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Keywords: The storage and transportation of bulk materials has seen a continuous increase in demand with the evolution of
Jenike shear test renewable energy systems and modern society. The extraction of minerals such as iron ore, copper, nickel,
Bulk material bauxite, and lithium is leading to the exploitation of previously abandoned mine sites as well as ore bodies that
may have been disregarded. This demand necessitates more efficient systems to transport these bulk commodities
Instantaneous Yield Locus
from the mine site to the export terminal or end user. The design of new bulk material handling systems typically
Hvorslev surface requires the measurement of the bulk material strength, commonly determined using a Jenike direct shear tester.
Initially, these measurements were used for the design of free-flowing bulk commodities, such as grain in storage
silos or granaries. Over more recent decades, Jenike direct shear measurements have been used for the deter
mination of the flow properties of problematic bulk materials which show cohesive characteristics. Specifically,
this testing is used to define the flow function of a bulk material, the relationship between the material strength
and major principle stress, which is subsequently used in the design of material handling systems.
This paper provides a mathematical relationship between the pre-consolidation and the Instantaneous Yield
Locus (IYL) of a bulk material sample under Jenike direct shear testing conditions. When the voidage between
the particles is considered, this relationship becomes critical in defining the stress states of a bulk material
sample. By understanding these stress conditions, further insight into the tensile forces which lead to problematic
material behaviours can also be gained. This becomes increasingly important when low consolidation
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.J. Carr).
Received 12 September 2022; Received in revised form 17 August 2023; Accepted 30 August 2023
Available online 31 August 2023
0032-5910/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
applications, such as transfer chutes, are considered as this leads to blockages and therefore downtime and lost
revenue within a mining operation results. To further gain an understanding of the tensile forces acting within a
bulk material sample, inter-particle adhesion tests are compared with predicted values which are determined
using the outlined mathematical relationship.
1. Introduction are given, the Mohr stress circle is well-defined [4]. In the case of a
simple uniaxial compression test, both the horizontal and vertical planes
During the transportation of a bulk material, flow is initiated when have no shear stresses present. For this particular case, the vertical stress
the bulk material shears on itself and yields. This shear can be further is the major principal stress, σ 1 , as this will be much greater than the
categorised into internal shear and boundary shear, which are influ horizontal stress which is the minor principal stress, σ 2 , which occurs at
enced by the walls (boundary) of the bulk material handling equipment. an active stress state.
Although bulk materials deform and dilate when they flow, they will A fascinating phenomenon to occur within bulk materials is the
have similar stresses to those found in solids. The stresses found in bulk ability of shear stresses to occur whilst the bulk material is not under
materials will have different stresses for different cutting planes, similar load. Unlike a Newtonian fluid which will yield a zero radius Mohr circle
to solid materials. Using the well-established Mohr stress circle theory, when at rest (since there are stress states for all loading conditions,
the following equations can be used to determine the elemental stresses including at rest for a bulk material) the state of stress cannot be
for different planes. completely described by a single numerical value [8]. For the determi
nation of the shear strength characteristics of a bulk material for
σ2 + σ1 σ2 − σ1
σα = + cos(2α) (1) different loading conditions, it is possible for the minor principal stress,
2 2
σ 2 , to have different values for the same major principal stress, σ 1 . From
σ2 − σ1 this, it can be determined that the Mohr stress circle will only be clearly
τα = sin(2α) (2)
2 defined if at least two numerical values are determined [8].
Once a major principal stress is defined, the Instantaneous Yield
where: σ1 is the major principal stress [Pa].
Locus (IYL) can be plotted, representing the instantaneous consolidation
σ 2 is the minor principal stress [Pa]. condition. The IYL lies tangential to the major Mohr semi-circle passing
τα is the shear stress acting on the bulk material [Pa]. through σ1 and σ2 . To fully define the IYL, a smaller Mohr semi-circle,
σ α is the normal stress acting on the bulk material [Pa]. which lies through the origin and the Unconfined Yield Strength, σ c ,
α is the stress angle acting on an arbitrary plane [◦ ]. will also lie tangential to the IYL [9], as shown in Fig. 1. Furthermore, if
The use of the Mohr stress circle gives a graphical representation of
the IYL is linearly extrapolated to the shear stress axis, the amount of
the theory for bulk materials, which was initially used in the work of
cohesion, τo , is determined.
Jenike [1–3] and then further developed by Nedderman [4], where a
The work of Jenike [1–3] which has been further developed by
failure analysis was used to analytically determine the stress states of
Nedderman [4], Roberts [9] and Schulze [8], shown above, has
granular bulk material samples under different loading conditions.
demonstrated the impact of stresses acting in bulk materials, and their
Nedderman [4], assumed an ideal Coulomb material which enabled the
importance on the design of bulk material handling systems. More
formation of a yielding criterion to describe the way a granular material
recently, work conducted by Schulze [10,11] has provided insight into
fails. This analysis incorporated the work undertaken by Rankine [5] in
alternative testing methods that consider a Schulze ring shear tester,
1857, which described the stress conditions in soils at a state of plastic
that allows for the determination of flow functions for cohesive mate
equilibrium. This body of work is typically referred to as Rankine’s
rials. This is attributed to the limited travel possible in a Jenike Shear
theory of earth pressure, which describes the stress conditions in a soil
Test. Another issue related with Jenike direct shear tests is the inability
element where the failure of the soil occurs once plastic equilibrium has
to measure the shear plane vertical stresses. A solution to this issue is
been reached. Over more recent decades, Jenike direct shear measure
outlined in the work of Shimada et al. [12]. Additionally, preliminary
ments have been used for the determination of the flow properties of
shear, main shear and repeated shear are described in the work of Ueda
problematic bulk materials which show cohesive characteristics [6,7].
et al. [13].
To further establish the stress conditions found in both non-cohesive
Once the bulk material sample is consolidated for both Jenike direct
and cohesive bulk materials, these stress values are typically plotted on a
shear and ring shear testers, the sample is sheared until steady-state flow
normal stress and shear stress diagram, as shown in Fig. 1. The principal
is obtained. Steady state flow is defined as continuous deformation of
stresses, σ1 the major principal stress and σ 2 the minor principal stress,
the bulk material sample without volume change, while the stresses at
occur when no shear stresses are present. When both principal stresses
the boundary of the specimen remain constant [14,15]. In practice
however, the steady state flow of cohesive powders can be difficult to
determine, as fluctuations often result [15–17]. To investigate this, work
conducted by Roeck et al. [18] have considered extensions to a true
biaxial shear tester that was used to allow a view of the surface of the
powder sample by use of a CCD camera. This work determined that
different pre-compaction procedures did not influence the formation of
steady-state flow.
The effect of particle size and cohesion powder yielding and flow has
been undertaken in the work of Shi et al. [19]. This work considers the
characterisation of bulk material samples using a wide range of shear
testing methods. These include the Jenike direct shear tester, the ELE
direct shear tester, the FT4 powder rheometer and the Schulze ring shear
tester. In this study, shear stress and cohesion values are compared for a
range of normal stresses. Cohesion is defined as the shear resistance of
the bulk material under zero normal stress, differing from adhesion
being defined as the tensile force between particles under no shear load.
Fig. 1. Yield Loci for consolidated bulk material (Roberts, 1998).
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
There are numerous methods for the estimation of adhesion given a line), and the work of Roscoe et al. [26] is represented as the Roscoe,
yield locus of the material. This is typically determined based on a linear Schofield and Wroth surface (left of the critical state line).
extrapolation of the yield locus to the point of zero shear. More recently, Hvorslev [25] conducted tests under a compressive regime where the
the work of Carr et al. [20] has shown a parabolic extrapolation of the tensile stress conditions were not considered. This led to the surface of
yield locus has resulted in a more reasonable estimation of adhesion. Fig. 2 having an edge at the σ = 0 plane which can be interpreted as a
The correlation of the pre-consolidation of a bulk material sample tension cut-off. To expand further on this, Roscoe et al. [26] considered
and the yield locus is critical to ensure the bulk material sample is tested the consolidation of soil samples, where the changes in the voidage
at the critical compaction state. If a sample is either over or under between the particles was observed. Samples were subjected to changing
consolidated, this can lead to inaccurate yield locus determination stresses within a tri-axial tester where the relationship of the critical
resulting in results which inaccurately represent the characteristics of state line to voidage between particles was observed.
the bulk material sample. This research presents a correlation between Dividing the Hvorslev surface, seen in Fig. 2, into the two defined
the pre-consolidation and yield locus to ensure the compaction state of segments on either side of the critical state line, leads to two different
the material is determined more effictively. This correlation has been phenomena occurring within the bulk material. When the right segment
further developed to consider the relationship between the stresses is considered, the material fails under shear, while in the left segment
acting on a bulk material and how this changes when the voidage and consolidation of the material occurs provided that sufficient normal
bulk density are considered. This work is summarised in the following stresses are present. The critical state line is formed by joining the points
section. where the Effective Yield Locus (EYL) intersects the major Mohr semi-
circle tangentially at different voidage, ε, conditions. The correspond
2. Hvorslev-Roscoe yield surface ing yield surface is a result of projecting a series of yield loci that
correspond to different consolidation loads (voidage between the par
The initial work of Coulomb [21] in 1776 hypothesized that soils fail ticles). This is described in detail by Roberts [9].
along a ruptured plane. It was further reported by Roberts [22] in 1882 To further expand on the work of Hvorslev [25] and Roscoe et al.
that the weight of granular materials measured at the base of a bin [26] a yield surface was considered with the bulk density, ρbulk , and
reduced with an increase in material head height. This was attributed to voidage, ε, between the particles of the bulk material. For an increase in
wall effects supporting the granular material. To further develop this the bulk density of a bulk material, an associated decrease in the voidage
theory, Janssen [23] used a continuum approach and experimental between the particles is experienced [27] . Additionally, with an in
validation to demonstrate the results of wall effects supporting the crease in the bulk density, an associated increase in the strength of the
granular material. In 1885, the work of Reynolds [24] determined that bulk material can be seen and is shown in Fig. 3. By considering the bulk
all compacted bulk materials expand as they are sheared and will density for the yield surface, an assumption into the way the tensile
continue to expand until failure occurs, which is typically referred to as strength curve would correlate to the above theories was gained. It could
dilation. be identified that for low bulk densities, the particles are generally
The combination of the results produced by Coulomb and Reynolds loosely packed with low tensile strength. However, for high bulk den
can be used to form a three-dimensional stress-strain-porosity diagram, sities, the particles are packed together more closely, where small
which can be referred to as the Hvorslev diagram [25] . This was further changes in the bulk density lead to large changes in the tensile strength
developed by Roscoe et al. [26], where a failure surface is produced by [27] .
plotting the Instantaneous Yield Loci (IYL) and the porosity of the To gain an understanding of the tensile strength of a bulk material, it
granular material forming a failure surface. Fig. 2 illustrates this failure is important to consider the compaction state of the sample when un
surface in the p, q and w domain, corresponding to σ (normal stress), τ dertaking Jenike direct shear measurements. Theoretical models exist
(shear stress) and ε (voidage) respectively. The initial work of Hvorslev that aim to define the tensile strength curve outlined in Fig. 3, which
[25] is represented as the Hvorslev surface (right of the critical state estimates the amount of adhesion present within a bulk material. Recent
work by Carr et al. [20] has shown that estimated adhesion values can be
compared to experimentally measured adhesion using an inter-particle
adhesion tester (explained in detail by Ashton et al. [28] and Plinke
et al. [29]). When the consolidation state of the inter-particle adhesion
measurements is considered, the most appropriate comparison to the
Jenike direct shear measurements is using the pre-consolidation of the
sample. This can be attributed to both testing methods not being sub
jected to any form of shear stress during the initial pre-consolidation
phases and is regarded as an equivalent stress state. These equivalent
Fig. 2. Hvorslev yield surface (modified from Roscoe et al., 1958). Fig. 3. Consolidation yield surface (Ashton et al., 1965).
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
stress states are critical when comparing the predicted adhesion values, are considered. These failure stresses form the IYL where a linear fit will
outlined in the work of Carr et al. [20], to experimentally measure be assumed. Additionally, extrapolation of the IYL to the intersection
adhesion using an inter-particle adhesion tester. Due to this, it is point of the shear stress axis gives the cohesion. Once the IYL and pre-
essential to determine a mathematical relationship between the pre- consolidation point are defined, the relationship between both can be
consolidation and the Instantaneous Yield Locus (IYL) of a bulk mate solved. Solving for the pre-consolidation point and the IYL, the radius of
rial sample under Jenike direct shear testing conditions. This forms the both lines must be equal, i.e. rt = rp as shown in Fig. 4. Firstly, the
novel aspect of this research. equations of Line 1 and Line 2 are given using:
3. Instantaneous Yield Locus consolidation stress conditions yLine 1 = τo + σT tanφt yLine 2 = b − (1)
The stress conditions that arise within a bulk material sample during Solving for the intersection point of Line 1 and Line 2, the tangent
a Jenike direct shear test are of critical importance. An understanding of point of the IYL and major Mohr circle, yields:
the relationship between the pre-consolidation condition and the failure btanφt − τo tanφt btan2 φt − τo tan2 φt
shear stress is essential to fully determine the compaction state of the σT = 2
τT = + τo (2)
1 + tan φt 1 + tan2 φt
sample. The determination of the IYL and corresponding Mohr circles in
relation to the pre-consolidation stress is shown in Fig. 4. The pre- where: b is the intersection point on the shear stress axis [Pa].
consolidation normal stress, σp , can be regarded as the compaction Using Line 2, the centre of the major Mohr circle, σ ave , occurs when
state of the sample. This will have an equivalent compaction state and no shear stress will be acting, i.e. at τ = 0. The centre can therefore be
therefore stress state when the Jenike direct shear measurements and determined as:
inter-particle adhesion measurements are considered. Once the pre-
consolidation normal stress, σp , has been applied to the Jenike direct σ ave = btanφt (3)
shear tester, the sample is sheared until a steady state value is obtained. To solve for the only unknown, b, the equation for equidistance
The pre-consolidation shear stress, τp , gives a point (shown in Fig. 4) that points can be used, i.e.:
must lie on the major Mohr circle and below the IYL. This can be √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
attributed to the sample not yielding during the pre-shear phases of the (σ T − σave )2 + τT 2 = (σ P − σave )2 + τP 2 (4)
Jenike testing regime.
Once the sample has been pre-sheared, the shear-to-failure stage For simplification purposes, the following constants are used:
commences. This is undertaken for a range of normal stresses, where
typically a minimum of five stresses below the pre-consolidation stress
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
tanφt τo tanφt Hooke’s law for both compressive and tensile stresses [30]. It was also
K= L= (5)
1 + tan2 φt 1 + tan2 φt determined that in general, the shear index, n, is independent of the bulk
density of any given bulk material at any given particle size and distri
tan2 φt
τo tan2 φt bution [27] . It was further observed that a correlation between the
1 + tan φt 1 + tan2 φt shear index and Jenike’s classification of the “flowability of solids” could
be shown. The shear index, n, can be classified as 1 for a free-flowing
Solving Eq. (4) using the values above results in a quadratic equation
material and up to 2 for very cohesive bulk materials. It will be appro
which can be solved for, b, using the quadratic equation:
priate to identify that when n = 1, Coulombs equation (τ = μσ + CJDST ),
− C2 ± C2 2 − 4C1 C3 results which is used extensively in soil mechanics. For a hypothetical
b= (6) case of a perfectly free-flowing bulk material where CJDST and T are zero,
the shear stresses at failure will be proportional to the normal stresses
where: [27] .
The extrapolation of the measured yield loci of the lithopone into the
C1 = K 2 − 2Ktanφt + M 2 (7)
ρ − axis as presented in the work of Ashton et al. [27] results in a
yielding surface similar to Fig. 3. The tensile strength curve is shown to
C2 = 2Ltanφt − 2KL − 2MN + 2τo M + 2σP tanφt (8)
be asymptotic to the ρ − axis at low bulk densities and a constant value is
found at higher bulk densities. It could be identified that for low bulk
C3 = L2 − 2τo N + N 2 + τo 2 − σP 2 − τP 2 (9)
densities, the particles are typically “loosely packed” with a low tensile
The major principle stress, σ 1 , and the minor principle stress, σ2 , are strength. However, for high bulk densities, the particles are packed
determined using: together more closely, where small changes in the bulk density lead to
large changes in the tensile strength [27] . Although the methodology
σ 1 = btanφt + rt σ 2 = btanφt − rt (10)
proposed by Ashton et al. [27] was able to establish a yielding surface
The radius of the major Mohr circle, rt , is determined using: that included the adhesive nature of the tested powders, assumptions
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ about the shear index were still required. By using the application of a
rt = σ ave 2 − 2σave σP + σP 2 + τP 2 (11) parabolic profile tangential to the intersection point of the IYL at the
By relating the pre-consolidation stress to the IYL and the major shear stress axis (where the amount of cohesion, τo is found) and having
principle stress, σ1 , an understanding of the stress state within the bulk its vertex intersecting in the tensile component (negative value) on the
material sample can be gained. Furthermore, by considering the pre- normal stress axis a yielding surface (shown in Fig. 5) can be produced.
consolidation state of the sample in the Jenike direct shear test, equiv This surface is directly formulated from results obtained using a Jenike
alent stress states occur when the inter-particle adhesion tester direct shear tester.
(explained in detail by Ashton et al. [28] and Plinke et al. [29]) is If the surface in Fig. 5 is compared to the existing theory of Hvorslev
considered. These equivalent stress states are essential when comparing [25] and Roscoe et al. [26] the consolidation strength curve, critical
the predicted adhesion values (outlined in the work of Carr et al. [20]) to state line and yield loci remain the same, and the Roscoe, Schofield and
experimentally measured values using an inter-particle adhesion tester, Wroth surface (shown in blue) remain unmodified. If the Hvorslev sur
as outlined in Section 5. face (shown in green) is considered, it has been proposed by the authors
that there is a reduction in the area of this surface compared with the
4. Adhesive strength voidage surface model original theory of Hvorslev [25] . This reduction will be a result of the
yield locus only being considered to the point of tangency of the small
Following the previous discussion, the presented methodology can Mohr semi-circle. This point can now be defined as the Unconfined State
also be applied to the theory of Hvorslev [25] and Roscoe et al. [26] by Line when extrapolated into the voidage, ε, direction (shown in Fig. 5).
considering the voidage between the particles of the bulk material. It Looking to the left of the unconfined state line, the Adhesive and
was outlined in Section 2 that if a yield surface was considered with the Cohesive Surface (shown in red) is produced which is based off the
bulk density, ρbulk , and voidage, ε, between the particles of the bulk assumption presented in the work of Carr et al. [20] of a parabolic
material, an increase in the bulk density of a bulk material would occur profile.
when an associated decrease in the voidage between the particles is The use of a tensile testing apparatus, such as the one developed at
experienced [27] . The original work of Hvorslev [25] and Roscoe et al. Warren Spring Laboratory [28], for the determination of the inter-
[26] assumed a tension cut-off where the linear interpolation of the IYL particle adhesion of a sample during the calculation of the yield locus
to the shear stress axis was used. To consider the adhesion present in results in the potential for experimental error. This error depends on the
powders, the work of Ashton et al. [27] determined the yield loci of experience level of the user and the reproducibility of measurements,
lithopone via measurements using a Jenike Direct Shear tester and a where it can be difficult to reach the critical consolidation of the sample.
tensile testing apparatus developed at Warren Spring Laboratory [28], By using a parabolic assumption, the need for an experienced operator is
from which the inter-particle adhesion tester presented in the work of negated as the measurement of the yield loci points in the Jenike direct
Carr et al. [20] was developed. The results of the yield locus measure shear testercan be quite reproducible in relation to the consolidation of
ments were found to conform to the following: the sample as explained in ASTM D 3080 [31] . The comparison between
( )n the estimated adhesion using the theoretical model of Carr et al. [20]
τ σ
= +1 (1) and measured results from an inter-particle adhesion tester (explained in
CJDST T detail by Ashton et al. [28] and Plinke et al. [29]) will be undertaken in
the subsequent section.
where: τ is the shear stress [Pa].
n is the shear index, known to vary between 1 and 2.
5. Experimental results and discussion
CJDST is the cohesion from the Jenike direct shear tester [Pa].
σ is the normal stress [Pa].
Once the mathematical relationship between the pre-consolidation
T is the tensile strength from the tensile tester [Pa].
and the Instantaneous Yield Locus (IYL) of a bulk material sample has
The equation above can be explained in terms of a simple model,
been determined, the adhesion may be estimated. This is completed
where it is assumed that if the stresses present in the bulk material
using the methodology presented in the work of Carr et al. [20] . This
sample remain below a critical level, it deforms elastically according to
methodology considers a simplified parabolic estimation that is
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
Fig. 5. Hvorslev yield surface incorporating assumed profile for adhesion and cohesion.
tangential to the intersection point of the IYL at the shear stress axis compared to the parabolic estimation which provides good agreement.
(where the amount of cohesion, τo is found) and have its vertex inter When Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 are considered, it can be shown that the
secting in the tensile component (negative value) on the normal stress assumption of a simplified parabolic estimation is significantly closer to
axis. For completeness, the linear extrapolation of the IYL has also been the measured data than the existing linear extrapolation, which is shown
included to show the influence of simply assuming the IYL to be linear to overestimate the adhesion. This becomes much more significant, with
without any consideration of the stress states of the bulk material. Both increasing consolidation stress for both cases. It is important to note that
of these estimations are compared to the experimental measurements repeats of the experimental measurements and visual checks of the
using an inter-particle adhesion tester explained in detail by Ashton failure zone are undertaken for each measurement. Typically, five suc
et al. [28] and Plinke et al. [29] . Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the comparison cessful repeat measurements are undertaken for each consolidation
of the measured adhesion data from an inter-particle adhesion tester and pressure where visual checks are recorded with each measurement. It
the estimation from the extrapolation of the IYL for two iron ore sam can be shown that by considering the compaction state of the bulk
ples; Iron Ore A (IOA) and Iron Ore B (IOB) respectively. Due to the material when undertaking Jenike direct shear measurements it is
commercial sensitivity of these samples, both samples were tested on a possible to predict the adhesion of problematic bulk materials.
deidentified basis. From these figures it is shown that the linear esti Furthermore, when the consolidation state of the inter-particle adhesion
mation of the yield locus results in an overprediction of the adhesive measurements is considered, the most appropriate comparison to the
stress, approximately double that of the experimental results. This is Jenike direct shear measurements is using the pre-consolidation of the
Fig. 6. Adhesion estimation for linear and parabolic profiles in comparison to inter-particle adhesion testing for IOA.
M.J. Carr et al. Powder Technology 429 (2023) 118952
Fig. 7. Adhesion estimation for linear and parabolic profiles in comparison to inter-particle adhesion testing for IOB.
sample. This can be attributed to both testing methods not being sub a relationship with The University of Newcastle that includes:
jected to any form of shear stress during the initial pre-consolidation employment.
phases, and to be regarded as an equivalent stress state.
Data availability
6. Concluding remarks
The authors do not have permission to share data.
This paper has presented a mathematical relationship between the
pre-consolidation and the Instantaneous Yield Locus (IYL) of a bulk Acknowledgements
material sample under Jenike direct shear testing conditions. To gain an
understanding of the tensile strength of a bulk material, it was deter The authors gratefully acknowledge the Australian Research Council
mined that consideration must be given to the compaction state of the (ARC) Research Hub for Advanced Technologies for Australian Iron Ore
sample when undertaking measurements. A method for determining the (Grant Number: IH130200031) and our industry partners for the
adhesive properties of problematic bulk materials can be undertaken financial support and assistance that has been provided for this research
using inter-particle adhesion measurements. When these measurements project.
are considered, the most appropriate comparison to the Jenike direct
shear measurements is using the pre-consolidation of the sample. This
can be attributed to both testing methods not being subjected to any
form of shear stress during the initial pre-consolidation phases, and to be [1] A.W. Jenike, Storage and Flow of Solids, Bulletin. No. 123 of the Utah Engineering
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Michael J. Carr: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – original 008-0090-6.
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Declaration of Competing Interest Schulze ring shear tester, ASTM International,
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