Ethiopia Nigussie Revised Case Study
Ethiopia Nigussie Revised Case Study
Ethiopia Nigussie Revised Case Study
Authors: Aklilu Nigussie1, Adem Kedir2, Getnet Belay2, Abiy Addisu2, Kidane2
Desalegn and Birhanu Megersa2
Email: [email protected]
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
In Ethiopia, chicken are widespread and almost every rural family owns
chicken, which provide a valuable source of family protein and income
(Tadelle et al. 2003a). The majority (99%) of these chickens maintained
under a traditional system with little or no input four housing, feeding or
health care. Rural chicken in Ethiopia represents a significant part of the
national economy in general and the rural economy in particular and
contribute to 98.5% to 99.2% of the national egg and chicken meat
production, respectively (Tadelle 1996; Aberra 2000). However, the
economic contribution of the sector is still not proportional to the huge
chicken numbers, attribute to the presence of many technical, organizational
and institutional constraints.
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
resources. The proportional contribution of poultry to the total animal protein
production of the world by the year 2020 believed to increase 40%, the major
increase being in the developing world (Delgado et al. 1999). However, most
communities lack the required husbandry skill; training and opportunity
effectively improve their household chicken production (Mlozi et al. 2003).
Chickens are among the most adaptable domestic animals and more people
are directly involved in production throughout the world (in Ethiopian case
too) than any other agricultural enterprise. The impact of village chicken in
the national economy of developing countries and its role in improving the
nutritional status, income, food security and livelihood of many smallholders
is significant owing to its low cost of production (FAO 1997; Abdelqader
2007; Abubekar et al. 2007).
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Table 1: Frequency of Egg sales
Activities Sample area
Amibar Afambo
Frequency of sale egg
Once in a week 85.6 85.4
Twice in a week 12.2 12.5
Daily 2.2 2.1
Source: survey data computed, 2013
Challenges faced
Infrastructural development for the agro-pastoral communities like
access to electric power and transportation
Solutions Tasted
For agro-pastorals to use ventilated house for the chicken birds that
can be easily made from the available materials using plastics, wood
and iron sheets
Apply for external funds like ASARECA, PRIME and others for
financial and infrastructural development
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Impact generated
As stated in Table 3 91.1% of the households have access to information about the
egg market price in Amibar district where the 42% of the information in channeled
from other suppliers in the area. While in Afambo 68.8% of the households have
market information where most of the information comes from the buyers.
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Table 3: Market information for chicken bird and egg
Activities Sample area
Amibar Afambo
Access to market information of egg
Yes 91.1 68.8
No 8.9 31.3
Source of market information
Other producers 42.0 31.3
Development agents 23.6 0.0
Buyers 14.0 35.4
Relatives 11.6
Source: survey data computed, 2013
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
There was no any household who have electricity in poultry house in both
sample districts. Adequate ventilation facilities in poultry house were
provided by 100% and 92% in Amibara and Afambo districts, respectively.
Only 20% and 8% of the respondents in Amibara and Afambo districts,
respectively, used litter for rearing chicken.
Estimated Yield
Egg production
Management Practices
The Koekoek was bred from crosses between the Black Australorp and the
White Leghorn and is recognized as a locally South African developed breed.
These birds reach sexual maturity at 130 days. They have a characteristic
black and white speckled color pattern, also described as barred, which is
present in as many as nine different poultry breeds. The kook inherited the
bar gene, a sex linked gene and they are easily distinguished, having light
grey bars on the feathers, while the hen are darker (Van Marle-Koster and
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Nel, 2000).The average egg weight is 55.7g and the color of the eggs is
brown (Ramsey et al., 2000).
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
feeding, 81.1% and 76.7% of the respondents in Amibara and Afambo
districts, feed their chicken three times per day respectively, while 18.9% and
23.3% provide two times per day in the same order.
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Figure 2: an agro-pastoral women with her hausband feeding Koekoek
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State
Figure 3: Field day
Figure 4: Women giving supplementary feed
Popularization of Chicken Production in Smallholder Women Agro-pastoralist of Ethiopia: Case of Afar Regional State