E-Book - Money Market
E-Book - Money Market
E-Book - Money Market
Money Market
Unit 1: Concept of Money Demand
Unit 2: Important theories of Demand for Money
Unit 3: Monetary Policy
Concept of
1 Money Demand
Fiat money is a government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity,
such as gold or silver, but rather by the government that issued it.
Money, though not having any inherent power to directly satisfy human wants, by acting
as a medium of exchange, it commands purchasing power and its possession enables us to
purchase goods and services to satisfy our wants. Following are characteristics of Money
1. Generally Acceptable: Anything which is used as money must be easily accepted by all.
2. Durable or Long-lasting: Money don’t get spoilt or destroyed easily.
3. Cognizability: money is easily recognizable and distinguishable.
4. Difficult to Counterfeit: Not easily reproducible by people
5. Relatively Scarce but has elasticity of supply
6. Portable or easily transported: it is easy to carry from one place to another.
7. Possessing Uniformity: Money of a particular denomination must be identical in all
features; and
8. Divisibility: Divisible into smaller parts in usable quantities or fractions without losing
Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d)
Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (d)
4. If interest rate does increase in the future, the bond price will fall, and idle cash balances
can be used to buy bonds at a lower price and thereby, investors make capital gain.
Interest Rate
3. When Rn>Rc individual hold his entire wealth in the form of bonds
4. If Rn falls below Rc (Rn<Rc), individual will hold his entire wealth in the form of speculative
Liquidity Trap
r2 Region
0 M1 M2 M3 M4
Speculative Demand for Money
1. If Interest Rates reach a high level, the Opportunity Cost of holding money (i.e. Interest
Foregone) is high and therefore, people will hold no money in speculative balances.
2. When Interest Rates fall to very low levels, the expectation is that since the Interest Rate
is very low it cannot go further lower and that in all possibility it will move upwards.
3. From such low levels, when the Interest Rates rise, the Bond Prices will fall (since Interest
Rates and Bond Prices are inversely related). To hold Bonds at this low Interest Rate
leads to almost certain risk of a capital loss (as the Interest Rate rises and Bond Prices
fall). Therefore, the desire to hold Bonds is very low and approaches zero, and the demand
to hold money in liquid form as alternative to Bond-holding approaches infinity.
4. In other words, Investors would maintain Cash Savings rather than hold Bonds.
5. The Speculative Demand becomes perfectly elastic with respect to Interest Rate and the
Speculative Money Demand Curve becomes parallel to the X-axis. This situation is called
a “Liquidity Trap”.
Answer Key
1. (a)
1. Choose the incorrect statement
(a) Anything that would act as a medium of exchange is money
(b) Money has generalized purchasing power and is generally acceptable in settlement
of all transactions
(c) Money is a totally liquid asset and provides us with means to access goods and services
(d) Currency which represents money does not necessarily have intrinsic value.
2. Money performs all of the three functions mentioned below, namely
(a) medium of exchange, price control, store of value
(b) unit of account, store of value, provide yields
(c) medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value
(d) medium of exchange, unit of account, income distribution
3. Demand for money is
(a) Derived demand (b) Direct demand
(c) Real income demand (d) Inverse demand
Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (a)
Stock of money refers to the Stock of money available to “Public” as means of payments and
store of value. Such stock of money is always less than the total Stock of Money that really
exists in an Economy.
The term “Public” includes all Economic Units-
1. Households, Firms, and Institutions,
2. Quasi-Governmental Institutions,
3. Non- banking Financial Institutions,
4. Non- Departmental Public Sector Undertakings,
5. Foreign Central Banks and Foreign govt.
6. International Monetary Fund which holds a part of Indian Money in India in the form
of Deposits with RBI.
The term “Public” excludes Producers of Money
Measurement of money is important because of two reasons:
1. Money supply analysis facilitates analysis of Monetary Developments to provide a deeper
understanding of the causes of Money Growth.
2. It is important from monetary policy perspective as it provides a framework to evaluate
whether the stock of money in market is consistent with standard for price stability and
to understand nature of deviation from standard.
1. Decision of central bank determines money supply in an economy.
2. The Central Banks of all the countries are empowered to issue Currency, and hence it is
primary source of Money Supply in all Counties.
3. High powered money is issued by monetary authorities is source of all other forms of
4. The Currency issued by the Central Bank is “Fiat Money” and is backed by supporting
Reserves and its value is guaranteed by the Government.
5. However, in practice, most countries opt ‘minimum reserve system’ whereby central
bank issues currency to any extent only be keeping certain minimum amount of gold
and forex reserves.
1. The supply response of Commercial banking system of country to policy of central bank
also determines money supply.
2. Total Money Supply in the Economy is determined by the extent of Credit created by
the Commercial Banks.
3. Banks create Money Supply in the process of borrowing and lending transactions with
the public which is termed as credit money.
4. Supply of Credit money is responses of the Commercial Banking system of the country
to various policies and norms of central bank of a country.
Money Market 17
In India RBI has formulates various Aggregates for measurement of Money Supply. Since
1967-68 RBI has been publishing data on four alternative measures of money supply Denoted
by M1, M2, M3 and M4. These are known as Monetary Aggregates.
The following will explain what is included in Monetary Aggregates
M1 – Narrow Money
It is the first and basic measure of money supply. It is also known as ‘transaction money’
as it can be directly used for making transactions.
Currency notes and coins with the Public + Net Demand Deposits of Banks (CASA
Deposits) + Other Deposits of RBI. (Other than those held by government)
Currency = Paper currency and coins with public.
Demand Deposits = Current account deposits and demand deposit portion of savings
deposits, all held by public. These are also called CASA Deposits and these are cheapest
source of finance for commercial bank, due to nil interest on current accounts and
low rate of interest on savings account.
Net Demand Deposits = Total Demand Deposits Less Inter – Bank Deposits
Other deposits of RBI = RBI deposits other than those held by central/state government.
M1 + Savings Deposits with Post Office Savings Banks.
M3- Broad Money
MI + Net time Deposits with the Banking System.
M3 + Total deposits with Post Office Savings banks (excluding National Savings Certificates)
Important Facts about Measures of Money Supply
(a) The four measures of money supply represent different degrees of liquidity, with
M1 being the most liquid and M4 being the least liquid.
(b) M3 is widely used as a measure of money supply and it is also known as ‘aggregate
monetary resources of the society’.
(c) M1 and M2 are generally known as narrow money supply concepts, whereas, M3
and M4 are broad money supply concept
18 Business Economics PW
(c) Since inter-bank deposits arc not hold by the public, therefore interbank deposits
are excluded from the measure of money supply.
(d) Both (a) and (c) above.
3. Reserve Money is composed of
(a) currency in circulation + demand deposits of banks (Current and Saving accounts) +
Other deposits with the RBI.
(b) currency in circulation + Bankers’ deposits with the RBI + Other deposits with the
(c) currency in circulation + demand deposits of banks + Other deposits with the RBI.
(d) currency in circulation + demand and time deposits of banks + Other deposits with
the RBI.
4. M1 is the sum of
(a) currency and coins with the people + demand deposits of banks (Current and Saving
accounts) + other deposits of the RBI.
(b) currency and coins with the people + demand and time deposits of banks (Current
and Saving accounts) + other deposits of the RBI.
(c) currency in circulation + Bankers’ deposits with the RBI + Other deposits with the
(d) none of the above
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a)
Money multiplier m is defined as a ratio that relates the changes in the money supply to a
given change in the monetary base. It is the ratio of the stock of money to the stock of high-
powered money.
For instance, if there is an injection of Rs.100 Cr through an open market operation by the
central bank of the country and if it leads to an increment of Rs.500 Cr. of final money
supply, then the money multiplier is said to be 5. Hence, the multiplier indicates the change
in monetary base which is transformed into money supply.
The multiplier indicates what multiple of the monetary base is transformed into money supply.
In other words, money and high-powered money are related by the money multiplier. We
make two simplifying assumptions as follows;
Banks never hold excess reserves.
Individuals and non-bank corporations never hold currency.
What determines the size of the money multiplier? The money multiplier is the reciprocal of
the reserve ratio. Deposits, unlike currency held by people, keep only a fraction of the high-
powered money in reserves and the rest is lent out and culminate in money creation. If R is
the reserve ratio in a country for all commercial banks, then each unit of (say Rupee) money
reserves generates 1/R money.
Therefore, for any value of R, the Money Multiplier is
For example, if R =10 %, the value of money multiplier will be 10. If the reserve ratio is only
5 %, then money multiplier is 20. Thus, the higher the reserve ratio, the less of each deposit
banks loan out, and the smaller the money multiplier.
If some portion of the increase in high-powered money finds its way into currency, this
portion does not undergo multiple deposit expansion. The size of the money multiplier is
reduced when funds are held as cash rather than as demand deposits. In other words, as a
rule, an increase in the monetary base that goes into currency is not multiplied, whereas an
increase in monetary base that goes into supporting deposits is multiplied.
20 Business Economics PW
3. the ratio of currency to deposits, or currency-deposit ratio c={C/D}
You may note that these represent the behaviour of the central bank, behaviour of the
commercial banks and the behaviour of the general public respectively. We shall now
describe how each of the above contributes to the determination of aggregate money
supply in an economy.
(a) The Behaviour of the Central Bank
The behaviour of the central bank which controls the issue of currency is reflected in
the supply of the nominal high-powered money. Money stock is determined by the
money multiplier and the monetary base (H) is controlled by the monetary authority.
If the behaviour of the public and the commercial banks remains unchanged over
time, the total supply of nominal money in the economy will vary directly with the
supply of the nominal high-powered money issued by the central bank.
(b) The Behaviour of Commercial Banks
By creating credit, the commercial banks determine the total amount of nominal
demand deposits. The behaviour of the commercial banks in the economy is reflected
in the ratio of their cash reserves to deposits known as the 'reserve ratio'. If the
required reserve ratio on demand deposits increases while all the other variables
remain the same, more reserves would be needed. This implies that banks must
contract their loans, causing a decline in deposits and hence in the money supply. If
the required reserve ratio falls, there will be greater expansions of deposits because
the same level of reserves can now support more deposits and the money supply will
increase. To sum up, smaller the reserve ratio larger will be the money multiplier.
In actual practice, however, the commercial banks keep only the required fraction
of their total deposits in the form of cash reserves. However, for the commercial
banking system as a whole, the actual reserves ratio may be greater than the required
reserve ratio since the banks keep a higher than the statutorily required percentage
of their deposits in the form of cash reserves as a buffer against unexpected events
requiring cash.
The excess reserves (ER) which are funds that a bank keeps back beyond what is
required by regulation form a very important determinant of money supply. 'Excess
reserves' are the difference between total reserves (TR) and required reserves (RR).
Therefore, ER=TR-RR. If total reserves are Rs 800 billion, whereas the required
reserves are Rs 600billion, then the excess reserves are Rs 200 billion.
We know that the cost to a bank while holding excess reserves is in terms of its
opportunity cost, i.e. the interest that could have been earned on loans or securities
if the bank had chosen to invest in them instead of excess reserves. If interest rate
increases, it means that the opportunity cost of holding excess reserves rises because
the banks have to sacrifice possible higher earnings and hence the desired ratio of
excess reserves to deposits falls. Conversely, a decrease in interest rate will reduce
the opportunity cost of excess reserves, and excess reserves will rise. Therefore, we
conclude that the banking system's excess reserves ratio r is negatively related to the
market interest rate.
If banks fear that deposit outflows are likely to increase (that is, if expected deposit
outflows increase), they will want more assurance against this possibility and will
increase the excess reserves ratio. Conversely, a decline in expected deposit outflows
will reduce the benefit of holding excess reserves and excess reserves will fall.
Money Market 21
As we know, money is mostly held in the form of deposits with commercial banks.
Therefore, money supply may become subject to 'shocks' on account of behaviour of
commercial banks which may present variations overtime either cyclically and more
permanently. For instance, in times of financial crises, banks may be unwilling to
lend to the small and medium scale industries who may become credit constrained
facing a higher risk premia on their borrowings. The rising interest rates on bank
credit to the commercial sector reflecting higher risk premia can co-exist with the
lowering of policy rates by the central bank. The lower credit demand can lead to a
sharp deceleration in monetary growth at a time when the central bank pursues an
easy monetary policy.
(c) The Behaviour of the Public
As we know, demand deposits undergo multiple expansions while currency in your
hands does not. Hence, when bank deposits are being converted into currency, banks
can create only less credit money. The overall level of multiple expansion declines,
and therefore, money multiplier also falls. Hence, we conclude that money multiplier
and the money supply are negatively related to the currency ratio c.
The currency-deposit ratio (c) represents the degree of adoption of banking habits
by the people. This is related to the level of economic activities or the GDP growth
and is influenced by the degree of financial sophistication in terms of ease and access
to financial services, availability of a richer array of liquid financial assets, financial
innovations, institutional changes etc.
The smaller the currency-deposit ratio, the larger would be the money multiplier.
This is because a smaller proportion of high powered money is being used as currency
and therefore, a larger proportion is available to be reserves which get transformed
into money.
The time deposit-demand deposit ratio i.e. how much money is kept as time deposits
compared to demand deposits, also has an important implication for the money
multiplier and, hence for the money stock in the economy. An increase in TD/DD
ratio means that greater availability of free reserves and consequent enlargement of
volume of multiple deposit expansion and monetary expansion.
To summarise the money multiplier approach, the size of the money multiplier is
determined by the required reserve ratio (r) at the central bank, the excess reserve
ratio (e) of commercial banks and the currency ratio (c) of the public. The lower these
ratios are, the larger the money multiplier is. In other words, the money supply is
determined by high powered money (H) and the money multiplier (m) and varies
directly with changes in the monetary base, and inversely with the currency and
reserve ratios. Although these three variables do not completely explain changes in
the nominal money supply, nevertheless they serve as useful devices for analysing
such changes. Consequently, these variables are designated as the 'proximate
determinants' of the nominal money supply in the economy.
We may now rewrite the money multiplier including the above variables.
M = C + D ...(1)
H = C + reserves ...(2)
Where C is currency and D is deposits which are assumed to be demand deposits. We
summarise the behaviour of the public, banks and the central bank by three variables
22 Business Economics PW
namely, currency-deposit ratio c= C/D, reserve-ratio r= Reserves/D, and the stock
of high-powered money (H)
Rewriting equation (1) and (2) above as
M = (c+1) D,
H = (c+ r) D
= ×H = m x H
m =
When there are excess reserves, the money multiplier m is expressed as
Money Supply
= M ×H
The money multiplier is a function of:
1. the currency ratio set by depositors c which depends on the behaviour of the public
2. excess reserves ratio set by banks e, and
3. the required reserve ratio set by the central bank r, which depends on prescribed CRR
and the balances necessary to meet settlement obligations.
A simple example will explain the concept
1. In Gladys land,
r = 10%= 0.10
Currency = 400 billion
Deposits = 800 billion
Excess Reserves = 0.8 billion = 800 million
Money Supply is M = Currency + Deposits = 1200 billion
c = C/D = 400 billion/800 billion = 0.5 or depositors hold 50 percent of their money
as currency
e = 0.8 billion /800 billion = 0.001 or banks hold 0.1% of their deposits as excess reserves.
Multiplier m =
Money Market 23
Obviously, r and m are negatively related: m falls when r rises, and m rises when r
falls. The reason is that less multiple deposit creation can occur when r rises, while more
multiple deposit creation can occur when r falls.
Credit Multiplier =
Required Reserve Ratio
24 Business Economics PW
1. Under the’ minimum reserve system’ the central bank is
(a) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping an equivalent reserve of gold
and foreign securities.
(b) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping only a certain minimum
reserve of gold and foreign securities.
(c) empowered to issue currency in proportion to the reserve money by keeping only a
minimum reserve of gold and foreign securities.
(d) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping a reserve of gold and foreign
securities to the extent of' 350 crores
2. The primary source of money supply in all countries is
(a) the Reserve Bank of India
(b) the Central bank of the country
(c) the Bank of England
(d) the Federal Reserve
Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (b)
Illustration 1: Calculate Narrow Money (M1) from the following data
Currency with public f 90000 crore
Demand Deposits with Banking System t 200000 crore
Time Deposits with Banking System ? 220000 crore
Other Deposits with RBI ? 280000 crore
Saving Deposits of Post office saving banks Z 60000 crore
Sol.M1 = C
urrency with public + Demand Deposits with Banking System + Other Deposits
with the RBI
= 90000 crore + 200000 crore + 280000 crore = 57 OOOO crore
Illustration 2: Compute credit multiplier if the required reserved ratio is 10% and 12.5%
for every f 1, 00,000 deposited in the banking system. What will be the total credit money
created by the banking system in each case?
Sol.Credit Multiplier is the reciprocal of required reserved ratio.
Credit Multiplier =
Required Reserverd Ratio
For RRR = 0.10 i.e. 10% the credit multiplier
= = 10
Money Market 25
For RRR = 0.125i.e. 12.5% the credit multiplier
= = 8
Credit creation = Initial deposits *
For RRR 0.10 credit creation will be 1, 00,000 x 1 / 0.10 = Rs, 10, 00,000
For RRR 0.125 credit creation will be 1, 00,000 x 1 / 0.125 = Rs, 8, 00,000
Illustration 3: Calculate currency with the Public from the following data (t Crore)
Sol.Currency with the Public (1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 - 1.4) = (2496611+25572+743) - 98305
= 2424621
26 Business Economics PW
Illustration 5: If the required reserve ratio is 10 percent, currency in circulation is t 400
billion, demand deposits are ? 1000 billion, and excess reserves total f 1 billion, find the
value of money multiplier.
Sol.r = 10% = 0.10
Currency = 400 billion
Deposits = 1000 billion
Excess Reserves = 1 billion
Money Supply is M = Currency + Deposits = 1400 billion
c = C/D =
400 billion/1000 billion = 0. 4 or depositors hold 40 percent of their money as currency
e = 1 billion /1000 billion = 0.001 or banks hold 0.1% of their deposits as excess reserves.
= 1 + 0.4/0.1 + 0.001 + 0.4 = 1.5/0.501 = 2.79
Therefore, a 1 unit increase in MB leads to a 2.79 units increase in M.
1. Reserve money is also known as
(a) central bank money (b) base money
(c) high powered money (d) all the above
2. Choose the correct statement from the following
(a) Money is deemed as something held by the public and therefore only currency held
by the public is included in money supply.
(b) Money is deemed as something held by the public and therefore inter-bank deposits
are included in money supply.
Money Market 27
(c) Since inter-bank deposits are not held by the public, therefore inter-bank deposits
are excluded from the measure of money supply.
(d) Both (a) and (c) above.
3. Reserve Money is composed of
(a) currency in circulation + demand deposits of banks (Current and Saving accounts) +
Other deposits with the RBI.
(b) currency in circulation + Bankers' deposits with the RBI + Other deposits with the
(c) currency in circulation + demand deposits of banks + Other deposits with the RBI.
(d) currency in circulation + demand and time deposits of banks + Other deposits with
the RBI.
4. M1 is the sum of
(a) currency and coins with the people + demand deposits of banks (Current and Saving
accounts) + other deposits of the RBI.
(b) currency and coins with the people + demand and time deposits of banks (Current
and Saving accounts) + other deposits of the RBI.
(c) currency in circulation + Bankers' deposits with the RBI + Other deposits with the RBI
(d) none of the above
5. Under the' minimum reserve system' the central bank is
(a) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping an equivalent reserve of gold
and foreign securities.
(b) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping only a certain minimum
reserve of gold and foreign securities.
(c) empowered to issue currency in proportion to the reserve money by keeping only a
minimum reserve of gold and foreign securities.
(d) empowered to issue currency to any extent by keeping a reserve of gold and foreign
securities to the extent of ? 350 crores
6. The primary source of money supply in all countries is
(a) the Reserve Bank of India
(b) the Central bank of the country
(c) the Bank of England
(d) the Federal Reserve
7. The supply of money in an economy depends on
(a) the decision of the central bank based on the authority conferred on it.
(b) the decision of the central bank and the supply responses of the commercial banking
(c) the decision of the central bank in respect of high powered money.
(d) both (a) and (c) above.
8. Banks in the country are required to maintain deposits with the central bank
(a) to provide the necessary reserves for the functioning of the central bank
(b) to meet the demand for money by the banking system
28 Business Economics PW
(c) to meet the central bank prescribed reserve requirements and to meet settlement
(d) to meet the money needs for the day to day working of the commercial banks
9. If the behaviour of the public and the commercial banks is constant, then
(a) the total supply of nominal money in the economy will vary directly with the supply
of the nominal high-powered money issued by the central bank
(b) the total supply of nominal money in the economy will vary directly with the rate
of interest and inversely with reserve money
(c) the total supply of nominal money in the economy will vary inversely with the supply
of high powered money
(d) all the above are possible
10. Under the fractional reserve system
(a) the money supply is an increasing function of reserve money (or high powered money)
and the money multiplier.
(b) the money supply is an decreasing function of reserve money (or high powered money)
and the money multiplier.
(c) the money supply is an increasing function of reserve money (or high powered money)
and a decreasing function of money multiplier.
(d) none of the above as the determinants of money supply are different
11. The money multiplier and the money supply are
(a) positively related to the excess reserves ratio e.
(b) negatively related to the excess reserves ratio e
(c) not related to the excess reserves ratio e.
(d) proportional to the excess reserves ratio e.
12. The currency ratio represents
(a) the behaviour of central bank in the issue of currency.
(b) the behaviour of central bank in respect cash reserve ratio.
(c) the behaviour of the public.
(d) the behaviour of commercial banks in the country.
13. The size of the money multiplier is determined by
(a) the currency ratio (c) of the public,
(b) the required reserve ratio (r) at the central bank, and
(c) the excess reserve ratio (e) of commercial banks.
(d) all the above
14. tells us how much new money will be created by the banking system for a given increase
in the high-powered money.
(a) The currency ratio
(b) The excess reserve ratio (e)
Money Market 29
(c) The credit multiplier
(d) The currency ratio (c)
15. The money multiplier will be large
(a) for higher currency ratio (c), lower required reserve ratio (r) and lower excess reserve
ratio (e)
(b) for constant currency ratio (c), higher required reserve ratio (r) and lower excess
reserve ratio (e)
(c) for lower currency ratio (c), lower required reserve ratio (r) and lower excess reserve
ratio (e)
(d) None of the above
16. The ratio that relates the change in the money supply to a given change in the monetary
base is called the
(a) required reserve ratio. (b) money multiplier.
(c) deposit ratio. (d) discount rate.
17. For a given level of the monetary base, an increase in the required reserve ratio will
(a) a decrease in the money supply.
(b) an increase in the money supply.
(c) an increase in demand deposits.
(d) Nothing precise can be said
18. For a given level of the monetary base, an increase in the currency ratio causes the money
multiplier to____________ and the money supply to_______.
(a) decrease; increase (b) increase; decrease
(c) decrease; decrease (d) increase; increase
19. If commercial banks reduce their holdings of excess reserves
(a) the monetary baseincreases. (b) the monetary basefalls.
(c) the money supply increases. (d) the money supply falls.
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c)
30 Business Economics PW
3 Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
1. Monetary policy refers to the use of monetary policy instruments by the central bank
so as to regulate the availability, cost and use of money and credit with a view to achieve
predetermined macroeconomic goals (such as price stability, optimum output and
employment, stable currency etc.)
2. It comprises of all actions of the central bank aimed at directly controlling the supply of
money and indirectly at regulating the demand from money.
3. Monetary policy operates by stimulating or discouraging investment and consumption
spending by individuals/households.
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (b)
Monetary policy influences interest rates, which affects the decisions of households and
businesses by changing the amount of cash they have available to spend on goods and services.
This is an important channel for those that are liquidity constrained (for example, those who
have already borrowed up to the maximum that banks will provide).
A reduction in lending rates reduces interest repayments on debt, increasing the amount of
cash available for households and businesses to spend on goods and services. For example, a
reduction in interest rates lowers repayments for households with variable-rate mortgages,
leaving them with more disposable income.
At the same time, a reduction in interest rates reduces the amount of income that households
and businesses get from deposits, and some may choose to restrict their spending.
These two effects work in opposite directions, but a reduction in interest rates can be expected
to increase spending in the Indian economy through this channel (with the first effect larger
than the second)
Asset Price and wealth channel:
1. Asset prices respond to monetary policy changes and consequently affect output,
employment and inflation.
2. With rise in the interest rates, investment in debt instruments becomes attractive and
hence, investment in equity tends to fall. This causes fall in equity prices and thereby
leads to reduction in household financial wealth. The reduced wealth ultimate leads to
fall in consumption, output and employment.
3. Higher asset prices also increase the equity (collateral) of an asset that is available for
banks to lend against. This can make it easier for households and businesses to borrow.
4. An increase in asset prices increases people's wealth. This can lead to higher consumption
and housing investment as households generally spend some share of any increase in their
Money Market 33
A reduction in interest rates (compared with the rest of the world) results in a lower
exchange rate, making foreign goods and services more expensive compared with those
produced in India. This leads to an increase in exports and domestic activity. A lower
exchange rate also adds to inflation because imports become more expensive in Indian
Answer Key
1. (c) 2. (b)
Reserve Ratio
Banks are required to keep aside a set percentage of cash reserves or RBI approved assets.
Reserve ratio is of two types:
34 Business Economics PW
Open Market Operations (OMO)
In order to control money supply, the RBI buys and sells government securities in the open
market. These operations conducted by the Central Bank in the open market are referred
to as Open Market Operations.
When the RBI sells government securities, the liquidity is sucked from the market, and the
exact opposite happens when RBI buys securities. The latter is done to control inflation. The
objective of OMOs are to keep a check on temporary liquidity mismatches in the market,
owing to foreign capital flow.
Qualitative tools
Unlike quantitative tools which have a direct effect on the entire economy's money supply,
qualitative tools are selective tools that have an effect in the money supply of a specific sector
of the economy.
Margin requirements
The RBI prescribes a certain margin against collateral, which in turn impacts the borrowing
habit of customers. When the margin requirements are raised by the RBI, customers will be
able to borrow less.
Moral suasion
By way of persuasion, the RBI convinces banks to keep money in government securities,
rather than certain sectors.
Money Market 35
Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) Rate: MSF Rate is the penal rate at which the Central Bank
lends money to banks, over the rate available under the rep policy. Banks availing MSF Rate
can use a maximum of 1% of SLR securities.
MSF Rate = Repo Rate + 1MSF Rate = Repo Rate + 1
Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (a)
36 Business Economics PW
The average inflation is more than the upper tolerance level of the inflation target
for any three consecutive quarters; or
The average inflation is less than the lower tolerance level for any three consecutive
The choice of CPI was made because it closely reflects cost of living and has larger influence on
inflation expectations compared to other anchors. With this step, India is following countries
such as the New Zealand, the USA, the UK, European Union, and Brazil. In recent times many
countries are moving away from this approach and are targeting nominal GDP growth.
Money Market 37
5. During deflation
(a) the RBI reduces the CRR in order to enable the banks to expand credit and increase
the supply of money available in the economy
(b) the RBI increases the CRR in order to enable the banks to expand credit and increase
the supply of money available in the economy
(c) the RBI reduces the CRR in order to enable the banks to contract credit and increase
the supply of money available in the economy
(d) the RBI reduces the CRR but increase SLR in order to enable the banks to contract
credit and increase the supply of money available in the economy
6. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The governor of the RBI in consultation with the Ministry of Finance decides the
policy rate and implements the same
(b) While CRR has to be maintained by banks as cash with the RBI, the SLR requires
holding of approved assets by the bank itself
(c) When repo rates increase, it means that banks can now borrow money through open
market operations (OMO)
(d) None of the above
7. RBI provides financial accommodation to the commercial banks through repos/reverse
repos under
(a) Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS)
(b) The Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)
(c) Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
(d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
8. .................. is a money market instrument, which enables collateralised short term borrowing
and lending through sale/purchase operations in debt instruments.
(a) OMO (b) CRR (c) SLR (d) Repo
9. In India, the term 'Policy rate' refers to
(a) The bank rate prescribed by the RBI in its half yearly monetary policy statement
(b) The CRR and SLR prescribed by RBI in its monetary policy statement
(c) the fixed repo rote quoted for sovereign securities in the overnight segment of Liquidity
Adjustment Facility (LAF)
(d) the fixed repo rate quoted for sovereign securities in the overnight segment of Marginal
Standing Facility (MSF)
10. Reverse repo operation takes place when
(a) RBI borrows money from banks by giving them securities
(b) banks borrow money from RBI by giving them securities
(c) banks borrow money in the overnight segment of the money market
(d) RBI borrows money from the central government
38 Business Economics PW
11. The Monetary Policy Framework Agreement is on
(a) the maximum repo rate that RBI can charge from government
(b) the maximum tolerable inflation rate that RBI should target to achieve price stability.
(c) the maximum repo rate that RBI can charge from the commercial banks
(d) the maximum reverse repo rate that RBI can charge from the commercial banks
12. An open market operation is an instrument of monetary policy which involves buying
or selling of .................. from or to the public and banks
(a) bonds and bills of exchange (b) debentures and shares
(c) government secur ities (d) none of these
13. Which statement (s) is (are) t rue about Monetary Policy Committee?
I. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934 was amended on June 2 7, 2076, for
giving a statutory backing to the Monetary Policy Framework Agreement and for
setting up a Monetary Policy Committee
II. The Monetary Policy Committee shall determine the policy rate through debate and
majority vote by a panel of experts required to achieve the inflation target.
III. The Monetary Policy Committee shall determine the policy rate through consensus
from the governor of RBI
IV. The Monetary Policy Committee shall determine the policy rate through debate and
majority vote by a panel of bankers chosen for eth purpose
(a) I only (b) I and II only
(c) III and IV (d) III only
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b)
Money Market 39