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Bus 103 Individual Development

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Wyatt Grambo

BUS 103
Prof. Fair
November 24, 2023

Assignment 4: Individual Development Needs

Of all the skills that would most contribute to my personal success, time management is
at the forefront. Time is one of life’s most valuable resources. Each of us has the same amount of
time in a day, but what we choose to do with that time can lead to very different outcomes. By
utilizing my time more effectively, I could accomplish more academically while also having
additional time for leisure and spending time with friends. Oftentimes, I find myself spending
time on trivial things that do not add value to my life. By improving my time management skills,
I could be better positioned to spend more of my life on priorities that are most valued. Not only
would time management help me to be more productive, but it would also increase my general
wellbeing. I often find myself in stress inducing situations due to neglecting assignments until
the due date is imminent. This can be even more troublesome when multiple assignments are due
at the same time. Through proper time management, I could be more productive, spend a greater
amount of time on my highest priorities, and improve my overall wellbeing.
Through research for the previous assignment, I learned that time management is largely
about organization and discipline. Time for priorities must be carefully planned and set aside in
one’s schedule or daily routine. Otherwise, unimportant matters will inevitably arise to distract
from more important responsibilities. Planning out one’s time can be as simple as keeping a daily
planner. By writing down what needs to be done each day, one is able to stay organized and
ensure that nothing important is forgotten. Another method, appropriate for individuals with
especially demanding workloads, is to plan an hourly schedule. In this way, one can ensure that
each moment is being utilized productively and that sufficient time is set aside for each activity. I
currently keep a planner where I record assignment due dates and important events. Additionally,
I write a list of tasks I need to complete each day to ensure that I am reaching daily goals and
making progress on assignments. I have learned that one of the most important parts of time
management is being able to say “no.” By saying “no” to opportunities that distract from these
pre-scheduled priorities, one is able to make the most effective use of time.
One of the highlights of this course for me was the time management assignment in
which we were tasked with recording how we used our time each hour over a two-week period. I
found this practice of recording my hourly activities incredibly insightful as it allowed me to
better understand how I use my time. While much of my time was spent productively, I also
noticed areas of my life where time could have been utilized more effectively. It is often said that
a problem cannot be solved without first identifying it. By clearly seeing how I was spending my
time on a daily basis, I was able to see habits and misuses of my time that I could correct.
Another area of my life through which I learned about time management recently was studying
with a friend. I had spent much of my academic career waiting until the day before an exam to
begin studying in earnest. However, I was filled with admiration when my friend told me that she
often begins studying at least two weeks in advance for an important exam. Seeing her study day
by day over a prolonged period of time made me realize the power of consistency in time
management. By having the discipline to set aside time to gradually work on a goal, great
progress can be made.
It is evident that time management is a key skill to achieving success in any endeavor. In
my own personal life, I see time management as a way to focus my efforts where they are most
effective. I have learned that the best way to effectively manage my time is to first decide on my
priorities and goals. In practice, this means setting aside time for responsibilities and important
events in my planner and not allowing myself to be distracted or deviate from these plans.
Another way I can practice time management to contribute to my personal success is to set aside
small amounts of time each day to work toward greater goals. For example, part of being
successful for me is being healthy. To help achieve this goal, I could exercise for an hour each
day. In the same way, if I want to be successful academically, I should set aside time each day to
review material from classes to avoid the stress of last-minute studying. In terms of my career
goals, time management could entail participating in clubs and internships each semester that
will gradually help provide me with the credentials and experience necessary to become an
attractive job candidate. At its core, time management is about recognizing one’s priorities and
goals, then having the discipline to set aside time to uphold these values.

Action Plan Table:

Time Management Resources or What did/will I learn Contributions to my

activities I will use or from this experience? future success
engage in
This semester I will decline offers By learning to say Through proper time
and opportunities that “no” I can make more management, I can
distract me from time for important say “no” to some
priorities such as responsibilities such things in order to
studying as the as studying save time for more
semester comes to a important things
Academic Advising By meeting with my By scheduling my
Meeting academic advisor, I classes wisely, I can
was able to gain ensure that my time
valuable insights into will be well spent
how I can best next semester
schedule my classes
for the upcoming
Next semester I will continue to By regularly using a Through proper time
actively use a planner planner, I will be able management, I can
to record and keep to manage my time stay organized and
track of assignments well by knowing up-to-date with my
exactly which assignments. This
assignments I need to will contribute to my
complete each day academic success.
I will attend a time By learning from Improving my time
management those more management skills
workshop or seminar knowledgeable than will help me to be
myself, I can gain more productive in
insights into time all areas of life
By graduation I will continue to By setting aside time By including clubs
engage in clubs and in my schedule for and activities like
activities that support activities that better MBEO in my
my career goals, such my career prospects, I schedule, I can ensure
as MBEO can learn the value of that I have time for
setting aside small extracurriculars that
amounts of time will make me a better
regularly to meet job candidate
larger goals
I will visit the Career I will learn how to By utilizing my time
Development Center utilize my time well to engage in
(CDC) by engaging in work internships, I can gain
experience through experience in my
internships chosen career field.
This will contribute
to my career success.

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