Q2 M4 - UCSP (Geolina, Lance Francis R.)

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Lance Francis R.

Geolina (mendel-12) UCSP

Let Us Try:
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. B
Let Us Study:
Let Us Practice:

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1. ESTATE-CLASS SYSTEM Both systems categorize Class system is under the

society based on perceived open system that supports
position, with the estate the fact of specific aspects
system being slightly more suchlike wealth, education,
flexible. Both regimes and career. While on the
legitimize division through other hand, Estate is
religious or spiritual considered as feudal that
philosophy. Both influence focuses more into the land
profession, marriage, and ownership, in which it is
relationship choices. under the closed system of
2. SLAVERY- CASTE SYSTEM The two of these define the Class system are categorized
lowest grades of social status based on their social status
in humanity. Although caste (poor/rich), while on the
system applies specific levels other hand, slavery is a
of social group from highest system in which lowest
to lowest, it highlights the grades of people
most unfortunate group of (discriminated) are held
people, and slavery are one against their will. Most of the
of the most vulnerable set of slaves are used to facilitate
individuals in our society. vigorous social work.
3. ESTATE-SLAVERY SYSTEM Both of which give basis on Estate mainly focuses into
certain social positions, and politics, finance, and
they support the social property ownership of
identity (free or unfree) and people. In contrast, slavery
(nobility, commoners, and has a multiple effects
clergy). towards discrimination
(social issues).
4. CLASS- CASTE SYSTEM People are born into both Caste is more likely the
classes and castes, and both traditional way of
include social stratification categorizing people as it runs
and social standing. Both down into ancient Thai and
systems feature a vast Greek caste system. On the
spectrum of financial other hand, class system
affluence, power, and bases their standard through
prestige, with the upper wealth, education, and
classes and castes benefiting occupation.
greatly and the lower classes
and castes suffering from
poverty and persecution.

Let Us Remember: (I – Complete the table below.)


SLAVERY CLOSE • It is institutionally • It is unequal for these
supported in many slaves who never
societies around the experienced fair
world because it is so treatment as free man
profitable that became and they do not have
the only reason for right.
southern economy to
keep on running. • People took advantage
of slavery that usually
• It kept everything in crosses the line and
order as it shows means leads to surge of
of getting work done people’s sudden death.
precisely and properly.

CASTE CLOSE • ability to form close • Caste system which was

SYSTEMS communities with people expected to raise man
of the same class. from savagery, acted to
• People who were higher stop them half-way on
in the caste system had the road to progress.
the advantage of
maintain power. • It hinders both vertical
and horizontal social
mobility in the society.

ESTATE OPEN • In the first place they • Fairly rigid terms as

SYSTEMS were legally defined and irrevocable trusts are
had a status with legal not very flexible. Once
rights and duties, the terms are
privileges and established, they can be
obligations. difficult to change.

• Represented a broad • Loss of control because

division of labor and once an asset is in the
were regarded as having irrevocable trust, you no
definite functions. longer have direct
control over it.

CLASS OPEN • People are free to get a • Rising conflicts are

SYSTEMS standard of education or oftenly observed
jobs different from that because of
of their parents. discrimination and envy
towards each different
• They can also socialize classes in the social
with members of other hierarchy.
classes and marry them, • Upper class/ Privileged
allowing individuals to people behaved
switch from one class to consistently worse than
another. others in a range of
situations, with a
greater tendency to lie,
cheat, take things
meant for others, cut up
other road users, not
stop for pedestrians on
crossings, and endorse
unethical behavior.
Let Us Assess:
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C

Let Us Enhance
I, Lance Francis R. Geolina, a citizen of barangay Buhangin, Davao City, pledge solemnly
to promote equality in our area by building a better society that is free from discrimination and
its effect on inequalities. Sadly, discrimination does not only take place “out there”. It also
exists within our own family, place or community and is reflected in the make-up both leaders
and citizens. So, as a citizen, I will spearhead to take a pause from our normal activities to
acknowledge that our nation suffers from deep-seated hatred and a system of injustice that
should not be ignored. I pledged in letting everyone know to listen, to learn, and to leverage
the means within our community to do more to affect positive change. Because if not, failing
to reflect the communities we belong means we will miss out on talent and won't achieve our
full potential. Fatally – it will result in perpetuating the very inequalities we seek to solve. That
is why we should move as one beyond rhetoric and take concrete actions at the community
that will advance in measurable ways our vision for a more peaceful, just world.

Let Us Reflect:
1. By doing various activities on the concepts, characteristics, and forms of stratification
system, now I understand that the world has settled a standard and categories of each levels in
our society. Some of which have pretty and bad advantages and disadvantages for humanity.
2. Doing various activities on the concepts, characteristics, and forms of stratification
system is important because it strengthens and enhances our comprehension in this
competency of learning about the main strands of social stratification.
3. Through various activities, my social background as a youth influences my life
opportunities and chances because I have known better about the different types of
stratification and in order to neglect the persistence of those bad injustice judgement, I will
study smarter and harder to create a healthy spot in our society.

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