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How To Perform A Literature Review With

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How to Perform a Literature Review with Free and

Open Source Software

Joshua Pearce

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Joshua Pearce. How to Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software. Practical
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Volume 23 Number 8, May 2018 ISSN 1531-7714

How to Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open

Source Software
Joshua M. Pearce, Michigan Technological University and Aalto University

As it provides a firm foundation for advancing knowledge, a solid literature review is a critical feature
of any academic investigation. Yet, there are several challenges in performing literature reviews
including: i) lack of access to the literature because of costs, ii) fracturing of the literature into many
sources, lack of access and comprehensive coverage in many databases and search engines, and iii)
the use of proprietary software lock-in strategies for bibliographic software, which can make porting
literature reviews between organizations cumbersome and costly. These challenges often result in
poor quality literature reviews completed by a single researcher unfamiliar with the approaches to the
same research in other sub-fields and static reviews that are often lost to the scientific community.
In this paper, an open source approach will be expanded to the application of improving the quality
of literature reviews by providing best practices. Although there are many types and goals of literature
reviews, it is found that all of them can be improved using a tool chain of free and open source
software (FOSS) and methods. Specifically, this paper will provide a clear framework for i)
comprehensive searching and obtaining access to the literature, ii) the use of FOSS for all steps
including browsing, bibliographic software, and writing and iii) documenting a literature review to
encourage collaboration of a dynamic document that lives into the future. This approach solves the
current challenges of literature reviews and provides benefits of lower labor and economic costs,
improved researcher control, and increased potential for collaboration. Finally, the challenges of using
this approach and methods to overcome them are reviewed and future work is described.

A solid review of the prior relevant literature is a research problems (Hart, 1998). A well-executed
critical feature of any academic investigation as it literature review can also be a legitimate and publishable
provides a firm foundation for advancing knowledge document and can be some of the most valuable (and
(Webster & Watson, 2012). Without a good literature cited) type of scholarly work if it is a systematic literature
review, a researcher cannot perform significant research review (Cooper, 1988a; Bettany-Saltikov, 2012; Boote &
in any field (Boote & Beile, 2005) whether it is for a Beile, 2005).
research article, a critical review for coursework (Jesson There are several challenges in performing literature
& Lacey, 2006) or a dissertation (Randolph, 2009). Levy reviews. First, some scholars have difficulty gaining
and Ellis argue that an effective literature review should: access to all of the literature itself due to the collateral
i) methodologically analyze and synthesize quality damage of intellectual property (Boldrin & Levine,
literature, ii) provide a foundation to a research topic and 2008). The unintended consequences of copyright
methodology, and iii) demonstrate that the proposed restrictions and paywalls narrow access to the peer-
research would advance the research field’s knowledge- reviewed literature (Lewis, 2012) to the point that even
base (2006). Literature reviews help researchers avoid Harvard University is challenged to pay for it (Sample,
redundancy, establish a context and significance of their 2012). Researchers simply cannot review what they
research topic, identify primary methodologies in the cannot read. Secondly, there is also a fracturing of the
field and determine what needs to be done to solve
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 2
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

literature into many topical journals, interdisciplinary (Hienerth, et al, 2014), avoids redundant work (Årdal &
journals, and various society proceedings, which makes Røttingen, 2016), the quality of code is superior
it more challenging to perform a comprehensive (Söderberg, 2015), and it encourages more creativity
literature review. This is a particular problem in some (Martinez, 2015). The open source approach is now also
fields such as in engineering, which has historically gaining traction in free and open source hardware most
suffered from weak literature reviews (Shaw, 1995) and notably for scientific tools (Baden et al., 2015; Coakley
can often be artificially arranged in academic and & Hurt, 2016; Pearce, 2013). Regardless of the
research society silos. For example, electric battery- technology, open source is cost effectiveness for use
related research is published in IEEE, ACS, MRS, and (Pearce, 2013; Petch, et al., 2014; Riehle, 2007;
ASME societies as well as conventional journals. Few Wittbrodt, et al., 2013) and development (Hawkins,
scholars are members of all of the relevant organizations. 2004; Pearce, 2015a; 2015b; 2017). In this paper, the
Coupled to this there are also challenges related to the open source approach will be expanded to the
lack of comprehensive coverage of the literature in many application of improving the quality of literature reviews.
databases, lack of access to all databases, the poor quality Although there are many types and goals of literature
of search engines and the difficulty of getting consistent reviews (Cooper, 1988b), all of them can be improved
results from them (Budgen & Brereton, 2006). Finally, using a tool chain of free and open source software and
the use of proprietary software lock-in strategies (Zhu & methods. Specifically, this paper will provide a clear
Zhou, 2012) for bibliographic software such as framework for i) comprehensive searching and obtaining
EndNote, Reference Manager, Papers, etc. raises costs access to the literature, ii) the use of FOSS for all steps
and can make porting literature reviews between including browsing, bibliographic software, and writing
universities, between firms, and from universities to and iii) documenting a literature review to encourage
industry cumbersome and costly. For example, a social collaboration of a dynamic document that lives into the
science Ph.D. student using a ‘free’ version of a future.
proprietary software tool while at university A may Comprehensive Searching and Gaining Access to
create a detailed literature review database on her thesis
topic. However, she may not be able to access upon the Literature
graduation even if employed as a professor at university Previously researchers were dependent on having
B, without paying for the software costs or subscriptions paid access (normally through their institution) to one or
not supported by her new employer. These three more of the major proprietary repositories such as Web
challenges often result in poor quality literature reviews of Science, Engineering Village, Academic Onefile,
completed by a single researcher unfamiliar with the ProQuest, Ulrichsweb, Scopus, Science Direct
approaches to the same research in other sub-fields and (Elsevier), Wiley Online Library, JSTOR, IEEE Xplore,
static reviews that are often lost to the scientific ACS Publications, and EBSCO among others. Although
community as only components of a review are used in costly these databases were often incomplete and biased.
a standard research article. For example, Web of Science is biased towards science
In this paper an open source approach will be (instead of engineering), English language journals,
described to overcome many of these challenges in against particular fields and disciplines and has extremely
reviewing the literature. An open source approach is limited coverage of non-journal sources (Harzing, 2017).
well-established to provide improved product Today there a number of no cost academic search
innovation over proprietary techniques of technical engines, which are summarized in Table 1.
development (Deek, & McHugh, 2007; DiBona & As can be seen in Table 1, a number of the search
Ockman, 1999; Lakhani & Von Hippel, 2003; Raymond, engines specifically focus on open access articles, which
1999; Söderberg, 2015). This has been proven most are on the rise and constitute at least 28% of the
effective at software development because free and open literature (Piwowar, et al., 2017). In addition to these
source software (FOSS) provides open innovation and dedicated repositories and search engines shown in
diversification (Colombo, et al., 2014; Henkel, et al., Table 1, the Directory of Open Access Journals also
2014; Dodourova & Bevis, 2014), organizational provides links to the open access publisher’s websites
innovation (Alexy, et al., 2013), cumulative innovation that all have searchable and freely available open access
(Boudreau, & Lakhani, 2016), development efficiency
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 3
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

Table 1. No cost academic search engines for published papers and preprints.
Name Website Description
Academia www.academia.edu A platform for academics to share open access research
papers and preprints. Over 61 million academics use the site.
Bielefeld University’s Academic www.base‐search.net More than 100 million documents with open access for 60% of
Search Engine (BASE) the indexed documents.
Directory of Open Access doaj.org A community‐curated online directory that indexes and
Journals provides access to high quality, open access, peer‐reviewed
journals. 67 million articles are indexed.
Google Scholar scholar.google.com Reasonably comprehensive, indexes academic information
from various online web resources
Microsoft Academic Research academic.microsoft.com Reasonably comprehensive, 172 million publications indexed
OSF PrePrints (Center for Open osf.io/preprints Searchable preprints over a wide range of disciplines (contains
Science) 2.1 million).
Preprints (MDPI) www.preprints.org A platform dedicated to making early versions of research
outputs available, including original research articles and
Science Open www.scienceopen.com Professional networking platform for scholars to enhance
their research in the open with 40 million records.
Semantic Scholar (Allen www.semanticscholar.org An academic search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence
Institute) methods to provide highly relevant results and novel tools to
filter them with ease.
ResearchGate www.researchgate.net A social networking website for researchers. Contains more
than 100 million publication pages.
Bioline International www.bioline.org.br Focused on public health, food and nutritional security, food
and medicine and biodiversity
BioOne www.bioone.org Full‐text database of more than 200 leading journals in the
biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
CERN Document Server cdsweb.cern.ch Articles, reports and multimedia content in high energy
Cornell’s ArXiv arxiv.org Open access to 1.3 million e‐prints in physics, mathematics,
computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance,
statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and
Educational eric.ed.gov Covers education research and information for educators,
Resources Information Center researchers, and the general public. Enables searching for
(ERIC) peer review only and full text availability.
Mendeley (Elsevier) www.mendeley.com/research‐ A free reference manager and academic social network.
Organic Eprints orgprints.org Open access archive for papers and projects related to
research in organic food and farming.
Penn State’s CiteSeerX citeseerx.ist.psu.edu Focused primarily on the literature in computer and
information science.
PubMed www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed More than 28 million citations for biomedical literature from
MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Social Science Research www.ssrn.com/en SSRN´s eLibrary provides 0.7 million research papers across 30
Network disciplines.
U.S. government’s Science.gov www.science.gov Covers 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to
provide full access to more than 200 million pages of U.S.
federal science information.
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 4
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

content. Scholars without access to pay walled literature demanding open access posting and there has been a call
also can: for such organizations to begin directly sponsoring and
publishing open access articles (Pearce, 2016). For
1) directly request copies of papers from the
example, since 2009, the NIH has demanded that all
authors via email,
research they fund “submit or have submitted for them to the
2) request from others in the academic community National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central an electronic
that do have access using the Twitter hashtag version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for
#icanhazpdf, publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months
3) acquire articles through various torrents, Library after the official date of publication.”(NIH, 2018). India’s
Genesis, openaccessbutton.org, or on the (Chawla, 2014), Portugal’s (Carvalho, et al., 2017),
anonymous website Reddit/r/scholar. Denmark’s and some of Europe’s (DTU, 2018) major
science funders have done the same. The rational
4) attempt interlibrary loans (at some institutions funding agencies use for this demand is that the public
pdf scans are provided). has already paid for the research through tax funding
Providing legal open access preprints authors can should be able to access the results for free. Private
take advantage of the often dramatic increases in foundations are also moving in this direction of
citations for open access articles (Antelman, 2004; requiring open access such as the Gates Foundation
Harnad & Brody, 2004, Niyazov, et al., 2016). Thus, (Van Noorden, 2014). Most of the major conventional
there is already an incentive to encourage scholars to publishers also maintain some legal and allowed form of
share their work. Online open access journals provide preprint publishing so it is within reason to assume that
wide exposure for authors, which are using publishing in the near future the majority of literature will be
there at an increasing rate. For example, researchers available open access and discoverable by the databases
access and download articles from Practical Assessment, shown in Table 1.
Research & Evaluation (PARE) from all over the world Literature Review Steps
daily (see data available on http://pareonline.net/). Not
all of the literature, however, is open access nor Managing the literature can be done completely
accessible in the databases and by the techniques listed electronically using FOSS and will be covered in detail in
above. In some cases to access seminal papers, which the next section. Although the core process is of
must be read, reviewed and referenced for a complete performing a literature review this way is the same as the
literature review, scholars must gain access through paid historical method accomplished largely in hardcopy
databases. This can be particularly challenging for format the conventional process is enhanced. With
researchers not affiliated with a large organization, from FOSS literature reviews can be executed faster, be more
developing countries and those that conduct research at complete, portable and potentially collaborative.
teaching universities. The latter, for example, often This section will briefly cover the steps in
conduct research on teaching, learning and pedagogy, performing a high-quality literature review. First, using
but lack access to the full literature through their schools the academic search engines shown in Table 1 the
and dedicated funding for purchasing access. literature review can occur. For researchers new to a
A neuroscience scholar from Kazakhstan in this field, one of the best ways to get started is to find recent
situation without adequate funding, was frustrated with review articles or major studies on the subject of interest.
lack of access and founded Sci-Hub, the world's largest Next the researcher should read them and then 1) read
pirate site for academic papers (at least 50 million) the papers in the reference list from the review papers
(Bohannon, 2016). Sci-Hub has been sued a number of backwards in time and 2) read articles that cite the
times and continues to change its url. Interestingly, reviews forward in time, to populate their own literature
critics of Sci-Hub in Science have complained that many review. Care should be taken to ensure that any
users can access the same papers through their libraries information taken from review articles is not secondary
legally, but turn to Sci-Hub for convenience (Bohannon, (i.e. only primary sources should be cited after having
2016). Clearly, there is a need for a legal and convenient read them). In addition, these literature review article are
method to gain full access to all of the literature for all normally out of date (because of the rapid rate of
scholars. Fortunately, funding agencies are now also technical progress) as well as they might have been
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Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

biased or poorly done. Thus, the researcher can continue in the peer-reviewed literature should be critically
by taking a systematic approach to searching the analyzed before accepting another researcher’s findings
literature both backwards and forwards in time. Going and interpretations as valid to be included in the review.
backwards not only should the papers referenced be If errors are made at this stage of gathering the
reviewed, but the author’s names and the keywords in relevant literature with the choice of keywords the
those papers can also be used. This can be repeated for results can be of poor quality or irrelevant. Thus,
a second level backwards (e.g. looking at the references, researchers should strive to use as many synonyms and
referenced in the papers originally referenced in the alternative ways of expressing keyword or key phrases
review article) or more depending on the depth when using the search engines in Table 1. It is also useful
necessary for the review (Levy & Ellis, 2006). Similarly, to search with quotation marks around short phrases to
going forward if new authors cite the review articles then ensure the most relevant literature is provided first. In
individual searches can be run on these authors. To general, broader and more generalizable terms will
accelerate the process the corresponding authors names capture a wider range of the literature and should be used
on a collaborative paper are the most valuable to search initially. In addition, care must be taken to look beyond
as they normally represent the senior researcher and the temporarily popular buzzwords that have a short lifetime
one with the longest literature record. in the literature. The theories underlying the buzzwords
Although all sources should be covered, researchers have a longer life (Robey et al. 2000). Gathering all of
should focus primarily on the peer-reviewed literature. the previous literature relevant to a specific area of
Often there may be key information that is not available scholarship is challenging. To determine if the literature
yet in the peer-reviewed literature (e.g. new commercial is relevant, the entire electronic record does not need to
technologies) and such sources can be used, but caution be initially read. Randolph recommends eliminating
is necessary to ensure bias is not introduced (and it most likely irrelevant studies using just the title and
should be noted that corporate sponsorship can impact abstract (2009). Finally, the end of the search is indicated
any literature). Thus, the use of non-peer-reviewed when additional searches provide no new citations and
articles (e.g. technical journals, trade magazines, blogs, articles cited in the most-recently-discovered literature
or newspapers) should be restricted to factual have already been included in the review.
information. In addition, for some fields it may also be After all of the literature has been found, it must be
important to search through the patent databases (e.g. read and the data contained in the articles processed into
USPTO patent database, Espacenet, or Google Patents). information that can serve as a foundation for new
In addition, researchers may want to limit their searches research (Bem, 1995). Following the guidelines for
to an open source database and website that provides organizing the literature review on a wiki (detailed
only inactive patents, which are in the public domain below) entails making a bullet point notes of useful
(Nilsiam & Pearce, 2016). This type of search can be information for the project from each article included in
accessed at http://freeip.mtu.edu/ made available by the review. The bullet list can include any information
Michigan Technological University. Researchers must be that either summarizes the article or is useful for the
extremely careful with the use of patents in literature researcher. As this information is being posted on the
reviews, as there is both a clear economic conflict of open web, it is recommended that incomplete sentences
interest and patent applications do not go through the be used to record the thoughts while protecting against
rigor of peer review. They are essentially legal documents self-plagiarism when using the thoughts in writing a new
made up of claims reviewed by the patent office for manuscript as many publishers now use automatic
novelty and non-obviousness. Thus, all the writing in a plagiarism detection software.
patent that is not a claim does not necessarily have
academic merit (e.g. similar to a blog post, anyone can FOSS Tool Chain for Literature Reviews
write anything in the text of a patent). Literature of
In order to reduce the time and economic
quality levels in between these two types of sources such
investment needed to do a modern digital literature
as non-peer reviewed conference proceedings can also
review all proprietary (closed source) and costly software
be used with caution with the reviewers themselves
can be avoided. A complete FOSS tool chain can be used
needing to judge carefully the quality and reliability of
for creating literature reviews in which case the
the work. Finally, all sources including those published
researchers maintain complete control over their data
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 6
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

and always have access to the software needed to access, quality typesetting system specifically designed for the
alter or build upon it. This FOSS software has zero production of technical and scientific documentation.
capital costs and is made up of: 1) an operating system, Zotero libraries can be directly exported to BibTeX files
2) web browser, 3) reference organizer/database, 4) for use with LaTeX.
open access enabler software, 5) text editor/typesetter, Lastly, a wiki can be used to facilitate a dynamic
and 6) sharing and collaboration software. collaborative literature review. A wiki is a website that
The most popular type of FOSS operating system is allows anyone to add, delete, or revise content directly
the GNU Linux operating systems (Stallman, 1997), using a web browser. MediaWiki (2018a) is a free
which support all architectures, are highly reliable and software open source wiki package written in open
have a zero cost. There are more than 100 distributions, source PHP (2018). MediaWiki is available for anyone to
with the most popular being Mint, Manjaro, Ubuntu, set up their own wikis. Researchers can (in decreasing
Debian, Solus, Elementary, Antergos and Fedora order of complexity) 1) set up their own research group
(Distrowatch, 2018), all of which can be downloaded wiki with MediaWiki (2018b), 2) utilize wikis already
and installed for free on existing computers of any type. established at their universities (e.g. wiki.aalto.fi at Aalto
University in Finland or ist.mit.edu/wikis at MIT in the
Linux distributions generally come with a FOSS
U.S.) or 3) use wikis dedicated to areas that they research.
web browser and the most popular is Firefox (Devčić,
For example, several university research groups that
2015). Firefox (Mozilla, 2018) has two available plugins,
focus on sustainability research use Appropedia (2018),
which are particularly useful for literature reviews. First,
which is setup for collaborative solutions in
unpaywall (2018) is a Firefox plugin that enables
sustainability, appropriate technology, poverty
researcher to click a green tab on the side of the browser
reduction, and permaculture. Utilizing a wiki makes it
and skip the paywall on millions of peer-reviewed
easy for anyone in the group to keep track of the status
journal articles. This makes finding accessible copies of
of and update literature reviews both current and from
articles much more rapid that searching each database
prior years or researchers. It also easily enables multiple
individually. Unpaywall is fast, free, and legal as it
members of the group to collaborate on the literature
accesses many of the open access sites that are listed in
review asynchronously. Most importantly, it also
Table 1. Second, Zotero (2018) operates as an Android
facilitates others outside of the research group to assist
App (and iPad/iPhone app), desktop program and a
in making a literature review more complete, accurate
Firefox plugin. It is a free, easy-to-use tool to help
and up-to-date.
researchers collect, organize, cite, and share research. It
replaces the functionality of proprietary packages such Thus, the entire tool chain for literature reviews can
as RefWorks, Endnote and Papers for zero cost. Thus, be covered with the FOSS shown in Table 2.
Zotero can auto-add bibliographic information directly
from websites, or publishers pages. In addition, it can
scrape bibliographic data off of pdf files. Notes can be Table 2. Free and open source software useful for
easily added on each reference. Then finally, it can literature reviews
import and export the bibliography databases in all of Free and Open
the publishers’ various formats. Researchers can thus Source Download URL
export bibliographic information to paste into a Software
document editor for a paper or thesis as well as wiki for GNU Linux https://distrowatch.com/
dynamic collaborative literature reviews (discussed in the Distributions
FireFox https://www.mozilla.org/en‐
next section).
Finally, academic articles can be written Unpaywall https://unpaywall.org/
conventionally with the free office suite LibreOffice Zotero https://www.zotero.org/
(2018), which operates similarly to Microsoft’s Office LibreOffice https://www.libreoffice.org/
products. Zotero has a word processor plugin to LaTeX https://www.latex‐project.org/
MediaWiki https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
integrate directly with LibreOffice. LibreOffice is more
than adequate for the vast majority of academic paper
writing. In addition, researchers can take the writing of
their papers one step further with LaTeX (2018), a high-
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 7
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

Encouraging Collaboration With Dynamic Wiki- when writing a paper. However, it should be noted that
Based Literature Reviews publishing a literature review on a wiki does not give
academics (who need peer reviewed articles for tenure)
Historically performing a literature review has been
credit for doing the review. The wiki is merely a means
a solitary process, where a single researcher scours
of facilitating collaboration towards a normally
familiar databases and resources to maintain a list of
published review. For example, Figure 1 and 2 shows
references and perhaps comments in a single document.
several screenshots of a wiki literature review for an
This has some obvious flaws including: i) no individual
economic review paper on the levelized cost of
is intimately familiar with all of the areas of inquiry that
electricity of solar cells. Figure 1 shows a typical
may pertain to a topic, nor do they have access to all of
literature review page for a wiki. The FOSS wiki software
the literature, and ii) previously mentioned fracturing of
automatically generates a table of contents when wiki
the literature and inability of any search engine to
markup is used. The webpage can be edited by clicking
comprehensively search the literature easily. An obvious
the “Edit” hyperlink directly in the web browser. Best
solution to such problems is to encourage other
practices encourages other researchers to assist with the
researchers to collaborate on relevant literature reviews.
literature review. The goals and basic definitions of the
This can be done by using an open source approach by
literature review are explained in the beginning and an
developing literature reviews on wikis.
entry is made for each article reviewed.
Wikis are well known to foster collaboration in
Note that in Figure 2, each reviewed article was
general (Leuf & Cunningham, 2001; McAfee, 2006;
placed in its own level thus both enabling a wiki
Wagner, 2004) and in education in particular
generated table of contents for the top of the page, but
(Abdekhodaee, et al., 2017; Biasutti, 2017; Cilliers, L.
also an individual “edit” hyperlink for each entry. The
2017; Cole, 2009; Pearce, 2009; Wang & Turner, 2004).
latter makes it easy for others to add short notes as bullet
Wikis are easy to edit with a relatively shallow learning
points. The entry includes full bibliographic detail along
curve (e.g. a typical research student can master the
with a bulleted list of useful information found in the
basics of wiki markup in under 30 minutes), which
article. Bullet point summaries avoid self-plagiarism
enables new researchers to quickly begin making real
when writing the full peer-reviewed article.
contributions to the effort of the group. In past
experiments using wikis for literature reviews (Pearce, The wiki example shown in Figures 1 and 2 was
2012), multiple researchers were able to edit and thus accessed tens of thousands of times directly on the
improve a literature review at the same time or from website and was edited by researchers outside of the
different locations (e.g. different labs and offices). The founding pages research group. This improved the
collaborative advantages to this were useful as quality of the literature review and it became a major
researchers could telecommute (e.g. work from home in contribution to the field. According to Google Scholar,
a remote community or while traveling) and thus reduce the resultant peer-reviewed article generated from the
commuting time (Denkenberger, et al., 2015) while still literature review has been cited over 800 times. In
contributing as full members of the group. In addition, addition, this dynamic literature review continues to be
the use of an open edit wiki encourages others to assist improved so that the next time a researcher needs a
in the research outside of the group. Examples routinely review of the subject it will provide a valuable tool for
observed included of assistance from wiki users not extending the work further.
affiliated with the research group: i) giving helpful Although using a dedicated group wiki provides
comments on group research on the discussion tab of more control over it, using an established wiki to host a
pages, ii) making grammar and spelling corrections, iii) group’s literature reviews has several other advantages.
adding content to the group’s literature reviews, iv) First, it is easy to get started as creating a free account is
adding categories and hyperlinking either to or within less technically challenging than setting up a wiki on a
work that are group has made, which adds to the value researcher-owned or subscription-based server. Second,
and discover-ability of the work (Pearce, 2012). Open using an existing wiki provides immediate exposure to
literature reviews arranged in this way are extremely the existing wiki community as well as high rankings for
effective for passing on knowledge to the next search results. For example, as Appropedia is currently
generation of student researchers, keeping up to date on the largest wiki dedicated to appropriate technology and
background research and finding references to read
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 8
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

Figure 1. Typical literature review page on a wiki showing the top and table of contents.

Figure 2. An example short entry for an article on a wiki.

Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 9
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

sustainability, the research group’s that use it benefit Technical Computer Competency
from existing widespread global readership. This Not all researchers are comfortable setting up Linux
exposure can directly lead to funding opportunities on their computers because of the technical challenges.
(Pearce et al., 2012). In addition, to targeted wikis on a First, it should be pointed out that this has become
specific research topic, there are also generic open significantly easier over the last few years and that most
source research wikis that can provide the needs for computer users would be comfortable with the vast
nearly any discipline such as the semantic wiki for the majority of the use of one of the easier distributions like
sciences Open Research (2018). Ubuntu. Second, most popular Linux distributions come
Benefits to the Open Source Approach with a ‘try-before-you-buy’ feature. For example,
Ubuntu can be used from a bootable USB stick (Ubuntu,
The open source approach to developing literature 2017). The USB stick allows researchers to test run the
reviews shown here has several benefits. First it reduces Ubuntu desktop experience without interfering in any
investment both in terms of researcher time and way with their PC configuration. If the researcher likes
economic costs (both capital and operations). By using a the experience then the stick can be used to install
FOSS tool chain the costs of proprietary software are Ubuntu on to their machine permanently. Researchers
eliminated, while at the same time using FOSS ensures that previously purchased proprietary software they
that the literature databases created are not subject to need (e.g. a simulation package, graphing package, etc.)
changes in licensing agreements or discontinuing of can see if there is an open source alternative, using for
software or support from a proprietary business. The example, osalt.com. If there is not an adequate
risk of this occurring can be significant and FOSS alternative then it is possible to run the applications in
protects researchers from this loss for any reason Linux using either a remote Windows system, a virtual
including bankruptcy, business decisions, sales or machine or Wine (2018). Wine, a recursive acronym for
mergers, or the loss of key technical staff from “Wine Is Not an Emulator”, is a compatibility layer
proprietary vendors. Researchers can store a copy of the capable of running Windows applications on Linux.
code themselves (or access it from freely available 3rd Even with these options moving to an open source
party repositories like GitHub, Bitbucket, Lauchpad, operating system may be too difficult for some
SourceForge, GitLab, GNU Savannah or OSDN). Thus, researchers. For them, a dual boot system that can use
researchers have intellectual property control over the both Linux and Windows is recommended. Finally, it is
software used in every stage of their literature review as not imperative to use Linux in order to be able to take
well as the database and output and can thus either solve advantage of the remainder of the software listed in
any future problem with the FOSS themselves or pay Table 2. Thus, for example, Firefox and Zotero can be
others to do it. Researchers simply do not have these installed on a Windows machine. Installing and using all
freedoms with proprietary software. Using, the list of the remainder of the software is straightforward and
freely accessible search engines and repositories as well researchers can get the help of their organization’s IT
as legal methods to access the peer-reviewed literature staff for assistance. Because all of the software listed in
discussed above can save researchers significant time Table 2 is zero cost, it should not represent a significant
while also ensuring a comprehensive review of the barrier for IT to install it on all of the computers at a
literature. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, university, nonprofit or company.
maintaining literature reviews in an open edit wiki
enables others in the field to collaboratively improve One Stop for Comprehensive Search and Access
them for both contemporary as well as future scholars. Although the free (zero cost) academic search engines
Overcoming Problems with This Approach for published papers and preprints social networks have
expanded significantly (Table 1), there is still a need for
This approach has numerous advantages besides a one stop location for comprehensive academic article
low costs as discussed above. However, this approach searching and open access finding. Håklev (2013) has
also comes with challenges. This section will review argued that there is still a need for an open alternative to
challenges for each part of the open source approach Google Scholar, although this does not preclude the
and discuss method to overcome them. current use of the many databases in Table 1. Future
work is needed to reduce the time expenditure to utilize
all of these resources.
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 23 No 8 Page 10
Pearce, Perform a Literature Review with Free and Open Source Software

Vandalism enterprise. Free and open source software, was provided

for all steps including browsing, bibliographic software,
A common fear among researchers about putting their
and writing. Finally, a clear framework was provided for
work on an open wiki that anyone can edit is that it
documenting a literature review to encourage
would be vandalized either maliciously or simply
collaboration of a dynamic document that lives into the
corrupted by well-intentioned users that alter their
future for the benefit of all researchers in a given field.
writing. Fortunately, there are several ways around this
This approach was shown how to solve the current
potential problem. First spam and actual vandalism on
challenges of literature reviews in general and reduce
the major wikis, are normally removed by the vigilant
time expenditures and costs. Finally, the challenges of
team of administrators for the wiki without any effort
using this approach are discussed and either overcome
from researchers. For smaller wikis (e.g. a research
with existing methods or future work is provided. It is
group’s own wiki with only modest internet traffic) this
concluded, that although there are many types and goals
is less of a problem because there is less of an incentive
of literature reviews, all of them can be improved using
for bot-based advertising-funded spamming that makes
a tool chain of free and open source software and
up the vast majority of vandalism. Thus, small wikis can
be passively defended. Researchers can add their
literature review pages to their watchlists so that they can References
choose to be notified if it is edited by someone other
than themselves. Vandalism can be easily removed with Abdekhodaee, A., Chase, A. M., & Ross, B. (2017). Wikis for
1 or 2 clicks of “undo” from the standard revision “view group work: Encouraging transparency, benchmarking,
and feedback. Australasian Journal of Educational
history” menu of any Wikimedia-based page.
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This work was supported by Fulbright Finland.

Corresponding Author
Joshua M. Pearce, Professor
Department of Electronics & Nanoengineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 13500, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Department of Materials Science & Engineering and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295
email: pearce [at] mtu.edu

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