Dossier Estius 2024 ENG v2
Dossier Estius 2024 ENG v2
Dossier Estius 2024 ENG v2
of the SECTION
The Section of Biomedical, Evolutionary and Developmental Genetics (former Department
of Genetics until 2016) of the current Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics
is one of the most active research Sections at the University of Barcelona (UB). At present,
it has 27 professors, which along with postdoctoral and recruited researchers, graduate
and undergraduate students, technicians and administrative staff and services, form a
group of ~100 people.
It can be considered that the Department of Genetics was created in 1963, when Dr.
Antoni Prevosti, introducer of this specialty at the University of Barcelona, was awarded
Professor of Genetics in the first Spanish call of this discipline. At the time of its formation,
the Department pioneered the study of variability in natural populations using Drosophila
as a model organism. Nowadays, research and teaching have expanded greatly. Using
state of the art molecular tools and the latest generation of genomic approaches, as well
as a wide variety of animal models, research in the section addresses the scientific
challenges expected to have a major impact on the XXI Century society: Plants genetics,
Development and Regeneration, EVO-DEVO, Genetics and Evolutionary Genomics, and
Human Molecular Genetics. Teaching includes courses in the Degrees of Biology,
Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, as well as
various masters, such as Genetics and Genomics, Biodiversity, Biomedicine, Neurosciences
and Molecular Biotechnology. The Department is also responsible for the PhD program in
Genetics, which has the quality award of the Ministry of Education.
Section of Genetics
Section of Genetics
Section of Genetics
To what extent humans are similar or different to a
mouse, a fish or a worm? How do genetic changes
during development generate evolutionary innovations
and create biodiversity?
The field of EVO-DEVO has been recognized in the MILLENIUM issue of Nature (2000) as
one of the 10 disciplines that will have a greater future impact on the society of the XXI
Century. EVO-DEVO studies how the evolution of the mechanisms of embryo
development at the genetic, molecular, cellular and morphogenetic levels is responsible
for the extraordinary diversity generated during the last 1.000 million years of animal and
plant diversification.
EVO-DEVO, as we know it today, arises from the intersection of the fields of Genetic and
Molecular Developmental Biology, Molecular Evolution and comparative Genomics, and it
is nourished by state-of-the-art novel “omic” technologies (genomics, transcriptomics,
proteomics, epigenomics) and the recent advances of molecular techniques of Genetic
Engineering, transgenesis and gene silencing.
EVO-DEVO research follows comparative developmental approaches using new animal
models chosen ad hoc for their key phylogenetic position to illuminate the changes of the
mechanisms of development responsible for morphological and functional innovations
that might have facilitated the major evolutionary transitions of life forms in our planet.
Section of Genetics
What are the genetic and genomic bases of adaptation
and evolutionary novelties? How have genetic changes
contributed to the diversity of life? What are the main
evolutionary processes that have shaped genetic
Evolutionary Genetics studies the genetic basis and mechanisms determining the adaptive
process, the patterns of evolution and biodiversity. Within this general objective, at the
Departament de Genètica we perform research in the fields of population genetics and
genomics, phylogeography, phylogenetics and comparative genomics. Projects in these
fields are conducted in a wide range of taxonomic groups that include both model and
non-model species. In our research, we use experimental approaches based on classical
methods of molecular biology and on the new “omics” technologies (genomics and
transcriptomics), and also bioinformatics, including the development of computational
tools and software.
Section of Genetics
What are the genetic basis of hereditary diseases? How
can we approach the search of new genes causing
lysosomal diseases, blindness, osteoporosis or
migraine? How can we delve into the molecular causes
of genetic diseases? Can we improve the diagnosis and
design of effective therapies for these diseases?
These are scientific questions addressed by the group of Human Molecular Genetics at the
Department of Genetics, formed by a large group of researchers who have spent years
working to determine the genetic and molecular bases of monogenic diseases from rare
neurodevelopmental disorders to hereditary disorders of vision due to retinal
degeneration, and complex diseases, most prevalent, such as osteoporosis and
neurological disorders (migraine, impaired neurotransmission) and behavioral (drug
addictions, ADHD, autism and aggressive behavior).
We aim to answer what genes cause these diseases, which processes are altered when
these genes have mutations, how can we diagnose genetic carriers in families, if we can
address some cell or gene therapy to alleviate its effects or even if we might someday cure
the patients. To achieve these goals, we employ a range of innovative techniques and
accurate genetic diagnosis (sequencing exomes and transcriptomes), and define new
therapeutic targets by biochemical, genetic and cellular studies that combine the
construction of animal models (mouse, zebrafish) as well as cell- based assays (transfected
cells, primary cultures, iPS cells, organoids).
Section of Genetics
under the PROGRAM
1. Marc Valls
Section of Genetics
Bacterial genes involved in crop diseases
Marc Valls
[email protected]
During this stay, we want to find out the genes expressed by the bacterium R.
solanacearum to be able to colonize tomato plants and produce the bacterial wilt
disease. We propose a transversal approach, which uses techniques from
molecular genetics, plant genetics and microbiology to better understand how
bacteria cause disease and try to remedy it. For more info on the research group:
Tasks to do: We will work with the bacteria E. coli and R. solanacearum and with
tomato plants and Arabidopsis as hosts for infection. Gene cloning, bacterial
growth in planta, transformations of plant pathogenic bacteria and activity
measurements will be carried out using enzymatic, luminescent and fluorescent
reporters. Activity measurements and fluorescence microscopy images will be
Section of Genetics
Sofia J. Araújo
[email protected]
How can a cell break its symmetry and generate a highly branched structure?
Branching morphogenesis during development builds the ramified structures of
various organs, including the nervous, vascular and respiratory systems. Branching
at the single-cell level implies extensive cytoskeletal remodelling and membrane
growth and dynamics. Understanding how cells branch at the correct time and
place and what are the molecular mechanisms implicated is essential for the
modulation of this cell behaviour during development and regeneration. Using
Drosophila melanogaster, we will study different cell branching phenotypes using
genetic engineering techniques, molecular biology and advanced imaging, in order
to unveil new molecules involved in subcellular branching.
Section of Genetics
& New Animal Models
Cristian Cañestro and Alfonso Ferrández
[email protected]
Are you interested in Genetics, Transgenesis, Developmental Biology, Genomics,
Evolution or Bioinformatics? Would you like to investigate an emergent animal
model and to develop new CRISPR tools? If the answer is YES, we invite you to
contact us to get to know the research lines of our lab, in which we are
Section of Genetics
Julio Rozas [email protected]
Sara Guirao-Rico [email protected]
Our research group seeks to understand the evolution of genes and genomes. To
this aim we use bioinformatics tools (some of them developed in our group) to
analyze high-throughput sequencing data under the theoretical framework of
population genetics and molecular evolution. We are especially interested in the
molecular evolution of gene families, especially those encoding the chemosensory
(i.e., olfactory and gustatory) proteins in model and non-model organisms. We
have identified and studied the chemosensory genes of insects, centipedes,
chelicerates, tardigrades and onychophorans, which belong to different arthropod
subphyla that colonized the land from an aquatic ancestor independently in
different evolutionary periods. We are also investigating the genomic basis of
adaptive radiations in the Macaronesia islands using the spider genus Dysdera as a
model, and participate in some genome consortia dealing with the analysis of
species of commercial interest, or with special ecological or evolutionary relevance.
Section of Genetics
Detecting the genomic signals of polygenic
adaptation in natural populations
Alejandro Sánchez-Gracia
[email protected]
The main goal of our research group is to understand the molecular mechanisms
underlying adaptation in natural populations. Our case study are altitude gradients,
an ecological limit with important variations in temperature and humidity. Our
research model is Drosophila, a model organism with high-quality genome
sequences and functional annotations. We are combining high-throughput
sequencing data, powerful population genomics and bioinformatics inference, and
computer modelling, in an innovative large-scale study across more than 2,500km
at Colombian Andes Mountain ranges. We are focusing our study on detecting the
characteristic hallmark of polygenic adaptation, i.e., the process in which a
population adapts through changes at many genes across the genome (typically
hundreds or thousands of genes) in the wild. Our results will contribute new
knowledge about how evolution works at the molecular level but also about the
factors influencing the response of natural and breeding populations to climate
change and global warming.
Section of Genetics
Marta Pascual [email protected]
Francesc Mestres [email protected]
Carlos Carreras [email protected]
Cinta Pegueroles [email protected]
Connectivity and adaptation are fundamental evolutionary processes that shape
populations of marine organisms. Our group study these processes in a wide
variety of organisms, including commercial, invasive, endangered or ecologically
relevant species such as demersal fishes, marine turtles, tunicates, echinoderms or
crustaceans. We use genetic and genomic data, sometimes combined with
phenotypic and environmental data, to address our research evolutionary
questions that also provide a framework for a scientifically based management and
conservation of the studied species.
Section of Genetics
Jesus Lozano-Fernandez
[email protected]
Section of Genetics
Why mutations in retinal dystrophy genes
cause blindness?
Gemma Marfany and Vasileios Toulis
[email protected] , [email protected]
Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the main cause of hereditary blindness
worldwide, affecting 1:3000 people. Mutations in more than 300 hundred genes
cause IRD, but the precise function in these genes in the retina is for many still
unknown. We use transfections in cultured cells, primary cultures of neurons,
explants of mouse retinas, genome editing in mouse and in human retinal
organoids derived from iPSCs as models to address the functional characterization
of IRD genes. We are also evaluating the potential of advanced cell and gene
therapies for precision medicine in IRDs.
Section of Genetics
Raquel (Kelly) Rabionet
[email protected]
The recovery process after a stroke leads to differences in the functional outcome
of the patient. Genetic variants in the genes in involved in recovery pathways may
influence this functional outcome. In a collaborative study, we explored the
contribution of rare, exonic variants that affect protein function, observing several
genes that could be involved in the recovery. We are now working on establishing a
functional model for validating variants in this gene, a gene expressed in
neutrophils and potentially involved in the endothelial transmigration process.
Section of Genetics
Roser Corominas
[email protected]
The aims of our group is to study the molecular and genetic basis of disorders of
the brain. We study both rare and common diseases using a combination of basic
experimental and computational approaches. Currently, we are generating and
studying brain cortical organoids and 2D neurons derived from human induced
pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) of patients and controls.
In our experiments, we use basic and specific techniques of both cellular and
molecular biology. The analyses of the results is performed in house using
computational tools and pipelines. The student will mainly perform experimental
work, but will participate in all parts of research helping with the experimental
design, reading articles, analyzing the results, and presenting them in meetings.
Section of Genetics
Section of Genetics