24 - 25 Jan ‘08
Shah Auditorium, Civil Lines
Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies
is the only specialized institution of the University
of Delhi imparting education in business and
management education at the undergraduate
level. Popularly called CBS, was set up by the
Human Resource Development Ministry in 1987.
CBS is today a brand, sought after by aspiring
students and recruiting companies alike. With a 1
to 81 selection ratio, it is unquestionably a name to
reckon with in the entire country
Crescendo, the Annual Fest, symbolizes the climatic point in this steady increase and aims to
be grander, more majestic and more innovative than ever before, in many ways almost
Idealistic. Crescendo is the platform that allows its corporate devils to let loose in pursuit of
actualizing their young fuelled visions. We shall quite literally reach the peak.
An event tailored to the youth of today, Crescendo '08 is largely targeted at college students.
Comprising events like The Apprentice (A Business Event) or Return of the Pirates (Treasure
Hunt), Rangmanch (The Dramatics Competition) Mridangâ (The Music Competition) or
Panchagini (The Choreography Competition), Crescendo has substance that caters to the
tastes of all kinds of young people
Greater participation at the fest, to an extent, adds to the mileage that our partners draw for
Crescendo. Thus, the two objectives are related and can be achieved simultaneously.
Crescendo is an Annual Fest organized for
students and in a more general expression, young people.
Promotion for Crescendo shall be carried out in two phases. The month long campaign has
been divided into two phases.
Phase I:
The first phase would be a Teaser Campaign. All media engaged in this phase would not
provide any information regarding what Crescendo is.
The media involved in this stage would include flyers and the internet – website and
mailers. The flyers, posters and mailers would only showcase the new Crescendo logo
along with its tagline, and provide the web site URL. The website too will be a part of the
teaser campaign.
Phase II:
The curtains shall be raised and the identity of Crescendo be revealed under phase II. This
phase would involve all the media listed later.
The following are the benefits that would accrue to the title sponsor:
i . Brand Association: The sponsor's name shall in all occasions appear in conjunction
with the brand 'Crescendo'.
ii. Metro Advertisement: The sponsors name and logo would be placed in a prominent
position in the Crescendo Advertisements being put up at various metro stations.
iii. Promotion Van: One of the sides of the promotion van which shall circumnavigate
around Delhi would have only the title sponsor's logo and the company name on it.
iv. Website: The website would have the sponsor's logo displayed on the front page and a
hyperlink to the company's website. The website would have a write up about the
company and shall be visited by all students for registration.
v. Mailers: Mailers informing people about Crescendo would be sent in thousands. These
mailers would mention the Title Sponsor in a prominent manner.
vi. Banners, Posters, Flyers & Pamphlets: The main sponsor would get a prominent and
strategic position in all Banners, Posters, Flyers & Pamphlets promoting Crescendo.
vii.Backdrop: The backdrop in the auditorium and the foyer would showcase the Title
Sponsor in a prominent manner.
viii. Stand Up Boards: The Title Sponsor may put stand up boards inside the auditorium or
in the foyer.
ix. LCD Advertisement: The sponsor would get to display its audio-visual advertisements
on LCD screens put up in the premises, on both days of the event, repeated regularly.
x. Kiosk: A non-vending kiosk would be available to the sponsor with its logo & name and
can also be used to display products.
xi. Print & Radio Ad: Print & Radio Ads aired before the event shall mention the name of the
sponsor in a prominent way.
xii.Brochure: The brochure sent to other colleges as part of the formal invitation shall have
the company's name & logo on the cover page. The sponsor shall also be given a half page
advertisement on the last page.
xiii. Plates & Glasses: Paper Plates & Glasses given to majority of colleges and famous eating
joints shall bear the name of the company along with the Crescendo logo.
xiv. SMS & Online Ads: SMSs sent & online Ads displayed on popular public portals (Orkut,
Facebook etc.) shall bear the company's logo & name.
xv. Sweatshirts & Caps: Official Sweatshirts & Caps worn by Team Crescendo shall also
display the sponsor logo & name.
xvi. Fest Magazine: The sponsor would have the following in the Fest Magazine:
- The front page of our college magazine would have the title sponsor's logo.
- A two fold page advertisement would be made available to the title sponsor.
- The bookmark in the college magazine would have the sponsor's logo on its back side.
- All even footers of the magazine would have the company name or logo according to
the sponsor's preference
xvii. Formal Event: The title sponsor would be branded as the sponsor as the sponsor for one
formal event.
- All posters of this event would bear the sponsor's name and logo
- The print material provided in the preliminary round would have the sponsor's logo
as header along with the name of the event
The sponsor may display its company merchandise at the event. E.g. Providing its
company's t-shirts that the organizers could wear at the time of the event, or stationery
that could be used for the preliminary rounds of the event, etc.
The following are the benefits that would accrue to the associate sponsor:
I. Metro Advertisement: The sponsors name and logo would be placed in a prominent+
position in the Crescendo Advertisements being put up at various metro stations.
ii. Promotion Van: The Promotion Van which shall circumnavigate around Delhi would make
a prominent mention of the Associate sponsors.
iii. Website: The website would have the sponsor's logo displayed on the front page and a
hyperlink to the company's website. The website would have a write up about the company
and shall be visited by all students for registration.
iv. Mailers: Mailers informing people about Crescendo would be sent in thousands. These
mailers would mention the Associate Sponsors in a prominent manner.
v. Banners, Posters, Flyers & Pamphlets: The co sponsors would get a prominent position in
all the Banners, Posters, Flyers & Pamphlets of Crescendo.
vi. Backdrop: The backdrop in the auditorium and the foyer would showcase the Associate
Sponsors of Crescendo.
vii.Stand Up Boards: The Associate Sponsor may put stand up boards inside the auditorium or
in the foyer.
viii. LCD Advertisement: The sponsor would get to display its audio-visual advertisements on
LCD screens put up in the premises, on both days of the event, repeated regularly.
ix. Brochure: The brochure sent to other colleges as part of the formal invitation shall have the
company's name & logo on the cover page.
x. Online Ads: Online Ads displayed on popular public portals (Orkut, Facebook etc.) shall
bear the company's logo & name.
xi. Fest Magazine: The sponsor would have the following in the Fest Magazine:
- The front page of our college magazine would have the sponsor's logo.
- All odd footers of the magazine would have the company name or logo according to the
sponsor's preference.
xii. Informal Event: The co sponsors would be branded as the sponsor for one informal event.
- All posters of this event would bear the sponsor's name and logo
- The print material provided in the preliminary round would have the sponsor's logo as
header along with the name of the event
i. Event Publicity: The sponsor would get a prominent and strategic position in all the banners
and posters of the event.
ii. Audio Video Clips of the Sponsor would be run on the LCD projector available in the Audi
while the event is being held.
iii. Prelims Questionnaire: The sponsors name and logo will be placed as a header on all the
preliminary rounds questionnaires.
iv. Display of Company Merchandise: The sponsor may display its company merchandise at
the event. E.g. Providing its company's t-shirts that the organizers could wear at the time of
the event, or stationery that could be used for the preliminary rounds of the event
NOTE: Personalized events for Title & Associate Sponsors can be organized as per their
i. Vending Kiosks:
i. Food and beverages vending stalls (Maximum – 2) Rs 15000
ii. Others Rs 12000
i. Colored Print Advertisements: The following are the rates for the colored page ads
which would be made available.
i. Front Page Inside Rs 20000
ii. Back Page Inside Rs 20000
iii. Full Page Ad Rs 12000
iv. Half Page Ad Rs 9000
v. Quarter Page Ad Rs 4000
ii. Black And White Advertisements: The following are the rates for the Black and
white page advertisements which would be made available.
i. Full page Ad Rs 9000
ii. Half Page Ad Rs 4500
iii. Quarter Page Ad Rs 3000.
i. 30 Second Clips which would be run 10 times over two days. Rs 10000
ii. 30 Seconds Clips which would be run 6 times over two days. Rs 8000
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________
FAX: _________________________________
E – MAIL: ________________________________________________________________
NAME: __________________________________