects the surface of the body or resist parasites that attack koi fish. Unlike the epidermal
layer, the endodermis layer consists of fibers filled with cells. Blood clots and blood clots are
present in this area. In this layer there are also color cells that are needed by koi fish. This
Color cell has a very complex pattern that by contraction produces a solution with 4 kinds of
different color cells. The four cells produced are melanophore (black), xanthophore (yellow),
erythrophore (red), and guanophore (White). The taste organs and the nervous system have a
close relationship with the shrinkage and absorption of color cells.
Koi fish scales have a unique growth. On the scales will be drawn lines that can be
used as a benchmark to estimate the age of koi. Goldfish are known to be omnivorous fish
that feed on small insects, worm snails, kitchen waste, pieces of fish, etc Carp (Cyprinus
carpio L.) can be used as biological test animals as they are very sensitive to
environmental changes. In Indonesia, fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family are among the
most popular and most widely preserved fish by the public, and have economic value.
Goldfish are very sensitive to environmental factors at the age of about three months
with a size of 8- 12 cm. Moreover goldfish in ordinary ponds (stagnant water) speed
grows 3 cm per month. (Boris Gomelsky 2018)
Long-bodied goldfish with a ratio of overall length to height of 3: 1 (depending on
the variety). When cut in the middle of the body has a ratio between the height and width of
the body 3 : 2 (depending on the variety). The body color of the carp also depends on the
variety, there are red, yellow, gray, greenish, and there are also striped ones. The body of a
goldfish is divided into three parts, namely the head, body, and tail. A mouth, a pair of eyes, a
nose, and gill covers are located on the head. The whole body of the carp is covered with
large scales, and of the ctenoid type. In the section, there is a line of lateral stripes, extending
from the back of the gill covers to the base of the tail.( Bayram-Weston 2022)
In the neural network practicum unit, students are able to understand the function of
the tools that will be used, the tools used are binocular microscopes, glass covers,
stationery,preservative preparations of striated muscle tissue, skeletal and heart and as for the
methods and practical steps that will be carried out are the first to prepare the preparation and
observe the preparation of nerve tissue then observe muscle tissue under the objective lens of
the microscope in accordance with the magnification, if the practice has been obtained
muscle tissue clearly, then students are expected to photograph the results, then if the image
is complete and gives a picture of the results of the photomicroscope on the paper that has
been provided then describe the object to train the ability to observe muscle tissue in a
binocular microscope.
Tabel 1. Observation of cyprinus carpio koi
7 6
1. Slum bladder
1 2. Liver
3. kidney
4. Bile
5. intestine
6. Heart
7. Testis
6 5
Based on the observation of the caudal fin of Goldfish, it turns out that the fin has a
Homocercel type, that is, when the vertebral columna the tip is not exactly at the end of the
tail, but rather slightly bent, but the tip is divided into two equal parts. The body of the carp is
divided three parts, namely the head, body, and tail. A mouth, a pair of eyes, a nose, and gill
covers are located on the head. All parts of the body of Goldfish covered with large scales,
and ctenoid type. On the visible part there is a lateral line extending from the back of the cap
gills to the base of the tail. The mouth is small, split at the front of the head. A pair of big
eyes in the middle head on the left, and right. A pair of nostrils is located on the head. A pair
of Gill caps is located on the back of the head. In addition,at the bottom of the head has two
pairs of short whiskers. Goldfish have five fins, namely the dorsal fin, pectoral fin, abdominal
fins, anal fins, and caudal fins. The long dorsal fin is located on the dorsal side. The pectoral
fins of a pair are located behind the gill covers,with one finger-a hard finger, and the other-a
weak finger. The pelvic fins are only those located on the abdomen. The anal fin is located
only on the back anal. The caudal fin is also only one, located dorsal, with a spiny shape
1. Circulatory System
From the observations made by Group II, the circulatory system consists of the heart,
arteries, capillaries, venulae and blood. The circulatory system is in the form of a closed
circulatory system and a single blood circulation. On one circulatory system, blood passes
through the heart only once in one circulation. The heart of a fish consists of two chambers,
one atrium and one ventricles (chambers). Between the atria and ventricles there are valves
that will drain blood from the atria to the ventricles. Blood from the whole body containing
carbon dioxide flows to the sinus venosus, then to the atria. The Sinus venosus is the space or
cavity of the heart located between the ventricles and The Atria. At the moment when the
heart relaxes, blood flows through the valves, getting insidein the ventricles.
From the ventricles the blood flows into the CONUS arteriosus, then into the aorta
vnetralis and directly into the gills. In the lungs, the aorta branches into capillaries (small
vessels). Gill capillaries release carbon dioxide and take oxygen from water. From the Gill
capillaries blood flows into the branched dorsalic aorta. From this branch of the aorta dorsalis
blood distributed to capillaries throughout the body to distribute oxygen and nutrients
throughout the body. In addition, the blood also it requires carbon dioxide to return to the
heart through the vena cava and sinus venosus. From the above it is clear that in the
circulatory system of fish, blood only passes through the heart once in one circulation.
2. Reproductive System
In the observation of the reproductive system of Goldfish, goldfish are a group of
teleostei animals, female fish and male fish do not have external genitalia. Female fish do not
release shelled eggs, but release ova that will not develop further when not fertilized by
sperm. The Ovum is expelled from the ovary through the oviduct and expelled through the
cloaca. When to lay eggs, female fish look for a lush place bytumbuhan water or among the
rocks in the water.At the same time, male fish also secrete sperm from the testes which are
channeled through the urogenital tract (urinary tract sperm ducts) and exit through the cloaca,
so thatfertilization occurs in the water (external fertilization). These events continue up to
hundreds of fertilized eggs are attached to aquatic plants or to rock crevices. Fertilized eggs
look like small white balls. These eggs will hatch within 24-40 hours.
The newly hatched Fry will get their first food from the remaining yolk, which looks
like a lump inside his stomach is still clear. Out of so many fish, only a few survive.
Male Genitalia System
1. The testes are paired, suspended on the middle wall of the abdominal cavity by the
mesorcium. Oval shape with a rough surface. Most testicles are long and often
2. Reproductive tract, in Elasmoranchi some anterior mesonephrous tubules will
become afferent ducts and connects the testicle with the mesonephrus, called dutus
deferen. Posterior Baian afferent duct it dilates to form seminal vesicles, and from
this a sperm sac is formed. Dutus deferen empties into the cloaca. In Teleostei
channels from the excretory system and the reproductive system to the cloaca
Female Genitalia System
1. The ovaries in Elasmoranchi are dense, but less compact, located anteriorly in the
abdominal cavity. At the time adults develop only the right ovary. In Teleostei, the
ovaries are circular and in pairs.
2. Reproductive tract Elasmoranchi numbered in a pair, the anterior part is fused
which has one ostium that surrounded by Fimbres. The oviduct is narrow in its
anterior and posterior parts. Subsequent widening in the uterus empties into the
cloaca. The Teleostei have a short oviduct and are directly related to the ovary. In
the posterior part it unites and empties into one hole. Teleostei have no cloaca.
(Book SH II, diktat Assistance Animal Anatomy, Zoology)
3. Excision System
Goldfish ekresi system as well as other vertebrates, has many functions, among
others, for the regulation of body water content, keeping salt balance and
elimination of residual nitrogen result from protein metabolism. Mesonepros type
fish kidney is a group of tubules that at the beginning of the development of
segmented arrangement and finally not each tubule rolls both proximally and
distally, then collects in a longitudinal direction called the ductus archinephridicus.
Water, salt and metabolic waste in the bloodstream enters the capsule and flows
into the tubules into the ductus archinepredikus and finally out of the body.
Respiratory System
Gills belong to the carp type . The gills are in the form of thin sheets of pink and
always moist. Outer part dare gills are related to water, while the inside is closely related to
the blood capillaries. Each Gill sheet consists of a dare a pair of filaments, and each filament
contains many thin layers (lamellas). In the filaments there are blood vessels that have many
the capillaries thus allow OZ to diffuse in and CO2 to diffuse out. The gills in true bony fish
are covered by Gill caps that the so-called operculum, while the gills in cartilaginous fish are
not covered by the operculum. Gills not only serves as a breathing apparatus but can also
serve as a means of excretion of salts, food filters, tools ion exchange and osmoregulation.
Some species of fish have labyrinths that are upward extensions of the gills and form the
folds thus constitute irregular cavities. This maze serves to store reserves 02 so that the fish
can withstand the conditions Home See the web version Linc3zzz at 06.52 the lack of 02.
Examples of fish that have labyrinths are: cormorants and catfish. To save backup 02, In
addition to labyrinthine, fish have swimming bubbles located near the buttocks. Goldfish
breathe with gills located on the left and right sides of the head. Each of them has four layers
closed by Gill caps (operculum). The process of breathing in fish is by opening and
closing the mouth alternately with opening and closing gill covers. When the mouth opens,
water enters the oral cavity while the gill covers close. Oxygen those dissolved in the
incoming water diffuse into the blood capillaries contained in the gills. And at closing time,
close the gills opens and water from the oral cavity comes out through the gills.
Simultaneously with the exit of water through the gills, carbon dioxide is released. The
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the Gill sheets.
In the body of goldfish, the whole body is wrapped by skin consisting of fine
epidermis, which produces mucosa (mucus), useful in allows fish to move in the water and
protect themselves against microorganisms, which cause disease. On the body and tail in
epidermis there are scales that are arranged overlapping like the roof of a house. Each of the
scales is embedded in a dermal pocket and grows throughout life. In Teleostei there are
several scales, namely:
1. Cycloid scales are round in shape. On these scales when examined more deeply (in
fish that live in an area of fourseason) will appear yangberdifferent circle.
2. Ctenoid Scales. Shaped round rather oval, small spines on the anterior, posterior
medium break themselves into pieces.
Long-bodied goldfish with a ratio of total length to height of 3: 1 (depending on the
variety). When cut in the middle of the body has a ratio between the height and width of the
body 3 : 2 (depending on the variety). 3 kinds of muscles in fish are striped / striated,
smooth / plain, heart. Pd fish muscles spread almost throughout his body, functioning in
accordance DNG location where the muscles are located. In general, ribbed muscles function
to move certain parts of the body SHG sec whole fish are able to move (swim). Example:
dorsal fin pd muscle: Protactor dorsalis, forward motion. Dorsalis inclinator, towards left and
right. Refractor dorsalis, towards the rear. Depressor dorsalis, towards the bottom.
Boris Gomelsky,* Thomas A. Delomas,1 and Jeffrey L. Warner.(2018). Ploidy Variation and
Viability of Aneuploid Ornamental Koi Carp Obtained by Crossing Triploid Females
with Diploid Males.89-95
Bayram-Weston, Z., et al. (2022). Nervous Sytem 1 : Introduction to the nervous system.
Jurnal Nursing Times, Vol 118(3), 1-2.
Shengliang Cai a,1 , Yongming Li b,1 , Rui Xu a , Changqing He a , Kuangxin Chen b , Ji Chen b , Wei
Hu b,* , Mouyan Jiang (2023). Transcriptome analysis provides new insights into
ovarian follicle growth in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). 34-40.
Zizkovic., Franic, D., & Kojovic, V. (2023). An account of oxidative stress, antioxidant response
and glucose concentration due to artificial photoperiodic regimes in Koi (Cyprinus
carpio var koi) 61(1), 115- 116.