MCQ Based Online Examination MSBTE Time Table For Summer 2021 Examination
MCQ Based Online Examination MSBTE Time Table For Summer 2021 Examination
MCQ Based Online Examination MSBTE Time Table For Summer 2021 Examination
Course-Wise Time Table for Summer 2021 MCQ based Online Examination
Course: CO Year/Semester: 2 Master: I
Date: 16-07-2021 Afternoon Day: 4
Time Subject Code Subject Name Scheme
2.00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 22215 CO- 2- I
Date: 24-07-2021 Afternoon Day: 10
Time Subject Code Subject Name Scheme
2.00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 22224 APPLIED MATHEMATICS CO- 2- I
Date: 28-07-2021 Afternoon Day: 13
Time Subject Code Subject Name Scheme
2.00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 22226 PROGRAMMING IN `C` CO- 2- I
Date: 30-07-2021 Afternoon Day: 15
Time Subject Code Subject Name Scheme
2.00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 22225 BASIC ELECTRONICS CO- 2- I
1. The Final Time Table for MCQ based on-line summer 2021 Theory Examination is displayed on MSBTE portal
for the information of students, institutes and all concerned.
2. The Examination shall be conducted in 2 slots of 2 hours each as displayed in above Timetable
Slot-I - 10.00 am-12.00 noon and
Slot-II - 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Students shall login and start the on-line theory examination within the slot timing. The time allotted for
examination is one hour (60minutes) only from the instant of start of examination.
3. Link for Examination will be available in the eligible candidate’s login strictly as per the time slot specified in
the Time table above.
4. All students belonging to old schemes shall note that the theory examination shall be as per the paper codes
which are offered as equivalent to the courses in old schemes and indicated on the hall ticket.
5. Examination of different semesters scheduled on the same day but in different slots shall not be considered
as clash.