A Tour of An Arduino Board

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A Tour of an Arduino Board

Arduino Uno
The Uno was the first prototyping board produced by Arduino, and it
is now on its third revision (hence the name Arduino Uno R3).
Power Supply

Directly below the USB connector is the 5-volt (5V)

voltage regulator. This regulates whatever voltage
(between 7V and 12V) is supplied from the power
socket into a constant 5V.
The 5V voltage regulator chip is quite big for a surface
mount component. This is so that it can dissipate the
heat required to regulate the voltage at a reasonably
high current. This is useful when driving external
Power Connections

The first is Reset. This does the same thing as the Reset
button on the Arduino. Rather than rebooting a PC, using the
Reset connector resets the microcontroller so that it begins
its program from the start. To reset the microcontroller with
the Reset connector, you momentarily set this pin low
(connecting it to 0V).
The rest of the pins in this section just provide different
voltages (3.5V, 5V, and, GND), as they are labeled. GND, or
ground, just means zero volts. It is the reference voltage to
which all other voltages on the board are relative.
Analog Inputs

The six pins labeled Analog In A0 to A5 can be used to

measure the voltage connected to them so that the value
can be used in a sketch. Note that they measure a voltage
and not a current. Only a tiny current will ever flow into
them and down to the ground because they have a large
internal resistance. That is, the pin has a large internal
resistance that only allows a tiny current to flow into the pin.
Although these inputs are labeled analog and analog inputs
by default, these connections can also be used as digital
inputs or outputs.
Digital Connections

• The 14 pins labeled Digital 0 to 13. These can be used as

either inputs or outputs. When used as outputs, they
behave rather like the power supply voltages except that
these are all 5V and can be turned on or off from your
sketch. So, if you turn them on from your sketch they
will be at 5V, and if you turn them off they will be at 0V.
As with the power supply connectors, you must be
careful not to exceed their maximum current

• The microcontroller chip itself is the black rectangular

device with 28 pins. This is fitted into a dual inline (DIL)
socket so that it can be easily replaced. The 28-pin
microcontroller chip used on the Arduino Uno board is the
• The heart—or, perhaps more appropriately, the brain—of
the device is the central processing unit (CPU). It controls
everything that goes on within the device. It fetches
program instructions stored in the flash memory and
executes them.

• This might involve fetching data from working memory

(RAM), changing it, and then putting it back. Or, it may
mean changing one of the digital outputs from 0V to 5V.
• The EEPROM memory is a little like the flash memory in
that it is nonvolatile. That is, you can turn the device off
and on and it will not have forgotten what is in the
EEPROM. Whereas the flash memory is intended for
storing program instructions (from sketches), the EEPROM
is used to store data that you do not want to lose in the
event of a reset or the power being turned off.

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