A Christmas Carol Revision Workbook SNHS 1

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Salendine Nook High School Academy

AQA Literature Paper One

A Christmas Carol
Revision Guide

Name: __________________
Exam Date: __________________

In the exam, you will be presented with a short

extract from the novella.
There will only be ONE question on A Christmas
Carol – you MUST answer it!
The question will ask you to focus on and idea or
character so you can show your understanding
of the whole text.
You can then demonstrate your word level
language analysis by finding further evidence
from the extract.
You are advised to spend 15 minutes planning,
using your highlighter pen, margin notes and
mind map, 30 minutes writing your response and
then 5 minutes carefully proof-reading it for
SPAG accuracy! (You will have already spent the
previous 50 minutes in this exam writing your
response to the question on Shakespeare’s
You have 1 hour 45 minutes for the whole paper.

1. Let’s start with reminding yourself about the novella, its author and the
social and historical context – see pages 2 – 4. Once you’ve done this,
put a tick next to this step.

2. Done? Excellent. Now look at the sample exam question (unfortunately,

we don’t have any old papers as this is a new specification) on page 5.
Once completed put a tick next to this second step.

3. Let’s now look at what the examiners are looking for and how you
should respond to a question. You’ll find all of this information on page
6. Once completed, put a tick next to this third step.

4. Right, here are the good quotes that we came up with in class as well
as what you could say about them for AO2 and AO3. See pages 7 – 10.
Read through this table and put a tick next to this once completed.

5. The blank table on page 11 should be used to plan for possible

questions. I would suggest picking a theme from page 6 and then create
a possible question, e.g. How does Dickens present the supernatural?
Your eventual aim is to do this without referring to pages 7 – 10. Once
you have done this for each of the possible themes, put a tick in this

6. You’ll find that some quotes will be useful for pretty much any question
– those are your gold quotes! Make revision flash cards for these
quotes to help you memorise them. It’s vital that you memorise as many
of these quotes as possible AND that you know what you’re going to
say about them (i.e. AO2 & AO3). This is one of the most important
revision steps so spend time on it. Once completed put a tick next to
this step.

7. And finally, practise, practise, practise (in timed conditions – 45 minutes

– and with your quotes memorised). The more you do, the better (and
quicker) you’ll get and the more prepared you’ll be. Put in the time and
you will have no regrets in August.
Dickens’ Life
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in Kent and moved to London at the age of 9. When he was 12
years of age, his father was arrested and sent to a debtors' prison. Dickens' mother moved seven
of their children into prison with their father but took Charles out of school and arranged for him to
live alone outside the prison, working with other child labourers in a terrible job which involved
pasting labels on bottles in a blacking (shoe polish) warehouse; he was poorly paid and the
conditions were terrible.
After his father was released from prison, Dickens returned to school, becoming a law clerk and
then a court reporter where he saw the harsh justice system first-hand. He used his own
experiences of growing up in Kent and working as a court reporter in his stories. Dickens shocked
audiences of his day with his novels, where ‘gentlemen’ (the ones with the wealth and education)
are the least morally ‘good’ characters and a convict turns out to be the most like a gentleman. He
campaigned for a fairer justice system, a reform of the workhouses, the rights of the poor
(particularly children) to have access to education, effective sewers and reasonable housing;
many of his novels deal with these topics.
With such colourful characters, riveting narratives and wonderfully descriptive language, Dickens
became one of the most popular English novelists of his time, both in England and America. In
1870, he eventually collapsed from overwork and died.
Social and Historical Context
Dickens was born into a time of great change in the way people lived. The industrial revolution
was taking place and there was a sudden growth of the cities – the economy shifted from
agriculture to industry and trade. Money from industry made the rich, richer and the rich/poor gap
widened. Workers had to toil for long hours and little money. Out of necessity, children of all ages
(even as young as five years old!) didn’t go to school and worked long hours for a wage in 1840s’
The housing was appalling for working class families who lived in squalor, deprivation, disease
and misery. They barely had enough money to buy food and the child mortality was very high. In
the poorer quarters of Britain's larger cities almost 1 in 5 children born in the 1830s and 40s had
died by the age of five. The main causes of death were polluted drinking water, damp and
tuberculosis, which claimed between 60,000 and 70,000 lives in each decade of Victoria's reign.
There was no healthcare – if you got ill and couldn't work, your whole family was at risk of death.
For those who were unable to support themselves, there were the workhouses: these were not
intended as pleasant places to stay. Men, women and families were separated and those who
were physically able were expected to work for their keep. Similar to the workhouses were debtors'
prisons (those who were unable to pay a debt), such as Marshalsea, where Charles Dickens'
father spent time.
The wealthy few on the other hand, lived in luxury with large houses, plenty of money, food and
clothes. Their children didn’t work, were educated, had expensive toys and often went on holiday.
Being seen to be civilised and adhering to a strict set of morals was important to high society in
the Victorian age. However, this was often criticised as being hypocritical for some of the reasons
mentioned above. Controversially there was a call for a Sunday Observance Bill (by the MP,
Andrew Agnew) which would ban any business or recreations taking place on a Sunday. Those
who supported it believed that it would ensure that Sunday remained a spiritual day. Those who
opposed it (Dickens was one of those – he wrote a scathing essay about Andrew Agnew) saw it as
an attack on the poor who used Sundays to do what they liked. So, why do you think that
Scrooge’s character attacks this idea when speaking to the Ghost of Christmas Present?
A Christmas Carol
During this time of unrelenting social change, Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol. Firstly, he wanted
to write a good 'ghost' tale – a few scares, a few laughs, a few tears – to cheer up families around
the hearth at winter (and to pay for his own turkey, no doubt); telling ghost-stories at Christmas-
time was a long-standing tradition (many Victorians believed in ghosts coming back to
haunt people) and the gothic genre was popular throughout the 19th century. However, he
also had the intention of drawing readers' attention to the plight of England's poor, a recurring
theme in much of his work. As such, the novella can be read as a social criticism or an
allegory (when a work has a social or political message). In the tale, Dickens includes a
description of the hardships faced by the poor alongside a heartless Malthusian* capitalist
(Scrooge); the heart-rending, sentimental celebration of the Christmas season where Scrooge
turns into generous private benefactor is what Dickens feels could be the answer to most of
society’s problems. Ironically, by concentrating on the 'pagan' traditions of Christmas, rather than
on the nativity, Dickens helped to change Christmas from a primarily
Christian festival to an inclusive, secular, social celebration – the
novella’s publication was the same year as the first commercially
produced Christmas card was sent!
*Malthus’ Theory: see graph. The economist, Thomas Malthus saw
having smaller families as one positive contribution to reducing the
problem of over-population. He also described any causes that
contributed to “decreas[ing] the surplus population” (Scrooge’s
words) as positive: war, famine and poor living & working conditions
which might give rise to low resistance to disease.

The Plot
1. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge makes his clerk, Bob Cratchit, work in the cold.
2. He refuses an invitation to his nephew Fred's Christmas party and will not give money to the
charity collectors.
3. At home he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns
Scrooge that his way of life will lead to misery.
4. The Ghost of Christmas Past wakes Scrooge and shows him moments from his childhood, his
apprenticeship and his failed engagement.
5. The Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to the Cratchit's home, where he is saddened by
the ill, but kind, Tiny Tim. He is also shown how Fred celebrates Christmas with friends and
how others celebrate Christmas together, despite being poor.
6. The final ghost is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come who terrifies Scrooge with visions of his
death, where nobody mourns his passing. He also discovers that Tiny Tim has died.
7. Scrooge awakes on Christmas Day and is delighted to find he has the chance to change his
miserly ways. He buys a turkey for the Cratchits and attends his nephew's party.
8. Scrooge becomes like a second father to Tiny Tim (who doesn’t die) and gains a reputation for
knowing how to celebrate Christmas.
So…why does Scrooge change?

1. He is upset at the thought that Tiny Tim might die.

2. The Ghost of Christmas Present uses his own cruel words against him.

3. He sees what he is missing in the family scenes of celebration.

Writer’s Ideas/Themes

The supernatural: this was a part of the Christmas story-telling tradition that started in the 17th
century. By the 19th century, there was an interest in spiritualism; people believed spirits who
resided in the afterlife wanted to communicate with the living. Scrooge has 4 spirits who wish to
communicate with him!
Generosity and compassion: this is the essence of the Christmas spirit. It’s a time when
families and friends come together in the home to share food and exchange gifts but it’s also a
time when we’re supposed to think of those who are less fortunate than us. Scrooge’s nephew
and his clerk show compassion towards Scrooge which is in stark contrast to those who coldly
dismiss Scrooge (fellow business people, his servants, the pawn shop owner) as he does them. Is
there a message here, perhaps? A lack of compassion leads to a lack of compassion?
Redemption: This means seeing the error of your ways and being saved from sin or evil. Scrooge
is transformed from a mean, greedy and lonely old miser, who was blind to his sin, into a
generous, goodnatured, beloved character…and just in time! The moral message of the novella is
that all human beings have the opportunity / can make the choice to behave in kinder ways
towards each other and be saved from damnation (don’t forget the religious aspect!).
Social injustice: Just like An Inspector Calls, Dickens’ story is an attack on a society where there
is an unequal distribution of wealth: the rich, who enjoy comfort and feasting at Christmas, ignore
the dreadful living conditions of the poor; in fact, they effectively punish the poor for their poverty
through such things as the “Treadmill” and the “Workhouses”. The thieves show how people were
driven to steal from the dead. The Ghost of Christmas Present presents the children (Ignorance
and Want) and states that “They are Man’s” responsibility.
Structure of the novella

Carol singing was popular when Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol and he was certainly a lover of
music. A carol is a festive song, particularly popular at Christmas (these carols are often about
Christ’s birth and the spirit of giving). When songs are written they’re done so on staves. A stave is
a set of five parallel lines on which a musical note is written (see below). So, referring to the
chapters as staves links to the title of the novella and perhaps suggests to the reader that this
will ultimately be a joyous/moral tale. The final (fifth) stave returns to many of the ideas in Stave 1
so there’s symmetry to the novella. Furthermore, the last stave is both short and upbeat with
Scrooge having rejected all of his earlier miserly ways, becoming a good Christian again.
You will get an extract from the novella and one question, which will be in two parts. See below for
the sample question that the exam board have provided. Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Read the following extract from Chapter 1 and then answer the question that follows. In this
extract, Scrooge is being introduced to the reader.

Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! a squeezing,

wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! Hard and sharp
as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-
contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within him froze his old features,
nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes
red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice. A frosty
rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. He carried his
own low temperature always about with him; he iced his office in the dog-days;
and didn't thaw it one degree at Christmas. External heat and cold had little
influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No
wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its
purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn't know where
to have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of
the advantage over him in only one respect. They often came down
handsomely, and Scrooge never did. Nobody ever stopped him in the street to
say, with gladsome looks, ``My dear Scrooge, how are you. When will you
come to see me.'' No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children
asked him what it was o'clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life
inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blindmen's
dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug
their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their tails as
though they said, ``No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master! '' But
what did Scrooge care! It was the very thing he liked. To edge his way along
the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance,
was what the knowing ones call nuts to Scrooge.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge as an outsider to society?
Write about:

 how Dickens presents Scrooge in this extract

 how Dickens presents Scrooge as an outsider to society in the novel as a whole.

[30 marks]
What Are The Examiners Looking For?

(30 marks: AO1=12, AO2=12, AO3=6)

AO1 Read, understand and respond to texts.

Students should be able to:

 maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response
 use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate
AO2 Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and
effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.
AO3 Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they
were written.

What Should I Write?

1. Firstly, highlight the key words in the question
2. Now read the extract and highlight good evidence to answer the first bullet point of your
question, using your left hand margin to note inferences (understand, think, feel) and right
hand margin to note methods/deliberate choices made by the writer. Then mind map 3 ideas
that respond to the question from the extract and 2 from the rest of the text. (10 mins)
3. Write essay. Don’t bother with an introduction – go straight into analysing the extract using up
to 3 IMERCI paragraphs (20 mins)
4. Write a couple of detailed IMERCIs for the second part of your question. (15 mins)
5. Sum up how the writer presents…whatever the question asks. (5 mins)

Model Paragraph For A Question About How Scrooge is Presented:

AO1 (how well you answer the question & use quotes): 40%
AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40%
AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
The language in this extract makes it clear how mean-spirited and miserly Scrooge is. Firstly, he is
described as being “as solitary as an oyster”, a simile which demonstrates how Scrooge
locks himself away from society and has a hard demeanour (although the simile also
foreshadows Scrooge later revealing his softer side). The listing of similes also suggests the
idea of him being a difficult and complicated character. Furthermore, the use of sibilance
suggests that he is frightening; this is reinforced by sinister physical descriptions where he is
described as having “eyes red” and “lips blue”, evoking images of the living dead. Such gothic
descriptions would have appealed to a Victorian readership, who were fascinated with the
macabre and would have identified Scrooge as being a wicked character; Dickens may have
wished to suggest to his primarily middle class readership, who were highly concerned
with appearance, that those who behave wickedly will appear wicked. Dickens then
juxtaposes Scrooge’s character alongside Fred’s in order to…
AO1 (how well you
answer the question & AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40% AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
use quotes): 40%
“squeezing, wrenching, 3rd person narration delivers a judgemental and somewhat mocking This reflects the wealthy who made money at the
grasping, scraping…” link to tone which portrays Scrooge in a negative light. Asyndetic listing of expense of the poor workers. Dickens was renowned
“one coal” verb modifiers which are all synonyms with negative connotations for his detailed writing style with lots of long lists,
suggest that there’s no end to his selfish actions – this is reinforced powerful adjectives, similes and metaphors. After all,
by the “one coal” that he allows his clerk in the middle of winter; the he had to fill a weekly column each week!
reader would feel sympathy for Bob Cratchit (the clerk).
“as solitary as an oyster” Simile – hard on the outside but hints (foreshadows his later
transformation) at a softer inner self. Sibilance creates a sinister
effect which links to his description (see next piece of evidence).
“eyes red…lips blue” link to Placement of adjectives is reverse of expectations – suggests he’s a Gothic description – popular genre. There’s also a
the ghost “coming up the monster. Gothic atmosphere is continued with Dickens’ use of similarity to the way that Frankenstein’s monster is
stairs” link to “The chain. . . ellipsis of “it was” and the use of the present participle “coming” to described in Mary Shelley’s earlier novel (written in
was long, and wound about create the effect of it happening now – tense for the reader. See 1818). The image of purgatory would have been very
him like a tail” and “infernal George Booth’s paragraph on the blog to see how you could write recognisable (and frightening!) to a Christian
atmosphere” about this more complex analysis. The description of Marley’s ghost readership.
is disturbing and the “tail” is suggestive of a snake, which itself is
symbolic of the devil – this idea is reinforced by “infernal (relating to
hell) atmosphere”.
“fog” Repetition / pathetic fallacy create an uninviting atmosphere (which London was known for its smog (mixture of smoke
links to Scrooge’s personality at the start). Also symbolic of and fog) from all the factories and homes. Dickens
Scrooge’s inability to see the good around him. actually opens his novel Bleak House by describing
the smog as being responsible for the “death of the
“a stake of holly through his Using items associated with Christmas to kill those who celebrate Readers would have instantly associated the “holly”
heart” vs. Fred’s Christmas is violent imagery but so exaggerated that Scrooge’s and “pudding” with Christmas.
(“handsome…eyes character seems more ridiculous than sinister: Dickens doesn’t want
sparkled”) / “think of people the reader to really hate Scrooge’s character otherwise we would
below them” feel no joy at his later “transformation”. The juxtaposition of Fred’s
character who is handsome and charitable makes Scrooge’s
character seem even uglier.
AO1 (how well you answer AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40% AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
the question & use
quotes): 40%
“A solitary child” link to The use of the Ghost of Christmas Past allows the reader to feel sympathy for Dickens himself felt lonely when his family went to a
“father…much kinder than he Scrooge as we realise that he may have been treated unkindly as a child. debtors’ prison.
used to be” Scrooge feels sympathy first for himself and then the young carol singer he
threatened the previous evening and then he feels guilty about not being a
better uncle to the nephew of his sister who had “a large heart” and died
Fezziwig: “fuel heaped upon All of the words associated with Fezziwig have positive connotations.
the fire” / “happiness he Scrooge actually argues with the ghost who tricks him into defending his
gives...as great...as a fortune” former boss by saying that Fezziwig didn’t spend much on the party. It also
link to “clerk” makes Scrooge think about how he treats his “clerk”.
“I release you” from the This is the language of commerce, which demonstrates that Belle (a name A biblical allusion (it is a Christmas story after
“contract” link to “a golden that means beautiful incidentally) understands that Scrooge is obsessed with all!) to the story of the gold calf which was
[idol]” money. It also suggests that he is no longer a good Christian – see context  worshipped as a false god.
“alone” Repeated – suggesting that selfishness will lead to a life of loneliness but also The second idea here would have been a
intimates that individually we must pay for our sins in life, e.g. like Jacob recognisable passage from the bible
Marley does. (Corinthians) to Victorian readers who would
have been well versed in the scriptures.
“he could not hide the light” Light is repeated and is symbolic of see the truth/right path to take. Scrooge There is another biblical allusion here. Light
doesn’t want to know what his greed has done to him (and others), i.e. losing represents goodness/hope/God. Again, this
Belle. He’d rather remain in his “fog” than be illuminated (learn from his past to would have been obvious to a Victorian readership.
change his present
actions – similar idea to An Inspector Calls).
“Transformation” link to “Light” Scrooge’s room had been transformed and the word “light” is repeated again
link to “Let me profit by it” but Scrooge has also been transformed: he wishes to “profit” by learning any
“lesson” the Ghost of Christmas Present has to teach. However, the language
of commerce here
suggests that his learning isn’t yet complete.
“Because [poverty] needs it Personification of poverty to elicit sympathy – reinforced by the short Dickens was familiar with the poor working
most.” sentence. When Scrooge questions the laws done in God’s name, there’s an conditions of the workers. He also campaigned
link to “This earth of yours” attack by the ghost saying the laws are man’s creation. Later he presents the for the education rights for children. As well as
link to “They are man’s” – two children (more personification) this, see the note about the proposed Sunday
“Ignorance” & “Want” – to metaphorically represent the rich (ignorant) and the poor (those who are Observance Bill in the contextual information,
“shrivelled” & “twisted” need help); Ignorance might also be interpreted as the lack of education which relates to this exchange between the
afforded to the poor, which would have enabled them to forge better lives. The ghost & Scrooge. You may need to reread the
description of the poor children is particularly shocking/horrifying. extract.
AO1 (how well you answer the AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40% AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
question & use quotes): 40%
“Decrease the surplus population” link The ghost uses Scrooge’s earlier words to attack him when Scrooge This is also Dickens’ attack on Malthus’
to “Scrooge hung his head” link to begs for Tiny Tim’s life to be spared. There’s also another nice quote Theory.
discovered What the (metaphor) about the “insect on the leaf” that you may wish to use (see Don’t forget that Scrooge is a metaphor for
surplus is” Stave 3). Malthusian capitalists. See contextual
information above if you can’t recall what the
theory involves.
“Their clothes were scanty…but they The Cratchits make do with the very little they have, are caring and Dickens challenges preconceptions that the
were happy” link to “remember upon supportive of one another – shows their generous spirit, even in wealthy had about the poor. The story of
Christmas Day, who made lame challenging circumstances (we also see this when the ghost takes Jesus
beggars walk” Scrooge to a number of terrible places). Even Tiny Tim’s comment is performing miracles upon the lame and the
generous: he sees his disability positively as it will make others think of blind would have been well-known.
Jesus on Christmas Day. Scrooge is very moved by Tiny Tim and shows
“If these shadows remain unaltered by The conditional subordinate clause represents Scrooge’s future Child mortality was high and this was largely
the Future, the child will die.” actions & it’s also repeated later. In terms of syntax, the main clause due
has been placed at the end to demonstrate the results of those actions. to the terrible living conditions of the poor
The brevity of the main clause is shocking and emotive and represents who
Tiny Tim’s short life. Furthermore, the modal verb “will” conveys struggled to survive on such low wages. See
certainty, making it all the more emotive & persuades Scrooge that his contextual information above.
transformation is urgently required in order to save the boy.
“His wealth is of no use to him. He don’t Unlike his guests, Fred feels sympathy not anger towards Scrooge. He’s Links to Dickens’ desire for a fairer, more
do any good with it.” a forgiving character even though he’s been treated badly by Scrooge. caring
The contrast between Fred and Scrooge is evident throughout the novel society. See contextual notes.
and emphasises Scrooge’s misery, selfishness and urgent need for
“I hope to live to be another man” or Use any of these quotes to contrast with Scrooge’s stubbornness and
“he resolved to treasure up every word” feelings about others/Christmas at the start of the novella.
or “I will honour Christmas in all my
“calico…becoming to the body” link to Scrooge’s good shirt has been replaced by one made of “calico”, which Calico is a very cheap material. The
“they have brought him to a rich end” the servant feels is fitting to the type of person he was; his more deceased
expensive items are sold to make them money. Scrooge’s body is dealt were usually dressed in their best attire; for
with by cruel, ugly people who treat his memory the way he treated the
others in life. Scrooge is horrified and seems to understand that money rich that would be silk shirts, etc.
is not as important as friends and family.
AO1 (how well you answer the AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40% AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
question & use quotes): 40%
“bereft, unwatched, unwept, Another long list of adjectives, which are synonyms. Compare with This went against what Victorians
uncared for was the body” link to repetition of “sole” (6 times in one sentence!) about Marley at the considered to be a “good death” where
“his sole friend, and sole mourner” start of the novella – emphasises that nobody cares about him and you die surrounded by friends & family and
link to “a happier house for this reminds us how similar Marley and Scrooge are. Then contrast then are mourned afterwards.
man’s death” link to “[Fred] is the what was said about Scrooge with what was said about Fred.
pleasantest-spoken gentleman”
“My little child! My little child!” link The repeated short exclamations are honest & emotive. Bob Link to the high mortality rate of children,
to “thy childish essence was from Cratchit would elicit sympathy (perhaps guilt?) from primarily female, particularly amongst the poor – see
God!” wealthy readers. Tiny Tim’s generous spirit & selflessness represent contextual
the Christmas spirit and as such he seems like an unnecessary
sacrifice due to the selfishness of the wealthy.
“I am as light as a feather…as happy Lots of similes to show both Scrooge’s elation at a ‘second chance’
as an angel…” in life (he’s been ‘saved’) and to demonstrate how difficult it is to put
into words how happy he is. The “angel” certainly contrasts with the
devilish description of Marley at the start of the novella.
“clang, clash, hammer” link to Onomatopoeia of unpleasant sounds and yet Scrooge appreciates
“glorious…glorious!” them which is evident when he repeats/exclaims, “glorious”.

“cold” link to “everything could Something normally unpleasant like the “cold” gives Scrooge
yield him pleasure” “pleasure” – demonstrates how he has changed / appreciates
everything around him.
“no fog, no mist, clear, bright” Motifs of dark and light again. The “fog” that was repeated at the
start is now gone. He has learnt his lesson and transformed.
“some people laughed…these would The narrator seems to remind us that there are still those who are This idea that God is always watching your
be blind anyway” link to “standing like Scrooge in society. The declarative sentence suggests certainty actions is something that a Victorian
in the spirit at your elbow” from a mysterious narrator who is “at your elbow” (suggesting that the readership would have often heard in
narrator is an angel/God?) to persuade the selfish wealthy to change church.
their ways for the Day of Judgement.
“to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he Scrooge has an adopted family. The relative clause and the
was a second father” italicising (capitalisation in some editions) of “not” demonstrates that
Scrooge’s choices/actions ultimately saved Tim’s life. The novella
ends on positive note suggesting that we can all change our selfish
AO1 (how well you answer the AO2 (Analysis of language, structure and form): 40% AO3 (Context and Writer’s Ideas): 20%
question & use quotes): 40%

Stave 1

Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge is being introduced to the reader for the first time

Sometimes people new to the business called Scrooge Scrooge, and

sometimes Marley, but he answered to both names. It was all the
same to him.

Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A

squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old
sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck
out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an
oyster. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed
nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his
thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice. A frosty
rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. He
carried his own low temperature always about with him; he iced his
office in the dog-days; and didn’t thaw it one degree at Christmas.

External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth

could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was
bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no
pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn’t know where to
have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could
boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often
“came down” handsomely, and Scrooge never did.

Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks,
“My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?” No
beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it
was o’clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the
way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind men’s dogs
appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug
their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their
tails as though they said, “No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge as an outsider
to society?
Write about:
• How Dickens presents Scrooge in this extract
• How Dickens presents Scrooge as an outsider to society in the novel as
a whole.
[30 marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge is talking with the charity workers who seek help for the poor.

“At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” said the gentleman, taking
up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight
provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time.
Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of
thousands are in want of common
comforts, sir.”
“Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge.
“Plenty of prisons,” said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.
“And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “Are they still in
“They are. Still,” returned the gentleman, “I wish I could say they were not.”
“The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?” said Scrooge.
“Both very busy, sir.”
“Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to
stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
“Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or
body to the multitude,” returned the gentleman, “a few of us are
endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and
means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others,
when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you
down for?”
“Nothing!” Scrooge replied.
“You wish to be anonymous?”
“I wish to be left alone,” said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish,
gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I
can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I
have mentioned—they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go
“Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”
“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease
the surplus population. Besides—excuse me—I don’t know that.”
“But you might know it,” observed the gentleman.
“It’s not my business,” Scrooge returned. “It’s enough for a man to
understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people’s. Mine
occupies me constantly. Good afternoon, gentlemen!”

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present ideas about social
Write about:
 How Dickens presents ideas about social responsibility in this extract
 How Dickens presents ideas about social responsibility in the novel as a
[30 marks]
Read the following extract then answer the question that follows.
Here, Marley’s Ghost appears.

The same face: the very same. Marley in his pigtail, usual waistcoat,
tights and boots; the tassels on the latter bristling, like his pigtail, and
his coat-skirts, and the hair upon his head. The chain he drew was
clasped about his middle. It was long, and wound about him like a
tail; and it was made (for Scrooge observed it closely) of cashboxes,
keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel.
His body was transparent; so that Scrooge, observing him, and
through his waistcoat, could see the two buttons on his coat behind.
Scrooge had often heard it said that Marley had no bowels, but
he had never believed it until now.

No, nor did he believe it even now. Though he looked the phantom
through and through, and saw it standing before him; though he felt
the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes; and marked the very
texture of the folded kerchief bound about its head and chin, which
wrapper he had not observed before; he was still incredulous,
and fought against his senses.
“How now!” said Scrooge, caustic and cold as ever.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present ghosts?

Write about:
• How Dickens presents Marley’s ghost in this extract
• How Dickens presents ghosts in the novel as a whole

[30 marks]
Read the following extract then answer the question that follows.
Here, Marley speaks with Scrooge

“It is required of every man,” the Ghost returned, “that the spirit
within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far
and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do
so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world—oh, woe is
me!—and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on
earth, and turned to happiness!”
Again the spectre raised a cry, and shook its chain and wrung its
shadowy hands.
“You are fettered,” said Scrooge, trembling. “Tell me why?”
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it
link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and
of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?”
Scrooge trembled more and more.
“Or would you know,” pursued the Ghost, “the weight and
length of the strong coil you bear yourself? It was full as heavy and as
long as this, seven Christmas Eves ago. You have laboured on it,
since. It is a ponderous chain!”
Scrooge glanced about him on the floor, in the expectation of
finding himself surrounded by some fifty or sixty fathoms of iron
cable: but he could see nothing.
“Jacob,” he said, imploringly. “Old Jacob Marley, tell me more.
Speak comfort to me, Jacob!”

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the theme of guilt?

Write about:
• How Dickens presents the guilt of Marley in this extract
• How Dickens presents guilt in the novel as a whole

[30 marks]
Read the following extract then answer the question that follows
Here, Marley returns to the mist.

The air was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in restless
haste, and moaning as they went. Every one of them wore chains like
Marley’s Ghost; some few (they might be guilty governments) were linked
together; none were free. Many had been personally known to Scrooge in
their lives. He had been quite familiar with one old ghost, in a white
waistcoat, with a monstrous iron safe attached to its ankle, who cried
piteously at being unable to assist a wretched woman with an infant, whom
it saw below, upon a doorstep.

The misery with them all was, clearly, that they sought to interfere, for
good, in human matters, and had lost the power forever. Whether these
creatures faded into mist, or mist enshrouded them, he could not tell. But
they and their spirit voices faded together; and the night became as it had
been when he walked home.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present ideas about actions and

Write about:
• How Dickens presents actions and consequences in this extract
• How Dickens presents actions and consequences in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Stave 2

Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge has been visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past

It was a strange figure—like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old
man, viewed through some supernatural medium, which gave him the
appearance of having receded from the view, and being diminished to a
child’s proportions. Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back,
was white as if with age; and yet the face had not a wrinkle in it, and the
tenderest bloom was on the skin. The arms were very long and muscular;
the hands the same, as if its hold were of uncommon strength. Its legs and
feet, most delicately formed, were, like those upper members, bare. It wore
a tunic of the purest
white; and round its waist was bound a lustrous belt, the sheen of which
was beautiful. It held a branch of fresh green holly in its hand; and, in
singular contradiction of that wintry emblem, had its dress trimmed with
summer flowers. But the strangest thing about it was, that from the crown
of its head there sprung a bright clear jet of light, by which all this was
visible; and which was doubtless the occasion of its using, in its duller
moments, a great extinguisher for a cap, which it now held under its arm.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the appearance of ghosts?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents the appearance of the ghost in this extract
 How Dickens presents the appearance of ghosts in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, the Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge his younger self as a

Then, with a rapidity of transition very foreign to his usual character, he

said, in pity for his former self, “Poor boy!” and cried again.
“I wish,” Scrooge muttered, putting his hand in his pocket, and looking
about him, after drying his eyes with his cuff: “but it’s too late now.”
“What is the matter?” asked the Spirit.
“Nothing,” said Scrooge. “Nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas
Carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something:
that’s all.”
The Ghost smiled thoughtfully, and waved its hand: saying as it did so, “Let
us see another Christmas!”

Scrooge’s former self grew larger at the words, and the room became a
little darker and more dirty. The panels shrunk, the windows cracked;
fragments of plaster fell out of the ceiling, and the naked laths were shown
instead; but how all this was brought about, Scrooge knew no more than
you do. He only knew that it was quite correct; that everything had
happened so; that there he was, alone again, when all the other boys had
gone home for the jolly holidays.

He was not reading now, but walking up and down despairingly. Scrooge
looked at the Ghost, and with a mournful shaking of his head, glanced
anxiously towards the door.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the theme of loneliness and

Write about:
 How Dickens presents loneliness and isolation in this extract
 How Dickens presents loneliness and isolation in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, the Ghost of Chrismtas Past has taken Scrooge to Fezziwig’s ball.

In came a fiddler with a music-book, and went up to the lofty desk, and
made an orchestra of it, and tuned like fifty stomach-aches. In came Mrs.
Fezziwig, one vast substantial smile. In came the three Miss Fezziwigs,
beaming and lovable. In came the six young followers whose hearts they
broke. In came all the young men and women employed in the business. In
came the housemaid, with her cousin, the baker. In came the cook, with
her brother’s particular friend, the milkman. In came the boy from over the
way, who was suspected of not having board enough from his master;
trying to hide
himself behind the girl from next door but one, who was proved to have had
her ears pulled by her mistress. In they all came, one after another; some
shyly, some boldly, some gracefully, some awkwardly, some pushing,
some pulling; in they all came, anyhow and everyhow.

Away they all went, twenty couple at once; hands half round and back
again the other way; down the middle and up again; round and round in
various stages of affectionate grouping; old top couple always turning up in
the wrong place; new top couple starting off again, as soon as they got
there; all top couples at last, and not a bottom one to help them! When this
result was brought about, old Fezziwig, clapping his hands to stop the
dance, cried out, “Well done!” and the fiddler plunged his hot face into a pot
of porter, especially provided for that purpose. But scorning rest, upon his
reappearance, he instantly began again, though there were no dancers yet,
as if the other fiddler had been carried home, exhausted, on a shutter, and
he were a bran-new man resolved to beat him out of sight, or perish.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present happiness and joy in the

Write about:
 How Dickens presents happiness and joy in this extract
 How Dickens presents happiness and joy in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge gets rid of the ghost of Christmas past.

“Leave me! Take me back. Haunt me no longer!”

In the struggle, if that can be called a struggle in which the Ghost with no
visible resistance on its own part was undisturbed by any effort of its
adversary, Scrooge observed that its light was burning high and bright; and
dimly connecting that with its influence over him, he seized the
extinguisher-cap, and by a sudden action pressed it
down upon its head.

The Spirit dropped beneath it, so that the extinguisher covered its whole
form; but though Scrooge pressed it down with all his force, he could not
hide the light, which streamed from under it, in an unbroken flood upon the

He was conscious of being exhausted, and overcome by an irresistible

drowsiness; and, further, of being in his own bed-room. He gave the cap a
parting squeeze, in which his hand relaxed; and had barely time to reel to
bed, before he sank into a heavy sleep.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge’s attitude to

Write about:
 How Dickens presents Scrooge’s attitude to change in this extract
 How Dickens presents Scrooge’s attitude to change in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Stave 3

Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present.

Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese,

game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat, sucking-pigs, long wreaths of
sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings, barrels of oysters, red-hot
chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense
twelfth-cakes, and seething bowls of punch, that made the chamber dim
with their delicious steam. In easy state upon this couch, there sat a jolly
Giant, glorious to see; who bore a glowing torch, in shape not unlike
Plenty’s horn, and held it up, high up, to shed its light on Scrooge, as he
came peeping round the door.
“Come in!” exclaimed the Ghost. “Come in! and know me better, man!”

Scrooge entered timidly, and hung his head before this Spirit. He was not
the dogged Scrooge he had been; and though the Spirit’s eyes were clear
and kind, he did not like to meet them.
“I am the Ghost of Christmas Present,” said the Spirit. “Look upon me!”

Scrooge reverently did so. It was clothed in one simple green robe, or
mantle, bordered with white fur. This garment hung so loosely on the figure,
that its capacious breast was bare, as if disdaining to be warded or
concealed by any artifice. Its feet, observable beneath the ample folds of
the garment, were also bare; and on its head it wore no other covering than
a holly wreath, set here and there with shining icicles. Its dark brown curls
were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand,
its cheery
voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. Girded round its
middle was an antique scabbard; but no sword was in it, and the ancient
sheath was eaten up with rust.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present social responsibility?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents the theme of generosity in this extract
 How Dickens presents the theme of generosity in the novel as a whole
[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to see the Cratchitt’s dinner.

He sat very close to his father’s side upon his little stool. Bob held his
withered little hand in his, as if he loved the child, and wished to keep him
by his side, and dreaded that he might be taken from him.
“Spirit,” said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, “tell me if
Tiny Tim will live.”
“I see a vacant seat,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney corner, and a
crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain
unaltered by the Future, the child will die.”
“No, no,” said Scrooge. “Oh, no, kind Spirit! say he will be spared.”
“If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, none other of my race,”
returned the Ghost, “will find him here. What then? If he be like to die, he
had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and
was overcome with penitence and grief.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the transformation of

Write about:
 How Dickens presents the transformation of Scrooge in this extract
 How Dickens presents the transformation of Scrooge in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, the Ghost of Christmas Present reveals Ignorance and Want to Scrooge.

From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject,
frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon
the outside of its garment.
“Oh, Man! look here. Look, look, down here!” exclaimed the
They were a boy and girl. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish; but
prostrate, too, in their humility. Where graceful youth should have filled their
features out, and touched them with its freshest tints, a stale and shrivelled
hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into
shreds. Where angels
might have sat enthroned, devils lurked, and glared out menacing. No
change, no degradation, no perversion of humanity, in any grade, through
all the mysteries of wonderful creation, has monsters half so horrible and
Scrooge started back, appalled.

“Spirit! are they yours?” Scrooge could say no more.

“They are Man’s,” said the Spirit, looking down upon them.
“And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance.
This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all
beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless
the writing be erased. Deny it!” cried the Spirit, stretching out its hand
towards the city. “Slander those who
tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide
the end!”
“Have they no refuge or resource?” cried Scrooge.
“Are there no prisons?” said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with
his own words. “Are there no workhouses?”
The bell struck twelve.
Scrooge looked about him for the Ghost, and saw it not.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present ideas about guilt and blame?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents ideas about guilt and blame in this extract
 How Dickens presents ideas about guilt and blame in the novel as a whole
[30 Marks]
Stave 4

Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

THE Phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached. When it came near him,
Scrooge bent down upon his knee; for in the very air through which this
Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery.
It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its
face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But
for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and
separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded.
He felt that it was tall and stately when it came beside him, and that its
mysterious presence filled him with a solemn dread. He knew no more, for
the Spirit neither spoke nor moved.
“I am in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come?” said
The Spirit answered not, but pointed onward with its hand.
“You are about to show me shadows of the things that have not happened,
but will happen in the time before us,” Scrooge pursued. “is that so spirit?”

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present a sense of mystery and fear?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents a sense of mystery and fear in this extract
 How Dickens presents a sense of mystery and fear in the novel as a whole

[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge witnesses Bob dealing with Tiny Tim’s Death.

“I promised him that I would walk there on a Sunday. My little, little child!”
cried Bob. “My little child!”
He broke down all at once. He couldn’t help it. If he could have helped it, he
and his child would have been farther apart perhaps than they were.
He left the room, and went up-stairs into the room above, which was lighted
cheerfully, and hung with Christmas. There was a chair set close beside
the child, and there were signs of some one having been there, lately. Poor
Bob sat down in it, and when he had thought a little and composed himself,
he kissed the little face. He was reconciled to what had happened, and
went down again quite happy.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the theme of loss?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents the theme of loss in this extract
 How Dickens presents the theme of loss in the novel as a whole
[30 Marks]
Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge visits his own grave.

The Spirit stood among the graves, and pointed down to One. He
advanced towards it trembling. The Phantom was exactly as it had been,
but he dreaded that he saw new meaning in its solemn shape.
“Before I draw nearer to that stone to which you point,” said Scrooge,
“answer me one question. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be,
or are they shadows of things that May be, only?”
Still the Ghost pointed downward to the grave by which it stood.
“Men’s courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in,
they must lead,” said Scrooge. “But if the courses be departed from, the
ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!”
The Spirit was immovable as ever.
Scrooge crept towards it, trembling as he went; and following the finger,
read upon the stone of the neglected grave his own name, EBENEZER
Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me, by
altered life!”
The kind hand trembled.
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live
in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive
within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may
sponge away the writing on this stone!”
In his agony, he caught the spectral hand. It sought to free itself, but he
was strong in his entreaty, and detained it. The Spirit, stronger yet,
repulsed him.
Holding up his hands in a last prayer to have his fate reversed, he saw an
alteration in the Phantom’s hood and dress. It shrunk, collapsed, and
dwindled down into a bedpost.

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge’s regret?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents Scrooge’s regret in this extract
 How Dickens presents Scrooge’s regret in the novel as a whole
[30 Marks]
Stave 5

Read the extract below then answer the question that follows.
Here, Scrooge wakes up to realise he has been given another chance.

“I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!” Scrooge repeated, as
he scrambled out of bed. “The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. Oh
Jacob Marley! Heaven, and the Christmas Time be praised for this! I say it
on my knees, old Jacob, on my knees!”
He was so fluttered and so glowing with his good intentions, that his broken
voice would scarcely answer to his call. He had been sobbing violently in
his conflict with the Spirit, and his face was wet with tears.
“They are not torn down,” cried Scrooge, folding one of his bedcurtains in
his arms, “they are not torn down, rings and all. They are here—I am
here—the shadows of the things that would have been, may be dispelled.
They will be. I know they will!”
His hands were busy with his garments all this time; turning them inside
out, putting them on upside down, tearing them, mislaying them, making
them parties to every kind of extravagance.
“I don’t know what to do!” cried Scrooge, laughing and crying in the same
breath; and making a perfect Laocoön of himself with his stockings. “I am
as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a
schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to
everybody! A happy New Year to all the world. Hallo here! Whoop! Hallo!”

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge as a changed man?

Write about:
 How Dickens presents Scrooge as a changed man in this extract
 How Dickens presents Scrooge in the rest of the novel, before this change

[30 Marks]
Mark Scheme

Use the mark scheme below to assess your answers. Ask your teacher to check it
for you.

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