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Lesson 1: Patterns of Idea Development: A. Pretest

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LESSON 1: PATTERNS OF MELCs: Use appropriate grammatical signals or

expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development
IDEA DEVELOPMENT (*MELCS code is not given)

A. Pretest
Directions: Read the following sentences. Identify the pattern of idea development used. Write your answer
on the line and then encircle the signal word/s that helped you in the identification.

General-Particular Claim-Counterclaim
Problem-Solution Cause-Effect

A. Pattern of Idea Development: ___________________

Filipinos are faced with the grave issue on pollution. Garbage disposal is not organized, lakes die, factories
emit smoke without care. I am writing this article to encourage you to segregate your garbage at home and
when you are outside, to throw your trash in the proper trash cans.

B. Pattern of Idea Development _________________

Dogs are in many ways like human beings. When we like people, we smile at them; dogs wag their tails to express their
liking for others. When we enjoy ourselves, we laugh. In the same way, when I play with dog Tagpi, and he is having a
wonderful time, he gives short, happy barks, and of course I know he is laughing.

B. Discussion

Patterns of idea development are writer’s strategies to organize ideas in writing. Learning to use
these patterns requires one to become familiar with grammatical expressions and key transitional

Idea Development Patterns

Pattern Usage Signal words/expressions

General to Particular This pattern is used in answering defined as, is, known, the term
essay type tests, introducing a means, is stated as, is used to
paper, giving background to a mean, for example, to illustrate, for
research paper, or opening instance, such as, sample,
paragraphs for discussion. specifically, i.e., e.g
Claim and Counterclaim This pattern is used in writing
arguments. A claim presents what for example, for instance, together
one thinks is true about a topic with, to illustrate, to clarify,
based on knowledge and research; according to, evidence shows, the
a counterclaim disproves the claim
study claims
with reasons and evidence.
Problem-solution This pattern presents information problem, answer, so that, solution,
through an expression of a solved, led to, dilemma, cause, issue,
problem, dilemma, question, or a since, advantage, because, as a
concerning issue (problem) that result of, disadvantage, question, in
order to
can be, or should be solved or
remedied (solution/attempted
Cause-effect This pattern presents an analysis the first cause (second, third), the
of reasons for, and/or the first reason (second, third), yet
consequences of an action, another factor, because, is caused
event, or decision. by, results from, one important
effect, another result, a third
outcome, as a result,
consequently, then, next,
therefore, thus, so
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024

C. Application
Directions: Read each passage below and determine which patterns of idea development each
represents. Circle any signal words that could be used to help identify the text type and underline any
other words or phrases that helped you make your decision.

1. There are several reasons why so many people attend the Olympic games or watch them on television. One
reason is tradition. The name Olympics and the torch and flame remind people of the ancient games. People
can escape the ordinariness of daily life by attending or watching the Olympics. They like to identify with someone
else’s individual sacrifice and accomplishment. National pride is another reason, and an athlete’s or a team’s
hard-earned victory becomes a nation’s victory. There are national medal counts and people keep track of how
many medals their country’s athletes have won.
Pattern of Idea Development _______________________________

2. One problem with the modern Olympics is that it has become very big and expensive to operate. The city or
country that hosts the games often loses a lot of money. A stadium, pools, and playing fields must be built for
the athletic events and housing is needed for the athletes who come from around the world. And all of these
facilities are used for only two weeks! In 1984 Los Angeles solved these problems by charging a fee for
companies who wanted to be official sponsors of the games. Companies like McDonald’s paid a lot of money to
be part of the Olympics. Many buildings that were already built in Los Angeles area were also used. The coliseum
where the 1932 games were held was used again and many colleges and universities in the area became playing
and living areas.
Pattern of Idea Development _______________________________

3. A phobia is an intense fear or feeling of anxiety that occurs only in a particular situation that frightens you.
This might be something as seemingly logical as a fear of heights, or as illogical as a fear of the color green. At
other times you don’t feel anxious. For example, if you have a phobia of spiders (as millions of people do), you
only feel anxious when there’s a spider around, otherwise you feel fine. About one in ten people has a
significant phobia, although few people seek treatment.
Pattern of Idea Development _______________________________

4. “Mom, I believe that it is very necessary for me to have my own tablet,” Keisha said persuasively. And Mom
answered with a teasing smile on her face, “Honey, but your current situation shows the contrary.”
Pattern of Idea Development _______________________________

D. Posttest
A. Directions: Use the appropriate grammatical signal to complete the sentences.

as a result because the issue is

first then

1. ____________ my classmates who own tablets make it to the honors roll. I really should have my
own tablet.
2. Our computers are not protected, ____________ they have been infected with a virus.
3. Now that you have identified the virus infection, ________ that we don’t have antivirus software
available at the moment!
4. Here is how to use your account: __________, log in using your username (5) __________, key in
your password.

B. Directions: Rewrite your Theme

Writing #1

1. Make sure to use a pattern per each

2. Use the given Rubrics as a guide in
developing your ideas.
3. The letter must consist of 3
paragraphs (Introduction, Body,
Conclusion) with 5 or more
sentences per each paragraph.
4. Write your letter on a bond paper
with design. You may use
special paper.
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: ______________________________________________ Section: _______________________

Teacher: ____________________________________________ English 8

Pretest: ____
Application: ____
LESSON 2: Making an Outline using Primary and Secondary Sources Posttest: ____
A. Pretest
Directions: Read the questions below carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. Which of the following statements describes a sentence outline? A sentence outline____________.
A. states varied information in sentence form
B. presents the primary and secondary sources
C. states the main topic and supporting details in sentence form
D. presents the thesis statement, major topics, subtopics, and supporting details in sentence form

_____2. Which of the following statements does NOT define an outline?

A. It synthesizes the ideas in your essay.
B. It provides an over-all picture of your essay.
C. It shows a hierarchical order of ideas.
D. It is a tool for organizing the write-up.

_____3. What is the first step in writing an outline?

A. Make and organize a list of your subtopics.
B. Choose your topic and establish your purpose.
C. Create and organize a list of your major topics.
D. Provide additional information to support your subtopics.

_____4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about major topics? Major topics refer to the ________.
A. major details which are formed from the major subtopics
B. phrases/sentences which are formed from the subtopics
C. phrases/sentences which are crafted from the major subtopics
D. major phrases/sentences which are organized from the thesis statement

_____5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of outlining? Outlining would______.

A. summarize your ideas C. present information clearly
B. organize your ideas D. help achieve sentence variety

B. Discussion
An outline is a tool used in improving and
organizing written ideas about a topic into a logical
order. Writers use outlines when writing their
papers to know which topic to cover and in what

Types of an Outline
1. Sentence Outline - a type of outline that
presents the thesis statement, major topics,
subtopics, and supporting details in sentence form.
It allows you to include those details in the
sentences. It follows a hierarchical structure
composed of sentences and headings around the
subject of the speech or essay.

2. Topic Outline – a type of outline which presents

the major topics, subtopics, and supporting details
in the form of words and phrases.
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024




Primary sources are firsthand information taken from original evidences such as reports on
discoveries and events and interviews from persons in authority.

Secondary sources are secondhand information taken from the primary sources.
Source: "Primary And Secondary Sources", UNSW Sydney Library, April 23, 2021,
C. Application
Directions: Read the notes from secondary and primary sources that you will use to complete the outline.
Primary Source: (research report) Secondary Source: (editorial)
While there is no way to tell exactly what the The pandemic-related economic and human costs
economic damage from the global COVID-19 novel could have long-term consequences for economies
coronavirus pandemic will be, there is widespread through the tragic loss of life and job losses that
agreement among economists that it will have severe disrupt careers and permanently shutter businesses.
negative impacts on the global economy. Early Fiscal and monetary measures implemented to
estimates based that, should the virus become a prevent a financial crisis and sustain economic activity
global pandemic, most major economies will lose at may also accidentally be adding to income and wealth
least 2.4 percent of the value their gross domestic differences. Within some countries, the economic
product (GDP) over 2020, leading economists to fallout is widening racial and socio-economic
already reduce their 2020 forecasts of global cleavages and increasing social unrest.
economic growth down from around 3.0 percent to 2.4 Source: “Global Economic Effects of COVID-19”, Congressional
Research Service, Updated April 26, 2021,
percent. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R46270.pdf
Source: Szmigiera, M., “COVID-19: Impact on the global economy”,
Statista, May 7, 2021, https//www.statista.com/topics/6139/covid-19-
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024

Thesis Statement: COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult challenge faced by the government

because it has brought massive breakdown to the economy, destabilization of the
educational system, and anxieties among families and communities in the country.

I. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic

A. Impacts on Global Economy
1. GDP drop of major economies
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________

B. ____________________________________________
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________

D. Posttest
A. Directions: The following sentences below are parts of a sentence outline about the topic Why
the School Year Should Be Shorter. Read and analyze each sentence. Write MT if the sentence is
a Major Topic, ST for Subtopic, and SD for Supporting Detail.

Thesis Statement: The school year should be shortened in order to save school funds, improve
learner’s academic results, and benefit teachers.
_____ 1. Teachers could have time for professional development.
_____ 2. The school could save costs on electricity and water bills.
_____ 3. Teachers could have enough rest and are able to teach more effectively.
_____ 4. A shorter school year would benefit teachers in many ways.
_____ 5. A shorter school year would help save school funds.

B. Directions: Write letter P for primary source and letter S for secondary source.
_____ 6. I was watching GMA news. One of the reporters presented data on the number of Covid-19
_____ 7. I have found a letter in the locker room of my friend. I know it is private, but I read it anyway.
_____ 8. My friends and I found an old painting in our attic. My father said it belonged to my
_____ 9. I am reading textbooks to search more information about Philippine history.
_____ 10. My friend, David, said that I should read the history book which he really liked.
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024
MELCs: Synthesize essential information found in

Pretest: ____
A. Pretest
Directions: Write TRUE if the given statement is a correct and FALSE if it is not. Application: ____
________1. Readers increase their knowledge by forming synthesis. Posttest: ____
________2. Synthesizing is same with summarizing. TOTAL SCORE: ____
________3. A synthesis is a shortened version of the original text.
________4. Synthesizing a text is the process of pulling together background knowledge, newly learned ideas,
connections, inferences, and summaries into a complete and original understanding of the text.
________5. In ADD Method, during Discussion students should talk with their partners about what they learned and know.

B. Discussion
Synthesizing is collecting new information to form new thoughts and ideas in order to evolve our thinking. Synthesizing a
text is the process of pulling together background knowledge, newly learned ideas, connections, inferences, and
summaries into a complete and original understanding of the text. It is an on-going process that builds and grows as a
reader gets deeper into the text.
Make synthesizing easy with the use of the ADD Method
A – Already Know – Students think about what they already know about the topic
D – During Reading – Students learn and think about new facts in the text.
D – During Discussion – Students should talk with their partners about what they learned and know on the topic.

You can use the following thinking stems to help you communicate
your thinking.
I used to think, but now I think …
My new thinking is …
I’m beginning to think …
At first my thinking was … Now my thinking is …
While I was reading, I started to think …
My perspective has changed …
I started to realize that …
In the end, I understand that …
My new understanding is …

C. Application
Directions: Read the passage on Asian-African traditions and values. Synthesize it by completing the table below.


Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is characteristic of Filipino society. This family loyalty is apparent in the fact that
there are no booming businesses for retirement homes or orphanages in the Philippines.
Also important to Filipinos is treating elders (even someone a year older is an "elder") with the respect and deference they
deserve and require. There are many ways a person can show respect, whether it is by using hand gestures or speaking in
a manner that denotes respect.
As with many Asian countries, removal of shoes is customary when entering someone's home. By doing this the visitors
shows his/her respect for the family and their home, as well as having basic courtesy.
To recognize an elder's presence, a younger person may take the elder's hand (usually someone at least 15 years older),
bring it to forehead and then release it.
It is also customary for Filipinos to use a lot of hand and facial gestures to communicate. In their communication with each
other, speaking politely is important as is speaking with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is not acceptable, along with public
Unlike other Asian countries where women tend to be in more subservient positions, women in the Philippines have had
high societal positions since precolonial times. Since there is sexual equality, businesses are more accepting of women
performing business. This attitude is apparent with the current Philippine preside. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is the
second woman to hold this esteemed position. Corazon Aquino was the first female president and held the position from
I CAN synthesize as I read.
What I already know:
Key details from the reading:
The author wrote this because ...
The big idea is …
I think this is important because …

ame: ______________________________________________ Section: _______________________

Teacher: ____________________________________________ English 8
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024
D. Posttest
Directions: Read the statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
________1. Identify what part of the ADD Method is given: Students think about what they already know about
the topic.
a. Already Know b. During Reading c. During Discussion d. Both A&B
________2. Identify what part of the ADD Method is given: Students learn and think about new facts in the text.
a. Already Know b. During Reading c. During Discussion d. Both A&B
________3. Identify what part of the ADD Method is given: Students should talk with their partners about what
they learned and know on the topic.
a. Already Know b. During Reading c. During Discussion d. Both A&B
________4. A synthesis can form _____________ thinking differently as a result of the text.
a. a new understanding c. a changed understanding
b. a deeper understanding d. a summarized information
________5. A synthesis can form _____________ becoming more aware or appreciative of an idea after reading a text.
a. a new understanding c. a changed understanding
b. a deeper understanding d. a summarized information

MELCs: Compose effective paragraphs


A. Pretest
Directions: Write TRUE if the given statement is a correct and FALSE if it is not.
________1. An effective paragraph should focus on at least two ideas.
________2. An effective paragraph provides specific information that helps a reader understand the single idea.
________3. An introductory sentence is part of the structure of a paragraph.
________4. The topic sentence presents the main idea of a paragraph.
________5. The Supporting sentences are placed after the topic sentence and before the concluding sentence.

B. Discussion
A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develop one main idea.
Effective paragraphs must have a topic sentence, have sentences that support the main idea of that paragraph, and
maintain a consistent flow.
1. Topic Sentence
It is a complete sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.
. Parts of a topic sentence: Limited topic + verb + attitude, feeling, idea, opinion, or point of view.
Example: Topic: Rats
Topic Sentence: Through the centuries, rats, have managed to survive all our efforts to destroy them.
2. Supporting Sentences
They give details about the topic. They provide information by citing an example, evidence, relevant fact, reason, incident,
and specific information.
Example: Supporting Sentence No. 1: We have poisoned and trapped them.
Supporting Sentence No. 2: We have fumigated, flooded, and burned them.
Supporting Sentence No. 3: We have tried germ warfare.
3. Concluding Sentence
It signals the end of the paragraph and reminds the reader of the main idea. It summarizes the main points or restates the
topic sentence in different words. Remember, it never adds new information.
Example: Concluding Sentence: Despite all our efforts, these enemies of ours continue to prove that they
are the most indestructible pests.
1. A clear topic sentence - provides a “general summary” of the paragraph
2. Unity - all of the sentences in the paragraph are related to the topic sentence.
3. Coherence – ideas are connected through logical orders and signal devices.
4. Adequate development - it describes, explains, and supports the topic sentence.

C. Application D. Posttest
Directions: Choose one topic from the list below. Directions: Write TRUE if the given statement is a correct
Then, construct a paragraph (1 TS, 3 SS, 1 CS) and FALSE if it is not.
Write your paragraph on a 1 whole sheet of paper. _____1. Transition signals are one of the basic parts of a paragraph.
⮚ Pros and Cons of online games _____2. Topic sentence contains the general summary.
⮚ Someone you like in your class. _____3. Concluding sentence restates the topic sentence.
_____4. Focusing on a single topic helps in achieving coherence.
⮚ The benefits of watching k-dramas or anime.
_____5. Above, next and besides show time connection.
⮚ A great place to go during school break _____6. Paragraph unity means all sentences support the main idea.
⮚ Something you wish to do _____7. Transition signals help in comparing and contrasting.
_____8. A topic sentence is always at the beginning of a paragraph.
_____9. A good concluding sentence always give new ideas.
Pretest: ____ Application: ____ _____10. An effective paragraph focuses on a single idea.
Posttest: ____ TOTAL SCORE: ____
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: ______________________________________________ Section: _______________________

Teacher: ____________________________________________ English 8

MELCs: Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type

LESSON 5: Types of Literary Texts (narrative in literature, expository, explanatory, factual and
personal recount, persuasive) (*No Code)

A. Discussion
Application: ____
1. NARRATIVE TEXT Posttest: ____
Purpose: Essentially, the purpose of narrative text is to tell a story. TOTAL SCORE: ____
Examples: myths, fables, traditional tales, novels, short stories etc.
Structure: The most common is Plot Pyramid: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution or denouement
Main Features: Mostly written in the past or present tense, uses the third or first person perspective, mostly characters are
recognisably human in their motivations and actions and language is used creatively to paint a picture.

Purpose: It moves beyond providing straightforward descriptions to looking at things like causes and reasons.
Examples: how to manual, report, procedural, etc.
Structure: organized into three main parts: introduction (the main idea is presented), development (the main topic is explained) and
conclusion (detailed information is synthesized in the development).
Main Features: Title reveals what is being explained, May contain diagrams, flowcharts, illustration, etc.
✓ Written in simple present tense, Time connectives used such as first, after, then, next ,finally, etc.
✓ Talks to the reader directly e.g. “You’ll be surprised to learn....”

Purpose: It exists to provide facts in a way that is educational and purposeful. The text is fact-based with the purpose of exposing the
truth through a reliable source.
Examples: cause and effect, comparison and contrast, etc.
Structure: It typically follows one of five formats, cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, problem and solution
and sequence.
Main Features: Using words that clearly show what the author is talking about, Second person instruction with “you.”
The use of the first person pronoun should be avoided, It does not overtly reveal the opinion of the writer

Purpose: Recounts focus on retelling events and are generally intended to inform and/or entertain.
Examples: news reports, interviews, recipes, records of history, instructions, FAQs, etc.
Structure: Recounts often open with a scene being set, or other device that establishes context. They continue by providing an
account of the events that took place, usually in chronological order.
Main Features:
✓ Most often written in the past tense as text type relates events that already happened.
✓ Time connectives used extensively to organize chronology e.g, first, then, next, after that, etc.
✓ Details are used extensively to flesh out the barebones of the events.

Purpose: Its purpose is to convince the reader of the merits of adopting a particular viewpoint or taking a specific course of action.
Examples: essays, speeches, advertisements, reviews, etc.
Structure: Beginning with an opening statement, persuasive texts start by summing up the viewpoint to be presented. The paragraphs
then organize, present, and elaborate on this viewpoint. A closing statement then restates and reinforces the original thesis of the text.
Main Features:
✓ Written in the simple present tense and moves from a general point to specific points
✓ Uses logical connectives (therefore, because, of this, this proves that)
✓ Employs rhetorical devices and uses facts and evidence to support arguments
✓ Addresses readers directly
✓ Employs various methods of psychological persuasion.

B. Application
Directions: Read each statement carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

For 1-2: Do you owe more money than you are making? Do you have lots of different debts?
It’s quick and easy to apply and you could get the money within just 2 days! Yes that’s right 2 days, so why waste time? So, if you want
to clear your debts, make home improvements, go on a holiday, or just buy something you’ve always wanted. Call us now on 0900
7895 2369.
_____1. What is the text passage trying to persuade you to do?
A. To go on holiday C. To take out a loan with the advertising loan company.
B. To make some home improvements. D. To buy something you’ve always wanted.
_____2. What type of text is the passage above?
A. Descriptive B. Instructive C. Informative D. Persuasive

_____3. This is an example of narrative text: Measure the first side. Measure three foot on the frist side and mark it off. Measure four
foot on the second side and mark it off.
A. true B. false
_____4. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Personal Recount
_____5. What type of text would you need to use to tell someone how to wire a plug?
A. Personal Recount B. Narrative C. Expository D. Persuasive
ENGLISH 8 | QUARTER 4 | S.Y. 2023-2024
C. Posttest
Directions: Identify which type of text is being described. Choose your answer from the box.



_____ 1. It usually opens with a general statement that introduces the topic to be explored and may contain diagrams, flowcharts,
illustration, etc.
_____ 2. Its focus is to retell events and is generally intended to inform and/or entertain and most often written in the past tense as text
type relates events that already happened.
_____ 3. It begins with an opening statement and starts by summing up the viewpoint to be presented to convince the reader.
_____ 4. It provides facts and focuses on educating its reader not to amuse but to enlighten and instruct.
_____ 5. It tells a story to entertain or inform the readers and allows the writers to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.
_____ 6. A book review stating “The Hunger Games” are the best books and a must read book.
_____ 7. A booklet about the water cycle Recount
_____ 8. An essay about texting and its effect on students’ grammar skills
_____ 9. A recipe in cooking “Cheerios”
_____10. The tale of “The Giants”.

MELCs: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the

LESSON 6: SPEECH WRITING needed speech conventions (*No Code)

A. Discussion
A speech is simply an official verbal presentation that is meant to achieve a certain goal. The aim of making a speech or even
writing one, is to convince your audience to buy your idea or pay attention to your subject of discussion.

Principles of Speech Writing

1. Audience analysis entails looking into the profile of your target audience. The profile includes:
● Demography (age range, male-female ratio, educational background and affiliations or degree program taken, nationality,
economic status, academic or corporate designations)
● Situation (time, venue, occasion, and size)
● Psychology (values, beliefs, attitudes, preferences, cultural and racial ideologies, and needs)
2. Purpose for writing and delivering the speech can be classified into three to inform, to entertain, or to persuade. The purpose can be
general and specific.
3. Topic is your focal point of your speech, which can be determined once you have decided on your purpose. If you are free to decide
on a topic, choose one that really interests you.
4. Data gathering is the stage where you collect ideas, information, sources, and references relevant or related to your specific topic.
5. Writing patterns, in general, are structures that will help you organize the ideas related to your topic. Examples are biographical,
categorical/topical, causal, chronological, comparison/contrast, problem-solution, and spatial.
6. Outline is a hierarchical list that shows the relationship of your ideas. The elements of an outline include introduction, body, and
7. Editing/Revising your written speech involves correcting errors in mechanics, such as grammar, punctuation, capitalization, unity,
coherence, and others.
8. Rehearsing gives you an opportunity to identify what works and what does not work for you and for your target audience.

Guidelines in Speech Writing

1. Keep your words short and simple. Your speech is meant to be heard by your audience, not read.
2. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical words because they can confuse your audience.
3. Make your speech more personal. Use the personal pronoun “ I ” but take care not to overuse it. When you need to emphasize
collectiveness with your audience, use the personal pronoun “ we “
4. Use active verbs and contractions because they add to the personal and conversational tone of your speech.
5. Be sensitive of your audience. Be very careful with your language, jokes, and nonverbal cues.
6. Use metaphors and other figures of speech to effectively convey your point.
7. Manage your time well; make sure that the speech falls under the time limit.

B. Application: Our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861. As a student at Jose Rizal High School, celebrate Rizal’s birthday by
making a short speech about him. The title of the speech is “The Jose Rizal in Me.” Tell about his greatness and which among his values is similar to
you. Write your speech on a 1 whole sheet of paper. Your speech must have e paragraphs. One for introduction, body, and conclusion with 5 or more
sentences per each paragraph.

C. Posttest
I. Directions: Match the description to the given speech conventions from the choices below:

A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Purpose E. Topic

1. This component of speech writing and delivery can be classified into three such as to inform, to entertain, or to persuade. It presents
what is the author trying to accomplish.
2. This is the part where the writer figures out how do situations affect the moods and feelings towards the story.
3. It provides explanations, examples, or any details that can help deliver the purpose and explain the main idea of the speech. It
relates both to the story as a whole and to its beginning.
4. It restates the main idea of the speech and provides a summary, emphasizes the message, and calls for action.
5. It is called the foundation of speech because its primary goal is to get the attention of the audience and present the subject or main
idea of the speech.

II. Directions: Write TRUE if the given statement is a fact and FALSE if it is not.
6. Audience analysis is done, so that the writer can tailor-fit his speech content and delivery to the audience.
7. Speech is an informal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
8. An informative speech provides the audience with well-argued ideas that can influence their own beliefs and decisions.
9. Outline is a structure that will help organize the ideas related to the topic.
10. To get the attention of the audience and present the main idea of the speech is the primary goal of an Introduction.

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