Recycling Business Plan
Recycling Business Plan
Recycling Business Plan
The report tends to provide information about our business plan of recycling. Our business plan
is to produce different types of product of plastic, paper, glass etc that will be collected from
waste collector who collect disposable from garbage and to sell the products in a cheap rate to
save the environment from pollution. The main reason to start this business is to employ waste
collector or unemployed.
The report focuses on SWOT analysis, our company analysis, social effect, marketing, human
resource of our business plan. We also have tried to see our mission and vision of the business
plan such as why we will start the business, how will do will start, how will do earn profit from
the business.
Moreover, strength of our business plan is that we can attract new customers and improve
customer loyalty by exhibiting our environmental responsibility through recycling. We have plan
marketing in innovative way. We can give different size of attractive, unique and fashionable
shaped products that help to meet customer‘s need.
Finally, we will try to achieve the highest removing unemployment, waste reduction and reuse
goals by our planned business. We will affect not only on society by trying to employ
unemployed but also effect on environment by trying to reduce waste.
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We have prepared a business plan of recycling. Recycling means the process of turning waste
and used items into new and useful products. The materials include many kinds of glass, paper,
metal, plastic, and electronics. These products are used in home decor, daily household chores
and children toys. Our business plan is to produce different types of product (e.g. Lamp shade,
bag, container, show piece, vase) of plastic, paper, glass etc that will be collected from waste
collector who collect disposable from garbage and to sell the products in a cheap rate which are
expensive in the market as well as to save the environment from pollution. We will have own
factory where the collected raw materials will be produced in different shapes. And we also have
a shop where the finished product will be sold. The name of our company will be given Green
Reuse Recycling. In short it will be called GRR. The main reason to start this business is to
employ waste collector or unemployed. The people who are waste collector or unemployed, they
are getting frustrated and involved drug addiction or any crime. For those reasons our society is
getting worst .Moreover, poverty is increasing day by day in our country. So we have decided to
start the business to remove unemployment and poverty and to earn profit.
Our vision is to achieve the highest removing unemployment, waste reduction and reuse goals.
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SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding our business strengths and weaknesses,
and for identifying both the opportunities and threats that we will face. SWOT analyses for our
business plan have been given below:
We can attract new customers and improve customer loyalty by exhibiting our environmental
responsibility through recycling. We will see different kinds of business fairs. We will give
customer different kind of offers like if the customers take two product we will give them one
product free, it will works for our promotions and as well as free samples. There will have few
innovative marketing. We will make unique size product. The packaging presentation of the
products will be eye catching colors and shape. We offer our customer if they return 10 packet
we gave them 10% discount in any product. On other hand our packaging cost will reduce and
product sell increase.
We will use plastic, paper and glass for recycling but plastic containers in food waste or different
materials in glass waste can affect the quality of our recycling collection which can increase
costs, time and effort to eliminate contamination.
There have opportunities in the business that we find. We have plan marketing in innovative
way. We can give different size of attractive, unique and fashionable shaped products that help to
meet customer‘s need and demand. It is the innovative business plan. This plan can expand
business growth. The business will help to expand markets and products.
There have many competitions because now-a-days recycling business is increasing. Another
threat is bad economy. It can hurt the business by decreasing number of potential customers.
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A competitive analysis is a critical part of your recycle business plan. With this evaluation, we
can establish what makes our product glass, paper unique--and therefore what attributes we play
up in order to attract your target market. All recycling is based on simple market economic
principles. As commodities, things like glass, paper are recyclable because industry recognizes
their inherent value. In other words, an item is only recyclable if someone finds a use for the
material. These markets exist for many of our household waste materials. Recycling works when
the value of the particular material supports the collection, processing and remanufacture of a
product into a new one. Each board also featured a recyclable of the week, which changed every
Monday. Often times, the recyclable would be something that was frequently found in the trash
of the whole collected paper glass lake road etc. Yogurt glasses were a frequent offender at the
beginning of the competition, but their presence in trash glass dropped significantly during the
competition. Encourage eco citizens to come up with creative ways to remind their coworkers
about the competition. Here, decorated the trash can at Research Administration Services to
remind her coworkers to think before they throw. Many people start this business but they only
recycle business but we are start new business and help to poor people and set up work sector.
As a new business so 1st time no access to any competitor, so this time we product stage of
introduction, when we success product introduced next step growth paper and glass that‘s our
products. When our product remains growth step then come to competitor. This time we are very
carefully sold and handle our product. A quick and easy way to compare our product paper,
glass plastic with similar ones on the market is to make a competition grid. Down the left side of
a piece of paper, write the names of four or five products that compete with ours. To help you
generate this list, think of what your customers would buy if they didn't buy your product Across
the top of the paper, list the main features and characteristics of each product plastic . Include
such things as target market, price a glance at the competition grid will help you see where your
product fits in the overall market.
As demand for recycling business, a waste plastic glass must demonstrate economic profits
throughout a commodity cycle before it can claim recycling as a true moat-building competitive
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advantage In the recycling value chain, we believe that limited pricing power and a finite ability
to reduce costs present obstacles for economic moat development. As such, recycling contributes
to a moat-building competitive advantage only if offering the protects a waste business ability to
command higher prices, sustainably operate at a lower cost, or both.
Switching Costs
using the landfill as an anchor, recycling is glass, plastic, paper often added to a vertically
integrated system in an attempt to control the entire waste stream in any given area.
Theoretically, this increases customer switching costs by rolling up essential services into one
master contract, heightening the customer‘s reliance on the waste company. However, we‘d
argue that this bundling is often given to the customer at a discount, especially in markets where
municipal disposal costs are cheap. Furthermore, absent regulations mandating recycling, we‘re
not convinced that it is truly an essential product. Rather, recycling is a more expensive way to
compete for customer retention.
Buyer Power
Adding recycling to the waste stream by plastic, paper, glass shifts negotiating power in the
buyer‘s favor. In the disposal model, landfill owners command most of the negotiating power by
controlling access to a necessary asset. However, when trash is viewed as a commodity rather
than something to discard, buyers will undoubtedly demand more of its value for themselves. In
the recycling value chain, we identify two types of ―buyers‖—customers that buy recycling
services, and end-market buyers of recyclables. Each has a unique motivation for seeking value,
and each can deploy a set of negotiating strengths that we believe can limit pricing power.
Supplier Power
A difficult conundrum exists when the customers of a vertically integrated disposal contract
become the de facto suppliers of recyclables. Once again, this dynamic describes the
fundamental difference between operating a plastic business and operating a recycling business:
To deliver inventory to a commodity buyer, recycling operators must purchase commodities
from their customer-suppliers. In Porter‘s framework, powerful suppliers can charge higher
prices or demand more favorable terms when their involvement is necessary at each node of the
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value chain. When recycling is part of a vertically integrated disposal system, this creates an
opportunity for the supplier-customer to demand a whole host of concessions. Unfortunately, this
can destroy value created by the disposal segment of the chain.
Threat of Substitutes
The most obvious substitute for recycling is landfill-based disposal, which remains the dominant
form of waste handling in the United States. However, plastic contracts pit these product against
one another, causing one activity to create value at the expense of the other. In markets where the
cost of land-based disposal is high, recycling can offer the customer cost savings up to a certain
point. However, where landfill costs are low, customers won‘t demand recycling if the service is
too expensive. In these cases, recycling operators lose value by offering higher customer rebates
to recycling demand. Because recycling operations are more resource-intensive, the customer
must be willing to pay a higher price for the provision of recycling services for the vendor to
realize attractive returns on invested capital. However, there isn‘t any economic incentive for the
customer to do so when landfill disposal is.
Rivalry Intensity
In competitive markets, we believe firms offer recycling in an attempt to offer customers a
differentiated value proposition. Landfills and their associated post-closure obligations create
high barriers to exit, and several national players glass paper in most urban disposal markets.
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These characteristics can occasionally lead to some intense battles for disposal volumes,
especially during down-market economic cycles.
Marketing is the core part of doing a business. If we want to do a better business then marketing
is must. For our recycling business where we are collecting all possible waste products like
paper, plastic, metal etc. marketing is so important. Marketing is for the selling of products or
service including advertisement. Marketing will be the mix of Product, Price, Promotion and
Our products are all kinds of plastic, paper, metal and electronic waste products from which we
will make new products. Different types of waste products are found in different place like
dustbin from where we will collect those products. From plastic we will make different size of
container, toy, bag and photo frame. From paper we will make different size of container,
greeting card and toy. From metal and electronic product we will make lamp and watch.
We will set the price of our product lower than the price of virgin product. As we are using
recycle the plastic so it will save our money, for that we can sell our product at lower price. As
we are the beginner, the price of our product should be lower than the existing products in the
market just because we want to enter into the market. After getting a small amount of market
share we can set our new strategy. Lower than the market price will grab attention of the
customer. If the customer knows that the product is made from recycled plastic, then it will be
easier to sell.
Without promotion no business can do their maximum profit. Promotion can be done in many
ways. Now a day social networking sites can be used to do any types of promotion. We will use
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our business card to do promotion. We will provide leaflet with newspaper which is the lowest
cost of promotion. In our promotion we will make people understand that we are doing business
as well as doing social work too. We make people to clean the waste from society; it helps in
cleaning the society. This recycle business will save most of our resource. In different ways we
will make people concern about these factors that we are doing in the society. People will get
attracted to know that we are doing something for the society.
We will collect waste products from garbage and also buy from the people who regularly collect
waste products from the street. By using this policy we can make those people employed. From
the beginning we will apply this system to all over Dhaka city. Most of the uneducated people
will be employed by our business. We will also use them to sell our product in different place of
Dhaka city like outside of schools, colleges and universities. It will be a very good opportunity
for them to earn money as well as for us. To select the place first we are trying to go there where
the price is low.
Human Resource
Human Resource is the department of a company who do finding, screening, recruiting and
training to job applicants. It is one of the most important departments for a business. If tell you
who to hire and who to not. HR matches the employee with the business requirement. It also
makes the employee productive and shows what can make an employee more productive. It
saves the business from workforce. HR responsibilities also include compensation and benefits.
Managing human resource is human resource management. It is so important for our business
because we are doing new business so we have to select employee who are required to our
recycle business.
We are four partners doing business together so we have to manage the business ourselves. Two
of us will be the production manager and two of us will be sales manager. Production managers
will find out the employee ‗tokai‘ and collect waste products from them. They will also count the
hours of working of the employee. We will take six employees first. Each of them will collect
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waste products for three hours every day and after that they will work five hours on production.
They will make different types of toys and other materials. We will work for five days a week.
After finishing of production we will transfer those products to our sales managers and they will
sell those products to our shop.
There is a shop where all the finished products will be sold. Besides two managers there will be
one salesperson for selling products near schools and other possible places. If both the
production and sales shop can run in a parallel way then there is a good chance to do success in
the business. Our shop will be open as our production house, five days a week. Our whole
business will start from 7am to 8pm. We will start production from the morning as the entire
employee will collect waste from the morning and they have to make different materials from
those waste products. From the afternoon we will start selling our products to the shop. Our
salesperson will sell from the morning to the schools.
The salary of our all employee will be five thousand per month in the beginning. All four
managers will not take any salary for the first six months. Managers will be working equally on
hours. Managers are on equal partnership. Our main work is to main the employee and the shop.
Employee will be given a training of two weeks. In the training we will make them know about
the business and the social benefits. Besides that we will give them a good training on
production. Our salesperson will learn how to approach customers for selling the product.
HR Structure
Total – 11 employees
By using these human resources, we will try to maintain our business and to do profit. Our
expense will be not very high from the beginning as because all managers are not taking any
salaries from the beginning.
We will have our meeting frequently to generate new ideas of the business. We have to think
what can add value to our business. So our managers meeting will be at our shop. We will also
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have our meeting with our employee every weekend. This will make them feel important for the
business and also help as part of their training. It‘s an incentive to the employee. We believe that
only human resource management can help in developing our business because our business is
based on employee work, both production and sales. We believe that without human resource
management a business can‘t build a team to work. A good team can be given a good training to
do business. Performance appraisal is also needed to motivate our employee. So we have to
know what type of appraisal they need. We will help our employee to work together, to make a
good team. We will make them know about the good sides of working together as a team.
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