Mic 001196
Mic 001196
Mic 001196
Lactobacilli have been considered as major contributors to human dental caries for over a century. Recent in vitro model
studies have shown that when compared to Streptococcus mutans, a keystone pathogen of human dental caries, the ability
of lactobacilli to form biofilms is poor, although differences exist between the different major species. Further studies using
molecular and bioinformatics approaches provide evidence that multiple mechanisms, including adhesin-receptor mediated
physical contact with S. mutans, facilitate the adherence and establishment of lactobacilli on the tooth surface. There is also
evidence that under conditions like continuous sugar consumption, weak acids and other antimicrobials such as bacteriocins
from lactobacilli can become detrimental to the microbial community, especially those in the proximity. Details on the underly-
ing mechanisms of how different Lactobacillus sp. establish and persist in the highly complex microbiota on the tooth surface
await further investigation.
Lactobacilli were the first micro-organisms implicated in human dental caries over a century ago and was the main etiological
candidate before the mutans streptococci became dominant in the literature in the 1950s [1, 2]. From clinical isolation and
cultivation to 16S rRNA-based analysis and more recently, deep sequencing of the plaque microbiota, Lactobacillus sp. are
frequently identified at active carious sites, especially in lesions with advanced caries in adult and paediatric patients [3–6].
However, unlike Streptococcus mutans, a keystone cariogenic bacterium whose pathophysiology and virulence attributes
have been well characterized through extensive investigations in recent decades, major knowledge gaps remain concerning
the role of Lactobacillus sp. and especially, the mechanisms how they establish and persist on the tooth surface and facilitate
the development of carious lesions.
Dental caries is a clinic manifestation of continued demineralization of the tooth enamel resulting from acids produced
from sugar fermentation by bacteria in the plaque microbiota on the tooth surface, under the gum and in the proximal
surfaces. Recent advances, including data from the human oral microbiome project (www.homd.org), have clearly demon-
strated that dental caries results from a dysbiotic plaque microbiota in response to host and environmental perturbations
that include saliva deficiency, poor oral hygiene and continuous consumption of fermentable sugars. A cariogenic plaque
microbiota is featured with disproportional increases of highly acidogenic and aciduric species, which include mutans
streptococci, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. It is well-known that the abilities to colonize and persist on the tooth surface,
to catabolize sugars and produce weak acidic metabolites, and to tolerate the acids and the resulting low pH environment
are traits considered essential for a bacterium to cause carious lesions [7]. Many studies using in vivo models, mostly prior
to the mutans streptococci paradigm, have examined the roles of lactobacilli in dental caries [8–11], but questions remain
Wen et al., Microbiology 2022;168:001196
inexplicit on the molecular mechanisms concerning how Lactobacillus sp. colonize and establish on the tooth surface and
how they interact with the micro-environment and with other major bacterial species in the plaque microbiota, influencing
the development including temporal structure and composition of the plaque microbiota. On the other hand, many studies
have been done with the food and probiotic lactobacilli, and several articles have recently offered comprehensive reviews on
these lactobacilli including comparative genomics and the potential of biotechnological engineering [12–18]. This review
attempts to highlight recent studies on oral lactobacilli with a focus on bacterial biofilm formation and its regulation including
the roles of inter-species interactions.
Wen et al., Microbiology 2022;168:001196
four-component ABC transporter, a fructosidase and a sucrose phosphorylase, respectively, which was found to function similarly
as the multiple sugar metabolism (MSM) system of S. mutans [30]. Lactobacilli also possess diverse groups of glucosyltransferases
(Gtfs) [31–34], including glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase for glycogen biosynthesis [13]. Glycogen is one of the
major carbohydrate storage mechanisms for lactobacilli, a capacity believed to allow them advantage in competition over others
[35]. Lactobacilli also produce extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) that are mostly α [1, 4]-linked glucose polymers and some with
α [1, 6] linkages [22, 31]. Recent studies by Caufield et al. showed that about half of the L. fermentum analysed possesses the genes
for the extracellular glucans, but they were remarkably absent in other species associated with severe childhood caries [5]. No
evidence suggests that lactobacilli synthesize any major adhesive EPS from sucrose [8, 36], which in S. mutans is predominantly
α [3,1]-linked and known to play a central role in its adherence and cariogenicity [37].
Carbohydrate metabolism in lactobacilli is highly regulated by substrate induction and catabolite repression in response to
substrate availability and presence of other more readily metabolizable carbohydrate sources [29, 38]. In addition, environmental
conditions, such as oxygen tension, temperature and probably presence of other bacterial species, can also have an impact on
the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Like S. mutans, the carbon catabolite repression protein (CcpA) in lactobacilli is
a multi-functional regulator that plays a central role in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, including modulation of the
fermentation pathways from homolactic fermentation to heterofermentation in response to various environmental conditions
including sugar source and availability and aeration [39–44]. There is evidence that certain species of lactobacilli displayed
distinctive metabolomics profiles when they were grown together with S. mutans, when compared to the respective mono-species
cultures [45], although details on the mechanisms that regulate the metabolic pathways remain largely unknown.
Fig. 1. S. mutans and L. casei in dual-species cultures displayed altered survival rates as compared to those grown alone, when subjected to acid- (a)
and hydrogen-peroxide- (b) killing assays. For acid-killing assays, L. casei was incubated in 0.1 M glycine buffer, pH 2.0 for periods as indicated, and S.
mutans was incubated in buffer of pH 2.8 for the same periods. For hydrogen-peroxide-killing assays, S. mutans and L. casei were incubated in glycine
buffer containing 0.2% hydrogen peroxide. *, P<0.001 vs the respective mono-species cultures. (From Wen et al., 2017. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7 :
524. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00524).
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Lactobacilli are also capable of launching adaptive acid-tolerance response, which is featured with enhanced acid tolerance,
following initial exposure to a low pH condition [45, 56] (Fig. 1). Typically, when compared to cultures grown in medium with
buffered pH, cultures grown in regular medium will have a reduced culture pH and a significantly enhanced survival rate when
subjected to acid-killing assays. Adaptive acid-tolerance responses often result from elevated expression and activity of the
F1F0-ATPase, molecular chaperones such as DnaK and GroEL, enzymes such as Clp protease, excinuclease, involved in repair
and protection of DNA and proteins, and enzymes such as squalene synthase involved in membrane biosynthesis and thus acid
efflux [47, 57–59].
Various factors have been shown to play a role in regulation of acid-tolerance response, including GadR, GlnR and two-component
signal transduction systems [60–62]. GadR in L. brevis functions as a positive regulator of GAD and glutamate/GABA antiporter,
thus the GABA conversion from glutamate, and is expressed at a much higher level in the strains isolated from acidic habitats
[61]. Besides, nitrogen regulator GlnR is also found to play a role in glutamate-dependent acid resistance by modulating GABA
conversion from glutamate [62]. In L. elbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, the two-component signal-transduction system HPK1/RR1
was shown to regulate the acid adaptation ability of the bacterium by means of many pathways, including the proton pump-
related protein, classical stress-shock proteins, carbohydrate metabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis, DNA repair, transcription and
translation, peptide transport and degradation, and cell-wall biosynthesis, etc [58, 60, 63, 64].
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Fig. 2. Lactobacilli biofilms when grown alone and together with S. mutans under static (a) and continuous flowing (b) conditions. (a) shows 48 h
biofilms of L. gasseri (Lg), L. fermentum (Lf), L. salivarius (Ls) and L. rhamnosus (Lr) in mono-species and dual-species with S. mutans (Sm) grown on
glass slides vertically deposited in 50 ml Falcon tubes, with * and # indicating statistical difference at P<0.001 and 0.05, respectively, when compared
to the respective mono-species biofilms. (b) shows 5 day biofilms of S. mutans (Sm) and L. casei (Lc) in mono- and dual-species model grown on glass
slides in a drip flow biofilm reactor, with * indicating statistical difference at P<0.001 relative to its mono-species biofilms. (From Wen et al., 2017. Front.
Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7 : 524. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00524).
L. rhamnosus, L. fermentum, L. salivarius, L. oris and L. vaginalis strains isolated from patients with severe early-childhood caries,
also contain genes encoding binding proteins to type I collagens [5], which become exposed during the dentinal caries progression.
Consistently, majority of Lactobacillus strains tested have showed ability to adhere to surfaces coated with type I collagen, and
such adherence can be competitively inhibited with collagen [75], which is consistent with a role of Lactobacillus sp. in root and/
or coronal caries. This is in contrast with their cariogenic partner S. mutans, of which only about 17 % of the isolates contain the
cnm and cbm genes encoding collagen-binding protein [76].
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Fig. 3. L. casei biofilm formation with S. mutans mutants. L. casei (Lc) was grown alone or together with S. mutans wild-type UA159 (UA) and its mutants
deficient of P1, GtfB, GtfC, GtfBC or Ftf on glass slides for 48 h. Data are expressed as the ratio of L. casei biofilms (in colony-forming-units) in dual-
species over those in mono-species, with * indicating significant differences at P<0.001. (From Wen et al., 2017. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7 : 524. doi:
In an effort to uncover the mechanisms underlying the enhanced biofilm formation, Liao et al. showed that deficiency of
multi-functional adhesin P1 and glycosyltransferase B (GtfB) in S. mutans almost completely demolished the ability of S.
mutans to facilitate L. casei biofilm formation [45] (Fig. 3). GtfB is known for its ability to synthesize adhesive glucans from
sucrose, but it can also function as an adhesin and directly bind to other bacteria such as Candida albicans [79]. In an in
vitro adherence assay, purified native GtfB protein was able to bind to L. casei cells, and when the GtfB-bound bacterial cells
were incubated with sucrose, synthesized adhesive glucose polymers that were able to bind to S. mutans (Fig. 4). In support
of the mechanical retention theory [5, 10], the results further suggest that biofilms of the early colonizers and especially,
their extracellular polymers, which include the rich polysaccharides and deoxyribonucleic acids [80, 81], play an important
role as a scaffold in the establishment and retention of Lactobacillus sp. Besides, the results also provided evidence that other
factors including the intercellular interactions mediated by adhesins such as P1 and GtfB and their receptors also actively
facilitate the adherence of Lactobacillus sp. and the development of inter-species multi-cellular clusters. Further studies on
the adhesins and the binding ligands in S. mutans–Lactobacillus interaction will shed new light on whether such intercellular
interactions are species-specific.
It has been known that a synergistic relationship exists between L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus that is featured with
stimulated growth and acidification of both during milk fermentation. When grown in a mixed-species consortium in rich
medium (i.e. brain heart infusion), both Lactobacillus sp. and S. mutans showed altered behaviours, including enhanced
acid production and acid tolerance responses [45]. When co-cultivated with S. mutans, all Lactobacillus species, except L.
fermentum, had a reduced cultural pH than the respective mono-species cultures after 24 h. Metabolomics analysis showed
that selected metabolites such as succinic acid in the spent culture medium of the L. casei-S. mutans dual-species cultures
were significantly different from those in both S. mutans and L. casei mono-species cultures [45]. There is also evidence that
growth in dual-species with S. mutans led to alterations in metabolic dynamics including changes in amino acid biosynthesis
and carbohydrate metabolism [36]. However, currently there is no definitive information concerning how Lactobacillus sp.
in a mixed-species community alter their metabolic dynamics.
L. casei in dual-species with S. mutans also displays a drastic enhancement in resistance to acid and low pH, as compared
to its mono-species cultures. When incubated in a glycine buffer of pH 2.0, 0.1 M, the survival rate of the mono-species
cultures reduced by >3 log after 30 min. In contrast, the survival rate of those grown in the dual-species cultures with S.
mutans reduced by only 1-log when analysed under the same conditions. Similar trends, although in a much less degree,
were also observed with S. mutans, which is known for its ability to launch adaptive acid tolerance responses [57]. However,
it is currently unclear how such physiological characteristics may affect each other and ultimately the composition and the
cariogenicity of the plaque microbiota.
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Fig. 4. Visualization of glucans synthesized in situ by GtfB adsorbed on L. casei and S. mutans binding to L. casei with and without glucans. L. casei was
incubated with GtfB or buffer, and following washes, exposed to sucrose for 1 h, and glucans were imaged using a confocal microscope. (a) L. casei (in
green) with GtfB in buffer alone; (b) L. casei with bound-GtfB incubated with sucrose showing rich glucans (in red) engulfed in green L. casei cells. (c) S.
mutans (in blue) incubated with green L. casei with no glucans on surface; and (d) S. mutans (in blue) incubated with L. casei coated with GtfB glucans (in
red). Images were obtained using an upright Olympus confocal microscope with a 100 x oil objective. (From Wen et al., 2017. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol.
7 : 524. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00524).
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effects have been measured with reduction of bacterial adherence, glucan production, and biofilm formation in vitro and by
reduction of caries and caries severity in vivo.
When compared to the mono-species cultures, S. mutans in dual-species model with L. casei under aerobic conditions also displayed
a dramatic reduction in survival rate against hydrogen peroxide challenge and consistently, had an altered transcription profile
[45, 66]. Among the down-regulated genes are the ones for GtfB and alternative sigma factor ComX, which regulates competence
development, bacteriocin production and biofilm formation, while the up-regulated genes include several involved in oxidative stress
tolerance responses, although the factors that trigger such alterations remain unknown. In a tri-species in vitro model including S.
mutans, C. albicans and probiotic Lactobacillus, Zeng et al. recently found that of the probiotic Lactobacillus strains tested, L. plantarum
demonstrated superior inhibition on the growth of C. albicans and S. mutans and disruption of virulent biofilm formation with reduced
bacterial cell and EPS components [90]. Inclusion of L. plantarum in the community was shown to disrupt the S. mutans and C. albicans
cross-kingdom interactions and cause down expression of genes involved in the aforementioned processes including carbohydrate
metabolism and EPS production in both S. mutans and C. albicans and resistance to antifungal medication in C. albicans. In addition,
Lactobacillus genes for production of antimicrobial peptide plantaricin were also significantly upregulated. Interestingly, such anti-
microbial effects were measured only when the community was grown in high-sucrose (1%) conditions but not in low-sucrose (0.1%)
conditions. Acid production from sugar fermentation and the pH dependent antimicrobial activity of plantaricin were thought to be
part of the contributing factors, since plantaricin is most active at pH 5.0.
Several Lactobacillus sp. were found to produce hydrogen peroxide, although relative to some other oral bacteria, such as S. sanguinis
and S. gordonii [92], the level of hydrogen peroxide by some of the Lactobacillus sp. such as L. fermentum was found to be extremely low
under the conditions studied. Like S. sanguinis and S. gordonii [92], hydrogen peroxide production by Lactobacillus sp. also appears to
be regulated in response to environmental conditions including availability of fermentable sugars [93, 94] (Huang and Wen, personal
communication) and probably the presence of other different bacterial species [36]. Currently, little information is available concerning
the genetics and genetic regulation of hydrogen peroxide production in lactobacilli.
L. fermentum and several other Lactobacillus sp. were recently reported to possess nitric oxide synthase activity which utilizes l-arginine
to produce nitric oxide [95, 96]. In addition, some L. fermentum sp. were also shown to have nitrite reductase that utilizes nitrite to
generate nitric oxide [96]. A reactive nitrogen species, nitric oxide can react with superoxide anion (O2-) forming a potent oxidant
peroxynitrite (ONOO-), which is a strong oxidant with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity [97, 98]. However, no nitric oxide
synthase gene has been identified in any of these Lactobacillus strains, and it is currently unknown if nitric oxide production is
It is becoming clear that while many Lactobacillus sp. produce various antimicrobial activities, the efficacy differs between different
species and under different environmental conditions [78, 82, 90, 93]. How production of hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide and/or
bacteriocins in L. casei and other Lactobacillus sp. is regulated in the complex plaque microbiota and what impact these antimicrobials
possess on the microecology and ultimately oral health await further investigation.
Lactobacillus sp. are major contributors to dental caries, especially the development of advanced caries lesions in both adults and
children. Unlike their cariogenic partner mutans streptococci, Lactobacillus sp. alone does not adhere the tooth surface efficiently.
However, in the presence of S. mutans and some other primary colonizers, their ability to establish on a tooth surface can be significantly
enhanced, although differences exist between the different species. Mechanical retention, including trapping in food remnants and
plaque biofilms and especially the glucan scaffold of S. mutans, is a major factor contributing to Lactobacillus establishment. Besides,
adhesin-receptor mediated active intercellular contact and probably metabolites associated interactions are also involved in the S.
mutans-facilitated Lactobacillus adherence and persistence. On the other hand, Lactobacillus sp. also produce various broad-spectrum
antimicrobials, including weak acids and bacteriocins. There is evidence that production of the antagonistic factors is regulated in
response to environmental cues including presence of other bacterial species. It is hypothesized that as the lactobacilli grow to certain
degree, such antagonistic activities become detrimental to the community, especially those in close proximity like S. mutans, which
in turn weakens their own ability to maintain at the sites. Thus, the inter-species interaction between S. mutans and Lactobacillus sp.
is a double-edged sword in terms of the development of plaque microbiota. If it is true, it also explains why neither S. mutans nor
Lactobacillus is always present at caries sites [4, 97, 99]. Further studies will be needed to better understand the molecular mechanisms
that govern the interactions between S. mutans and major species of Lactobacillus and how environmental conditions influence the
inter-species interactions and ultimately, oral health and disease.
Funding information
This review and some of the data cited were in part supported by NIH/NIDCR grants to Z.T. Wen (DE19452 and DE25348).
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
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