Steam Turbine
Steam Turbine
Steam Turbine
A machine which develops mechanical motion using natural force is called a prime
mover, all heat engines are prime movers, as are steam turbines.
Principal Parts
2. by steam flow
2.1 impulse, impulse – reaction, and reaction- blading
2.2 single stage (smaller capacities) and multi stage
2.3 re- entry (partial multi – stage advantages without added mechanical
2.4 subdivided steam flow in multiple cylinders in parallel or in tandem
3. by degree of expansion
Power rating
Mechanical drive turbines are rated in horsepower (hp); turbine generator units in
kilowatts (kW)
Willan’s line
The steam rate of a turbine decrease with increasing load to the point of maximum
efficiency, after which it increases because of excessive incomplete expansion losses;
steam consumption rises with an increase in load; this characteristic generally plots against
load as straight line with y-intercept which as Willan’s line.
Steam consumption y = mx + b
ms, kg/hr
b Load, kW
O Full load
A 5-MW steam turbine generator power plant has a full-load steam rate of 6.0
. Assuming that no-load steam consumption as 10% of full-load steam
consumption, compute for the hourly steam consumption at 60% load, in .
At full-load:
Steam consumption,
At no-load:
Steam consumption,