022 Article A008 en
022 Article A008 en
022 Article A008 en
will governments be able to carry out their mance. Although evaluators at the Bank do
choices? In a wide variety of situations, it use such indicators for that purpose, data
MPIRICAL analysis demonstrates may be that the'how well question is much on the success of Bank-financed projects
that the extent of civil liberties in a more important than the what, since how also serve as indicators of borrower country
country affects the performance of well a government spends its resources may performance, for three reasons.
a government's investment pro- be more important than how much or what First, the projects financed by the World
jects. This finding contributes to accumu- it spends its money on. Bank are undertaken by the borrowing
lating evidence that the degree to which This article reports on new evidence that country's government, which is responsible
citizens' "voices" in the public sphere are links how government decisions are made for project implementation. Governments
repressed or are allowed to be "heard" has and how well they perform. This is chose to undertake these projects (although
an important influence on whether the obviously a broad set of questions, which all of them must meet the Bank's internal
accountability necessary for government we narrow to the relationship between criteria for financing). Hence comparisons
efficacy will be created. In what is perhaps overall rankings of countries' political of ex post success indicate how well govern-
a surprising contrast, there is no clear rela- characteristics—in particular, the degree of ments carry out projects they chose, rather
tionship between indicators of electoral civil liberties and the extent of democracy than judging what projects they chose.
Relationship between a country's civil liberties and its investment project performance
Indicator of project success Percentage point increase in economic rate of return Percentage point decrease in probability of prefect
resulting from an improvement to civil liberties failure resulting from an improvement in civil liberties
By one standard deviation From worst to best By one standard deviation From worst to best
Humana 4,5 20 2.1 9.4
Freedom House 1.9 3.2 13.2
Source: Jonathan Isham, Daniel Kaufmann, and Lant H. Pritchett, 1997, "Civil Liberties, Democracy, and the Performance of Government Projects," World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 11 (May),
pp. 219-42.
Note: The reported effects are estimated from a large sample of projects, controlling for other country-specific structural and policy characteristics, as well as for variations in the individual sectors.
Banking sector problems have affected many IMF member countries, and
measures to remedy these problems as well as to prevent their recurrence
deeply concern central bankers and policymakers. The papers and comments
published in this volume were presented at the Seventh Seminar on Central
Banking, sponsored by the IMF. The topics include banking soundness and the
macroeconomy, prudential standards, the role of the central bank during banking
crises, and bank restructuring and supervision.
US$29.50. Available in English, (paper). ISBN 1-55775-645-7. xii + 542 pp. 1997.
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