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Cities 112 (2021) 103116

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The many faces of the smart city: Differing value propositions in the activity
portfolios of nine cities
Máté S. Csukás a, *, Roland Z. Szabó b
Strategic and International Management Research Centre, Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8., 1093 Budapest, Hungary
Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8., 1093 Budapest, Hungary


Keywords: There are still misunderstandings and differing opinions about what a smart city (SC) is, and there are only of few
Smart city activities publications available on what beneficial outcomes cities are anticipating from SC developments. This paper
Anticipated benefits identifies nine anticipated benefits/value proposition components of smart city activities, based on a literature
review. It then uses a comparative multiple case study analysis to investigate how value proposition components
Quality of life
are present in the SC activities of six cities with demonstrated excellence: Amsterdam, Barcelona, London,
Multiple case study Helsinki, New York, Vienna; and three with emerging excellence: Berlin, Budapest, Moscow. The study reveals
the distribution of the components in each city for different years, then these annual activity portfolios are
clustered. Four different types of smart cities emerge from the analysis: (1) The Green City – in which years of
activities, cities are focusing on environmentally related objectives; (2) The App City – in which years of ac­
tivities, cities are focusing on developing and rolling out platforms and ICT applications to provide Quality of Life
improvements directly for citizens; (3) The Socially Sensitive City - in which years of activities socially sensitive
activities are prominent; (4) The Participatory City – in which years of activities citizen engagement is in focus.
The findings provide a more comprehensive explanation to the mono-dimensional and holistic strategic approach
of smart cities.

1. Introduction developments ought to be realized with strategic methods (Angelidou,

2015; Komninos, 2014; Mora & Bolici, 2016, 2017). The particularities
Ever since fundamental controversies were reported by Hollands of how these strategic principles should be considered are relatively well
(2008) in the smart city (SC) research, covering the period between researched; however, there are only of few publications available on
1990 and 2007, studies aiming for untangling the contradictory nature what beneficial outcomes cities are anticipating from SC developments,
of the literature have been gaining ground in the scientific community. and how are they represented in their implemented activities. Moreover,
Mora et al. (2017); Mora et al. (2018) and Komninos and Mora (2018) the theory lacks empirical research.
unveiled the significant differences of SC research streams, by capturing To address this knowledge gap, we investigate (1) what benefits are
four distinct dichotomies, present in scientific publications. Mora, anticipated from SC developments; (2) how these benefits are present
Deakin, and Reid (2019) introduced a rigorous case-study based meth­ and distributed among SC activity portfolio of cities; (3) how SC activity
odology to analyze SC developments. With their proposed research portfolios and cities are categorized based on their anticipated benefits.
methodology framework, they tested and validated the four dichotomies To answer these questions, in this paper, we deconstruct the principle
as the divergent strategic principle of SC development, and tested their value proposition components - or in other words, anticipated benefits -
hypothesis in leading examples of cities (Mora, Deakin, Reid, & Angel­ of SC development activities, identifiable in the SC literature. Then, we
idou, 2019). analyze their presence in the activity portfolio of eight European and
The purpose of this paper was to establish a better connection be­ one North American examples of smart city development. To achieve
tween the theory of SC and practical implementation. There are still this, we adopt a deductive-based multiple case study analysis, following
misunderstandings and differing opinions about what a SC is (Kitchin, the methodological research principles, introduced by Mora, Deakin,
2015; Komninos, 2011). Additionally, the implementation of smart city Reid, and Angelidou (2019). In the sampling procedure, we included six

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.S. Csukás), [email protected] (R.Z. Szabó).

Received 1 December 2019; Received in revised form 5 November 2020; Accepted 14 January 2021
Available online 3 February 2021
0264-2751/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

cases, reported by researchers as best practices, the excellence of SC efficiency” (Mahizhnan, 1999:17).
practices. Other three samples are covered to a lesser extent in the Based on our review, that majority of researchers have considered
literature, labelled as emerging excellence cases of SC development. the efficiency gain potential of technology and particularly ICT on hard
The paper is structured accordingly. After this Introduction section, a infrastructure (Caragliu et al., 2011; Desdemoustier et al., 2019; Lom­
comprehensive literature review follows, where the anticipated benefits bardi et al., 2012). In parallel, studies also highlighted “soft” factors,
of SC development activities are collected. Papers range from 1999 to referred to the political and social efficiencies, covering the topic of the
2020. The identified value proposition components are eventually used efficient government and its services to the public.
as a conceptual framework for the analysis. The next section explains the Regarding hard infrastructure or physical capital, researchers draw
particularities of the case study methodology and reasoning for the our attention to an idealized efficiency gain (also referred as optimiza­
sampling of the cities and their SC development activities. The Results tion), caused by the increased interconnectedness and interactions of
section provides descriptive statistical data on the distribution of value city systems (“system of systems”), which is claimed to be superior, in
proposition components, and other factors, that were considered in the contrast to alleged existing inefficiencies (Dirks & Keeling, 2009; Dirks
analysis. Based on the identified anticipated benefits and temporal data, et al., 2010; Washburn et al., 2010; Nam & Pardo, 2011b). From this
SC activities are categorized with cluster analysis, and the sampled cities perspective, smartness can also be interpreted as a new level of effi­
are studied with comparative analysis, considering different periods of ciency by the integration of public and private systems into the afore­
the reported activities. The results are followed by the Discussion sec­ mentioned ‘system-of-systems’ (Naphade et al., 2011). In their analysis
tion, which outlines the conclusions resulting from the study. The last of SC performance, Giffinger et al. (2007) primarily associate the term
section explains limitations, validity of the results and future research with environmental sustainability and resource management.2 A great
directions. deal of previous research on SC models has focused mainly on energy
This paper may be useful to policymakers and urban managers, SC efficiency (Deakin & Reid, 2018; Lazaroiu & Roscia, 2012). This
specialists involved in strategic planning processes, and mainly when research stream is labelled as “European Path: Smart City for a Low-
designing portfolios of SC solutions for a city, benchmarking, and peer Carbon Economy” by Mora et al. (2018)., which organizes studies
learning activities. Practitioners can gain insights to create development around this subject.
pathways for their SC strategies that fit their cultural context. Parallelly, from a knowledge communication and social capital
perspective, Komninos (2006) suggests that cities may be able to carry
2. Literature review and research framework out “knowledge work”, utilizing effective education and training for the
local workforce, and effective marketing that attracts new, desirable
This part of the paper reviews the literature on the anticipated employers. Hollands (2008) claims that besides economic, there is po­
benefits of SC activities, which will be the foundation of our empirical litical efficiency that is also a key outcome of “networked infrastruc­
research. The emerging concepts serve as a structure for building the ture”. Therefore Hollands extended the understanding of efficiency to
database to analyze in the next section. The adoption of a SC model far-reaching terms, directly connecting it with social and cultural
promises advantages for decision-makers, including various benefits development. In a narrower sense, highly efficient city governance and
across the different urban sub-systems. However, there are still differing local policymaking (Kourtit & Nijkamp, 2012) became another critical
opinions on what constitutes a smart city. We argue that SC, as a issue, in the field of overall city management (Angelidou, 2015; Belan­
concept, can be better understood by deconstructing its value proposi­ che et al., 2016; Hao et al., 2012) and public services (Almirall et al.,
tion components. This part of the study collects and classifies the most 2016; Bakici et al., 2013). This extends to private services, affecting
critical anticipated benefits of SC activities. Reffering authors and def­ various stakeholders (Dameri & Rosenthal-Sabroux, 2014).
initions for each value proposition component are summarized in Collectively, these studies outline a critical role for efficiency; how­
Table 1. ever, the term is used in various instances that makes no clear inter­
pretation. Readers might have the impression; it is merely an expletive
2.1. Efficiency to transcribe something that is superior. The specific cases are energy
efficiency, environmental efficiency, transport efficiency (Debnath
Ever since the SC concept emerged in global discussion, improved et al., 2014; Neirotti et al., 2014) resource efficiency (Fernandez-Anez
efficiency in cities has played a pivotal role in the discourse, assumed to et al., 2018), economic efficiency (Hollands, 2008), operational effi­
be one of the most referred benefits. As Bibri & Krogstie (2017:191) ciency, infrastructure efficiency, data management efficiency, technol­
point out, “a smart city represents essentially efficiency”. However, this ogy efficiency (Vanolo, 2014), information management efficiency,
is often considered as an exclusive trait, a compromise of an achievable decision-making efficiency, service efficiency, political efficiency (Al­
outcome, promised by technology and its dealers (Söderström et al., bino et al., 2015), institutional efficiency, design efficiency, mobility
2014), which on the other hand is a key disadvantage (Angelidou, efficiency, and (urban) management efficiency (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017).
One of the earliest, and influential publication,1 the “Vision of a 2.2. Citizen (stakeholder) engagement
Smart City” (Hall et al., 2000:1) stresses the importance of efficiency, as
one of three main factors of future cities, which are supposed to be The literature on community growth management has already
“made safe, secure environmentally green, and efficient” and they shall highlighted the critical role of active citizen engagement (Porter, 1997).
be “models for efficiency” ultimately. Subsequently, it remains as a Despite the economic growth focus, stakeholder engagement soon
defining factor in further publications (Dodgson & Gann, 2011; Nam & became a topic of discussion, an alleged necessity for the successful
Pardo, 2011a; Barrionuevo et al., 2012; Batty et al., 2012; Chourabi transformation of smart cities. The reason for this is the need for
et al., 2012; Vanolo, 2014). Another early study argues that the inherent developing social capital and smart communities, where stakeholders
economic excellence of competitiveness implicitly “cause benefits to the can meaningfully utilize ICT technologies in the smart city (Hollands,
public. In terms of time, effort and cost, there are numerous instances of 2008). To achieve this, a growing construct of social relations, stake­
holder partnerships and empowerment of communities are required, (e.
g., citizen engagement (Dezi et al., 2018)), which create the ‘city intel­
Most cited among pieces published around 2000, before the significant ligence’ (Komninos, 2011). Community engagement is also a key
uptake of the topic in academia (568 and 321 citation as per Google Scholar and
Semantic Scholar, respectively (as per 2020.05.05); no data available in other
reputable indices i.e. Scopus). Efficient use of water and electricity, as Smart Environment indicators.

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

anticipated benefit, where a SC constitutes meaningful collaboration relationship of “more educated population” and growth in QoL, and
between various stakeholders – i.e. “public institutions, private sector, showing a high level of influence, besides productivity. Others also
voluntary organizations, schools and citizens” (Nam & Pardo, claim that QoL attracts knowledge-based population (Caragliu et al.,
2011a:286) – through diverse channels in order to jointly tackle urban 2011; Dirks et al., 2010).
challenges (Batty et al., 2012). Co-creation or co-production of these The services available for citizens largely determine QoL (Komninos,
solutions and services are also a key topic. With advancements in ICT, 2011). Giffinger et al. (2007) associate QoL with the Smart Living factor
researchers and practitioners have argued that cities will be able to of the SC, which comprise – e.g. culture, health, housing, social cohe­
facilitate improved participation of communities and citizens, coupled sion. Similarly, Dirks and Keeling (2009) categorize QoL to one of the six
with a shift in paradigm from the centralized silos of bureaucracy, to a core systems of a city - People - which is defined as “human and social
decentralized participative model, including platforms (Anttiroiko, networks”, and it comprises health, education and safety. They conclude
2016; Rajakallio et al., 2018). Almirall et al. (2016) describe this new that the performance of the core systems improves QoL, and conse­
form as platform-based governance, where the city takes a role like quently, social capital. One interpretation about this claim explains that
technology platform owners, an orchestrator of different ecosystems – i. better services presumably cause less stress, which improves QoL.
e. civic, digital, innovation. Further research often considers it as a factor of “People” and “Living” in
Giffinger et al. (2007) incorporates these traits to the ‘Smart People’ other SC frameworks (Belanche et al., 2016; Chourabi et al., 2012;
and ‘Smart Governance’ in their SC characteristics, while proposing the Fietkiewicz & Stock, 2015; Neirotti et al., 2014).
fundamental role of “independent and aware citizens” or “informed, QoL studies show a renewed interest, with the emerge of “Science of
educated, and participatory” as phrased by Chourabi et al. (2012). Be­ Happiness”; however, this is a new field for urban research. There is a
sides social capital, others consider civic engagement as a domain of growing discussion on how to measure happiness, considering both
institutional capital, contributing to ‘city intelligence’ (Barrionuevo subjective and objective approaches (Ballas, 2013). Robinson (2014)
et al., 2012). Caragliu et al. (2011) measure e-government by down­ deconstructs QoL in cities through the Maslow’s (1954) hierarchy of
loadable forms, as an indicator for citizens to interact with public needs framework but admits that various contextual factors influence
administration, while Lombardi et al. (2012) use internet usage for citizen’s perception of QoL.
interaction with public authorities. Aside citizen-government in­ The range of technological solutions available has often been ques­
teractions, general, proactive stakeholder engagement (Bakici et al., tioned and criticized by researchers because these solutions fail to
2013), particularly public-private interactions are crucial for the SC address this fundamental factor (Hollands, 2015; Thomas et al., 2016). A
(Washburn et al., 2010; Gil-Garcia et al., 2015; Meijer & Bolívar, 2016), sole focus on efficiency could cause a less pronounced focus on societal
specifically for their strategies (Angelidou, 2014). The difficulties, cities aspects (Angelidou, 2014). The techno-led or holistic dichotomy iden­
face in engaging wide-ranging stakeholders, are recognized as potential tifies QoL, as a critical factor of tension between a market-oriented, and
pitfalls in developing SCs (Lam & Ma, 2019). a human-centric vision of SCs (Mora, Deakin, & Reid, 2019).
Some have suggested that cities can only achieve ‘real’ smartness by
integrating official city management with the democratic participation 2.4. Inclusion and equality
of its diverse stakeholders (Fernandez-Anez et al., 2018). The spheres of
decision making and public or social services both required for the Social Inclusion or (in)equality are becoming a vital element in the
idealized Smart governance (Albino et al., 2015). Citizens may be able to discourse. SC labelled initiatives were criticized for being only a varia­
address particular urban challenges if they systematically orchestrate tion of urban entrepreneurship, which begun to spread various attempts
their actions (van der Graaf & Ballon, 2019). Through digital solutions to characterize a more inclusive SC, by introducing a social justice
such as urban platforms, people can collaborate, co-create, and solve component to the debate (Harvey, 2000). As discourse moved the
specific problems on their own. They can also act as sensors (crowd­ concept to a more sustainable agenda, inclusiveness in urban environ­
sensing) for corporate or public bodies by, for example, reporting events ments became the desired outcome (Batty et al., 2012; Komninos, 2011;
or creating content. There are multiple channels for citizen engagement, World Bank, 2016). Caragliu et al. (2011) highlight the aim of achieving
including political decision-making (participatory governance), inno­ social Inclusion, as a critical characteristic of SCs, in a sense, how
vation, urban planning and design, or “problem-solving”. equally different social classes benefit from urban technology. Neirotti
Trencher (2019) argued that second-generation smart city paradigms et al. (2014:27) classifies this benefit as “Social inclusion and welfare”,
define the role of citizens as active contributors to problem-solving and within the “Soft domain” of their framework, focusing on reducing the
planning, in contrast to the passive role of ‘users’ provided by the first barrier of social groups in social learning and participation processes.
generation, describing a higher level of engagement of citizens. Mora Growing social distance affects the number of interactions, the po­
et al. (2018) found the most significant role of stakeholder engagement tential for knowledge-sharing and creation, and trust in communities.
in the “Holistic Path: Digital, Intelligent, Smart” approach. The digital or technology divide is a specific issue that smart actions
address by - e.g., providing access to technology or specific knowledge
2.3. Quality of life for all citizens. It is acknowledged, that technology per se opens up
various divides, while the SC carries the promise of ending them. The SC
Improving the quality of life of citizens is a central concept, and we should be anticipating and planning for both cases: “Efficiency must be
assume it to be an ultimate goal of SC developments. Singapore’s first balanced with equity.” (Batty et al., 2012:485). The target groups of
agency for exploiting IT stated that both economic excellence and these solutions are usually marginal, disadvantaged groups. These so­
Quality of Life (QoL) are their objective, the latter, particularly for the lutions are intended to reduce barriers for such groups, i.e. digital ini­
ordinary citizen. In their interpretation, QoL means a higher level of tiatives may provide better access to government for underprivileged
comfort, in the forms of lower costs, effort or time, which mainly comes citizens with a less powerful network of relationships with political
from efficiency gains (Mahizhnan, 1999), showing a direct cause of QoL, figures (Nam & Pardo, 2014).
by specific efficiency type of gains. The term is included in several Many SC frameworks define an inclusive society in the ‘smart people’
definitions for the SC, as the desired outcome in cities (Giffinger et al., domain (Manville et al., 2014). Effectuating social Inclusion in European
2007; Chen, 2010; Caragliu et al., 2011; Thuzar (2011); Bakici et al., cities became an objective, declared by the Mission Board for Climate-
2013; Anttiroiko, 2016). neutral and Smart Cities of the European Union (European Commis­
Previous studies have explored the relationships between social sion, 2020). Social Inclusion appears to be a key expected benefit
capital and QoL. Eger (2003) states that the higher QoL attracts em­ (Anttiroiko et al., 2014). However, others often criticize this for being
ployees in knowledge-intensive sectors. Shapiro (2006) analysis the fundamentally paradoxical and suggest that inequality is always present

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

across various dimensions (Hollands, 2008). While some SC actions are transfer of knowledge, including knowledge sharing, is a crucial facili­
expected to contribute to social Inclusion, it is not excluded, that others tator in this transition (European Commission, 2020; Ruhlandt, 2018).
amplify that divide. It is also shown that SC initiatives with potential The role of knowledge is usually classified into the “soft infrastructure”
inclusiveness might produce other inequalities (Beretta, 2018). category of SC developments (Ahvenniemi et al., 2017). Desdemoustier
Social Inclusion is understood in this study as an anticipated benefit et al. (2019) classify this anticipated benefit to the ‘Human & creative’
of social equality, equitable urban growth, reduction of the divide be­ category, and they claim, SCs aim to improve the knowledge economy.
tween groups of the local population in terms of – e.g. education, wealth,
and providing support for disadvantaged groups – e.g. assistance for 2.7. Cost reduction
disabled citizens. Actions that recognize inequalities and strive for
greater social justice in the local population. ‘Cost reduction’ is not a frequently used phrase in SC definitions.
However, it is an attractive value proposition of smart solutions. Many
2.5. Connectivity types of transactions can be conducted in the cyberspace with virtually
no costs, making considerable investments beneficial (Mahizhnan,
Cities are viewed as systems of networks, with an unprecedented 1999). Virtual spaces reduce costs in various forms of transactions – e.g.,
scale of interdependencies (Batty et al., 2012). They shall be instru­ logistics, marketing, policy information (Komninos, 2006). One of the
mented, interconnected and intelligent (Harrison & Donelly, 2010). many reasons for initiating smart investments is that city systems are
Connectivity is, therefore, an exceptionally essential element of SC operating with growing costs (Nam & Pardo, 2011b), imposing burdens
theory (Lazaroiu & Roscia, 2012). Researchers have interpreted con­ on infrastructure, administration (i.e. e-government), businesses and
nectivity from both a technological perspective, where ubiquitous citizens (Dirks & Keeling, 2009). The factor is argued to restrain
technologies are gaining higher space, and a social perspective, or competitiveness and attractiveness for the desired employers and crea­
increasing social interconnectedness of local inhabitants, businesses, tive population (Ballas, 2013), in the form of – i.e., energy consumption,
communities, and policymakers. Members of smart communities are education, real estate, transportation (costs associated with congestion)
connected (Komninos, 2011), and both public and private actors hold a (Washburn et al., 2010). Smarter city-systems create cost-saving and
capacity to successfully achieve this (Dezi et al., 2018). Besides these additionally, increased efficiency (Dirks et al., 2010). Komninos (2011)
two distinct categories, the interconnectedness of people and urban claims that besides better procedures and problem-solving capabilities,
systems represent another area of interest (Allam & Dhunny, 2019). lower operation costs are also criteria for intelligence.
However, it is claimed that SCs must be more than just broadband In an environment of constraints on public budgets, decreased in­
networks, connected is no guarantee for being smart; it would only vestment and increasing operational expenses of city services and
resemble a ‘wired city’ (Hollands, 2008). infrastructure, it is likely to be one of the most significant expected
Singapore’s strategy centered around an excellent IT infrastructure, impacts for city management. The value propositions of key SC market
connecting its households and business spaces to the national optical actors and implemented projects also suggest this, because they promise
fiber network, with a user-centric design (Mahizhnan, 1999). Others that their technology will provide cost reductions (Hunter et al., 2018;
interpret connectivity with the interconnectedness of core city systems McNeill, 2015; van den Buuse & Kolk, 2019). Barcelona expects to
(‘connected infrastructure’), which brings smartness (Dirks & Keeling, become the leading place for sustainable urban development by 2020
2009), or devices (IoT components) and city-wide networks (Lam & Ma, while reducing capital costs and save in its operations (Bakici et al.,
2019). 2013). The pressure to optimize the efficiency of public spending also
The term appears to have various definitions in the literature. It may suggests that cost reduction is a significant expected benefit of SC ini­
refer to the connectedness of different infrastructures (e.g., physical, IT, tiatives (Lee et al., 2013).
business, and social) (Harrison & Donelly, 2010); physical and virtual
(Zygiaris, 2013); stakeholders (e.g., companies, citizens, institutes, and 2.8. Scalability and transferability
sectors) (Schuurman et al., 2012); people; technologies (e.g., sensors
and mobile devices); networks (e.g., broadband); systems (e.g., Scalability is an essential attribute of SC solutions. There is a gap
communication and city domains); data; linking local actors with the between small-scale demonstrations or pilot projects and large-scale
necessary resources and competencies or other actors (e.g., entrepre­ implementation. This phenomenon is a significant challenge in
neurs with tools, investors, and mentors, or labor with employers) achieving sustainable urban development (Winden & Buuse, 2017).
(Adler et al., 2019), local and global interconnectedness in the smart Many cities want to capitalize on small-scale deployments, and tech­
economy (Giffinger et al., 2007); and services (Lee et al., 2014). nologies, products, and services that are difficult to scale, create a bar­
Based on these findings, we define connectivity as a feature, creating rier. As Taylor Buck & While (2017:504) reminds us: “smart city
links among data, systems and people. innovation is most evident through well-funded niche experiments in a
limited range of urban contexts”. Many projects and solutions do not
2.6. Knowledge creation and sharing scale up, and the desired impacts are lacking, after an often-subsidized
initial phase. They do not operate on a larger scale (Deloitte, 2015).
Knowledge and innovation are key drivers of the SC discourse SC solutions are expected to have the ability to scale up. Less developed
(Angelidou, 2015), considered to be critical enabling factors for creating cities are particularly interested in learning from successful imple­
smart cities (Heaton & Parlikad, 2019; Sepasgozar et al., 2019; Yigit­ mentation elsewhere, which makes transferability a critical enabling
canlar & Velibeyoglu, 2008). It is knowledge and innovation that factor in accelerating the diffusion of proven technologies or methods.
influenced technological advancements to have such a substantial Policymakers want to expand small scale deployments and ‘copy’ them
impact on cities (Komninos, 2011). Creating a knowledge-intensive to new areas with different boundary conditions, to contribute to higher-
economy and becoming a knowledge society is stimulated and influ­ level (national or supranational) goals (Ferrer et al., 2017).
enced by the use of ICT, i.e., superior approaches (faster, safer, cheaper) There are three non-exclusive categories for scaling up in case of SC
to advancing, sharing and storing knowledge, that is otherwise distrib­ initiatives: Replication, Expansion and Roll-out (Winden et al., 2016).
uted throughout the society (Caragliu et al., 2011; Kummitha & Crutzen,
2017). Creativity, learning, and education are incorporated into smart 2.9. Environmental impact
communities, which supports the creation of a knowledge economy,
described as a “bridging initiative” (Marsal-Llacuna et al., 2015). The vision of SCs suggests, the urban centers of the future are envi­
Knowledge creation and knowledge management are essential. The ronmentally green (Hall et al., 2000). As Giffinger et al. (2007:12)

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

describe the environment sub-system of their SC concept: “attractive normative approaches for the SC, we needed to cover both successful
natural conditions (climate, green space etc.), pollution, resource man­ and less outstanding cities with our sampling. Therefore we adopted a
agement and also by efforts towards environmental protection”. Besides theoretical replication logic. In order to differentiate, we label these two
social, environmental sustainability became an important outcome for groups as follows: (1) Demonstrated SC Excellence, and (2) Emerging SC
smart cities (Albino et al., 2015; Caragliu et al., 2011; Hunter et al., Excellence. Criteria for meeting the demonstrated excellence condition
2018; Neirotti et al., 2014), as one of the determinants for urban living is the acknowledgement by top-tier publications, influential organiza­
quality. Some authors (e.g., Dodgson & Gann, 2011; Pham, 2014) have tions, and outstanding placement in significant SC rankings. Based on
attempted to draw subtle distinctions between environmental preser­ these criteria, we selected the following cities, as subjects of our inves­
vation and economic growth, stating that SC initiatives are promoted to tigation (Table 2) (Fig. 1).
serve a double purpose of these goals. Others question the fundamental The adoption of the replication logic made it possible that all subject
compatibility of these outcomes (Hollands, 2008). Concerning ‘Effi­ cases were processed with the same analytic procedure, starting with the
ciency’, it is claimed to be an essential distinguishing feature between data collection phase. To study how the identified value proposition
the related terms of sustainable and smart cities (Bibri & Krogstie, components are present in the SC activity portfolio of cities, we built and
2017). Naphade et al. (2011) emphasize water, energy, food supplies, analyzed the database, which classifies all the activities that each city
waste management, and reducing GHG emissions, as critical targets of has implemented or currently implementing to enable SC development.
environmental sustainability. Chourabi et al. (2012) find that the nat­ The classification was conducted by considering the nine components
ural environment is one critical factor of SC initiatives, particularly the presented in Table 1. This framework allowed the activities to be
protection of natural resources and their related infrastructure. Dameri grouped according to the anticipated benefit, towards which efforts
and Rosenthal-Sabroux (2014) highlights environmental considerations, have been directed. The activities with multiple value proposition
to prevent further environmental degradation, as one of the three main components were included in more than one group. The analysis of the
aspects of a SC. Other classifications consider the ‘Environment’ domain, percentage share related to each group made it possible to investigate
as utilizing technology for superior environmental resource manage­ the research questions, to determine how these value proposition com­
ment, to increase sustainability (Neirotti et al., 2014). ponents are distributed across cities, and what differences appear be­
Using ICT to transform the economy to an energy-efficient and low tween cities and their performance.
carbon one, became an important goal for Members States of the Eu­ The activities grouped in the database were mapped and analyzed by
ropean Union, greatly influencing the European interpretation of the SC cross-referencing the qualitative data extracted from multiple sources.
(Mora et al., 2018; Mora, Deakin, & Reid, 2019). The European Com­ Digital contents, reporting on the SC developments under investigation
mission is promoting investment in low and zero‑carbon solutions to and produced by the nine city governments were considered as primary
support the transition of 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 (European sources. The collected digital records may include press releases;
Commission, 2020), which also demonstrates a significant emphasis on newsletters; conference presentations; videos of conference speeches;
the “Smart Environment” factor of European SCs, showed by Manville reports; brochures; government documents; official project repositories;
et al. (2014). policy documents, and webpages. Additional data originates from pri­
Much of the available literature on SC performance deals with the vate companies, implementing SC activities in the cities, with declared
components of environmental factors (Ahvenniemi et al., 2017; Lazaroiu cooperation of the local government, or academic institutions, partici­
& Roscia, 2012; Lombardi et al., 2012), as well in SC strategies pating in activities in cooperation with the city. These sources were
(Angelidou, 2017; Ben Letaifa, 2015). considered secondary sources, reports, news and articles published on­
line, academic literature, and research or innovation project deliver­
3. Methodology ables. A large part of the already acknowledged activities was taken over
from the literature. This data collection process strengthened the valid of
We use a deductive-based multiple case study analysis that helps to the multiple case study analysis, because multiple data sources were
investigate our research questions. The manifestation of each identified used, considering both external and internal observers. Overall, 2856
anticipated benefit in research subjects explain how theoretical benefits digital records were collected, in either written or audio-visual formats.
of SCs are present in SC developments, and tested in eight European and Data were collected by conducting a series of online searches with
one American city. This task is accomplished by comparing nine cities, different search engines, and multiple search strings were deployed. No
of which six are considered to be leading examples of smart cities, while restrictions for languages were set during the searches. In case of links
three are considered to be examples of emerging excellence. that were no longer working, the Internet Archive’s Wayback search
The selection of the appropriate cases was key to adopt a successful engine was used to collect digital records.
multiple-case study analysis. The selection process relied on a theoret­ Digital records were extracted from the original sources, to enable
ical sampling approach and not a random selection. Theoretical sam­ the coding of the value proposition components from the research
pling is a process of data collection for generating theory whereby the framework. During the coding process, a dichotomous variable was
researcher takes the double role of a data collector data analyst and assigned for each of the nine categories, with a value of either 0 or 1.
decides what data to collect next and where to find them, in order to Each of the 637 activities was given a code for each of the nine variables
develop a theory as it emerges (Glaser, 1978). This also means that the to show whether a component of that type was anticipated from the
case studies are “chosen for the likelihood that they will offer theoretical activity. Further attributes of the activities that were collected: (1) year
insight” (Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007: 27). The basic requirement for when the activity has begun, (2) status of the activity (0: research or
selecting the cities was the existence of well documented and demon­ pilot action; 1: rolling out technology or currently implementing a so­
strated SC development activities, with a SC strategy as an essential lution, initiative; 2: concluded initiative, or technology deployment, that
requirement. As a next step, our attention was drawn to intensive cases, was finalized), (3) outcome of the activity (0: activity’s outcome not
where outstanding success or failure was observed. The selection of available anymore; 1: activity’s outcome available).
cases depends on the selection logic, which means either a literal We utilized a two-stage validation process in order to avoid subjec­
replication with similar settings and similar results or theoretical repli­ tive judgments. In the first stage, the authors performed the coding
cation cases have different settings and anticipated different results. independently, and any differences were discussed with three other
There can be cities where SC development and ICT-driven approach to experts on the topic. Once the codes had been agreed, a 50-sample
urban sustainability was admittedly successful, and cities where the dataset was extracted and checked independently by the authors.
transition process is less prominent, meaning that it is not widely When there were no differences in opinion, the variables were consid­
recognized as an example of excellence. In order to find efficient and ered finalized.

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

Fig. 1. Case study cities sampled in the analysis.

4. Results Considering the status of the observed activities, in most of the cases,
we found fully implemented solutions. The share of the pilot is research
4.1. Descriptive statistics of the anticipated benefits of SC activities in the activities are also significant in several cities: 55.9% in Helsinki, and
case study cities 40.70% in Vienna (Table 4).
The spatial level of the analyzed activities is also reported in the
The anticipated benefits in the sample help us to identify different analysis (Table 5. Most of the expected impacts are focusing on the
trends. The Connectivity component has the highest rate of distribution whole city level, while districts are also key targets for the SC activities.
across the cases, ranging from 39% (Budapest) to 88.46% (Moscow). There is also a high scatter between the various cases. Some cities are
The average share of the component is 60.44% of all cases. The second showing a more distinct based approach, while others were solely
most significant benefit is Efficiency Gains, ranging from 19.61% focusing on city-wide approaches (e.g. Moscow).
(Budapest) to 45.12% (Barcelona). Both components show a consistent
share in the top-performing cities, with an average of 37.46%. The third
4.2. Clusters analysis of the anticipated benefits of SC activities in the case
most important trait is Quality of Life, averaging 35.79%, with a
study cities
moderately higher scatter, compared to the two other benefits. Knowl­
edge Sharing is observed to have also a prominent presence, averaging
Based on the built-up database, we were able to group the observed
29.51%. The other components of Citizen Engagement, Easy Replication
activities, according to their similarities in the nine value proposition
and Environmental Impact have a share equating between 24 and 25%.
components. The purpose of this analysis is to reduce the high dimen­
However, while citizen engagement shows a somewhat even distribu­
sionality of SC activities to lower-dimensional data while preserving
tion, environmental impact is more scattered across the cases. Based on
much of the data variation. Eventually, we selected k-means clustering,
the results of the descriptive statistics, Cost saving has the lowest share,
as it is one of the most popular methods, and it properly minimizes
ranging from 3.39% to 22.03% (Table 3).
variance within clusters. Using this technique, we categorized the ac­
There is a significant difference between the two categories in the
tivities into four clusters: (1) Environmental efficiency, (2) QoL Appli­
knowledge sharing component, cities with demonstrated excellence
cations, (3) Social Sensitivity, and (4) Intelligent Inclusion. The
have a higher share (31.95%), in contrast to emerging ones (21.88%).
influence of each component on the four clusters are presented below
Top-performing cities also have a relatively higher share in ‘Efficiency
Figure 2. In the next subsection, we describe these clusters.
gains’ (40.09% to 32.26%), ‘Easy replication’ (27.77% to 18.10%) and
‘Environmental impact’ (26.06% to 16.97%). On the other hand, they
4.2.1. Environmental efficiency
have a moderately higher share in ‘Citizen engagement’ and ‘Cost sav­
Cluster 1 represents the SC activities, with a high share of ‘Envi­
ings’. In ‘QoL’ and ‘Inclusion and equality’ components, emerging cities
ronmental impact’, ‘Efficiency’, and ‘Cost Savings’, while the share of
have relatively higher shares, while the connectivity component is very
‘Citizen Engagement’, ‘Inclusion and Equality’, and ‘Connectivity’ is the
similar (both around 61%).
lowest, compared to other clusters. Activities in this group are primarily
Despite the differences, it is important to note that these figures do
concerned with environmental goals coupled with cost reductions and
not reveal the degree of commitment related to each component. A
efficiency gains. These solutions generally have low scalability and were
higher value does not necessarily correspond to a more significant in­
generally based on the use of novel technologies, focused on mostly city-
vestment or a greater level of importance. These figures should rather be
specific energy efficiency solutions, where direct QoL effects are not
considered as an initial proof of the alignment between the approach to
present, emphasis on developing city-systems. Many of the SC activities
SC development of the studied cities and the presence of the nine
in this group are research energy-related research projects, pilot appli­
identified value proposition components and assembling process.
cations of technologies, or environmental programs of the city. As an

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Breakdown of value proposition components of SC solutions, with references. Components References
Components References
Activities that are specifically intended to replace or substitute an existing solution, to
Efficiency Mahizhnan (1999), Hall et al. (2000), Komninos be operated in a less resource-intensive way.
(2006), Giffinger et al. (2007), Hollands (2008), Dirks Scalability and Deloitte (2015), Winden et al., 2016, SCIS (2018),
and Keeling (2009), Dirks et al. (2010), Washburn et al., transferability Winden & Buuse, 2017, Ferrer et al. (2017), Taylor
2010, Caragliu et al. (2011), Dodgson and Gann (2011), Buck and While (2017), Borsboom-van Beurden et al.
Nam and Pardo (2011a), Naphade et al. (2011), (2019)
Barrionuevo et al. (2012), Batty et al. (2012), Chourabi Activities that incorporate features, which makes them easy to extend, replicate and
et al. (2012), Hao et al. (2012), Kourtit and Nijkamp adapt in different contexts.
(2012), Lazaroiu and Roscia (2012), Lombardi et al. Environmental impact Hall et al. (2000), Giffinger et al. (2007), Caragliu et al.
(2012), Bakici et al. (2013), Angelidou (2014), Dameri (2011), Dodgson and Gann (2011), Naphade et al.
and Rosenthal-Sabroux (2014), Debnath et al. (2014), (2011), Chourabi et al. (2012), Lazaroiu and Roscia
Neirotti et al. (2014), Söderström et al. (2014), Vanolo (2012), Lombardi et al. (2012), Neirotti et al. (2014),
(2014), Albino et al. (2015), Angelidou (2015), Pham (2014), Dameri and Rosenthal-Sabroux (2014),
Almirall et al. (2016), Belanche et al. (2016), Bibri and Manville et al. (2014), Albino et al. (2015), Ben Letaifa
Krogstie (2017), Deakin and Reid (2018), (2015), Bibri and Krogstie (2017), Ahvenniemi et al.
Desdemoustier et al. (2019), Fernandez-Anez et al. (2017), Angelidou (2017), Hunter et al. (2018), Mora
(2018), Mora et al. (2018) et al. (2018), Mora, Deakin, and Reid (2019)
The superior performance of city systems, expressed in products, technologies and Activities, with objectives related to contributing to environmental sustainability.
processes and measurable with quantified parameters.
Citizen (stakeholder) Porter (1997), Giffinger et al. (2007), Hollands (2008),
Engagement Washburn et al. (2010), Komninos (2011), Caragliu
et al. (2011), Nam and Pardo (2014), Batty et al. Table 2
(2012), Chourabi et al. (2012), Barrionuevo et al. Demonstrated and emerging excellence of case study cities.
(2012), Lombardi et al. (2012), Bakici et al. (2013),
City cases Evidence for demonstrated or emerging
Angelidou (2014), Gil-Garcia et al. (2015), Albino et al.
(2015), Anttiroiko (2016), Almirall et al. (2016), Amsterdam Amsterdam is selected as “Benchmark of Excellence” by the European
Bolívar & Meijer, 2016, Dezi et al. (2018), Rajakallio Commission, who describes the Amsterdam’s smart city development
et al. (2018), Lam & Ma (2019), Fernandez-Anez et al. strategy as a best practice to be replicated in other urban contexts
(2018), Mora et al. (2018), van der Graaf and Ballon (Reported by Velthausz, as cited in Mora and Bolici (2017)).
(2019), Trencher (2019) Barcelona Reported as number three for Europe and ninth in the world in the
Activities that are intended to involve non-elected citizens directly and their groups to smart city ranking of the Eden Strategy Institute and Ong&Ong (OXD).
the operation of city systems. London London is ranked in top 10 of most SC rankings, being first in the world
Quality of Life Mahizhnan (1999), Eger (2003), Shapiro (2006), according to Eden Strategy Institute in 2019 (Eden Strategy Institute,
Giffinger et al. (2007), Dirks and Keeling (2009), Chen and ONG&ONG Pte Ltd., 2018).
(2010), Dirks et al. (2010), Caragliu et al. (2011), Helsinki 2014: Helsinki is recognized by the European Parliament as one of six
Thuzar (2011), Caragliu et al. (2011), Komninos most successful smart cities in Europe and one of the most suitable
(2011), Bakici et al. (2013), Chourabi et al. (2012), cases for further in-depth analysis and benchmarking activities (
Ballas (2013), Robinson (2014), Neirotti et al. (2014), Manville et al., 2014).
Angelidou (2014), Fietkiewicz and Stock (2015), New York New York City is named best smart city at the 2016 edition of the
Hollands (2015), Anttiroiko (2016), Belanche et al. World Smart City Awards. The award recognizes the success of the city
(2016), Thomas et al. (2016), Mora, Deakin, and Reid government in leveraging smart technologies to support urban
(2019) sustainability
Activities, directly providing better conditions for the citizens to pursue happiness in Vienna 2014: Vienna is recognized by the European Parliament as one of six
their daily life, considering their needs and experience in mind, resulting in well- most successful smart cities in Europe and one of the most suitable
being. cases for further in-depth analysis and benchmarking activities (
Social Inclusion and Harvey (2000), Hollands (2008), Komninos (2011), Manville et al., 2014)
Equality Caragliu et al. (2011), Nam and Pardo (2011a), Batty Berlin Berlin has a smart city strategy since April 2015. It is a small
et al. (2012), Neirotti et al. (2014), Manville et al. metropolis, member of the European lighthouse cities community.
(2014), Anttiroiko et al. (2014), World Bank (2016), Berlin is sometimes reported as top SC in Europe; however, different
Beretta (2018), European Commission (2020) rankings show mixed results.
Activities, to realize social equality, providing better urban living conditions for all Budapest Budapest has a smart city strategy since 2019, which makes it a late
segments of the society, without discrimination. adopter of the concept, its ranking classifies the city to However, SC
Connectivity Mahizhnan (1999), Giffinger et al. (2007), Hollands developments were already undergoing in the last decade. The city
(2008), Dirks and Keeling (2009), Harrison and Donelly ranked lower, than it’s regions average (Csécsei, 2020).
(2010), Batty et al. (2012), Lazaroiu and Roscia (2012), Moscow Moscow jumped 16 ranks up in IMD’s global ranking of smart cities to
Schuurman et al. (2012), Zygiaris (2013), Komninos be 56th globally. The government would like Moscow to be known as
(2014), Lee et al. (2014), Ahvenniemi et al. (2017), one of the smartest cities in which to live.
Dezi et al. (2018), Lam & Ma (2019), Allam and
Dhunny (2019)
Activities to create information channels in-between humans and non-humans in example, in this cluster, the ‘Power to Protein’ initiative in Amsterdam is
order to interact with each other. piloting a modern technology solution, which produces protein for an­
Knowledge creation and Yigitcanlar and Velibeyoglu (2008), Komninos (2011),
sharing Caragliu et al. (2011), Angelidou (2015), Marsal-
imal feeding, from sewage sludge. The Accelerated Conservation and
Llacuna et al. (2015), Kummitha and Crutzen (2017), Efficiency (“ACE”) Program in New York City provides funding for city
Ahvenniemi et al. (2017), Ruhlandt (2018), agencies to implement energy efficiency developments. Another
Desdemoustier et al. (2019), Heaton and Parlikad important type of activities here, which are not environmentally
(2019), Sepasgozar et al. (2019), European Commission
focused, are mainly concerned with community building and strategic
Activities that are supporting the accumulation and flow of local urban knowledge in- implications and creating intelligence for the city management.
between urban stakeholders, contributing to city intelligence.
Cost reduction Mahizhnan (1999), Komninos (2006), Dirks and 4.2.2. QoL applications
Keeling (2009), Washburn et al. (2010), Nam and Pardo Cluster 2 members have the highest share of ‘Efficiency gains’, ‘Life
(2011b), Komninos (2011), Ballas (2013), Bakici et al.
(2013), Lee et al. (2013), McNeill (2015), Hunter et al.
Quality’ and ‘Easy replication’. This cluster was named ‘QoL Applica­
(2018), van den Buuse and Kolk (2019) tions’ because activities here are mostly application-based activities.
These activities directly targeted citizens. The goal of these solutions is
to provide new services to citizens, directly improving their quality of

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

Table 3
Descriptive statistics of value proposition components in case study cities.
Demonstrated SC excellence Emerging SC excellence Average

Amsterdam Barcelona Helsinki New York Vienna London Berlin Budapest Moscow

Efficiency gains 41/116 37/82 24/59 32/101 26/59 24/55 24/62 10/51 20/52
35.34% 45.12% 40.68% 31.68% 44.07% 43.64% 38.71% 19.61% 38.46% 37.36%
Citizen engagement 32/116 24/82 24/59 22/101 14/59 12/55 17/62 13/51 7/52
27.59% 29.27% 40.68% 21.78% 23.73% 21.82% 27.42% 25.49% 13.46% 25.90%
Quality of life 26/116 25/82 20/59 33/101 26/59 19/55 28/62 24/51 27/52
22.41% 30.49% 33.90% 32.67% 44.07% 34.55% 45.16% 47.06% 51.92% 35.79%
Inclusion and equality 15/116 28/82 5/59 23/101 16/59 5/55 17/62 12/51 11/52
12.93% 34.15% 8.47% 22.77% 27.12% 9.09% 27.42% 23.53% 21.15% 20.72%
Connectivity 65/116 54/82 47/59 49/101 32/59 36/55 36/62 20/51 46/52
56.03% 65.85% 79.66% 48.51% 54.24% 65.45% 58.06% 39.22% 88.46% 60.44%
Knowledge sharing 36/116 30/82 20/59 33/101 20/59 13/55 13/62 12/51 11/52
31.03% 36.59% 33.90% 32.67% 33.90% 23.64% 20.97% 23.53% 21.15% 29.51%
Cost savings 20/116 6/82 2/59 18/101 13/59 11/55 5/62 6/51 3/52
17.24% 7.32% 3.39% 17.82% 22.03% 20.00% 8.06% 11.76% 5.77% 13.19%
Easy replication 27/116 21/82 20/59 28/101 17/59 15/55 12/62 9/51 9/52
23.28% 25.61% 33.90% 27.72% 28.81% 27.27% 19.35% 17.65% 17.31% 24.80%
Environmental impact 43/116 8/82 10/59 30/101 21/59 15/55 17/62 11/51 1/52
37.07% 9.76% 16.95% 29.70% 35.59% 27.27% 27.42% 21.57% 1.92% 24.49%

Table 4
Status of the reported SC activities in the case study cities.
Amsterdam Barcelona Berlin Budapest Helsinki London Moscow New York Vienna

Pilot or research 36.20% 15.90% 16.10% 21.60% 55.90% 30.90% 7.70% 7.90% 40.70%
Full scale implementation ongoing 10.30% 8.50% 11.30% 2.00% 5.10% 0.00% 3.80% 18.80% 1.70%
Fully implemented and applied to intended target 53.40% 75.60% 72.60% 76.50% 39.00% 69.10% 88.50% 73.30% 57.60%

Table 5
Spatial level of the reported SC activities in the case study cities.
Amsterdam Barcelona Berlin Budapest Helsinki London Moscow New York Vienna

City 42.20% 81.70% 56.50% 39.20% 61.00% 43.60% 94.20% 69.30% 59.30%
District 39.70% 13.40% 29.00% 49.00% 22.00% 21.80% 1.90% 37.60% 20.30%
Building 10.30% 4.90% 9.70% 15.70% 10.20% 25.50% 3.80% 8.90% 13.60%
Home 2.60% 0.00% 1.60% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.10%

Fig. 2. Influence of value proposition components on the clusters (created and exported from IBM SPSS Statistics 25) .

life. These solutions had an exceptionally high scalability load, so were example, the ‘Regent Street App’ in London is an innovative mobile
straightforward to scale up and transfer to other locations, often regar­ application, providing an exclusive shopping experience. The SMILE
ded as platforms. Typical services included mobility (parking services mobility platform in Vienna comes with a mobile application, to provide
for municipalities, or vehicle sharing), intelligence (citizen behaviors, excellent mobility service for all type of passengers.
activities, etc.) and digital infrastructure services (Wi-Fi network). As an

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

4.2.3. Citizen engagement literature. We revealed, what different scientific approaches expect from
Cluster 3 has the highest share of ‘Citizen engagement’ and SC developments, and identified nine components which in turn enabled
‘Knowledge Sharing’ while low values for ‘Efficiency Gains’, ‘Inclusion us to analyze which benefits are present and how they are distributed
and Equality’, and ‘Cost savings’. The most important factor for these among SC activities. Besides, we compared SC development practices of
activities is to create channels between governments and the public, and cities. SC activities can be classified based on their value proposition
thereby involve them in making the decisions, or incorporate their needs components, which gave us novel methods to analyze and evaluate
and requirements to shaping the future of the city. approaches to the concept. Our analytical framework also has a tem­
poral dimension. We studied activities of cities across years and
4.2.4. Social inclusion compared the activities of different cities to each other.
Activities in Cluster 4 primarily aim to improve the everyday life of It is an important finding of the research that there could be signif­
citizens, with particular emphasis on disadvantaged groups. These ac­ icant deviations in performance of cities in SC development, despite
tivities include socially sensitive areas, like elderly care, better working carrying out activities with identical value proposition components.
conditions for disabled people, or helping immigrants to settle. These Excellent performance does not necessarily mean that it is an example to
solutions involved the intensive use of technology. Four main attributes follow, per se. Due to the difference in periods, it shall also be consid­
were identified here are e-health, digital Inclusion, access to informa­ ered, when was the focus of top-performing cities observed? Was it after
tion, and convenience. There were a large number of healthcare-related a shift from another one?3 Unconditionally following the strategic tar­
services and programs. The healthcare-related solutions mainly focused gets of developed (excellent) cases, by adopting similar target system, is
on delivering high-quality patient services with the use of the latest not an enabler for success. However, there are various other factors (e.g.,
technologies, e.g., implementing connected care, and better rehabilita­ cultural context, governance structure and existing targets) that could be
tion procedures. Digital Inclusion means public or private support of important. Longitudinal and local cultural aspects shall be considered
access to different technologies (city-wide Wi-Fi network, high- when researching and benchmarking best practices. Few pieces of
performance broadband) for citizens, especially in rural or less devel­ research are incorporating these contexts. Ruhlandt (2018) also high­
oped areas. Governments and companies typically aimed to provide lights the lack of these parameters in research and practice. Cities
these facilities to low-income citizens. Access to information was also embody their development vision into their SC activities, which is a
important in this cluster. This uses open datasets, applications or plat­ possible reason for the differing understandings of the concept. Based on
forms to provide access for citizens to a wide range of government in­ the distribution of value proposition components, Budapest shows quite
formation such as public transport real-time data, parking information, a lot of similarities with Vienna. However, the two cities undoubtedly
and patient data. perform significantly different in SC developments.
Fig. 3. illustrates the distribution of the four clusters in the dataset Activities are not necessarily focusing on strong points. Amsterdam,
across years, between 2008 and 2019. for example, is well known for its high level of Quality of Life (QoL).
Observing the distribution of the four identified clusters across Nonetheless, the QoL share in the studied activities shows a rather low
different years in all cities, we can observe that the activities are QoL value. On the other hand, Budapest and Moscow have the highest
changing over the years, some are becoming more important, other less scores, not being among top-performing cities regarding QoL. We as­
significant. Fig. 4. shows how these clusters are represented in eachcase sume that cities focus on deficit skills, and not those that they are already
study city. Even among the best performing cities, we observe differ­ strong at. The overall anticipated benefits of their SC vision is dependent
ences. For example, Barcelona has a high emphasis on Social Inclusion, on the specific properties they own, which also explain differences in the
while Amsterdam is the most concerned with particularities of the first divergent distribution across top-performing cities. If cities peer learn
cluster, on the other hand, Moscow has an outstanding share of cluster from each other and want to follow another city’s path, they can check
two. the other one’s activity portfolio, with emphasis on their value propo­
Fig. 5. provides an added depth to the relationship of the studied case sition components.
study cities, and the clusters of the SC activities. The graph was con­ We also revealed that cities with excellent performance are focusing
structed using another dimension reduction technique, Principal on different activities across the years. They do not settle with a specific
Component Analysis, and it shows which cities are more similar to portfolio of activities and solutions but shift focus occasionally. Most of
which cluster. It provides another visualization for comparing the cities. the cities’ strategy focuses on similar activity portfolios for longer pe­
The proximity of data points represents the degree of their similarity. riods, while others change more often. Based on the observed activities
that cities carried out, we also immersed in their perception to the SC,
4.3. Temporal analysis of anticipated benefits of SC activities in the case which seems to be a fluid one, changing from time to time. One of the
study cities years with the particular focuses were identified as ‘The Green City’
where the implemented activities have a higher emphasis on the Envi­
Based on the temporal data in the database, we analyzed the SC ronmental Impact component.
activities of the case study cities across years. Four types of cities are Similarly, ‘The App City’ implies cities with years when the imple­
identified with analysis: (1) The Green City – in which years of activities, mentation of application-based solutions was significant. Considering
cities are focusing on environmental sustainability related objectives these focuses, we argue that there is a great distance between a mono-
Fig. 6; (2) The App City – in which years of activities, cities are focusing dimensional and holistic strategic approach of cities to SC de­
on developing and rolling out platforms and applications to provide QoL velopments. The differences exist across periods within one city’s ho­
improvements directly for citizens Fig. 7; (3) The Socially Sensitive City - listic approach. Hence cities should concentrate resources and focus on
in which years of activities, social equality, and better urban living certain activities with similar value propositions.
conditions for all segments of the society are prominent Fig. 8; (4) The We assume that strategic principles cities adopt in the SC approach
Participatory City – in which years of activities citizen engagement is in are very dependent on the local contextual parameters (e.g. perception
focus Fig. 9.

5. Discussion 3
Longitudinal and local cultural aspects shall be considered when research­
ing. Little research is incorporating these contexts. Ruhlandt (2018) also
This research contributes to the better understanding of SC theory, highlights lack of these parameters in research and practice. Cities embody their
and its practical realization, bridging a knowledge gap in research, by development vision into their SC activities. This is a reason for differing un­
studying the different value proposition components defined in the SC derstanding of the concept.

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

Distribution of clusters across years with most occurances

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Environmental efficiency Life Quality Applications Citizen Engagement Social Inclusion

Fig. 3. Distribution of clusters across years with most occurrences.

Fig. 4. Distribution of clusters across the case study cities in the dataset.

of new technologies, attitude towards privacy, cultural heuristics). In acceptance and attitude towards these activities, the perception and
western European cities, citizen engagement has an overall high share; subjectivity of citizens are different in other cities. For example, Moscow
however, in Moscow, the research showed a lower one. The very same operates one of the world’s biggest surveillance camera system. The
activities are not working in different contexts. Different solutions are attitude of people has also resembled in the distribution of components
creating different impacts: some are positive, but some may trigger other across cities investigated. Therefore, we propose, that cities shall focus
negative impacts. For example, electric vehicles improve air quality, but on their specified local needs, on the path for development - i.e. citizen
not able to solve the problem of congestion. A mass surveillance systems empowerment by investing in citizen engagement activities.
will bring efficiency, and even create QoL improvements, by decreasing We also strongly recommend that the assessment of smart city per­
crime, or easing government services. However, it also creates stress by formance should not only use output indicators that measure the effi­
diminishing privacy, which might outbalance the overall benefits the ciency of deployment of smart solutions but always include impact
solution offers. Toronto’s ambitious Sidewalk project incorporated all indicators that measure the contribution towards the ultimate goals such
features, that new technology can offer. Yet, from the beginning, it was as environmental, economic or social sustainability. Indicator systems
beset by controversy since its announcement, and eventually abandoned do not consider the local people’s needs (specific parameters), because
by Google’s Alphabet on May 7, 2020. Looking at this activity through they probably have different utility curve. Rankings only show an
the research’s framework, it would have created various benefits of ef­ output, which might be the result of various other factors.
ficiency, QoL, environmental impact and connectivity. At the same time,
it also envisioned to create negative impacts for citizens – e.g. increased
stress through surveillance and decreasing control over privacy. The

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

of cases” (Yin, 2009: 58). (Eisenhardt, 1989) argues that the ideal
number of cases ought to be between 4 and 10, which would provide
adequate fundamentals for generalizing findings. The final number of
nine selected city cases was based on this statement. On the other hand,
the depth of the related activities collected was in line with researches,
applying similar methods. However, the number of observations in each
case could be further increased to ensure a higher level of confidence.
Besides, analytical generalization is also affected by two contextual
conditions: the geographical distribution of the selected cases and their
size. A more heterogeneous sample determines a broader generalization
of the results. This research framework enables to improve the common
understanding of such effects in Europe and North America. However,
additional research is required to test whether the findings are of wider
significance because they also apply to other territorial contexts. As 50%
of SC projects are claimed to be situated in China, we believe that the
current sampling of cities does offer an acceptable level of certainty to
generalize results for Asian examples of SC development. Nevertheless,
Fig. 5. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of case study cities and clusters
we believe that replicating the research with Asian examples of SC
(created and exported from IBM SPSS Statistics 25). development is a direction for future research. Data availability also has
a limitation on the research. The annual distribution of observed ac­
tivities is adequately balanced across years. Further extension of the
6. Limitation, validity and future research
dataset, by adding more records, or further restricting the years of
observation, included in the analysis, by increasing the requirement of a
It is important to note that the multiple-case study selection process
minimum number of activities could be options for strengthening its
and the number of replications always determine the external validity of
the study and the extent to which the results are generalizable. The
The studied value proposition components in the observed activities
extent of iteration is highly dependent on the confidence the researcher
are barely showing their presence in each activity, and do not consider
wants to achieve, and “the greater certainty lies with, the larger number

Fig. 6. Cities across years focusing on environmental sustainability goals.

Fig. 7. Cities across years focusing on QoL applications.

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

Fig. 8. Cities across years focusing on social impacts.

Fig. 9. Cities across years focusing on citizen engagement.

their weight. Furthermore, the weight of each activity is also not Original draft preparation, Visualization, Investigation, Software.
considered. These limitations could be managed by considering the Roland Zsolt Szabó: Methodology, Software, Validation, Writing -
main, as well as side effects of anticipated benefits, by introducing a Reviewing and Editing, Supervision.
weighting procedure, together with the investment size of each activity.
However, these aspects were out of the scope of this research. Acknowledgements
Although we examined the anticipated benefits of SC activities, our
research did not consider the actual impacts, they realized. It is advis­ The publication was prepared within the Széchenyi 2020 program
able to study, did cities achieve what they have planned? What was framework (EFOP-3.6.2.-16-2017-00007) under the European Union
planned, and what was not achieved? What else did they achieve? project titled: “Aspects of developing an intelligent, sustainable and
inclusive society: social, technological, innovation networks in
CRediT authorship contribution statement employment and digital economy”. We are grateful to Melissa Leffler,
freelance language editor, for proofreading a draft of this paper.
Máté Szilárd Csukás: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing -

Appendix A

Reference B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9

Ahvenniemi et al. (2017) X X

Albino et al. (2015) X X X
Allam and Dhunny (2019) X
Almirall et al. (2016) X X
(continued on next page)

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

(continued )
Reference B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9

Angelidou (2014) X X X
Angelidou (2015) X X
Angelidou (2017) X
Anttiroiko (2016) X X
Anttiroiko, Valkama, & Bailey (2014) X
Bakici et al. (2013) X X X X
Ballas (2013) X X
Barrionuevo et al. (2012) X X
Batty et al. (2012) X X X X
Belanche et al. (2016) X X
Ben Letaifa (2015) X
Beretta (2018) X
Bibri and Krogstie (2017) X X
Bolívar (2016) X
Borsboom-van Beurden et al. (2019) X
Caragliu et al. (2011) X X X X X X
Chen (2010) X
Chourabi et al. (2012) X X X X
Dameri and Rosenthal-Sabroux (2014) X X
Deakin and Reid (2018) X
Debnath et al. (2014) X
Deloitte (2015) X
Desdemoustier et al. (2019) X X
Dezi et al. (2018) X X
Dirks and Keeling (2009) X X X X
Dirks et al. (2010) X X
Dodgson and Gann (2011) X X
Eger (2003) X
European Commission (2020) X X
SCIS (2018) X
Fernandez-Anez et al. (2018) X X
Ferrer et al. (2017) X
Fietkiewicz and Stock (2015) X
Giffinger et al. (2007) X X X X X
Gil-Garcia et al. (2015) X
Hall et al. (2000) X X
Hao et al. (2012) X
Harrison and Donelly (2010) X
Harvey (2000) X
Heaton and Parlikad (2019) X
Hollands (2008) X X X X
Hollands (2015) X
Hunter et al. (2018) X X
Komninos (2002) X
Komninos (2006) X X
Komninos (2011) X X X X X
Kourtit and Nijkamp (2012) X
Kummitha and Crutzen (2017) X
Lam & Ma (2019) X
Lazaroiu and Roscia (2012) X X X
Lee et al. (2013) X X
Lombardi et al. (2012) X X X
Mahizhnan (1999) X X X X
Manville et al. (2014) X X
Marsal-Llacuna et al. (2015) X
McNeill (2015) X
Mora et al. (2018) X X X
Mora, Deakin, and Reid (2019) X X
Nam and Pardo (2011a) X X X X
Nam and Pardo (2011b)
Naphade et al. (2011) X X
Neirotti et al. (2014) X X X X
Pam & Ma (2018) X
Pham (2014) X
Porter (1997) X
Rajakallio et al. (2018) X
Robinson (2014) X
Ruhlandt (2018) X
Schuurman et al. (2012) X
Sepasgozar et al. (2019) X
Shapiro (2006) X
Söderström et al. (2014) X
Taylor Buck and While (2017) X
Thomas et al. (2016) X
Thuzar (2011) X
Trencher (2019) X
(continued on next page)

M.S. Csukás and R.Z. Szabó Cities 112 (2021) 103116

(continued )
Reference B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9

van den Buuse and Kolk (2019) X

van der Graaf and Ballon (2019) X
Winden & Buuse, 2017 X
Winden et al. (2016) X
Vanolo (2014) X
Washburn et al. (2010) X X X
World Bank (2016) X
Yigitcanlar and Velibeyoglu (2008) X
Zygiaris (2013) X
B1: efficiency gains; B2: citizen engagement;B3: quality of life; B4: social inclusion and equality; B5: connectivity; B6: knowledge creation and sharing;B7: cost
reduction; B8: scalability and transferability; B9: environmental impact.

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