Bank Account Management System Project Report
Bank Account Management System Project Report
Bank Account Management System Project Report
Bank Management System
During the past several decades personnel function has been transformed from a
relatively obscure record keeping staff to central and top level management function.
There are many factors that have influenced this transformation like technological
advances, professionalism, and general recognition of human beings as most
important resources.
A computer based management system is designed to handle all the primary
information required to calculate monthly statements of customer account which
include monthly statement of any month. Separate database is maintained to handle
all the details required for the correct statement calculation and generation.
This project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the various activities such
as record updation, maintenance, and searching. The searching of record has been
made quite simple as all the details of the customer can be obtained by simply keying
in the identification or account number of that customer. Similarly, record
maintenance and updation can also be accomplished by using the account number
with all the details being automatically generated. These details are also being
promptly automatically updated in the master file thus keeping the record absolutely
The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever wants to
retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the necessary information
which can be easily be accessible from the file.
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a
more detailed feasibility study. A feasibility study is a test of a system proposal.
According to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user’s
needs and effective use of the resources its main task done during the feasibility
study are:-
The only tangible benefit provided by the proposed system is that the paper work is
reduced to the minimum and hence the reduction in cost incurred on Stationary and its
storage. The system provides many benefits that can’t be measured in terms of Money for
e.g. user’s friendliness, more user response being more efficient.
The proposed system is technically feasible as it can be developed easily with the
help of available technology. The proposed system requires MS – VISUAL
Studio 2005 using VB.Net as a Interface for Programming & back-end as MS-
SQL Server 2000 for storing/maintaining database. The database can be easily
interconnected using MS-SQL Server 2000.
Bank Management System
Automation makes our life easy. The proposed system is highly user friendly and
is much easily able to interact with the system. Therefore the users will readily
accept the system as data entry and making queries can be easily done.
Bank Management System
Hardware specifications
Hardware is a set of physical components, which performs the functions of applying
appropriate, predefined instructions. In other words, one can say that electronic and
mechanical parts of computer constitute hardware.
This package is designed on a powerful programming language Visual Basic. It is a
powerful Graphical User Interface. The backend is ACCESS, which is used to maintain
database. It can run on almost all the popular microcomputers. The following are the
minimum hardware specifications to run this package: -
Personal Computer: -
It minimum contains P-III
Processor with 128 MB RAM
Software Requirements:
The software is a set of procedures of coded information or a program which
when fed into the computer hardware, enables the computer to perform the
various tasks. Software is like a current inside the wire, which cannot be
seen but its effect can be felt.
1. Operating System:- Windows NT / 2000 / XP
2. Application Software:- Application software uses front end visual basic and database
access etc.
Editor:- Visual basic.
Bank Management System
A system development life cycle is a logical process by which system analysts, software
engineers, programmers, and end users build information systems and computer
applications to solve business problems and needs.
The major phases involved in the MIS development process are referred to as system
development life cycle. Each phase of the development process must have well defined
objectives ,and at the end of each phase ,progress towards meeting the objectives must be
The development process should not continue until the objectives of all prior phases have
been met.
System development life cycle is a phased approach to analysis and design to ensure that
systems are best developed.
The system development life cycle can be divided into seven phases as shown in fig
Bank Management System
Ø Visual programming aims at providing the user with an interface that is intuitive and
easy to use. In developing such an interface, the programmer employs user-friendly
features such as windows, menus, buttons and list boxes.
Ø Its Environment provides all features that are required to develop a graphical user
interface as ready -to- use components. The programmer does not have to write code
to create and display commonly required user-friendly features each time around.
Ø When the programmer needs a specific user interface feature such as button, he
selects the appropriate ready-to-use component provided by the visual programming
environment. These components can be moved, resized and renamed as required.
Ø For Example:-
If the programmer needs to have a button then the visual programming environment
provides him with one. All that, the programmer does this selec t the button and
place it on screen at the required position.
Ø Typically the mouse is used to select and place the necessary components. Thus, the
visual programming environment is also called a point and click environment.
Bank Management System
Ø In addition it also provides a means of associating code with each component. In each
case of calculator, for each button, we can specific that the code is to execute when
we click on it.
Ø There are several programming tools that allow us to build such visually appealing
and intuitive interface. These tools allow us to design interface that employ user
friendly features such as menus, buttons, windows etc.
Ø However, the disadvantage of such tools is that the interface is designed using code.
The programmer has to code the user interface features specifying the size, position
etc. this makes designing the user interface a major task in itself.
Ø Visual development of graphical user interface which are easy to use and easy to
Ø A programmer need not write code to display the required component.
Ø For Example:-
The visual programming environment displays a list of available components. The
programmer picks up the required component from this list to display it.
Ø The component can be moved, resized and even deleted, if so required.
Ø There is no restriction on the number of controls that can be placed on a form.
Ø The interface components provided by the visual programming environment have
some code built into them.
For example:-
A button’ knows’ when it has been clicked upon. In the case of conventional
programming tools, the programmer has to write code to determine the component that
has been clicked and then execute the appropriate code.
Bank Management System
Ø Visual Basic is one of the most popular programming tools available today. And it’s
also secret that there have been massive changes in it as it became Visual Basic.Net.
Ø The reason of that change is Visual Basic itself, which has now become Visual
Basic.Net. The difference between Visual Basic.Net and the previous version. Visual
Basic 6.0 is revolutionary and far reaching. Visual Basic.Net has been more than four
years in the marking and it represents entirely new directions for Visual Basic.
Besides the biggest change integrated support for web development the very syntax,
of techniques that you’ve probably learned carefully are now completely different
such as data handling and many controls; project types and other aspects of Visual
Basic 6.0 are no longer available at all.
Ø Visual Basic has a long and so far glorious history. When it first appeared, it created a
revolution in windows programming. Visual Basic introduced unheard of ease to
windows programming just builds the program you want right before your eyes, and
then run it. In so doing it changed programming form a chore to something very like
Bank Management System
Introduction to SQL: -
SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases.
Ø Unfortunately, there are many different versions of the SQL language, but to be in
compliance with the ANSI standard; they must support the same major keywords in a
similar manner (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, and
Bank Management System
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name
(e.g. "Customers" or "Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.
Ø The table above contains three records (one for each person) and four columns (Last
Name, First Name, Address, and City).
Ø SQL Queries: -
With SQL, we can query a database and have a result set returned.
Last Name
SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Bank Management System
Ø SQL (Structured Query Language) is syntax for executing queries. But the SQL
language also includes syntax to update, insert, and delete records.
Ø These query and update commands together form the Data Manipulation Language
(DML) part of SQL: -
Ø The Data Definition Language (DDL) part of SQL permits database tables to be
created or deleted. We can also define indexes (keys), specify links between tables,
and impose constraints between database tables.
Bank Management System
§ DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: -The data flow diagram is also known as “bubble
chart” has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major
transformations that will become programs in system design so it is the starting
point of specification down to the lowest level of detail. A DFDs consists of a
series if bubbles joined by lines. The bubbles represent data transformation and
the lines represent the data flow in the system.
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Dr. Peter Chen is the originator of the Entity-Relationship Model. His original paper
about ER-modeling is one of the most cited papers in the computer software field.
Currently the ER model serves as the foundation of many system analysis and design
methodologies, computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools, and repository
The original notation for ER-Diagrams uses rectangles to represent entities, and
diamonds to represent relationships.
• Entities are the "things" for which we want to store information. An entity is a
person, place, thing or event.
• Attributes are the data we want to collect for an entity.
• Relationships describe the relations between the entities.
ERDs show entities in a database and relationships between tables within that database. It
is essential to have ER-Diagrams if you want to create a good database design. The
diagrams help focus on how the database actually works.
Entity (Instance)
An instance of a physical object in the real world.
Entity Class
: Group of objects of the same type.
Bank Management System
: Attribute with a set of possible values for the same
entity, e.g. Phone (home, mobile etc.) or email
: Uniquely Ids the Entity e.g. PPSN, Chassis No.
Each simple attribute associated with a VS that may be assigned to that attribute for each
individual entity,
e.g. age = integer
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Saluation_S Varchar(5)
Name_P_O_S Varchar(50)
Fa_Name_S Varchar(50)
Gender_S Varchar(6)
DOB_S DateTime
Occupation_S Varchar(15)
Photo_S Image
Sign_S Image
Address_S Varchar(100)
Ph_No_S Varchar(11)
Mob_No_S Varchar(14)
Saluation_T Varchar(5)
Name_P_O_T Varchar(50)
Fa_Name_T Varchar(50)
Gender_T Varchar(6)
DOB_T DateTime
Occupation_T Varchar(15)
Photo_T Image
Sign_T Image
Address_T Varchar(100)
Ph_No_T Varchar(11)
Mob_No_T Varchar(14)
Bank Management System
Opening_Bal Varchar(10)
“Branch_Info” Table: -
“Deposit_Info” Table: -
Bank Management System
Deposit_Date DateTime
“Fixed_Info” Table: -
“Login_Info” Table: -
Bank Management System
“Withdrawl_Info” Table: -
Withdrawl_Date DateTime
“Loan_Info” Table: -
Account_Sub_Type Varchar(15)
Bank Management System
Issue_Date DateTime
Due_Date Varchar(15)
Loan_Sanctioned Varchar(10)
No_Installments Varchar(5)
EMI Varchar(10)
Total_Loan_Ret Varchar(10)
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Source code clarity is enhanced by structured coding techniques, by good coding style,
by, appropriate supporting documents, by good internal comments, and by feature
provided in modern programming languages.
1. Error
The term error is used in two ways. It refers to the difference between the actual output of
software and the correct output, in this interpretation, error is essential a measure of the
difference between actual and ideal. Error is also to used to refer to human action that
result in software containing a defect or fault.
2. Fault
Fault is a condition that causes to fail in performing its required function. A fault is a
basic reason for software malfunction and is synonymous with the commonly used term
Bank Management System
3. Failure
Failure is the inability of a system or component to perform a required function according
to its specifications. A software failure occurs if the behavior of the software is the
different from the specified behavior. Failure may be caused due to functional or
performance reasons.
a. Unit Testing
The term unit testing comprises the sets of tests performed by an individual programmer
prior to integration of the unit into a larger system.
A program unit is usually small enough that the programmer who developed it can test it
in great detail, and certainly in greater detail than will be possible when the unit is
integrated into an evolving software product. In the unit testing the programs are tested
separately, independent of each other. Since the check is done at the program level, it is
also called program teasing.
b. Module Testing
A module and encapsulates related component. So can be tested without other system
c. Subsystem Testing
Subsystem testing may be independently design and implemented common problems are
sub-system interface mistake in this checking we concentrate on it.
There are four categories of tests that a programmer will typically perform on a program
1) Functional test
2) Performance test
3) Stress test
4) Structure test
Bank Management System
1) Functional Test
Functional test cases involve exercising the code with Nominal input values for which
expected results are known; as well as boundary values (minimum values, maximum
values and values on and just outside the functional boundaries) and special values.
2) Performance Test
Performance testing determines the amount of execution time spent in various parts of the
unit, program throughput, response time, and device utilization by the program unit. A
certain amount of avoid expending too much effort on fine-tuning of a program unit that
contributes little to the over all performance of the entire system. Performance testing is
most productive at the subsystem and system levels.
3) Stress Test
Stress test are those designed to intentionally break the unit. A great deal can be learned
about the strengths and limitations of a program by examining the manner in which a
program unit breaks.
4) Structure Test
Structure tests are concerned with exercising the internal logic of a program and
traversing particular execution paths. Some authors refer collectively to functional
performance and stress testing as “black box” testing. While structure testing is referred
to as “white box” or “glass box” testing. The major activities in structural testing are
deciding which path to exercise, deriving test date to exercise those paths, determining
the test coverage criterion to be used, executing the test, and measuring the test coverage
achieved when the test cases are exercised.
Defect testing is intended to find areas where the program does not confirm to its
specifications. Tests are designed to reveal the presence of defect in the system.When
defect have been found in the program. There must be discovered and removed. This is
called “Debugging”.
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Ø We can establish and start various Branches and available help centers for Account
Holder’s Queries.
Ø We can also deal through internet by creating web pages and a banking website for
internet dealing.
Ø To attract Account Holder’s we can offer various offers during festivals months.
Ø To have more and more customer satisfaction we will emphasize more and more on
our dealings.
Bank Management System