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The Untranslatability in Translating English To Vietnamese and Vice Versa

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

18th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted

Language Learning (AsiaCALL–2-2021)

The Untranslatability in Translating

English to Vietnamese and Vice Versa
Duy Nguyen 1*, Trang Nguyen Thi Thanh 2
Student at Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Teacher at Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

In today's world where the trade of commercials is opened between many countries from all over the world has been
on the continuous development from time to time, which leads to the vital play of communication between people and
people from other countries causing so many problems in understanding to each other. So, the important roles of
translation have been available more and more specifically and initially and the demands that requested to satisfy the
need in a number of translators and interpreters in more increasingly and more well-trained. This demands the high
intellectual levels in every translator in order to overcome a various number of language barrier problems as well as to
solve as many problems appearing in all types of documents as possible. And one of the most difficult challenges,
according to many translators in case of doing the translation between two contrary languages, especially to transfer
some unable-to-translate words, means untranslatable words – so-called untranslatability. And this is the reason for
our paper.
Keywords: cultural untranslatability, linguistic untranslatability, idioms
problems, especially the unable-to-translate words.
Moreover, due to the various number of proverbs and
idioms in Vietnamese, which leads to the transforming
Untranslatability, according to Catford (1965) [1], between two languages – English and Vietnamese –
"translation fails – or untranslatability occurs – when it more impossible and more difficult due to no structural
is impossible to build functionally relevant features of as well as grammatical equivalence as Catford (1965)
the situation into the contextual meaning of the TL [1] mentioned: "If the TL has no equivalent register,
text", are considered as one of the most difficult untranslatability may result." Besides, here are some
challenges that every translator has to face at least once, hypotheses I want to make clear.
requiring of high level in professional ability of a
 How does untranslatability affect the quality of
translator, who is obligatory in order to attend to the
a translation?
inconclusive competition in this area – translation
industry. In this paper, I would like to focus on the  What are indispensable skills and knowledge
untranslatability in translation, how to deal with it, for university students in Translation and
giving solutions, and contributing the new knowledge of Interpretation to deal with untranslatable words?
the UN to the translation industry.
 How to overcome untranslatability?
In order to satisfy that demand, there has been some
To analyse this topic, I apply the qualitative method,
research that mentioned this problem – the
which describes the property of a problem but not the
untranslatability – between English and another dialect
numeric data, by using five documents as my secondary
(Catford, 1965 [1]; Cui, 2012 [2]; Mattar, 2014 [3];
data that help me a lot in gathering non-number data
Ping, 1999 [4] & Wang, 2014 [5]). However, there is
from some theories in the last research. Moreover, since
still no paper about the untranslatable words between
this topic of mine was written for the purpose of
English and Vietnamese, which could help to be
analysing how the UN affected translations and how to
supporting teaching as well as learning documents for
overcome, thematic data is the best choice, so I take
both teachers and students majoring in Translation and
samples by non-probability sampling method.
Interpretation Department to deal with some relating
Therefore, untranslatability is also one of the hardest

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 311
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

parts, which causes the ambiguity for the beginner of In summary, these four papers are all focused on the
translation. impact of the UN on translating English to other
languages but not to Vietnamese.
As I mentioned before, this topic is based on some
previous theories.
3.1. Definition of "untranslatability."
First, Catford (1965) [1] mentioned both kinds of
untranslatability – linguistic and cultural – in analysing According to Catford (1965) [1], "if the tl has no
the pair of languages, English – Russian. moreover, by equivalent register, untranslatability may result. "
applying the qualitative method to analyse the Moreover, Furness and Hollis (2017) [9] stated that
conversion of two dialects as the problem of “untranslation is an installation that explores and
untranslatable words. he firstly defined cu as "what celebrates the many languages spoken in Brixton. In
appears to be a quite different problem arises, however, lexicons worldwide, words exist that are untranslatable
when a situational feature, functionally relevant for the to the English language. Not any old words either”.
SL text, is completely absent from the culture of which Overall, from some definitions of UN above, we can
the TL is a part" (catford,1965, pp. 99 [1]). Then, he claim that an untranslatable word is simply a word, but
defined LU as “Linguistic untranslatability occurs it does not share the same meaning from the SL with the
typically in cases where an ambiguity peculiar to the SL TL translation.
text is a functionally relevant feature” (Catford, 1965,
3.2. What are the problems
pp. 99 [1]). As a result, Catford claimed that the aspect
of culture takes the most important role in causing the In order to solve this problem as well as to make
untranslatable situation due to the different languages clear the impact of the UN, I have three questions. First,
and cultures of each country. how does untranslatability affect the quality of a
translation? Second, what are the indispensable skills
Second, “An Approach to the Translation of Brand
and knowledge for university students in Translation
Names” (Wang, 2012 [6]) found out that untranslatable
and Interpretation to deal with untranslatable words?
words could take place in translating names, especially
Third, how to overcome the UN in translating?
brand names. Not only that, by using a qualitative
method in analysing the relating papers which have the 3.2.1.“How does the untranslatability affect the
same topic and giving solutions in how to deal with the quality of a translation?”
name translation. Moreover, he also stated that due to
the increasing development of the global economy in Catford (1965) [1] categorized the problems of
'untranslatability' into two types as follows
many countries, people have to update their knowledge
of a new language as well as keep track of new trends Linguistic untranslatability (LU)
with the object of attracting domestic as wellbeing
international customers. To the linguistic type of untranslatability, there are
two types itself listed as auxiliary verbs – so-called
The third paper, “An Analysis of Untranslatability auxiliary – and verb "to be."
between English and Chinese from Intercultural
Perspective” (Wang, 2014 [5]), also had a new look at “to be” in English and Vietnamese
the impact of untranslatable words, however, on the According to Random House Webster’s Unabridged
translation between English and Chinese from the Dictionary (House, 2001 [10]), there have eleven
intercultural aspect. moreover, this paper was applied situations of "to be" with different meanings. First, "to
qualitative method by analysing how the hieroglyphics be" in the case of describing the state of remaining a life
system in Chinese using could be rendered into English which means to exist or to live. For example, by the
using Latin alphabetical system. time the letter reached them, their sister had ceased to be
Fourth, “Overcoming Cultural Untranslatability: (similar to 'died'). Second, "to be" is considered as the
With Special Reference to Wikramasinghe’s state of an action at a certain time, happening and
‘Gamperaliya’ and its English Translation, ‘Uprooted’ occurring, and it expresses the performance of a verb
by Lakshmi de Silva and Ranga Wikramasinghe” which happens especially after previously being
(Gunathilaka & Ariyaratne, 2019 [8]) analysed the UN arranged or planned. "The birthday party was so fun" is
between English and Srilanka, in addition, with the an example of this kind of "to be." The third one is
purpose to make clear how CU could help to overcome about an action of taking and holding possession of a
the language barrier between these languages and the specific location, place, or position. Fourth, it is
role of CU in translating. This paper also used the considered as a description of a non-stop state of action
qualitative method in using other sources to solve the as its original base and property as the main significance
problems in solving this barrier. of to continue or to remain as before. Here is an
example of this fourth "to be" in this applied-linguistic
sentence: "The movie theatre is over there." The fifth

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

one describes possession, belonging, and befalling. For similar to the sixth version of "to be" as Ransom House
example, "May good be with you." As the sixth Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (House, 2001 [10])
definition of "be" description, it is considered as a included as I mentioned before and demonstrates that
copula, whose function is to connect words or phrases in the two components of a phrase are semantically
a particular form of the verb "be" between a subject and equivalent. However, it is not used to indicate the
compliment, to connect the subject with its predicate presence of an object in a specific location. Here are
and to amplify subject. Here is an example for this, "Mr. some examples:
John is the president." For the seventh use of "be," it is “Tôi là người Việt Nam”
also used as a copula, however, to introduce or form the “Bây giờ là 8 giờ tối”
interrogative or imperative type of sentences. "Don't be Second, "là" takes a role as a conjunction – defined as
lazy" is an example of this. To the eighth definition, "used to indicate the presence of an object in a specific
with the user in case with the present participle of location” by English Oxford Dictionary (Stevenson
another verb to form the progressive tense with an (Ed.), 2010 [13]) - indicates an essential connection
example "She is waiting for him." In the ninth function, between the condition and the outcome with an example
in this example, "He is seeing me today," "be" in this “Cứ hễ đến hè là tôi thấy vui”. As the following
case is used with the present participle or infinitive of example “Ba tôi dặn là khi ở nhà một mình không cho
the principal verb with the purpose to indicate an exact người lạ vào” as the third use of “là”, the position of
future action. The tenth version of "be" is formed with “là” is placed after a verb “dặn”, which is similar to but
the past participle of another verb to form the passive not exactly phrasal verb, shows content or an idea that
voice. For instance, "That car was fixed." Finally, as the main verb describes. Lastly, with the function as a
Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary particle used to emphasize a subjective assertion of an
(House, 2001 [10]), the eleventh use of "be," we can utterance, we could recognize that it “can be combined
hardly seek this one since there is no one apply it into with several words that express more intensity to
daily life nowadays due to its unpopular tense, however, strongly assert something”.
it is used in literary constructions with some intransitive The auxiliary verb in English and
verbs to form the perfect tense and some antique
documents. According to TẬP QUY TẮC CÚ PHÁP
TIẾNG VIỆT (Thu, et al., n.d. [12]), there are only two The next one is another problem for the UN in
forms of “to be” in Vietnamese can be understood as translating from English and Vietnamese and vice versa
“thì” and “là” which have multiple meanings with – the auxiliary verb. In English, there are two kinds of
different forms as well as in English. First, it is used in auxiliary verbs, which is the primary and the modals.
imperative sentences so as to ask someone or a group of Firstly, the primary auxiliary verb contains three forms
people to do as a command from the speaker, for itself, the first one is "be" – "am", "is", "our", "was",
example, “Ai đồng ý thì giơ tay!”. Second, it stands for "were", "being", "been" and "will be". Next is "have"
a conjunction of cause-and-effect sentences to show with "have", "has", "had", "having" and "will have". The
result like this “Khi đun nước sôi ở 100 độ C thì nước sẽ Final is "does", "do", "did" and "will do". We use "do"
chuyển từ thể lỏng thành thể khí”. As a result, “Khi đun as a kind of primary form of the auxiliary verb for a
nước sôi ở 100 độ C” is the cause and the result will be reason as a function of present simple tense and simple
“nước sẽ chuyển từ thể lỏng thành thể khí” with a past tense in both interrogative and negative forms
conjunction-like “thì” in the middle of both cause and mostly but rarely in positive. Here is an example for this
result. Third, it is used in compound sentences, a version of the primary auxiliary verb
sentence of two or more coordinate independent clauses,
often joined by a conjunction or conjunctions as the “Do you have a pen?”
American Heritage Dictionary (Nelson, 2006 [11]) of - “Yes, I do” - "No, I do not."
the English Language defined. Normally, the first phase The "have" kind of primary auxiliary verb is used in
of a compound sentence is considered to be the main order to form the perfect tenses. In different situations,
phrase that is used to inform the conditions, reasons, there will be separated forms of "have" that take
purposes, etc., for the existence of the post-phrase. For alternative shapes. For instance, in case we are thinking
example, "Nếu bạn lười học thì bạn khó có thể thành about an action that had happened before a period of
công trong tương lai". As we can see, "thì" appears in time in the past with no clear time and space, it is past
the middle of the main phrase, and the sub phrase perfect tense whose structure contains "had" with a verb
contains two functions. First is to express the supposed in past-participle form; but in case we mention to a
result "bạn khó có thể thành công trong tương lai" of the process that has happened before a time at present, and
assuming cause "Nếu bạn lười học," and the second one after a specific time in the past, we use "have" in the
is for the reason of linking both causing and resulting plural form and "has" in singular form and is followed
sides. According to tiengviet24h.com, "là" in by a past participle form of word of action. And here is
Vietnamese has four ways to use. First, it could be the final important type of primary auxiliary verb. As
understood as a copula or a linking verb which is used some functions own themselves, "be" can only be used
to connect two parts of a sentence. This one is quite in order to perform continuous tenses, which expresses

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

an action in a non-stop and remaining way in two situational meaning. To the second one, it is a past
different directions of expressing ideas. Firstly, it participle form of the verb following after a modal verb
performs an action that remains as before and keeps – “have” – to express an action or a situation that
itself in one straightway that could be explained briefly happened in the past with no certain time and may
as to continue. For instance, "I am doing homework at continue to the present. From those two instances, it is
the moment". This shows an action "doing" at a specific impossible to render auxiliary verbs from English to
time, "at the moment," and at the time a speaker is Vietnamese without changing their meaning. So this one
performing an action of saying. Secondly, it is usually in is untranslatability.
the written method and similar to future simple tense;
Second, according to TẬP QUY TẮC CÚ PHÁP
however, there is a deliberate performing of action
TIẾNG VIỆT (Thu, et al., n.d. [12]), there are only two
while future simple does not include. Here are two
forms of “to be” in Vietnamese can be understood as
examples showing the big differences between "be verb-
“thì” and “là” which have multiple meanings with
ing” structure – considered as near future – and “will
different forms as well as in English. First, “thì” is used
verb” structure – as a future simple composition,
in imperative sentences to ask someone or a group of
“It will rain” (1) people to do as a command from the speaker, for
“It is raining” (2) example, “Ai đồng ý thì giơ tay!”. Second, it stands for
For the first example, the action "rain" expresses a a conjunction of cause-and-effect sentences to show
chance with 50% of rain; moreover, it is considered as result like this “Khi đun nước sôi ở 100 độ C thì nước sẽ
an utterance that is made as not a full sentence but as a chuyển từ thể lỏng thành thể khí”. As a result, “Khi đun
blurting out at that time. However, at the sentence nước sôi ở 100 độ C” is the cause and the result will be
marked "(2)", there are two different situations for this “nước sẽ chuyển từ thể lỏng thành thể khí” with a
and firstly is the liability of "rain” which is at a very conjunction-like “thì” in the middle of both cause and
high rate that we can ensure that it will definitely rain result. Third, it is used in compound sentences, a
and there is no way to object it; secondly, it describes sentence of two or more coordinate independent clauses,
the uninterrupted flow of rain that is taking place during often joined by a conjunction or conjunctions as the
the specific time a speaker is expressing in their speech. American Heritage Dictionary (Nelson, 2006 [11]) of
the English Language defined. Normally, the first phase
Next, according to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary
of a compound sentence is considered to be the main
(Websters, 1987 [14]). Modern. the modal auxiliary is
phrase that is used to inform the conditions, reasons,
"characteristically used with a verb of predication and
purposes, etc., for the existence of the post-phrase. For
expresses a modal modification and that in English
example, "Nếu bạn lười học thì bạn khó có thể thành
differs formally from other verbs in lacking "-s" and "-
công trong tương lai". As we can see, "thì" appears in
ing" forms." Modal auxiliary verbs – so-called modals –
the middle of the main phrase, and the sub phrase
are only used before a bare-infinitive form of verb so as
contains two functions. First is to express the supposed
to change a little meaning to the source one. For
result "bạn khó co thể thành công trong tương lai" of the
example, if I say "I read books," it is simply an action
assuming cause "Nếu bạn lười học," and the second one
"read" performing on "books" as a noun; but if I say "I
is for the reason of linking both causing and result in
can read Japanese books," which means I have an ability
sides. According to tiengviet24h.com, "là" in
to recognize a language – Japanese. These two examples
Vietnamese has four ways to use. First, it could be
are different in both structural and linguistic functions.
understood as a copula or a linking verb which is used
Here are two examples of translating auxiliary verbs
to connect two parts of a sentence. This one is quite
from English to Vietnamese as the following table
similar to the sixth version of "to be" as Ransom House
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (House, 2001 [10])
No English Vietnamese included as I mentioned before and demonstrates that
the two components of a phrase are semantically
“Would you like to “Xin mời bạn uống equivalent. However, it is not used to indicate the
have a cup of coffee?” cà-phê” presence of an object in a specific location. Here are
some examples:
“Tôi đến tham quan
"I have visited this “Tôi là người Việt Nam”
2 viện bảo tàng này
museum ten times"
được mười lần rồi” “Bây giờ là 8 giờ tối”

Table 1. translating auxiliary verb from English to Second, "là" takes a role as a conjunction – defined as
Vietnamese "used to indicate the presence of an object in a specific
location" by Oxford Dictionary (Stevenson (Ed.), 2010
In the first pair, we could see that “would” cannot be [13]) - indicates an essential connection between the
translated into Vietnamese due to its vital role in a condition and the outcome with an example "Cứ hễ đến
grammatical function of a sentence but not deciding the hè là tôi thấy vui". As the following example "Ba tôi
meaningful function itself. This one must be based on dặn là khi ở nhà một mình không cho người lạ vào" as

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

the third use of "là," the position of "là" is placed after a words-on-the-front and eight-words-below structures –
verb "dặn," which is similar to but not exactly phrasal so-called "lục bát" in Vietnamese – combining to form
verb, shows content or an idea that the main verb meaningful poetry that is used for the purpose of
describes. Lastly, with the function as a particle used in transmitting many messages for the next generations. In
order to emphasize a subjective assertion of an utterance, this case, we need to keep the source of this folklore in
we could recognize that it "can be combined with a Vietnamese instead of translating it literally.
number of words that express more intensity to strongly
assert something."
“Rượu nhạt uống lắm cũng say Cultural untranslatability (CU)
Người khôn nói lắm dẫu hay cũng nhàm”
The second type of untranslatability is about the
cultural one. It is defined that cultural untranslatability The second type of cultural untranslatability I want to
alludes to the difficulties in translation that start from mention is the proverb, according to Cambridge
the gap between the source dialect culture and the target Dictionary (Peters, 2013 [15]), "a short sentence, etc.,
dialect culture. This happens uncommonly in translating usually known by many people, stating something
cultural perspectives of a dialect, such as names of commonly experienced or giving advice," as some
individuals, nourishments, and theoretical, cultural instances below
concepts and terms. It makes the rendering of the source
content more troublesome within the target one. Here “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”
are some specific types of untranslatability in culture. This proverb means to advise people to be used to and
Firstly, folklore is, according to the American Heritage sociable with a place or a community where we are
Dictionary of the English Language (Nelson, 2006 [11]), living without a demand. So, in Vietnam, we have a
"traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a very simple way to express this.
people, transmitted orally." Here is an example of
folklore: “Nhập gia, tùy tục”

“Tết Công-gô” In the literal sense, it means when we join in a family,

we must know that family’s rules to behave ourselves in
What firstly bears in your mind when you want to order not to be stuck in trouble. But in figurative one, it
translate it into English? Is it "Cong-go Tet"? According simply means to integrate. Or with another example,
to Vietnamese meaning, when someone mentions this
phrase which means it will never happen. In some very “Vỏ quít dày có móng tay nhọn”
specific situations, like when a child's parents promise To this one, it describes the action of using nails to
to buy him/her a favorite toy just for a reason to stop the detach a fruit's skin to have it. Depending on how
baby's crying, they say, "We promise to buy you that toy sharper your nails are, it is easier to peel. That is the
on Cong-go Tet holiday." However, there is no parallel literal meaning. So how about the figurative? It means
version of "Tết Công-gô" in English due to the fact that that no one in the world is the best, so never be
this one comes from the culture of Southeast Asian presumptuous. In this case, we should keep the original
countries. So, the best way is to render it into a similar translation of English as
meaning to transfer easily for both readers and
translators. In another example of folklore from English: "Diamond cuts diamond."

“Flat wine can cause drunkenness with Thirdly, relating to untranslatability, we have
large consumption expressions, which is the "act of saying what you think
or showing how you feel using words or actions"
Great speakers can create boredom with according to Online Cambridge Dictionary, as some
lengthy orations." examples below.
At the first look, we can understand a little about this “Best thing since sliced bread”
folklore’s overall meaning through using literal
translation techniques. Could it be translated into This reminds us of the wonderful smell of bread after
being cut into each slice. However, as the literal
“Rượu ngon có thể gây say xỉn khi uống nhiều meaning, it means to describe a flat of bread that has
Người nói hay có thể gây nhàm chán khi nói just been cut is always new, and this term originates
nhiều”? from the 20th century when sliced-loaf bread is the best
seller and the most consumption. In figurative one, it
Well, there is a false in the role of building construction relates to the good characteristics of a person or good
of Vietnamese folklore system especially the finding quality of a product as a sentence
rhymes technique – which is considered as one of the
most specific characteristics appearing in most of the SL TL
folklores, expressions in the sin-eight-word distich
meter – which means a style of poetry with many six-

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

some particular fields. What you can do to further refine

“This phone of our “Sản phẩm điện thoại của
your resume is to obtain a degree or certification in such
company is the best thing công ty chúng tôi là hàng a field, which will enable you to demonstrate your
since sliced bread” rất tốt” authority on the subject. Fourthly, in case you are not
familiar with the translation from English to another
Table 2 Translating expression from English to language, try translating in the opposite way. This will
Vietnamese not only increase your knowledge of the relationship
Or in another one from Vietnamese to English we have between the two languages but will also unlock the
hitherto unknown ability to make bi-directional
SL TL translations between language pairs. This broadens the
range of projects you can use. Finally, it is very
important for translators to become accustomed to CAT
“Thua keo này, bày "When one door shuts,
(computer-assisted translation) tools. The computer
keo khác” another opens."
programs that can improve translation speed and quality
of a translation. It also helps maintain overall
Table 3 Translating expression from Vietnamese to consistency, avoid abbreviated lines and word instances.
English Repetitive phrases and word sets are provided with
This sentence means to encourage that there will be standardized translations. In case of working on the
another chance, do not be low-spirited after every loss. same project by multiple translators, the tool will allow
us to work with all standard vocabulary sets. Widely
In a word, folklores, proverbs and expressions are all available CAT tools include Linguee, SDL Trados,
connecting to one of the most specific points of culture Fluency Now, MemoQ, and more. Besides, there is a
in every country, so they are categorized as big factor that has an effect on choosing which software
untranslatable words – so-called untranslatability – to use is about comfortable price levels, client
which means they cannot be translated literally by requirements, and the file format you are working on
applying some other kinds of translation, but the best will influence your final choice. It is important to look
way is to learn by heart and using helping tools such as at the means by which translators can support and
dictionaries in both languages. Those are all about the improve their work without being wary of using
untranslatability in the cultural aspect. translation software.
3.2.2. Indispensable skills and knowledge for
university students in Translation and Interpretation
to deal with untranslatable words. For ‘untranslatability’ For normal translation document The crudest of these is an adjustment — to broadly
There are five ways in total to improve translation interpret "a potato" as "a rice grain" on the premise that
skills. The first is to read. Reading is one of the most they are the two languages' primary staple nourishment.
important ways to ensure that our translation is up-to- Another predominant strategy is borrowing, which
date, contextual, and meaningful is to read as many apportions with translation altogether and receives the
foreign languages as possible. The dictionary is the remote word as modern vocabulary. Compensation is
translator's bible and best friend. Carrying a book as another way to precise the untranslatability of dialect
often as possible and reading it in spare time to keep transformation. Numerous dialects of the world have
increasing idiolect. Moreover, read as many local distinctive words for the same thing. One way to
newspapers, magazines, books, and publications as bargain with untranslatability is calque. Firstly, calque
possible to understand trends, events, and cultural endeavors to parse, or isolate, and express into its
differences used in the language and research field. components. Secondly, it sets incites or something else
Finally, take the time to read as many articles translated made clear that the translation is of questionable
by colleagues and predecessors as possible to learn creation. The trust is that the totality of these stringed
about trading tips and tricks. Secondly, having a lot of words passes on the remote expression's outsider
conversations with native speakers of the problem concept. Calquing regularly makes no sense, but it can
language. There is no better way to learn a language be the translation of choice since it is an endeavor to be
than to speak it all the time while talking to the language exacting. Rewording is a successful way of
experts and the people who were born with it. It's also a communicating that which isn't translatable in another
great way to understand the nuances of your target dialect. It replaces a word or state in one dialect with an
language, such as colloquial and slang words. Thirdly, unequal word or expressed within the translation. The
Translators usually devote themselves to specialization, equivalency comes when the meaning is closely the
a specific field of study, in order to establish their same. With this technique, there's not as it was the
profession and reputation. This is wise because it can endeavour to associate a lexical crevice but to bridge a
enhance your credentials for clients who are looking for social hole and discover human commonality in
freelancers or professionals to translate materials in different dialects. The "untranslatable" meaning remains,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

which cannot be found in the target language, prompting superstitious or humorous so order to keep out bad luck.
some linguists to declare "impossible" in a theoretical For instance, in English, we have:
sense. It will, however, serve to remind the translators
I’ve been driving for 25 years and never had
that the UN has more to do with linguistic
an accident – touch wood!
characteristics, not with the particular traveller's talents
or the limitations of the skill. The difficulty is that the While in Vietnamese we have:
universe is divided in different ways into distinct
Tôi đã lái xe 25 năm nay và chưa hề gặp tại
cultures, and consequently, their languages have ideas
and phrases to explain the various notions and cultural nạn – phỉ thui!
traits. In certain circumstances, the problem of UN is To make the topic more clearly, there will be some
indeed irrelevant, and the translator is eventually examples such as "đìu hiu", "đắng lòng" và "đa đoan,"
reduced to leaving the term in the original language and etc. For "đìu hiu", according to LacViet Dictionary, it is
providing an explanatory footnote or paraphrase after "buồn bã, vắng vẻ" which describes the emptiness of the
scanning all dictionaries on the shelf. But difficulty landscape but not for human's emotion. So, this is just
should not be confused with untranslatability. There are the equivalent description but not a definition from
various ways in which words and words can be Vietnamese – the ST – into English – the TT.
translated that do not travel well from one language to
another, and "untranslatability" is frequently a The same as this one, we have "đắng lòng." This is a
misnomer, since a precise or complete translation is not word, which is not available in the Vietnamese
required, and everything that is required in a particular dictionary, started from folklore over hundred years ago.
context is an approximate equivalent. Dealing with However, there have a lot of definitions such as
"untranslatable" utterances, it is necessary to remember "bitterness," but in fact, "đắng lòng" has a funny
that the same notion might be expressed in several ways. meaning used to express many different emotional
Sometimes, by discovering the corresponding register or responses without containing negative meaning.
language level, an apparent 'untranslatable' case may be “Đa đoan” is the same as “đắng lòng” due to no
resolved. Since meaning is largely contextual, the information in the Vietnamese dictionary. But its
context in which a word appears may make the term at meaning is about a person who always gets troubles in
first look "untranslatable." But there is often a problem many cases, especially in bonds of love. However, it
of "not seeing the forest for the trees." In every country, doesn't mean troublemaker or amative.
there are always slangs and expressions which base on
every different culture. For instance, in Vietnam, when 3.2.3. How to overcome the ‘untranslatability’ in
we want to give our praises to the man who is very translation
strong, and he can deal with many problems by using For normal translation document
the power of his body, we say "chú ấy /anh ấy/thằng này So, the question which we have to make sure of is
khỏe như trâu vậy!". So, in pair of two languages, how to overcome, I mean to deal with the problems of
Vietnamese and English, does it make sense if we untranslatable words, considered to be the nightmare of
translate this phrase using the word-by-word technique every translator in pair of two languages – Vietnamese
from Vietnamese to English as "He is as strong as a and English – but still keep the natural meaning of each
buffalo"? We can, and the readers could understand the one. There are five ways in total to improve translation
main idea. But it is illogical due to the fact that this pair skills. The first is to read. Reading is one of the most
of languages contains different cultures, so there is no important ways to ensure that our translation is up-to-
for "as strong as a buffalo." It must be "as strong as a date, contextual, and meaningful is to read as many
horse" instead. Similarly, if one considers the social foreign languages as possible. The dictionary is the
context in which they are employed, one may frequently translator's bible and best friend. Carrying a book as
find analogs for supposedly "untranslatable" often as possible and reading it in spare time to keep
contemporary coinages or neologisms. One clarification increasing idiolect. Moreover, read as many local
stated that the tradition inferred from the Pagans thought newspapers, magazines, books, and publications as
that trees were the places where pixies, spirits, dryads, possible to understand trends, events, and cultural
and numerous other supernatural animals stay. On these differences used in the language and research field.
occasions, individuals might thump or touch wood to Finally, take the time to read as many articles translated
ask great luckiness or to occupy spirits with an evil by colleagues and predecessors as possible to learn
force. However, the meaning of "touch wood" cannot be about trading tips and tricks. Secondly, having a lot of
translated into Vietnamese due to the fact that there has conversations with native speakers of the problem
no way to transfer from the ST – English – to the TT – language. There is no better way to learn a language
Vietnamese – as the definition according to English – than to speak it all the time while talking to the language
Vietnamese Dictionary (Jones, 1956 [16]). Claimed that experts and the people who were born with it. It's also a
this is the normal way when you use your hand to touch great way to understand the nuances of your target
a thing made of wood with the hope of being language, such as colloquial and slang words. Thirdly,
Translators usually devote themselves to specialization,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

a specific field of study, in order to establish their not render the names, titles, and proper nouns appearing
profession and reputation. This is wise because it can in the text, but they must keep it in the TL.
enhance your credentials for clients who are looking for
Secondly, as Peter Newmark mentioned,
freelancers or professionals to translate materials in
'transcription' – which is considered as a word that
some particular fields. What you can do to further refine
borrows from another language and keeps its original
your resume is to obtain a degree or certification in such
form, next, "Áo dài," one of the most beautiful cultural
a field, which will enable you to demonstrate your
specificities of Vietnam, is an example of a translation
authority on the subject. Fourthly, in case you are not
from Vietnamese to English. According to Wikipedia,
familiar with the translation from English to another
"Áo dài" is the Vietnamese national and traditional
language, try translating in the opposite way. This will
clothing which is suitable for both men and women on
not only increase your knowledge of the relationship
many formal occasions, for example, in a meeting, in a
between the two languages but will also unlock the
hotel, or a restaurant, etc. Due to its traditional cultural
hitherto unknown ability to make bi-directional
characteristic itself, there is no way to transfer it into
translations between language pairs. This broadens the
English excepts for keeping the source "Ao Dai",
range of projects you can use. Finally, it is very
moreover, it is also a specific name and a traditional suit,
important for translators to become accustomed to CAT
so it should be capitalized in writing. Besides, "bánh
(computer-assisted translation) tools. The computer
mì" in Vietnamese is also kept as the source in case of
programs that can improve translation speed and quality
translating into English. According to The American
of a translation. It also helps maintain overall
Heritage Dictionary (Nelson, 2006 [11]), "banh mi" is
consistency, avoid abbreviated lines and word instances.
defined as Vietnamese sandwiches made with a variety
Repetitive phrases and word sets are provided with
of meats, pickles, or fresh vegetables, usually, sriracha
standardized translations. In case of working on the
or other spicy condiments, which are traditionally
same project by multiple translators, the tool will allow
served on baguettes made from both wheat and rice
us to work with all standard vocabulary sets. Widely
flour. Because "banh mi" is similar to "Ao Dai," besides,
available CAT tools include Linguee, SDL Trados,
this has been a traditional food in Vietnam for a very
Fluency Now, MemoQ, and more. Besides, there is a
long time, and when people mention "banh mi," they
big factor that has an effect on choosing which software
will probably think about Vietnam.
to use is about comfortable price levels, client
requirements, and the file format you are working on Thirdly, 'transliteration' is also the term alluding to
will influence your final choice. It is important to look some words that could not be rendered exactly into
at the means by which translators can support and another dialect, but it helps you to pronounce that word
improve their work without being wary of using correctly. It sounds like the international phonetic
translation software alphabet in English, which could help English learners
to be easier for their English pronunciation. For instance, For ‘untranslatability’
"tuýp" in Vietnamese has an exactly similar sound to
According to ‘A Textbook of Translation’ (Newmark, "tube" in English as in the following sentences:
1988 [17]), there are 20 strategies in total to overcome
the barrier of language translation – untranslatability – - “Excuse me, I want - “Xin lỗi, bán cho
as follows. to buy a tube of tôi một tuýp kem
Firstly, we need to transfer the SL words into TL for toothpaste” đánh răng”
some words like a name, proper nouns, or titles. For
instance, with a sentence in Vietnamese like Table 4 Lexical transliteration from English to
“Xin chào mừng quý khách đến với Núi Bà Đen”
As we can see, “tube” (/tju:b/) is directly transferred
Is it alright for into "tuýp" from English to Vietnamese. Since no word
“Welcome to Black Lady Mountain”? in Vietnamese can be replaced for "tube" in English, so
the easiest way is to pronounce by the TL styles and
Well, due to the fact that “Bà Đen” is the property name word rules. Or in another instance, we have
of that mountain, so there is no way to render excepts
keeping it in the TL translation. It must be - “I can play - “Tôi biết chơi đàn ghi-
“Welcome to Ba Den Mountain” guitar” ta”
In another example of this, "Truyện Kiều" is the title of Table 5 Lexical transliteration from English to
the story about a life of a character named Thúy Kiều
from a very long time ago. It cannot be translated into
"Kiều Story" even though "Truyện" in Vietnamese is In this case, “guitar” /gi'tɑ:/, one of many well-known
"story" in English. According to Peter Newmark, he musical instruments, is transferred into “ghi-ta” as the
noticed that in the transference strategy, translators must most similar sound as its pronunciation. Moreover, there

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

is no type of musical instrument in Vietnam that is look- In this case, "a" – an article – plays an important role in
liked as guitar, so there is the only way to express this fulfilling the meaning of a noun as well as a
word that is to translate it into spell-as-it-sound form. grammatical function – singular or plural form – in a
sentence; moreover, it is absolute that there is no article
Fourthly, with the term ‘transposition’ that Peter
in Vietnamese. Then, the best way to render it is to skip
Newmark mentioned in A textbook of translation (1986),
it means to change a small unit of a grammatical
function as a word in a sentence by different structure In the seventh strategy, 'through translation' – so-
with different positions of that word. Here are two called literal translation – means to translate textually,
examples for 'transposition.' and it should be used in already recognized terms. This
one is similar to calque and loan word. However, it is
different from word-by-word translation. Here is an
example for 'through translation' as below
A: “How are you today?” A: “Hôm nay bạn khỏe
B: “I’m fine. Thanks” Acquired Immuno- Hội chứng suy
B: “Tôi khỏe, cảm ơn” giảm miễn dịch
-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) mắc phải
- “Before I had - “Trước khi ăn sáng,
breakfast, I had had a tôi đã đi bộ” Table 9 Phrasal literal translation from English to
walk” Vietnamese
Usually, we apply this strategy to translate names of
Table 6 Phrasal transposition from English to
organizations, some common collocations, etc.
In the eighth strategy, Peter Newmark referred to
In the first example from English to Vietnamese, "are" some lexical synonymy, which is considered as one of
in this case plays a grammatical function in an English the most difficult types of word translation due to its
sentence; however, there is no "are" in the Vietnamese variety of a word in many different cultures. For
version. So, there is the only way to solve this is to skip instance, "già" in Vietnamese means the old man or a
the functional grammatical word in Vietnamese. In the person who is more than 65 years old; however, how
second one, "had" also plays a grammatical function in about "già làng"? Is it an old man in a village? There are
the Past-participle form of verbs describing an action fifty percent right and wrong. First, "già làng" expresses
that had happened before a period of time in the past a man who are staying in that village for a very long
and may lengthen to the present. time until now; second, that word is considered as the
Fifthly, 'transcreation,' one of the most interesting leader of that village. In another example, "đen" in
activities that perform and use translators' creation into Vietnamese shows a state of color – it means "black.
rendering. There are so many cases in real life, like But what does "đen đủi" mean? Does its meaning have a
translating films' names, poems, etc. The following two little similarity as "black"? Absolutely no, "đen đủi" is
examples of 'transcreation' as following an adjective expressing a stroke of bad luck or the
unlucky thing as an example below.
- “Kẻ Cắp Mặt
- “Despicable Me” - “Hôm nay quả thật
Trăng” - “What a bad day
là một ngày đen
- “Bố Già” - “Dad, I’m Sorry” đủi!”

Table 7 Phrasal transcreation between English and Table 10 Lexical synonymy translation from Vietnamese
Vietnamese to English

In this case, translators have no other choice but to With the 'componential analysis' in the ninth strategy,
follow the content of the movie then create a new name Peter Newmark wants to express the various meanings
based on it. of a word in many different situations, which may
replace the main idea of the content. Briefly, it means a
Sixthly, ‘one-to-one translation’ is the most popular word for many meanings similarly. These examples will
technique that many people use for a fast translation. explain the overcoming of untranslatability
For example,
- Have breakfast
- “a house” - “căn nhà” “ăn” - Ăn sáng
- Eat breakfast
Table 8 Lexical one-to-one translation from English to (eat)
Vietnamese - Ăn ảnh - Be photogenic

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

Vietnamese. In the second example above, this is a

- I finished
- Tôi đã hoàn thành traditional slang alluding the death. In order to have a
Finish my fully understandable way of this, I will give you a small
bài tập về nhà
homework conversation as the situation below:
thành) - “Finish - "Hạ gục anh ta ST TT
him!” đi!"
A là bà con xa của B. A is the distant relative to
Table 11 Translating componential analysis between Một hôm A gọi hỏi B. One day, A called B to
English and Vietnamese thăm sức khỏe B inquire after their health
The first verb, "ăn" in Vietnamese, shows an action of A hỏi B: “Ông C sao A asked B: “How is Mr.
putting food into our mouth and that food transforms rồi?” C?”
into energy for our body, has two specific uses as I
mentioned above as examples as we know that "ăn (C is the husband of B)
sáng" means to eat food in the morning. However, is "ăn (C là chồng của B) “He died!” – said B
ảnh" the same as "to eat" something? Unfortunately, "ăn
ảnh" is the other different way to give a compliment B đáp: “Ổng đi bán
about a person who is beautiful in the picture by their muối rồi!”
good performance. So, it is impossible to translate "ăn
ảnh" by using word-to-word technique due to lacking Table 13 Translating traditional slang from Vietnamese
meaningful content in TT. To make clear of this strategy, to English
"finish" will be the next example for this. According to
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, I have In this case, "bán muối", by implication, is understood
two translated versions above from the definition of as "to die" according to culture in most Southeast Asian
"finish," which is "to complete the last part of Nations. Those two examples are the conception of
something that you are doing," according to Longman culture – one of the specific cultural features of a
Dictionary of Contemporary English, I have two country – so there is no way to transfer them directly
translated versions above. First, it means to go to the into TL, but indirectly we use a similar word that best
end of the process of homework; however, the second describes the SL meaning.
sentence happens during a battle between two Eleventh, label translation is simply to translate labels
kickboxers with the moral support from the audience and brand names. This activity is considered to render
like: "Finish him!". In this case, "finish" does not keep untranslatable words – untranslatability – of some labels
the original meaning, which is to complete a work, and brand names. Due to the increase of technology and
anymore. Its meaning sounds similar to "beat" in the economy of some countries, many foreign
English with "đánh bại" and "hạ gục" in Vietnamese. companies have been investing in these markets and the
Tenth, this strategy depends on how various points of localization is also important for the national civilians
view there are which takes place mostly in translating because there are so many new languages that they do
the same content but the results are completely different not know and those are the reasons for the existence of
to each other even in one language to another language label translation. There are so many stores, shops,
and vice versa, is 'modulation.' In order to prove that restaurants, etc on the street you will seek that have
this technique can help translator overcome some been translated in your language. For example:
problems occurring during translation, especially
untranslatability – so-called untranslatable words, here Best Express Giao hàng tốt nhất
are a few examples
Apple Quả táo cắn dở
- “police” / “cop” - “công an” / “cớm”
Single-Member Limited Công ty Trách nhiệm
- “bán muối” - “to die” Liability Company Hữu hạn Một thành viên

Table 12 Translating modulation between English and Table 14 Performing label translation
Vietnamese Twelfth, with the term 'naturalization' in 20 ways
In the first example, "police," or "cop," is translated into overcoming untranslatability, a translator sometimes
"công an" in Vietnamese in a normal way. But, "cớm," meets some problems about the ways people, whose
is used as a touch of sarcasm and contemptuous word English does not belong to them and not the mother
that Vietnamese people call for "công an" or "cảnh sát," tongue, pronounce a word in English by their thick
is the untranslatable word because there is no parallel brogue. For example, 'Co.opmart,' the name of a very
word in English has exact meaning as "cớm" in famous supermarket with good price in Viet Nam and it

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

is very reliable to many Vietnamese buyers, is culture in every country or in the most well-known thing.
pronounced "cóp-mắc" instead of /ˈkəʊ ɒp mɑːrt/ by First, "google" is a well-known web-based searching
most of the people living in Viet Nam; in another tool that none of us have been using since the time we
example, "mayonnaise," which is defined as a thick, knew how to use a computer and go online. By its
velvety dressing comprising of egg yolks beaten with oil wonderful function is that it can help you find anything
and vinegar and seasoned, is also pronounced in a in the world consisting of knowledge, newspaper,
simple way is "ma-dô-ne" instead of /meɪ.əˈneɪz/. documents, games, entertainment, etc. Because of its
function, many people from around the world have
'Acronyms,' which is mentioned as the thirteenth
created a new verb, "to google," which expresses an
strategy according to Peter Newmark, are words that
action of using Google Search toolbar integrated into
formed from some important letters or letters of each of
some browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, etc., to
the successive parts. We can easily seek these words as
find what we want. The next example is about an action
a name of an organization, for instance, WHO (World
of telling things over the truth or swaggering about
Health Organization), WTO (World Trade
anything of a braggart – "nổ." In Vietnamese, people
Organization), academic titles like "Prof." stands for
use this term to criticize some specific persons who
"professor," "Dr." for "doctor," "Mr." for a man and
always show off what they have, but the others do not as
"Mrs." for a woman who is married, etc. In Vietnamese,
in a spoken way. Second, "trolling" is also a new word,
there are also so many acronyms as English does, for
describing an action of teasing mischievously or saying
example, Vovinam – a type of martial art with the full
something that joke or playing a nasty trick, prank to
name is "Việt Võ Đạo," "NSƯT" is the short form of
other people to make fun. For the final instance I have
"Nghệ sĩ ưu tú" – as an award for a person who devotes
for this, "bóc phốt" is an action of disclosing some
themselves for a specific form of art. And the final
information which is considered to be secret for
example is "NGƯT" whose short form is "Nhà giáo ưu
someone or an organization that might affect their
tú." This is also an award as "NSƯT," but the main
personalities or damages their minds. In a lower level is
purpose is to fully respect some specific teachers who
just like a joke between some relationship like friends,
have been spending most of their time for their students
family, relatives, etc. that not only the youths use in
and do the best they can to improve the educational
their daily life but also the adults in such case.
situation in Vietnam. When translating these words,
there is no other way better than keeping it as remain or Moving to the seventh strategy, 'cultural
express as most similarly the details as possible in order equivalence' means to translate the culture – the ways
not to be lost in translation and causing mistakes that people apply their mother language as English structures.
make readers more confused. For example, "xe mô-tô" to the Vietnamese is a kind of
large motorcycle but the fact that "mô-tô" is simply a
Fourteenth, 'expansion' in translation is the way a
Vietnamese version of "motorcycle" in English. Or in
translation puts one or more than two words to fulfill the
another example, when people mention an action of
meaning of a name or a title like "Tous Les Jour" – one
twisting the gas handler of a motorcycle to warm up the
of the most famous bakeries in over the world started to
engine inside, they use "đề-pa" as a verb of this. "đề-pa"
migrate to Vietnam since 2007. People in Vietnam are
is originated from "to depart." Those could not be
now used to calling it "tiệm bánh Tous Les Jour" while
translated because they do not share the same meaning,
there is no "bakery" word appearing in the name. Or, in
so they are untranslatable words again.
another example, "trái dưa hấu" is the Vietnamese
version of "watermelon" in English. The most different In the eighteenth, 'paraphrase' means expressing the
spot here is that "watermelon" does not contain any given idea in another way but still keeping the same
"fruit" itself, but in Vietnamese, we have "trái" as a meaning as the source. In the situation below
To the 'contraction' in the fifteenth strategy, it is ST TT
different from acronyms. 'Contraction' is simply A and B are having
explained as a reduced form of a word or a pair of A và B đang dung bữa tối
dinner in a restaurant.
words. For instance, "science fiction" is written in the tại nhà hàng. Bỗng nhiên,
Suddenly, B takes his
short form as "sci-fi," "wanna" is the short form of B lấy tay gấp đồ ăn qua
arm over the cup of
"want to," which is used mostly in the English spoken khỏi chiếc ly và mém chút
water to take food and
language. In such cases, it is also considered as nữa làm rơi cái ly đó
may cause the falling
untranslatability because they are as well as a cultural xuống đất
of that cup.
way of speaking a language especially to some other
countries whose mother tongue is not standard English A said: “Be careful!”
like America, Singapore, etc. A nói: “Coi chừng đổ kìa!”

The next one is about 'neologism', the sixteenth Table 15 Translating using paraphrasing technique
strategy, which is defined as a new word or could be the from English to Vietnamese
new term of a word. This happens due to the varieties in

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 621

Even though the ST does not contain "the falling" of questions in this survey, which relate to the
water, but in the TT, a translator involves in containing untranslatability as well as some untranslatable words in
it. translation from English to Vietnamese and vice versa
for 20 students in the Translation and Interpretation
In the nineteenth strategy with the term 'back
translation.' This term of translation is quite popular in
this field. The idiom "so many men, so many minds" is For the problem of the most similar term to
the same as 'back translation.' It describes as many times untranslatability, people consider it as a normal
rendering a translation as the results won't be the same situation. However, some who specialize in translation
as the first time, for example. major have to dig deeply into the problems not only
about the vocabulary but also the structures from a
First Cô gái hôm qua tôi gặp ở bệnh viện A language to another, especially from English to
translation là một vị bác sĩ Vietnamese. According to the survey, there are four
answers, which are "Literal translation, Skip translation,
Second A woman, whom I met yesterday at A Contextual translation, and Literal-sense translation."
translation hospital, is a doctor Hence, the most selected option is "Skip translation."
Due to they reckon that this problem is certainly
Third Người phụ nữ hôm qua tôi gặp ở bệnh absolute, so there is no need to translate them. But,
translation viện A làm trong ngành bác sĩ under the translators' look, this is a serious problem.
To the second question – “What are the aspects of
Fourth A woman I met yesterday at A hospital the untranslatability?”, there are two aspects which can
translation is a doctor be listed as the cultural – about the culture of a country
– and linguistic – about the language people use in each
Table 16 Translating using back-translation technique country.
between English and Vietnamese
Third, "ambiguous" and "misunderstand" are the key
Over four translations, the meaning does not change elements which affect the quality of translation.
after all. There is just only a change in the position of
Fourth, the most effective way to solve the
some words.
untranslatable words is to do online searching. This is
Finally, 'ambiguity' is one of the most difficult one of the most suitable solutions to deal with some
problems that confuse a translator with the content of a documents that appear untranslatable words.
document. Here are some examples I want to make clear
Fifth, to solve the UN, not only to obtain the
specialist knowledge of translation and general, but also
“Nghe xong tin người đó “John is looking the deep understanding about TL culture, reading
mất, mẹ tôi CHẾT LẶNG” for a car” comprehension, and writing skills.
Table 17 Ambiguous problem in translating Vietnamese Sixth, besides applying the pen-to-paper technique
to English in translation in solving the UN, there is another one –
technology. With the development of technology in
In the left sentence, "chết lặng" means to be extremely today's world, most problems could be settled.
sad, sorrowful and keep the posture of the body in the
same as to remain with a soulless eye, but it does not 4.2. Discussion
mean to die. To the right sentence, "John is looking for This survey was created by applying the qualitative
a car" has two meanings, which cause readers method with the purpose of finding out the property of
ambiguous; the first one is about John is doing an action untranslatable words, as mentioned before. Moreover,
of using his eyes to search for the car; second, it means from the results achieved from this survey, it is sure not
that John wants to buy himself a car, but he is in two only that some words could not be translated from
minds about what car he should buy. English to other languages, but they also cannot be
In total, those are the twenty ways to overcome the rendered into Vietnamese and vice versa due to the non-
untranslatable words – so-called untranslatability – that equivalence in both languages. In addition, grammatical
Peter Newmark included in A textbook of translation structures are also the second factor that prevents a word
(1988) that a translator must obtain to become more or a phrase from being translated into other languages.
professional in dealing with the untranslatability. 5. CONCLUSION
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In conclusion, untranslatability is a difficult problem
4.1. Results that requires translators to have much knowledge about
the field they do the translation; moreover, the reflection
In this research, I applied the qualitative method to in choosing a word in TL document must be more and
collect wordy data instead of numeric one. Here are 15

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