8-Physiology of Labour
8-Physiology of Labour
8-Physiology of Labour
Prepared by
• Labour is the series of events by which the foetus and placenta are expelled from
the woman's uterus after viability.
• Delivery is the actual provision of the baby.
Normal labor
Spontaneous delivery of full term, mature, living fetus, presenting by its vertex,
through the birth canal, within reasonable time (24 hours) without
interference and without fetal or maternal complications delivery
• Lightening: Is the descent of the presenting part into the pelvic cavity 2 to 3 weeks before
the onset of labour.
• Preterm labor : Interruption or termination of pregnancy between the 28th : 38th weeks
N.B: Babies delivered between 20: 28 weeks are termed immature babies.
• Pos-term labor : Prolongation of pregnancy 2 weeks or more beyond the expected date of
▪ Effacement :The cervix is shortening and taken up i.e., the cervical canal
becomes incorporated into the lower uterine segment
In primigravida:
Effacement occurs first followed by dilatation i.e. the cervix dilate from
above downwards
In multigravida:
There are 5Ps essential factors that affect the process of labour:
What are the difference between true labour pain and false
labour pain ?
Differences Between True and False Labor Pains:-
True Labor Pains False Labor Pains
(Braxton Hicks Contraction)
Onset of Onset of
Contraction Contraction
Intensity Intensity
Relaxation Relaxation
Duration Duration
A. Symptoms:
• True labor pains
• The show
B. Signs:
• Dilatation of the internal OS
• Formation of bag of fore water
2- The show
•The mucous is the cervical mucous plug which falls down when
the cervix starts to dilate.
•The blood is due to separation of the membranes from the
lower uterine segment
▪Labor usually starts within 24 hours after the passage of show
Dilation of Cervix
Second Stage =
1 Stage of
Fetal Expulsion
Stages of
Labor Third Stage =
Stage of
Placental separation
Fourth Stage =
Recovery ( 1st 2 hours
After delivery of placenta)
Prodromal stage
2. Engagement
Head 6. Restitution
3. Increase Delivery
7. External
4. Internal
Signs of the Second Stage of Labor
There is less blood loss and less There is more liability of bleeding
liability to retention of and retained fragments.
Signs of Placental Separation
• Lowdermilk, D.L,Perry ,S.E, (11th Ed.) (2016). Maternity and Women’s Health Care. Elsevier
• Normal labor and delivery: GLOWM. Global Library of Womens Medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 6, 2021, from https://www.glowm.com/section-