How To Get Rich

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The document discusses a high-priced wealth creation event called the Maui Mastermind that has helped many past participants achieve significant financial success and change their lives.

The Maui Mastermind is an exclusive 5-day event held in Maui, Hawaii that aims to immerse attendees in wealth-producing mindsets through interactions with other successful businesspeople and real estate investors.

The seven secrets of the Maui Mastermind are: 1) You are only one mastermind away from having everything you ever wanted 2) You can't do it alone 3) Imagine being surrounded by encouraging and inspiring friends 4) The purpose is to immerse you in wealth-producing thoughts 5) You will be guaranteed to meet like-minded wealth achievers 6) It's not about making money but achieving wealth, balance, and dreams in the biggest sense 7) Uncle Sam can help pay for the event through tax deductions.

Learn the Seven Most Important Wealth Secrets of an Exclusive $30,000 Life-changing Wealth Event (and how you

can apply these simple principles to make more money then you ever imagined possible!)
Dear Friend, In December of 2003 David, Peter and I started something that we had no idea would evolve into the single greatest wealth creation event any of us had ever been a part of. And this is saying a lot considering that collectively the three of us have taught more than 250,000 people how to create wealth fast. So what was that first event? Quite simply it was the Maui Mastermind 2003. In fact, in a very tangible way I now measure my life, as do all the participants Ive asked about it, as before Maui and after Maui. As this exclusive, one-of-a-kind event got even better in 2004, which might explain why over 80% of the 2004 graduates signed up again for Maui 2005 (which is why there are so few spots available for the event, but more on this later) In the next 12 pages of this Special Report Ill do my very best to condense the secrets of Maui down into an immediately applicable, straight-from-the-hip, summary of the seven most important lessons from Maui . These seven secrets are the very same ones that have so dramatically impacted my life, along with the lives of all the other Maui Masterminders. As many of you already know, my husband and I recently adopted our new son, David. We also did a deal on our personal residence that made us over $1.1 million in 12 months. And as if that wasnt enough, my husband Richards investing, in which he works less than 5 hours per week, has produced so much income this year that hes taking the rest of the year off. We owe everything to the secrets of Maui Mastermind, which I will do my best to summarize in this special report for you today. I hope you cherish these lessons as much as we have. While Maui 2003 was such a massive success for the participants, David, Peter and I worked hard to make sure that Maui 2004 would raise the bar and take the lessons of Maui even deeper. The results from 2003 Maui told us that people could change their lives in relatively short periods of time. In fact, within 6 months, 90% of the people who said that their dream was to quit their job and invest full time, had indeed quit.

Now, over 18 months later, they look back at the time when they thought they had to work as just a joke. They are too busy enjoying life as they make more money than ever before and shudder at the thought of having to go back to their former jobs. What kind of people would you meet if you were able to attend Maui 2005? What compels them to seize life and opportunities? How could one participant make over 2 million dollars in just one year as a result of the Maui Magic? How was it that another Maui participant leave a lucrative professional practice to follow her dream acting career, and land her first huge success within 2 months of leaving Maui? David, Peter and I have asked ourselves those very same questions. We see and hear the results. And, we hear the buzz thats been created by what others are saying about Maui and the results theyve seen. Thats why we spend so much time examining each event and planning for the next. There is a reason that Maui Mastermind, a 5 day, 5 star event filled with qualified and proven do-ers in the world of business and real estate investing, continues to produce such over-the-top results. So lets get started with the Seven Maui Secrets of this exclusive closed door event where multi-millionaires are created and dreams come true

Maui Secret #1: You are only one mastermind away from having everything you ever wanted.
What would it be like to have true power in your life and all of your ventures? Can you imagine what it would be like to be part of a group of people that acts with reason, true purpose and a spirit of cooperation and that takes whatever dream you have and makes it come true in an even bigger way than you thought possible? Thats what happens when you bring together sincere people who are committed to making dreams come true and have demonstrated that they have the ability to act, not just talk about something. Thats what a mastermind group is-- an alliance of two or more people who work together for the achievement of a definite purpose in a spirit of mutual harmony and cooperation. Napoleon Hill, author of one of the most important self-help bestsellers of all time, once said that the two things every successful man and woman had in common were a burning desire to attain their definite chief goal, and a mastermind alliance that helped them accomplish that goal. During 2004 Maui Mastermind, the participants were asked to write down their biggest dreams. And then, they handed those pieces of paper in. What they didnt know was that a special mastermind group was formed with the express purpose to fulfill some of those dreams. While David continued with the participants on some breakthrough

technology to unleash the power to fulfill dreams, our Maui experts met in my suite on a special mission. We had 3 hours to make 4 dreams come true. Now, heres the secret that no one outside the room knew We actually spent the first 2 hours talking about real estate deals. Then, in one hour, we opened up our rolodexes and starting making calls. We didnt even need the full hour to do it. Thats because of the power of the rolodex. When you put a room of strong connectors together and ask them a powerful question, you will get not only one but a series of powerful answers. And, often the answer is even bigger than you thought it could be. Thats the power of a mastermind. Christine wrote that her inner most dream was to travel to a distant country and give a series of motivational talks that made a difference. Can you imagine how Christine felt when she was called up to the stage to watch a video presentation of Johannsberg, South Africa, and then to discover that she was slated to be a speaker in front of 200 business owners in April 2005? Dreams can come true. And, its not always up to just us, and us alone, to fulfill them. You are quite literally one mastermind away from having everything youve ever dreamed of. And the ultimate irony is that it is so easy to achieve when you are around the right caliber of people. Its so easy for them to connect you with one business owner, one lender, one expert, that can literally make you a million dollars in 90 days or less. The next day sparked a firestorm of dream fulfillment, as person after person in the room found ways to partner with others to create the purpose-filled life they had always envisioned. Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass! Paul J Meyer Imagine what happens when its not just you acting upon what you want. But, instead, you have a team helping you, inspiring you and most importantly, holding you accountable to achieve your dreams. Blake, one of our Maui 2003 alumni, came to the original Maui event looking for a way to take his already high level of success to a new level. In the 1 _ years since the first event, hes phased out of his company to invest in several large projects. As a result of the huge success of that venture, hes creating his own REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust). The most amazing thing, though, is that he has been helping his partners in the REIT to succeed in their own investing and at least six other companies have been spun off to be owned and run by fellow Maui Masterminders. Thats the wealth-creating, compounding power of one idea. Provided you have the right mastermind group behind it. And the results can enrich thousands of lives.

Maui Secret #2: Your answers depend on your questions.

The answers we get in our life all depend on the questions we ask. We ask other people questions and we ask ourselves questions. Were taught that, There is no such thing as a dumb question. I disagree. While I hate to say that any question is dumb, some just are. Perhaps a better way to put it is that the way weve been taught to ask questions is ineffective and sometimes downright harmful. If you ask yourself, Why cant I find a good deal? Youll discover there are no good deals, or if there are some youll never find them! And, sadly, eventually, youll stop looking and instead become one of those dream killers who dissuade others from living their life to the fullest. Each of us has one or two questions that we ask ourselves every day. In fact, those questions determine our lifes path because were looking for the answers in everything we do. Step #1: Determine what it is that you really want. Step #2: Do the questions you ask yourself, and others, support that goal? Step #3 Now, supersize the questions you ask. How can you turn a good question into a powerful question? A powerful question spurs the person answering it to come up with ideas that are bigger than you ever envisioned. We started the Investor Spotlight at Maui 2003 and continued through Maui 2004. Imagine being able to ask a powerful question and for the next 510 minutes get answers and possibilities fired at you by the top experts in the country. Not only has this continued to be a favorite part of Maui Mastermind, but the Maui Masterminders have continued this tradition of Investor Spotlights at all their regular reunion mastermind weekend gatherings. You never know how good an answer can be until you ask the right question. How powerful is the Maui Mastermind experience for the people who attend? Heres what Kelly told us after the event: Thank you for sharing. You, David and Peter have given Rob and I a priceless gift of a whole new life and wonderful friends who really care about us and our future. Please take a moment and feel proud of everything you have done for us and many many others. Kelly F.

Maui Secret #3: You hold the answer to someones prayer

Have you lived up to the best that is in you? We all have the ability to create the life we want. The investments and business opportunities dont substitute for life. Instead they actually create the way to make everything we do bigger. If living up to your full potential isnt enough reason for you to consider Maui. Take a second, consider what it might mean if you were denying someone else their dream by not living up to everything you can be. Id like to share a story with you. Its a deeply personal story. Its how my husband and I had our entire life changed, all because of Maui Mastermind. You might have read how Maui Mastermind began back two years ago, in Denver, Colorado during a meeting of my own personal mastermind group. The whole concept began because Peter kept pushing me with questions to find out what I really wanted. The end result was the creation of Maui Mastermind an event with proven do-ers in investing and business who were prepared to make a huge impact in their life and in their community. We agreed that a large part of the proceeds would go to charities. And, in the spirit of a mastermind, we asked all the Masterminders to come up with their suggestions of charities. That was Maui 2003 and from that one event we gave over $100,000 to charities around the world. A few months later, Amy called up the recipients to inquire about the impact that had been created by the gifts of Maui. One interview blew her away. Rob, one of the Maui Masterminders, had suggested an orphanage in Juarez, Mexico. We knew that the money was sorely needed due to some problems with their current building, but we didnt know the extent of it. You see, there was a property dispute and they were going to have to move out of their current building. Sergio, the director, didnt want to ruin the kids Christmas and so he let them have Christmas without telling them. His plan was to then tell them that they were shutting down. And, chances are most of the 15 kids would be then living on the streets, separated and abandoned again. The check for $10,000 from Maui Mastermind arrived on December 26th. It was enough for them to get their building started. The children moved into the facility immediately, although there wasnt yet a roof nor a kitchen. At least they still had a home.

The impact on the kids was even more significant. They had grown up believing that they werent anything special. Now, they had tangible evidence that sometimes prayers do come true. I never knew that the actions I took might create the answer to someone elses prayer. Amy and I were so moved that we cancelled a shopping trip to Europe and used that freed up long weekend to instead go down to Juarez to do a short film on the orphanage and to meet Sergio. A little trip turned into a larger expedition and my husband joined me. At the end of 1st day in Juarez at the orphanage, Richard said, Lets adopt David. And, 6 _ months later, we brought him to his new Phoenix home. Sometimes the answers you get are to questions you didnt even know you had. Have you lived up to the best that is in you? Heres what Roger said: I want to express my appreciation to you for doing such an incredible job of supersizing Maui 2004. Maui 2003 had the power to stretch me. Maui 2004 has stretched me even farther by expanding my belief system so that I will never look at the world the same way. For me, the greatest concept that came out of Maui 2004 was wealth creation with giving for the greater good as the end goal in mind. I am committed to share in my abundance of wealth and talents in a leveraged sustainable way committing to donate 10% of our net income to various needs for the rest of our lives. Creating the charity mastermind groups was brilliant. Thanks for all you have done for us. Roger M. The way to have your dreams come true it to make someone elses dream come true. We introduced the new concept of leveraged giving at Maui 2004 and, as a result, gave over $479,000 to charities at Maui 2004. As my friend Beverly Sallee says,Its okay to get filthy stinking rich. In fact, make a ton of money and give it all away!

Maui Secret #4: Most people are too busy earning a living to make any real money.
The Maui Secrets start off with the why of creating more in your life. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, or do it for your community and the world. Whatever the most compelling reason you have just do it! The mastermind is the single most effective way to create change, quickly and with a high degree of certainty. Thats because a mastermind builds in accountability to

someone else. If you dont follow through and do what you said you would, you have to answer to seven other people. Its more than that, though. You also have a built-in team to brainstorm with, to analyze deals with, to run ideas past, to search for new resources with and in general, to be there when you need it. Those are a few of the basic ideas behind why Maui Mastermind consistently produces such high results for attendees. Now, lets get down to the meat. What does it take to create real wealth? By the way, many of the people who attend are already millionaires. Theyre looking for how they can create that 2nd, 3rd or 4th million while working a whole lot less then they are right now. The real secret to wealth creation is to stop working. Let me say it another way. The secret is to stop working the way youve been doing it. Most people trade time for money. In fact, highly paid professionals such as doctors might make a lot of money, but if they stop working the money stops too. The problem with trading your time for money is that you have to watch your expenses to build wealth. Face it, there are two ways to have more money left over after youve paid all your bills: (1) Make more money or (2) Cut your expenses. Most people have been taught that the only way to surely have money is to cut expenses. Thats because they believe their ability to make money is limited. If you want different results, youll need to look at expenses in a totally different way. For example, money spent that makes your business or investments work better, is an investment not an expense. The biggest question, then, is what is the return on that investment. Would you invest $50,000 if you knew without a doubt you would earn $100,000 back within one year? Lets analyze that opportunity. If you got $100,000 back, that would mean that you had a return of your capital of $50,000 and the other $50,000 was pure profit. In other words, you doubled your money in a year. But, wait, you might say, What if something goes wrong? What assurance do I have that Im going to get that kind of return? Youre absolutely right. So, what if you were also guaranteed that you would get an elite team of proven experts who had already experienced success after success with ventures and they were there to help you make sure you got that kind of return. Does that increase your comfort level?

Now, let me be clear. Were not saying youre going to double your money in one year after being part of Maui Mastermind. Quite frankly if that was all someone wanted from the event we couldnt pick them anyways, their thinking is just too small and narrow minded. In fact, many of the former participants have gone on to do 20+ deals in a year profit from any one of them could have easily paid the tuition cost. So the return for them wasnt just 100%, it was closer to 2,000%! And, the tuition isnt cheap. But, it is less than $50,000. In just a moment Ill give you the details on how you could claim one of the few remaining seats for Maui, but first lets continue to talk about what it really means to create huge amounts of wealth with a minimum amount of time. The secret to maximizing your wealth potential is leverage. And that leads us to Maui Secret #5.

Maui Secret #5: Leverage can work in every aspect of your life to create more powerful results with less effort.
Leverage is the ability to do more with less. Its also a fundamental principle behind why real estate investing works. Lets do a simple example. Lets do a Plan A or a Plan B with an investment of $20,000. Plan A: Buy a property for $200,000 in an area that appreciates at a very low 5% per year. At the end of 20 years, you have an equity of approximately $400,000. Plan B: Buy the same property. Wait 5 years, refinance, take the money out and buy another property. Wait 5 years and repeat. At the end of 20 years, you have an equity of approximately $6.7 million. Why such different results? The difference is due to leverage. Thats how the leverage of money can work to make you rich. But, dont stop there. You have the ability to leverage not only money but also time, talent, knowledge and rolodexes. Your mastermind can provide all of these resources. But more than that, and this is a powerful one. The fastest, easiest way to program yourself for great wealth is to immerse yourself in a mastermind relationship with other successful people! Look for people who are earning more than you are, who are living a fuller life and enjoying it even morethen fight like heck to deserve to be part of that group.

And, heres an even better part. These same successful people will help you stay part of that group by being a resource to you. Heres what one participant from 2003 and 2004 had to say: My life and all conversations somehow revolve around before and after Maui now. Wow, I simply cannot begin to explain the massive impact on my life and the impact that I have had on the lives of others in just over 1 month! I owe you my life. Blake M. The concept of Level 3 Investing (where you work 10 hours or less and create $50K per month in income) is taught extensively at the Maui event. But, its not just the nuts and bolts of how you can automate your investments to reduce property management to one sheet of paper once per month, its also learning how to handle that context shift. Ill be honest, Richard and I were learning from David and Peter along with everyone else about Level 3 when we were at Maui. Thats how Richard was able to work 5 hours per week and make an average $200,000 per month for the first 6 months of 2005. Our context hasnt quite caught up to reality yet, though, and so hes taking the rest of the year off! Whatever your goal is, you can supersize it with leverage.

Maui Secret #6: The real secret to making money is

So, were on to Secret #6, the Holy Grail of investments and business. What is the real secret to making money? And, the answer is it depends. We have a free society with economic conditions that are unparalleled in our history. We should all be rich. Yet, we arent. What is stopping you from living up to your fullest potential? What do you need to remove from your life that is stopping you from having all you want? What belief is stopping you? What do you think about money or your right to have it? I dont know what the answer will be for you. But, I can tell you what some other people said it was for them. The most significant event for Maui Masterminder Stephen was when Beverly Sallee said, Make a lot of money and give it all away.

The real secret to making money for Stephen was believing he should. More than that, that it was one powerful way he could contribute to the world by making a ton of money, and sharing that money with the world in healthy, positive ways. A very powerful moment at Maui occurred when Jeff, a Maui Masterminder, said that he couldnt tell anyone else in his old circle of friends that he was a millionaire, he touched the heart strings of many in the audience. He had recently hit his goal of a million dollar net worth, but couldnt tell anyone. That was because he was afraid that they would want something. Too often weve been conditioned to believe that we cant have, that we dont deserve, that we arent smart enough, that we dont work hard enough or whatever stupid lesson someone else tried to foist off on us. You dont need those beliefs. You do deserve the wealth you can create. You dont need money or credit to make money in real estate. Allow yourself to have the life you deserve. This brings us to our final wealth secret

Maui Secret #7: The most powerful skill you can develop is to learn to act in the presence of fear.
Every time you work outside your comfort box you will be in an unknown territory. It will be slightly (or a lot) frightening. What will you do at that moment? Once youve had a glimpse of what is possible, you can never go back to the same life. You have a choice. You can either move forward, face the fear and take a huge step into the great unknown. Or, you can shrink back, hoping for the old security, but never be quite satisfied in what you have to settle for. The choice is up to you. What will you do when you are presented with the deal of a lifetime? Are you confidant that you can recognize a good deal? Are your skills strong enough to recognize a great investment? Or, will you try to settle for something less and be happy with it?

Sign it up! Sign it up! Sign it up!

After reviewing the seven steps of deal analysis, David walked the group through an exercise planned to break through the fear that accompanies the first few deals. The hardest document to get through will be the one that requires your signature. Sign it up! the group shouted together over and over.

The ability to do and not just talk is what separates the achievers from everyone else. Thats why we make the bar so high to get into Maui Mastermind. If youre going to build a powerful mastermind group, one that will push you beyond where you are now, one that will provide resources beyond what you can imagine and what one that will hold you accountable for results, then every single person in the room needs to earn the right to be there. Thats how we change the world one life at a time and with the leverage of masterminds, well do it quicker than anyone can imagine.

Three Reason Why You Arent Ready for 2005 Maui Mastermind.
Reason One: They are afraid their life will never be the same, For some people, thats too frightening of a prospect. If you were to be part of 2005 Maui Mastermind, the strong friendships youd make would set you up for inevitable changes. You would have to move forward with your investing and business life, making choices that would create real changes in your life. Some people are just not ready for this kind of shift in their life. Reason Two: They are afraid of accountability in all aspects of their life. Accountability is scary. It means no excuses, no blame, no justifications, no longwinded stories. It means that you, and you alone, control your results. If you dont like what youre getting, its up to you to make the changes you need. And, with a high-level group of masterminders with you, that accountability gets supersized. We wouldnt have it any other way. Reason Three: Theyre just plain scared. The single greatest destroyer in most peoples lives is fear. Many people would rather settle for a small, closed life of securityeven if it means that they just might wake up one day and choke on the security.

The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Say

In a second, Ill tell you what you need to do if your gut is screaming out to you that youre tired of settling for the same old results. First I want to give you a warning. Youve heard about the seven secrets of Maui Mastermind today and you have some choices. You can say, Well, that was interesting and go on with your life. Or, you can say, Sign me up! Or, you can say (and this is the dangerous one), I cant afford it.

Please, do not ever say, I cant afford it to anything. It sets you up for never succeeding and puts you right back into the poverty mentality. I cant afford it, means that you not only dont have the cash today, but that you wont get it in the future and have no idea how you could get it. Its the death sentence for your future development. Instead, say, Not yet. That leaves open the door to a future time when you are ready to move forward with your investing and business at light speed.

Heres Where It Really Get Tough.

The rest of the letter isnt for everyone. In fact, it will probably be for just the top 1 percent of our clients and students to even read. And thats okay. Thats because we wanted this unique event to be something special, extraordinary, and to make sure that only the most success-bound are attending. In addition to the hefty price tag, David, Peter and I will personally conduct the second interview and make the final selection for the people that are allowed to take one of the eight available spots. Why so few? Because we understand, just like you do, that an event like this will be a huge success and produce incredible results for the people we invite, only by bringing together a highly select group of high achievers. Remember this event isnt just about learning more how to investing techniques. To be frank, thats not what it takes to get you to the highest level of success. The real purpose of this event is to immerse you in wealth-producing thoughts and associations you are on an inevitable collision course with more wealth. We carefully screen every person we invite to come to this event. That means you are guaranteed to come into contact with like-minded wealth achievers. You cant do it alone. And, even if you could, who would want to? Imagine being with friends who encourage you, push you, and inspire you to even greater achievements. Its not cheap, but you wouldnt want to be around people who couldnt afford the $30,000 investment. The price tag ensures that every single person in the room will be serious about creating lasting wealth. This way youll only be with the real doers who make things happen.

Some of us who are reading this understand that at only $30,000 the price is probably too cheap. I tend to agree. In retrospect, we probably should have set the bar at $50,000 or higher. Think about it, all we are talking about here is half an average real estate deal (or even less!). Weve arranged for Maui Mastermind to be a FIRST CLASS affair. In fact, if you are one of the 8 people selected, well include your 5 star hotel accommodations and all meals for you and the guest of your choice. This will include special event theme parties and networking breakfasts and lunches. Remember this isnt a how to event. This isnt just about making money. This is about wealth in the biggest, juiciest possible sense. Its about giving more, having more, being more all in the best leveraged way possible. Its about creating true balance in your life. Its about making impossible dreams come true.

Uncle Sam Will Help You Pay

This is one of those amazing loopholes. Have your corporation or business pay for the event and youll literally save almost half of the cost of the event. Think about it you get a tax-deductible vacation in beautiful Maui while getting some of the most powerful business networking and consulting available!

Three Screening Processes

There are only 8 spots available for the event this year. Considering we sold 16 remaining spots out in less than 72 hours last year, act fast to get on the list. The first part of the screening process is the money. That alone brings us down to 50 to 75 clients that we go through the second process the first interview. For the 30 or so that make it through the first interview, the next step will be an interview with David, Peter or I. Well personally conduct this second interview to pick the 8 people we want to hang with at an exclusive resort for a week. What could you accomplish if you knew you could not fail? If you decided to live out of possibility not fear. If you want to be one of those 8 people we give the final spots to so that you can join the other successful people at this one-of-a-kind event, I urge you to call my assistant Amy at 866-829-2368 right now that youve decided to. In life its too easy to let the magic of your decision slip away. Act now while the spaces are available and while youve finally decided to listen to your gut.

Remember, not only did last years event sell out, but three people paid the full $30,000 tuition a YEAR IN ADVANCE so they would be guaranteed a spot in this years event. Act now and call 866-829-2368. Youll be so thrilled you did. Maui 2005 is the opportunity youve been looking for to make major wealth breakthroughs happen effortlessly. Call now! Warmly, Diane Kennedy P.S. Maui isnt for everybody. But if youre one of those people who knows you deserve all of the good things in life, and want to share your success with others, then I urge you to call Amy right now! The number to call again is. 866-829-2368

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