Course Handout CS2203 - 2022
Course Handout CS2203 - 2022
Course Handout CS2203 - 2022
Class: IV Semester
A. Introduction: This course is offered by Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering for fourth semester
students. The core objective of this course is to describe the general organization and architecture of a
computer system. It covers in detail various functional units of a computer system, machine instructions,
addressing techniques and instruction sequencing. It provides a detailed coverage of logic circuits to
perform various arithmetic operations.
[PSO.1] Will be able to design, develop and implement efficient software for a given real life problem.
[PSO.2] Will be able to apply knowledge of AI, Machine Learning and Data Mining in analyzing big data
for extracting useful information from it and for performing predictive analysis.
[PSO.3] Will be able to design, manage and secure wired/ wireless computer networks for transfer
and sharing of information.
D. Assessment Plan:
Processor Datapath and Control: Logic Design Conventions, Building a Datapath, Microprogramming,
Microprogram Control Unit, Hardware Control Unit. Pipelining: Overview, Pipelined Datapath,
Pipelined Control, and Forwarding, Pipeline Performance, Data Hazards and Stalls, Branch Hazards.
Memory Hierarchy: Basics of Memory, Basics of Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache
Performance, Cache hit/miss, Virtual Memory, Address Translation. Storage and Other Peripherals:
Disk Storage and Dependability, Networks, Connecting I/O Devices to Processor and Memory,
Interfacing I/O Devices to the Memory, Processor, and Operating System, I/O Performance Measures.
Multicores, Multiprocessors and Clusters: Shared Memory Multiprocessors, Clusters and other
Message-Passing Multiprocessors, Hardware Multithreading, SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD and Vector
T1. D. Carl, Hamacher Computer Organization, McGraw Hill Education (5e), 2014.
T2. M. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture –Designing for Performance, (9e), Pearson, 2013.
R1. D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware and Software Interface,
(5e), Elsevier, 2014.
R2. J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, (6e), Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2019.
R3. John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, TMH, 3rd Edition, 1998.
H. Lecture Plan:
Lectures Mode of CO Mode of Assessing CO
Major Topics Delivery
T1 – 5.1 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
1. Lecture 2203.3
Some basic concepts
T1 – 5.4 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
2. Lecture 2203.3
Speed, Size, and Cost
15. Hardwired control Lecture 2203.1 T1 – 7.4 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
16. Microprogramming Lecture 2203.1 T1 – 7.5 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
Lecture 2203.1 T1 – 7.5.1 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
17. Microinstructions
Activity 2203.2 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
18. Tutorial
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.1 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
19. Basic concepts
Data hazard(Operand Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.2 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
Activity 2203.2 Mid Term I, Quiz & End Term
23. Tutorial
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.2.2 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
24. Hazard handling
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.2.3 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
25. Pipeline Side effects
(Lecture 11-24) Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.3 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
26. Instruction Hazard
Instruction Hazards, Types of Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.3.1 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.3.2 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
Instruction Hazards, Types of
Flipped 2203.2 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
29. Tutorial Class
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.4 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
30. Influence on instruction sets
Lecture 2203.2 T1 – 8.5 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
31. Datapath and Control
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.2 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
34. IO Interrupts
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.3 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
35. Processor Examples
Storage and
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.4 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
36. Other Direct Memory Access
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.5 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
37. (Lecture 33-43) Buses
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.6 Mid Term II, Quiz & End Term
38. Interface Circuits
Standard I/O Interfaces Lecture 2203.4 Mid Term II ,Quiz & End Term
IO Organisation Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.1 Mid Term II ,Quiz & End Term
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.2 Mid Term II ,Quiz & End Term
41. IO Modes – Programmed IO
IO Modes – Interrupt Driven Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.3 Mid Term II ,Quiz & End Term
Lecture 2203.4 T1 – 4.4 Mid Term II ,Quiz & End Term
43. DMA Operating Modes
The Structure of General- Lecture 2203.5 T1 – 12.3 Quiz & End Term
46. Multi-cores, Purpose Multiprocessors
47. and Clusters Interconnection Networks Lecture 2203.5 T1 – 12.4 Quiz & End Term
48. (Lectures 44-51) Tutorial Flipped 2203.5 Quiz & End Term
49. Program Parallelism Lecture 2203.5 T1 – 12.6 Quiz & End Term