Physical and Psychosocial Correlates of Facial Attractiveness Costa Maestripieri
Physical and Psychosocial Correlates of Facial Attractiveness Costa Maestripieri
Physical and Psychosocial Correlates of Facial Attractiveness Costa Maestripieri
1 177
2 authors, including:
Marco Costa
University of Bologna
All content following this page was uploaded by Marco Costa on 26 September 2023.
Facial attractiveness is universally recognized and highly valued, especially in a potential sexual
partner, friend, or ally (e.g., Langlois et al., 2000; Little et al., 2011; Rhodes, 2006). A large body of
research has shown that attractive individuals are treated more favorably by others in a variety of
contexts and, as a result, enjoy a wide range of social and financial benefits (Hamermesch, 2011;
Maestripieri et al., 2017; but see Agthe et al., 2010, 2011). To account for this preferential
treatment, many studies have explored whether attractive individuals are different also in other
characteristics, for example, in other physical, physiological, or psychological/behavioral traits,
or whether are perceived by others to be different.
It has been suggested that attractive individuals, on average, have better health than others,
possibly because they have good genes and/or have been exposed to a lesser extent to stressful
perturbations of their early development and growth (e.g., Kanazawa, 2011; Kanazawa & Kovar,
2004). Consistent with this suggestion, there is some evidence for an association, especially for
women in Western societies, between physical attractiveness, health, fertility, and reproductive
success both across and within individuals (Jokela, 2009; Langlois et al., 2000; Maestripieri et al.,
2014; Pawlowski et al., 2008; Rhodes et al., 2005; Weeden & Sabini, 2005).
Early on in research on attractiveness, social psychologists suggested that attractive people are
often perceived as friendlier, more intelligent, more competent, more generous, and more
trustworthy (the “beautiful is good” stereotype; Dion et al., 1972), whereas unattractive people are
perceived as dull, introverted, and less generous or trustworthy (e.g., Adams, 1977; Dion et al., 1972;
Eagly et al., 1991; Feingold, 1992; Gillen, 1981; Hosoda et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 1995; Langlois
et al., 2000; Lewis & Bierly, 1990; Webster & Driskell, 1983). The stereotypes about some specific
personality traits (e.g., extraversion or agreeableness) or prosocial behavior (e.g., friendliness or
generosity), or competence of attractive individuals generally do not correspond to reality (Dermer
& Thiel, 1975; Eagly et al., 1991; Jackson et al., 1995; Langlois et al., 2000; Segal-Caspi et al.,
2012; but see Bourdage et al., 2007; Lukaszewski & Roney, 2011; Mathes & Kahn, 1975).
The association between physical attractiveness and intelligence is weak, though slightly positive
(Kanazawa & Kovar, 2004; Langlois et al., 2000, but see Feingold, 1992). With regard to prosocial
behavior, studies conducted with experimental economic games have found either no significant
differences in behavior between attractive and unattractive people (see Solnick & Schweitzer, 1999;
Takahashi et al., 2006), or differences in the opposite direction to that expected based on the
“beautiful is good” stereotype: Attractive people are generally less cooperative, less generous, less
trusting, and less trustworthy (Andreoni & Petrie, 2008; Eckel, 2007; Mulford et al., 1998; Muñoz-
Reyes et al., 2015; Sanchez-Pages & Turiegano, 2010; Shinada & Yamagishi, 2014; Takahashi et
al., 2006; Zaatari & Trivers, 2007).
feedback from the environment and others (Tooby & Cosmides, 2015). Specifically, physical
attractiveness is a markerof high embodied capital and therefore expected to be associated with the
development of psychological traits and beliefs that anticipate safety and success in life.
We tested the following main predictions regarding the psychological traits of more attractive
individuals (compared to less attractive ones): (a) higher self-esteem, (b) lower trait anxiety, (c)
higher extraversion, (d) lower neuroticism, (e) internal locus of control, (f) higher self-perceived
social status, and (g) in general, a less pessimistic, less fatalistic outlook on life, including the past,
the present, and the future. We predicted that these effects would be stronger for self-evaluated
attractiveness than for other-evaluated attractiveness (we expect these to be significantly positively
correlated) and be stronger for women than for men, as the evidence for preferential treatment of
attractive people, particularly byopposite-sex individuals,suggeststhat this effect is stronger for
women than for men (Maestripieri et al., 2017).
Study 1
Participants were 231 students at the University of Bologna: 145 females (Mage= 22.46, SD = 2.66)
and 86 males (Mage= 22.15, SD = 2.51). They were recruited mainly through word of mouth and
participation was on a voluntary basis. The students were told that this was a study investigating the
relationship between facial characteristics and personality traits.
Data were collected using the Qualtrics online platform. After signing the consent form,
participants were asked to upload to Qualtrics a digital photograph of their face that met these
requirements: (a) face upright to the shoulder axis; (b) neutral expression; (c) homogeneous
background; and (d) no hat, sunglasses, or makeup.
Participants were asked to answer some questions about their sex, age, height, weight, occupation,
and status in a romantic relationship (single, in a relationship for less than 3 months, in a relationship
for more than 3 months), to provide a self-rating of their facial attractiveness and to fill out the
following questionnaires in a randomized order.
The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI; Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) is a 56-item
questionnaire that measures individual differences in time orientation, or tendency to focus on
different aspects of the past, present, and future. The questionnaire consists of five subscales: (1)
pastnegative, including items such as, “I think about the bad things that have happened to me in the
past,” (2) present-hedonistic, including items such as, “taking risks keeps my life from becoming
boring,” (3) future, including 13items such as, “I complete projects on time by making steady
progress,” (4) past-positive, including nine items such as, “it gives me pleasure to think about the
past,” and (5) present-fatalistic, including nine items such as, “often luck pays off better than hard
work.” Answers to the questions can range from 1 (very uncharacteristic) to 5 (very characteristic).
The Rotter’s LCS (Rotter, 1966) is a 29-item questionnaire that measures an individual’s level of
internal–external control. Locus of control is a psychological construct referring to the degree to
which an individual perceives that a reward follows from, or is contingent upon, theirown
behaviororattributes, versusthe degree to which they feel the reward is controlled by forces outside
of him/herself, and occurring independently of his/her actions.
The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger et al., 1983) is a widely used questionnaire
for assessing trait and state anxiety. In our study, only the section for trait anxiety was used. It
consists of 20 items rated on a 4-point scale (e.g., from almost never to almost always). Higher
scores indicate greater anxiety. The Big Five Inventory (BFI; John et al., 1991) is a personality
questionnaire including 44 items that assess extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
neuroticism, and openness. Participants had to rate each BFI item on a 5-point scale ranging from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) is a 10-item scale that measures global
selfworth by measuring both positive and negative feelings about the self. All items are answered
using a 4-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
The McArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status (Adler & Steward, 2007) is composed by one
item representing a stepladder image. The respondent has to place an X next to a rung in the ladder
to indicate his/her perceived rank relative to his/her group of friends. The scores vary from a
minimum of one to a maximum of 10.
Study 2
Participants were 236 students (149 females Mage= 23.08, SD= 5.37; 87 males,
Mage= 26.74, SD= 10.03) recruited at the University of Bologna–Cesena campus (recruitment
occurred on a different campus, in a different town, to minimize
theprobabilitythatStudies1and2participantswere acquainted with each other). Participation was on
a voluntary basis.
The 231 face images collected in Study 1 served as visual stimuli for Study 2. All procedures
were conducted online using Qualtrics. Participants were asked to enter information about their
sex and age. Then, the visual stimuli were presented to them in a randomized order, and
participants were asked to evaluate the attractiveness of each face using a horizontal slider ranging
to 0 ( far left) to 100 ( far right).
For both studies, all procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of
Bologna and all participants had to digitally sign an informed consent form prior to participation.
We complied with APA ethical standards in the treatment of our subjects.
Figure 1
Distribution Density for Attractiveness Ratings of Female (Top) and Male (Bottom) Faces as a Function of the
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) assessed attractiveness ratings as a function of sex (male and
female faces) and rater (self, other males, and other females) (Figure 1). Mean effect for sex was
significant, F(1, 229) = 27.81, p < .001, η2= .11. Overall, female faces were evaluated as more
attractive (M= 53.95, SE= 0.90) than male faces (M= 46.11, SE = 1.17). Rater main effect was also
significant, F(1.067, 244.28) = 160.58, < .001, η2= .41. Paired comparisons showed that
attractiveness was rated highest in the self-rating condition (M = 60.84, SE = 1.39), intermediate by
males (M= 48.52, SE = 0.71), and lowest by female raters (M = 40.74, SE= 0.71). Pairwise
comparisons showed that all the differences between other-male-, other-female-, and self-rater were
significant with a p, .001. The interaction between sex and rater was also significant, F(1.067, 244.28)
= 28.93, p < .001, η2= .11. Paired comparisons showed that the comparison between male and female
attractiveness was significantly different when considering both other-male raters (p < .001) and
otherfemale raters (p < .001) but not when considering self-rated attractiveness (p = .48). For male
faces, attractiveness was highest in the self-rating condition (M= 61.82, SE= 2.20), followed by
ratings by males (M = 42.81, SE= 1.126), and by females (M= 33.70, SE = 1.11). For female faces,
attractiveness was highest in the self-rating condition (M= 59.85, SE = 1.69), followed by ratings
males (M= 54.23, SE= 0.86), and by females (M= 47.78, SE= 0.86).
The correlation between self-rated and otherrated attractiveness was positive and significant (r =
.16, p < .001). The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was r = .29 (p < .001) for females and r = .24 (p
= .02) for males. The discrepancy between self- and other-evaluated attractiveness was significantly
higher for male (M = 28.11, SD = 18.52) than for female (M = 5.62, SD = 21.18) participants, F(1,
229) = 66.71, p , .001, η2= .23.
Height and BMI were not significantly correlated (p = .08). For female study participants, BMI
(but not height) was a significant negative predictor of other-rated attractiveness; therefore, women
with higher BMI were perceived to have less attractive faces than those with lower BMI, F(2, 140)
= 5.41, p= .005, R2= .07, β=−.26.
For male study participants, both BMI and height were negatively correlated with other-rated
attractiveness, F(2, 83) = 7.83, p < .001, R2= .14. Beta coefficients were −30 for height (t =−2.98, p=
.004), and −.30 for BMI (t =−2.95, p= .004). Self-rated attractiveness was not related to height or
BMI in males or females.
Other-rated attractiveness was significantly associated with status in a romantic relationship, F(1,
229) = 10.54, p = .001, β= .22, R2= .04. Attractiveness ratings were lower for singles (M = 43.59, SD
= 14.18) and for those engaged in a romantic relationship for less than 3 months (M = 43.92, SD =
15.63) than for those engaged in a romantic relationship for more than 3 months (M = 50.26, SD =
13.72). Thus, the most attractive individuals were likely to be in long-term relationships. Similar
results were found with self-rated attractiveness.
The relationship between self-rated and otherrated attractiveness and the psychological variables
considered in this study was examined in two distinct multivariate linear regression analyses in
which self-rated or other-rated attractiveness was included as the dependent variable. Independent
variables were the following questionnaire measures: Big-Five Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem
Scale, STAI, Rotter’s LCS, and ZTPI. Sex was also included in the model as a covariate to control
for sex-differences (see Table 1).
Self-rated attractiveness was positively related to social status (β= 0.009), self-esteem (β= 2.96),
and past-positive time perspective (β= 0.18), and negativelyrelatedtotrait-
anxiety(β=−4.50),neuroticism (β=−0.46), and past-negative time perspective (β=−0.17). Other-rated
attractiveness was positively related to self-esteem (β= 2.53) and negatively related to trait anxiety
(β=−4.50) and past-negative time perspective (β=−0.24).
Significant sex differences were found forconscientiousness, with females having a higher score
(M = 30.89, SD = 6.54) than males (M = 28.33, SD = 6.67), and for past-positive time perspective with
females having a higher score (M = 3.37, SD = 0.67) than males (M = 3.11, SD = 0.66) (Table 1).
The possibility that the data would better fit with a quadratic trend was tested with multivariate
quadratic regressions. These regressions were performed separately for other-rated and selfrated
attractiveness. None of these regressions showed significant quadratic trends.
A multivariate linear regression analysis explored the possible association between the
discrepancy between self- and other-rated attractiveness and the psychological variables examined
inthisstudy. The results of the multivariateregression are reported in Table 1, last column. A
significant positive relationship was found for social status (β= 0.08) and self-esteem (β= 2.24),
whereas a significant negative relationship was found for trait anxiety (β=−3.19) and neuroticism
(β=−0.44). A test with quadratic multivariate regressions led to nonsignificant results for both males
and females.
Our study provides new information on the sources of variation in facial attractiveness among
young adults. Although self-rated and other-rated attractiveness were positively correlated, ratings
of one’s own facial attractiveness were higher, especially among men, than those made by other
people. This effect, which was very robust, may be interpreted through the framework of positive
biases that have been demonstrated for a wide range of dispositional and cognitive activities (e.g.,
self-esteem, intelligence, perception of control, and optimism) and which presumably enhance, in
an adaptive way, an individual’s mental health, motivation, and resilience under stress (e.g., Snyder,
Taylor & Brown, 1988; Wolfe & Grosch, 1990). Interestingly, Gabriel et al. (1994) reported that
males, but not females, overestimated their attractiveness, that positive illusions for intelligence and
attractiveness were correlated, and that males showed greater positive illusions than females. These
positive illusions are enhanced during romantic relationships (Bale & Archer, 2013; Barelds et al.,
2011; Cai et al., 2018), when individuals are extremely biased when assessing their own versus their
partner’s physical attractiveness.
In our study population, female faces were rated as more attractive than male ones, by both males
and females. Males generally rated male and female faces as more attractive than females
did. The extent to which these patterns are specific and idiosyncratic to our study population or can
be extended also to other populations remains unclear.
Our study also revealed some significant associations between facial attractiveness and the study
participants’ self-reported physical, social, and psychological characteristics. Among the physical
characteristics, BMI was a significant predictor of facial attractiveness such that males and females
with lower BMI were rated as more attractive. Height was negatively associated with attractiveness
in males. Since body weight can be inferred from faces, the association between low BMI and
attractiveness confirms the well-established relationship between weight, BMI, and a person’s
overall attractiveness (e.g., Tovée & Cornelissen, 2001). Previous studies of the association between
attractiveness and height have produced mixed results (e.g., Beigel, 1954; Gillis & Avis, 1980;
Graziano et al., 1978; Shepperd & Strathman, 1989), suggesting that more research on this issue
with a larger sample size is needed.
In addition to the participants’ physical characteristics, we also found a significant association
between their self-reported relationship status and their facial attractiveness. More attractive males
and females reported being in long-term (more than 3-month long) romantic relationships (as
opposed to being single or in short-term relationships) when compared to less attractive individuals.
There are potentially many nonmutually exclusive explanations for this finding. It is possible that
more attractive individuals are more desirable partners for long-term relationships due to their
attractiveness in itself, or other characteristics associated with it. It is also possible that attractive
individualshave psychological or behavioralcharacteristics that make it easier to maintain a
relationship (i.e., make it more stable), independent of their desirability as partners. Or it is possible
that attractive individuals are more likely to want and choose to be in long-term relationships. While
all of these (and other) explanations are plausible, there is more evidence in favor of the high
desirability explanation than for the others (e.g., Maestripieri et al., 2017). Regardless of the
explanation, since being in stable long-term romantic relationships has been associated with
psychological well-being and other health-related benefits (e.g., Loving & Slatcher, 2013), our
results suggest that more attractive individuals are more likely to enjoy the benefits of stable
relationships than less attractive individuals.
Facial attractiveness, both self-rated and otherrated, was positively associated with self-esteem,
and negatively associated with trait anxiety and with past negative time perspective. The finding that
more attractive individuals have higher selfesteem and are less anxious (in some cases, also less
neurotic) has been reported in previous metaanalyses of the literature (Feingold, 1992; Langlois et
al., 2000). Taken together, these associations suggest that attractive individuals are generally well-
adjusted and less likely to exhibit a lack of self-confidence, or anxiety and depression. An association
between attractiveness and eudaimonic well-being (i.e., positive psychological functioning centered
on self-realization) has also been reported (Ryan & Deci, 2001).
Attractiveness had a significant association with past time perspective, but not with present and
future perspective. A past-negative perspective reflects an aversive attitude toward the past while a
past-positive perspective reflects a warm, sentimental, and nostalgic attitude toward the past
(Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). The negative association between attractiveness and pastnegative time
perspective could simply reflect the fact that attractive individuals are less likely to have negative
experiences in their lives. For example, attractive individuals are treated better byothers and receive
social and financial benefits from others throughout their lives (Langlois et al., 2000; Maestripieri et
al., 2017). It is also possible that attractive individuals have a greater positive bias in their memories
so that negative events in their lives are more easily forgotten or weakened for their aversive effects.
Psychological functioning, particularly in terms of positive well-being, was predicted not only by
self- and other-rated attractiveness, but also by the discrepancy between these measures. The more
participants expressed subjective and enhanced perceptions of their own facial attractiveness (and
thus deviated from the more objective ratings made by other individuals) the more they reported
high social status and self-esteem, and low neuroticism and trait anxiety. As mentioned in the first
paragraph, we believe that the associations between attractiveness and psychological functioning
result from the consistent preferential treatment and repeated positive experiences that shape the
psychological/personality traits of attractive individuals in a positive way.
Our prediction that the association between facial attractiveness and certain psychological
characteristics would be stronger in women than in men was not supported by our results.
We did, however, find some significant sex differences in psychological variables, which are
mostly consistent with the findings of previous research, namely that both conscientiousness
and past-positive time perspective were higher in females than in males (see Keiser et al., 2016;
Kling et al., 2013; Mac Giolla &Kajonius, 2019; Nguyen et al., 2005; Vianello et al., 2013).
Overall, our interpretation of the results is consistent with the notion that facial attractiveness is
largely biologically and genetically determined (e.g., Little et al., 2011), while personality traits can
be calibrated to the environment and to one’s own condition, via feedback from others and their
behavior (Lukaszewski & Roney, 2011; Tooby & Cosmides, 2015). Specifically, physical
attractiveness is a marker of high embodied capital and therefore expected to be associated with the
development of psychological traits and beliefs that anticipate safety and success in life such as good
self-regulation, mental health, optimism, and openness to the environment (see Lukaszewski &
Roney, 2011). Therefore, attractive people may be equipped with a range of physical, physiological,
and psychological characteristics that guarantee not only an enhanced probability of survival, but
especially enhanced social and reproductive success, including high desirabilityas mating partners
and high fertility.
We hypothesized that attractiveness would be associated with a greater internal locus of control,
but this hypothesis was not supported by our data. Our results, however, suggest that investigating
attractive people’s cognitive biases and positive illusions about the self and the world may be a
profitable and productive avenue for future research, which will likely further enhance our
understanding of how evolution by natural and sexual selection has shaped our mind-body
connections in adaptive ways.
The lack of experimental measures of psychological and other variables is one important
limitation of this study. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no study participant could be tested in the
laboratory and all data had to be collected online. Related to this, all data analyses were correlational
and therefore cause-effect relationships between variables could not be demonstrated. Therefore, the
conclusions of the studyare necessarily tentative. The smaller sample size for the male faces and the
low heterogeneity in the attractiveness ratings of these faces are among the limitations of this study.
Finally, the use of college students both for the face stimuli and as raters for the stimuli may limit
the generalizability of our findings to nonstudent populations.
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Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dario Maestripieri, Department of Comparative Human
Development, The University of Chicago, 940 E. 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, United States. Email: [email protected]