Innovation of Startups The Key To Unlocking Post-C
Innovation of Startups The Key To Unlocking Post-C
Innovation of Startups The Key To Unlocking Post-C
Innovation of Startups, the Key to Unlocking Post-Crisis
Sustainable Growth in Romanian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Oana Bărbulescu 1 , Alina Simona Tecău 1 , Daniel Munteanu 2 and Cristinel Petrişor Constantin 1, *
1 Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Transilvania University of Bras, ov,
500036 Bras, ov, Romania; [email protected] (O.B.); [email protected] (A.S.T.)
2 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Transilvania University of Bras, ov, 500036 Bras, ov, Romania;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +40-0727-39-2380
Abstract: This paper aims at identifying the entrepreneurial opportunities for establishing innova-
tive startups during and post COVID-19 crisis. To reach this goal, we conducted an exploratory
study based on semi-structured interviews with 168 students who intend to involve themselves in
entrepreneurship in their future career. The research started from the debates in literature regarding
the huge negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis on economic development, which can jeopardize
the achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The research findings confirm
the results of other studies regarding the vulnerability of startups during crises, the reason why
they have to refocus on innovative businesses, especially based on information and communication
technology (ICT). Such businesses are considered incentives of sustainable development. Other ideas
highlighted the importance of social entrepreneurship for the management of startups. It means that
startups should develop strong relationships with employees but also with other stakeholders, like
companies in the same industry, the public sector, academia, and citizens. In addition, changing the
business culture aiming at developing green business could be an inexpensive solution for devel-
oping a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. These empirical results have implications for both
Citation: Bărbulescu, O.; Tecău, A.S.; business and the academic environment, which should cooperate in order to overcome the crisis.
Munteanu, D.; Constantin, C.P. Such an approach could be used in the long run in order to manage other crises and to develop
Innovation of Startups, the Key to sustainable business.
Unlocking Post-Crisis Sustainable
Growth in Romanian Entrepreneurial
Keywords: sustainable development; entrepreneurship; innovative startups; digitization; qualitative
Ecosystem. Sustainability 2021, 13,
research; COVID-19 crisis; entrepreneurial ecosystem; social entrepreneurship; green business
resources it normally controls. Thus, a critical employee who leaves the job, a decrease in
financing options, a reduction in demand due to a competitor’s entry into the market or, in
this case, a crisis that has hit the global economy can seriously affect the company’s activity.
The liability of a small business can be equal to the liability of a new business [3].
According to [4], startups have a higher risk of failure than older companies, because they
do not have established business models, have low levels of legitimacy, and depend on the
cooperation of strangers. Despite these weaknesses, SMEs have also certain characteristics
that could help them in times of crisis. Given their smaller size, they tend to be quite
flexible when opportunities or threats emerge in their environment. Moreover, the smaller
the organization, the closer decision makers are to their customers and other actors who
can provide them with valuable market information, which can be helpful when facing
a crisis [5].
The literature review reveals another interesting concept that can be useful for over-
coming crises: the development and implementation of new technologies. Digital platforms
and associated ecosystems offer a promising new environment for entrepreneurship [6].
The development of digital platforms and associated ecosystems has created a new con-
text with important potential for entrepreneurship [7–9]. These digital ecosystems allow
startups to develop services or products that complement those of the platform owner.
The gradual infusion of digital content into a wide category of products and services and
the constant growth in the number and diversity of such digital platforms have opened
up a much broader set of opportunities for entrepreneurs [7,9–12]. Previous research has
shown that digital ecosystems have important benefits for new businesses, such as access
to established markets, more opportunities for Initial Public Offering (IPO), and increased
reputation [13]. Consequently, digital ecosystems provide value creation and value ap-
propriation infrastructure for entrepreneurs and their companies, thereby diminishing the
disadvantages of startups [6].
Digital technologies, through digital crowdfunding platforms or financial technology
(Fintech) services, can significantly improve access to financial capital through cloud com-
puting, decrease the costs of information and communication technology (ICT), and also
reduce the initial costs of labor using artificial intelligence or remote work arrangements.
Thus, the development of digitization removes certain barriers to entry and is therefore
expected to stimulate entrepreneurship. Based on these perspectives, some authors have
stated that digital technologies are external facilitators in starting a business [14], the
digitization being an important source of new entrepreneurial opportunities. The latter
argument has been investigated in a number of recent empirical studies [7] which indicate
that entrepreneurship is considered a major driver of innovation, growth, and economic
well-being [15–18].
Increasing attention has been given by scholars to the ways in which digitization
may affect an individual’s decision to become an entrepreneur. Recent empirical studies
indicate that it can facilitate a person’s access to information, digital social networks,
and online entrepreneurship education programs, improving their ability to identify and
evaluate profitable business opportunities [19,20]. One of the major impediments to
starting a business is the lack of funding opportunities [21]. Digitization can facilitate the
entrepreneur’s access to financial resources by offering new ways to acquire entrepreneurial
finance, for example, through Fintech, venture capital investments, or online platforms for
crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and crowdinvesting [22,23]. At the same time, digitization
has led to the emergence of new innovative business models, such as those based on the
sharing economy [24].
On this line, authors such as Giones and Brem [25] and Sussan and Acs [26] have
defined digital entrepreneurship as business enterprises that use digital technology as an
input factor and create new Internet-based products and services.
Additionally, some authors have shown that although the new wave of digitization is
strongly associated with the replacement of workers and the entry into entrepreneurship,
the research results suggest that this trend will not necessarily lead to higher unemployment
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 3 of 16
rates as suggested in the previous literature, since labour markets already adapt to the
digital transformation. Workers who are highly educated react to these changes by choosing
entrepreneurship themselves. Yet, the workers who are less trained and who run the risk
of seeing their jobs wiped off by digitization are very likely to become unemployed and in
need of support when deciding to go for the entrepreneurial option. The results also suggest
that advances in technology create new opportunities for growth-oriented entrepreneurs
who are moving from a paid job to entrepreneurship [27].
We assume that digitization is an ongoing process that will grow faster in the coming
decades. According to [28], the current era is the most prolific period in human history in
terms of technological innovations. Robots working in industries, self-driving cars, smart
watches monitoring patient health, and augmented reality-based games are only a few
examples of technological innovations. Therefore, the changes in entrepreneurial dynamics,
which are already visible, are expected to intensify in the near future. In this context, for
the newly-emerging companies, it is clear that innovation is the only way to enter and
succeed on the market.
Last but not least, we also consider in our theoretical framework the significant
relevance that the concept of sustainable development holds in contemporary society. This
is highlighted in the literature as a complex concept increasingly used to describe the
methods and activities by which a business can develop sustainably, can help conserve
resources, and provide future generations with similar advantages and benefits to those
that current generations enjoy [29].
We approach one of the empirical and methodological gaps in the literature, when
referring to the issue of involvement in the development of innovative startups in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of this paper is to take into account and analyze the students’ attitudes
and behaviors regarding the involvement in entrepreneurship and the development of
innovative startups that can contribute to mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19
pandemic crisis.
The article begins with an introduction to the field. The next section outlines the theoreti-
cal framework, Section 3 contains the materials and methods used, and Section 4 presents the
results and discussions. The article ends with the conclusions and proposal section.
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Starting as a local sanitary crisis, COVID-19 has soon become a pandemic crisis
with a high negative impact on worldwide economic development. According to the
World Economic Forum [30], up to July 2020, more than 70% of the startups all over the
world substantially terminated employment contracts, and many companies only have
enough operational resources for a few months. According to the same institution, the
governments have to support the innovative small business that can find solutions for
future economic development.
The issue of the pandemic crisis is largely debated in the literature. It has a negative
impact on the world economy without discrimination, because the virus makes no dis-
tinction between demographic categories, social status, ethnicity, or wealth. COVID-19
has caused a world economic crisis that raises sustainability-related concerns [31]. In line
with these findings, other authors consider that COVID-19 could affect the implementation
of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with negative consequences on the
process of eradicating poverty and hunger, but also on education, health, or economic
systems [32]. In this respect, the effect of COVID-19 on economic life is highlighted, which
deepened the social and economic inequalities between people [33]. Important sectors of
the economy have faced difficulties during this crisis, but sectors like hospitality industry
or agri-food are considered the most affected, with negative consequences on social life [34].
Certain studies analyzed the situation of the education sector, where technology facilitated
the transfer of education into the online environment. Thus, ICT and neuroeducation
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 4 of 16
are considered crucial for the education future [35]. Technology and innovation are also
deemed engines of business transformation like in the case of online delivery of foods or
other goods, which increased significantly during the COVID-19 crisis [36].
replaced with the state of alert, and most activities have been gradually resumed, but at
the moment, some restrictions still exist for certain activities in closed spaces: restaurants,
shows, theatres, sport competitions, etc.
In this context, the economic crisis cannot be avoided. Data published by EUROSTAT
reveals decreases for the main economic sectors in Romania [41]. Figure 1 shows the short-
term business statistics for Industry, Construction, and Trade from the first five months of
2020 in Romania. The indexes are calculated by reporting the figures from current periods
to the same month of the previous year [41].
Figure 1. Evolution of the main economic sectors in Romania during the first five months of 2020 (the same month of the
previous year = 100). Data source:
It can be noticed that, since March 2020, when the state of emergency entered into
force, all analyzed economic sectors have recorded significant decreases, in comparison
with the same month of the previous year, except for the construction sector. Constructions
seem to have not been affected by the pandemic crisis so far, as in March they increased by
31.6%, when compared to the same month of 2019. For April and May, 2020, the increases
were not so high, but they exceeded 10%. As for the industry, it recorded the highest
decrease, especially in the field of durable goods, but also the production of non-durable
goods decreased, especially in April. The trade sector also declined in April 2020, after
three months of increase, but it seems to have recovered faster than industry, as the decrease
in May was only 4% of the previous year’s value. In fact, for all sectors, the values recorded
in May were better than in April.
The most affected businesses were those in the service sector. For the main services
provided to population, the official statistics in Romania [42] reveal that the turnover
decreased by more than 50% in April, as compared to the same month of 2019 (see Figure 2).
This result is due mainly to the lockdown, when almost all services that involve direct
contact between population members were banned. Consequently, the most affected
services were gambling and recreation, beauty services and tourism, for which the decline
still continued in May.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 6 of 16
Figure 2. Evolution of the main services provided to population in Romania during the first five months of 2020 (the same
month of the previous year = 100). Data source:
At this very moment, there are no public data available about the number of firms
that closed down during this period, but it is assumed that the entrepreneurial ecosystem
of Romania was strongly affected by the crisis. The number of employees also decreased
by about 2% (on the average 80,000 people/month) both in April and May, in comparison
with the previous year’s similar periods [42]. However, this indicator is not very relevant
for the crisis impact, because the Government supported companies in the short term, with
a view to avoiding dismissal of employees. The real situation of unemployment should be
analyzed for the next period of time. The significant economic development recorded in the
last 20 years, based on exports, foreign investment, relatively cheap labor, and especially
consumption, is likely to turn into a disadvantage in the coming years, if the business
model will not change.
guide structured in three major directions, in line with the research objectives, were ad-
dressed: opinions on market behavior changes during the COVID-19 crisis, opinions about
the profile of a successful entrepreneur, and ideas and innovative solutions for startup
management. The resulting data were analyzed using content analysis [47]. The analysis
started with the structuring, sorting, classification, management, and modelling of raw
data so that it was possible to highlight topics that might lead to the understanding of the
phenomena exposed by the participants and the formulation of significant conclusions.
ATLAS.ti qualitative research software was used for data processing and interpretation.
The analysis provided the opportunity to analyze the answers on each topic and to identify
the dominant answers. In the end, the research results, grouped on each research objective
approached, allowed the generation of important conclusions, leading to the meeting of
the research goal.
Although the data are not statistically representative (a feature of the qualitative
research), they are relevant for the studied population. Testing the reliability of the research
results was done using “Data Triangulation” [48,49]. For each objective, the information
obtained from the interviewed young people/students was compared with those obtained
from the representatives of the business environment, as well as with the results of other
research presented in the literature.
by most research participants, has led the dialogue to the potential for increased demand
for IT devices and applications that should simplify online communication and facilitate
the new lifestyle imposed by COVID-19.
As for the facilities that startups operating in these fields should benefit from, the main
ideas issued, structured according to the frequency of occurrence, are granting financing
facilities (grants or advantageous loans), tax facilities (tax reductions and tolls in the first
years after starting new businesses), and failure support packages (government guarantees).
The participants in the research also suggested that the local public administration can
support startups by granting free land for the construction of production facilities or the
advantageous renting of public domain space for headquarters or branches. A possible
solution includes setting up a “hub”, developed by a local entity, where startups can
interact, be guided, and receive advice and connections with potential investors and
financiers. In the opinions of the young people interviewed, the collaboration between
startups and co-working encourage and accelerate innovation, bringing mutual benefits to
members. In this respect, one of the interviewees said: “Creativity and entrepreneurial talent
can be stimulated within the group you belong to; the courage of the members increases, as does the
strength of the group, and access to infrastructure is easier”. In addition, students believe that
stimulating entrepreneurship necessarily involves business education. In this sense, the
research participants argue that the organization of mentoring sessions with members of
the business community, the completion of academic programs with internships conducted
by tutors, and the study visits to economic agents should be encouraged in the higher
education. The collaboration with the business environment is considered essential for the
organization of extracurricular learning activities and for the awareness of both students
and teaching staff of the needs and expectations of the companies. These ideas are consistent
with the results reflected in other studies in the field [50].
O2—To find out the students’ opinions about the profile of the successful entrepreneur
in the context of COVID-19.
The synthesis of the results obtained in this objective reflects the current vision of the
students regarding the image of the Romanian entrepreneur in the context of Covid-19 and
the involvement perspectives in entrepreneurship by establishing startups. By requesting
the participants to describe the “successful Romanian entrepreneur”, a complex profile
was obtained, which integrates the respondents’ expectations about the ideal entrepreneur
in the context of Covid-19. Highlighting the extent to which the respondents imagine
themselves as entrepreneurs was made up by overlapping the traits held by the research
participants and the portrait of the ideal entrepreneur created by them.
Four main categories of factors that describe the profile of a good entrepreneur were
identified: courage, creativity, experience, and perseverance. The discussion was oriented
in order to assess the extent to which the respondents consider their personality profile
match these traits. Most of the respondents described themselves as creative and brave, but
inexperienced and eager to succeed. Similarly, in the opinion of the interviewees, getting
equipped with entrepreneurial skills must include independent and reflective thinking,
but also empathy towards the employees or the other members of the society.
“For the entrepreneur who will be successful during COVID-19, the manifestation
of freedom in thinking and decision-making, the orientation towards innovation and
creativity, the exploration of the unknown, and of course the lack of fear are essential,”
one of the interviewees stated.
The issues related to risk management in the economic context marked by the pan-
demic crisis were also heatedly debated topics in the interviews. However, the approach
to the topic of risks was closely related to business ethics. This correlation led to par-
ticularly interesting results, mainly because the involvement in entrepreneurship in the
current context is considered to be strongly marked by the principles of ethical and social
responsibility. The participants repeatedly brought into discussion the need for correct
behavior towards all business partners, customers, and employees even when, for example,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 10 of 16
a simple suspicion of a Covid-19 case would cause great losses. Obtaining a sustainable
development should have priority over profit maximization during the Covid-19 period.
“The entrepreneur of the period marked by Covid-19, in addition to the passion and
motivation to make a profit, must also have the awareness that during this period we
must help each other.” “He must be an organized, responsible person, prepared for any
situation and especially motivated to do good things for society”. “People will be more
and more skeptical, and the successful entrepreneur must be empathetic in order to have
a close relationship with customers, which will bring along success.” These statements
represent some of the research participants’ opinions.
Although no consensus has been reached about the skills and competencies required
to be a successful entrepreneur in the context generated by COVID-19, the ideas generated
converge on the necessity to focus on social entrepreneurship rather than commercial.
Most of the interlocutors consider that, although social entrepreneurship is boosted in
times of crisis, it must be developed by education and the promotion of the values of
sustainable development among the future business graduates. These findings are in
line with the results obtained by other researchers in the field [51]. As for the desire of
the interviewees to get involved in entrepreneurial activities, the research results reveal
that, although a moderate number of the participants in the study match the profile of
the ideal entrepreneur, the majority want to develop startups in the coming years and
have confidence in their success. The main areas of interest for them are online commerce
and ICT.
O3—To generate ideas and innovative solutions for startup management, which
would contribute to reducing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
As for the areas considered the most attractive to start a new business in the period
affected by COVID-19, the interviewed students stressed the importance of three sectors.
The most boosted field by COVID-19 is considered to be the one in which new technologies
are developed, considering that startups in the field of IT solution development are the
ones with the greatest growth potential. Online commerce came second, in which the
participants foresaw an “explosive growth”, followed by the pharmaceutical industry
and the production of medical and protective equipment. Overall, the medical field was
perceived as “outdated and without sufficient resources, in great need of development”.
The research participants consider that the changes in the economy predicted before
the advent of COVID-19 will be boosted by the pandemic crisis. The widespread adoption
of digital solutions and artificial intelligence for business development, an inevitable action
in the context of the technological evolution, equally accelerated by COVID-19, will have a
very big impact on business.
“Online stores of any kind are businesses that will operate in any conditions”. “Investing
in online businesses will be the most profitable, because they require minimal financial
and human resources.” “Opportunities open up for companies in the field of digitization
services because many companies that develop classic business models need guidance for
transferring business to the virtual environment.”
If until now the big data analysis and decision-making based on them have been
performed by specialized professionals, who were not few, in the future they will be
replaced by “algorithms” and artificial intelligence managed by a limited number of highly
specialized experts who will contribute to a great extent to the income of the companies
for which they work. Because the advanced technologies are resource consuming, the
entrepreneurs with few resources need to be more flexible and grow businesses in areas
that involve a lot of creativity and where artificial intelligence penetrates harder. They
also have to build social networks that could increase their power and technological and
innovation capacity.
According to the respondents’ opinions, in the future marked by COVID-19, the
digital business models, the digital operational business, and the platform business models
will be successful, because all fields will be updated. The replication of some established
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 11 of 16
traditional business models in the virtual space and their being designed in such a way so as
to benefit as much as possible from the advantages conferred by technology represent safe
recipes for ensuring a competitive advantage. The companies will be increasingly aware
of the importance of collecting and analyzing large volumes of data from those collected
by traditional statistics to biometrics used in telemedicine. In this context, opportunities
will be developed for startups that could collect, process, and encrypt the data and could
develop tools to manage and transform these data into synthetic information, easy to
use in the managerial activity. In order to exemplify, the research participants brought
into the discussion precision agriculture, which creates a clear competitive advantage in
comparison to the conventional agriculture. The startups could take advantage of the
demand generated by the needs of the transition from traditional to precision agriculture
by offering technological or digital solutions, such as applications that could simplify
the management of large volumes of data. Other examples of areas where there are
development opportunities for the post-COVID-19 startups frequently mentioned by the
participants in the research are augmented reality and the virtual reality, which can create
new shopping and consumption experiences. The interlocutors returned systematically
and included in their argumentation the idea of innovation and the need to be inventive, to
quickly find solutions to the socio-economic environment that is in an accentuated dynamic.
At the same time, the interviewees consider that for the development of businesses that
create digitization solutions, it is essential that young entrepreneurs should take advantage
of the opportunities that the European Union programs such as “Digital Europe” or
“Horizon Europe” offer.
green business and green economy seems to open a large perspective for sustainable
business ideas that can be developed with limited financial resources. As the business
grows, the entrepreneurs could also access various funds invested by government or
other stakeholders. Such sustainable businesses could also be developed by the help of
innovation, technology, and ICT services, as was suggested by the interviewees selected in
our research.
Given the above, the results of this research have significant implications on the busi-
ness environment, which can benefit from useful information when making important
decisions for long-term sustainable development It has also a major impact on the academic
environment, because it brings to the fore the need to intensify curriculum development
efforts by integrating entrepreneurial skill training programs with those of crisis man-
agement. Such programs can contribute to better preparation of students regarding the
imminence of unavoidable crises (such as pandemic crises). Thus, they are trained in the
management of unforeseen events and in finding solutions to make business activities
more flexible in the sense of taking advantage of market opportunities. Higher education
in entrepreneurship must transcend the boundaries of economic education and extend to
other fields of study. For example, the introduction of elements of entrepreneurship in
the curriculum of technical specializations may lead to a higher level of training. Thus, a
young person could successfully combine, upon graduation from the faculty, the technical
skills with the entrepreneurial ones, having more options in the labor market. He can
choose between developing his own business (especially in the context of the current
crisis), and testing his entrepreneurial skills in an organization (company) as an internal
entrepreneur. In addition, such a combination of professional and transversal skills could
result in a reconsideration of young people’s interest in polytechnics. Starting from the
experience of the major crisis of the medical system during the COVID-19 crisis, beyond the
engineering fields, entrepreneurial education can be extended in multiple fields: medicine,
music, sports, humanities, etc. Thus, young people will be prepared to anticipate crises
and establish measures for their effective management so as not to affect the sustainability
of businesses at micro- and macro-economic level.
Under these conditions, the importance of entrepreneurial structures at the university
level (Student Entrepreneurial Societies) becomes maximal, and educating young people in
entrepreneurship could be the key to reducing the effects of the economic crisis generated
by COVID-19 and anticipating possible future crises. Entrepreneurial education and
practice can represent incentives of developing a mindsponge mechanism meant to facilitate
the adoption of cultural changes needed for creating new sustainable business. As it is
mentioned in literature, such a mindsponge offers the entrepreneurs the opportunity to
assimilate new values from external sources and to eliminate useless ones [56]. In this way,
they may obtain a sustainable change in business culture, which is opened to innovation
and new values, but also a dynamic mechanism of response to the environment changes.
In conclusion, in order to create innovation and economic growth, the industry has
become increasingly dependent on academic research. Higher education institutions,
in order to be innovative and entrepreneurial, cannot operate in isolation, but only in
interdependence with other actors in the ecosystem (large companies, small and medium
size enterprises, clusters, associations, technological and scientific parks, and other research
organizations). In this context, it is clear that a holistic approach is needed to exploit the
full potential of a region for sustainable development.
Beyond the scientific implications stated above, this research has also certain limita-
tions, caused mainly by the exploratory nature of the research method used. Such results
cannot be generalized, but given the unprecedented manifestation of this crisis, we consider
that qualitative research on people involved in entrepreneurship can provide results with a
higher degree of confidence than in the case of using large samples of people who have
nothing to do with entrepreneurship. However, a survey of the entrepreneurs or employees
in the fields considered successful during this period can create a much more accurate
representation of the reality of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in this period. This represents
Sustainability 2021, 13, 671 14 of 16
the main direction of future research, which should be tested in different contexts and
cultures. The results of this research will be deepened through qualitative research on the
people involved in the management of business activities, so that viable solutions can be
outlined to overcome crisis situations in general, beyond the current pandemic situation.
Author Contributions: All the authors had an equal and significant contribution to this work.
Conceptualization O.B., A.S.T., D.M., C.P.C.; methodology O.B., A.S.T., D.M., C.P.C.; writing, review,
and editing O.B., A.S.T., D.M., C.P.C.; supervision O.B., A.S.T., D.M., C.P.C.; All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The APC was funded by Transilvania University of Bras, ov.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: The research was conducted in the the project “CNFIS-FDI-2020-0240-
Antreprenoriat versus intraprenoriat la Universitatea Transilvania; două direct, ii de dezvoltare
în carieră bazate pe acelas, i set de competent, e (UTBv-Antreprenor vs. intraprenor)”.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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