10.02.2020 2
10.02.2020 2
10.02.2020 2
Term: 3
Learning 4.S.5. pronounce an increasing range of words and short phrases and
objectives(s) that this simple sentences intelligibly
lesson is contributing
to 4. UE.9. use common present simple forms including short answer
forms and contraction, to give personal information and talk about
habitual actions, facts and future timetable events continue to use
common past simple forms [regular and irregular]to describe actions
and feelings and narrate simple events including short answer forms
and contractions.
Can remember healthy bodies using words and phrases and use them
in sentences.
English Translation
Cabbage Қырыққабат
Lettuce Салат
Mustard Қыша
Mayonnaise Майонез
-To fix our new words let play game
“Lustenberger”. In little flahcards there are
missed words, you should find them and circle
4 min it. flashcards
-Open your copybook and write down today's A 4 size paper with
date and new theme. Today The 10th of new theme
February, write down theme .
2 min
-Now do 1 Look at the picture. Answer the
3 min
-Now do exercise 3 Make sentences to
complete the poster.
4. ten/Sleep/hours!
-Now do exercise 5.
1-b 2-a 3-f 4-g 5-d 6-j 7-e 8-c 9-i 10-h
3 min -If you have 20-30 balls excellent. If you have Balls
10-20 good. If you have 5-10 try more.