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ISSN 2039 – 5086 April 2023
Abstract – The best cost-effective method of lowering the cost per transmitted bit is an increase in
transmission symbol rate as well as the order of quadrature amplitude modulation. Specifically,
upcoming transponders aim to accommodate data rates up to 1 Tb/s using super-channels due to
the bandwidth limitations of electrical components. Throughput can also be increased by a flexible-
grid architecture by closing spectral gaps in the available optical spectrum. The distance and
transmission module is introduced in the work; it chooses the appropriate modulation depending on
the distance. Specifically, a 1 Tbps super-channel with four subcarriers, each one modulated with
PM-32QAM at a Baud rate of 33 G-Bd per carrier, has been used. By using the Nyquist filter, the
subcarrier spacing for PM-32QAM has been set to 37.5 GHz, which enables 32 × 1.0 Tbps super-
channels overall over C-band and could lead to a 32.0 Tb/s C-band capacity. For PM-32 QAM,
which is observed, the required optical signal-to-noise ratio at the forward error correction
threshold is 5.4 dB. Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplified (EDFA) Single Mode Fiber has been used to
achieve a transmission range of 750 km for PM-32 QAM modulated super-channels. Copyright ©
2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved https://doi.org/10.15866/irecap.v13i2.22924
M. Adarsha et al.
distances using this band. The C band includes for EON, a data plane link is switched in the Flexi grid
wavelengths between 1525 and 1565 nm [1]. A DWDM based on allocated and changeable size-frequency bands
technique [2] enables the transmission of multiple optical within the optical spectrum. Such a problem can be
signal carriers of different wavelengths on a single optical overcome by using a super-channel method of multi-
fiber. The ITU-T sets the wavelength allocation and carrier WDM transmission [11]. The transponder should
standardization. DWDM central frequencies are specified have the capability of dynamically adapting to variable
in the ITU-T G.694.1 guideline. DWDM wavelengths are bandwidth. It can be accomplished by adjusting the
first placed in a grid with an optical frequency spacing of number of sub-carriers, symbol rate, or modulation format
exactly 100 GHz, or approximately 0.8 nm [3]. used depending on a dynamic reach-capacity trade-off
The reference frequency for this will be 193.10 THz. [12]. In order to establish a Fl-ON, deployment of a BVT
Over the past ten years, numerous significant [13], Super-channel, and the latest Flexi-Spectral
developments have increased the capacity to keep up with Selective Switch [14] [15] is required. Major
the steadily growing traffic [4]. For instance, core characteristics of EON are discussed in this section:
networks can transmit about 80 channels by compressing 1. Higher data speeds are supported:
the channels and spacing them 50 GHz apart. In order to In order to handle greater data speeds, it employs
build a fixed grid network, 50 GHz channel spacing is advanced polarized modulation formats (PM-16QAM,
used to transmit different bitrates of 100 Gbps [5]. PM-QPSK, and PM-BPSK), super-channel
Capacity scaling is possible in a communication system technology, and sophisticated ADC, coherence
by exploring modulation, so QPSK [6] is used for long- detection, and photonic integration technology [16].
distance communication. In this work, different 2. Channel spacing should be on the order of 12.5 GHz:
modulators are also examined to increase the capacity. It has smaller and tighter channel spacing and grid-less
The EO modulators lead to a high baud rate. EO channels for optimal spectrum usage.
modulators can be broadly divided into Lithium Niobite 3. According to the optical reach, spectrally efficient
(LiNbO3) modulators, plasmonic modulators, polymer modulation techniques are assigned, such as PM-16-
modulators, InP modulators, and all-silicon modulators QAM for short distances (700 km), PM-QPSK for
based on the materials [7]. The LiNbO3 modulator is used medium distances (3000 km), and PM-BPSK for long
in this work because it has a large bandwidth, a low half- distances (5000 km) [15] [16].
wave voltage (Vπ), low optical loss, and good linear EO 4. Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transponder is a BVT
properties [8]. It also has an optical insertion loss lower of the next-generation network and it is the most
than 0.1 dB and an electrode length of less than 0.5 cm [9]. important feature of EON. In traditional BVT, the
The DP technique is adopted to increase the data rate whole transmitter capacity (source and destination
per second. The telecom industry is currently considering pair) is allotted a single connection request. SBVT, on
a classic transmission data rate of over 100 Gbps, and 400 the other hand, is a versatile multi-flow transponder
Gbps is getting a lot of attention. The ITU fixed grid at 50 that can route data to several locations at the same time
GHz channel spacing cannot accommodate the high without increasing the cost or complexity [15].
spectral width of advanced modulation formats.
Therefore, three factors should be taken into account
II.1. Super Channel
for a scalable transport solution: increasing the fiber optic
channel's transmission capacity, lowering the cost of A new standardized grid is required for terrestrial
transport per Gbps, and having the flexibility to adapt to networks in order to provide the highest spectral efficiency
changing traffic and network constraints. By considering for the growing diversity of spectrum requirements. In
the above factors, the Flexi-Grid network is chosen for order to address this issue, the ITU-T has developed a finer
development and for achieving a high data rate. grid called a flexible frequency grid, or flex-grid, that
The remainder of this article is organized as follows: associates a flexible frequency slot with an optical link.
the Flexi grid network and its key parameters are The super-channel [17] is commissioned in a single
introduced in Section II. It also gives details regarding the cycle of operation. The main concept of the super-channel
Super Channel. The design of the Flexi grid network with and the difference between the super-channel and the
SBVT is presented in Section III. The simulation of EON normal channel are depicted in Figs. 1. In the DWDM
is described, and its parameters are mentioned in Section channel, a guard band exists at the bottom and top of the
IV. In Section V, various simulation results obtained from channel. For optical switching, multiplexing, and de-
Flexi-Grid networks are presented and discussed. A multiplexing of optical channels, a guard band is
comparison of the proposed work with existing literature necessary.
based on the Flexi-Grid network is presented. Finally, the It consumes a huge amount of spectrum and reduces the
conclusions of the study are presented in Section VI. capacity of fiber transport. In order to avoid this kind of
problem, the optical industry has moved to a technology
called super-channel. This technique is way different from
II. Flexi Grid Network the traditional DWDM channel. In a single cycle of
Flexi-Grid optical networks are interchangeably operation, 12 × 100 Gbps of data are transmitted, and an
referred to as EON [10]. In order to provide the first brick overall capacity of 1.2 Tbps is achieved.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
Spacing in GHz
correspond to the quadrature and in-phase components of
both X and Y polarizations. Then the offline receiver DSP 35
has been used to process the digital samples. This can be 34 33
noticed in Fig. 4. Another benefit of this system is that 33
low-loss compensation can be performed by using a series 32
of DSP algorithms rather than individual optical
components. For pre- and post-compensation at higher
baud rates and in QAM formats, many sophisticated 30
algorithms have been utilised for both the Tx and Rx sides. Baud - rate in GBd Channel Spacing in
According to Fig. 4, a typical DSP operation process for GHz
high-baud-rate COS systems [29] is shown.
PM-32QAM with 250 Gbps Data rate
III.4. DSP Unit in Receiver Fig. 5. Baud Rate and Channel Spacing for PM-32-QAM
Linear and nonlinear impairments, such as CD and fiber
nonlinearity, can be targeted by static equalization. In Using multi-carrier signals is one method for creating
high-speed systems, nonlinear compensation is frequently higher-rate channels. Multi-carrier signals are used to
performed using maximum a posteriori estimation [30]. achieve a 1 Tbps data rate, where the symbol rate is
For high-order QAM formats, waveform distortion maintained constant at signals at 250 Gbps.
should be eliminated and PMD should be balanced. In For instance, four 250 Gbps 32-QAM-modulated
order to overcome high-order QAM impairments, the symbol rates per subcarrier operating at 33 GHz could be
Cascade Multi-Modulus Algorithm along with the combined to create a 1 Tbps channel. The subcarrier of the
Decision-Directed Least-Squares algorithm is used [31]. super-channel based on PM-32QAM had a symbol rate of
The unlocked frequencies between the LO and 33 G-Baud, Fig. 5, despite the bard rate and single channel
transmitter are the cause of the frequency offset, which is spacing values. The bandwidth of each subcarrier has been
responsible for the constellation's rotation. Whereas the constrained to 37.5 GHz by applying Roll-Off (RO) 0.1
laser linewidth is primarily responsible for the phase Nyquist filtering and also considering all Over-Head
noise. Such issues are addressed in carrier phase recovery (OH). The total bandwidth used for one super-channel,
and frequency offset estimation [26]. which consists of four sub-carriers, is 150 GHz, by
considering subcarrier spacing.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
BER VS Frequency
Spectral Efficiency in 1
Superchannel datarate 0,1
in Tb/s
0 2 4 6 8 0,01
190,5 192,5 194,5 196,5
PM-32-QAM Baud rate and Spectral
Frequency in (THz)
Modulation Optical C-band
reach (km) capacity (Tb/s)
PM-32QAM 350 24 [15]
PM-16QAM 900 28.8 [21]
PM-32QAM 750 32 Proposed work
C-band capacity in Tbps/OSNR
35 32
Fig. 7. PM-32-QAM Constellation points
Each super-channel has been tested separately, and its 25
BER has been plotted for various frequency ranges in the
in dB
C-band, which is shown in Fig. 8. It is observed that the
received OSNR increases linearly in the noise-limiting 15
region with launch power values between -8 and -3 dBm. 10
The best transmission power has been chosen, resulting 5
in the lowest BER for a channel at 193.4 THz. For each
transmission configuration, it has been found out that the 0
ideal launch power has been -3 dBm / -1 dBm. For each C- band capacity OSNR Margin in
transmission modulation at this power, the received in Tbps dB
OSNR value has been 24.5 dB. After a 750-km link
transmission, the received OSNR fluctuation over C-band Fig. 9. Capacity of C-Band using PM-32-QAM
has ranged from 24.4 dB to 26.6 dB. In the high-frequency
portion of the C-band, a lower OSNR has been discovered However, the focus of this study is on determining PM-
due to the amplified spontaneous emission noise of 32-QAM's maximum range and spectral efficiency. As
EDFAs. observed in Table II, the first PM-32-QAM has achieved
The datacom and telecom industries are currently 24 Tbps of C-band capacity with a 350 km reach.
considering a standard transmission data rate of more than Mainly, it uses SC-SMF and every 40 km, EDFA is
100 Gbps, and 400 Gbps has gained a lot of attention. used to reach such a distance. Similarly, PM-16-QAM
However, in the proposed work, the focus has been on uses a dual-carrier, and it operates at 32 GBaud/400 Gbps.
transmission of 1 Tbps. Table II is used to compare the A ring network with 18 nodes is used to evaluate PM-16-
proposed research with previously published works that QAM modulation, where each link comprises 100 km of
use the Flexi grid network. Similar methods of the super- SC and SMF. Every 100 km of EDFA is used to strengthen
channel are compared to make an effective comparison. the optical signal. With this setup, it has reached 900 km
Higher modulation techniques provide the most and has achieved a C-band capacity of 28.8 Tbps. The
efficient use of resources and spectrum. It should be proposed work, PM-32-QAM, uses four subcarriers, and
noticed that the optical reach diminishes as the order of the each subcarrier uses a symbol rate of 33 GBaud. Each
modulation technique increases. It is concluded that any subcarrier's bandwidth has been limited to 37.5 GHz by
modulation technique is not appropriate for all-optical considering RO, NF, and all OH into account. When
reach. The spectral efficiency for each modulation method subcarrier spacing is taken into account, one super-
varies according to the associated optical reach. channel with four sub-carriers uses a total bandwidth of
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
150 GHz. On the receiver end, it uses advanced DSP to for better programmability, agility, and automation.
overcome channel impairments. Therefore, strictly Operators may efficiently manage and optimize
speaking, it has achieved a SE of 6.67 b/s/Hz. 32 super- network resources, quickly offer services, and adjust to
channels with a 1 Tbps data rate were created in the C- shifting traffic demands with the help of SDN integration.
band using 128 sub-carriers.
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doi:https://doi.org/10.15866/iremos.v15i5.22768 has recently published two scholarly books: 2D Materials for Surface
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2
M. Adarsha et al.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 13, N. 2