Carillion Scandal
Carillion Scandal
Carillion Scandal
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Internal Control Audit Issues...........................................................................................................3
Missing red flags..........................................................................................................................3
Problem contracts and cash flow constraints..............................................................................3
Aggressive accounting, revenue recognition and goodwill.........................................................4
External Audit Issues........................................................................................................................4
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This report about Carillion includes the events in regards to the 2016 audit. A series of internal
problems not detected by internal control issues along with the external auditors include missing
red signals, aggressive accounting, as well as pension losses that reach almost a billion pounds.
On March 31, 2017, KPMG, an external auditor of the Carillion, approved the 2016 audit four
months before the Carillion set 845 million pounds in asset value. By the beginning of 2018,
Carillion went bankrupt, with a cash reserve of just over 29 million pounds as well as a debt of
more than 1.3 billion pounds.
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Aggressive accounting, revenue recognition and goodwill
To increase revenue recognition, the former CFO's Zafar Khan had a more risky contract. KPMG
concluded in a management assessment that "the group lacked consistency as a whole as to how
they perceived the value of the claim."But Mihan said it was not until after the 2016 audit was
approved. Factors that the auditor did not take into account include disabling management
controls as well as internal shifts from careful decisions to optimistic decisions. The auditor also
failed to fully test the "confidence in cash flow in the Goodwill Reduction Assessment" under the
Financial Reporting Council (FRC).The Carillions were heavily dependent on goodwill when
evaluating assets.84% of the balance sheet was made up of goodwill (Peate, 2018).
The directors as well as auditors were not effective in implementing a red signal management,
losing revenue, cash flow issues, or considering ways to reduce the spread of assets, because the
majority of the Clarion assets depended on goodwill. Because internal as well as external
auditors were unable to anticipate the collapse, the Carillion case is a story that warns that
auditors should test control, evaluate, recommend, as well as state their opinions.
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Mabbett, D., 2018. Carillion, Procurement and Industrial Policy. The Political Quarterly, 89(2),
Peate, I., 2018. The Carillion crisis: the impact. British Journal of Nursing, 27(16), pp.917-917.
Sweet, R., 2018. Carillion and our unvirtuous circle. Construction Research and Innovation,
9(1), pp.1-2.
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