Dam Analysisss
Dam Analysisss
Dam Analysisss
Abstract:Concrete Gravity Dams are important lifeline structures and represent the fragrance of people’s
standard of living. Dam structures that span navigable waterways are inherently at a risk for seismic vibrations
and as such they must be designed to resist these vibrations. These are very complex structures and subjected to
various types of forces both static and dynamic in nature. Conventional 2 dimensional methods are used for the
preliminary analysis and to check the stability criteria for dam structures. Provided the results obtained from
such analysis are over-estimated, it is still useful for the preliminary analysis. In this work a 2 dimensional
stability analysis of a non-overflow section of the Koyna dam having maximum height of 103 m and base width
of 70 m is done first using the Gravity method of analysis which is a rational analysis method. Various forces
acting on the dam body including vertical and horizontal earthquake forces are worked out and the stresses are
manually calculated at different points, i.e. at heel and toe. Considering the same cross sectional dimensions
and material properties a 2D finite element model of the dam is simulated using ANSYS APDL R.18.2. The
stress results found through both approaches are tabulated and are compared for the accuracy of manual
calculations. Dam-foundation-reservoir interaction is neglected and the dam is assumed to be fixed at the base.
Earthquake force is the inertia force induced due to acceleration caused by earthquake, and this acceleration is
considered as a fraction of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) applied to the dam. The dam material is assumed
to be elastic and isotropic. The worst conditions for earthquake forces are considered and two cases i.e.
reservoir empty and reservoir full conditions are considered.
Keywords: Gravity dam: ANSYS; stability analysis; 2D Finite Element Analysis; gravity method.
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Date of Submission: 20-01-2018 Date of acceptance: 05-02-2018
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I. Introduction
A gravity dam is a solid structure, made of concrete or masonry, constructed across a river to create a
reservoir on its upstream. The section of the gravity dam is approximately triangular in shape, with its apex at its
top and maximum width at bottom. The section is so designed and shaped that its weight is sufficient to ensure
stability against the effects of all imposed forces. This type of structure is most durable and solid, and requires
very little maintenance. Such dams may be constructed of masonry or concrete. However, concrete gravity dams
are preferred these days and mostly constructed. They can be constructed with ease on any dam site, where there
exists a natural foundation strong enough to bear the enormous weight of the dam. Such a dam is generally
straight in plan, although sometimes it may be slightly curve. The line of the upstream face of the dam, or the line
of the crown of the dam if the upstream face is slopping, is taken as the reference line for the layout purposes and
is known as the base line of the dam or the axis of the dam. When suitable conditions are available such dams can
be constructed to the great heights. The highest concrete gravity dam in the world is Grand Dixence Dam in
Switzerland (284 m) height and Bhakra Dam in India (226 m) [1]. The ratio of base width to the height of these
dams is less than 1:1.
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Structural Stability And 2D Finite Element Analysis Of Concrete Gravity Dam Hydrodynamic Pressure: Horizontal acceleration acting towards the reservoir causes a momentary
increase in the water pressure, as the foundation and dam accelerate towards the reservoir and the water resists the
movement owing to its inertia. The extra pressure exerted by this process is known as hydrodynamic pressure.
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𝑃𝑒 = 𝐶𝑚 𝑘ℎ ∙ 𝛾𝑤 ∙ 𝐻(6)
The resultant force due to this pressure is
𝑃𝑒 = 0.726𝐶𝑚 𝑘ℎ ∙ 𝛾𝑤 ∙ 𝐻2 (7)
Where; 𝐶𝑚 = 0.735( °) is the maximum value of pressure co-efficient for a given constant slope, 𝜃is the angle
in degrees, which the upstream face makes with the horizontal, 𝑘ℎ is the fraction of gravity adopted for horizontal
acceleration, H is the total height of the dam.
The moment of this force about the base is given as:
𝑀𝑒 = 0.412𝑃𝑒 ∙ 𝐻(8)
It is further stated that if the upstream face is partly inclined which does not extend to more than half the
depth of the reservoir, it can be taken as vertical. If the slope extends to more than half depth the overall slope up
to the whole height is taken as the value of 𝜃 in the equation above.
3.7.3 Horizontal Inertia Force:In addition to exerting the hydrodynamic pressure, the horizontal acceleration
produces an inertia force into the body of the dam. This force is generated in order to keep the body and the
foundation of the dam together as one piece. The direction of the produced force will be opposite to the
acceleration imparted by the earthquake.
Since an earthquake may impart either upstream or downstream acceleration, we have to choose the direction of
this force in our stability analysis of dam structure in such a way that it produces most unfavorable effects under
the considered condition.
Under reservoir empty condition, earthquake forces produce effects which may cause slight tension near the toe;
and hence stability analysis for reservoir empty case may be carried out only on the basis of weight of the dam by
ignoring earthquake forces and keeping the section free from tension. However, for all precise designs, these
forces must be fully considered.
Characteristic locations within the dam in which a stability criteria check should be considered include
planes where there are dam section changes and high concentrated loads. Large galleries and openings within the
structure and upstream and downstream slope transitions are specific areas for consideration.
Traditionally concrete gravity dams have been analyzed and designed by a procedure suggested by
Westergaard. Westergaard (1933), introduced an approach to determine approximately the linear response of the
dam-reservoir system by a number of masses that are added to the dam body. The method, which is usually
applied in 2 dimensional analysis, treats the dam as a rigid structure on a rigid foundation and assumes that the
hydrodynamic effect on a rigid dam is equivalent to the inertial force resulting from a mass distribution added on
the dam body.
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Chopra, A.K. (1980), proposed a simplified analysis procedure for dynamic analysis of concrete gravity
dams which include only the fundamental vibration mode in calculating the design forces. In his study, the
gravity dam is considered as two-dimensional finite element system, the reservoir as an infinite continuum in the
upstream direction with constant depth, and the foundation as a finite element system or viscoelastic half space.
This simplified method can be conveniently used in preliminary design of large gravity dams or in the final
design of small dams. In this method the interaction effects between the flexible dam and reservoir have been
included, but dam foundation interactions have been disregarded.
A two-stage procedure has been proposed by Løkke (2013) for the elastic analysis phase of seismic
design and safety evaluation of concrete gravity dams: (i) Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) and (ii) Response
History Analysis (RHA) of a finite element idealization of the dam monolith. Both analysis procedures include
the effects of dam-water foundation interaction. These procedures are added to computer software EAGD-84 and
MATLAB program.
Leclerc et. al. (2002) presents the main features and organization of CADAM, a computer program that
has been developed for the static and seismic stability evaluations of concrete gravity dams. CADAM is based on
the gravity method using rigid body equilibrium and beam theory to perform stress analysis, compute crack
lengths, and safety factors.
IS 1893-1984, Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, suggests the following methods for the
determination of earthquake forces on concrete gravity dams;
Seismic coefficient method (for dams up to 100m height)
Response spectrum method (for dams of height greater than 100m)
Gravity method is based on beam theory and is applicable if the following assumptions are satisfied:
The dam is considered to be composed of a number of cantilevers, each of which is 1 m thick and each of
which acts independent of the other.
No loads are transferred to the abutments by beam action.
The foundation and the dam behave as a single unit i.e. the joint being perfect.
The materials in the foundation and body of the dam are isotropic, and homogenous.
The stresses developed in the foundation and body of the dam are within elastic limits.
No movement of the foundations are caused due to transference of load.
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Small openings made in the body of the dam do not affect the general distribution of stresses and they only
produce local effects.
Determine the maximum normal stresses i.e. principle stresses at the toe and the heel using
𝜎𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑒 = 𝑃𝑣 𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 ∝ − 𝑃′ − 𝑃𝑒′ 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 ∝(13)
Where, 𝑃𝑣 is the intensity of normal pressure at the base of the dam, 𝑃′ is the intensity of pressure on the
downstream face exerted by tail water, 𝑃𝑒′ is the hydrodynamic pressure exerted by tail water during an
earthquake moving towards reservoir.
∝ is the angle made by downstream face and vertical.
Determine the Factor of Safety against Sliding, using sliding factor as:
𝜇 𝑉
S.F.F. = (17)
Where, 𝜇 𝑉is the shear resistance in which 𝑉 is the total vertical forces; 𝜇 is the coefficient of friction be-
tween the dam base and foundation, which varies from 0.65 - 0.75; and 𝑉is the total external horizontal forces.
In low dams, the safety against sliding should be checked only for friction, but in high gravity dams, for economic
precise designs, the shear strength of the joint, which is an additional shear resistance, must also be considered. If
this shear resistance of the joint is considered, then the equation for factor of safety against sliding which is
measured by shear friction factor (S.F.F.) becomes:
𝜇 𝑉+𝐵𝑞
S.F.F. = (18) Where, q is the average shear strength of the joint which varies from about 1400
KN/m2for poor rocks to about 4000 KN/m2 for good rocks.
For the stability analysis using gravity method two cases are considered i.e. reservoir empty case and
reservoir full case. Material properties used in the Koyna dam are listed in Table 1.
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Structural Stability And 2D Finite Element Analysis Of Concrete Gravity Dam
IX. 2D FEM Modelling Of The Dam Section Using Ansys APDL R18.2
ANSYS is a general purpose finite element modeling package for numerically solving a wide variety of
problems. These problems include: static/dynamic structural analysis (both linear and non-linear), heat transfer
and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electro-magnetic problems.
A 2D finite element model of the dam is simulated using ANSYS ADPL. Material properties and the
dimensions of the section are as stated for gravity method. All nodes along the base are restrained i.e. all degrees
of freedom are restrained so that the fixity at the base be simulated. The element type used for the modelling is
PLANE183, Plane183 is a higher order 2-D, 8-node or 6-noded element like in Fig.4. Plane183 has quadratic
displacement behavior and is well suited to modeling irregular meshes. This element is defined by 8 nodes or 6-
nodes, having two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and y directions. The element may
be used as a plane element (plane stress, plane strain and generalized plane strain) or as an axi-symmetric
element. This element has plasticity, hyper-elasticity, creep, stress stiffening, large deflection and large strain
capabilities. It also has mixed formulation capability for simulating deformations of nearly incompressible
elastoplastic materials and fully incompressible hyper-elastic materials.
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Fig. 5. Shows the meshed geometry of the dam model discretized using regular meshes. Fig. 6. Shows the Y
component stress contour when the reservoir is empty and the vertical earthquake force is acting upward and Fig.
7. Shows Y component stress contours when the vertical earthquake force is acting downward. Horizontal
earthquake force is acting towards the upstream face in both figures. Fig. 8 shows the Y component of stress
contours in reservoir full case.
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develop at the heel and toes respectively. It has been observed that the direction of vertical earthquake force does
not have significant rule in the stress distribution results but the maximum displacement at the crest is slightly
lesser if this force acts upward. In reservoir empty condition the direction of horizontal earthquake force is critical
if it acts towards upstream face since it will cause overturning of the dam as a whole. In reservoir full condition
compressive stress develops at the toe and tensile stress at the heel, it also has been observed that stress
distribution pattern is slightly different for manual and FEM results. Table 4, and Table 5 summarize the stress
results obtained from manual calculations and FEM analysis for the reservoir empty and full cases, the percentage
of difference between the results are also stated in the tables.
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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI) is UGC approved Journal with Sl. No.
3822, Journal no. 43302.
Khalid Dawlatzai. “Structural Stability And 2d Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dam.”
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), vol. 07, no. 01, 2018, pp. 09–20.
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