2015 Natural Additives For Fresh-Cut Nectarines - Falagan FSTI Author
2015 Natural Additives For Fresh-Cut Nectarines - Falagan FSTI Author
2015 Natural Additives For Fresh-Cut Nectarines - Falagan FSTI Author
There is currently a high demand for natural and fresh-cut fruits. In this study, natural additives were applied to
fresh-cut nectarines: (1) control, nontreated; (2) wedges were dipped in an antibrowning solution containing
calcium ascorbate (AB); (3) and (4) wedges were dipped in an AB plus natural antimicrobial agents (vanillin or
cinnamic acid, respectively). After these treatments, fresh-cut nectarines were packed and stored at 5 C for
eight days. The treatments ABþVanillin and ABþCinnamic inhibited microbial counts when compared with
control and AB-only samples. The application of these solutions did not impart any aromas or off-flavors to
nectarines and maintained firmness during the shelf-life period. AB solutions inhibited polyophenol oxidase
action and reduced browning while stabilizing the soluble phenolic content, increasing consumer’s accept-
ance. Nectarine wedges assimilated the ascorbic acid from the AB solution and retained it during the shelf-life
period. The combination of an antibrowning agent and natural antimicrobials helped to control microbio-
logical growth while maintaining high-quality parameters. They can be an attractive ‘‘green’’ alternative for
organic fresh-cut products to other chemical sanitizers such as chlorine.
Bioactive compounds, microbiology, vanillin, cinnamic acid
Date received: 14 July 2015; accepted: 2 November 2015
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Food Science and Technology International 0(0)
operations provoke cell breakdown, releasing its beginning of ripening (April 26th) according to com-
contents which act as the substrate for enzymes involved mercial criteria, which are based on the maturity index
in oxidation reactions, and also facilitating microbial calculated as the ratio soluble solids content (SSC)/
contamination (Zhang et al., 2015). titratable acidity (TA) with a 6.99 0.07 value. At har-
In general, FC products have a high risk of micro- vest, around 60 kg fruits were sampled and immediately
bial contamination, which should be controlled, and transported to the Pilot Plant of the Postharvest and
this can be carried out through the use of naturally Refrigeration Group at the Technical University of
derived extracts such as vanillin or trans-cinnamic Cartagena. Fruits were kept in a cold room at
acid, which are preferred due to consumers’ demand 0 0.5 C and 90–95% relative humidity (RH) until
for nonsynthetic additives. Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3- the following day, when individual fruits were selected
methoxybenzaldehyde) is considered to be a ‘‘generally by eliminating those with external defects or bruises.
regarded as safe’’ (GRAS) substance by the FDA and The minimal processing of the nectarines took place
has been shown to have antimicrobial activity in several in a cleaned and disinfected cold room at 8 C. Sound
matrices (Abadı́as et al., 2011; Rojas-Graü et al., 2007). fruits were cut vertically into 6–8 wedges with a sharp
The vanillin employed in 90% of the products that use stainless steel knife. Then, nectarine wedges were
this compound comes from eugenol, lignin, or guaiacol dipped in a water solution at 5 C with 150 ppm
(Cava-Roda et al., 2012). Trans-cinnamic acid is also NaClO (pH 6.0) for 2 min and rinsed out for 1 min in
GRAS and is normally obtained by distilling cinnamon 5 C tap water.
bark. Both of these naturally derived compounds show After that, wedges were grouped into four groups
antioxidant properties (Álvarez et al., 2014), making according to different treatments. In the first group,
their use for FC fruits very interesting. the control treatment, nectarine wedges (250 g) were
Besides the use of the compounds described above, gently dried with filter paper and packaged in 2 l rigid
cultivar (cv.) selection is crucial. It is very convenient to polypropylene (PP) trays. These trays were heat sealed
choose cvs. that already possess a low susceptibility to (Barket, Befor Model, Chassieu, France) on top with a
browning, an appropriate texture, and good sensory 35 mm thick oriented PP film (Plásticos del Segura S.L.,
evaluation scores (Keenan et al., 2012). In this study, Murcia, Spain), creating a passive modified atmosphere
the extra-early nectarine cv., VioWhite 5, was selected (data not shown). The film’s permeability was
(Prunus persica var. Nectarina). This cv. is the earliest 900 cm3 O2 m2 day1 atm1 and 1100 cm3 CO2 m2
on the market and has a high commercial value. day1 atm1 at 23 C and 0% RH. In the second
Currently, it is not very common to find FC nectarines group, an AB treatment based on 6% calcium L-ascor-
in the early spring because the little existing production bate dehydrate in distilled water was applied (CAS
is mainly during late spring and throughout summer. 5743-28-2, Aldrich, USA, 99% purity). This concentra-
Despite this, the FC nectarine demand is increasing tion was used according to previous studies performed
(Pace et al., 2011). Even though it could be used to on FC apple (Aguayo et al., 2010). Nectarine wedges
widen the fruit’s offering in the market, no research were dipped into this solution for 1 min and then
on FC nectarines of this type has been done before. packaged as the control treatment. The third and
The aim of this work was to obtain a FC extra-early fourth treatments included vanillin (1 g l1;
nectarine with an improved overall quality by the appli- ABþVanillin) and trans-cinnamic acid (150 mg l1;
cation of an optimum combination of naturally derived ABþCinnamic), respectively, as antimicrobial agents
compounds for inhibiting or at least retarding enzymatic in the AB solution described above. These antimicro-
browning development, increasing its functional bial concentrations were chosen according to the good
characteristics. results obtained in FC melon by Silveira et al. (2015).
The vanillin (CAS 121-33-5, Sigma, USA, 99% purity)
MATERIAL AND METHODS was previously dissolved in 250 ml of water at 30 C,
and the trans-cinnamic acid came from Aldrich
Raw material and treatments applied
(C80857, Aldrich, Netherlands, 99% purity) and was
Nectarines came from 11-year-old extra-early nectarine dissolved directly in water at room temperature. In
cv. VioWhite 5 trees grafted onto plum ‘‘Puebla de Soto both cases, the nectarine pieces were immersed in the
101’’ rootstock at a spacing of 6 m 3.5 m in a com- solution for 1 min and packaged in the same way as the
mercial farm located in Murcia, Spain (38 80 N, 1 control. Each 250 g tray was considered a replicate and
130 W). This cv. was chosen because of its high commer- all data were means of three replicates. All trays were
cial value due to its early picking date, which com- stored in a cold room at 5 C for eight days. For
mands a high market price, and its suitable size for the analysis of secondary metabolites and polyphenol
European markets. Nectarines were collected at the oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity, nectarine wedges
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Falagán et al.
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Table 1. Soluble solids content (SSC) expressed as Brix, pH, and titratable acidity (TA) expressed as g citric acid
100 ml1, along with color measurements: lightness (L*) and Hue angle ( h) of fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarines stored up
to eight days at 5 C
Sample SSC pH TA L* h
Day 0
Control 10.40a 0.20 2.99a 0.02 1.12a 0.02 86.14b 0.40 102.50b 0.62
AB 9.65 0.04 3.03 0.03 1.13 0.02 97.29 1.14 115.61 9.97
ABþVanillin 10.10 0.01 3.00 0.01 1.17 0.02 99.11 0.04 114.00 0.29
ABþCinnamic 10.10 0.08 2.99 0.03 1.21 0.03 98.44 0.90 111.35 4.78
Day 4
Control 9.60 0.01 3.15 0.01 1.02 0.02 78.30 0.17 93.78 8.56
AB 9.25 0.04 3.15 0.01 0.99 0.01 94.06 0.30 116.84 1.15
ABþVanillin 9.35 0.12 3.13 0.01 1.08 0.02 95.84 0.15 112.86 2.60
ABþCinnamic 9.45 0.04 3.14 0.01 1.02 0.03 94.40 0.54 111.92 5.52
Day 8
Control 9.40 0.01 3.35 0.04 1.04 0.02 69.96 0.38 81.37 2.27
AB 9.33 0.03 3.35 0.04 1.00 0.04 94.85 0.44 109.84 1.15
ABþVanillin 9.15 0.04 3.29 0.03 1.01 0.01 95.82 0.22 108.86 2.60
ABþCinnamic 9.15 0.04 3.33 0.01 1.02 0.01 95.88 0.33 109.92 0.15
Means of three replicates (n ¼ 3 SE).
Means of three replicates (n ¼ 10 SE).
AB: antibrowning treatment based on 6% calcium L-ascorbate.
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Falagán et al.
Biplot of X
Experiment day 0
Experiment day 4
Experiment day 8
0.1 AB AB
AB+Vanillin AB
AB AB+Cinnamic Total antioxidant capacity
AB+Vanillin L*
PC2 (17.5%)
AB+Cinnamic Browning
AB+Cinnamic AsA
AB+Cinnamic Soluble phenolic content
0 AB
Control AB+Vanillin Firmness Vitamin C
Control Control PPO AB+Vanillin AB
Control AB+Vanillin DHA AB
Control Control Texture
AB+Vanillin AB+Cinnamic
AB+Vanillin AB+Vanillin
–0.1 Control Control AB+Cinnamic AB+Cinnamic
Control SSC
–0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
PC1 (57.88%)
Figure 1. Principal component analysis (PCA): biplot of X (PC1 (17.51%) and PC2 (57.88%) after analysis of effects of
treatment and storage time on quality evaluation attributes and bioactive compounds for fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarine
stored up to eight days at 5 C. AsA: ascorbic acid; DHA: dehydroascorbic acid; h: Hue angle; L*: lightness;
PPO: polyphenol oxidase; SSC: soluble solids content; soluble phenolic content; TA: titratable acidity; total antioxidant
taste of the nectarines was not affected by the applica- treatment during the shelf-life period. Mold and
tion of this compound, in agreement with other studies yeast growth was higher in control and AB-treated
on FC fruits (Muche and Rupasinghe, 2011). In the samples, increasing with storage time while wedges
current study, trans-cinnamic acid obtained better dipped in vanillin and trans-cinnamic acid solutions
scores than vanillin, which was considered second remained under 2 log cfu g1 during the shelf-life
best (Figure 3). Rojas-Graü et al. (2007) applied an period (Table 2). The same trend was observed in psy-
edible coating containing vanillin (0.3% w/w) to FC chrophilic bacteria, with a more pronounced growth in
apples, reaching the highest acceptance as compared samples not treated with antimicrobial solution, espe-
to other antimicrobials such as oregano essential oil. cially control ones (Table 2). The application of vanillin
Texture was influenced by dipping treatment and and trans-cinnamic acid inhibited the growth of psy-
time, as well as their interaction. Nectarine wedges trea- chrophilic bacteria, mold, and yeast. These results
ted with vanillin and trans-cinnamic acid had higher were in agreement with other authors, who had
texture scores as compared to control and AB agent- previously worked with FC products and vanillin
treated wedges and maintained it better during cold (Cerrutti and Alzamora, 1996; Rojas-Graü et al.,
storage (Figure 3). No dehydration was noticed by 2007; Rupasinghe et al., 2006; Silveira et al., 2015)
the panelists (data not shown). or cinnamon (Brasil et al., 2012; Sipahi et al.,
2013) reporting good antimicrobial effects for both
compounds. Some hypotheses have been reported
Effects on microbial counts
on the antimicrobial mechanism of vanillin and cin-
None of the three pathogens studied, E. coli, L. mono- namic acid. The aldehyde group present in vanillin
cytogenes, and Salmonella spp., were detected in any plays an important role in its antibacterial activity
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Firmness (N)
AB + Vanillin
AB + Cinnamic
0 4 8
Days at 5°C
Figure 2. Firmness of fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarines stored up to eight days at 5 C. Data represent means of 10
replicates (n ¼ 10 SE). AB: antibrowning treatment based on 6% calcium L-ascorbate.
(Marı́n et al., 2013), while the acidic character of poly- between them being r2 ¼ 0.92. Again, control wedges
phenols such as trans-cinnamic acid has been widely had less total antioxidant capacity than wedges from
demonstrated (Bisogno et al., 2007). Based on these treatments that contained the AB solution, with the
characteristics, Davidson et al. (2013) suggested three antimicrobial-containing AB solution being the one
hypotheses that could explain the antimicrobial effect that achieved the highest values. On the other hand,
when in contact with the microorganism: (a) the mem- there was a great difference in AsA content between
brane permeability increased, (b) a dissipation of the samples treated with AB solution and control samples
proton motive force occurred, or (c) adenosine triphos- during the whole experiment. The general trend was the
phate synthesis was inhibited. These kinds of natural decrease of this compound in all treatments when time
antimicrobials do not generally have interaction of storage was extended. This effect was more pro-
problems with other additives due to their low protein nounced in samples dipped in AB solution (Table 3).
and lipid content (Álvarez et al., 2014), as observed As for DHA content, a similar trend was observed,
when they were combined with an AB agent in this but at the end of the shelf-life period, no significant
work. The low pH found in the samples meant a differences were found (Table 3). Total vitamin C, as
higher acidity, which negatively affected microorganism the sum of AsA and DHA contents, showed a decreas-
growth, aiding with the antimicrobial effect of the ing trend, with the treatments immersed in AB being
solutions. This was also reported by Davidson et al. the ones with the highest values (Table 3). These
(2013) in several matrices. changes were the result of the influence of dipping
treatment, time, or their interaction (Figure 4 and
Table 3). The activity of PPO, an enzyme that affects
Effects on bioactive compounds
browning, is shown in Figure 5. Initially, control
The soluble phenolic content results as affected by wedges had a slightly higher PPO activity when
treatment, time, and their interaction are shown in compared with the rest of the treatments, but this
Table 3. AB-treated wedges had a significantly higher increased with time of storage, being especially
phenolic content when compared to the other treat- pronounced in control samples. The treatment that
ments, while control samples had the lowest. The soluble obtained the smallest changes was AB (from
phenolic content slightly decreased with time in all 0.15 0.03 to 0.22 0.03 U mg1 protein), followed
treatments, except for the control, which remained by the ABþVanillin and ABþCinnamic treatments.
low but quite stable. The results obtained for total anti- These changes were the result of the influence of type
oxidant capacity followed the same pattern as the sol- of dipping treatment, time of storage, and their inter-
uble phenolic content (Table 3), with the correlation action (Figure 4).
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Falagán et al.
Overall quality Browning
Texture Flavor
Overall quality Browning
Texture Flavor
(c) Visual apperance
Overall quality Browning
Texture Flavor
Figure 3. Descriptive sensory analysis of quality attributes of fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarines as affected by the different
treatments on the different evaluation days: A ¼ day 0, B ¼ day 4, and C ¼ day 8 at 5 C. AB: antibrowning treatment based
on 6% calcium L-ascorbate.
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Consumers consider nectarines a good commodity other fruits such as strawberries, apples, or oranges
because of their functional characteristics and high sen- (Rupasinghe and Clegg, 2007). In this regard, the appli-
sorial acceptance (Vallverdú et al., 2012). Nevertheless, cation of AsA as an AB solution increased total anti-
nectarines have a lower content of antioxidants than oxidant capacity by increasing vitamin C content,
obtaining a functionally improved FC product.
Samples began to lose some of these properties when
Table 2. Effect of dipping treatments on psychrophilic
storage time was extended (Figure 1). In fact, the
bacteria, mold, and yeast growth (log cfu g1) of fresh-cut
VioWhite 5 nectarines for eight days at 5 C increase of PPO activity led to a decrease of bioactive
compounds such as soluble phenolic content, total anti-
Sample Psychrophilic Molds Yeasts oxidant capacity, and vitamin C and a decrease in qual-
ity parameters such as visual appearance and firmness
Day 0
Control <1 2.23 0.30 <2 as well. PPO was most active on the control wedges on
days 4 and 8, increasing from day 0. This resulted in the
AB 2.00 0.28
development of browning in control samples. This oxi-
ABþVanillin <2
dative reaction was more noticeable in pulp because
ABþCinnamic <2
this tissue contains less pectins in the cell membranes
Day 4 as compared to the peel, where they act as thickeners
Control 3.10 0.10 3.03 0.14 2.87 0.28 and protectors (Liaotrakoon et al., 2013). The appear-
AB 2.05 0.18 2.86 0.22 3.69 0.24 ance of browning was due to the breakdown of cells,
ABþVanillin <1 <2 <2 which brought into contact polyphenols and oxygen
ABþCinnamic <1 <2 <2 with PPO (Mishra et al., 2012). The increase of PPO
activity through phenolic oxidation implied a reduction
Day 8
Control 5.33 0.16 6.57 0.21 5.12 0.03 of soluble phenolic content and therefore of total anti-
oxidant capacity, as soluble phenolics are responsible
AB 3.82 0.10 4.22 0.11 4.52 0.38
for the total antioxidant capacity in plant tissues (Arion
ABþVanillin <1 <2 <2
et al., 2014). Vitamin C also has an antioxidant activity
ABþCinnamic <1 <2 <2
either as AsA or DHA, its oxidized form. Once again,
Means of three replicates (n ¼ 3 SE). AB: antibrowning treatment nectarines treated with AB solution or AB solution
based on 6% calcium L-ascorbate. combined with antimicrobials showed higher
Table 3. Concentration of bioactive compounds of fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarines stored up to eight days at 5 C.
Soluble phenolic content expressed as mg GAE kg1 f.w., total antioxidant capacity expressed as mg AsAE kg1 f.w.,
ascorbic acid content (AsA) as mg AsA kg1 f.w., dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) as mg DHA kg1 f.w., and total vitamin C
expressed as the sum of AsA and DHA
Day 0
Control 680.9 7.4 77.2 21.8 90.7 3.5 80.2 0.6 170.9 1.2
AB 1209.7 66.6 145.9 17.0 360.5 9.3 401.1 5.0 761.7 1.1
ABþVanillin 940.1 21.4 979.9 26.5 357.6 1.9 304.3 1.3 661.9 2.1
ABþCinnamic 941.6 31.0 1050.6 48.3 330.4 8.0 271.2 9.1 601.6 1.3
Day 4
Control 587.8 7.0 667.8 18.2 60.0 0.7 90.1 1.0 150.1 3.8
AB 1148.7 29.0 1393.6 6.8 303.4 9.3 161.3 2.6 464.7 4.2
ABþVanillin 901.9 38.4 864.7 12.1 280.0 8.5 142.5 0.7 422.4 5.2
ABþCinnamic 848.4 21.1 922.1 31.8 286.1 18.8 161.2 1.3 447.4 3.0
Day 8
Control 423.1 6.3 658.2 17.3 64.8 0.6 51.2 0.2 116.0 3.2
AB 1100.4 55.1 1202.2 26.8 151.2 4.4 51.7 0.4 202.9 4.1
ABþVanillin 854.2 37.2 828.5 62.2 203.6 4.1 62.4 0.2 266.0 2.0
ABþCinnamic 873.2 52.9 835.4 50.6 211.4 2.5 73.4 1.0 284.7 1.1
Means of three replicates (n ¼ 3 SE). AB: antibrowning treatment based on 6% calcium L-ascorbate.
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Falagán et al.
Treatment Time
0 °h SSC
Total antioxidant pH
0 0
Soluble phenolic
0 Firmness
Vitamin C
Visual appearance
Interaction Flavor
Overall quality
Figure 4. Venn diagram showing the results of the two-way ANOVA (P < 0.05), expressing which factor (treatment,
storage time, and their interaction) affected the response evolution of fresh-cut VioWhite 5 nectarines stored up to eight
days at 5 C. AsA: ascorbic acid; DHA: dehydroascorbic acid; h: hue angle; L*: lightness; PPO: polyphenol oxidase;
SSC: soluble solids content; soluble phenolic content; TA: titratable acidity; total antioxidant capacity.
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