Word of The Day - 1ST Q
Word of The Day - 1ST Q
Word of The Day - 1ST Q
Day Vocabulary Pronun-ciation Part of Meaning Sentence
1. dullness du-nus noun Without sharpness The dullness of the pencil
or clearness o edge made his writing eligible.
or point
11. tug tug verb Pull hard The prisoner tugged at the chains.
13. frozen frow-zun adjective Turned into ice Children skating on a frozen
21. century \sen(t)-sh –(e-)re\ noun is a period of 100 He was born in Ireland in the
years eighteenth century.
22. attentive \e-ten-tiv\ adjective paying careful The hospital is proud of its
attention to attentive staff.
23. debris \de-‘bre\ noun the pieces that are Everything was covered with
left after dust and debris.
something has
been destroyed
24. emerge \i-merj\ verb to come out into She has emerged as a leading
new contender in the field
25. foresight \ ˈfȯr-ˌsīt \ noun seeing ahead Nobody had the foresight to
think that day would actually
26. fragrance \ ˈfrā-grən(t)s noun a distinctive odor The wood of the narra when
that is pleasant dry has
a fragrance resembling that
of sandalwood
27. hasten \ ˈhā-sᵊn\ verb speed up the Failing to wash your hands
progress of properly will hasten the
spread of the flu virus.
28. muster \ ˈməs-tər \ noun gather or bring It took all I could muster to
together hold it together.
29. narrate \ ˈner-ˌāt\ verb give a detailed The author narrates her story in
account of great detail.
33. weather \we-ther\ noun the state of the The weather today will be
atmosphere with hot and dry.
respect to heat or
cold, wetness or
dryness, calm or
34. guardian \ ˈgär-dē-ən \ noun one who has the After the death of her
care of the parents, her uncle was
person or appointed as her legal
property of guardian.
35. impressive \ im-ˈpre-siv \ adjective having the power Her first performance was
to excite very impressive.
38. obsolete \ ˌäb-sə-ˈlēt \ noun no longer in use I was told my old printer
or no longer is obsolete and I can't get
useful replacement parts.
44. hazy \’ha-ze\ adjective not clear in She has only hazy memories
thought or of the accident.
45. vivid \’vi-ved\ adjective seeming like real He gave a vivid description
life because it is of the scene.
very clear