Yhona Arinda The Application Group Investigation Gi Learning Model Assisted Phet 1pdf
Yhona Arinda The Application Group Investigation Gi Learning Model Assisted Phet 1pdf
Yhona Arinda The Application Group Investigation Gi Learning Model Assisted Phet 1pdf
Article History: The study aims to measure the skills of scientific work of students using group investigation model
Received 18.10.2018 with Phet. This research is a quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental research. Quasi-experimental
Received in revised form research is also the development of the true experiment. The research design used is non-equivalent
24.01.2019 control group design. The researcher was unable to control external variables that influenced the
Tarih girmek iç in burayı results in this quasi-experimental study. The research design used is non-equivalent control group
design. The researcher was unable to control external variables that influenced the results in this
Accepted Available online quasi-experimental study. The population in this study were all students of X MIA -3 and X MIA-4
on 2nd semester at S MA Negeri 1 Banguntapan in ac ademic year of 2017/2018. Sample selection is by
cluster random sampling technique with two classes, where the modeling class is MIA X-3 and X
and implementing class is X MIA-4. The results showed that the skills of the scientific work of
students who use the model of Cooperative Learning Group Type Group Investigation with Phet in
modeling c lass or implementing class have the same results with good c ategory that are 80.01% and
77.3%. This suggests that learning to use the model of Group Investigation (GI) with Phet make
scientific work skills of learners in the Good category.
Educators, students, and curriculum are three factors that can make learning meaningful in education
(Kauchak and Eggen, 2011). Teaching is a process that is planned and organized by educators for better
learning goals of students by choosing a learning model that matches the cont ent of the lesson (Ahmed,
2004). Science and Technology have a major contribution to the development of the country. Thus,
improving science learning is a national priority in the education system of a country.
The learning process is a process of communication, namely the delivery of ideas or knowledge from
educators to students, such conditions are determined by the role of educators to stimulate students to be
actively involved during the learning process in class. Therefore, it takes the role of educato rs to construct
each learning material in order to facilitate students in learning to understand, communicate and perform
simulations as the end of learning objectives (Brown and Atkins, 1998).
Physics is a part of science that deals with activities trying to identify the most fundamental principles.
Physics has many abstract concepts that students cannot easily understand (Gabeyehu and Gidena, 2017).
Engaging students in complex thinking about models and processes is not easy, and traditional learning
models may not be suitable for that purpose. Therefore, an educator is required to apply a learning model
that is suitable for students.
Education in Indonesia is based on a curriculum that has been developed to realize the goals of national
education by taking into an account the development of students, national development needs, and the
development of science, technology and art. The Education Unit Level curriculum is a curriculum that is
being used by Indonesia. This curriculum requires the existence of scientific work skills that are affirmed in
the SKL group of subjects namely conducting experiments, including formulating problems, submitting and
testing hypotheses, determining variables, designing and assembling instruments, collecting, processing and
interpreting data, drawing conclusions, and communicating the results of experiments verbally and in
writing (KeMenkoPMK, 2015). In line with the objectives of physics subjects in high school, namely to gain
experience in applying the scientific method through experiments or experiments, where students test
hypotheses by designing experiments through instrument installation, data retrieval, processing and
interpretation, and oral and written results of the experiment (Permendiknas, 2006). Therefore, physics
learning must be designed to develop students' scientific work skills.
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Yogyakarta State University 1,2,3
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
A common trend in teaching physics today is the overemphasis on quantitative work (through
mathematical calculations). Whereas the main problems in physics are qualitative (understandin g of natural
behavior). As well as the lack of involvement of students in the learning process that results in the lack of
scientific work skills possessed by students (Herbar and Druxes, 1986).
The current educational paradigm focuses on preparing student s to have readiness to work and have the
skills to face the challenges of the 21st century. Given the importance of skill development, physics learning
must be in accordance with the 21st century education paradigm that provides space for students to devel op
skills. Instructional design that suits these needs has the following special characteristics: 1) using innovative
learning strategies to use modern technology as learning media, 2) integration of cognitive and social
abilities with learning content, and 3) giving priority to students' active participation (Anna; Andi; Agus;
and Adam, 2017).
The progress of the 21st century requires the development of existing learning models in order to be able
to adapt, and be able to foster students' scientific workin g skills, where 21st century learning emphasizes
that educators are able to bring real experience in the learning process (GAP, 2005). One that is suggested is
to develop learning concepts that focus on students, where the teacher is only a companion.
Learning models that are expected to be able to overcome the existing problems are cooperative learning
models. Cooperative learning in question is Group Investigation (GI) where the Group Investigation (GI)
learning model is considered appropriate to be applied in the learning process because it can improve
students' scientific working skills. Not only that, learning that uses Group Investigation (GI) learning models
can also facilitate the limited time provided by the school.
One way to help apply the Group Investigation (GI) learning model to the maximum is to use Phet's help.
Phet is an interactive simulation dealing with physical phenomena in the form of research that can be
downloaded automatically. The innovation made by researchers in the practice of lea rning innovation is to
develop a SSP (Subject Specific Pedagogy) for the Phet assisted Group Investigation (GI) learning model.
Before the practice of learning innovations namely modeling by students and implementation by the
teacher was carried out, students first made observations at SMA Negeri 1 Banguntapan as a school where
the practice of physics learning innovation. This observation activity aims so that students have a clear
picture of the learning process that takes place along with the completeness of facilities and infrastructure
that support the learning process at Banguntapan 1 State Senior High School Yogyakarta. Observ ation
results indicate that Banguntapan 1 State Senior High School is one of the high schools that have very
adequate learning facilities, but this has not been able to encourage teachers to use the facilities provided to
help the learning process to be maximized. The learning model used is still using the learning model in
general, which results in students being less active in participating in learning activities.
Classroom learning activities should be carried out actively, inspiring, interesting, challenging and can
motivate students to be active in creating creativity and independence of students (Wina and Sanjaya,
2006). Therefore, a learning model is needed that can make students more active in participating in
classroom learning activities. Learning systems that require students to be more active in learning and
provide opportunities for students to work together and solve problems in structured tasks are cooperative
learning systems (Anita Lie, 2002).
The lack of learning media is also the cause of t he low scientific work skills of students at SMA Negeri 1
Banguntapan. This can be seen from the conventional learning process that does not use additional media
as a tool for understanding students. Learning media is very important for learning and foster ing scientific
work skills in students. Selection of learning media that is in accordance with the material becomes an
aspect that must be considered in learning.
One example of learning media that is considered to be able to overcome existing problems is the
Physics Education Technology (Phet) virtual simulation. Phet Colorado interactive simulation is an
interactive learning media based on discovery (research based) and fun in the form of software and can be
used to clarify physical concepts or phenomena that will be explained. This is need for learning models
that orient learning in practical activities and discussions that can create the involvement of students in the
learning process to foster scientific work skills in students. Students who learn with an active learning
model, not only learn better, but also can enjoy the learning process. In this study researchers limit the
study population, where the study population used in this study are all students in class X MIA -3 and X
MIA-4 SMA Negeri 1 Banguntapan.
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
The study aims conducted to analyze the influence of group inquiry type cooperative learning models for
students' conceptual knowledge and science process skills in temperature and heat subjects. This research is
a quasi-experimental study. The population is all students of class X Medan Exemplary Private High School
2016/2017 academic year. Sample selection is done using random class techniques from two classes. The first
class is class X-5 as an experimental class which is taught with the learning m odel of the cooperative learning
type group and the second class is the X-4 class taught through conventional learning. The instrument
consists of conceptual science tests and science process skills tests with observation. Data in this study were
analyzed using independent t-test. The results showed that the conceptual knowledge of students who were
taught using the investigative group type learning cooperative model was better than conventional learning.
Science process skills students who are taught using learning model type group investigation are better than
conventional learning (Kohl, 2006).
Video analysis, using the Tracker (Open Source Physics) program in the education process introduces
new creative methods in teaching physics and making natural science more attractive to students. This way
of exploring natural law can amaze students because this illustrative and interactive educational software
enables them to think creatively, improve their performance, and help them learn physics. This article
discusses improving key competencies in engineering by analyzing real situations of video situations -
physical problems - by using video analysis and modeling tools using Tracker programs and physical
phenomenon simulations from The Physics Education Technology (Phet) Project (VAS method problem
tasks). Statistical testing using t -test confirms the significance of differences in the knowledge of
experimental and control groups, which are the results of the application of interactive methods (Handayani,
There are two important elements in learning activities, namely models and learning media used to
support ongoing learning activities. These two aspects are interrelated, because in choosing the learning
model that will be used will affect the media which will later be used to support the learning model applied.
Before choosing and applying a learning model, one teacher must first consider his students, whether
students can accept and can easily adapt to the learning model that will be applied. While the s election of
learning media can be determined after determining the learning model that is in accordance with the
material to be delivered.
The phet assisted investigation group learning model is one of the good mixes, because both make
students more active in participating in learning activities. Group learning models can make students more
responsible for what they learn, the speed of the learning process can also be arranged by the students
themselves. Phet is one of the learning media that can give real examples of the material delivered by the
teacher, so that students no longer get abstract examples, which can make learning more enjoyable and make
students more enthusiastic in participating in learning activities (Hachiko, 2015).
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
The data collection techniques were used an observation sheet to assess the student's scientific working
skills. The results of the observation sheet and the learning model were analyzed by calculating the
percentage of statement items through the score given based on observation sheet.
Data Analyses
Before applying the GI learning model, RPP and LKS are designed first so that the implementation of
learning can goes well. RPP and LKS students before being used in learning have been validated in advance
by experts. Data collection using observation sheets assessing scientific work skills carried out by peers in
groups. Scientific work skills of students in this study using eight indicators including the skills of students
in asking questions, the skills of students in planning experiment experiments, the skills of students in
making observations, skills in using tools / materials, skills in identifying experimental results, skills in
compile experimental reports, and skills in making conclusions, as well as the skills of students in making
presentations. Data analysis techniques using manual calculations with percentage score techniques that can
be calculated using the equation:
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐾𝐵𝑆 𝑠𝑢𝑏 − 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟
𝑃𝑅 = 𝑥 100%
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝐵𝑆 𝑠𝑢𝑏 − 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 1 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡
The interpretation of the emergence of science process skills according to Purwanto (2006) is s hown in
the following table:
No Persentase Category
2 Plan an experiment /
80,46 Good
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
Based on Table 1 above, the average results of the analysis of observations of scientific work
skills were 80.01% in good category. This shows that learning using the Phet assisted Group
Investigation (GI) model produces students' scientific work skills in good categories.
2 Plan an experiment /
81,00 Good
Based on Table 2 above, the average results of the analysis of observations of scientific working
skills obtained 77.3% in good category. This shows that learning using the Phet assisted Group
Investigation (GI) model produces students' scientific work skills in good categories. The results
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
showed that the scientific working skills of students who used the Cooperative learning model of the
Type of Investigation Group assisted by Phet in the modeling class or in the implementing calss had
good categories are 80.01% and 77.3%. This shows that learning using Phet assisted Group
Investigation (GI) models produces students' scientific working skills in good category. Then the
results of the observation analysis of the scientific working skills of the students in the modeling class
are obtained as follows:
Arinda,Y., Wilujeng,I. & Kuswanto,H. (2019). The application group ınvestigation (GI) learning model assisted phet to facilitate student scientific work skills. International
Journal of Educational Research Review,4 (2),
Basic of cientific work skills can be done through the provision of experience in the form of independent
activities or small groups. One of the activities that can encourage this scientific work skill can be seen by
practicum activities. According to (Rukmana, 2014) that said if practicum activities can be used to develop
process skills, arouse interest in learning, and provide evidence for the truth of the theory. In addition,
practicum activities can also develop students' thinking skills in building concepts of physical mate rial and
can provide students with real physics learning experiences and develop scientific work skills both in the
classroom and in the laboratory. Practicum in learning Physics is an effective method to achieve the expected
learning goals. Practicum can also make students able to understand the concept and understand the nature
of physics as a process and product (Iis, 2013).
Working scientifically is not just collecting facts, gathering theories, or mental processes and
manipulative skills. But it is a w ay of understanding the growing symptoms of nature. And is a product of
human desire to imagine. The existence of humans and other living things in nature is very dependent on
human behavior in nature. The developed curriculum should consider the matters r aised. In scientific work
one needs to be critical, reasoned, and scientific, therefore practicum -based learning is highly recommended
to be applied.
One technology that can support learning activities is to use simulations. The simulation media used
must be in accordance with existing concepts and theories. One simulation medium that is considered
suitable for use in the physics learning process is Physics Education Technology or commonly called Phet.
Phet is a simulation media published by the University of Colorado and has been tested for its truth. Phet
simulation is a virtual lab that displays a physics animation that was abstract to become more real, thus phet
simulation can help students to learn in more real situations (Wulandari, 2014). By applying the phet-
assisted investigation group learning model, it is expected to be able to make students more interested and
more active in ongoing learning activities, so that there are no more learning activities that are only focused
on the teacher, which results in learning activities not being maximized.
Based on the results of learning innovations and analysis of the findings during modeling and
implementing, it was concluded that the average results of scientific work skills in the modeling class after
learning to use Phet-assisted Group Investigation (GI) models were in the good category, and the average
results of skills scientific work in the implementation class after learning to use the Phet -assisted Group
Investigation (GI) model is also in the good cat egory. This shows that learning using the Phet assisted Group
Investigation (GI) model produces students' scientific work skills in good categories.
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