Word of The Day - 1ST Q

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Day Vocabulary Pronun-ciation Part of Meaning Sentence
1. dullness du-nus noun Without sharpness The dullness of the pencil
or clearness o edge made his writing eligible.
or point

2. wounding woon-ding adjective Causing physical The accused was wounding.

or especially
3. frisky fris-kee adjective Playful like a It was mating season, and
lively kitten Grasshopper was getting
4. palm paa(I)m verb Touch, lift, o hold Don’t palm the merchandise.
with the hands

5. seem seem verb Give a certain She seems to be sleeping.

impression or have
a certain outward

6. gently jent-lee adverb In a gentle manner He talked gently to the

injured animal.

7. wobble wo-bul verb Move steadily His knees wobbled.

8. slip slip veb Get worse My grades are slipping.

9. suspense su”spen(t)s noun An uncertain The matter remained in

cognitive state suspense for several years.
10. fragrance \ ˈfrā-grən(t)s noun a distinctive odor The wood of the narra when
that is pleasant dry has
a fragrance resembling that
of sandalwood

11. tug tug verb Pull hard The prisoner tugged at the chains.

12. surface sur-fis noun The outer boundary There

of is a special cleaner for these
an artifact surfaces.

13. frozen frow-zun adjective Turned into ice Children skating on a frozen

14. gracious grey-shus adjective Characterized by He bears insult with gracious

charm good humor.

15. deed deed noun A legal document He signed the deed .

signed and sealed

16. activate \’ak-te-,vat\ verb make active or Sunlight activates a chemica

more active; reaction in the plants leaves.
"activate an old

17. accident \ak-se-dent\ noun anything that He was injured in an

happens by chance accident at work.
without an
apparent cause

18. suspense su”spen(t)s noun An ucertain The matter remained in

cognitive state suspense for several years.

19. allocate \’a-le-kat\ verb to distribute They allocate a loaf of bread

according to a plan to everyone on a daily basis.
or set apart for a
special purpose
20. versatile- \ver-se-tel\ able to move Eggs are among the versatile
freely in all foods.

21. century \sen(t)-sh –(e-)re\ noun is a period of 100 He was born in Ireland in the
years eighteenth century.

22. attentive \e-ten-tiv\ adjective paying careful The hospital is proud of its
attention to attentive staff.

23. debris \de-‘bre\ noun the pieces that are Everything was covered with
left after dust and debris.
something has
been destroyed
24. emerge \i-merj\ verb to come out into She has emerged as a leading
new contender in the field

25. foresight \ ˈfȯr-ˌsīt \ noun seeing ahead Nobody had the foresight to
think that day would actually
26. fragrance \ ˈfrā-grən(t)s noun a distinctive odor The wood of the narra when
that is pleasant dry has
a fragrance resembling that
of sandalwood
27. hasten \ ˈhā-sᵊn\ verb speed up the Failing to wash your hands
progress of properly will hasten the
spread of the flu virus.

28. muster \ ˈməs-tər \ noun gather or bring It took all I could muster to
together hold it together.

29. narrate \ ˈner-ˌāt\ verb give a detailed The author narrates her story in
account of great detail.

30. sabotage \sa-be-tazh\ verb to destroy properly Angry workers were

responsible for the sabotage
of the machine.
31. guardian \ ˈgär-dē-ən \ noun one who has the After the death of her
care of the parents, her uncle was
person or appointed as her legal
property of guardian
32. versatile- \ver-se-tel\ able to move Eggs are among the versatile
freely in all foods.

33. weather \we-ther\ noun the state of the The weather today will be
atmosphere with hot and dry.
respect to heat or
cold, wetness or
dryness, calm or
34. guardian \ ˈgär-dē-ən \ noun one who has the After the death of her
care of the parents, her uncle was
person or appointed as her legal
property of guardian.
35. impressive \ im-ˈpre-siv \ adjective having the power Her first performance was
to excite very impressive.

banquet \ˈbaŋ-kwət\ noun a ceremonial party They held a banquet in

36. for many people his honor

37. beverage \ ˈbev-rij \ a drinkable liquid Would anyone like

a beverage with their

38. obsolete \ ˌäb-sə-ˈlēt \ noun no longer in use I was told my old printer
or no longer is obsolete and I can't get
useful replacement parts.

39. exhibit \ ig-ˈzi-bət \ noun to show publicly He proudly exhibited his

especially for trophy.
purposes of
competition or
40. accomplish \ ə-ˈkäm-plish\ noun to bring about (a The teachers have much to
result) by effort accomplish today.
41. anxious \ ˈaŋ(k)-shəs adjective means worried Belle didn’t seem very
anxious to attract her

42. retire \ri-‘ti(-er)r\ verb to stop a job or I want to be healthy when I

career because you retire.
have reached the
age you are not
allowed to work
43. seldom \’sel-dem\ adverb means not often. We seldom go to the movies.

44. hazy \’ha-ze\ adjective not clear in She has only hazy memories
thought or of the accident.

45. vivid \’vi-ved\ adjective seeming like real He gave a vivid description
life because it is of the scene.
very clear

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