Year 4 To 5 Summer Practice Booklet
Year 4 To 5 Summer Practice Booklet
Year 4 To 5 Summer Practice Booklet
and have fun during summer, but you don’t want your
summer long.
Dear Students,
Well done for all the effort you have put into this year!
Your Teachers
Fact: The beach is 1.2 km from my house.
Opinion: The beach is too hot today.
Write F for fact and O for opinion for each statement below.
1) In the Middle Ages, many people lived in castles for protection. _F_
5) Minstrels and jugglers performed for the king and the queen.
Fact: _______________________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ____________________________________________________________________________
Rocky Riddles
Read each riddle and find the answer in the box.
Write the answer to the riddle on the line.
3) I am the most common of all minerals. 4) I come from volcanoes! When lava cools, it
I have flat sides. I come in many colours, hardens into rock. That’s how I’m made.
Like pink, white and green.
Raining Cats and Dogs
Follow the directions below.
Have you ever heard the expression, ‘‘It’s raining cats and dogs’’? This is an example of an idiom. The
expression means something different from what the words usually mean. This phrase just means that
it’s raining very hard, not that cats and dogs are falling from the sky! Draw a line to match each idiom
Make It Better!
Read each simple sentence. Can you make the situation better?
Turn each simple sentence into a compound sentence by adding a conjunction and another sentence
part. Use the conjunctions in the box to help you. Remember to use a comma before a conjunction in a
compound sentence.
Example: My bike is broken.
although yet and but or
be a monkey or a hawk?______________________________________________________________
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
live the rest of your life without TV or without junk food? ____________________________________
At the Movies
Some people like to rent movies to watch at home, and others like to see movies in a theater.
Use the chart to write 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of seeing a movie in a theater.
Advantages Disadvantages
All cartoons are animated movies. All Vampires are scary. Some movies are
children like cartoons. Therefore, about vampires. Therefore,
_________________ _________________________
A) All movies are animated A) All movies are scary
B) All movies are cartoons B) Some movies are scary
C) All children like animated movies C) Some vampires
are not scary
Write the title of the last movie you saw. Then summarize it in just one sentence.
Hooray for Celebrations!
Special days are days that we celebrate every year. Invent a new special day that you think should be
celebrated and added to the calendar. For example; we celebrate Earth Day on the 22 nd April. First,
brainstorm some ideas about your holiday. What makes this holiday special? How would people
celebrate it? Why should it be added to the calendar?
What does your special day look like? Illustrate it in the box below.
Write a few words to convince your friends and family to celebrate your special day! Include lots of
What Are You Like!
Psychologists use personality questionnaires to help find out what kind of person you are.
The questionnaires don’t tell you what you can or can’t do, they just reveal how you prefer to be.
Finding out more about your personality can help you understand why and how people act differently to you.
IF YOU PICKED Bs: You may have a preference for Introversion. This
means you get your energy from reflecting and thinking through things
B) Start playing and only look at the rules if you need to?
4) Think about a bike. Take a piece of paper and write down what
A) A list of facts about the bike, such as its colour, size what type of
bike it is, how many gears it has, if it has lights, and so on.
can get you to places you want to go to, how it is good exercise, and so on.
IF YOU PICKED As: You may have a preference for Sensing. You may prefer your homework
to have clear specific instructions. You may enjoy remembering details and facts.
IF YOU PICKED Bs: You may have a preference for Intuition. You may prefer to see an
example of what the homework should look like. You may enjoy daydreaming and using
your imagination.
What Are You Like!
5) Think about a time that a friend came to you with a problem. Did
B) ask them how they are feeling, say how sorry you felt?
A) tell them how they could improve it, so that they will get top marks?
B) tell them what you like about it and what they did well?
IF YOU PICKED As: You may have a preference for Thinking. This
means you prefer to make decisions using logic.
IF YOU PICKED Bs: You may have a preference for Feeling. This means you
make decisions by considering other people’s point of view.
A) Tidy and organized– a place for everything, and everything in its place.
B) A bit of a jumble. You know where everything is but no one else does!
B) to leave it until it really needs to be done, because this is when you do your best work.
IF YOU PICKED As: You may have a preference for Organizing. You like to have things planned
and well ordered.
IF YOU PICKED Bs: You may have a preference for Adapting. You are happy to go with the
flow and adapt to the situation.
Bar Graphs
Read the information in the bar graph. Then answer the questions.
Types of Sport
Number of Students
You Make Choices
Every day, you make dozens of choices: what to wear, what to eat, where to sit. How
1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Kristen has decided to paint every room in her house. She has chosen a different colour of paint for
each room. Read the clues and write the name of the colour (blue, green, yellow, purple, or orange) she
has picked for each room.
• The kitchen and the dining room are both primary colours.
• The colours of the dining room and the living room are both one-syllable words.
Kitchen: _____________________________________________
Bathroom: _____________________________________________
Bedroom: _____________________________________________
What is one of the most important choices you have ever made?
What do you think are two of the most important choices you’ll make in the future?
1) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Cause and Effect
A cause is why something happens. An effect is what happens as a result of the cause.
Read the passage. Then answer the questions.
It was 1955 when Rosa Parks climbed onto a bus for a ride home. She was
tired from a long day at work. When she took a seat near the front of the bus,
she was asked to move. When she didn’t, she was arrested. What had she
done wrong? Rosa Parks was African American living in Montgomery, USA. In
1955, African Americans did not have the same rights as white people. Some
of the rules stated that African Americans were not allowed to go to same
schools as whites or drink out of the same water fountains. They also had to
sit in the back of the bus. On this day, however, Rosa Parks refused to move.
Sick of the injustice, she stayed in her seat and was arrested for it.
This one act of courage would change the nation forever. Other African Americans
started a bus boycott in protest. They stopped taking the bus and walked or used
Carpools instead. This affected the bus business and brought the civil rights
movement into full force. This one act of courage helped change the laws of the city
4) Describe the long-term effect of Rosa Parks’s brave act. How do you think it affected the city of
Montgomery? How do you think it affected the nation?
My Business Plan
Imagine you are opening your own store. Before you open the store, you have to make a
business plan. A business plan asks you the following questions. Fill them out below.
Business name
Come join us to
Read the book ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl, then answer these
Matilda had two teachers at school. Miss Trunchbull and Miss Honey.
What about writing the differences and similarities between them?
How are her two teachers similar? How are they different?
Are these sentences true or false. If your answer is false, support your answer.
Who Said What?
Who said the following sentences?