Diy Radio 1996 03 04

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33 NEWS 17

Novice Licensee Helps Sea A 7-ELEMENT LOW A SIMPLE MEDIUM
News from the RSGB. by Rev George Dobbs,
A do-it-yourself beam an- 19
tenna for 432MHz. RECEIVE MORSE / RTTY Light emitting diodes and
ON YOUR PC light dependant resistors
The RSD 116 Interface from explained.

Another 88


Bumper Check how well your home-
built beam works.

Edition Tune-in to international
radio broadcasts.
Experiment with plotting field
THE D-i-YER 555
strength by using light. 25
25 POSTER A simple test oscillator by
December 1995 edition proved so ESSENTIAL READING 27
popular that we’ve produced another FROM THE RSGB THE NICKY RECEIVER 2’S COMPANY,
bumper D-i-Y Radio. And we have
A simple short wave radio THE LOG BOOK,
taken the opportunity to bring you
more of the best projects from previ-
11 REVIEW by Rev George Dobbs, BAND BY BAND
ous magazines as well as plenty of COMMUNICATE BY G3RJV.
new material. INVISIBLE LIGHT 45
Every normal-sized D-i-Y Radio The infra-red light beam kit
includes three construction projects
(one of each type - see below), tech-
from Ramsey. 31
nical theory, a colour poster, a prize GET INVOLVED WITH WIN £50-WORTH OF
competition, a special offer, news, 13
operating details, letters and a two- AMATEUR RADIO AND PHOTOGRAPH: RNLI
month calendar of events.
You can now subscribe in three
different ways.
● For those who are not members 15
of the RSGB, a subscription to D-i-Y
Radio costs £9.
● If you are under 18, you can by Rev George Dobbs,
choose to join the RSGB HamClub G3RJV.
for just £10. This provides almost all
of the benefits of RSGB membership
but with D-i-Y Radio sent to you
every two months instead of the
members’ monthly magazine
● If you are already an RSGB mem-
ber, you can have D-i-Y Radio as
well as RadCom for an additional
All of these subscriptions come with
a joining pack, and further informa-
tion can be found on pages 10 and The Margate Lifeboat which rescued fishermen in distress, thanks to radio (see
46 of this edition. main story opposite).

Managing Editor: Mike Dennison; Production Editor: Jennifer Crocker; Technical Editor: Peter Dodd; Technical Illustrator: Bob Ryan; News Ed: Steve Lowe; Prod Asst: Wai-Yee Man; Secretary: Samantha Ralph.
D-i-Y RADIO is published six times a year by the Radio Society of Great Britain, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts. Filmset by JJ Typographics Ltd. Printed by Southernprint
(Web Offset) Ltd. © Radio Society of Great Britain, 1996. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the RSGB. All reasonable precautions are taken by the Radio Society to ensure that the advice
and data given to our readers are reliable. We cannot however, guarantee it and we cannot accept legal responsibility for it. Prices quoted are those current as we go to press. ISSN No: 0959-843X.

2 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996



comment Novice Licensee

Helps Sea Rescue
has thousands of new readers,
thanks to being distributed with
If you are one of them, welcome.
The Radio Society of Great
Britain launched D-i-Y Radio amateur Brian
in 1991 as a subscription-only Tutty, 2E1DEU,
magazine published six times a who is a member
year. It covers a more basic of the Thanet Raynet group,
level of radio and electronics was of great assistance to
than Radio Communication the marine rescue services
which is sent to members every recently. When Brian heard
month. the Margate lifeboat
The slogan of D-i-Y Radio is maroons, he switched on his
‘For Beginners of All Ages’
CB and 70cm amateur radio
and it is remarkably popular
with beginners and Novice
equipment. A boat with two
licensees, as well as very many fishermen on board had
more experienced amateurs engine problems and was
who like its down-to-earth style. lost in dense fog. Light was
We have subscribers aged 8 to fading and the fishermen had
80 and in many overseas been out for five long hours.
countries. Their failure to return was
Every edition (normally 24 reported and Dover coast-
pages) is packed with guard requested Margate
information, including three lifeboat to carry out a search
construction projects (very
in the fog.
easy, easy and not so easy) a
colour A3-size poster, theory,
The anglers were calling
operating info, news, reviews, for assistance on Channel 9
diary etc. As the title suggests, of their CB radio. Brian
the aim is to encourage practical picked up the call and then
amateur radio; each project is acted as liaison between the Brian Tutty, 2E1DEU, in his Margate shack.
supported by either a kit or coastguard, the Margate
details of where to get the lifeboat, and the lost give them up to date year. Meanwhile, he
components. There’s always a fishermen. The anglers information on how the performs an invaluable
prize competition and a special could only give an
offer voucher.
lifeboat search was pro- service as control operator
approximate position, which gressing. He also suggested at Thanet Raynet events,
Details of how to subscribe
was passed to another that the lifeboat should with logging being carried
can be found on page 46, and
information on the Radio
Thanet Raynet member on sound their siren frequently out by whoever is acting as
Society of Great Britain is on 70cm and then relayed to
and asked the anglers to his supervisor until he
page 13. Dover coastguards. They
report when any sound was obtains his full licence.
I hope you enjoy your first then passed the information
heard. The fishing boat was The story of the rescue
taste of D-i-Y Radio. Please to the lifeboat by VHF marine
made of fibreglass which was reported widely by local
write and let us know what you radio. Both the coastguard
think of it, and tell us about and the lifeboat were given gave a poor response on the newspapers with headlines
yourself and your interest in Brian’s phone number, and lifeboat’s radar. such as ‘Blind Brian in
radio - photographs are most direct contact was After eventually landing amazing radio rescue’ and
welcome. established by portable safely ashore the anglers provided some good
Mike Dennison, G3XDV were especially grateful for publicity for amateur radio
Editor Brian suggested to the Brian’s competence when and CB. We are grateful to
anglers that they should they learned that he was a Dave Arter, G1NLQ, who is
RSGB - SUPPORTING conserve their CB batteries, registered blind operator. also a member of the Thanet
AMATEUR RADIO but over the course of the Brian is planning to take the Raynet group, for
next 45 minutes he called full Radio Amateurs’ bringing this story to 5
them periodically in order to Examination in May this our attention.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 3




THE RSGB has recently If you live elsewhere you
appointed new Senior can find out who is the
Instructors in the Novice contact for your area by
training scheme for Avon, ringing Lynnette Ranger,
Buckinghamshire and 2E1EKT, at RSGB Head-
Oxfordshire. If you live in quarters. The number is
one of those counties and 01707 659015.
want to know more about
Novice licence training
courses in your area you
should phone or write to: RAE / NRAE
Steve Hartley, G0FUW, 5 REPORTS
Sydenham Buildings, Lower
CITY & GUILDS has issued
Bristol Road, Bath, Avon
reports on the December
BA2 3BS, tel: 01225 Denise Wild, Timothy White, Oliver Lockwood and Chris Ward with their
4643945. 1995 Radio Amateurs’ GB50UN certificates, which were presented by Mr Charles Colvington, the
Verdon Webley, G0RKV, Examination and Novice chairman of the Isle of Man United Nations Association.

1 Bates Close, Willen, Milton Radio Amateurs’ Examin-

ation. Anyone wanting a ISLE OF MAN SCOUTS contact with a Scout group
Keynes, Bucks MK15 9HZ, celebrated the 50th in the British Isles and saw
tel: 01908 672920. copy of either report should
anniversary of the United how the details of the station
Brian Fisher, G0SAG, 6 send a 19p SASE to Lynnette Nations during Jamboree On log were kept on a computer
Northolt Road, Carterton, Ranger, 2E1EKT, at RSGB The Air (JOTA) last year with by one of the Scouts. He
Oxon OX18 3QH, tel: 01993 HQ, specifying which one is special event station spoke with the Scouts about
843875. required. GB50UN. JOTA, which the station and the history of
takes place in October each the UN and the UN
year, and Thinking Day On Association on the Isle of
NEW EXAMINATION CENTRES The Air, which takes place in
February, are events in
Man. After the event, Mr
Colvington kindly presented
THE GORDON Schools Amateur Radio Club, GS7TGS, is which Scouts and Guides GB50UN certificates to all
now authorised by City & Guilds to act as an examination from around the world the Scouts who had taken
centre for both the RAE and Novice RAE. External communicate with each part in JOTA.
candidates are welcome. For further information write to other by amateur radio. The GB50UN QSL card,
the Gordon Schools Amateur Radio Club, Huntly, AB54 Because of the UN which was provided by the
4SE or tel: 01466 780739. anniversary, the Scouts had Isle of Man Bank and the
The Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs’ Club is also a new asked Denys Hall, GD4OEL, Isle of Man Post Office, is
City & Guilds examination centre for both examinations. if they could have a UN pictured in our On The Air
The club also offers regular courses of tuition. For further theme for JOTA. Thanks to feature on page 42.
details please contact Tim Bevan, G6WBA, 6 Buttermere Mr Charles Colvington, the Denys Hall, GD4OEL, is
Chairman of the Isle of Man putting on another special
Grove, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland, County Durham
United Nations Association, event station, GB4MGR,
DL14 9LG.
and the UN Information which stands for ‘Manx
Centre office in London, they Guide Radio’, for the Guides
were able to obtain the extra Thinking Day On The Air on
MEET THE RSGB special callsign GB50UN. 24 - 25 February.
AN RSGB REGIONAL Open Forum meeting will take place The station was set up at
Eary Cushlin, near Dalby on ● TV IS NOW 70 years old!
on 12 May 1996 at Rivenhall Village Hall, Church Road, John Logie Baird gave the
the Isle of Man, an excellent
Rivenhall, Witham, Essex. RSGB President Peter Sheppard, first demonstration of
site for radio, and over the
G4EJP, will be attending, as well as other members of television to members of the
weekend communicated
RSGB Council. For further information please contact Fred with Scout stations in South Royal Institution in London
Stewart, G0CSF, Shingles, Ingleborough Ln, St Mary’s America, USA, Canada, on 26 January 1926. Ten
Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 8JU, tel: 01732 780721. Europe, and the British Isles. years later the BBC started
And RSGB HQ in Potters Bar will be open to visitors on One disappointment was the world’s first high
Saturday 16 March and Saturday 20 April, between 10.00am that the Falkland Islands definition TV service, and to
and 4.00pm. The bookshop and GB3RS shack will be Scouts weren’t contacted. celebrate this, GB60BBC will
available to visitors, as will the National Amateur Radio Mr Colvington visited the be on the air from various
Museum and Library. station while they were in locations throughout 1996.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 5


Construction Feature

70cm Quad Antenna

THIS IS A antenna uses wire
description loops. This is a very
of how to well known antenna in
An Easy-to- make an antenna with
amateur radio and it is
construct UHF called a quad. Nor-
gain compared with the mally, these wire loops
Beam rubber duck or a dipole are square. For the
antenna. Additionally lower frequency bands
this antenna can be the elements are much
dismantled for carry- larger and have to be
ing to a hill-top location supported on an X
and assembled with frame. In our case a
ease. Antenna gain is quad antenna for
described in D-i-Y 432MHz is very small
so the elements do not
Radio Vol 4: No 5.
need a supporting
frame and can be
HOW DOES IT made in a circular
WORK? shape.


principle of the Yagi parasitic
driven element. The other
elements, known as parasitic
array. You can see a Yagi THE ANTENNA IS very easy to
elements, because they are not
antenna on nearly every house construct. The design allows you
directly connected to the
in the UK, used for receiving to use any type of metal tube or
transmitter, pick up the radio even wood for the antenna boom
television signals. Antennas frequency (RF) energy from the
have the same characteristics (the support for the elements)
driven element and re-radiate and the mast. The antenna
whether they are used for
it. One of these elements is elements are made from
transmitting or receiving - that is
physically longer than the driven 14SWG hard drawn copper
why you can use the same
element and is called the wire; you can use other gauges
antenna for transmitting or
reflector. The phase of the re- of copper wire. 16 SWG hard
receiving on your rig. It is easier
radiated RF, combined with the drawn antenna wire has been
to describe the principle of the
RF from the driven element tried and worked very well. If
Yagi antenna as a transmitting
causes it to be reflected away you use thinner wire the antenna
elements might get a bit floppy.
Although there can be quite a from the reflector element.
All the separate parts of this
lot of elements used on a Yagi Other elements are made antenna are fixed together using
only one is connected directly shorter than the driven element. hose clips (sometimes known
to the coax cable and the The phase of the re-radiated as jubilee clips).
transmitter, and is known as the RF from these elements, The driven element is fixed to
combined with the RF from the the boom using a hose clamp,
driven element, causes the RF with a white plastic connector
to be directed towards these block (with three terminals) to
director elements. enable the coax to be connected
The combined effect of all to the elements. This element
these elements is to cause the should be made 70mm longer
than shown in Fig 1. The ends
RF to be concentrated in one
of the elements are then bent at
direction. By building the field
right angles, formed into a loop
strength meter, described on and the ends pushed through
page 8, you will be able to ex- the connector block and the
periment with this antenna and screws tightened. The long
measure its directivity. 50mm end is formed into a loop
Instead of using straight ele- and pushed back though the
Detail of construction method. third connector. This loop is
ments as used in the Yagi this

6 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

used to connect the C RSGB DY112/1

driven element to the

boom. All this might
seem a bit compli-
cated but it is
probably easier to
see how it is done by
looking carefully at
Fig 1 and the photo-
The parasitic
elements should be
made 40mm longer
than the lengths
shown in Fig 1. Bend
the ends of the wire
at right-angles and
then form the wire
into a loop. It is
preferable, but not
essential, to solder
the ends of the wires
together, which
makes it easier Fig 1: 70cm 4 element quad construction, with detail of how hose clamps are used in the construction.
to assemble the
antenna. other antenna that you normally Provided the reading is less than
The antenna is fixed to the use then tune around the 1.8:1 the match is acceptable.
mast using hose clips and wire repeater or beacon channels Some cheap CB SWR meters
as shown in Fig 1. Finally the and listen for any signals that that have been tried gave good
coax cable is connected to the might be on. Now disconnect results on 70cm [1].
driven element connector block, the normal antenna and You can check the directivity
with the braid of the coax connect the quad - remember of your antenna using a field
connected to the end of the that this antenna is directional strength meter (FSM). This
element fixed to the boom and so point the antenna at your instrument measures the level
the centre of the coax connected local repeater if you know where of RF energy around your
to the free end of the element. it is. If you can hear a repeater antenna. How to construct one
You will have to fit a coax plug and the signal strength varies and how it is used is described
on the other end of the coax as you turn the antenna then it on page 8.
cable to suit your transceiver or would appear that it is working
SWR meter if you are using to some degree, particularly if REFERENCES
one. See for instance theNovice the signal is stronger than with [1] The SWR meter and its
Licence Student Notebook , for the original antenna. You use in checking UHF
information on how to do this. should be able to locate the
antennas was described
direction of the repeater if you
D-i-Y Radio Vol 4: No 6.
TESTING THE didn’t know where it was in the
first place.
ANTENNA Now try it on transmit. It will
YOUR ANTENNA CAN now be be useful to have a ‘standing MATERIALS
tested. It is best to try antennas wave ratio’ meter (SWR meter), 4 metres of 14 gauge hard drawn copper wire
outside away from buildings when the matching is good it Copper tubing
where possible. At these generally means that the 15 amp connector block
7 hose clips
frequencies signals bounce off transmitted power is going to
A kit of parts comprising 5 metres of RG58CU coaxial cable, 5
walls and metallic objects and the antenna.This instrument is metres of hard drawn copper wire and a coaxial plug (BNC or
can give misleading results. used to measure that the coax PL259) can be obtained from W H Westlake, West Park, Clawton,
Holsworthy Devon EX22 6QN at the special price of £5. Please
It is best to try the antenna on cable and the antenna are mention D-i-Y Radio when ordering.
receive first. Switch on your rig matched. If the meter reads The rest of the materials can be obtained from hardware stores.
using the rubber duck, or some 1:1 then the match is excellent.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 7


Construction Feature

A UHF Field Strength Meter

Measure the sometimes called an not have a meter built in but has
Absorption Wave- leads from the FSM components
RF radiating
meter, which is useful that can be connected to any
from your for measuring the sensitive 50 or 100µA meter, or
antenna frequencies of any you can use a multimeter. By
spurious signals, such selecting different ranges on the
as harmonics, radiating multimeter you have an FSM
from a transmitter. with adjustable sensitivity.
Fig 1: Construction of the UHF field strength meter. Because we want an
instrument for checking
A FIELD strength the performance of a UHF USING THE FSM
m e t e r ( F S M ) antenna we want an FSM that is CONNECT A METER to the
measures the sensitive around 433MHz. You FSM circuitry. Place the hand-
level of radio can use this instrument for held transceiver about two
frequency (RF) energy from a comparing the signal strength metres from the FSM and press
transmitting antenna. It is a of the rubber duck antenna on transmit. If there is no reading
simple receiver which has a your rig with any experimental on the meter, check the wiring
meter connected to the output antenna that you might like to of the FSM. If the meter reading
instead of a loudspeaker. An make. appears to go negative in the
FSM can be a simple broad- presence of a signal just connect
band detector as shown in Fig CONSTRUCTION the leads to the meter the other
1a or a detector with a tuned THIS INSTRUMENT IS very way round. If the reading is too
circuit in front of it as shown in simple to make. It comprises a high, move the transceiver
Fig 1b. The broadband FSM loop of wire, 600mm long, which further away from the FSM.
will detect RF fields over a wide also acts as the antenna. The Now try altering the
range of frequencies. An FSM other items required are a diode, orientation of the transmitter
with an RF choke at the antenna a capacitor, a connection block antenna relative to the FSM and
socket will be sensitive to and a length of twin wire. The note how the signal varies.
frequencies in the HF band. A FSM components are not If you build the UHF quad,
loop of wire at the antenna mounted in a box in the described on page 6, connect
socket will be required to give conventional way but fixed to a this to the transceiver and note
adequate sensitivity in the VHF/ pole with a hose clip (jubilee how the signal varies as the
UHF range. clip), as shown in Fig 2. It does antenna is rotated.
An FSM with a tuned circuit
will only detect a transmission
on the frequency to which it is
tuned. If the tuning circuit
variable capacitor has a
calibrated dial you will then be
able to measure the frequency
of the radiated transmission. An
FSM with a tuned circuit is

Capacitor 100p
Diode 0A79 or 0A91
Connector block* 10 amp
600mm long wire* 16SWG
Hose clips*
*These can be obtained from most hardware stores.
Fig 2: Broadband and tunable field strength meter.

8 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

The Light Measuring Photometer

BEFORE THE LDR. This instrument is quite
days of automatic C RSGB DY122
sensitive to light. You will
cameras a photo- probably have to find a dark
grapher would use room where the light is low An Instrument
a light meter (Photometer) to enough for the meter to read for Measuring
measure the light level and then zero. Light Intensity
manually convert the light We can use our photometer
reading to shutter speed and to make a graph of the light
lens aperture settings to ensure intensity of a battery-powered
Fig 1: Circuit diagram of photometer.
that the film exposure was torch. Draw a circle on a large
correct. meter. This is so that the range sheet of paper and then divide
Most modern cameras have of the meter can be set. In other the paper into segments as
a light measuring meter built in, words you want the meter to shown in Fig 2. If you have a
which controls the aperture read full scale deflection when protractor then you could
setting of the camera lens the light intensity is at maximum make a line, say every 10°.
automatically. and to read zero when the light Generally the more divisions
level is very low.
HOW DOES IT This instrument is very simple
you have the more accurate
the plot will be. The
WORK? to make. The items required are measurements will have to be
an LDR, 50kΩ variable resistor made in a darkened room with
THE OPERATION OF the circuit
and any sensitive 50 or 100µA
in Fig 1 is based on a component the meter a short distance from
meter. You could use a
called a Light Dependant the LDR, connected by two
multimeter for M1. The wires.
Resistor (LDR). In bright light
connections of RV1 are the
the resistance of the LDR is low Beam the torch directly at the
- about 1kΩ. In the dark its centre tab and the left-hand tab,
LDR and set the meter reading
resistance is high, up to 10MΩ. viewed from the rear.
to maximum (10 or 100) using
When an LDR is connected in
series with a battery and a meter THE PHOTOMETER RV1. Point the torch to the next
segment and take another
the rate of current flowing will WHEN THE PHOTOMETER is reading, making a note of it.
depend on the light intensity at connected up you will find that it When you have made all the
the LDR. In this circuit a variable will probably give a reading measurements you can use
resistor, RV1, is connected in straight away due to daylight the data to construct a light
series with the LDR, battery and reducing the resistance of the intensity pattern as shown in
Fig 2.
There is a similarity between
light and radio frequency waves.
Both are known as electro-
magnetic radiation. Can you
think of a way of using the Field
Strength Meter (FSM),
described on page 8, for making
a similar plot of a directional

RV1 50k potentiometer
LDR1 ORP12 Light dependant resistor
Additional Items
PP3 battery connector
Fig 2: Torch light intensity pattern plotted at RSGB HQ.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 9


Equipment Review

Communicate by Invisible Light

( s e e
Fig 1)
has similar
properties to radio
waves in the
microwave region
(see our colour
poster) and visible
light. However, like
radio waves, infra-red
waves can’t be seen.
Infra-red is used in
virtually every house,
these days, to transmit
signals from a remote
control unit to a television,
video-recorder or hi-fi. Less
well known is that infra-red
light, generated by special Board (PCB) and full your IR light beam receiver is A licence-free
lasers, is used for telecommuni- instructions. A hardware kit of completed” - and hints are way to transmit
cations links via glass fibre knobs, box etc is also available. included such as “Don’t worry
The only additional things too much about heating the
speech, music
For our purpose, it can be needed to make it work are an component with your iron.” or data over
used to experiment with wireless audio source (eg microphone), In order to be able to use two short distances
transmission without the need headphones or loudspeaker and kits as transceivers, or just one
to obtain a licence. It is even a battery. as a transmitter and separate
possible to ‘amplify’ the effective The instructions are amongst receiver, the PCB can easily be
light by using a magnifying glass the best we have seen at D-i-Y split into two parts (see
to focus it (Fig 2). Radio, giving in 16 A5 pages photograph).
some information on infra-red,
step by step construction details,
a parts list with a description of
each component (including the ONLY TWO TOOLS are needed
resistor colour code for each to build this kit: a pencil-bit
one), a layout diagram, a circuit soldering iron and a pair of thin-
diagram and suggestions for nosed pliers, though miniature
experiments. The tone is helpful wire cutters are also useful. Care
and friendly - “Congratulations, must be taken in identifying the

Infra-red Light Beam
Communicator has a claimed
range of up to 10m (30ft) or a
quarter of a mile “with simple
lenses”, so it could be used to
set up a link across a road, from
one school building to another,
or within a room (for ‘cordless’
headphones for instance). C RSGB DY282
The kit includes all
components, a Printed Circuit Fig 1: Infra-Red light is lower in frequency than visible light.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 11


Equipment Review

remote control unit at the When tested, the range was

receiver’s ‘eye’ from a metre or about 4m, rather less than the
so away. A pulsed buzzing claimed 10m, but the addition of
sound should be heard. Try a simple lens (a child’s plastic
moving the remote control and magnifying glass) improved this
receiver apart - we found a greatly. Another magnifier
range of 3 or 4 metres with the placed in front of the receiver
signal rapidly fading away at made the signal better still,
the furthest range. though the beam was so narrow
Next try placing a magnifying that everything had to be
glass lens a few centimetres carefully aligned. The audio
from the receiver, exactly in output was loud with little
line with the remote control. background noise.
The signal is greatly amplified
once the lens is in the right
place. SUMMARY
Having proved that all is OK, ALTHOUGH WE weren’t able
components; we made a few the transmitter can be built and to achieve the claimed ranges
silly mistakes in our haste to you are all set for some with this kit, it was very
complete the project. Some communications experiments. straightforward to build, the
parts needed their leads The transmitter works with 9 to instructions were excellent and
bending a little in order to fit 12V but we found it worked the project well thought out. We
them into the board. very much better on a 9V mains had a lot of fun experimenting
Construction took about four power supply (battery with lenses, too. If you want to
hours, including checking eliminator), and better still on a build something different, set
component placing and solder 12V supply (though care must up a secret communications link,
joints (important this, one of our be taken at the setting up stage). or try out the properties of optical
joints looked OK until it was An ordinary 9V battery wasn’t instruments (magnifiers,
examined closely with a really adequate, though a re- telescopes, mirrors etc), this is
The Ramsey magnifying glass). If you want chargeable one would be OK. the project for you.
Electronics to split the PCB into separate
Infra-Red Light receiver and transmitter, note
Beam that the supplied on-off switch
Communicator Kit and battery are on the
costs £22.95 from transmitter board only; another
Waters & Stanton switch and battery connector
Electronics, 22 are needed for the receiver.
Main Road,
Hockley, Essex
SS5 4QS,
who are thanked THE FIRST THING you’ll want
for providing the to do having finished the

kit for review. receiver is to test it. This can

easily be done by pointing a Fig 2: A simple lens focuses the infra-red light to improve the signal.


12 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996



Amateur Radio and the RSGB

THE RADIO Society How your
of Great Britain national society
represents all UK
has supported
radio amateurs nationally (in
frequent meetings with the amateur radio
Radiocommunications Agency) for more than
and internationally (as a 80 years.
member of the International
Amateur Radio Union - IARU);
it has done so since 1913.
Protecting our bands is even
more important in today’s
crowded spectrum, but the
RSGB aims not only to protect
but to expand; the Class B
licence and the 6 metre band
are two examples of licence
At your service: part of the bookshop and reception area at RSGB Headquarters. The
improvements brought about by shop is open on weekdays (9.15am to 5.15pm) and every third Saturday in each month
RSGB initiatives. between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

A full-time staff of 30, backed

Bureau system. RSGB 100 books from other sources.
up by more than a thousand
members send QSL cards in In addition, there’s RadCom -
specialist volunteers, provides
bulk to RSGB Headquarters for which is, a monthly 100-page
advice, assistance and technical
sorting and onward distribution colour magazine sent free to all
publications to some 30,000
to amateurs all round the members - D-i-Y Radio, and
members worldwide.
world. Incoming QSL cards are specialist newsletters for the HF
posted to UK amateurs in packs
LICENSING of 20 or so, using envelopes
and Microwave enthusiast.
Expert volunteers are on hand
THE RSGB CARRIES out all which they provide. An active to advise not only the Society’s
Novice licence training and operator can save a
negotiating teams, but also
Morse testing, and issues considerable amount in post-
individual members. Specialist
special event (GB) callsigns. It age by using the Society’s QSL
committees cover HF, VHF,
provides news broadcasts and Bureau.
Microwaves, Licensing,
Morse practice transmissions Propagation, Membership
under the callsigns GB2RS and INFORMATION Services, IARU, Direction
GB2CW. Many on-the-air
activities are co-ordinated by AND ADVICE Finding, Data Communications,
EMC (interference), Exhibitions,
the RSGB, such as awards, AS WELL AS being the country’s
Contests, Planning Permission,
contests and repeaters. largest publisher of amateur
Repeaters, Education and
It also provides the British radio books (see page 10), the
part of the worldwide QSL RSGB also stocks more than
Each county has a RSGB
Liaison Officer who is available
to provide members with advice
or tell them how to contact the
appropriate expert.

RSGB Headquarters at Potters Bar, just

off the M25 north of London, houses the
administrative offices, the publishing and
sales operations, the QSL Bureau, an
extensive bookshop, the National Amateur RSGB - WE’RE
Radio Museum and Library, and a well-
equipped radio station using the callsign HERE TO HELP
GB3RS. Guided tours of the whole building
are on offer at the Annual Open Day (4 May YOU
this year).

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 13



THE HOBBY of amateur radio is as old as Marconi. Yet it remains as
IN ADDITION to helping to exciting as ever with the use of computers and satellites. There are over
support the only organisation 60,000 amateurs in the UK and well over two million worldwide, and this
in the UK representing amateur number is increasing.
radio nationally and inter- Radio amateurs arequalified radio operators. They are enthusiasts who
have passed a City and Guilds examination in radio theory and practice
nationally, members enjoy
which allows them to hold a transmitting licence issued by the
many privileges: Radiocommunications Agency of the DTI. The licence, which allocates a
● RadCom: A minimum of 100 unique callsign, lists the rules under which radio amateurs are allowed to
pages every month, delivered transmit. This includes the permitted frequencies (depending on the class
of licence held) - there are more than 25 bands of frequencies allocated to
to your door, and packed with the Amateur Service, covering the short waves, VHF bands and Microwaves.
construction projects, the very There are four types of licence: two for the beginner - the Novice
latest news, special interest Licence, and two for the more qualified operator. A Morse test must be
articles, an extensive Diary of passed to qualify for a Class A licence which allows the use of frequencies
events and the largest selection where worldwide contacts are available, but lots of fun can still be had with
a Class B licence which doesn’t need a Morse pass.
of commercial and small Although a wide range of types of transmission can be made, from
advertisements. Morse code (still widely used) to computer data and even television
● Advice when you need it: pictures, radio amateurs may not transmit such things as music, commercial
or political messages. There’s still plenty to talk about, though, including of
Help with technical problems,
course radio itself.
planning permission or Radio amateurs are the only users of the radio spectrum who are
interference is available from permitted to build their own transmitters. This is because they are exam-
the country’s top specialists - qualified. Most amateur radio stations have a mix of home-built and
absolutely free to members. commercial equipment.
Amateurs are frequently called upon to assist in times of disaster. Their
● Save money: Use of the QSL compact and simple equipment is frequently more suitable in an emergency
Bureau cuts out the huge cost than today’s complex commercial gear. Help has been provided at
Active of individually mailing your earthquake sites, train disasters, plane crashes, and so on. In recent years,
amateurs and cards. amateurs provided the only means of communication to and from some of
listeners need the besieged towns in Bosnia.
● Save more money: Every Radio amateurs have designed and built over 25 communications
the RSGB member receives a 15 per cent satellites. Astronauts and cosmonauts
❖ discount on more than 150 frequently operate amateur radio stations
from space and many schools have been
Active books or items of software.
able to talk directly to space in this way.
amateurs and ● Insurance: This essential
listeners join safeguard has been arranged
the RSGB specially for members at subscription to RadCom. Other
advantageous rates. rates are: Senior Citizens £27
and Full-time Students £20.
WHAT DOES If you are under 18, we
MEMBERSHIP can offer you membership
of the RSGB HamClub
COST? at just £10 a year and
FULL CORPORATE member- we’ll send you D-i-Y
ship costs just £34 per year Radio instead of
(UK or overseas) including a RadCom.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

I am interested in joining the RSGB and receiving the full benefits of membership.

Name: ............................................................................................................................................................................
Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................

I enclose❑ £36 (Corporate Membership) ❑ £27 (Senior Citizen) ❑ £22 (Student) ❑ £12 (under 18s HamClub)
Credit Card No. ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ Expiry Date: ❑❑ ❑❑

❑ Please send me details of how to subscribe by Direct Debit.

14 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

Simple 80m Transmitter

IN THE EARLY The transmitter has simple of Field Effect Transistor). This
days of radio antenna change-over switching acts as the power amplifier
many items of that works with the transmitter stage. TR3 should give a power
equipment where on/off switch. This allows it to be output of some 3 watts which is Two articles by
built on a wooden baseboard. used with any of the 80 metre coupled to the output by C3. the Reverend
All the parts were screwed down receivers described in earlier The Radio Frequency Choke George Dobbs,
to the board. These were called editions of D-i-Y Radio, such as (RFC) which provides the drain G3RJV
breadboard radios because the Colt. It can also be used with load of TR3 is a few turns of wire
often that is what was used. any kit or commercial receiver on a ferrite bead.
Recently I had need to knock for the 80m band. TR2 is an interesting addition
up a simple amateur bands to the circuit. This transistor is
transmitter for display purposes.
I turned to a well known amateur
THE CIRCUIT used as a switch, to key the
power amplifier TR3. It would
radio circuit called the ONER. It be possible to build the
transmitter is shown in Fig 1.
was so called because the transmitter without TR2 and just
original design, by George Burt, The circuitry around TR1 forms
place a Morse key between the
GM3OXX, was built on a one a crystal oscillator, the frequency
top of RFC and the 12 volt
inch square circuit board. The of which is controlled by crystal
supply. Adding TR2 is helpful
circuit appeared in the G QRP X1. A small trimmer capacitor
because it means that one side
Club journal SPRAT and since TC1 is added to allow the
of the Morse key can be joined
that time many hundreds of frequency of X1 to be varied by
to ground and also some
ONER kits have been bought a small amount. If this capacitor
shaping of the keying is added
and used on the air. This is a has a control knob on the front with R3 and C1. This makes the
well proven circuit. panel it is useful to allow the
Morse transmission sound a
This simple transmitter circuit transmitter to dodge any stations
little better. TR2 is an PNP type
has no selective tuned circuits already on the frequency of the transistor. This type of transistor
in the power amplifier. This crystal. The resistor, R2, in the is connected the other way
means that the output from the collector of TR1 can be varied around from the more common
transmitter has rather a high to allow more, or less, power NPN transistor, like TR1. Notice
harmonic content and must be from TR1. A value of 3.3k seems that the emitter of TR2 goes to
used with a low-pass filter such to work well on 80 metres to the positive [+] side of the supply.
as that described on page 17. If give the transmitter the legal Some form of change-over
a low-pass filter is not used, Novice output of 3 watts. switching is needed for the
interference will be caused to TR1 is directly coupled to antenna. A double pole (two
other stations. TR3, a VMOS transistor (a type part) changeover toggle switch
can be used. One pole is used
to switch the antenna between
receiver and transmitter. The
other pole is connected in the
12 volt supply line. The switch is
NETTING and its use is
described under ‘Using the
In this simple circuit, when
the key is open the power
amplifier cannot work because
there is no supply voltage at
RFC. On closing the key
contacts, TR2 is switched on
and the supply appears at the
top of RFC. C2 is a decoupling
Fig 1: Circuit diagram of the breadboard transmitter. capacitor which prevents any

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 15


Construction Feature

leads. Do take care to mount

the transistors the right way
round on the board (see Fig 1).
When the wiring of the board
is complete closely inspect all
the connections and check them
against the circuit diagram. Also
check that no solder has run
between the pads. Plug in a
crystal for the 80 metre band.
The oscillator can be tested by
switching on the 12 volt supply
and listening on a receiver for
the signal. Do not test the full
transmitter without a 50 ohm
load connected to the output.
Winding RFC is a simple task.
It uses a small ferrite bead as a
former. Seven turns of thin
enamelled wire are threaded
through the bead and wound
round the outer edge. This does
The breadboard transmitter, showing its construction on PCB pads.
require some care. The bead is
small and the wire is thin. It is
radio frequency signals getting firmly place the soldering iron important not to scratch the
into the line between RFC and tip on that pad to heat it up. enamel coating off the wire
TR2. Then touch the end of the solder because this could lead to
onto the pad: not the soldering shorted turns. When the turns
BUILDING THE iron tip. The heat will melt the
solder and it should flow cleanly
are completed trim the ends of
the wire back to about 1cm from
TRANSMITTER over the square pad. This either end of the bead. Scrape
FOR SPEED of construction I provides a good surface for these ends clean of enamel and
decided to build the circuit in the making the soldered joints. tin them. That is, heat them with
old breadboard style using a The easiest way to join the the soldering iron and coat them
piece of printed circuit board. I leads of the components to the with a clean layer of solder. If
cut a piece of blank printed circuit square pads is to cut them to you can manage to get a couple
board material to measure 5cm about 1cm long
by 4cm. Then taking a junior and bend about
hacksaw and placing the teeth
flat on the surface of the copper
2mm of the end
at right angles.
surface of the board, I cut a Tin this bent R1 100k
pattern of square pads as shown portion, place R2 see text
in the photograph. This is best the lead firmly on R3 1k
done with a new, sharp, blade the pad and melt Capacitors
drawn gently across the surface the solder with C1 100nF
C2 100nF
in a series of slow movements. the iron tip. C3 100nF
The method of building the When the joint CT1 3 - 60pF Trimmer
transmitter is shown in the has cooled, tug Semiconductors
photograph. All the parts are the lead to check TR1 ZTX651
TR2 ZTX751
soldered directly to the square that the con-
pads made on the printed circuit nection is firm. Additional Items
board material. This is a form of Each transistor RFC see text
surface mount construction. It has to straddle SWITCH double pole miniature
is important to make good clean three pads, so toggle
Crystal Holder HC25 type
solder joints. To this end tin the the centre lead Crystal HC25 3.579MHz
square where connections are needs to be a Components available from JAB Electronic
to be made. Before a solder little shorter than Components, see page 30.
joint is made to a square pad, the outer two

16 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

A 7-Element Low Pass Filter

SIMPLE LITTLE The answer is harmonic above the required frequency
transmitters often filtering: adding a circuit that will of the transmitter.
use circuit short-cuts reduce the harmonics without a
which result in not only the lot of reduction of the required DESIGN OF THE By the
required frequency being signal. Even when using a low Reverend
generated and amplified but also power transmitter, a low pass LOW PASS FILTER George Dobbs,
harmonics: the signal times two, harmonic filter should be used. THE CIRCUIT FOR a seven- G3RJV
the signal times three, the signal A low pass filter is a circuit element low pass filter is shown
times four . . . . and so on. These which allows frequencies below in Fig 1, so called because it
harmonics can be quite strong a chosen frequency to pass contains seven parts (or circuit
and it may be possible for a through but greatly reduces elements). Three-element and
station which is transmitting on (attenuates) signals above that five-element low pass filters are
3.5MHz to be heard on the 7MHz frequency. This is called the also common. The three-
amateur band; both at the same cut-off frequency and is element would only contain the
time! usually designed to be just part of the circuit shown in C1,
L2 and C3. This is often called a
pi network because the three
parts of the circuit look like the
Greek mathematical symbol pi
(π). Fig 1 is like three pi elements
in a row. It is worth the extra
complication of a seven element
filter to obtain a cleaner signal.
The Low Pass Filter circuit in
Fig 1: Circuit diagram of filter. Fig 1 is designed to have an

of extra turns through the bead, Tune the receiver until a loud small board but the layout is
do so, a little extra inductance signal from your own transmitter such that anyone capable of
can be helpful. Who says radio is heard on the receiver. This is making good solder joints
is an exact science! known as NETTING, which is a should have no problems.
term used to describe tuning Kanga can also supply a
USING THE your transmitter and receiver to suitable crystal in the 80 metre
TRANSMITTER the same frequency.
Your station is now set up to
Novice Band.
Kanga Products, Seaview
CONNECT THE antenna to the enable you to call any station House, Crete Road East,
transmitter’s ANTENNA socket on, or close to, your crystal Folkestone, CT18 7EG. Tele-
via the filter (see opposite). frequency. To transmit just press phone: 01303 891106.
Connect the receiver to the the key with the RECEIVE/
transmitter RECEIVER socket. TRANSMIT-NETTING switch in
Set the RECEIVE/ the Transmit-Netting position
TRANSMIT-NETTING switch to and switch to Receive for signals IMPORTANT NOTICE
Receive. You should hear some
coming back to you. You must have an Amateur Radio Licence
signals on the receiver.
Set the RECEIVE/ before you may operate a transmitter. The
TRANSMIT-NETTING switch to A KIT IS maximum penalty for transmitting without a licence
Transmit-Netting but do not
press the key. The signals on
AVAILABLE is an unlimited fine and two years in prison.
Fortunately, it’s easy to qualify for a licence. See
the receiver should have almost KANGA PRODUCTS sell a kit
of parts for this transmitter in its ‘Become a Licensed Radio Amateur’ inD-i-Y Radio
disappeared because the
original ONER form. That is, all Vol 2: No 4, or write to: Novice Licence, RSGB,
antenna will have been
disconnected by the antenna the parts and a one inch square Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar,
changeover contacts on the printed circuit board. It might Herts EN6 3JE.
switch. sound difficult to build on such a

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 17


Construction Feature

Filter components soldered to PCB board pads.

input and output impedance of values of the inductors and filter so it can be plugged directly
50Ω which means it can match capacitors required for filters for into the output of the Breadboard
any common transmitter. It the main amateur radio bands Transmitter.
simply connects to the are given in Table 1. The Making the low pass filter is
transmitter’s antenna socket. inductors (coils) are wound on very simple. Just remember that
Working out the correct values standard toroidal cores. The each time the wire passes
for a low pass filter can be quite table shows the capacitor values through the core counts as one
complex. Not only has the filter with the number of turns of turn. Also remember to scrape
got to have the correct cut-off wire and the core for each the enamel off the ends of the
frequency but it also has to inductor. coil and tin the bared wire. Short
have the correct input and output wire links are added between
impedance and at the same MAKING A LOW the pads on the ‘ground’ end of
time reduce the required signal the circuit board.
as little as possible. To make PASS FILTER
life even more difficult, cheap
capacitors come in a limited
THE WAY I made a low pass COMPONENTS
filter is shown in Fig 2 and in the
range of preferred values. photograph. As with the Bread- THE TYPE OF CAPACITORS
Some years ago Ed board Transmitter, I used a used in the filter are not very
Wetherhold, W3NQN, who is scrap piece of printed circuit critical but they do have to
the Filter Consultant for the board with square pads cut using handle some power. I have
American Amateur Radio a hack saw. The photograph found that polystyrene
Relay League (ARRL), shows that I drilled holes through capacitors work well in these
designed a very useful set of the board and mounted the filters. The component values
seven element low pass filters. components in the same way for the different bands are shown
His computer calculations used as a normal printed circuit board. in Table 1.
preferred capacitor values to There is no need to do this, the A component pack is avail-
give good filter characteristics components could be soldered able from JAB Electronic Com-
and cut-off frequencies for the directly on the pads, breadboard ponents, 1180 Aldridge Road,
amateur bands. fashion. I also mounted a plug Great Barr, Birmingham B44
They have become a and socket on each end of the 8PB, price £3.50 inc. postage.
standard for many builders of
amateur radio equipment. The

Band C1,7 C3,5 L2,6 L4 Core Wire

Metres pF pF turns turns type SWG
80 470 1200 25 27 T37-2 28
40 270 680 19 21 T37-2 26
30 270 560 19 20 T37-6 26
20 180 390 16 17 T37-6 24
15 82 220 12 14 T37-6 24
10 56 150 10 11 T37-6 22 C RSGB DY141

Table 1: Filter component values for each band Fig 2: Layout and construction of filter.

18 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


User Review

Decode Morse / RTTY on Your PC

WHILST TUNING For this reason, don’t expect The RSD 116
on the HF (short- EQUIPMENT REQUIRED this set-up to be a substitute for Interface from
wave) amateur learning Morse code. It does,
bands you are likely
however, decode well-sent
Computer: Any IBM-compatible:
to have come across Morse PC, XT, 286, 386 etc with a 3.5in Morse, especially if it is sent at
drive. Hard disk is useful but not
code, and perhaps wished you high speed and it is a strong
essential. 370kB or spare RAM is
could have a machine which required. A mouse is not needed. signal. The spectrum display
would read it for you. Or perhaps Screen: Mono or colour, MDA, screen is useful for tuning in the
you’ve heard strange buzzing CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules. signal initially. HamComm and
or warbling noises and Operating System: DOS, not the RSD 116 transmit Morse
wondered what they are. Now well.
Radio: Communications receiver
CommSLab have produced the or transceiver capable of SSB
RSD 116 Interface which will
solve these problems for you at
a very reasonable price. All you RTTY STANDS FOR Radio
need is a PC with a 3.5in disk HamComm for Morse and RTTY TeleTYpe, or the sort of
drive, and a receiver. In many (teleprinter) signals; JVFAX for transmission that was once sent
cases the most basic computer FAX signals; and PKTMON for and received on huge
is suitable - and you can pick up packet data. PKTMON is typewriters known as
an XT for a few tens of pounds receive-only, the others will work teleprinters. Nowadays,
these days. on transmit as well. This review although RTTY is still a very
The Interface is a tiny unit deals mainly with HamComm. reliable method of having a radio
built into a 25-way ‘D’ plug which It makes a refreshing change contact by typing, the teleprinter
can be connected directly to the for software to be easy to install, has given way to the computer.
RS-232 (serial) socket on the and you will be pleased to hear RTTY signals have a
back of your computer, or via a that HamComm and PKTMON characteristic “diddle-diddle-
cable (beware not all 25-way couldn’t be easier. JVFAX was diddle” warbling sound.
cables are suitable, for instance, not tested. In contrast to hand-sent HINT:
a ‘null modem’ cable which has HamComm, written by a Morse, all RTTY is sent by HamComm can
the transmit/receive pins German amateur, DL5YEC, has machine and is very easily be used for
reversed). It requires no power a number of screens. The main decoded automatically. Ham- Morse practice
supply or battery, taking its one (Figs 1 and 2) shows Comm performs very well on
power from the computer itself. received messages on the lower RTTY (see Fig 2). Again the
Wires from the back of the part and transmitted messages various additional screens are
Interface connect to your radio. on the upper part. It contains a
There are three screened leads: number of drop-down menus
receiver audio (a low level is covering modes of trans-
required so this can come from mission, speeds and so on.
an auxiliary socket if fitted on Other screens display the
your radio), transmitter audio incoming signal graphically,
and a transmit/receive switch. and these are extremely
Plugs need to be fitted to suit useful when setting up the
your radio. equipment.

is the necessary software, on a is sent by hand it is far from
3.5in diskette. Some is perfect and this makes it very
‘shareware’ which means that difficult for a machine to read it.
you can try out the programs for The human brain, on the other
a while but that you are expected hand, is extremely complex
to make a small payment ($30) and is quite capable of sorting
to the author if you want to use out badly sent Morse in the
them long-term. Three presence of strong
programs are provided: interference. SHOWN APPROX ACTUAL SIZE

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 19


User Review

helpful in getting your radio on

exactly the right frequency.
HamComm will also read
AmTOR which is Amateur
Teleprinter Over Radio - a way
of using RTTY resulting in
almost error-free reception. This
has a rhythmic chirping noise.

A MUCH MORE modern way of
communicating with computers
Fig 1: Detail of the HamComm Morse receiving screen. Some callsigns are visible,
is packet radio (sometimes especially the CQ call from a French station at the bottom. Note the printed dashes and
known as AX25). Put simply, dots which appear when the program can’t decipher the Morse character.
packet radio sends computer
data (messages, programs etc)
in short bursts, and waits for the
receiving station’s equipment to
reply “received OK”, or “please
send again”. This results in
totally error-free communi-
cation, but it can take some time
for the whole message to be
transferred successfully. Packet
radio is especially suitable for
bulletin board use.
Supplied with the RSD 116 is
PKTMON which is a very basic
method of taking a look at packet
radio signals. It is receive-only, Fig 2: The HamComm receive screen on RTTY, by far the most successful mode. The
and is no substitute for a proper errors are caused by signal fading and interference.

Terminal Node Controller (TNC)

or even CommSLab’s own
PKTCOMM modem interface
which we expect to review in
our next edition. The program is
‘freeware’ ie no extra charge is
needed to continue using it.
Despite its limitations,
PKTMON, used with the RSD
116, can provide some fun. It
will cater for 300Bd (the Baud
rate is the speed of trans-
mission) used on the HF bands,
and 1200Bd which is used for
FM transmissions on the VHF
Fig 3: Detail of the PKTMON screen showing accurately received packets but unreadable
and UHF amateur bands (50, ‘data’ lines. The lines starting with c:\comms\log report on which files are collecting the
70, 144 and 432MHz). data.
Some idea of what can be
decoded is shown in Fig 3. This includes a clever routine to sort disk, will provide you with a lot
The RSD 116, was read on the 20m amateur out which transmissions are for of fun. The HamComm software
together with the band using a 286 AT computer. which person and it can store is excellent and well worth the
software, costs Although callsigns were easily them in separate files. extra cost of registering it. You
£19.95 from: decoded, we could not read the can establish a useful RTTY
CommSLab Ltd,
PO Box 19, Erith,
text of the messages.
CommSLab tell us that they had
CONCLUSION station using a very cheap
computer, and it will also allow
Kent DA8 1LH, no trouble decoding 1200Bd FOR GETTING your feet wet you to dabble in other modes.
telephone 01322 packets on the VHF bands, on amateur radio data communi- At just under £20 the RSD 116
330830. though a fast computer (eg 486) cations, the RSD 116, together represents very good value for
was essential. The program with CommSLab’s software money.

20 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


News Feature

Shortwave Broadcast Listening

MANY RADIO such as the ‘Nicky’, described
amateurs use HF on page 27 of this magazine, or
transceivers with a kit such as the MFJ-8100W,
built-in general coverage (0.5 - which was described in the
30MHz) receivers, yet they September - October 1993 issue
never tune away from the of D-i-Y Radio.
amateur bands. It is true that Very many people use small
there are legal implications in portable transistor radios for
listening to some types of shortwave broadcast listening,
transmission, but everyone is such as the Grundig Yacht Boy
allowed to listen to shortwave series, or Sony’s ICF-7600
broadcast stations, and for many series (the current model is the
people shortwave broadcast ICF-SW7600G, while the ICF-
listening is a hobby as exciting The Sony ICF-7600DS receiver provides digital frequency readout
7600DS was very popular a few and is used by many for shortwave broadcast listening.
as amateur radio itself. years ago). This type of radio
costs around £120 - £160. Many designed to be highly sensitive, Tune-in to
RECEIVERS businessmen and holiday-
makers (with otherwise no
as they are intended to be used
with their built-in telescopic
OF COURSE, IT isn’t necessary interest in radio) use this type of antennas, rarely more than radio
to have an expensive receiver to keep in touch with about 1m long. broadcasts
transceiver to listen to the UK by listening to BBC World In most circumstances,
shortwave broadcast stations. Service when they are abroad. though, adding a length of wire,
Even the simplest radio which For those who become really perhaps 4 to 10m long, will
covers part of the shortwave keen, a communications improve reception considerably.
spectrum will often give quite receiver is the answer: these The wire - which can be
satisfactory results when used start at just over £400 for the insulated or bare, thick or thin -
for broadcast listening. This is popular Lowe HF-150, up to can be plugged straight into the
because broadcast stations several thousand pounds for antenna socket of the radio (if it
almost all use AM (Amplitude professional receivers similar to has one), or simply wound
Modulation), which is easier to those used by BBC Monitoring around the built-in telescopic
tune in than the SSB (Single or GCHQ! antenna and then taped to stop
Side-Band) used by most it moving up and down, which
amateurs. It is also because the
power output used by broadcast ANTENNAS causes ‘crackles’.
A word of caution: attempting
stations is very many times that ALMOST ANY TYPE of antenna to improve reception by using a
of amateurs, so signals are can be used for shortwave ‘better’ or longer antenna, can
much stronger. Old radios broadcast listening. Because sometimes have the opposite
covering shortwave can broadcast stations have much effect. This is because, as noted
sometimes be picked up at car stronger signals than all but the above, some shortwave
boot sales or amateur radio ‘junk most local amateurs, even quite receivers are designed to be
sales’ for about £1. Alternatively, inefficient antennas can be used very sensitive, but using an
you may want to start with a with success. Many shortwave antenna with too much signal
simple home-made receiver portable receivers are also ‘pick-up’ can cause the receiver
to ‘overload’. If this happens -
Metre band Frequency limits, kHz Reception possible . . . and you will recognise it because
75 3900 - 4050 Mainly Europe, Darkness only you will start hearing all sorts of
49 5850 - 6250 24 hours, mainly Europe signals which should not be
41 7100 - 7600 24 hours, mainly Europe there, all at the same time -
31 9350 - 9995 24 hours, Europe and worldwide decrease the length of the
25 11500 - 12100 Mainly daytime, Europe and worldwide antenna.
22 13600 - 13900 Mainly daytime, worldwide *Passport to World
19 15005 - 15700 Mainly daytime, worldwide Band Radio
16 17500 - 17950 Daytime only, worldwide BROADCAST BANDS is available from
13 21450 - 21850 Daytime only, worldwide RSGB Books.
11 25670 - 26100 Little used at present
LIKE AMATEURS, broadcast Call 01707 660888
stations cluster together in for latest price.
Table 1. The international shortwave broadcast bands. bands of frequencies. Table 1

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 21


News Feature

Publications such as the intended for an international

Passport to World Band Radio* audience. This side of the hobby
and World Radio TV Handbook is called DXing, after an old
(obtainable from high street telegraphy abbreviation ‘DX’,
bookshops and some radio which means reception of
dealers) also give transmission distant signals. Reception of
schedules of a huge number of
these stations is often difficult,
as they often use frequencies
Many stations only have a
half-hour daily programme in which are shared with other
English, which is repeated services and so can be buried
several times a day, in order to under layers of interference.
reach the target audience at an Here, a good receiver
appropriate time (usually mid- becomes far more of a
evening local time). Others, necessity than it is when listen-
such as the Voice of America or ing to powerful international
Collecting QSL cards from broadcast stations can be an enjoyable
Voice of Russia have many broadcasters.
aspect of the hobby - and provides colourful wall coverings! hours per day of English Many international and
programmes. domestic shortwave broad-
lists the shortwave international casters ask for reception
broadcast bands. Many broad-
cast stations use a number of
PROGRAMMES reports and send out QSL
SHORTWAVE BROADCAST cards in reply. Collecting QSLs
frequencies simultaneously, to from different countries and
reach different parts of the world listening gives you the
opportunity to hear news direct stations can be just as
at the same time.
from the country concerned. challenging on the broadcast
In addition to the official
There was a boom in the sales bands as it is with amateurs.
broadcast bands, some stations
of portable shortwave receivers These days, the ionosphere is
‘spill over’ the edges of the bands
about five years ago, at the time sufficiently well understood for
into the adjoining Fixed and
of the Gulf War, when people reception reports to be of little
Mobile bands, or even occasion-
wanted to hear news direct from practical use to most stations,
ally into the amateur bands.
the source of action. but many still welcome them as
Table 1 shows the actual limits The other type of program-
of where most broadcast a means of gaining audience
ming common on shortwave statistics.
stations can be found, rather which you will rarely, if ever,
than the narrower inter- hear on British domestic radio
nationally-agreed official limits. is ethnic music. This could be FURTHER
French, German or Turkish pop INFORMATION
SCHEDULES music, Greek bazouki music,
THERE ARE A number of
exotic Arabic, Iranian and Indian
BROADCAST STATIONS tend music, or the rhythms of Africa broadcast listening clubs which
to stick to a published schedule: and Latin America. provide members with a forum
Lowe Electronics, Chesterfield they broadcast at the same time
Rd, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 Most shortwave stations for the exchange of news and
5LE, tel: 01629 580800 and on the same frequency for have ‘mailbag’ or ‘listener listening tips and which publish
(manufacturer of Lowe HF-150
and other communications
months at a time. Programme feedback’ programmes in monthly news magazines. The
receivers and radio retailer.) schedule times do change - which listeners are invited to International Short Wave
Waters & Stanton Electronics, often twice a year at the same write in with questions about League (ISWL) covers both
22 Main Rd, Hockley, Essex
SS5 4QS, tel: 01702 206835 time as their target audience the country concerned. A few amateur radio and broadcast
(importers of MFJ equipment
and radio retailer.)
changes local clock times - also have ‘media’ or ‘tech- listening: their stand is a familiar
International Short Wave whilst frequencies are changed nology’ programmes, with news
sight at amateur radio rallies
League (ISWL), Mrs M H to take into account the differing about developments in short-
Carrington, G0WDM, 3
wave broadcasting, satellites, throughout the country. One of
Bromyard Dr, Chellaston, propagation conditions at
Derby DE73 1PF. cellular phone technology and the best clubs devoted entirely
different times of year, or the
British DX Club, c/o Colin so on. to international broadcast
Wright, 126 Bargery Rd, progress through the 11-year
listening and DXing is the British
Catford, London SE6 2LR sunspot cycle. Many listeners
(enclose a 29p SASE or 2 IRCs
from overseas for a sample
copy of their magazine
enjoy ‘trawling’ the bands;
keeping a log book with the
DXING DX Club.Short Wave Magazine,
obtainable from high street
Communication.) MANY BROADCAST listeners newsagents or on subscription,
date, time, frequency, station
Short Wave Magazine ,
Arrowsmith Court, Station name and a few notes about the enjoy attempting to log the also contains regular columns
Approach, Broadstone, Dorset programme will enable you to lowest-powered local broad- and features on broadcast
BH18 8PW, tel: 01202 659910.
find favourite stations again. casters, whose signals are not listening.

22 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996

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Construction Feature

The Nicky Receiver

short wave
r a d i o
can be great fun.
Building good short
wave receivers is a
little more compli-
cated but even more
fun! Nothing beats
the thrill of listening
to distant stations
on a radio you’ve
built yourself. This
receiver is simple
to build, a kit of
parts is available
and it’s a good
project for a Novice.
The original design
was built by my son
when he was 13 years
old - in fact all the
photographs are of his version.
Amateur radio is a good hobby design further. He was
HOW DOES IT for swapping and sharing ideas amazed by the results
WORK ? and many good radio tips find from this simple idea. The
their way into the RSGB’s Nicky TRF Receiver circuit
FIG 1 SHOWS A block diagram first appeared in SPRAT, the
magazine RadCom in the
of the receiver which has a
column called Technical Topics Journal of the G QRP Club. I
Regenerative Detector. The
written by Pat Hawker, G3VA. designed a printed circuit board
Nicky uses this principle and
In October 1987, a simple for it, Doug Gibson, G4RGN,
you may also hear this type of
receiver circuit appeared from improved the circuit still further.
radio called a TRF (or Tuned
Des Vance, GI3XZM. As a result Amateur radio is like that - from A Simple Short
Radio Frequency). The idea Wave Radio by
several other people were an idea, we now have a good
was developed long ago by a
man called Armstrong, who also inspired to try similar simple radio available in kit form for a Rev. George
invented both the superhet receivers, including amateurs beginner. Dobbs, G3RJV
receiver and Frequency G3RJT and G3VMU. The circuit diagram for Nicky’s
Modulation (better known as Colin Davis, G3VMU, wanted TRF Radio is shown in Fig 2. It
FM) which is now used for most a simple short wave radio for his may look a little complicated but
high grade radio broadcasting. son Nicky and developed the complex radio circuits are really
only a number of simple circuits
‘stuck together’. Let me guide
you through it step by step.

TR1 IS AN FET (Field Effect
Transistor) which acts as an
untuned stage to match the
antenna and detector stages. A
regenerative detector will
Fig 1: Just two simple stages make up the Nicky. sometimes produce unwanted

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 27


Construction Feature

signals and this stage stops capacitor gives coarse tuning, seems to work for any BC182
them reaching the antenna. The and the smaller one fine tuning transistor used for TR2.
small winding on T1 matches a to pick out stations with greater The secret of the Nicky
low impedance antenna, the ease. The tuned signals are then receiver’s ease of operation is
common type used in amateur detected (converted to audio in the special potentiometer RV1
radio work, and the capacitor frequencies) by TR3. (shown above the tuned circuit
input matches a high impedance TR2 is the Q Multiplier in Fig 2). Ten-turn potentio-
antenna, such as a short length of Stage. It is a Colpitts type meters work like the usual
wire. oscillator which uses two 330pF volume-control type except that
Oddly enough, the next stage is capacitors, to give the circuit the track is in a spiral and the
detector TR3 which uses another feedback.
control turns ten times to cover
FET. Ignore TR2, and the parts A low value capacitor (C7) is
the whole range. They’re
around it, for the moment. used to couple TR2 to the tuned
excellent for making fine
The Nicky input tuned circuit circuit and the input of TR3. The
tuned circuit controls the adjustments. The setting of
is formed by T2, VC1 and VC2,
frequency of the oscillation of regeneration needed is
the small winding taking the
signal from TR1. TR2 and selects the signal dependent on the type of signal
VC1 and VC2 are variable passed on to TR3. you wish to receive as in part 2.
capacitors which provide the The value of this capacitor TR4 provides audio
tuning control. Why two of them? could be reduced to make the Q amplification, and after the
Well, this is known as ‘band (selectivity) of the tuned circuit volume control, an LM386 audio
spreading’. The larger value even better. The value here amplifier chip will drive a small


Fig 2: The circuit diagram showing the 10-turn potentiometer RV1. This is the regeneration control for the Nicky.


Fig 3: Layout of the Nicky receiver circuit board.

28 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

loudspeaker or headphones.
Walkman type headphones work
well with the Nicky.
The receiver is laid out on a
printed circuit board (PCB)
which can be obtained with the
JAB component pack - see
components list for details.
The layout of the board is
shown in Fig 3. The parts are
merely slotted into the board
and soldered on the rear. Good
soldering is essential as in all
electronic projects. Take care
to position all the components
correctly - remember that some
will not work if they are the wrong
way round. T1 and T2 must be
mounted the correct way round
as must the transistors and
LM386 chip.
Electrolytic capacitors are
polarised, and marked with a +
sign at one end and must also
be mounted the right way round.
The controls are connected to
the terminals as shown. Follow
Fig 3 carefully.
I decided not to buy a case for
the Nicky but to make a front
and back panel from un-etched
PCB to form the structure. This
can be seen in the photograph,
but you can build the receiver in The Nicky is simple to assemble on a printed circuit Tuning and gain controls are mounted on the front
board. panel.
a metal case if you like. Fig 4
gives the dimensions for cutting be bought cheaply at radio rallies mail order companies.
and drilling pieces of blank PCB or obtained from electronic parts I used a small slow motion
for my method. These can often drive for the main tuning - the
band-spread control simply has
a knob.
The main tuning capacitor is
mounted onto a smaller panel
held by two stand-off pillars
behind the front panel for the
slow motion drive. This variable
capacitor is of the Polyvaricon
type used in cheap AM radios.
Sometimes these can be difficult
to mount so I fixed mine to the
small back panel with glue. I
added a small tuning scale made
from a disc of cardboard and an
LED as a pointer.
Notice that the LED is pushed
Fig 4: The case can be metal or made from PCB material. through the front panel and has

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 29


Construction Feature

the photograph or do it your will require re-setting from time

own way. This is the joy of radio to time. Juggling the tuning,
COMPONENTS LIST construction. reaction and volume controls
to get the best reception is
R1,R10 330R R8 27k
R2,R5,R11 270R R9 470k CHOOSE YOUR part of the fun of such
R16 1k0
RV1 10k 10-turn linear potentiometer an antenna. If a conventional
(20k or 50k types are also suitable) amateur band antenna is being
RV2 100k log potentiometer regenerative method of
used, perhaps through an
Capacitors reception needs practice to get
Antenna Tuning Unit, use the
C1 27pF C8,C9 30pF the best results. The secret lies
C2,C22 100nF C15 1n0 low impedance input. I had
excellent results from the Nicky in the use of the regeneration
C3,C4,C12,C13,C14,C18 10nF C16,C17,C20 10mF
C5,C11 33mF C21,C23 150mF by connecting about three control. For Morse code (CW)
C6, C10 10nF VC1 10pF metres of wire to the high or single sideband (SSB)
C7 68pF VC 2200pF reception the control is set to
C19 Not used impedance input and using this
as the antenna. Switch on the the point of oscillation.
TR1,TR3 2N3819 Nicky and set the volume Tuned circuit T2 is arranged
TR2,TR4 BC182 control to a gentle hiss in the so the Nicky receives signals
IC1 LM386 from roughly 6.5 to 11MHz. This
D1 6V2 zener diode
headphones or loudspeaker.
Turn up the reaction control includes two broadcast bands
T1 3 turns primary, 15 turns secondary until a definite hiss is heard. If and the 7MHz and 10.1MHz
wound on a 2-hole ferrite bead. a station is being tuned, this amateur bands. Since there is
36SWG wire.
hiss will be more like a whistling only one tuned circuit coil T2
T2 2 turns primary, 17 turns secondary
wound on a T68-2 toroidal former. (oscillating) sound on signals. could be changed to cover other
28SWG wire. Either way, you will notice a frequencies. Adding turns will
Additional Items
distinct change in the reception let you receive lower
6:1 slow motion reduction drive; Printed Circuit Board;
Battery connector; PP3 battery; 8-pin IC socket; 8ohm at this point. Back off the frequencies, removing turns will
speaker or headphones (eg Walkman type); Case made regeneration control just short cover higher frequencies.
from PCB material or aluminium.
of this point and the receiver is I was amazed at what I heard
A component pack for the Nicky receiver is available
from JAB Electronic Components, 1180 Aldridge set for AM short wave on the Nicky. With my short
Road, Great Barr, Birmingham B44 8PB. Price: £29.95 broadcast stations. piece of wire connected, it was
On the amateur bands, the a very useful receiver on the
signals will be either SSB or 7MHz (40 metre) amateur
CW and these need the band. I also heard many
a series resistor of 1k8 soldered reaction to be set just above stations from all over the world
to a corner of the small panel. the point of oscillation. The on the broadcast bands. The
This corner has been isolated reaction will change as the Nicky is certainly fun and works
as a solder pad by drawing a Nicky is tuned, and the control surprisingly well.
saw blade across the printed
circuit board to make an
insulated pad. The LED is
connected to the 9 volt supply
via this resistor.
The volume control
potentiometer has its own on-
off switch for the PP3 battery Advertisement
mounted on the back panel.
Antenna input sockets and the
headphone/speaker socket are
also mounted on this panel.
The way the Nicky PCB is
used depends entirely upon
how you want it to look. You
may like to follow my ideas in

30 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


News Feature

Get Involved with your Club!

THE FEATURE amateur all his life, but doubted How radio
about radio clubs his own ability. He only took out
which appeared in his Novice licence after
clubs are
the November - December 1995 retirement, but, according to bringing more
edition of D-i-Y Radio, Let’s All David Buddery, Stan’s Morse is people into
Club Together, certainly created now “excellent” and he is being amateur radio
a lot of interest! We received encouraged to take out a full
several letters telling us of more licence. Last year Stan was
clubs’ activities, and even one elected Chairman of the club.
or two mildly telling us off for not Lest it be thought that the
including their club amongst club is only for older people,
Aaron Lockton, G0VDC, Leo Balls, G3YYQ, instructing a Novice
those “which particularly student at the Great Yarmouth Radio
welcome youngsters and received his full licence whilst in Society. Note the familiar RSGB Novice
beginners”! Unfortunately, in the his early teens! Licence Student’s Notebook being used
as a text book!
space available, it can never be
possible to include details of all
the clubs which are doing such
THANET fetes and helped Ken Smith
during his lecture at the Kings
a great job to introduce new KEN SMITH, G3JIX, has spent College Radio Days by assisting
people to amateur radio. How- “half a lifetime” in education and with demonstrations. They have
ever, most radio clubs do running youth groups. For the cycled for 250 miles, stopping
welcome newcomers, so if you last 16 years he has been leader at Youth Hostels and visiting
want to find out more about your of the Thanet Electronics Club interesting radio sites. They
local radio club, either look in for Youth (TEC), which has have developed and traded
the RSGB Call Book, or give introduced well over 150 boys radio kits. They have carried out
Lynnette Ranger, 2E1EKT, a and girls to amateur radio. Quite re-enactments of Michael
call at RSGB HQ on 01707 a few callsigns have originated Faraday’s pioneering electro-
659015. through this work - including magnetic work. And much more.
several mums who are now on The success of TEC and
GREAT YARMOUTH the air! Nicholas Bray is one of
five who recently passed the
these other clubs doesn’t
happen by accident. It requires
THE GREAT YARMOUTH Novice Radio Amateurs’ committed leaders like Ken
Radio Society has now trained Examination, and was going on Smith, David Buddery and the
over 20 Novices, including the to take the full RAE course. others. But we are delighted to
very first Novice licensees in The club has its own callsign, see that there are radio clubs
Norfolk. They were trained by G3SRE. Club members have about who are encouraging
David Buddery, G3OEP, the put on exhibitions at local village youngsters - and the not-so-
RSGB Senior Novice Instructor young! - to take up this
for Norfolk, and his ‘right-hand fascinating hobby of amateur
man’ Leo Balls, G3YYQ. radio.
Another four plan to take the CONTACT NUMBERS:
Novice Radio Amateurs’ Exam-
ination in May. READING Reading and District
Amateur Radio Club
J B Barnard, G7RPJ, and N I SINCE OUR LAST clubs Secretary: Peter Swynford,
Brown, G7RPY, are former feature, the Reading and District G0PUB, 219 Wykeham Rd,
Amateur Radio Club, held its Earley, Reading RG6 1PL, tel:
Novices who have gone on to
01734 617388.
take out a full licence. G7RPJ is AGM. The new committee
Great Yarmouth / Norfolk
involved with Raynet, providing includes a Novice, Eddie Milton, Novice Instructor:
an emergency communications 2E1BDO, amongst its ranks, David Buddery, G3OEP, 33
service, whilst G7RPY has and the average age of the Addison Rd, Gorleston, Gt
become a valued instructor incoming committee is now less Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 0PA,
tel: 01493 662323.
himself. Stan Wells, 2E0ABQ, than 30! Exciting events
Thanet Electronics
had wanted to become an organised by this club include Club for Youth
providing communications for Leader: Ken Smith, G3JIX,
Three members of the Thanet Electronics
the Three Towers Hike on 16 Staple Farmhouse, Staple,
Club for Youth communicating by radio March. This is a major radio Canterbury, Kent CT3 1JX
from the Marconi monument at Poldhu in (please enclose an SASE), tel:
exercise which the club has 01304 812723.
Cornwall - the very spot where Marconi
carried out some of his early experiments. handled for many years.
D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 31

Construction Feature

A Simple Medium Wave Receiver

A design for a THE ZN414Z IC
(integrated circuit)
used in this design
medium-wave contains an RF (Radio Freq-
receiver based uency) amplifier, detector and
on the ZN414Z AGC circuit and requires only a
radio chip. few external components to
make a complete AM (Amplitude
Modulation) radio. The audio
output from the ZN414Z chip is
rather low under normal
operating conditions so an audio
amplifier is used to boost the
audio to a level that will drive a
pair of Walkman headphones.
In this design the audio is
amplified using a BC109
transistor. The circuit diagram
is shown in Fig 1.
Two different ways of
constructing this receiver are PCB and the other using a tag graph is preset; that is it is
described below, one using a strip. tuned to your favourite
programme with a preset
USING A capacitor using a screwdriver.
The preset capacitor could be
PCB replaced with a polyvaricon or
AN EXAMPLE OF air-spaced variable capacitor,
construction using a with a dial, if you want the option
PCB, designed by of being able to tune to other
Steve Ortmayer, stations.
G4RAW, is shown in The antenna is made by
Fig 2. This type of winding a coil of wire on a ferrite
construction is small rod 9mm in diameter and 60mm
and neat. Methods of long. This can be cut to size
making printed from a longer length if
circuits is described necessary. The ferrite rod is
in the Radio Com- wound with 60 turns of 26 SWG
Fig 1: Simple medium -wave radio, circuit diagram. Note that the pin connections to munication Hand- enamelled copper wire; each
IC1 and TR1 are shown from below. book, available from turn is wound side-by-side and
the RSGB book- held fast with clear sticky tape.
shop, as advertised The completed rod is fixed to
in this magazine. the board with plastic ties. The
The components battery holder is fixed to the
are soldered into board using double-sided
place as shown in Fig sticky tape.
2. The radio could also be
Note that the IC1 provided with an on/off switch
and TR2 are viewed but it is convenient to switch
from the top in Fig 2; the radio on and off by just
connection pins are connecting or disconnecting
shown viewed from the battery. When complete
the bottom. the radio can be tested by
The arrangement inserting a battery andWalkman
Fig 2: Component layout using PCB board. shown in the photo- phones.

32 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

constructed using an electrical
terminal strip , plus the
capacitor, coil and battery
holder fixed to a wooden base
board. This arrangement is
based on a design by Jaap
den Herder, F6FYP/PA0YJ for
Jamboree On The Air in 1986.
Using this method it is
possible to construct most of
the radio without using a
soldering iron.
Mount the components on the
terminal strip as shown in Fig 3.
Note the connections IC1 and
TR1 and ensure that they are
connected correctly at the
terminal strip. Fix the terminal
strip with two small screws.
Double sided tape can be used
if you have no suitable screws.
The remainder of the parts can C RSGB DY280

all be fixed with screws or double Fig 3: Component layout using connector strip. This layout is shown using the plastic or cardboard tube alternative
sided sticky tape. coil former. An external wire antenna can be connected to tag strip connector 1 if required.

two holes where the windings

now stop. Thread the end of the
wire through the holes and cut
off the excess wire, allowing R1,R5 100k
IF YOU ARE unable to get a
enough wire to reach the tag R2 1k
suitable length of ferrite material
strip. Remember to scrape the R3 270R
you could wind inductor L1 on a R4 10k
insulation from the wire before
cardboard or plastic tube. This Capacitors
connecting the ends into the
tube should be around 30 to terminals.
C1 10nF
40mm in diameter and around C2, C3 100nF
Use the short length of wire to Inductors
120m long. You need 15 metres make two extra turns and L1 Ferrite rod 9mm in diameter and
of enamelled covered wire - the connect as shown in Fig 3. You 60mm long, for coil winding see
wire diameter is not too text
will need two additional holes at Semiconductors
important but it should be the end of the coil to secure the IC1 ZN414Z
around 0.5mm (26 SWG is about end of the wire. TR1 BC109
right). The coil can be fastened to Additional Items
Make two holes near the edge the board using double sided Variable capacitor 500pF
of the coil former about 40mm Terminal strip 12 way
sticky tape or screws. Connect Enamel covered wire 15 metres 0.5mm, 26 SWG (the
from one end. Thread the the ends of the coils to the wire diameter is not critical).
enamel covered wire through terminal strip as shown in Fig 3. Battery and holder 1.5V
these holes with enough wire to The receiver should work Miniature Jack Socket
Pair of Walkman headphones
reach the tag strip. Wind on the without an extra antenna.
15 metres of wire; be patient However, if you live in a poor A components pack is available from: JAB Electronic
Components (see page 30 for address). The price is
with this operation and try to signal area a piece of wire, £9.95 inc. P&P and contains a connector strip and a
keep the winding tight with the connected to tag connector PCB so that you can use either method of
turns close together but not on number 1, and fixed up as high construction. Note that the PCB is not the same as
Fig 2 but a layout is supplied with the component
top of one another. Unwind three as possible will improve pack.
turns from the coil and make reception.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 33


Ham Facts

Optical Semiconductors
Light emitting THESE AMAZING construction of the LED. Pure some diodes and transistors so
devices can covert gallium phosphide produces that their operation can be
diodes and light
eletrical current into radiation in the green region of controlled by light instead of
dependant the visible spectrum. LEDs that
light, or light into electrical current biasing. These
resistors electrical current. produce light in red, green, devices are called photodiodes
explained orange and yellow can be made and phototransistors and they
PHOTO EMITTERS by using suitable mixes of the
substances described above.
have more sensitivity to light
than the light dependant
PHOTO EMITTERS are made LEDs used as front-panel resistors. A photo diode is shown
from two small pieces of indicators are encapsulated in in Fig 1(b).
semiconductor material joined translucent plastic. At a current
of 10mA they will generate a
together. This is the same
method of construction as useful amount of light without PHOTOVOLTAIC
is used in a junction overheating. The voltage across
the LED at this current is about
diode. Photo
1.8V. Fig 1(a) shows an LED WITH CERTAIN semiconductor
operating from a 12V supply. materials photons (light) will
The series resistor determines cause electrons to flow. Devices
the current so its inclusion is that use light from the sun to
essential. Note that the two produce electricity in this way,
arrows, representing rays of using what is known as the
light differentiate the photovoltaic effect, are called
LED circuit symbol solar cells. Single cells are
from that of a available that will produce 0.45
normal or 0.9 volts at currents of up to
emitters use various semi- diode. 700mA. To produce larger
conductor materials, such as amounts of power numbers of
gallium arsenide(GaAs) or cells are grouped and connected
gallium phosphide(GaP). When together to make up a Solar
current flows through this PHOTO Panel. This is the most practical
semiconductor material part-
icles of wave energy, known as
CONDUCTORS way charging batteries on space
craft. The large solar panels,
photons, are released. LIGHT ENERGY (photons) can see drawing above, are a
Photo emitters constructed affect the resistance of certain prominent feature of many
from pure gallium arsenide semiconductor materials. In space probes and satellites.
produce radiation in the infra- commercial photo conductors,
red end of the spectrum. This also known as LDRs (light C RSGB DY284

radiation is invisible and is used dependant resistors) the

for the transmitter/receiver resistance can change
described on page 11. considerably depending on the
If aluminium is added to the amount of light falling on the
gallium arsenide during the device. The most common
construction of the photo material used in photo-
emitter, the wavelength of the conductors is cadmium sulphide
photon radiation is shortened (CdS), with a resistance range
so that it produces visible light of more than 2MΩ in total
in the red portion of the darkness to less than 10Ω in
spectrum. A semiconductor bright light. A light sensitive
photo emitter device that resistor can be connected to a
produces visible light is known current meter and a battery to
as an LED (light emitting measure light intensity, as you Fig 1(a) LED operating from a 12V supply
A large communi- diode). can see on the light measuring with a current limiting resistor. Fig 1(b)
cations satellite, show- The wavelength, and hence photometer shown on page 9.
shows the symbol for a photo diode. Note
ing the solar panels that the two arrows, representing rays of
used to charge the colour, of the light depends on A similar effect is also used in light, differentiate these special diodes
batteries (above). the material used in the from that of a normal diode.

34 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996

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sentially line-of-sight. Signals at these fre-
quencies are easily reflected from the sur-
faces of high ground and buildings, and is
one reason why the microwave bands are
used for RADAR.
For point-to-point communication the an-
tennas have to be located clear of obstruc-
tions. You can see towers, with their distinc-
tive dish antennas, sited on towers on high
ground, or on the top of high buildings or
towers in cities.
MICROWAVE AMATEUR RADIO There has been a rapid expansion of com-
THERE ARE FIVE bands allocated to amateur radio between 1 and mercial use of satellites in microwave com-
30GHz; these are shown in the frequency scale at the bottom of the poster. munication. The satellite provides a ‘repeater’
These bands are used mainly to explore unusual propagation modes, fast- link between land, maritime and aeronauti-
scan television, satellite communications and even moonbounce (com- cal fixed or mobile mobile radios.
municating with countries in other continents by signals reflected from
the moon). The amateur bands are shown below. The bands in bold are Note that ‘radio eavesdropping’
available to holders of the Novice Licence. or listening to messages that are
● 1.24 to 1.325GHz not intended for YOU is an offence.
● 2.31 to 2.45GHz
● 3.4 to 3.475GHz
● 5.65 to 5.85GHz
● 10 to 10.5GHz
● 24 to 24.25GHz

search satellites and space probes is PHOTOGRAPH: BRITISH TELECOM

done at microwave frequencies. Para-

bolic reflector dishes are very efficient SATELLITE BROADCASTING
on these bands because the antenna
polar diagram can be concentrated into THERE ARE TWO main bands of frequencies used for relaying radio and television
a very narrow beamwidth, which is signals:
particularly important when commu- ● 3.65 - 4.2GHz, is used for the relay of telecommunications signals across large areas of
nicating with a low power spaceprobe the globe. Most of the signals are weak, which require dishes of 3m in diameter or larger.
in orbit around Jupiter. All the spec- ● 10.7 - 12.75MHz, called Ku-band, is used for the relay of telecommunications signals to
tacular colour planetary images that defined areas.
you see on TV, or in magazines, have Nearly 200 TV channels, broadcast from various satellites, can be received in the UK with
been sent back as slow scan digital appropriate equipment because many of the satellites have a beam centred on France,
television on the microwave bands. Germany or the Benelux countries.
Page intentionally left blank
Go to next page

Construction Feature

D-i-Y’er 555
by Steve THE NE555 IS A
Price, very versatile inte-
grated circuit (IC)
G4BWE which can be used
to make a simple audio oscillator
Fig 1 shows the circuit
diagram of a practical use for
the ’555. The timing voltages to provideconnections between
different components. Four of
produced by resistors R1 and
the strips must be cut where CONNECT THE PROJECT TO
R2, and capacitor C2, are used
shown - we have to do this a battery or power supply,
to generate a series of pulses.
otherwise the rows of pins on checking that the positive and
These pulses, caused by tiny
negative leads are the right way
transistors inside the NE555 each side of the NE555 would
round - it helps to use a red
turning on and off, can be made be shorted together.
flying lead for positive and a
to repeat so quickly that they You can use a small twist drill black lead for negative.
become an audible vibration, or bit (3mm is OK) in order to break Now short the bared ends of
tone. The pitch (frequency) of the strips, but twist the bit by the two test leads together and
the tone depends not just on the hand, not in a drill or you will you should hear a tone from the
values of R1, R2 and C2 - it can probably finish up with holes loudspeaker. There are a
also be varied by connecting a going right through the number of uses for your NE555
further resistance across the test Veroboard! oscillator and also quite a few
leads. experiments you can have fun
The four links are made with
All the components except with:-
solid (single conductor) wire
IC1 are soldered onto a small ● To make a Morse practice
which should have an insulated
piece of Veroboard (available oscillator, simply connect
covering. Remember to check
from JAB Electronic Com- your Morse key to the test
ponents). This has copper strips that C1 (an electrolytic
leads. Each time the key
running along its underside capacitor) is connected the right
is pressed the tone will
which are used like the tracks way round. It does not matter sound.
on a printed circuit board (PCB) which way round you connect ● If a working torch bulb or
C2 or the resistors. After fuse is connected across
checking your work, insert the the test leads then you
NE555 into its socket as shown should hear the tone.
in Fig 2. However, if the fuse or bulb



Fig 2: Veroboard Layout for the D-i-Y’er 555. If you can read a circuit diagram, the project
Fig 1: The circuit diagram. can be built using other methods.

40 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


Construction Feature

has ‘blown’ the oscillator blue). This resistance is so

will remain silent. high that you can hear the
● The pitch of the tone is individual pulses producing COMPONENTS LIST
affected by the resistance a repetitive clicking sound Resistors - 0.25 Watt carbon film types
connected between the which is too low in freq- R1 4.7k (yellow, violet, red)
test leads. Increasing the uency to be heard as a R2 39k (orange, white, orange)
resistance will lower the tone. R3 330Ω (orange, orange, brown)
tone. This effect can be ● Diodes can also be Capacitors
used to estimate the value checked. Connect the C1 100µF 25V electrolytic (radial type)
of resistance and also cathode (that’s the end C2 22nF Polyester (10mm lead
monitor any changes in it. marked with a ring) of a spacing)
For instance, if you hold The value of C2 may be marked as
small silicon diode (such as
the bare ends of the test ‘22n’ or ‘.022’
a type 1N4148 or 1N914) to
leads in your hands a low Integrated circuit (chip)
the negative test lead, and
pitched sound will be heard IC1 NE555
connect the anode to the
because of the high
positive test lead. The diode Other parts
resistance in your body.
will be ‘forward biased’ and ● Miniature loudspeaker (preferably 35, 40 or 80
However, if you squeeze ohm but any type will work)
the oscillator should sound
the wires harder the pitch ● 8 DIL IC socket
as the diode conducts.
will increase as the contact ● 0.1 inch Veroboard (‘stripboard’) minimum size 11
improves (now try this with Now swap the test leads
strips by 13 holes
damp hands). around - as the diode is
● PVC covered stranded conductor cable for test
● Connect a potentiometer now reverse biased the leads, battery/power supply and loudspeaker
(variable resistor, like a oscillator is silenced. The connections
diode’s one-way effect is ● This project requires a DC power source of between
volume control) to the test
used a lot in radio. 6 and 14 Volts, such as a 9 Volt battery.
leads using the centre
contact and one of the outer ● A cadmium sulphide COMPONENT SOURCE
contacts - a linear type with photoconductive cell type JAB Electronic Components, 1180 Aldridge Rd,
ORP12 (available from Great Barr, Birmingham, B44 8PE. Tel: 0121 366
a value of between 100 6928.
and 470kΩ will give the JAB) may be connected to
best effect. the test leads. Shielding the
Rotating the potentio- cell from the light (try placing
meter’s spindle alters the an upturned cup over it) will for the D-i-Y 555 project - can
pitch. The highest value of increase the cell’s you discover any? Send us
fixed resistor that will work resistance and this lowers your ideas. They could be
is 10MΩ (ten million Ohms the pitch. published in a future issue of
- colour code brown black There are many more uses D-i-Y Radio.

How the NE555 Works

D-i-Y RADIO often has projects using connected across a resistor (see B)
the NE555 integrated circuit (chip). It current will flow through the resistor
can be used for many different projects and discharge the capacitor. The
but all of them use the ’555 as a timer. capacitor’s voltage now drops - see
This is how it does it. curve B. The higher the value of the
If we connect a battery across a resistor, the longer it takes to charge,
capacitor via a resistor (see A) the or discharge, the capacitor.
capacitor will be charged - in fact a In the project on, the NE555 works
capacitor is just like a re-chargeable by controlling the regular charging
battery. The resistor limits the current and discharging of a capacitor [C2]
flowing into the capacitor so that it connected to it using the two external
takes time to charge - see curve A, resistors [R1 & R2]. Short charge/
which shows the voltage across the discharge times will produce a high-
capacitor. pitched note, and long times will
If the charged capacitor is now produce a low note.

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 41


On The Air

2’s Company
News and Reports from Novice Licensees
WITH THE Dec- 40 metre bands, P A Williams, creditable 500 points and ended
ember 1995 Novice 2E0AJE, was in overall 32nd up in 27th place out of the 51
Radio Amateurs’ place and T Cannon, 2E0ACY entries.
Examination results out, there in 43rd place out of a total of 64
will now be a new influx of 2*1
and 2*0 callsigns on the air. We
entries. There were also other
Novices who appeared in the
are pleased to see that Novices logs but who did not submit ALTHOUGH NOVICES are not
who have now been licensed logs: please do so this year if permitted to use the 2 metre
for a while are featuring in RSGB you took part. Contacts with (144MHz) band, they may of
operating awards and RSGB Novices count 20 points each, course use this or any band
contest results. so are much sought after by under the supervision of (and
those taking part in these using the callsign of) a suitably-
AWARDS contests.
2E0AJE also figured in the
qualified full licensee. Three
FOR EXAMPLE, E P Williams, young Novice operators,
second ‘RoPoCo’ (Rotating Post 2E1DWK (aged 15), 2E1CXE
2E1AFN, of Stroud, Gloucester- Code) contest, which took place
shire, has recently provided and 2E1EFS (both 13), took
in August last year. In this CW part in the fourth 144MHz
evidence of having contacted
(Morse) contest, you send your
20 countries on the 6 metre ‘Backpackers’ contest as
own post code as part of the
band and has been presented G6XRS/P, representing the
contest exchange in your first
with the RSGB 50MHz 20 Leicester Radio Society. The
contact, then the post code you
Countries Award. ‘Backpackers’ are a series of
have just received for the next
contact (hence the name VHF contests in which
Essential reading for
HF ACTIVITY ‘Rotating Post Code’) and so participants set up a portable
Novices and beginners IN THE SERIES of 1995 LF on. This is a real test of both station by literally backpacking
of all licence classes! to their chosen location. The
This book gives good, Cumulative Contests, in which sending and receiving ability.
practical advice on contacts are made over several 2E0AJE, who was the only youngsters came out on top of
many types of antenna,
and is available from
short operating sessions on Novice to submit a log for this their section, well ahead of their
RSGB Sales. different days in the 160, 80 and contest, scored a highly nearest rivals.


THE THREE YOUNG Novice operators To qualify for an IOTA award, you must which are listed and given a reference
2E1DWK, 2E1CXE and 2E1EFS (see 2’s contact at least 100 islands or island groups number in the IOTA Directory (available for
Company above) contacted ON6RM/P, a £6.00 from RSGB Sales). Some amateurs go
portable station in Belgium, during the to island groups specifically to activate them
fourth RSGB 144MHz Backpackers for IOTA: two such are Phil Whitchurch,
contest. The Novices were operating under G3SWH, and Chris Burbanks, G3SJJ, who
supervision as G6XRS/P. The contact was plan to operate as F/G3SWH from Iles
at a distance of over 400km, which is good Chausey, which are located between
‘DX’ considering the Novices were using Jersey and the French coast. Phil and Chris
just 3W of SSB. They were using a 17- will be on the air on 23/24 March CW only,
element Yagi antenna, which provides a lot from 80 to 17 metres.
of gain. Listen out from 1 April for the first ‘M’
Large numbers of HF operators from all QSL card from special event station GB50UN callsigns. Subscription Services Ltd (SSL),
over the world are becoming interested in which operated from the Isle of Man during which issues amateur radio licences in the
Jamboree on the Air to celebrate the 50th
the RSGB’s Islands on the Air (IOTA) awards. anniversary of the United Nations (see page 5). UK on behalf of the Radiocommunications

42 D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996


On The Air

Band by Band
The Amateur Radio Spectrum: The 10 metre Band
TEN metres, the sunspot minimum years (as cheap receiver kit covering
28MHz band, is the at present), the band behaves 10m. However, just about all
highest of the HF like a VHF band with line-of- commercial transceivers or
(High Frequency) bands. The sight communication being the receivers cover 28MHz and
full band of 28.0 - 29.7MHz is norm. Sporadic-E propagation some can now be picked up for
available to amateurs with the also occurs, especially in the real bargain prices at ‘junk sales’
full Class A licence. Class A summer months, providing and bring and buy stalls at
Novices can operate CW strong signals from central and amateur radio rallies.
(Morse), RTTY (Radio Teletype) southern Europe. During
and other digital modes from sunspot maximum years (such
28.060 - 28.190 and 28.225 - as last occured in about 1988 - BAND FACTS
28.300MHz; with telephony 1991) strong signals can be Allocation:
(speech modes or ‘phone’) and expected from literally anywhere 28.000 - 29.700MHz (Full A licence)
CW (Morse) between 28.300 in the world. This sort of 28.060 - 28.190MHz (Novice A licence)
and 28.500MHz. 10m is the only propagation is still a few years 28.225 - 28.500MHz (Novice A licence)
HF band where FM is regularly away, but it will return! Activity:
used, often around 29.500MHz. Due to the wavelength - 10 28.000 - 28.050MHz CW (Morse) only
The 10m band is arguably metres - antennas on this band
28.050 - 28.150MHz CW (Morse) & Digital modes
the most exciting band for the can be relatively small. A half-
28.150 - 28.199MHz CW (Morse) only
class A Novice, providing as it wave dipole is only 5 metres
28.201 - 29.200MHz Phone and CW (Morse)
does the possibility of world- long, whereas a full-wave
wide contacts with low power antenna, such as a delta loop, 29.200 - 29.300MHz Phone, digital modes and CW (Morse)
using speech, Morse and digital can easily be fitted into most 29.300 - 29.550MHz Satellite downlinks
modes. 10 metres is on the gardens. See January - Feb- 29.550 - 29.700MHz Phone and CW (Morse)
border between HF and VHF, ruary 1996 D-i-Y Radio for a Notes:
and it exhibits characteristics of description of an operation using 28.199 - 28.201MHz should be kept clear for international
both, depending on the 11-year a huge delta loop antenna for propagation beacons. Beacons also operate between 28.190
sunspot cycle (see our sun the 80 metre band. and 28.255MHz.
poster on pages 23/24). During It may be difficult to find a


Agency (RA), has announced that as from attention when they first come on the bands. the 10 metre band will be able to have a lot
1 April, all UK full licences issued will have Class A Novices who have equipment for of fun during the CQ ‘WPX’ SSB contest,
callsigns starting with M0 (instead of G0) for which takes place this year from 0000UTC
the full class A licence, and M1 (instead of on 30 March to 2400UTC on 31 March. All
G7) for the full class B licences. Novice the UK class A Novice prefixes - 2E0, 2M0,
class A and B licences will be unaffected by 2W0 etc - will be much in demand by
Published by the Radio Society of Great Britain

this change. The RA has issued two ‘M’ Lambda House, Cranborne Road, POTTERS BAR,
Hertfordshire, Great Britain EN6 3JE C
stations taking part in the contest, because
callsigns before: M0RSE, which was used Edition 1: March 1995
the ‘multiplier’ for scoring is the number of
on Morse code only to celebrate Samuel different prefixes contacted. Listen for SSB
Morse’s birthday, and M1OOG, which was DXCC Listing by Prefix
Other Prefixes Used
What CQ Zone
What ITU Zone
Previous Country Name
Deleted Countries
stations taking part in the contest from
ITU Prefix Allocation Hours + and - on UTC Russian & C.I.S. Countries
Country Name Latitude and Longitude USA States, CQ/ITU Zones and Call Area

used last year to celebrate the 100th Unusual Prefixes - Which DXCC
What Continent
Date to Count From
Earlier Prefixes
DXCC Additions and Deletions Update
Notes about 28.200 - 28.600MHz, but especially
anniversary of the invention of radio by between about 28.400 and 28.500MHz.
Guglielmo Marconi. But the new ‘M’ The RSGB Prefix Guide is a way of finding out UK Novice stations may use SSB between
callsigns, starting with M0AAA andM1AAA, the location of stations heard using unusual 28.300 and 28.500MHz only (see Band by
prefixes. It will be particularly useful during the
will be sufficiently unusual to attract a lot of CQ WPX SSB contest at the end of March. Band, above).

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 43


Letters and Diary

2 West Wales Amateur Radio & Computer Rally, Aberystwyth.
Details 01545 580675.
2/3 RSGB March 144 / 432MHz Contest, 1400 - 1400UTC.
2/3 ARRL International DX SSB Contest 0000 - 2400UTC, 160 - 10m.
9 / 10 RSGB London Amateur Radio & Computer Show, Lee Valley
Leisure Centre, Edmonton, London N9. Details 01923 893929.
9 / 10 RSGB Commonwealth Contest 1200 - 1200UTC, CW only.
10 RSGB 70MHz Cumulative Contest, 1000 - 1200UTC.
10 Wythall RC Radio Rally, Silver Street, Wythall, near Birmingham.
ANYONE CAN DO IT October competition in D-i-Y Radio.
Details 021 430 7267.
I thoroughly enjoy D-i-Y Radio and
WHEN I PASSED the Novice exam 16 RSGB HQ Saturday Opening, Lambda House, Cranborne Road,
also my grandfather’s copy of Potters Bar, Herts. 10.00am to 4.00pm. Details 01707 659015.
in March 93 I was so excited about
RadCom, which makes its rounds 16 / 17 Russian DX Contest, 1200 - 1200UTC, both CW and SSB.
the prospect of communicating on
between him, my father and myself 16 / 17 Bermuda Contest, 0000 - 2400UTC, both CW and SSB.
air, I went off to a radio rally and
- all ‘hams’. 16 - 18 BARTG Spring RTTY Contest, 0200 - 0200UTC.
bought a hand-held radio, and got
The receiver is already in use 17 Nobreck Amateur Radio, Electronics and Computing Exhibition.
on to 70cm. I began to learn all Details 0151 630 5790.
and I am sure will give me many
about being a radio amateur. I had 17 Tiverton South Radio Rally. Details 01884 252259.
hours of pleasure and the incentive
nothing but friendly encouragement 24 RSGB 70MHz Fixed Station Contest, 0900 - 1300UTC.
to go for the RAE and Morse test in
from other amateurs: they were 24 Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society Rally. Details
the not-too-distant future. I wish to
wonderful to me. I had so much 01977 677006.
thank the RSGB and Howes 24 Bournemouth Radio Society Annual sale. Details 01252 845900.
support and encouragement that I
Communications for this prize. 30 / 31 CQ WPX SSB Contest, 0000 - 2400UTC, 160 - 10m.
went on to study for the RAE and
Morse. I had so much help that I Bryan Haswell, 2M1EAU 31 Magnum Radio & Computer Rally, Irvine. Details 01294 215457.

gained the strength to take and 31 Thames Valley Electronics Rally, Kempton Park Racecourse.
Details 0494 450504.
pass the 12WPM Morse test July READING CIRCUITS
94 and then take and pass the RAE CONGRATULATIONS ON the
- with credit - on 8 December 1994. APRIL
new-look D-i-Y Radio magazine,
When I tell you that I did all my 1 RSGB 80m Slow Speed CW Cumulative Contest, 1900 - 2030UTC.
and I thought the double-size issue
study at home, chair-bound, you 2 RSGB 144MHz SSB Fixed Station Cumulative Contest, 1900 -
recently on sale at the Leicester 2100UTC.
will appreciate the significance of
Show was outstanding. [We hope 7 RSGB first RoPoCo Contest, 0700 - 0900UTC, CW only, 80m.
their encouragement.
you like this double-size issue just 7 RSGB 1.3 / 2.3GHz Fixed Station Contests, 1700 - 2100UTC.
The Novice training scheme is a
as much! - Ed]. 9 RSGB 80m Slow Speed CW Cumulative Contest, 1900 - 2030UTC.
very good start to amateur radio. I
Would it be possible to include 10 RSGB 144MHz SSB Fixed Station Cumulative Contest, 1900 -
learned strict rules which I 2100UTC.
an article on reading circuit
respected, and from then on 14 Bury Radio Society Rally. Details 0161 762 9308.
diagrams in future numbers please?
expanded on to a full class A licence. 14 Cambridgeshire Repeater Group Annual Rally. Details 01223
This is a subject I know very little
It was very hard work for me but I 811477.
about, particularly how the diagram
enjoyed it. Anyone can do it. 14 Launceston Amateur Radio Rally. Details 01409 221624.
‘translates’ into something solid and
My husband passed the Novice 14 Swansea Amateur Radio Society Rally. Details 01792 404422.
three dimensional, and what
exam in September 95 and I am 17 RSGB 80m Slow Speed CW Cumulative Contest, 1900 - 2030UTC.
connects to what. The Novice
really pleased with him. He too had 18 RSGB 144MHz SSB Fixed Station Cumulative Contest, 1900 -
course seems a long while ago 2100UTC.
lots of friendly encouragement from
now! 20 RSGB HQ Saturday Opening, Lambda House, Cranborne Road,
other amateurs. For me this is a Potters Bar, Herts. Details 01707 659 015.
dream come true, as my relationship
Eric Smeaton, 2E1DXT
21 RSGB Low Power Fixed Contest, 0700 - 1100UTC, CW only, 80
with my husband started on the air, [Thanks for the suggestion, Eric. / 40m.
when we were radio operators in We will certainly try to put together 21 Microwave Round Table, nr Didcot, Oxon. Details 01488 638792
the auxiliary fire service in 1962. an article on reading circuit (evenings).

Eve Scott, G0VSR, and Walter diagrams in the near future - Ed] 21 Dunkerque Rally, France. Details 00 33139 312800.
21 White Rose Rally. Details 0973 189276.
Scott, 2E1CIX
25 RSGB 80m Slow Speed CW Cumulative Contest, 1900 - 2030UTC.
INDIAN D-i-Y-ER 27 Isle of Wight Exhibition, Wireless Museum, Puckpool Park,
PRIZEWINNER GREETINGS FROM India! Seaview. GB3WM celebrating Marconi’s birthday. Features a
special display of very early Marconi equipment. Details 01983
IT WAS WITH great pleasure that I I read your magazine regularly 567665.
opened the package from you to at the National Institute of Amateur 28 British Amateur Radio Club Rally. Details 01788 890365.
find I had won the Howes HF Radio and find it of interest. 28 Marske-by-the-Sea Radio Rally. Details 01642 475671.
receiver from the September - Jose Jacob, VU2JOS

D-I-Y RADIO March-April 1996 45


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