Turbo Charger
Turbo Charger
Turbo Charger
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Technical Documentation :=#i?ii!BI*:'it$l<:tt
Engine ................................................ _ __
4C-09341 C1/2/3 1
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved, including the reproduction in any form or by photomechanical means (photocopy/microcopy), in
whole or in part, and the translation.
4C-09341 C1/2/3 2
Technical Documentation
Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
Operating Manual C1
4C-09341 C1 TCA55 3
Table of contents C1
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Safety .............................................................................................................................. 11
4 Description .................................................................................................................... 29
5 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 41
6 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 51
4C-09341 C1 TCA55 4
Introduction 1
Safe and economic operation of the engine system including the turbo-
charger requires extensive knowledge. Also, the operatability can be main-
tained or regained only through maintenance and repair work when these
are carried out with expertise and skill by trained personnel. The rules of
proper craftsmanship are to be observed Negligence is to be prevented.
For improper usage of the turbocharger, the danger of accidents is
Improper usage of the turbocharger can lead to damage of the turbocharger
or its individual components. Damaged components pose a potential risk of
injury for the operating and maintenance personnel.
· Before putting into operation for the first time, carefully read the technical
documentation at hand, especially the sections C1-0perating Manual and Work
Cards with the therein included safety instructions.
· Use the turbocharger only for the purpose intended for by the manufacturer.
· Do not unnecessarily stay in the vicinity of the turbocharger.
Staying within the vicinity of the turbocharger is permitted for maintenance
which is expressly to be carried out during operation (see Maintenance
Schedule , Section C1-Capter 6.3).
· Carry out maintenance on the turbocharger regularly and properly within the
specified intervals (see Maintenance Schedule, Section C1 -Chapter 6.3).
Perform any and all repair work exclusively with original Mitsui spare parts
(see Section C3 - S are Parts Catalo ue).
In the case of infringement of the before mentioned safety
instructions, the Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd shall deny
any and all liability.
Scope of Supply
The following scope of supply is effective only for the turbocharger with the
Works No.
Addresses 1.3
Addresses and contact persons Table 1-1 contains the addresses of MES Technoservice Co., Ltd. as well
as the telephone and fax numbers of the responsible departments, ready to
fully assist you if required.
Safety Instructions Safety instructions are always noted down prior to the description of
any action. They are categor ized in 4 hazard levels and differentiated
by the degree of hazard seriousness for personnel or equipment
Danger Levels 1-3 Generally, the safety instructions of the hazard levels 1-3
are indicated as follows :
When the respective caution measures are not complied with, there is
imminent da nger which will result in:
When the respective caution measures are not complied with, a potentially
hazardous situation will be caused which can lead to:
When the respective caution measures are not complied with, a hazardous
situation wi ll be caused which can lead to:
· Personal injury,
· Possible damage to property.
eWear Wear hard
Wear safety
protective hearing hat gloves
goggles protection
protective manual
Danger Symbols
lnflammaple Hot surface
Danger of
gear hazard
' - ·-
Danger Level 4 The safety instructions of danger level 4 are indicated by means of the
foll owi ng designations:
For pointing out fault sources/handling errors; material damage can
Additional notes. information and tips.
Containment Safety The turbocharger is one of the highest loaded components in modern diesel
engines. The high rotor speeds of a turbocharger result in high centrifugal
force stresses at sim ulta neous high component temperatures.
A consequence of additional extraordinary influences might be - in
ext remely rare cases - a failure of the components.
Mitsui Engineeri ng & Shipbuilding Co, Ltd. turbochargers correspond to the
req uired conta inment safety according to the rules stipulated by the
classification societies so that t he state of the art prevents fragments from
escaping. In extreme cases, particularly if the turbocharge r has not been
sufficiently or properly maintained, there may be the risk of damages to
persons or property in vicinity of the turbocharger. To eliminate residual risks
we kindly ask you to observe following ru les:
Persons are by no means allowed to stay without any reason near the
operating turbocharger.
Technical Documentation The technica l docume ntation of the system, particularly the operating and
maintenance manuals for the engine, turbocharger and the accessories
required for engine operation, must be stored at a location where they are
accessible for the operating and maintenance personnel at all times.
Regulations for Prevention of When operating the system and for al l maintenance and repair work, the
Accidents relevant regulations for prevention of accidents are to be observed.
It is advisable to hang these regulations in the engine room and to
repeatedly point out the dangers of accide nts.
To point out the most important regulations, bans and hazards during
operation and maintenance the following safety instruction sign must
be posted at the entry of the engine room:
Persons, who for operational reasons are to be withi n the danger area of 2.5
m around the engine, are to be instructed of the predominant hazards.
Access to th e danger area Is permitted when the turbocharge r is in prope r
ope rating conditio n and only when wearing suitable protective equipment. It
is prohibited to stay within the danger area without reason.
Sound level exceeding 85dB(A)!
The danger of hearing impairment is given because sound levels are
permanently above this value in the engine room when the engine is
running .
• Always wear hearing protection in the engine room!
Exhaust Gases In the engine room, exhaust gases with harmful components NO,, 80 2 , CO,
HC and soot can be set free.
Danger of Fire
Potential danger of fire in the engine room!
Fuel and lube oil are combustible and can easily ignite when
contacting hot components in the engine room.
· Do not conduct fuel and oil pipes alongside hot engine components (exhaust
pipe/turbocharger) that are not insulated!
• After maintenance and repair work on exhaust pipes and turbochargers,
carefully and completely reattach all insulations and coverings!
· Regularly check the tightness of all fue l and oil pipes (maintenance schedule)!
· Eliminate any leakages immediately!
Fire-extinguishing Equipment The engine room must be equipped with fire-extinguishing equipment.
The proper function of this equipment is to be checked regularly.
Danger to life through suffocation!
When a carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system is put into operation ,
danger of life is given due to suffocation.
· Do not put carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems into operation before it is
ensured that no more rsons are in the en ine room .
Danger of burns and fire hazard from hot system components!
Due to high operating temperatures the system components can
become very hot. Persons can burn themselves on the hot
components and/or inflammable operating fluids can ignite.
• Always have all coverings and insu lations mounted to the turbocharger
during operation of the engine.
ula check t he of all fue l and oil
After asse mbly work, ensure that all cove ri ngs and protective covers from
moving components as wel l as insulations from hot components are
reattached aga in. Engine operation w ith coverings removed is permitted
only in specia l cases, such as for functional tests.
Alarm System If important opera ting data are exceeded, an ala rm system will set off alarm,
reduction o r stop signa ls dependi ng on the da nger potential. The cause of
the signa ls is to be thoroughly investigated and the source of the
malfunction to be corrected. The signals may not be ignored or suppressed,
except when orde red by management or in cases of increased danger.
Ignoring or suppressing alarms and putting reduction and stop signals
out of operation can lead to operational malfunctions which can result
in serious personal injury and damage to property!
Turbocharger and engine are fitted with an alarm system which
become very hot. Persons can burn sounds an alarm in case of
technical problems or malfunctions. Therefore, an alarm always has a
cause which must be rectified!
• Do not ignore o r suppress any ala rm , reduction or stop signa lsi
• Investigate t he cause of every alarm, reduction or stop signal or report
t hem!
• As fa r as possible, prov ide for swift rectifi cation of the ca use of alarms and
• Ignore or suppress alarms, reductio n a nd stop sig na ls only in cases of force
m re or whe n ordered
Qualification of Personnel Performed by machinists or mechanical fitters and their helpers. Briefing and
supervision of difficult work tasks through a technical officer or the chief en-
Use of Cleaning Agents When using cleaning agents the manufacturer's notes for usage, possible
dangers and disposal are to be observed.
Cleaning agents can be caustic!
Cleaning agents on the skin, in the eyes or being inhaled can lead to
serious damage to one's health or to allergies
• Always observe the manufacture's notes for cleaning agents!
·Wea r protective clothing whenever required!
·Wear protective gloves whenever required!
·Wear safety goggles whenever required!
·Wear respiratory protection whenever required!
· Pay attention that other persons also wear the appropriate protective equipment
whenever ired or make these aware thereof!
Use of High-pressure Cleaners When working with high-pressure cleaners ensure proper usage. Air filters,
shaft ends (also including such with lipped sealing rings), governors, splash-
proof monitoring systems, cable sockets as well as sound and heat insula-
tions under non-watertight coverings, must be covered or exempt from the
high-pressure cleaning.
Danger of burns from hot components!
Many engine and turbocharger components became very hot duri ng
operation and require ample time for cooling down afterwards.
· Prior to taking any action, allow the engine and turbocharger to cool down
sufficiently (1-2h)!
· Wear protective clothing!
Danger of burning/scalding from running-out lube oil!
The lube oil is under pressure and very hot!
· Before opening pipes, flanges, screwed connections or gauges, free the system
of pressure and check that it is pressure-free!
· Before opening oil pipes, wait until the lube oil has cooled down
· Drain the system and check that it has been drained completely.
Disassembly and Assembly of During any work on the pipe systems, especially for fuel , lubrication oil and
Pipes air, ensure utmost cleanness in order to avoid foreign objects or debris from
entering the system. Therefore, all pipes subject to reassembly should be
blocked with care upon disassembly.
New pipes being insta lled should be checked for cleanness and flushed, if
Removal/Disassembly of Heavy
Co nts
Danger of injury from suspended loads!
Unsuitable or poorly maintained transport equipment as well as
unsuitable set-down locations can lead to serious injury of people and
to major damage.
• Use only transport equipment which is in perfect condition.
• Check if the transport equipment being used has the required carrying capacity.
• Choose only set-down locations that have sufficient load ing capacity for the
heavy component (this is not always the case for galleries, half-landings or
grid-iron cover ings).
Spare Parts During operation, very high forces are applied to the components of the
turbocharger. Therefore , Mitsui has developed special materials that can
withstand these high forces. The use of these high-quality materials can be
guaranteed only when using Mitsui original spare parts.
Classification Turbocharger/Engine
Turbocharger Engine
Type Works No. Type Power Speed
[kW) [rpm]
c£ -1
TY Pe I 1
I Se r 1 a I No . I 2
Nm ax .I 3
I m i n-I T max. I 4
I c
I 5
f/ '-1
The type plate is mounted on the front wall of the silencer.
500 Exhaust gas turbocharger, incl. Silencer .... ... ................... .. .................. ... .. .... .... ............... .approx. 3250 kg*
501 Gas-admission casing, complete . ... .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .... ... .. ..... .. .... .. ... .. ........ ... .. .... ... .. ... .. .... ...... . .. .......... 240 kg
506 Gas outlet casing, complete ... .... ..... .. .... .. ...... .. ..... .... .... ......... .................. ..... .. .. .. .... ..... .. .... ... ..... .. 790 kg
509 Gas outlet diffuser .... ....................... ......... ... .............. .... ....... ... .......... .. ........................ .... ................ . 140 kg
Shroud ring .......... ... . ...... .. ....... ... ...... ... ...... .... .... .... .... .. ............. .... .. .. ....... .... .. ... ......... ... ............ .. ... ...... 10 kg
513 Nozzle ring ............................................................... ......................... .. ... ............. ... .... ..... ...... ...... 20 kg*
518 Casing feet, complete .................................... .. ... ....... .. ... ......... ... .... .. ... ... ... ..... .... ......... .... .... ......... 280 kg
520 Rotor complete ............. ... ......... .................. ....... .......... .. .... .. ....... ... ... .. ... . ........................ ... 130 kg*
Turbine rotor ... .... .. ... .... ..... ........... 90 kg
Compressor wheel ..... .. ........ ....................... .. .... ........................... .......... . . ........ .... ............. .... 40 kg
540 Insert ... ..... ... .. .... .. .... ................ ....................... ... ........ .. .. ..... ... .... ... .. .. .... .. ... ... ..... ... .. ....... .............. ... .. . 130 kg
542 Diffuser ..... ... .. ........... .. .... ....................................... ... ... ..... .. ... .. .... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ..... ....... ... .. .... ... .... 30 kg
544 Silencer, complete (if existing) .......... ....... .. .. .... ... ......... .... ......... .... .. ............. ... .. .... ............... .. ......... 370 kg*
546 Compressor casing. . ... ... ..... ... ... .... .. .... ... ....... .. ... ..... .. ... .... .. . .. . .. .. .... . .. ... . single socket, complete 500 kg
554 Post lubrication tank, complete .... .. ..... .. ............ .. .... ............. ...... ............ ........ ........... ...... ........ .... ... .... 200 kg
595 Spare parts with box .............. .. ..... ... .. .... .... ... .. ... .. .. . .................... .. .. .. . .... ... .......... ... .. ... ...... . .. . .. ... .. X kg
596 Tools with box ..... .. .. ......... ... . .... ... .... .. ... . .............. ..... .... .. ....... ...... ..... .. ... ..... ........ .. ... .... ... ........ 40 kg
*) In case of the application of the additional specification, refer to additional instraction manual.
- VT A (Variable Turbine Area)
- THS (Turbo Hydraulic System)
- AIC (Air Intake Casing)
Speed Admissible speed(Tier1) ....................... .. ..... ..... ... ....... ... .... max. 19000 rpm
Admissible speed (Tier2) .. . ........ ... .......... .... ....... .. ......... .. .... max. 20100 rpm
Temperatures Admissible exhaust gas temperature ahead of turbine .... max. 500 ' C
Admissible inlet temperature of lubricating oil ......... ... . ... max. 70 'C
At regular operation and full load of engine . .. ....... ... ... .. .......... .. .. 1.3-2.2 bar
Alarm ...................... .... .... .......... .. .. ............ ... ............................... .... ::; 1.0 bar
Slow down ..... ................... ............... ....... ... ... ... ................. .. ::; 0.8 bar
Lube oil throughput with SAE 30 at 60 ' Cor SAE 40 at 65 "C ... ..................... .. .... ... .. ..... 5.2m 3/h
Lubricating Oil Lube oil supply: 2 co nnections that can be used alternatively. The connection
not used is plugged with a dummy lid.
Venting Venting: 2 con nections that can be used alternatively The connection not
used is plugged with a dummy lid
4C-09341 C1 3 1 TCA55 23
Dimensions and Connections
< )
Installation position The exhaust gas turbochargers of the TCA Series require horizontal
assembly with respect to the axis of the running equipment.
Ship applications For operation in ships, however, where the installation position is
crosswise to the longitudinal axis, inclination angles occur that can
influe nce the operating abi lity of the exhaust gas turbocharger.
Wrth the insta llation position in longitudinal direction of the ship, these
limit values are not reached even under unfavorable exterior conditions.
Engine fuel affects exhaust gas The quality or the fuel with which the engine is operated affects the compo-
quality sition of the exhaust gas that flows through the turbocharger. Impurities in
the fuel can lead to residues in the exhaust gas, which can affect the turbo-
charger in an abrasive or corrosive manner.
The fuels used must meet the fuel specification is accordance with the
engine manufacturer's recommendation .
Lubricating Oil
• Exhaust gases of up to 500 oc contin uously flow through the turbine and
heat up its components, without an own counteractive cooling system.
Especiall y the shaft bearing must withstand the high operating
temperatures without the lubricating film ever breaking.
• On the compressor side, the air is heated to over 200 oc
• The high temperatures lead to extreme thermal loads of the material at
many loca tions.
• Speeds are extremely high The MITSUI-MAN B&W exhaust gas
turbochargers are operated w ith speeds ranging from 10000 to 35000
rpm , depending on size. In this, circumferential velocities of 560 m/s and
more are reached at the compressor wheel , which amounts to 1.7 times
the speed of sou nd or 2000 kmlh .
• The ce ntrifugal forces are extremely high : Forces of several hundred kN
can easily apply at the foot of the turbine blade.
• The complete gas exchange of the engine is performed by the exhaust
gas turbocharger. For this machine, the throughput of combustion air
can amount to 24 m /s.
• Simplified, it can be said that approx. 1/3 of the power produced by the
engine is converted on minute space within the exhaust gas
These requirements ca n be fulfilled only with use of the most recent material
and manufacturi ng technologies, introduced into the series by MAN B&W
with use of the latest developmental results, and based on decades of
experience in buildi ng diesel engines and exhaust gas turbochargers.
Prescribed maintenance must be carried out precisely and in time
using the prescribed tools, in order to keep the turbocharger in
good condition and not damage it.
Maintenance Schedule see Chapter 6.3.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Turbocha rgers consist mainly of a turbine and a compressor, which are seated on
the same shaft. The exhaust gas of the engine drives the turbine ; the co mpressor
draws in fresh air and compresses it.
• Rotating element:
Turbine w heel and shaft are firmly connected together ; the turbine blades
are individually set into the turbine wheel. The compressor wheel is
mounted on the shaft and can be removed.
• Bearing casing
The interior bearing of the running equipment consists of two bearing
bushes and a thrust bearing . Lubrication of the bearing is carried out via
the lube oil circuit of the engine. Lubricating oil pipes, lube oil venting and
sealing air pipes are integrated in the bearing casi ng.
• Gas-admission casing :
The nozzle ring is built into the gas-admission casing It enables optimum
adaptation of the turbocharger to the engine.
• Gas outlet casing:
The gas-outlet diffuser in the outlet casing is flow-technicall y optimized
The outlet casing is fitted with 5 offset connections for the washing water
outlet Depending on the build-in position of the turbocharger, the
connection positioned lowest is used.
The outlet casing is designed so that together with the flanged-on gas
admission casing , it offers optimum burst protection for the turbine wheel.
• Silencer or air intake casing
• Compressor casing optional with one or two discharge connections. The
compressor casing houses the diffuser, which allows for optimum
adaptation of the turbocharger to the engine. Additionally, the diffuser
functions as burst protection.
Functional Description
The exhaust gas of the engine flows through the gas-admission casing and the
nozzle ring , and runs axially onto the turbine wheel. The exhaust gas drives the
turbine wheel ; in this process, the energy contained in the exhaust gas is
transformed into mechanical rotation energy at the turbine wheel. As the turbine
wheel and the compressor wheel are seated on the same shaft, the compressor
wheel is driven at the same time . The exhaust gas exits the turbocharger through
the gas-outlet diffuser and the gas outlet casing.
The compressor wheel draws in fresh air through the silencer or the intake casing
and the insert. The fresh air is compressed in the compressor wheel , diffuser and
compressor casing. The compressed fresh air is forced into the cylinders of the
engine via charge air cooler and charge air pipe.
The running equipment of the turbocharger is led radially by two bearing bushes,
which are situated in the bearing casing between turbine wheel and compressor
wheel. The thrust bearing positioned on the compressor side not only handles the
axial guidance, but also transfers the thrust in axial direction . A bearing body holds
the bearing seat and at the same time is used as insulation against the hot
exhaust-gas side of the turbocharger.
Each turbocharger is specially adapted to the engine with which it will be operated.
This means the turbocharger may be operated only on this engine or one that is
absolutely comparable. (Also see scope of supply, technical specifications and
order confirmation.)
• The build-in location must afford sufficient space for maintenance and
assembly/disassembly of the turbocharger. Usage of lifting equipment
must be possible.
• Observing the operating parameters (admissible exhaust gas
temperature, admissible lube oil temperature and lube oil pressure, use
of the specified operating materials, see Chapter 3).
• The turbocharger may be put into operation only when in perfect
• Operation may be carried out only by trained personnel which is familiar
with the syste m; operation through unauthorized personnel is to be
prevented with suitable means. For operation, the operating instructions
and the general safety and operational regulations are to be observed.
• The operation must be controlled by means of suitable measures.
• Malfunctions that could influence the safety are to be corrected
• Performing the service and maintenance in accordance with the
maintenance schedule.
• For repairs, use original spare part only.
Not Intended Use The following points specifically do no comply with the intended use.
Turbocharger manufacturer shall not be held liable for any or all damages
resulting there from.
Level 2
*Standard specifications turbocharger
2.2 --=r
a> max. irx:;lination of system: + 5o 1
Lube Oil Circuit The lubrication and cooling of the high-stressed bearing bushes in the
turbocharger takes place by means of a lube oil system, which is integrated
mainly in the bearing casing.
The lubricating oil is supplied from the lube oil system of the engine to the lube oil
system of the turbocharger via a supply pipe (1 ). A pressure reduction va lve (2. 1)
(four-stroke engine) respectively an orifice (2.2) (two-stroke engine) adjusts the
required lube oil pressure. The lube oil pressure is controlled behind the
non-return va lve (4) by means of a pressure monitor (5) and a manometer (6).
Air bubbles may not be contained in the oil being supplied.
This could lead to bearing damage at post lubrication of the turbocharger.
The lubrication oil flows through the non-return valve (4) into the turbocharger
casing, from where it rea ches the thrust bearing (8) and the bearing bushes (9)
via passages in the bearing casing (7) and the bearing body. The lubricating oil
flows to the gap between bearing and shaft as we ll as to the face-sided
lubrication point of the thrust bearing via bores in the bearing bushes. The
lubricating oil leaves the gap between the bearing and the shaft and is splashed
against the wall of the bearing casi ng by the rotation of the shaft. The lubricating
oil ex its the bearing casing through the drain pipe (10) and flows back into the
lube oil system of the engine (11 ).
The pipe for the lube oil drain must be installed with sufficient large diameter
and inclination, so that drainage of the lube oil is readily possible without
backing up.
A backup in the lube oil drain can lead to an oil-flood in the turbocharger. In
the worst case, the oil can come out of the turbine-side and cause a fire in
the exhaust pipe.
For this reason the lube oil drain must be installed with an inclination, which is
calculated as follows :
Inclination a> max. possible system inclination + so.
Venting Due to constructive measures, this turbocharger does not require a separate
venting tank. Lubricating oil and air are separated from each other within
the bearing casing. The connection for the venting pipe (12) is attached
directly at the bearing casing.
Emergency and Post-lubrication The emergency and post-lubrication system (18) above the turbocharger
System ensures the lubrication of the bearings after the engine is switched off,
as long as the rotating element runs out and the bearings still must cool
During operation the non-return valve (13) is shut The post lubrication tank is filled
with lubricating oil via a small bypass bore in the valve plate of the non-return
valve (13 ). As soon as the lube oil level reaches the overflow pipe (level2) ,
lubricating oil flows back into the bearing casing through the overflow pipe.
Shaft Sealing The bearing casi ng is sealed with labyrinth sea lings on the rotor shaft, both
on the turbine and compressor side. The radial labyrinth clearance is
dimensioned so that during the first operating phase, the rotating labyrinth
tips lightly embed into the softer layer of the cover seal. At higher speeds,
the running equipment is lightly elevated according to the thickness of the
lubricating film . The labyrinth tips run freely then. When standing still, the
running equipment is lowered again. The labyri nth tips embed into the
grooves of the cover seal, through which a better sealing effect is achieved
during pre and post lubrication. Run-in grooves at the circumference of the
sealing cover bores are thus intentional and not a reason for replacement of
the parts.
On the turbine side, the shaft is additionally sealed by means of sealing air
(see Chapter 4 3).
Operating Conditions
Lube Oil Quality Commercial engine lubricating oils SAE 30 and SAE 40.
High-alkaline cylinder oils are not suitable.
Lube Oil Filtration The turbocharger does not require any separate lube oil filters . The filtration
and processing of the lubrication oil through the engine system is generally
sufficient The following values must be observed
For engine lube oil pressures~ 2.2 bar, we recommend installing an orifi ce (2.2).
The lube oil pressure is controlled via the measuring connection behind the
non-return valve .
Level differences between indication instrument and center turbocharger are
to be taken into account with ± 0.1 bar per 1 m
level difference. (Indicator positioned higher- lower pressure;
indicator positioned lower- higher pressure)
Lube oil pressure at engine start and cold lube oil : For a short time up to 4 bar.
Limit values for alarm in case of too low lube oil pressure:
• < 1.0 bar: Alarm
• < 0.8 bar: Engine power at half load
• < 0.6 bar: Engine stop
When reaching the limit values, both the a/ann and the re action of
the engine control must go off at the same time (without delay),
in order to avoid damage to the turbocharger.
Lube Oil Consumption The required lube oil throughput depends on the viscosity and temperature
of the lubrication oil. At 60 oc- 65 "C, the lube oil throughput is approx. 7. 0
m /h.
Pre- Iubrication Before starting the engine, the bearing points of the turbocharger must be
pre-lubricated. This is done automatically together with the pre-lubrication of
the engine, as the lube oi l system of the turbocharger is connected to that of
the engine. Depending on the engine system, pre-lubrication occurs directly
before starting, either through interval or continuous pre-lubrication.
Interval pre-lubrication:
Post Lubrication Occurs automatically via the post lubrication tank ; otherwise at an oil
pressure of 0.2 - 0.6 bar for a period of 10 - 30 minutes.
1 Supply pipe
2. 1 Pressure reduction
3 Turbocharger supply pipe
4 Non-return valve
5 Pressure monitor
6 Manometer
7 Bearing casing
10 Drain pipe
11 Service tank or
12 Venting
18 Post lubrication tank
a Maximum inclination of
system. + Y
1 2.1
4C-09341 C1 4. 3 TCA55 38
Functional Description
Sealing Air System The sealing air prevents hot exhaust gas from entering the bearing casing
and the lubricating oil from seeping into the turbine (oil coke).
The sealing air system is fully integrated in the bearing casing (11 ). A part of
the air compressed by the compressor wheel (C) is diverted and flows out of
the compressor casing (1) into a ring duct (2) in the bearing casing. From
there, the air is led into the sealing air pipe (4) , w hereby an orifice (3) reduc-
es the pressure to the required sealing air pressure. The air is led to a ring
duct (5) on the turbine side of the bearing casing. There , the sea ling air
emerges between shaft and turbine labyrinth.
• A small amount of the sealing air flows back into the bearing ca sing ,
presses against the turbine-sided bearing bush (9), and thus holds back
the lubricating oil.
• The other part of the sealing air is led past the rotor shaft, through the lab-
yrinth seal on the turbine side, and into the gas outlet casing (12).
The sealing air pressure is factory set via the orifice (3) and must not be con-
trolled or readjusted by the user.
Measures in Case of Vacuum With two-stroke engines, a vacuum can develop on the compressor side at
redu ced partial load during auxiliary blower operation. In this case, a
compensation pipe (6) between sealing air pipe and ambient air prevents
lubricating oil and ex haust gas from being drawn into the compressor
A non-return valve (7) blocks the compensation pipe during regular opera-
tion. In case of a vacuum in the sealing air system, the spring-free non-return
valve opens and outside air is draw n in through the co mpensation pipe.
Danger of poisoning from toxic vapours!
The vapour-phase corrosion agent (increased corrosion protection )
with which the openings of the turbocharger are treated sets toxic
vapours free upon heating.
· Thoroughly blow out the turbocharger casing before assembling the turbocharger
• Upon initial putting into operation, check if any corrosion protection agent is on
the turbocharger
Note /
For assembly of the turbocharger to the engine. see Technical
Documentation/Section C2.
Upon delivery, the oil system of each turbocharger is factory checked for
cleanliness, and the oil supply and oil drainage are plugged. Therefore,
when flushing the engine oil system, care must be taken that inadmissible
contamination in the oil does not get into the turbocharger.
4. Flush the lube oil system Plug the oil supply and oil drainage of the
turbocharger and connect the supply and drain pipe on the engine side, or use
an intake filter with low filter rating (20 1-Jm recommended) in the lube oil supply
ahead of t he turbocharger.
Measurement of the oil pressure after the intake filter.
For additional information on flushing the oil lubrication system. please refer to
the engine manufacturers ' manual.
Starting Operation
Start the engine. The eng ine exhaust gases drive the turbocharger and thus
begin to start the operation. If available, the "Jet assist'' acceleration system is
put into operation via the control system.
General Despite automatic activation and control of the engine system, regular
checks of the turbocharger are required so that possible malfunctions are
detected as early as possible and the ca uses can be corrected in time.
The following listed checks are at the operators duty of care.
Results, observations and activities of such control measures are to be
recorded in an engine log book. Reference values are to be defined in order
to enable an objective evaluation of the results.
Smooth Running Damage to the rotating element and bearings usually gives notice of
appearance by unsmooth running, owing to imbalance or grazing of rotating
By auscultation the turbocharger (listening with e.g., a stethosco pe) ,
unsmooth running can often be detected at an early stage.
Speed For clean air ducts of the compressor, a certain charge air pressure is
assigned to each speed of the turbocharger. Thus, the charge pressure
gives information about the speed and ca n be used for approximate speed
1. Either reduce the engine load or shut off engine, depending on the
situation .
2 Determine and correct the cause of the malfunction (see Chapter 53).
All malfunctions are to be corrected as soon as possible, as minor
malfunctions can a/so lead to increased subsequent damage of the
turbocharger or engine.
The run-down time of the turbocharger permits to draw conclusions about
its mechanical condition. Sudden stopping is an indicator for mechanical
damage to the bearing, grazing of the compressor or turbine wheel, foreign
objects that have become obstructed or heavy contamination.
Available Appliances Tu rbocharger (see work card [500 .11] and [500.1 2])
• Securing fixture for blocking of the rotating element from the compressor
side (intake cross-section remains open).
• End cover, for closing of the compressor and turbine back side when the
rotating element is disassembled.
All appliances are designed in such a manner that continuous flow through
the air and exhaust gas side of the turbocharger is possible.
Despite compliance of the following measures, the danger of
turbocharger destruction is still given!
For this case, there is imminent danger of personal injury or damage to
· Limit the duration of emergency operation to the absolute necessary
minimum .
• Use the securing fixture (measure A) for emergency operation only w hen
remova l of the running equipment is not possible!
· Persons are by no means allowed to stay in the vicinity of the turbocharger
durin emer enc o ration unless absolute! necessar' .
Carry out measure A only when measure B can not be earned out
for reasons of time. Subsequent damages possible.
Measure A:
Block rotor from the compressor side using securing fixture (intake cross-section re- 0-4
mains open). Afterwards, mount intake si lencer again (See work card [500.11] )
Measure B:
Disassemble rotating element including beari ngs; shut bearing casi ng on compres- 0-4
sor and turbine side with end covers. Reassemble silencer/i ntake casing and gas-
admission casing again. (See work card [500.12])
3 W hen the rotating element is blocked or disassembled, stop lube oil supply
because of da nger of contamination or fire .
Separate the exhaust gas intake side of the defective turbocha rger from the
gas flow of the second turbocharger with blind flange.
In case of turbocharger irregularities upon or during engine
operation, determine and correct the cause of the malfunction as
soon as possible. Otherwise the danger is given that minor
malfunctions can lead to increased subsequent damage on the
turbocharger or engine.
4C-09341 C1 53 T CA55 47
No. Malfunction Possible Cause Corrective Action Work Card
4 Speed too low Silencer or air filter contaminat- Clean/replace 500.24
ed 500.32
Compressor contaminated Clean (See separate volume)
Turbine wheel and/or nozzle Clean (See separate volume)
ring heavily contaminated
500 .52
Defective bearings, imbalance Bearing inspection ; contact
of rotating element Mitsui Techno Service,
if reauired
Rotating element grazes Contact Mitsui Techno Service
Foreign objects in front/in Check turbine/compressor for 500.43
turbine or compressor damage ; contact Mitsui Techno 500.53
Service, if required
Turbine wheel , shroud ring, Replace defective compo- 500.43
nozzle ring or compressor nents; contact Mitsui Techno 500.52
wheel damaged or eroded Service, if required 500.53
High air intake temperature Reduce output Engine
Charge air cooler contaminated Clean Engine
Charge air pipe leaks Seal charge air pipe Engine
Exha ust va lves, valve slots Clean Engine
of engine co ntaminated
Exhaust gas pipe leaks Seal exhaust gas pipe Engine
Exhaust-gas back-pressure Clean turbine ; check for 500.21
behind turbine too high damage as required 500 .22
Engine fuel injection faulty Repair fuel injection Engine
5 Speed too high Nozzle ring lightly Clean 500.52
Low air intake temperature Reduce output Engine
6 Lube oil pressure too low Flow temperature of lube oil too Engine
Lube oil filter contaminated Replace lube oil filter Engine
Lube oil manometer defective Replace lube oil manometer Engine
Check parts; contact
7 Lube oi I loss Thrust ring, labyrinth ring dam- 500.45
Mitsui Techno Service,
aged 500.53
if required
Check parts; contact
Defective labyrinth seal 500 .44
Mitsui Techno Service,
500 55
if required
Check parts; contact
Seals damaged, connections
Mitsui Techno Service ,
if required
Check parts; contact
Sealing air ineffective, oil coke
Mitsui Techno Service,
behind turbine whee l
if required
Lube oil pressure too high Reduce oil pressure Engine/Plant
Overpressure in oil drain or in Drain oil as described in
crankcase Chapter 4.2
Tab le 1-5: Trouble Shooting
Maintenance Work
Maintenance work belongs to the duties of the user, just as regular checks
do. Their purpose is to retain operationa l readiness and operational safety of
the system. They are to be ca rried out by competent personnel in
accordance with the time schedule for maintenance.
Maintenance and repair work can be carried out properly only when the
required spare parts are available. In addition to these spare parts, it is
advisable to stock a certain qua ntity of spares for unexpected outages.
Maintenance Schedule
The required tasks are listed in the maintenance schedule (C hapter 6.3). It
Work Cards
The work cards are comprised in part C2 of the tech nica l documentation.
They describe
• Turbocharger: In the spare parts cata log in val. C3 of the technical docu-
• Tools: Table of conte nts for tools
Ordinal numbers consist of the 3-digit assemblies number, a dot, and a 3-digit
position number.
Inventory tools Co nventional tools, usually included in the inventory of the engine system.
Inventory tools are not conta ined in the turbocharger's scope of supply.
Tools Requested by the Custome r Additional tools and appliances can be ordered at the Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co , Ltd. as required.
Validity of the Maintenance The maintenance schedule contains a summary of the maintenance and in-
Schedule spection work, down to the major overhaul of the turbocharger.
After each major overhaul, which best is carried out with a due engine
service, the maintenance schedule starts from the beginning again.
The maintenance must be scheduled ahead of time, meaning that e. g.
ship timetables or auditioning periods of power plants must be
planned. In order to ensure the operational safety of the turbocharger
and the engine, maintenance work is to be performed as far as
possible on schedule or beforehand.
Adaptation of the Maintenance The maintenance schedule takes the following operating conditions and an
Schedule annual operating period of approx. 6000 h into account:
• Longer-term operation with peak loads or low loads, long idle periods,
frequent heavy load cycles,
• Frequent engine starts and repeated run-up phases without sufficient
warm ing-up,
• High stress on the engine before reaching the specified operating media
• Too low lube oil , cooling water and charge air temperatures,
• Use of problematic fuel qua lities and insufficient separation,
• Insufficient filtration of the intake air (particularly with stationary engines) .
,. rC ,. .c
lU =
I (E) per
~ ~
.,.... N
~~ Maintenance
• I
1, X
2, vC '">£ < =y Q) per ...,. 0
80 80 80 80
N (I) It>
3 N I() ...- N ...- (") It> ...- ...- (")
1,2.3 Serial number of the maintenance work Q) Required time in man hours
,.......c Brief description of the maintenance work per Size of ratio for the data of required time
Pertaining work card with detailed instructions 24-24000 Repetition intervals in operating hours
(J1 A = No work card necessary/available X Maintenance work due
X Cross-reference to tasks that are ideally carried out together. 1 As required/depending on condition
y 2 Checking of new or overhauled parts required (once
Required personnel after the mentioned time)
Remarks to the Maintenance Work 6.4
Disassembly Turbocharger T he simplest method to go about the disassembly depends on the space
conditio ns in the engine room . When pe rforming maintenance and
inspection work, it is sufficient in most cases to disassemble only
subassemblies of the turbocharger.
Inspection Report For a major overhaul of the turbocha rge r or for repair work concerning major
components, it is recommended to record the condition of individual
subassemblies and make entries into the operating log. Inspection report
form, see Chapter 6.6 .
. Important!
For disassembly work, mark the position of the components to each
other using a felt pen. If required, document the disassembly/assembly
with a camera.
Exchanging Components
Screw Connections
Loose ning Seized or Snug Important! Never attempt to loosen seized or snug screw connec-
Co nnections tions with overly force. This can lead to screws being tom
off or parts being so heavily damaged that they must be
replaced. Torn off screws must be drilled out; the threads
must be reworked.
Apply plenty of diesel fuel or special disso lver (e.g. Caramba , Omnigliss,
WD 40) to the screw con nection and a Ilow to penetrate for at least 1/2 hour,
so that the dissolver can work its way through the threads. Observe the
applicational tips of the dissolver manufacturer. Afterwards , apply light
hammer blows to the screw/bolt head so that the threads run freely.
Tighteni ng Screw Co nnections All screw con nections on the turbocharger must be in perfect condition upon
assembly or be renewed. When assembling lock washer pairs (1 pair
consists of 2 equal washers), the long wedge surfaces (inside) must face
each other, otherwise th ere will be no securing effect
Always tighten screws/bolts with the specified tightening torque/
Improper tightened and secured screws/bolts and nuts can become loose due
to vibrations and then be driven into the turbocharger by the air or exhaust gas
flow, and cause severe damage.
Screw Connections on the Turbine All lock washer pairs on the turbocharger are made of non-scaling material
and are not marked.
In order to avoid the screws/bolts and nuts on the turbine side from heating
together, they must be treated with high-temperature lubricant (e. g.
Molykote HSC) prior to each new assembly. Before treating with lubricant,
the threads must be cleaned thoroughly. Screw-in t hreads from studs are
not treated.
General Information
Inspection Work
Crack Test Crack test on turbine blades (turbine rotor, compressor wheel) via acoustic
testing or penetration testing with fluorescent color.
Streaks Streaks all around the circumference of the turbine rotor, compressor wheel ,
insert: Check gaps and clearances, see C2 chapter 2.2.
Oil Coke behind Turbine Wheel Sealing air not effective (e. g. , pipe clogged ), shaft seal on turbine side dam-
aged or pre-lubrication pressure too high.
Erosion during HFO Operation During HFO operation, small , hard particles (e.g. "catfines") are contained in
the exhaust gas. These act particularly erosive where high gas velocities and
high concentrations of such particles occur. The highest flow rates are effec-
tive at the outlet of the turbine nozzle ring. Here, the flow is strongly deflected
towards the direction of the circumference. Besides this, the particles con-
tained in the exhaust gas are hurled towards the outside. For this reason ero-
sions ca n be noticed at the discharge of the nozzle ring , at the interior diam-
eter of the shroud ring and at the exterior of the turbine blades
"Catfines" As a result of the refinery process and the achieved quality, "catfines", a fine
grained powder with great hardness (recogn izable through the AI and Si
content) as we ll as other abrasive contaminants, are contained in the heavy
fuel oil. Their amount can be reduced by means of well dimensioned, heated
settling tanks und through sufficient separation.
4C-09341 C1 6 .5 TCA55 59
Additions Adding used engine lube oil is of particular disadvantage , recognizable
through the increased amounts of Ca and Fe. Used engine oil not only con-
tains residues of wear, but above all "Detergent dispersing additives", which
bind fine particles and prevent "catfines" and other impurities from being
eliminated through separation. For operation with "waste oil" added, a sharp
increase of erosion damage is noticed.
Combustion residue caused by incomplete co mbustion can also have ero-
sive effects. Therefore, ensure clean combustion.
Silencer, if available How is the condition of the air filter mat? How is the condition of the absorp-
tion plates? Are cracks on any of the components?
Control Unit for Speed Is the speed transmitter or the speed indicator defective?
Casing Which casings are strongly contaminated from soot, oil or oil coke?
Were the casi ngs tight, particularly at the parting lines and the connection
flanges? Do the casings show signs of cracks?
Were screws/bolts torn? Were all screws/bolts and nuts firmly tightened and
Was the seal air or were oil bores in the bearing casing clogged?
Are all seals O.K.?
Compressor Wheel How is the seat of the compressor whee l and the carrier?
Are the seat fa ces bright or are there signs of fretting?
Do the blades show signs of cracks or heavy wea r? Are there traces
of streaks?
Do the leading edges of the blades show puncture notches caused
by drawn-in foreign objects?
Turbine Roto r How is the run-out of the shaft? How is the condition of the bearing points?
Are the labyrinth rings strongly worn?
Are the seating faces bright or are there signs of fretting?
Are the blades damaged or is heavy wear or erosion at the edges detecta-
ble? Do the blades have signs of cracks?
Do the blades, disk or shaft show any traces of streaks?
Are the fastenings at the foot of the blade O.K.?
In new condition. the blades are not fastened but inserted into the disk with
play At the blade end. they can be moved several millimeters both in axial
and in circumferential direction. Due to deposits. this movability is limited
after extended periods of operation.
Shroud Ring Are there any traces of streaks from the turbi ne blades?
The radial gap betwee n shroud ring and turbine blade may not fall below the
minimum va lue at any position, in order to avoid grazing during operation.
The gap ca n become larger due to erosion. This considerably influences the
efficiency Therefore, the gap is measured at 41ocations around the circum-
ference (every 90°) during checking. Admissible va lues, see work card
Thrust Ring Are the die seating faces bright or are there signs of fretting?
Are there any signs of scoring or heavy wear?
Bearings For checking of the bearings and bearing bushes, see work card [500.46)
and [500.56) . Any wear across corners on both bearings is an indicator for
imbalance of the running equipment.
How is the seat of the bearing in the casing bore?
Is the axial play of the running equipment and the bearing play within the ad-
missible range?
When the axial bearing play is determined by axial displacement of the
running equipment, then the running equipment is to be lifted lightly
so that the labyrinth tips come free. out of the grooves in the cover seal.
Labyrinth Disk , End Cover Is the run-in pattern of the labyrinth tips normal?
These periods are empirical val ues and are reached with turbochargers
that operate on engines powered with heavy fuel oil.
Continued use or replacement of components is decided upon at each major
overhaul of the turbocharger. It is imperative that major overhauls are
performed according to the periods specified in the maintenance schedule.
Accompanying the installer report .. ... ... . ... ...... .... ... ...... .. ...... . Date ...... .. ... . ... ..... ... .... .
Pos. 6 Turbine blade/shroud ring (Radia l gap) ................... ......... ... ...... ...... ... ... ......... ............ ... mm
Pos. 10 Compressor w heel/insert (Axial gap) .. ......... .................. .. ............ .. .................... ....... ... mm
Pos. 11 Compresso r w heel/insert (Rad ial gap) .. .. ...... .... ... .. ........................... ................ ...... ..... mm
1) compressor side
2) turbine side
cs ts
Turbine rotor
I l
i' - -!
4C-09341 C2 TCA55 67
Table of contents C2
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 69
1.1 Prefa ce .......... . . ............. ........ 69
1.2 Layout and Usage of the Work Cards ... ········ ······· ............. .... . ... .. .. .. ............... .. ......... .. ........... 70
3.4 Assembly and Maintenance- Compressor Side ...... ......... .......................... . ... 109
500.41 Speed Transmitter and Insert . ... ... ..... . 111
50042 Compressor Casing and Diffuser ........ ............ .. ... . ..... ............. 11 7
50043 Compressor Wheel ... . .. . .. ... .... ...... .. ... ...... ..... . ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . 121
50044 Labyrinth Disk ........ . ....... ....................... ... .... .......... ... ..... .. .. ..................... .. ... ...... .... .... .............. 131
50045 Ring Nut and Labyrinth Ring .. ... ... ......... .. .... ... .... ............ . ... ... ......... . ... 135
50046 Thrust Bearing, Counter-Thrust Beari ng and Bearing Disk ........... .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. ... .. ... ...... 139
3.5 Assembly and Maintenance- Tu rbine Side ... ..... ........... . .... .. 149
500.51 Gas-admission Casing . . .. ..... . ... . . . ... . ........ 151
500.52 Turbi ne Nozzle Ring .... .... .......... . ........ .... ... ..... ... ... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... .. .. .... ... ....... ...... ... ........ ............. 155
500.53 Turbine Rotor ... ... . ... .. . ..... ...... ... . ... .. ....... ....... . .. ... ... .... ... ... .. ............. ... .. ... ... .... .. . .. ... .. .. ... ..... ... .......... 157
500.54 Shroud Ring ............. . . .. .... ... .. . .. . .. .. .. .... ... .... . .... . . .. .. ... ... ... ... .. . .. ..... .... ... . .... .. 161
500.55 End Cover ... ..... ....... ......... ........... . ... ... .. ..... . .. ..... .... ...... ...... .................. ... ....... ........ .... .................. .... .. 165
500.56 Bea ring Bushes... . .................. .......... 167
500.57 Gas Outlet Diffuser . . . .. . ... .. . . . .. .. ... ... ... ...... .. ...... ... .... ... . ... ... ... . ... .. ... . 173
4C-09341 C2 TCA 55 68
Introduction 1
Preface 1.1
At first the aim and object of the work is described. Then , among other things,
information is given on the required tools and appliances.
For most jobs severa l work cards must be observed.
Danger of burning from hot components!
Many engine and turbocharger components become very hot during
operation and required ample time for cooling down afterwards.
· Prior to taking any action, al low the engine and turbocharger to cool down
'\I sufficiently!
• .
Danger of crush injuries or from blows!
When the engine is running during disassembly or assembly work,
there is danger of becoming entangled in or coming against rotating
• Carry out all disassembly or assembly work while the turbocharger is shut
• Duri ng the work, secure the engine against starting I
· Set nsl
Numbering The ordinal number of the work cards is located in the top right of the title.
It consists of a 3-digit subassembly group number and a 2-digit counting
number. The subassembly group number 500 hereby represents the collec-
tive subassembly group number for turbochargers.
Example :
Layout of the Work Cards Work cards generally contain the following information:
Parts and tools in the figures and text are each designated with their stock
Stock numbers for tools are (generally) identical with the tool number affixed
on the tooL
Required Personnel and Time The required time is mentioned in hours, both for the amount and qualifica-
tion of the required personneL The higher hour rate covers the time require-
Tools/ Appliances Numbers mentioned under the Designation col umn represent spanne r
widths in mm , e. g. socket wrench 22 = socket wrench, size 22 mm.
Short Version
Tightening values for all important bolted con nections/tightening torques for
various friction coefficients 1-J.
T ightening of Bolted Connections Whenever possible, bolted connections should be tightened with torque
by Torque wrenches.
Particularly important bolted connections on the turbocharger are specified
in Table 2-3 and additionally on the respective work cards.
For all other bolted connections that are to be tightened with torque
wrenches, the approximate values for the tightening torques are specified in
Table 2-2.
• Apart from the applied tightening torque, the tension force of a bolted
connection depends on the lubricant being used , the surface condition of
support and thread, as well as on the material combination. It is therefore
very important that these conditions are co mpletely observed.
• The tightening torques for the various threads, depending on thei r coeffi-
cient of friction IJ (meaning depending on the selected lubricant), are listed
in Table 2-2. The tightening torques apply for bo~ materia ls of the 8.8
property class under utilization of approx. 70 % of their yield strength.
For other property classes, conversion factors are to be used and
multiplied with the tightening torques from Table 2-2.
The property class is impressed on the bolt head
Table 2-1. Conversion factors for tightening torques depending on the property class
of the bolts
The tightening torques in Table 2-3 apply to a friction coefficient
Table 2-3. Special tightening torques at turbocharger- contact surfaces and threads
lubricated with Molykote HSC)
*) In case the insert piece is without IRC, the tightening torque is 40Nm.
Short Version
Gaps and clearances are to be measured and compared with the specified
tolerances ; the results are to be recorded and appropriate action is to be
Required Tools/Appliances
When tolerances are not met, the causes must be corrected, e. g.,
imbalance, malfunctions with the lube oil system (debris, pressure,
volume, temperature, pre-lubrication and post lubrication).
3a 0.04 0. 07 500.53
520 .001
1) Set rotor towards system in direction (A) Measure the axial gap at 3 locations on the circumference via soft-metal
marking, and ca lcu late the mean value (determined value corresponds with the largest given (max .) axial gap)
2) Take measurement at 4 locations of the circumference with a feeler gauge and calculate the average va lue.
3) The minimum value may not be fallen short of at an y location on the circumference.
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
The damaged turbocharger can be shut down either with the holding device
[500.11] or with the closing mechanism [500.12] .
Use the holding device (596.511) only when removal of the rotating element
is not possible.
By using the closing mechanism further damage of the rotating element ca n
be avoided
I 596.023
520.044 596.024
Danger to life from crush injuries or blows!
When the engine starts during assembly of the securing fixtures, there
is danger of becoming entangled in or coming against rotating
components and being seriously injured.
• Shut down the engine before install ing the securing fixture in the
· During the wo rk, secure the engine against starting.
· Set up danger signs!
The hub is formed accordingly so that the tension nut does not have to be
Use Lock washer pairs (546.074)1
Lubricate contact surface and thread (e.g. Molykote HSC)I
Danger of fire caused by lube oil!
During emergency operation with the securing fixture, the danger of fire
Ia is given when lube oil gets into turbocharger.
·ln e shut the oils to the turbocha
Additional emergency operation notes. see Section C1 -Chapter 52
ObseNe tightening torque upon installation!
Short Version
Technical data
Designation Specification
Closing device 16 kg
Closing cover (compressor side) 11 kg
Closing cover (tu rbi ne side) 3.5 kg
The damaged turbocharger can be shut down either with the holding device
[500.11] or with the closing mechanism [500.12] .
Use the holding device only when remova I of the rotating element is not pos-
596.032 I
596.033~~~ ..
· •· ·~596.032
517.095 (Bx) ""-.... . 596 .031 596 029
·~- ~~ i
I -""-...._""·""-.....
" (. )·..· ·..
""-.... .
.. .
rn· 1 596.028
~"'-....LflJ 1 596.033
· Shut down the engine before installing the securing fixture in the
· During the work, secure the engine against starting.
· Set up danger signs I
Sta rting Condition [500.32] , insert [500.41] and gas-admission casing [500.51 ]
Compressor wheel [500.43] , labyrinth disk [500.44] and turbine rotor
[500.53] disassembled.
Bearing bushes and counter-thrust bearing can remain assembled.
Work St• 1. Fasten stud (596.031) to closing cover (596.027) with two nuts (596.032).
2. Fasten closing cover and seal (596. 029) to the bearing casing
(517.000) with eight hexagon bolts (517.093) and lock washer pairs
(517.095) of the disassembled labyrinth disk (517.089).
3. Mount closing cover (596. 028) and sealing (596.030) on turbine side
and fasten to stud with nut (596.032).
For easier installing. screw two hexagon bolts (596033) each into
the closing cover.
Fig . 14. Installed closing cover (compressor side and turbine side)
~--- ~
_. ---------=--~~W
~ Danger of fire caused by lube oil!
During emergency operation without running equipment, the danger of
fire is given when lube oil gets into the turbocharger.
· In emergency operation , always shut the oil suppl y pipe to the turbocharger.
Additional emergency operation notes. see Section C1 - Chapter 5.2.
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
Clean the air filter regularly in accordance with the maintenance schedule.
T he work can be carried out during operation.
t Before remove the air filter mat, dismantle the side cover of AIC
Afte r reinstall the air fi lter mat, mantle the side cover (if the silencer is
equipped with AIC).
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Introductory Remarks
General The soi led air fi lte r mat (544.150) can be cleaned several times, or replaced
by a new mat
Replacement is necessary when the air filter mat is strongly deformed,
frayed out or perforated.
An increase in pressure loss. due to a contam inated air filter mat.
should not be used as a refererce for the cleaning interval.
In case of heavy contamination. it may be necessary to immerse the air
filter mat into a cleaning agent for several hours. Therefore it is
recommended to have a second air filter mat in stock at all times.
Fig . 15.1nspection cover (1) Fig 16. Air filter mat with lashing strap and silencer
1. Loosen lashing straps and remove air filter mat (see Fig.@ ).
2 Clean the soiled air fi lter mat with wa rm water and a clea ning agent
(no n-corrosive).
Avoid overly mechanical stress (such as wringing out or intensive
water jet).After the cleaning, blow out the air filter mat with
compressed air.
3. Place the air fi lter mat over the perforated sheet of the silencer.
4. Place the cover strip over the butt joint of the air filter mat and then
fasten the air filter mat with lashing straps.
5. Firmly tighten the ratchets of the lashing straps.
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Work Cards
Technical data
Designation Specification
Turbocharger 3370 kg
Condition at time of supply with In order to achieve increased corrosion protection (e. g., overseas, tropics,
increased corrosion protection subtropics), the following measures are additionally carried out:
Danger of poisoning from toxic vapours!
The vapour-phase corrosion agent (increased corrosion protection)
with which the openings of the turbocharger are treated sets toxic
vapours free upon heating.
·Thoro ughly blow out the turbocharger casing before assembling the
• Upon initial into operation, check if any co rrosion protection agent is on the
Fig . 17. Suspension device for turbocharger with axial gas-admission casing
Suspension device mounted to turbocharger (condition of delivery).
Danger of the turbocharger falling down!
Improvised or incorrectly attached suspension devices can result in
the falling down of the turbocharger and can seriously injure or kill
persons located below.
• Lift the complete turbocharger only with the suspension device!
· Never use other or self-designed suspension devices!
· Never use the lifting eye bolts to lift up the complete turbocharger, as
these are intended onl for the lifti individual """"r"''"'"'''"'""
• Hang turbochargers with the axial gas-admission casing onto the two
lifting hooks between the compressor casing (546.000) and the gas outlet
casing (506.001) and additionally onto the silencer (544.000) so that the
turbocharger is in balance.
·Hang turbochargers with the radial gas-admission casing only onto the
two lifting hooks between the compressor casi ng (546.000) and the gas
outlet casing (506.001 ). The turbocharger is then in balance.
· Use tackle line/chains and adjust these to the appropriate lengths in order
to guide the turbocharger.
• Move the turbocha e room.
2. Lift turbocharger with lifting tackle and place onto bracket of engine.
3. Align ing the turbocharger:
The exhaust pipe must be in alignment with the gas-admission casing
(501.001) and the compressor socket must be in alignment with the
charge-air pipe of the engine.
The turbocharger must be aligned parlicu/arly accurate when a sliding
sleeve is used between compressor casing (546.000) and air pipe
instead of a compensator.
4. Lightly tighten the cas ing feet on the engine bracket Use the fastening
bolts and the resil ient sleeves (delivery scope of engine) for this.
5. Connect the exhaust pipe of th e engine and gas-admission casing
(501.001) with the compensator (delivery scope of engine). Lightly
stretch the compensator forward for this and use heat-resistant bolts.
6. Co nnect the pressure socket of the compresso r casing (546.000) and
the charge air pipe with the compensator or with the sliding sleeve (both
in delivery scope of engine).
7. Tighten screwed co nnection of the casing feet on the engine bracket
with torq ue wrench (see engine docume ntation) .
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e.g. Mo/ykote HSC).
Observe tightening torques upon assembly/
Screw connection of the casing feet on the engine bracket: See engine
General Backi ng up in the lu be oil discharge can lead to oil-flooding of the tu rbo-
charger. In the process, oil ca n seep out of the turbine side and cause a fire
in the exhaust pipe.
The lube oil discharge must be installed sloped:
Gradient> maximum possible system inclination +5•.
(See Section C1 - Chapter 4.2)
Work Steps 1. Remove the closures at the bearing casing (517.000) and co nnect the
lube oil supply and drai n pipes to the turbocharger.
After fitting the lube oil pipes to size and prior to the final assembly,
treat all pipes in acid bath and thoroughly clean them.
2. Mount and connect lube oil pipes, gauges and pressure controllers.
Use only seals that are in proper condition.
Work Steps Connect the read-out unit of the speed measuring device to the terminal box
(compresso r casi ng) according to the electrica l wiring diagram
• Connect the dry cleaning system for the turbine at the intended location
on the engine/turbocharger.
• Mount the wet clea ning equipment for the turbine to the connections of
the cleaning nozzles (gas-admission casing).
• Connect the wet cleaning equipment for the compressor to the
con nection of the injection pipe in the compressor casing.
Danger of burns from hot components!
Many engine and turbocharger components become very hot during
operation and require ample time for cooling down afterwards.
"-') • Prior to taking any action, allow the engine and turbocharger to cool down
· Wear protective clothing!
Danger of burning/scalding from running-out lube oil!
The lube oil is under pressure and very hot!
• Before ope ning pipes, flanges, screwed connections or gauges, free the
system of pressure and check that it is pressure-free!
· Before opening oil pipes, wa it until the lube oil has cooled down sufficiently
• Drain the system and check that it has been drained completely.
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Designation Number
Lock washe r pair 544.181
Technical data
Designation Specification
Silencer 426 kg
Danger to life from crush injuries or blows against rotating
Never remove the inspection cover (see Fig.18 in work card [500.24]) of
the silencer du ring operation. There is danger of becoming entangled
in or coming against rotating components of the silencer or
turbocharger and being seriously inju red.
• Shut down the engine before work ing on the silencer.
· During the work , secure the engi ne against starting!
· Set u ns!
Danger of injury from suspended loads!
A rocking silencer is difficult to maneuver and can therefore seriously
injure people and cause damage to material.
• For attachment of the lifting equipment, use only the lifting hooks on the
silencer which are intended for this purpose.
• Move the silencer from or towards the silencer.
Starting Condit ion Connection of the compressor washing equipment loosened (if available).
The studs on the silencer casing are secured with Loctite 586.
Therefore do not heat them upon disassembly.
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. Molyl<ote HSC).
Mount hexagon bolts with lock washer pairs.
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
The post lubrication tank is removed only when the compressor casing is
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Technical data
Designation Specification
Post Lubrication Tank 200 kg
Starting Condition
Fig. 19. Removal of the emergency and post lubrication tank (554.000)
Oil pipes (554.066 and 554.081 ) have been released from bearing casing
and oil tank , and oil drained. The openings at the emergency and post
lubrication tank (554.000) and the bearing casing have been provisionally
Check if the sealing rings (554.065, 554.068 , 554.084,554.097,554.098)
need to be replaced .
Work Steps 1. Fasten oil tank (554.001) to rope; use lifting device.
2. Loosen hexa gon bolts (554.056) of bracket.
3. Lift post lubrication tank (554 000) with lifting device and set down on
wooden support.
Work Steps Installation is carried out in reverse order of removal. Afterwards connect the
oil pipes (554066, 554.081) . Use new sealing rings, as required .
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e.g. Mo/ykote HSC)I
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Designation Specification
Insert 130 kg
Fig. 20. Removal and Installation of the Insert in the Compressor Casing
Prior to removal of the inserl, the connection of the speed transmitter
must always be released from the terminal box at the compressor
Work Steps 1. Disconnect the cable of the speed transmitter (562.040) in the junction
box (562.011 ), o~n cable socket (546 .049) and pull the cable to the
inside (see Fig. @ ).
2. Loosen two undercut bolts (546.073) from the compressor casing
(546.000) and replace them with guide bars (596 045).
3_ Loosen the other undercut bolts and remove insert with lifting tackle.
For this, fasten insert to shackle (596.046) and attach lifting tackle (see
Fig@ ).
4. Carefull y place insert onto woode n supports and remove balance ring
Mount 0-ring seals ( 540 0 15) only for version with JET ASS/ SJI
1. Apply machine oil to 0-ring sea ls and mount into the ring grooves of the
insert (540.001).
0-ring seals must be tensed all around the circumferenc e and may
not be twisted upon mounting.
If a new insert and/or compressor wheel is installed [500A3], measure
and check the axial play of the insert/compressor wheel (see Chapter
2.2 - Gaps and Clearance).
9. Guide the cable of the speed transmitter (562.040) through the cable
socket (546.049) and seal disk (546.050) in the compressor casing and
tighten the cable socket
10. Connect the cable of the speed transmitter in the junction box (562.011 ).
Lubricate contact surfaces and thread (e. g. Molykote HSC).
Observe tightening torque upon installation/
1. Open cable socket (540.025) and pull the cable end of the speed trans-
mitter (562.040) to the inside.
2. Unscrew the speed transmitter from the insert.
562 01 5
562.01 7
Work Steps 1. Degrease the bolt hole and the locating face in the insert (e. g with
Loctite Cleaner 7061 ).
2. Apply Loctite 222 (562.003) to the thread of the speed transmitter
(562.010) and screw in to the insert until flush .
Turn the speed transmitter ba ck until a gap dimension of 0.1 mm
to the surface area of the insert is adjusted (check with steel or straight-
edge- see Fig . @).
3. Secure speed transmitter with lock nut.
4. Guide cable through cable socket (540.025) and seal disk (540 026) at
insert to the outside and tighten cable socket
5. Assemble insert (see wo rk sequence 2) .
6. Guide cable through cable socket (546.049) and seal disk (546.050) in
compressor casing (546.000) and tighten cable socket
7. Connect cable of the speed transmitter in the junction box (562.011)
according to the wiring diagram (see work sequence 5 and 6).
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Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Designation Number
0 -ri ng seal 517.063
Technical data
Designation Specification
Compressor casing 500 kg
Diffuser 30 kg
Starting Condition Post lubrication tank [500.34], silencer [500.32] as well as insert with
speed transmitter [500.41] removed
The insert must be disassembled before removal of the
compressor casing.
Work Steps 1. Fasten eye bolts to the compressor casing (546.000) and insert rope of
lifting tackle. Make sure that the rope is tensioned
2. Loosen the hexagon nuts (506.104) alongside the circumference.
3. Screw in three forcing-off bolts (596.280) and evenly loosen the
compressor casing.
4. Move the compressor casing away in axial direction, and place it on a
woode n support
Secure the compressor casing against rolling off.
Starting Condition Compressor casing (546 .000) disassembled and positioned on a wooden
support (e. g. two wood blocks) while properly secured against rolling off.
Work Steps 1. Fasten lifting eye bolt (596.051) to diffuser and attach lifting tckle.
2. Loosen the lock nut (546.047) of the countersunk bolt (546 .145) that
fastens the diffuser in the compressor casing.
3. Remove diffuser (542.001) in axial direction.
The inserl [500.41] must not be mounted for assembly of the
compressor casing, otherwise the compressor wheel may become
damaged upon assembly of the compressor casing.
Work Steps 1. With the lifting eye bolt (596.051 ), hang the diffuser (542.001 ) to
the lifting tackle.
2 Mount the diffuser (542.001) to the compressor casing (546.000) with
the countersunk bolt (546.045). Save the countersunk bolt with lock nut
3. Fasten eye bolts to the compressor casing and insert the rope of the
lifting tackle . Ensure that the rope is tensioned .
4. Control and inse rt 0-ring seal (517.063) between compressor casing
and bearing casing.
Oil O..ring sea/ lightly!
5. Guide the compressor casing axially to the turbocharger, slide onto the
undercut bolts (506.099) and tighten hexagon nuts (506.104) with the
specified tightening torque.
Lubricate contact surfaces and thread (e. g. Mo/ykote HSC).
Observe tightening torques upon installation/
Removal of the compressor wheel for checking of the bearings and the bear-
ing bushes.
Required Tools/Appliances
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Compressor wheel 40 kg
Suspension device co mpressor wheel 24 kg
\(~ ,
General For disassembly of the compressor wheel, use the puller ring (596.001) and
the suspension device (596.522).
Starting Condition Silencer (500.32) as well as insert with speed transmitter (500.41] removed
The compressor wheel can also be removed without disassembly
ofthe compressor casing (see Fig@)
Work Steps 1. Mount the Support (596.311) on the Turbine side in order not to fall
down the turbine rotor.
2. Unscrew spinner.
The thrust screws of the tension nut must be loosened step by
Do not fully loosen single scn;-ws under any circumstances.
3. Release all thrust screws, one after the other, approx. 1/4 turn (one
time through ) in circular order beginning with the top thrust screw
(see Fig. @ )
4. Repeat the procedure (1/4 turn per screw, one time through) until the
pressure on the thrust screws is completely released.
5. The tension nut (520.068) can now be loosened by hand.
6. Completely unscrew the tension nut and pressure disk (see Fig@
from the turbine rotor.
8. Release the co mpressor wheel with the puller (see Fig. @).
9. Dismount the assembling/disassembling device; the sleeve remains
assembled to the turbine rotor .
10. Fast~the slide (596.27 1) of the suspension device (596 .522) (see
Fig. @ ) with 4 cylindrical screws (596.272) to the compressor
13. Fasten suspension device to sleeve (596.167) with bolt (596.273 ) and
lightly tension the rope of the lifting tackle .
15. Fully slide the compressor w heel onto the pipe (596.1 60) of the
suspension device and secure with the turn pin (596.071 ).
17. Ca refully place dow n compressor wheel onto woode n support; remove
suspension device.
General For assembly of the compressor wheel, use the assembly ring {596.002) and
the suspensio n device (596.522).
Starting Condition Silencer [500.32) as we ll as insert with speed tra nsmitter [500.41] removed.
T urbine rotor [500.53] and labyrinth disk [500.44) mounted.
Work Steps 1. Mount the Support {596 311) on the Turbine side in order not to fall
down the turbine rotor.
5. After clea ning, apply a thin coat of special lubricant (e. g. Molykote
P40) to the compressor wheel/turbine shaft seats in order to protect
against fretti ng (see Fig.@).
6. Slide the pipe (596. 160) of the suspension device through the slide
(596.27 1) at the compressor w heel~ secure the compressor wheel
with the turn pin (596.07 1) (see Fig. ® ).
Lubricate the suspension tube with machinery oil so that the
compressor wheel can glide.
The compressor wheel on the suspension tube can now be
brought into a leve!J;_osition by adjusting the hexagon bolt
(596.168) (see Fig.®).
Rotate the compressor wheel on the suspension tube in such a
manner that the balancing marks of the sleeve and the turbine
rotor match.
13. Screw assembly ring (596.002) onto the undercut bolt (520.066) of
the turbine rotor and tighten with turn pin (596. 071 ) until compressor
wheel is flush.
In the area of the compressor outlet, the hub collar of the
compressor wheel must be flush with the bearing casing.
General The thrust screws of the tension nut are delivered readily lubricated; oth-
erwise, lubricate with Superbolt lubricant
Starting Condition Compressor wheel slid onto the rotor shaft (compare with work sequence 2) .
Work Steps 1. Clean and lubricate the main thread and the contact surfaces of the
tension nut (520.068) and thrust screws (2).
The thrust scrows of the tension nut are fully scrowed back.
Markings on pressure disks that have already been in operation are normal
and do not inevitably require the pressure disk to be replaced The
pressure disk can be used tor up to 10 tensioning procedures.
3. Screw the tension nut and pressure disk onto the undercut bolt
(520. 066) of the turbine rotor by ha nd and then screw it back 1/4 turn.
(see Fig.@ )
4. Screw in 3 thrust screws all the way and then tighten over cross with
half of the tightening torque (approx.7 Nm).
Then tighten with the full tightening torque (14 Nm).
5. Tighten all 6 thrust screws in circular direction with the full tightening
6. Repeat the tightening in circular direction until the undercut bolts are
tightened (approx. 2-3 times over).
Observe tightening torques!
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Labyrinth disk 28 kg
517 001
517 .089
The labyrinth disk can also be removed and refitted without disassembly
of the compressor casing.
Work Steps 1. Remove two hexagon bolts fastening the labyrinth disk (517089)
and substitute them with two guide bars (596.044).
Unscrew the second hexagon bolt each from the center/top.
2. Release the hexagon bolts around the circumference of the labyrinth disk.
3. Loosen the labyrinth disk from the bearing casing using the forcing-off
bolts (596.041 ).
4. Screw the eye bolt (596. 051) to the labyrinth disk .
5. Fit the shackle/hook to the suspension device (596.521) of the labyrinth
disk and tension the rope/chain of the lifting ta ckle.
6. Move the labyrinth disk awa y from the turbocharger using the lifting tackle.
7. Dismantle the guide bars.
8. Check for marks of wear on the labyrinth disk and on the sealing cover
(517. 197) assembled to the labyrinth disk.
Check the 0-ring seal (517.085).
Slight grooves in the bore of the sealing cover. which have developed
through the tips of the labyrinth ring. increase the sealing effect and are
no reason for replacing the part.
Work Steps 1. Insert two guide bars (596.044) (second mounting thread each from
center/top) in the bearing casing (517. 001) .
2. Screw eye bolt (596. 180) into labyrinth disk (517.089).
3. Fit lifting tackle to suspension device (596.521) with shackle
(596.208) or hook.
5. Insert new 0 -ring seal (517.085) into labyrinth disk if required.
Apply machinery oil for assembly of the 0-ring seal.
5. Slide labyrinth disk in front of bearing body and fasten with 8 hexagon
bolts (517.093) and lock washer pa irs (517.095)
Ensure correct installation position of the labyrinth disk: Sealing
air grooves located side wards!
Lubricate/oil contact surfaces, threads and sealing rings (e. g. with
Molykote HSC).
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
Installing and removing the labyrinth ring from the rotor in order to
assemble/disassemble further parts.
Required Tools/Appliances
Starting Condition Compressor wheel [500.43) and labyrinth disk [500.44) removed.
Work Steps 1. Fully screw puller ring (596.073) onto undercut bolt (520.066) of
the turbine rotor (520 001 ).
2. Insert two threaded bars (596.070) through the holes in the puller ring
and screw them into the labyrinth ring (520.035). Mount nuts
(596.072) to the threaded bars.
3. Pull the labyrinth ring from the turbine rotor by alternately
tightening the nuts of the puller ring.
Replace the labyrinth ring when the labyrinth tips are damaged or wo rn :
D ~ 110.6 mm
Wo rk Sequence 2- Assembly of the Labyrinth Ring
Starting Condition Thrust ring (520.028), bearing disk (517.075) and thrust bearing
(517.153) are mounted on the turbine rotor (520.001) [500.46).
Work Steps 1. Lubricate the seat of the labyrinth ring (520.035) on the turbine rotor
with Molykote P40.
2. Slide labyrinth ring in front of thrust bearing onto the turbine rotor.
Short Version
Carry out tasks regularly according to the maintenance plan and check
condition/degree of wear of the parts,
Removal of the bearings for inspection purposes or replacement
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Work Sequence 1 -Removal of Thrust Bearing, Bearing Disk and Counter-thrust Bearing
Starting Condition Compresso r whee l [500.43] , labyrinth disk [500.44] and labyrinth ring
[500.45) removed .
Work Steps 1. Mount protecting sleeve (596.075) with extension shaft (596.040)
onto undercut bolt (520. 066) of the turbine rotor (520.001 ).
2. Mount guide (596.500) onto thrust bearing (517.153)
by hexagon bolts (596.501)
3. Loosen six lock nuts (517. 102) of the thrust bearing (517.1 53).
4. Press off thrust bearing from the bearing body (517. 162) with the
four forcing-off bolts (596.041) and check it (see work sequence 2).
5. Unscrew protecting sleeve.
6. Remove bearing disk (517 075) from the thrust ring (520.028) and
check it (see work sequence 3).
7. Screw assembly ring (596.086) of removing tool (596.154) onto the
external thread of thrust ring (520.068) and loosen thrust ring with th ree
forcing-off bolts (596.087).
8. Remove thrust ring and check it(see work sequence 4).
9. Unscrew hexagon bolts (517.157) and remove counter-thrust bearing
(517. 154) from the beari ng body (517.162).
10. Check counter-thrust bea ring (see Work Sequence 5) .
Removal and inspection of the bearing bushes. see [500.56}.
Starting co ndition Thrust bearing (517.153) has been removed and cleaned.
See Work card- Removi ng and refitting the thrust bearing and
counter thrust beari ng , bearing disk and thrust ring. [500.46]
Work Steps
1. Carry out visual inspection of the thrust bearing (517 153)
2. Exchange the thrust bearing if:
there is excessive deep scratching and scoring on the thrust surface,
resulting in perceptible roughness.
the thrust surface has wear> 0.05 mm in the axial direction (a).
(see fig ur~ )
Exchange the thrust bearing if the thrust surface has wear> 0.05 mm.
Determining wear of the thrust surface (a):
-Check the evenness using a hairline gauge at three points
on the thrust surface (a).
-The thrust surface must not be worn on the outer or inner edge!
Fig. 39. Bearing disk in new condition (left) and with clear traces of wear (right)
Starting Condition Bearing disk (51 7.075) has been removed and cleaned.
(see work sequence 1).
See Work card- Removing and refitting the thrust bearing and
counter thrust bearing, bearing disk and thrust ring. [500.46)
Work Steps
1. Carry out visual inspection of the thrust bearing (517.153).
2. Exchange the thrust bearing if:
- Flaking or pitting of the DLC layer is detected on the wedge surfaces
of the disk surfaces and bare metal is exposed.
- Excessive wear is detected on the inner diameter of the bearing disk
and bare metal is exposed.
See also I bearing seat for bearing disk (517.075).
-There is excessive deep scratching and scoring on the wedge and
engagement surfaces, indicating the passage of larger particles
from the lube oil.
This can be individual scratches and scoring or entire bands of wear
-consisting of many scratches and score marks- on one segment
of the beari99._ disk (wedge and engagement surfaces).
(see figure(@))
Exchange the bearing disk if one of the measured lengths (I) reaches
or falls below the following va lue:
Depending on the incidence of light, a dark band can be seen
in front of the edge (v) on the taper face (a). This is also to be
included in the length measurement (1).
Exchange the bearing disk if individual scratches and scoring > 0.5 mm
Do not remachine the running surfaces of the bearing disk!
The bearing disk must not be remachined, as this would destroy the
surface coating!
The bearing disk must be exchanged if pitting and cracks in the
bearing disk material exceed the permissible size/
Starting condition Thrust ring (520.028) has been removed and cleaned
Work steps
1. Carry out a visual inspection of the running surfaces on both sides of the
thrust ring (520.028).
2. Exchange the thrust ring if:
Pitting or cracks are detected in the thrust ring material and bare
metal is exposed.
There is excessive deep scratching and scoring on the running
surfaces and on the bearing seat.
These include scratches and scoring measured in the radial direction
(a) (see figure @ )
3. Check the thrust ring with a micrometer for wear on the radial bearing seats
and the thrust surface, and exchange if:
D ~ 67.98 mm
T ~ 22.65 mm
0 - -
520 028 Thrust ring a T hrust surface for bea ring disk (517 .075) individual scratches and scoring > 0 5 mm
Figure 42. Impermissible signs of scratches and scoring on the thrust ring (520.028)
Exchange the thrust ring if the depth of individual scratches and scoring > 0.5 mm
Exchange the thrust ring if the total bands of individual scratches and scoring > 5.0 mm
Do not remachine the running surfaces of the thrust ring!
The running surfaces on the thrust ring must not be remachined, as
this would destroy the surface!
The thrust ring must be exchanged if pitting and cracks in the thrust
ring material exceed the permissible size!
517.154 517.154
Fig. 39. Counter-thrust bearing in new condition (left), and with clear traces of wear (right)
Starting Condition Counter-thrust beari ng (517. 154) removed (see work sequence 1).
Work Steps The length (I) of the taper faces (a) is measured for eva luation of the degree
of wear The length (I) ends at the edge (v) of the wea ring surfaces (b).
Depending on the incidence of light, a dark band can be seen
in front of the edge (v) on the taper face (a). This is also to be
included in the length measurement(/).
Replace counter-thrust beari ng in case one of the lengths (I) is below the
followi ng va lue:
1 ~ 4mm
Starting Condition Bearing bushes [500.56) and turbine rotor [500.53] mounted.
The protecting sleeve (596.075) is not mounted.
Apply Molykote P40 to the bearing location for the thrust ring on
the turbine rotor (protection against fretting).
Check if the studs (517.068) are completely screwed into the end
cover (517.064) (see work card[500.55]) and do not project out of
the bearing body (517.162)!
5. Slide thrust bearing (517153) onto stud screws of the end cover
(see [500.55] ) until these can be fully seen, and the thrust bearing
completely faces against the bearing body (517.162).
Do not misalign the thrust bearing upon assembly.
6. Secure the thrust bearing with lock nuts (517.102) and lock washer
pairs (517.095).
7. Remove assembly guide (596.500) from the thrust bearing (517.153)
by loosing hexagon bolts (596.501).
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. Molykote HSC )I
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Designation Number
Lock washer pair 506.107
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Gas-admission casi ng (90 ") 240 kg
Main dimensions/disassembly measures. see Fig. G) in Section C1.
Chapter 3. 1.
4. Hang the gas-admission casing to the lifting device, and tension rope .
5. Remove all hexagon bolts (506. 1 06) along the outer circumference.
Mark bolt holes on the casing that are not occupied - these must be
kept free when assembling the gas-adm ission casing
6. Move the casing away from the gas outlet casing (506 001 ) in axial
7 Carefully place the gas-admission casing onto a wooden support.
Fasten gas-admission casing with twenty hexagon bolts (506.1 06)
and lock washer pairs (506.1 07).
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. with Molykote HSC)!
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
Removal of the turbine nozzle ring is carried out for inspection purposes in
accordance with the maintenance plan.
t If the turbocharger is equipped with VTA, refer to the additional instruction
Spare Parts
Technical Data
Designation Specification
T urbine nozzle ring 20 kg
501 .001
5 13.001
51 3.010
r \ " '513.021
51 3.013 513.014
Fig. 45. /nstaf/ationlremoval of the turbine nozzle ring (90° gas-admission casing)
Starting Condition Gas-admission casing [500.51] removed and placed on firm support.
Work Steps 1. Loosen outer hexagon bolts (513.013) from gas-admission casing
(501.001). Remove clampi ng ri ng (513.010) by hand .
2. Unscrew two hexagon bolts (513.013) on the inside and replace them
with guide bars (596.050). Loosen the other hexagon bolts.
3. Slightly pu ll off th e nozzle ring (513 001 ).
Position rope around nozzle ri ng and remove from the gas-admission
casing in axial direction.
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. Molykote HSC) f
Observe tightening torques upon installation!
Short Version
Removal of the turbine rotor for inspection of the bearing bushes and the
bearing points.
Required Tools/Appliances
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Turbine rotor 90 kg
Starting Condition Compressor Side Compressor wheel [500.43] , labyrinth disk [500.44) , labyrinth ring [500.45) ,
thrust bearing and bearing disk [500.46) removed.
Protecting sleeve (596.075) screwed onto turbine rotor (520.001) (see Fig. @ ).
Starting Condition Turbine Side Gas-admission casing [500.51) removed.
Disassembly measure tor rotor. see Fig . (f) section C1- Chapter 3.1.
Work Steps 1. Position clamping sleeve (596.504) onto shaft end of turbine disk and
secure with hexagon bolt and nut (see Fig. @ ).
2. Pull turbine rotor (520.001) as straight as possible out of the bearing
casing .
3. Hang turbine rotor with the rope to the lifting tackle as close as possible
to the turbine Lightly tension rope .
4. Insert a suitable pipe (0 s; 35 mm, length approx. 1000 mm) into the
clamping sleeve (596.504) to guide the rotor upon removal.
5. Ca refully pull out the turbine rotor all the way, guiding the crane along.
Do not misalign the rotor upon pulling out, otherwise the bearing
of the rotor could be damaged.
The inserted pipe can be used to keep the free-hanging rotor in
There is a substantial accident risk when operating a
turbocharger with improperly mounted turbine blades!
Incorrect fastening and securing of replaced turbine blades can lead
from loosening of the blades to the total loss of the turbocharger.
Have all maintenance wo rk on the turbine blades performed
through Mitsui MAN B&W service personnel!
In cased of doubt, definitely ensure to contact Mitsui MAN B&W.
When maintaining turbine rotor and turbine blades, these are to be
handled with utmost care.
520001 Turbine rotor 596.075 Protecting sleeve 596 504 Clamping sleeve
In order to check the diameters (0 1) . the turbine rotor must not be
pulled completely out of the bearing bcxiy
8. Measure and record the bearing points. Replace rotor when falling short
of the diameter measure (D 1) :
D 1 ~ 67.97 mm.
For checking of the bearing play between bearing bush and turbine
shaft, see [500.56] work sequence 3.
9. Measure la byrinth ring. Replace labyrinth ring when falling short of the
diameter measure (02):
0 2$96.5 mm.
Starting Condition Condition and accuracy to measure of the bearings [500.56) and the turbine
rotor checked (see work sequence 1 ).
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Shroud ring 10 kg
Fig. 51 . Shroud ring and turbine rotor mounted
Work Steps 1. Unscrew two hexagon bolts (509.012) and repla ce them with two guide
bars (596.280).
2. Unscrew all hexagon bolts around the circumference.
A screwdriver can be applied to the top and bottom recess (see figure @J
in order to loosen the shroud ring.
Starting Condition Turbine rotor [500.53) installed, gas-admission casing [500.51] removed.
Work Steps 1. Screw two guide bars (596.050) into diffuser (509 .001) of the gas outlet
casing (506.001 ).
2. Slide the shroud ring (509.008) on the guide bars and secure with three
hexagon bolts and lock washer pairs. Unscrew the guide bars.
3. Screw in all hexagon bolts (509.012) with lock washer pairs (509.014)
around the circumference, and lightly tighten.
Always use new lock washer pairs when mounting!
Due to the floating bearing of the turbine, the turbine rotor is lightly
elevated during operation by the oil. Therefore, the shroud ring
must be fastened 0.2 mm higher than the turbine rotor upon
mounting (in the neutral position).
1.0 0.8 1. 2
For maximum pennitted gap clearances of components that have been
in operation, see Chapter 2.2- Gaps and Clearances.
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. with Molykote HSC)/
Observe tightening torque upon installation!
Short Version
Removal of the end cover is required for inspection of the bearing bush
(turbine side).
Required Tools/Appliances
Open-jaw wrench 19
Spare Parts
Designation Number
Seal, turbine side 517.070
Technical Data
Designation Specification
End cover with sealing cover and stud screws 16 kg
I -517.001
517 .070
151 7.064
51 7.068
Starting Condition Turbine rotor [500.53) and thrust bearing [500.46) removed.
Work Steps 1. Unscrew the eight lock nuts (517. 094) for attachment of the studs
2. Pull off the end cover (517.064) from the bearing casing.
Starting Condition Bearing bushes [500.56) mounted. Turbine rotor [500.53) not mounted.
Work Steps 1 Slide sealing cover (517.072) and seal (517.070) on stud screws
(517.068) of the end cover (517.064).
Check if the studs (517.068) are completely screwed into the end
Cover (517.064)!
2. Slide end cover with stud screws into bearing cas ing (517.001) -
turbine side
3. Fasten the end cover with the lock nuts (517.094) .
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. Molykote HSC)/
Observe tightening torques upon installation/
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Before disassembly Mark the installation position of the bearing
bushes on the bushes in the bearing body with a felt pen
(compressor side/turbine side). so that these can not be mixed up.
Work Sequence 1 -Bearing Bush, Compressor Side: Checking the Axial Clearance and Removing
Starting Condition Turbine rotor [500.53] as we ll as thrust and counter-thrust bearing [500.46]
are removed
When removing the bushes(517.161) the bearing body(517.162)
remains firmly installed in the bearing casing (517.001).
Work Steps 1. Slide the bush by hand co mpletely into the bearin9J2ody and take
measure "A" with the depth gauge (compa re Fi g.~).
2. Replace the bearing bush when
A ::::0.35 mm
Work Sequence 2- Bearing Bush, Turbine Side: Checking the Axial Clearance and Removing
Starting Condition Turbine rotor [500.53] and end cover [500.55] removed from the bearing casing.
When removing the bushes (517.161) the bearing body (517.162)
remains firmly installed in the bearing casing (517.001).
Work Steps 1.Loosen hexagon bolt (517.157) and remove cover (517.159).
2.Siide the bush by hand into the bearing body and take measure "A'' with
depth gauge (compare Fig. @ )
3.Replace the bearing bush when
A :<::0.35 mm
Starting condition The bearing bushes (517.161) have been removed and cleaned. lnsta llation
position of each bearing bush marked with a felt-tip marker (turbine side/
compressor side).
2. Measure the wear dimension (I) at four points on circ umference of each
bearing bush. (see Fig. @l )
Exc hange the bearing bush if:
One of the worn grooves, measured at the narrowest point of
the bearing (usually the bearing centre of the bearing bush), has
reached or exceeded width (1) .
517. 161 Bearing bush 1 Tapped hole 2 Spring pin I Wear dimension
Fig . 57. Bearing bush with MGF profile- front and rear view
Starting Condition Cond rtion and accuracy to measure of the bearing bushes (517.161 ) and the
bearing body (517162) checked .
Insta llation of the bearing bushes in the bearing body is carried out in
reverse order of removal.
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. with Molykote HSC)!
Observe tightening torques upon assembly!
dl "-~ ~
Assernbl}1r and \ilaintenance - Turbine Sid(:;
Gas Outlet Diffuser 500.57
Short Version
Required Tools/Appliances
Spare Parts
Designation Number
Lock washer pair 506.107
Technical Data
Designation Specification
Gas outlet diffuser 150 kg
Starting Condition Gas-admission casi ng [500.51) , shroud ring [500.54) , turbine rotor [500.53)
Work Steps 1. Screw three guide bars (596.045) into the bolt hole circle (1 ), each
divided by 120".
2. Loosen all four hexagon bolts (506.1 08).
3. Press off gas outlet diffuser (509.001) with the forcing-off bolts (M16)
(approx. 120 mm long) from the gas outlet casing (506.001) and fasten
to lifting tackle with shackle or eye bolts (M16).
4. Move gas outlet diffuser away from the gas outlet casing using the
lifting tackle, and place down carefully.
506.107 - - - -
509.001 - - - -
Work Steps 1. Screw two guide bars (596.045) into the gas outlet casing (506.001)
2. Lift gas outlet diffuser (509.001) with lifting tackle and position into the
gas outlet casing.
3. Fasten gas outlet diffuser with four hexagon bolts (506.1 08) and lock
washer pairs (506.107).
Mount the shroud ring [500.54} after mounting the turbine rotor [500.53}.
Lubricate contact surfaces and threads (e. g. with Molykote HSC)!
Obsetve tightening torques upon assembly!
1 Introduction .................................................................................... ....... ... ... ... ... ......... .. 179
1.1 Preface . .... ..... ... .. . ... ........ . ... .. ... ... ... ... ... . ....... ... .. ......... ..... ...... ... ........... .. .... .. ............ ........ 179
1.2 Layout and Usage of the Spare Pa rts Catalogue ... .. ...................... . .... .. ...... .. ........... .. .......... ..... ........ 180
1.3 Orderi ng Spare Parts ............................................... ........ ......... ... ....... .. ................. ......... ......... .. ......... 182
500 List of Assemblies .................... .................. ... ... ... .. ... ... .... ......... .. .. ....... .. ......................................... ..... 184
501.02 Gas-admission casing .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. . ... ... .. .. .... ..... .... .. .. 188
506 01 Gas outlet casing ... .... ........ ... .. . ..... . .... ... . ... .. .. .... . .... .. . ... . . .. .. . . .. ... ...... . ... . ... 190
509 01 Gas outlet diffuser .... ... .. . .. .... .... ... ... ... .. ... ... . .. . .. . .. ... .. . .. ... . .. .... ... 192
513.01 Turbine nozzle ring ... .. ... .. ... ........... .. .. ....... ....... .. .. ...... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .......... ............ ..... .. .......... .. .... .......... 194
51701 Bearing casing . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. ... ... .... .... .. ... . .. .. ... ... . .. .. .. . .. ... ... ... ... . ..... .. 196
518.01 Casing feet .. . .... . ... .. . ... .... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ............................ .................. .. .. .. ............ 200
520 01 Rotor, complete ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ... .................. . ............. ......... .... .. . .... ... .. .. .. ................. ... .... ................ 202
540 01 Insert, complete . . .. . .. . . . . ..... . ... ....... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ..... .... ...... ..... 204
542 01 Diffuser ... ... .. .... .. .. . .... .. . . ..... .... .... .. . ...... ... ..... ... ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .... .. .. .... .. . ... . ... ... .... .. ....... . . ... 207
544 01 Silencer, complete . . ... . .. . .. ... ... . .. ... .... .. ...... ... ... . ... .. ... ... ... .. ...... ...... .. ... ..... ... .... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. .... ..... 209
546 01 Compressor casing (single outlet) . ... ......... .. . ... .. ... .. .......... .... .... . ....... .. .. ... .............. ........ . ..... ... 211
55401 Emergency and Post lubrication tank . ....... ...... .......... .... ........ .. ..... .. ... ................ .. ......... 213
578 01 Wet Clea ning of the Turbine (Gas-admission casing 90 ") ...... .. ....... ..................................... .. .... ...... 215
591.01 Annula r lagging Gas-admission casing ............ . . .... .. ........ .... ...... .. .... .. ...... 217
591.02 Sound insulation Compressor casing ...... ..... .. ......... .. .... . ........ .. ....... .... .. .. ........ .. .. .. ... ..... ........ 219
Preface 1.1
Maintenance and repair work can be carried out properly on ly when the
required spare parts are available.
T hey are to be kept in stock or to be ordered in good time. The stock
numbers required for ordering can be found in spare parts catalogues.
Sincerely yours
Structural Principle The pages of the spare parts cata logue are structured according to the
assemblies system of the turbocharger.
Assemblies The assemblies of the MIT SUI- MAN B&W turbocharger can easily be
determined with the List of Assemblies (see Chapter 2).
Subassembly group numbers given in brackets do not exist for all turbochar-
gers. Subassembly group numbers marked with *can not be viewed in the
List of Assemblies.
Ordinal number The ordinal number located at the top right of the spare parts sheets consists
of the 3-digit subassembly group number and a 2-digit version number,
which complies with the design.
Sheet Number The sheet number consists of the 8-digit printing number ( 4C-09341) on the
bottom left and of the ordinal number (e. g. C3-520.01) next to it
on the right
Stock Number Stock numbers consist of a 3-digit subassembly group number and a 3-digit
position number. Subassembly group number and position number are the-
reby separated with a dot
520.001 Stock Number (e.g. turbine rotor)
T,____ Position Number
Subassembly group number
Validity Spare parts catalogues are specially adapted to the respective turbocharger
version. Therefore , the respecti ve spare parts catalogue is valid only for the
turbocharger or the turbocharger series with the works No. or factory-num-
ber group on the cover sheet.
. Important!
Spare parts catalogues may not be transferred from one
turbocharger to another.
Changes/Alterations on the If changes/a lterations are carried out to the turbocharger over the coarse of
Turbocharger the operating period for which no new drawings are drawn up and subse-
quently no new spare parts sheet is made out by the MITSUI - MAN B&W,
the operators of the engine themselves must enter a respective remark into
the spare parts catalog ue. This will help to avoid false orders.
Delivery of Changed Parts Due to continuous development on the turbochargers, future spare parts for
orders might be delivered that are changed in comparison to the original
components, which nonetheless fulfill the same function
T o avoid questions whe n ordering spare parts, the foll owing information is
If parts must be ordered that are not contained or can not be found
in the spare parts catalogue, describe the part and the build-in
location as precisely as possible (send photo along).
I 513
List of Assemblies
Assembly De signation
4C-09341 C3- 500 TCA55 186
List of Components 3
U1 ·-....__
. . . __q:__- 501.028
- - 501 .026
(f)..._ 501.025
~ 501.024
~-- 501.023
~ *) If the turbocharger is equipped with VTA, refer to the additional instruction manual.
Gas-admission casing 90°* 501.02
*) If the turbocharger is equipped with VTA, refer to the additional instruction manual.
Gas outlet casing 506.01
"'@ B
c 506 .060
' 506.103
--" I
L soo.207
506 .058
Gas outlet casing 506.01
Gas outlet diffuser 509.01
- 509.001
0 (>.. 509.014
0__. ' " l so9.012
Gas outlet diffuser 509.01
Turbine nozzle ring* 513.01
, __
fi.F.JL-(f------NI+----t'-H-- - - -51 3. 021
<D *) If the turbocharger is equipped with VTA, refer to the additional instruction manual.
Turbine nozzle ring* 513.01
*) If the turbocharger is equipped with VTA, refer to the additional instruction manual.
Bearing casing 517.01
r ~-fa. 517.001
. J
~17.154 't··,_ 517~.159 517.~,4 517.033
517.094 517.034
517.156 .,_ /h 517.035
. , ,.!~~-~ .157 _/ff:::-
· ........ ~Y/ ~'=181.
Bearing casing 517.01
Bearing casing (cut out A} 517.01
~~i 517.02C
Casing feet 518.01
518 .126
~~ 518 .025
........~ 518.126
II *
... I ... 022
Casing feet 518.01
Rotor, complete* 520.01
520.035 520.000
*) If the turbocharger is equipped with THS , refer to the additional instruction manual.
Rotor, complete* 520.01
*) If the turbocharger is equipped with THS, refer to the additional instruction manual.
Insert, complete (Without IRC) 540.01
Insert, complete (With IRC) 540.01
540.015 (only for version with Jet- Assist (Four stroke Engine))
540.002 -
Insert, complete 540.01
542 001
Diffuser 542.01
542.001 1 Diffuser
Silencer, complete* 544.01
544.040 ~~--ll-;~..,- 544.016
544.036 A
l' ___ _ 544.001 (544.A)
01 544.060
t-~ (544.F)
544.214 544.213
·-- -. . ......... ~:::~~~ --- .. , ____ (JJ_ _
c c
-·: -__-t:J:- 544.181 /~
544.216 544.215
l.__ -
544.402 ___
544.403/: -~ ~- E
t-~ 544.403 E t-~
<0 544.219 544.217 544.400
*) If the turbocharger is equi pped with THS or AIC, refer to the additio nal instruction manuaL
Silencer, complete* 544.01
544.040 41 Damper cushion 544.307 1 Loctite 586
I 544.050{544C) 1 Front wall 544.400 1 Pressure gauge
544.060 1 Perforated sheet 544.401 1 Hexagon bolt
--" 544.061 1 Perforated sheet 544.402 1 Hexago n bolt
544.062 1 Perforated sl1eet 544.403 2 Seal ring
544.150 1 Fleece mat
-t 544.160 3 Lashing strap
)> 544.170 1 Cover strip
544.180 24 Stud
544.181 24 Loci< washer pair
544.182 24 Hexagon nut
544.210 24 Washer
*) If the turbocharger is equipped with THS or AIC. refer to the additional instruction manual.
Compressor casing {single outlet) 546.01
546 .001
546.305 .--c
)> 546.308
Compressor casing (single outlet) 546.03
Emergency and Post lubrication tank 554.01
554 .195
\ ~
" '.
554 .158
554 081
554 095
554 .031
554 .052
554 .200 -----------~ 0
554 047
554 .056
554 .158
1578.ooo 1
578.015 I ~578010 .
Annular lagging Gas-admission casing 591.01
<f 5 9 I 8 I . 3 ·1~) -----<9
.::. Q
...../ '-I
I ,
L~l I t.
, I \
5 9 I . CI 0 I 0-----------------------
--------- //
~-----------59 I . 0 I . CI:)
r:: 0..1 I . l," I . .') L
. ~- [ . - - _ _______,.. ~~
________ --/
------ - - - - - - 5'3 1. 0 ' 342
) 9 I . 8 I . 3 '1 I ----------
- - - - - - - : ) 9 . C I . 34 I
Annular lagging Gas-admission casing 591.01
Sound insulation compressor casing 591.02
591.02. Il l ~
59 I . 0 2 . I I 2 - ----._
__. 59 I . 0 2. 6 - - - - - - - ----t
~----59 1 .02 .C
59 I 02 E--------~ ~"-------------59 I . 02 . A
59 1.02 .1 12
591.02. 11 1- - - - - ------
.,.__- - - - 5 9 1 .02.1 12
-.--- - -59 I . 0 2 . I I I
Sound insulation Compressor casing 591.02
4C-09341 C3- 591.02 TCA55 221
Spare Parts
Tools 4
tIn case of the application of the additional specifications, refer to the additional instruction manual.
t3 Order No.
Design Order No.
0 0
6 0 0
..... 596.002 1 Assembl y ring , 1. 99 596.022 1 Hub, 0.8
(emergency ope-
(Jl 596.003 1 Forcing-off bolt 0.3 596.023 4 Cylindrical screw 0.1
' ~
(compressor si-
de), emergency
® operation
List of Tools 596.01
emergency opera-
0.=253 M12 X 120
(compressor side)
()) dl = 319
()1 596.030 1 Packing 0.2 596.041 4 Hexago n bolt 0.08
(turbine side)
dl = 157 M1 2 X 80
(j) 12 X 600
M12 x 550
(j) 16 X 700
List of Tools 596.01
~ M6~
596.050 2 Guide bar 0.15 596.071 1 Turn pin 0.2
596.051 2 Eye bolt 0.2
596.072 2 Hexagon nut 0.01
M12 M6
596.055 1 Suspension plate, 2.2 596.073 1 Puller ring 1.0
0 gas-admission
IP {(f) 0
<P 100
turbine rotor
I= 428
List of Tools 596.01
~ ~
for compressor
M8 x 90 M12 X 60
596.101 1 Surface drive 0.03
~ 596.197 1 Hexago n bolt 0.2
5x6.3 M1 6 X 80
596.160 1 Pipe, 4.8 596.198 1 Hexago n nut 0.03
0 Suspension device
(J1 for compressor
whee l
I= 670
596.167 1 Sleeve 0.5 596.208 1 Shackle 0.2
d~ ~
List of Tools 596.01
c\{) ~ M10 x 40
596.270 1 Pipe 2.6 596.275 1 Spanner head 0.53
596.271 1 Slide 1.5
27.2 x'900
596.310 2 Sleeve 0.05
(J) l 00 \.} \ \ \
-->. .a ~
r·. . ~"'· \\
~) . - \) 1
•\ ~·
() ~() /J
' '-·..___../'
596.272 1 Hexagon socket 0.036 596.311 1 Support 0.5
0 bolt
M10 x 30 L=525
596.273 1 Bolt 0.01
List of Tools 596.01
2. Solid Material
(1) Formed carbon . crushed nutshells and grained activated carbon are
suitable for solid material.
Rice and grain are not recommended as a dry cleaning material. as it
may stick in the exhaust gas boiler .
(2) The eleaning effect depends on shape. size . hardness and specific
gravity of solid material. If they are improperly applied. nozzle vanes
and turbine blades will be damaged.
The suitable size of solid material is 1.0 "' 1.5 mm. It must not be
larger than 1.5 mm.
3 . Cleaning procedure
4. Cautions
(2) If grained activated carbon and crushed nut shells are used . crush them
into specified ·sized pieces (1.0 "' 1.5 mm).
(:3) Do not open any drain valves of exhaust system and turbocharger :
otherwise solid material "'-'ill be burst out through the opening.
Table 1
Turbocharger type (~uantity of solid material
TCA44 0.5
* TCA55
2) Before pouring solid material into the filling tank (A) , open the
valve ~- and then open the valve CD for 5 "' 10 seconds.
Note: A pipe (C) and nozzl e (E) m ay ha\'e been clogged with the residual
solid material.
This operation makes it possible to clean them .
4) Opening the valves @,po ur a specified amount of solid material into the
filling tank (A) from the hopper (B) and close the valve Q).
5) Open the valves in the order of CD - (?.), and then the solid material is
blown into the TIC inlet pipe through the pipe C and the nozzle (E) for
about 30 seconds.
~ 1
A r r a n g e me n t of t he
Fi g. 1
c I e a n i ng d e v i c e
(A) )1A9Y?
Filling tank
(B) tl\ ':1/\
(C) iU~'B
Pi De
(D) ~~~~~
Pi De
( B)
,// ,// ,/ /7 // // ,// //
.------+-___,¥ - - - -
Ai r
(0. 5"-'0. 8 MPal
l \