1 Match the two parts of the sentences. b What was the name of one of the books Ashken a After arriving on the island ….. wrote? ….. b Mr Holland was so nervous that ….. c What happened to Ashken in Austria? ….. c There was a car and a map ….. d What did Costas think of Ashken’s reaction after d Mr Holland wanted half the money before doing his accident? ….. his job ….. e Why was Costas angry at Ashken? ….. e The father of Eleni and Costas ….. f What does Eleni ask Costas not to do? ….. f The cliffs were shaped like ….. 1) Up to Eagle House and down to Eagle’s Rock. g The cliff was steeper and ….. 2) Climb Eagle’s Rock. 1) … more dangerous. 3) High Adventures. 2) … his hand started shaking as he spoke on the 4) Because he wanted to be the first to climb phone. Eagle’s Rock to the top. 3) … a ‘C’ letter around the island. 5) He had a bad fall and his partner died. 4) … owned a small holiday villa and some holiday 6) He thought he was a coward. flats on the island. 5 Are these sentences right (✓) or wrong (✗)? 5) … waiting for Mr Holland at the airport garage. a Ashken will climb up Eagle’s Rock, enter 6) … and the rest after. Eagle House, steal the paintings and leave 7) … the mysterious man was not sure if coming through the gates. c to the island was the right thing to do. b Ashken needed money because he couldn’t 2 Underline the wrong word and put the right one. climb anymore after the accident. c a The signs at the bottom of the cliff said ‘Steep. c Vitalis offers Ashken some more money to Keep Away. No climbing’. …………… do his job. c b Eagle House had an electric door around three d Costas’s father was woken up very early by sides of the garden. …………… a noise. c c Eleni told Costas that two men and a boy had died 6 Circle the right words. trying to climb Eagle’s Rock. …………… a When Eleni saw Costas, he was putting his d Costas loved to climb and it frightened him. climbing shoes / climbing helmet and looking up. …………… b When Eleni realised that Costas was climbing up e Mr Kazakou believed that Mr Holland was bad. Eagle’s Rock, she started shaking with cold / fear. …………… c When Costas got nearer the overhang / top he got 3 Circle the right words. very nervous. a The pictures of Mr Vitalis ….. d Costas was very frightened when his foot slipped / 1) are worth a lot of money. fell again and again. 2) are stolen. e Ashken was looking at Costas through his glasses / b Mr Vitalis did not want ….. binoculars. 1) to be seen with Mr Papas. 7 Finish the sentences. 2) to buy any paintings and Mr Papas was a Eleni told Ashken that she knew he would climb disappointed. Eagle’s Rock and ……………………………….. . c Eleni could not believe that when Mr Vitalis left ….. b Ashken was surprised to hear that Costas thought 1) Mr Holland took his newspaper and left. he was the greatest climber in the world and now 2) ran after him. ………………………………………………….. . d Mr Vitalis had such a bad year that ….. c While Ashken started climbing up Eagle’s Rock he 1) he had to close his computing company. started thinking ………………………………… . 2) he had to close many businesses. d When Ashken got to the part of the mountain in 4 Match the questions and the answers. which Costas was the famous climber ………….. . a What was Mr Holland looking at through his binoculars? …..