Signed DSWD DILG JMC No. 2022 001 With Annex
Signed DSWD DILG JMC No. 2022 001 With Annex
Signed DSWD DILG JMC No. 2022 001 With Annex
This tool must be thoroughly accomplished. Indicate with a Yes or No each question and provide the
corresponding additional information, as necessary. Further, the LSWDO is encouraged to provide
comprehensive details/ remarks on suggestions/ recommendations for possible technical assistance from
DSWD. An additional sheet may be attached, as appropriate, for any additional details/information.
1. Passage of at least one (1) comprehensive local ordinance, mandating the LGU to deliver YES NO
adequate social protection services including a clause complementing the Pantawid
program and a package of support services to exited and graduated households as part
of the LGU.
Please enumerate issued local policies (SB, Eos, LOs) related to the implementation of 4Ps, if any.
(Indicate Title, Date of Passage)
Remarks (Suggestions/Recommendations)
Remarks __________________________________________________________________________________
2. 4Ps – related program and activities included in the approved annual budget through the
Annual Investment Plan and/or Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan/Comprehensive
Development Plan complementing the implementation of 4Ps’ program
a. Allocation of budget for 4Ps included in the AIP/LPRAP or CDP
b. Please list all 4Ps’ PAPs with corresponding budget allocation from the LGUs
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Total Allocated budget for 4Ps Actual spent budget for 4Ps
Remarks __________________________________________________________________________________
3. Facilitate and address the identified supply – side gaps and concerns for health, nutrition
and education in a timely manner and has a strategic and anti – poverty interventions for
graduating/exiting beneficiaries including livelihood and employment.
a. Supply side gaps and concerns on health, nutrition and education are incorporated/ YES NO
mainstreamed in the Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP) and are facilitated
and addressed to enable the beneficiaries to comply with the program conditions.
e. Assisted in the assessment and ensured 100% of all 4Ps grievances are resolved
and coordinated with City / Municipal Links.
Please identify 4Ps grievances resolved and coordinated with City/Municipal Links
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5. Designated or hired an LGU Link position as LGU’s counterpart in the 4Ps implementation YES NO
which shall assist the assigned City/Municipal Links in the conduct of FDS and program
monitoring, promotion, and other functions related to the program.
6. Provided office space and other logistical support to the City/Municipal and LGU Links YES NO
like office supplies, equipment and other paraphernalia for program implementation.
B. Provision of Complementary Services under the 4Ps Kilos Unlad – Social Case Management
Indicators Responses
1. A City/Municipal Action Plan for Pantawid in the LGUs’ Comprehensive Development
Plan (CDP)
2. A City/Municipal Action Plan and agreements for the Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries with
specific programs and services detailing transitioning or exit procedure for an eventual
exit of household beneficiaries from the program.
3. Participate and attend in case conferences of identified household-beneficiaries for
program exit and transfer, as well as cases involving those with special and difficult cases
such as child protection issues and gender – based related cases.
4. Ensure package of complementary intervention and support services are available. YES NO
Please enumerate all post – program services for 4Ps beneficiaries to sustain the gains
of the households even after exiting/graduating from the program:
Other Comment/s:
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature over printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Position/Designation: __________________ Position/ Designation: __________________
Contact Number (s) ____________________ Date: ____________
Date: _______________
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Additional Sheets
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