Ruling: 26th & 31st May, 2021
Ruling: 26th & 31st May, 2021
Ruling: 26th & 31st May, 2021
(Kalombola. J.)
26th & 31st May, 2021
refusing him the application, the High Court (Mansoor, J.) was of the view
that the applicant had not shown good cause for the delay to warrant it
grant the extension sought. Still wishing to challenge the decision of the
High Court (Kalombola, J.), the applicant has come to the Court by way of
time which was refused by the High Court (Mansoor, J.) on 15.11.2019.
The application has been made under the provisions of rule 10 and
45A of the Tanzania Court of Appeal Rules (the Rules) having duly
Rules, under which the application has been made. The application is
advocate. Though duly served, neither the respondent nor her advocate
entered appearance. The notice of hearing shows that the respondent was
law firm going by the name M. N. Associates of the City of Dodoma. Given
the circumstances, Ms. Gabriel prayed for, and was granted, leave to
forming part of her oral arguments. She told the Court that the
respondent had not filed any affidavit to resist the application. That being
the case, she submitted, it should be taken that the respondent did not
Ndoto Kiweni Mushi [1990] T.L.R. 108 in which it was held that a
counter affidavit.
Regarding the gist of the application, Ms. Gabriel was very brief but
to the point. She submitted that the reason why the applicant could not
that the applicant was not conversant with the process of appeal to the
Court. For this reason, and the fact that the application was not contested,
application, I start with the premise that this application in not contested.
application, she would have filed an affidavit in reply to challenge it. For
in courts below.
I also wish to state at this juncture that the fact that the application
was not contested, it does not ipso facto mean the application will be
allowed as of right. There are decisions of the Court that underline this
fact - see: M.B. Business Limited v. Amos David Kasanda and Two
only be granted upon the applicant showing good cause for the delay.
motion, the supporting affidavit and the submissions of the learned counsel
for the applicant at the hearing of the application. The reason why the
applicant could not timely file the application for leave to appeal to the
the supporting affidavit. For easy reference, I take the liberty to reproduce
them as under:
did not timely apply for leave because he could not come to grips with the
procedure for appealing to the Court. The crisp issue in this application is
therefore whether the applicant, for not being conversant with the
procedure to appeal to the Court, has brought to the fore good cause in
terms of rule 10 of the Rules to trigger the Court to enlargethetime
sought. This issue is not a virgin territory. It has been traversedby the
procedure does not fall within the scope and purview of good cause
for Lands & Director of Land Services [1989] T.L.R. 5 and Ali Vuai Ali
In the case at hand, as seen above, the only reason brought to the
fore by the applicant for not filing the application for leave to appeal to the
Court is his inability to come to grips with the procedure for appealing to
this Court. This does not fall within the scope and purview of good cause
Court. He did not act timely. When he consulted an advocate for the way
In the end, I find no iota of merit in this uncontested application and
dismiss it. As the respondent did not enter appearance at the hearing of
this application and never filed an affidavit in reply to resist the application,
This Ruling delivered this 31th day of May, 2021 in the presence of
Ms. Caroline Lyimo, learned advocate for the Applicant and in absence of
H. P. Ndesamburo