There Are

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1. There are ….months of the year.

a. Twelve
b. Nine
c. Eleven

2. Before agust was

a. June
b. July
c. April

3. Today Is Sunday, yesterday…

a. Friday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday

4. Before Saturday is…

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Friday

5. Good morning in indonesia

a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat malam

6. Good afternoon in Indonesia

a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat malam

7. In the morning you said….

a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good night

8. Good bye in indonesian…

a. Selamat tinggal
b. Sampai jumpa
c. Selamat makan

9. What is “membagi” in English…

a. Plus
b. Minus
c. Devide

10. What is “serratus”in English…

a. One hundred
b. Two hundred
c. Three hundred
11. My hobby is playing badminton. I need a… for playing it.
a. Stick
b. Motorcycle
c. Racket


This is a …..
a. Block
b. Cube
c. Cone

13. Yessi : “who is driving a car?”

rian : …….
a. Farmer
b. Sailor
c. Driver

14. We can buy medicine in the….

a. Dispensary
b. Library
c. Market

15. Someone who helps the doctor is a…

a. Teacher
b. Secretary
c. Nurse

16. We have breakfast every….

a. Night
b. Morning
c. Afternoon

17. I am hungry I want to…

a. Sleep
b. Eat
c. Read

18. I take a … to the school

a. Bus
b. Plane
c. Helicopter

19. Mr. Rey : what is your name ?

alana : …….. name is Alana.
a. Your
b. My
c. Her
20. Riri : …. Do you live?
Vira : I live in Jakarta
a. What
b. When
c. Where

21. A-F-H-E-T-R
The correct word is…
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Son

22. S-H-C-O-L-O
the correct word is….
a. Grand Mother
b. Son
c. School

23. H-I-L-C-E-R-N-D
The correct word is…
a. Children
b. Father
c. Mother

24. H-C-I-A-R
The correct word is…
a. Chair
b. Table
c. Blackboar

25. T-B-L-A-E
The correct word is ….
a. Chair
b. Table
c. Pen

26. Table in Indonesian is….

a. Meja
b. Kursi
c. Pena

27. Pencil in indonesia is…

a. Pena
b. Pensil
c. Kursi

28. Papan tulis in English is…

a. Blackboard
b. Pen
c. Eraser
29. Buku in English is…
a. Pen
b. Pencil
c. Buku

30. Penghapus in English is….

a. Eraser
b. Pen
c. Pencil

1. Library in Indonesian is ….
2. Chili in Indonesian is ….
3. Potato in Indonesian is …..
4. Wortel in English is ….
5. Jagung in English is ….

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